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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (April 16, 1897)
it back trr. When Noah blew hit horn, tht camel humped himself to get aboard, and by a curious freak he stayed humped all his life. Lumbago or lama back humps a man's back simply hwmiw he funnot straighten himself on acootmtof tht stiffness ami scire lioaa accompanying the ailment. Nature helped tht camel to hid hump for a special purpose. Nature will help a man to get rid of Ilia bump right oil" If ho uses 1st. lacobs Oil, because tht character of the trouble is such that it need just such a lemedy to warm, soft en and straighten out tht contracted muscles. From tht time of Noah down to the present time men have had lame backs, but only since the tiitro luction of ft. Jacobs Oil has the best cure br It been known. Lumbago - really dis ables, but St. Jacobs Oil enables one to at tend to business without loss of time. Harriet Maxwell Converge, the In lian chieftain, is soon to start out ou a lecturing tour, her subjects being the blatory and tradition! of the red meu. She is a fluent speaker and able writer. KKFOBMS NEED MORE THAN A DAY Ta bring them shoot, and art alwava mors tomplete and lasting when they proceed with Itcady regularity to a consummation. Kew tl the observant among us can have failed to totice that permanently healthful changes in !he human system are not wrouRht bv abrupt tnd Ttolent means, ami that those are the most Military medicinea which are progressive. Hoefetter'ft Mtomach Rtttentiathn c.hiMf of ikm Dyspepsia, a disease of obstinate character, it i terete ttea by it. The proportion of blood to the total body weight is about one to ten. In the infant the relative quantity of blood is less that in the adult and is diminished in old age. 7 BOMS PRODUCTS AND PORE FOOD. Ml Eastern Syrup, to-called. light colored and of heavy body, is made from lucose. Tra onrdm Drif" is made from ugar Cane and is strictly pure. It is for sale by first-class grocers, in cans only. Manufac tured by the Panne Coast timer Co. All ten nine "Tn (lards Srim" have the manufac turer's name lithographed oa every can. 100 KKWAKD ClOO. Tht readers of -this paper will be pleased to learn that there Is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its nagee, and that Is catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Sure Is the only positive cure knows to the aiedical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitu tional disease, requires a constitutional treat- menu Hairs catarrn cure Is taken interna Iv. acting directly upon the blood and mnwiia unacesoi tne system, tnereoy destroying lounaation ot tne nisease, and givtng the pa uent strength by building up the constitntion ana assisting nature in doing its work. proprietors have so much faith in iu curative powers, mat tneyoner one Hundred Dollars lor any ease that it fails to cure. Send for list si testimonials. J. CHENEY A CO.. Toledo. O, Bold OT DrnmrlKta. ?5e. Uall's Family Pills are the best. Plso'a Cure for Consumption has been Bod-tend to nie. William B. MctJIellan Utiester Florida, Bept. 17. 1895. A pound of phosphorus heads 1,000, 000 matches. ! fjUsetuc which afflict over 75 per cent, of the Americas people. It is e daofvroaa disease because it not only poisooe the blood but causes heaviness eppreastoBiid dulls the intellect. Then follow chronic headache, lose of appe tite, alow digestion, aervouaoese, bad breath, dingy complexion aod low spirits. It will eventually bring on liver and kidney disease in some incur eble form. But sufferers from this dreaded malady are apeedily , Warn ex's SAFE Cure and Warner's APS Pills. Leading physicians the world ovsr, bava acknowledged this fact, and thousands of people through tut the land have testified to it. AFB Care puts a atop to backaches, headaches, constipation, loaa of appe tite, dyspepsia, tired feelings and sleep leaaneea. It builda up the exhausted system. It Is a sure cure for liver and kidney complaint in any form, and the only remedy that haa ever been able to cure Bright'! disease. If you are feeling- the need of such a remedy, you cannot do better than try this king of re oie dies, the great Cancer the Breast. Of Mr. A. H. Crausby, of 158 Kerr St., Memphis, Term., say that his wife paid no attention to a small lump which appeared in her breast, bnt it soon de veloped into a cancer of the worst type, and notwithstanding the treatment oi the best physicians, it continned to spread and grow rapidly, eating two botes in her breast. The doctors soon pronounced her incnrable. A celebrated New York specialist then treat ed her, bnt the con tinued to grow worse and when informed that both her aunt -. and grandmother had j , A died from cancer he W fifi ?ave the case op : WrdM-'fiA HPfi.. .all OV1UCV11C UICU IC- commended S.S.S. and though little hope remained, the began it, and an improvement was no ticed. The cancer commenced to heal and when she had taken several bottles it disappeared entirely, and although sev eral years have elapsed, not a sign ol the disease has ever returned. A Real Blood Remedy. S.S.S. guaranteed purely vegetable) is a real blood remedy, and never fails to cure Cancer, Eczema, Rheumatism Scrofula, or any other blood disease. tJUr DOCKS in -as.-V" will be mailed free to any ad dress. Swift Specific Co., tUlanta Ga. The Universal Supply Mouse, Established 1885. SUPPLIES m!ll Groceries, Hardware, Agricultural Implements. Htrness, Boots, Shoes, Dry Goods, Music, Etc. Send 4c for Large Illustrated Catalogues. PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE. . Boas Simt Co., 18 Front St.,8an Francisco.Cal. Cresco Corsets Something New, brem2 LADY CANVASSERS WANTED. Write un for particulars. , BEN. J. SCHMIDT A CO., I' Sansosaa St., San Franc isee. Cel. BOMBARDED A FIRE Method Which Saved Knox ville From Destruction. SEVERAL LIVES WERE LOST. A Million Dollars' Worth of Property Went Vm ta Husks-Many Per sons Were Injured. Knoxville, Tenn., April 11. Never In the history of Knoxville haa the city suffered such a loss by Are as it did today, following the breaking out ot the flames at au early hour this morning in a grocery store adjoining the big Knot hotel. The hotel and ad- Joining buildings were soon in flames, and the Very heart ot the oitv. inclnd ing some of the largest wholesale and retail business houses in the South, de stroyed. The loss is estimated at from 1,000,000 to fl.500,000, with about 60 per cent of insurance. . The loss of life is uncertain, as tl register of the hotel, in which 56 peo ple were sleeping, was burned. The proprietor ot the hptel says he had five or six guests who nave not put in an appearance. A. b. Weeks, of Locke, N. Y., drummer for Rochester stamp ing company, is known to have per isuea in the Dames. K. W. Hopkins, a St Louis drummer, was last seen in the burning building in a suffocating uoutuuon. - ; , V. H. Eeppart, ex-secretary of the chamber of commerce, saved the life of John S. Bogle, an old farmer, by drag gtng him to a window and letting him out on tne root of another building. Keppart jumped one etorv and was in jured. It is more than probable that oogie win die. lie inhaled the flames, and cannot speak nor swallow. W hen the firemen thought all the in mate of the hotel had escaped, woman wuu an lniant in her arms rushed to the rear windows and screamed for help. A net was stretched and the woman asked to drop the child out, but as the smoke almost choked her, she told them that if some one had to die, both would die. The woman was finally rescued by the fire men. : From the hotel building, which five stories, the fire spread rapidly. is still wind made the flames very ugly and the fire department was inade quate. ' In the wholesale hardware house of W. W. Woodruff & Co. a large dyna mite explosion occurred, and scores people were hurt by flying bricks and glass. It became necessary at last to have the walls of one building blown down by cannon to stop the mad career of the fire. A mountain howitser of the Knoxville Lesion was called into ilar. and a load of canister did the work, at tne same time tearing np some rest dencea in a different portion of the citv. The oity authorities, realizing! that the fire department was unable to conquer tne names, telegraphed to Chattanooga lor assistance. An engine was placed aboard a flat car and started the run of 111 miles, which was made by Engi neer Roobins in 109 minutes, breaking tne record, w hen the engine arrived. tne nre was about under control, vet tne iiiattanooga boys did some rood wort a caoinetmaker named P. G. Dyer fell dead on the street from fright A man named Robinson, . from Fa laski, Tenn., is supposed to be another victim. He was registered in the ho tel, and has not been seen since. A large force of men is at work clearing away the debris tonight and searching the ruins. Street traffic is entirely suspended. The last man to leave the burnins hotel says he has positive proof that five or six persons were burned. He ran over three or four men in the hall ways who were suffocated. Johnson, the railroad baggage agent. came down from the fifth story of the notel cand-over-hand on the water pipes before the engines arrived. On It one of the guests saved any of his effects. An Alleged New Swimming Record. San Francisco, Anril 12. John Coughlan, the champion swimmer of the Dolphin Boating & Swimming Club. claims to have established a record for swimming across the Golden Gate yes terday. According to statements made by him and George Milne, the Ameri can representative of Caville. the Au stralian swimmer, the feat yesterday was accomplished in 43U minutes, or exactly six minutes less than it took the Australian champion to swim across the entrance to the harbor "I was accompanied." the swimmer said, "across the bay by a barge of the Dolphin Boating Club in which were Matthew Gay, the high diver; Edward Eosenbaum, the lifesaver at the 8utro baths; Thomas Keenan, Thomas Ken nedy, George Milne and Carl Smith. My trainer, Smith, is an old towboat- man and it was his guidance through the currents that took me across so quickly." Taeoma's Mew Industry. Taooma, April 12. Exporting ciear- ettes to the Orient is a new, growing industry at this port Seven hundred thousand cigarettes now await the sail ing of the next steamship to Japan. DenUd by Shnoghneasjr. Montreal, April 12 T. G. Shaugh- nessy, vice-president of the Canadian Pacific railway, states that the report in New York that a traffic arrangement had been effected between the Canadian Pacific, Great Northern and Northern Pacific in transcontinental and Pacific business, is not true. , It rains on an average 208 davs in the year in Ireland, about 150 in Eng land, at Kozan about ninety days and in Siberia only 60 days. Freight Train Blown Up. ' Indianapolis, April 12. A Big Four freight was annihilated by an explosion at Belt Junotion today. The trouble probably originated in a car loaded with whisky. The car had a hot box. The entire train of fourteen cars caught fire and was destroyed. The trainmen es caped injury, but Otto Grenshaw, sleeping in one of the cars, who was pinned to the burning floor, is in a seri ous condition. ' The parrot is but one among many species of birds that can be taught to peak, . GOVERNMENT CROP REPORT, Attract Condition of the Wheat Crop Below Last Year's. y. Washington, April 18. The report ot the department of agriculture tor April makes the average condition ot winter wheat 81.4, against 99.5 on December 1, 77.1 last April and 80.5 at the same date in 1895. Leading winter wneat state show as follows: Pennsylvania, 98; Ohio, 88; Miehi gan, 85; Indiana, 65; Illinois, 40; Mis souri, 60; Kansas, 80; California, 99. The average rye condition was 88.9, against 82.9 last year. The condition of the soil at the time ot seeding was generally favorable throughout the country, a few scattered counties reporting it too dry or too wet, so that by December 1 a orop nearly up to the standard was Indicated. The falling off since December was greatest in Illinois, but was strongly shown in every neighboring state. The average of 18 per cent for the whole country is due to the sharp freeses of early winter. Snow covering was ample in the Rocky mountains states and westward, but elsewhere to the East it was scanty, There was little damage along the At' lantio slope, where the winter was mild and the favorable indications continue, no important wheat state showing 1 condition under 95. The condition of winter wheat is re ported below the average in Great Bri tain, France and Holland, because of excessive rains, but favorable in Central and Eastern Europe. In Southern Knssia there has been extensive re sowing, but the wet weather has so de layed field work in Western Eurojie that the spring wheat area will be greatly out down, the shortage in France alone being 730,000 pounds. SHE MAY Bfc BLOWN UP. Steamer Yaquina With a Let of Dyna mite, oa a Sandbar. Hueneme, Ca!., April 18. The steamer Taquina, in approaching the wharf here at 10 o'clock today, struck a sandbar, opening her seams. . She be gan filling, and immediately settled, with only her deck above water. A line was run ashore and efforts made to beach her, but so far she has only been hauled in a short distance. The Yaquina is loaded with 200 tons of miscellaneous freight, including ten tons of dynamite for Los Angeles. The weather is fine, but fears are felt that, should the weather become at all bad, the pounding of the ship may explode the dynamite. At 9 P. M. the Yaquina was lying in about ten feet of water, on an almost even keel, about sixty feet west of the wharf, and 800 feet from shore." The wind from the west is freshening. At high tide and with more wind she is very apt to crash into the wharf. Some thirty tons of freight have been landed. but the work has now ceased, awaiting the arrival ot the Bonita in the morn ing. COLORADO BAD MAN. A Hardened Constat Klllt n Man, Wounds Two nnd la Fatally Shot. Cripple Creek, Cola, April 13. A shooting affray occurred this morning at McElroy'a hall, in Altman, Colo., in which Jack Cox instantly killed Bob Dailey and wounded Harry Minor and Sam Losbey, and was then shot fatally. After killing Daily, Cox ran into the street, where he met Town Marshal O'Brien, at whom he fired. The maahal returned the fire, shooting Cox, who now lies at the hospital in a dying condition. Tlu shooting grew out of a quarrel. The men had been gambling and drinking all night. Cox is a convict pardoned from the peniten tiary by Governor Waite. This is the first murder in the state since the leg islature passed the law abolishing cap ital punishment. Senator Voorheee Dead. Washington, April 13. Daniel Wolsey Voorhees, ex-TJnited States senator from the state of Indiana, died at 5 o'clock this morning at his home m this city. The senator had been in bad health for several years, and for the two years past had taken little part in the pro ceedings in the senate. He has been a constant sufferer from rheumatism of the heart, and his friends, therefore, had come to expect that they might hear of his death suddenly. The last reports of him, however, were that he was showing some signs of improve ment, and his death, therefore, while not entirely unexpected, caused a shock. : Shipping Stock From Arlsona. Phoenix, Ariz., April 13. -Over 200 carloads of sheep and cattle have left this valley within the past week, the Santa Fe taking out 140 carloads of sheep, or 84,000 head, billed to Chi cago. These comprise the heaviest hipments ever known in Arizona. The sheep are mainly from Northern Ari zona, wintered near Phoenix. Japan's Latest Hoto. Yokohama, April 18, -The govern ment of Japan hat decided to send two warships to Hawaii, stopping mean while all emigration. A number of re jected emigrants have arrived at Kobe. The press is urging the government to take firm attitude toward the Ha waiian and American governments. A Railway Collision. ' Charlotte, N. C, April 18. The northbound Florida special on the Southern railway and a local south bound passenger train collided at 11:15 this morning at Harrisbnrg, a small town about thirteen miles north of this city, killing three persons and " wound ing several others. White quartz with great deal of free gold has been struck near Hill City; in the Black Hills. A Missouri Sensation. Trenton, Mo., April 18. B.Q Wil son was murdered near here on March 26, his skull being split open with an ax. This morning, Jim Jones, a ne gro, was arrested, charged with the crime, and a sensation was created an hour later when Mrs. Wilson, wife of the murdered man, was taken into cus tody and locked up at the jail. Sher iff Myers will not state what be expeots to prove against the woman. - ' The sea has no herbivorous animals. It is a great slaughter house, where al) the inhabitants prey 00 each other. WEEKLY MARKET LETTER. Downing, Hopkins Company's Rtvlew , . of Trade. Buyers of wheat have been tlaughter ed this week and many holders have loosened their grip on hitherto well held lines, believing as they did, in the many orop reports telling of damage 111 the Southwest, and more particularly in etoites from Indiana and bnstern Missouri. Their fnith appears to have been miuuUoed. They received no at siNtance from the general public, ami people who are chronic sellers saw the opportunity and persistently longni the campaign, and their efforts hav met with success. The result has been a severe liquidation of the previously existing speculative interests, and there. cun but be little doubt that the mar kot at the close of the week is mor nearly evened up than at any time in several years past. Wheat has laokeil a good casIi demand for some time, and without it there is only the conclusion to be drawn that value should decline The fact that red wheat commauds a high premium has not had the slight est effect in preventing or even staying the depression that set in early in the week and which caused a loss ot 0 cents in the future deliveries and a prowr tionate break in the cash grades. A ureal ninny inclined to the belief that the break was due to manipulation and not from legitimate causes. This theory is rather doubtful and can be qties tioned. The market is always more or lesssubject to manipulation, but to the extent of the decline that has oocurrei this week does not seem probable. We are of the opinion that the current weakness is due to disappointment with the rate of flour consumption, which is smaller than had been expected, and with the larger arrivals than had been looked for, and, although the public is suffering this disappointment, it has no need to despair, for, at the slow rate of current consumption, the world ends the crop season lower in supply than in any season before since the price was 60 cents a bushel for an average of a sea son. For various reasons it is apparent that the present price is to be tempor ary only. Market Quotations. Portland, Or., April 13, 1897. Flour Portland, Salem, Casoadia and Dayton, 4. 10; Benton county and White Lily, 14.10; graham, f3.40; su perfine, 13.75 per barrel. Wheat Walla Walla, 74 75c; Val ley, 76c per bushel. Oats Choice white, 8840o per bushel; choice gray, 87 (S 39c. Hay Timothy, 814.00(315.00 per ton; olover, 8Il.60ia.50; wheat and oaj, 110.00(311-00 per ton. Barley Feed barley, 117.50 per ton; brewing, $18 19. MiUstuffs Bran, 114.60; shorts, f 18.60; middlings, $36. Butter Creamery, 40c; dairy, 80 82 H'c; store, 17X80o per roll. Potatoes Oregon Burbanks,65(a!65c; Garnet Chilies, 65 75c; Early Kose, 8085o per sack; sweets, 83.00 per cental for Merced; new potatoes, 80 per pound. Onions 3.00(32.75 per cental. Poultry Chickens, mixed, 82.50(3 3.00; geese, 4.005.00; turkeys, live, 11 12c; ducks, 6.007.0O per dozen. -Kgs Oregon, 9o per dozen. Cheese Oregon, 10c; Young America, 12o per pound. Wool Valley, 11c per pound; Eastern Oregon, 79o. Hops 9 10c per pound. Beef Gross, top steers, $3.00(88.50; cows, $2.253.00; dressed beef, 46c per pound. Mutton Gross, best sheep, wethers and ewes, $3.608.75; dressed mut ton, 60 per pound. Hogs Gross, choice, heavy, $4.00(9 4.26; light and feeders, $3.S03.OO dressed $4.605.25 per cwL Seattle, Wash., April 18, 1897. Wheat Chicken feed, $37 per ton. Oats Choice, $28 24 per ton. Barley Rolled or ground, $20 per ton. Corn Whole, $19 per ton; cracked, $19020; feed meal, $1920. Flour (Jobbing) Patent excellent, $4.80; Novelty A, $4.60; California brands, $4.90: Dakota, $5.66; patent, $8.40. MiUstuffs Bran, $14.00 per ton; shorts, $18. Feed Chopped feed, $18.00 per ton; middlings, $22; oilcake meal, $30. Hay Puget sound, per ton, $10.00; Eastern Washington, $14, Butter Fancy native creamery, bnck, 22c; select, 22c; tubs, 23c; ranch, 16gl7. Cheese Native Washington, 12o. Vegetables Potatoes, per ton, $16.60 18; parsnips, per sack, 76c; beets, per sack, 60c; turnips, per sack, 60c; rutabagas, per sack, 60c; carrots, per sack, 40 50c; cabbage, per 100 lbs, $1.60; onions, per 100 lbs, $3.25. Sweet potatoes Per 100 lbs, $4.00. Poultry Chickens, live, per pound, hens, 10(3 10c; ducks, $6 0.50; dressed turkeys, 15c. Eggs Fresh ranch, 12a Fresh Meats Choice dressed beef, steers, 7c; cows, 60; mutton, sheep, 9o per pound; lamb, 60; pork, 6c per pound; veal, small, 80. Fresh Fish Halibut, 4K6o; salmon, 66c; salmon trout, 710c; flounders and soles, 8 4c. Provisions Hams, large, 11; hams, small, llc; breakfast bacon, lOo; dry salt sides, 6c per pound. Ban Francisco, April 18, 1897. Potatoes Salinas Burbanks, 90c $1.10; Early Bote, 6676o; River Bur- banks, 60 70c; sweets, $1.60(31.76 per cental. Onions $3.008.50 per cental. Eggs Ranch, 1012o per dozen. Butter Fanoy creamery, 18 We; do seconds, 12 12c; fancy dairy, 12o; seconds, I0c : , Cheese Fancy ' mild, new, tl4ct fair to good, 56c; Young America, 78c; Eastern, 14 140. Wool Choice foothill, 10 18c; San Joaquin plains, 8llc; do 12 months, 89o per pound. Hay Wheat and oat, $7 7. 50; best barley, $6.608.00; alfalfa, $58; clover, $6 8; compressed wheat, $6 9.60; do oat, $6 7 per ton. Tropical Jfruit Bananas, $1,000 2.00 per bnnoh; pineapples, $2 (4. Citrus X niit Oranges, navel, $2(3 8.60; seedlings, do, 76c$1.26; com mon lemons, 75cl, 25; good to choice. $1.60(81.75; fancy, $2 per box. Apples Good to choice. -8125. (23: fancy, $2(32.66 per box. Hops 8 12o per pound. A dovlcfl for heightening the hacks ot pews when the same are too low has boon patented by a church-goer of Sandy Lake, Pa. It eoiiHlsts 01 nraeaeia in tfnitivetl to rooviv the end of panel, al having a recess In the sides of the upper part 01 tno Diacsev w iv naive the toll rail. Claiiins in the Cell' ter of the panel strenghtett the attach ment, which can he rendered as orna- mental as may lie desired. Legislation In Wisconsin. TI10 Wisconsin senate Inn iwsscd a hill nruvidlnii that no foreign corpora tion which is 11 member ot a trust be Hirniittmt to enforce any Contract In the state. It also adopted an anioiul nient to the general election law to al low the gold Democrats a place on the ticket and to enable them to retain their party organisation. The house raiccted a bill for the taxation ot church property. B The Hide In Kvliteuee. A Chicago man who sued a street oar com puny for i000 damages for killing his $3,000 St. Bernard dog, which was said to be one of the laiKct In Amer ica, brought into court as one of his exhibits a handsome rug tiiado of the skin and the head of his dog. The Jury were seemingly greatly impressed by Its uppearanoe, but gave a verdict for the company. War Vessels Now Heine; Mullt. There are now in process ot building for the British navy eighty-nine ves sels; for the French, thirty-three; for the Russian, thirty-nine; for the Ger man, nineteen, and for the Italian, thirteen. Of those vessels which are being built by Great Britain, forty eight are torpedo boats, while of the others powers Italy is the only one that is building any, and she only one. A Custom of the Katharhllds. It la the custom in the Rothschild family to purchase six war Is, each costing 100, at the birth of each girl baby. Upon each birthday six more pearls are added to the original nest egg, so that when tne young woman makes her debut into society a casket ot magnificent gems is presented to her. Cannda'e Population. The Canadian department of agricul ture estimates the population of the Dominion to be 6,135,438, a gain ot rather less than 800,000 since the cen sus of 1891. In 1HU0 there were two states of the Union that exceeded Can ada in population New York, with 5,997,863 inhabitants, and Pennsylva nia, with 6,258,014. Kleal Seaports. Hamburg has passed Liverpool with in the last few years in the tonnage of its foreign commerce. Liverpool still is far ahead in the matter of coastwise trails by sea, and, owing to that fact, the total tonnage of shipping entering and clearing in a year is greater in the English city. Leprosy Congress. The German government is sending out invitations to an international con gress on leprosy, at which Dr. Koch tne eminent bacteriologist, will pre side. Sweden, Denmark, Norway and Russia have already intimated their intention of being officially repre sented. Some Things That Mover Sleep. Itaturalists have discovered that there are several species of fish which never sleep, and that many species of flies are awake from the time they are hatched until they die. There are some dogs and cats, also, that appur ently never sleep that is, at night. ' Rained by the fainlne. Among the greatest sufferers from the Indian famine are the jewelers in Delhi, whose business is ruined, hardly any marriages take place, ami everybody wants to sell ornaments in stead of buying. Gladness Comes With s better understanding of the transient nature of the many phys ical ills, which vanish before proper ef forts gentle efforts pleasant effort rightly directed? There is comfort in the knowledge, that so many forms of sickness are not due to any actual dis ease, but simply to s constipated condi tion ot the system, which the pleasant family laxative, Kyrupof Figs, prompt ly removes. That is why it is the only remedy with millions of families, snd Is everywhere esteemed so highly by all who value good health. Its beneficial effects are due to the fact, that It is the one remedy which promote, internal cleanliness witnout ueointoiiiig tn. organs on which it acta. It is therefore all important, in order to get Its bene' hclal effects, to note when yon pur chase, that you have the genuine arti cle, wnicn ia manuiacturea by the Cali fornia, Fig Syrup Co. only and sold by all reputable drugging. If In the enjoyment of good health. and the system is regular, laxatives or other remedies are then not needed. If afflicted with any actual disease, one may be commended to the moat skillful physicians, but if in need of a laxative, one should have the best, and with the well-informed everywhere, Syrup of figs stands highest and is moat largely vwcu auu given most, general saiisiactlon. jg plant seeds, plant I iEOalrViSY ill Always the best. Mk I ' 'ertalseverjerhsre. Jf I V 0. M. FERRY a CO., JF I NEILL OF ARKANSAS. Another U. S. Congressman Indorse; Poine's Celery Compound. I WW's . Within the past year, among the thousands of hearty testimonials to the wonderful ourative powers of Paine', celery pomtind that have been re - ccived by Wells, Richardson & m- pany among the thousands of grateful letters received from every state snd town in the ronntry, there have come no loss than six hearty linltiriM'ineiits from members ot the national house ot representatives. All were willing that their export ene should be published, believing rightly that they might thus do good to others. In these columns have slreaily been published, the letters received from Congressmen Meredith, Bell, Grout and Powers. Now comes a letter from Congressman Robert Nelll of Arkan sas, as follows; My home is st Batesville, Ark. During the last spring snd summer my eldest daughter, then 17 years of age, was in very poor health, suffering from general debility, nervous prostration and frequent slight fevers, fthe had the best medical attention, but ap parently with little benefit. In the latter part of September last, while still feeble she began the use of Pitino't celery compound, snd improved iu health continuously. In three month, she had fully recovered, snd is now In perfect health. I am bound to think "Sty general health It a good denl hatter Ihnn before using the Rett. M eyes nre brighter nnd have a moeh better luster than before. Move gained about four povnds, nnd am more cheerful nnd In better hnutot thnn I nut before. By nalng your Melt nnother mouth or two I hope to be enred entirely." -CHHIS KANSK'S, Kllaasburg, Wash., reb. S, 1SST. MAKES PEOPLE STRONG. 11 tin. forces tend It Is a modern lltarlvsr. II vnn are wsak In n In.t 1, -m i...mj Retires all the effects nf esrly bablts and makrs the nerve aiidvliat asstmnsssever. Ksam ne it. II v.. 11 ran. ,,r ,., ..,.1 ... -hi you our book, rtlHKK, ChASeKS OF Jkl ES," free, clusvly svslsd. SAN DEN ELECTRIC BELT CO., !!j!?.l'!.J5L,,..!,!,,,on " Irland, Or. When vrillng la AdrtrtlMr tlriuw mention tht, ptiptr. Cheapest Power... IN GUARANTEED ORDER. 1-1 H. P. Hercules, Gas or Gasoline. 1-2 H. P. Hercules, Gas or Gasoline. 1-2 II. P. Ri ga a, Gas or Gasoline. ' i-j H. P. Oriental, Gas or Gasoline. i-4 H. P. Otto, Gas or Gasoline. 1-4 H. P. Pacific, Gas or Gasoline. 1-6 H. P. Hercules, Gas or Gasoline. mo H. P. Hercules, Gas or Gasoline. State Your Wants and Write for Prices... 405-7 Sansome Street San Francisco, Cat... Gas, Gasoline and Oil WHEAT Make money by me c'i u I speculation iu (.'hli-aso, We buy and SHI Wm'at tliiirn fin ntuc Kins. Korttities hsve been mails mi a small bexlnnitig by trail I in In futures. Write lor full iisrMnilsrs. licet nl rpformu a irlvi.n a,.u. eral years' ex purism on the Chltuuro lliianl of Trails, and a thormiKh knowledge ol the busi ness. bownltiK, Hopkins A Co,, Chli'iiim Hoard ol Trade llr.ikers. 6mes In Portland, Oregon, RU0.1S Fine!'! I In sixes t-H.75- a fid FINEST IN THE WORLD v.." Kajor l'rle, SIl.AU. Can be exuhativiid If nut Hmtut.,ii..r.. Send for General Catalogue or Cataiosut of Sporting Qoodi or Barber Supplies, WILL, ft FINCK CO., SSO Market St. San Pranelseo. Cnl. FOS PEOPLE THAT ARE SICK or ''Just Don't Pool Well." MTnUVER PILLS tee the One Thlnt to use. . ,?Jnm ,or Dltt. Sold by Drueslsts at t So. a bat Samples malld free. Aoartas Of. Nottnso Mid. Ct. Phut. fa. oKl forohllilr.n Uwtlilug. ItewilluaUisi'kllil.sorM it. 4 !?r JVt dl.rrl""e. Twenty tr, .and 1st Bests as aawJ the remedy is an excellent one, and do not hesitate to recommend it to tht suffering." J To postpone at such s vital time as this regulating the nerves snd purify- lug the blood is a serious mistake, Men and women distressed by nervous troubles or the effects of impure, blood cannot afford now to loss a day before taking advantage ol Palne's celerv compound. Iu order to avoid disappointment sc cept nothing but Paine's celery rem pound, A olerk who tries to sell some thing elso than what people ask for is evidently not disinterested. He has an eye to profits more than to the good ot customers. There can be no substUule for Value's oelrtry compound. This has been shown time snd tlmt again In easel abort persona, too easily li'il, have carried home something hs sides Palne's celery compound, and have failed to g't the decided bsneflt they had hoped for. The strongest Indorsement ever re ceive.! fur this great spring remedy- and no remedy ever compared with Palne's celery compound in lh char acter and the number of the witnesses to its efllclency the strongnst Indorse went It ever received did not overesti mate or exaggerate in the least Its n. rivalled power of making people well. Full of Life Weans lull ol health. Are yoo slow, selrlt lwsT Areymtr nerves lasy. your muscles nam,? aui yi.or viiai imtotluns leesiug!!) en riry antt vimf In. run nakeup In the nmritliis with e dull heailarhe, a llrwl. orii.uit IrvlliiK, ss ll yon hsil mil reatxir Tliw are some ) the evils that lullnn paat wnmxs. It Is Hie weak neu la your nerv ous system antl you need Just such a rem fly as Dr. Sanden's Electric Belt... Rebuilt Gas and ...Gasoline Engines FOR SALE CHEAP Hercules Gas ....Engine Works Engines, 1 to 200 H. P. FRAZER AXLE CREASE BEST IN THE WORLD. Its WHirlhK qualities are nnsiirpssseil.aotnally niilliiHtliiK t boxes of anv other brawl. Kret from Animal Oils. OUT TIIK OsCNlllNH, KOk HAI.R 11V fllfKllllM AMI! ftT-AIIIN(ITON MKKMIANl'S auu ifeaiers generally, $10 FOR TIIK ON. ly perfect incu hetor midf. Frtlfht Prtpaii to vuur nearest RalOnnrf Station or Steamer I.sndlnr 'rh finest Incnbttor Cstalofat ever Issunl mstlrd free 11 yoa write snd mention this Bauer 1TJLLTMA BCtrBATOI CO., Ntalsmt, Csl TllU'TUnK anil I'll.KS puredint) psynif, IV 111 (tnrail t send for book. Das. MsMsrisi.t A 1'ORTKHrm.D, m Market Ht., Han KranulsiKh jLortif nhlrtt Ytf tllif lAitf m vuuEtn Hiruita isnu wsm I"! nta rtjstv tvuuga Bruits 'ihls. wsjui vssr In t"" Ho 1, hf arwmimt. f f wisiTWiirii 7aMuw n nail. II U. HUtANnO. Pku a. N.P.N.U. No. 697. 8.1T.N.U. No. Hi