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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 9, 1896)
MI -i VOL. 13. ST. HELENS, OREGON, Fill DAY. OCT. 9, 189G. NO. 42. OREGON EVENTS OF THE DAY Epitome ot the Telegraphic News of the World. TEfiSK TICKS FKOM THK W1R7.8 Am Interesting; Collection of Il.m. Fnoin h Tf. Ilenil.nheres Presented In dendensed Form. The Idnho mines, located la the bio onin district, iirltUh Columbia, bare jimt declared ft dividend of ,.10,000. The owners of tlio property expeut ill future to receive dlvlduud of from 10,000 to 130,000 monthly. The bnrge Sumatra, the consort of the VV. II, Arnold, from Chicago, with loud of railroad iron, foundered off Government plor, near Milwaukee. Four sailors were drowned. The cap i.ilu, uiwte end cook were rescued by life-saving crew. Jeuule Love was shot In the bend end instantly killed by William Hwansoti lu St. Louie. The testimony of several witnesses goes to show that the bullet which eutlod the woman's life wai In tended for William Lee, a negro wi'b whom Bwanson bad been quarreling. Jealousy about the woman la the cauao alleged. A vlolous fit Bernard dog attacked a puny of tohool children In Marys villa. Cel. Laura Uanmanii, aged 7, wee bitten about the face and bead and wilt probably die; Baby Knobs", wa altuoat torn to ehreda, it. arms ami breast were terribly bitten, and It can not reoover. Albert Kuoha waa bitten tlirougb the wrist, and wilt recover, unleat rabiei follows. A little girl waa bitten In the leg, bat will rooovor. "Doe" Payue and Lon Book with, middle-weights, met in Cleveland, O., for a OuUb fight for f U50 a tide and the gate receipts in Lavso't gynina- el am. lu the eeveuth roand, when i Payne waa all but knocked out, the ' police borat In the doora and stopped ; the flgbt, arreatlng all the principal!, j seconds and referee. Two hundred j epeotatora were in atteudunoe, and I only ton of tbvut escaped, Jumping : from the windows. All of the patrol wagoua in the elty made trip after trip , oonveying the crowd, which contained , many prominent citizens, to the ata- tlon. j It la reported that Lewii Uimni, of . Cleveland, O., the holder of the Amerl- j ean S4-buur Indoor blyole record, la mentally unbalanced from the effect j of bta remarkable performance In that city laet week. (Jimm rode 488 nillea and 1,118 yarda In S3,1,' boura, break lug tbe Amarloan record by more than 113 mile. Ho would have fallen from bla wheel at the finish but for tbe judge, who notloed the movementa of the rider and serried bioi from tbe track. ... Manuel Gregory, colored, waa ahot in Chattanooga, Tenn., while attempt log to rob a house. Tbe bullet, fired at a distanoe ot twelve foot, atruok Gregory In the bead and flattened oat at it it bad boon mado of paste. Tbe uegro ii not seriously injured. Hon. William Col Hoi Whitney and Mr. Kdltb 8. Kandolpb, were married at 13ar Harobr, Mo. It waa an In formal affair. There were no bride muida and no beat man. Tbe entrance to the ohoroh waa a mane of rosea, laurel bydrangeaa and potted plants. O. M. Browning, controller of Indian affaire, baa made hia annual report to the teoretary of tbe interior. Qe aaya that with no oatbreuk or diaturbance during the year, tbe progroaa of the In dians in general education andoivillaa tlon has been uninterrupted and sub atantial. Tbe main effort now, as tor many years, moat be to put the In dian upon bla allotment, teach blin to support himself, protect him from en croachment and injuatioa, and educate bla children in books and industries. Tbe steamer Umatilla, from San Fransiaoo to Puget aonud, struck on the rooks off Point Wilson promon tory, In Discovery bay, near Port Townaend. All of tbe passengers were landed safely by means of small boats. Tbe starboard bow of the steamship was stove in badly and the steamer la leaking aerioosly, but reata above the water supported on the rocks. The oauae of the disaster is attributed to tbe fogs so prevalent in Northern wa ters at this season. The Cuban junta has reoeived an offer from an English syndioate of a loan of 10,000,000 for 180,000,000 payable in twenty years, President T. Kstrada Palma and tbe other members of tbe junta held a oonferenoe as soon as the offer was reoeived. . Tbe presi dent was asked what action waa taken and stated: "We have taken no de cided action as yet," be said. "We bave reoeived a number of similar offers from bankers, who see that we are almost oertain to win, and we have tbem all under advisement. We will probably accept tbe best terms, tbe offer of tbe English syndioate seems to nail for very large interest, but the faot that they may never get it baok niuat be ooualdered. During the Inst year of the Mexioan war for independ ence Mexican bonds sold for fJ. 60 on the hundred." The dredge Enterprise ia now at Casoade looks engaged In olearlng the eand from the upper entrance. The inner wall on the south side baa been oompleted, and tbe oonorete foundation for the north wall la done. Several oouraos of masonry remain to be laid ripen this latter wall. It is the gen eral feeling that the looks are Bearing completion, and any further delay would be an nnweloome surprise. With tbe completion of . this work, The Dalles expects to make rapid growth and attract oapltal from abroad. A Touch or Womanly Oraoe. The members of the party eompoaed of federal generals who are tonring the oouutry in the iatereata of the Kopub llcan party unite in saying that tbe moat pleasing incident so far of their journey was a dolloate bit of courtesy shown by Mrs. . Bryan, wife of tbe Demooratlo candidate for president, wbo, while the procession in honor ot the visiting generals was moving past her bouse in Lincoln, Neb , displayed over. her door a large portrait of Wil liam MoKlnley, tastefully draped In the national colors. It was tonoh of womanly garoe, beautiful as it waa un expected, and Ueneral Alger says that he will cherish it as sweet reoolleo tlon pluoked from an aorimonloua campaign nntil the end of his days. Matub Ctrl, un Strike. Bather than- nave their teeth ex amined and repaired, half of the 800 girl employes of Edwin Mould's big match faotory at Paasalo, N. J., bave gone on strike, and deolare tbey will never work for such a horrid man again. Phosphorous, wblob ia used in making matches, if allowed to aot on decayed teeth, will evutually aubjeot them to disease and leave them orlp pled for life, Damage aulta may re sult Gould, therefore, ordered tbe girls to submit to an examination by a dentist, but they refused. Will Hoadjuat Vfa( Kates. The Carnelge Steel Company, of Homeatead, Pa., baa notified lu em ployes in tbe mills that a "readjust ment" of the exlatlng wage scale is de sired by tbe oompany. This, tbe men say, means anotbor out In wages. Un der the agreement with the workmen, euob aide is required to give a uluetv days' nolioe of any change desired in the wages paid. Tbe present scale expiree January I, when tbe new scale will be put into effect torin on tbe Potomac Reports from the upper Potomao how that blgb winds did great dam age to property this aide of the moan taiu. In addition to tbe wind, there waa a cloudburst that aoon changed the small tributaries into raging torrents, oarrying away muob farm property and washing away many bridges. Un a short spur of tbe railroad leading to Berkley Springs, thirteen brldgos were oarrted Off. The rawer, Have Agreed. There is, says Loudon diapatob, very good reason foi bellvelng that an Important agreement has been reaohed between the great powers and that all danger ot a European war baa, for tbe present passed away. It miy now be hoped that the danger haa been con jured by dtplomaoy, wblob alone waa capable of dealing safely and ade quately with the problem. Mine, to Ha Worked. Preparations are beiug hurried for the resumption of work in the Bison, Little Johnny, Mehala and ttesurreo turn mines, at Leadville. At leaat 600 men are expected to go to work aoon. A Head -End 'olll.lan. Two freight tralna collided at Phil ton, on tbe Baltimore & Ohio railroad, 134 miles eaat ot Pittsburg, Pa., mak ing one of the worst wreoka In the his tory of the road. Twelve tramps have been taken from tbe wreck, sis of whom were dead. Tbe other six are in serious condition. Tbe two en gineers and firemen were Injured seri ously and one perhaps fatally. Tbe orew of the fast freight train lost con trol of tbe train on stoop grade. ; It was going at high rate of apeed when it atruok the other train, every oar be ing thrown to a common oenter in tbe collision and ground to atome. It Waa a Hold Mot. A plot to ovethrow the government of Nioaragua and kill Preaident Zel aya, haa been discovered and frustrat ed. Some of the most prominent peo ple are implicated in the plan, wbioh was well prepared. Since the olose of the last rebellion, in whloh Zelaya waa victorious, bit enemies and ft majority of bla former allies, namely, tbe con servative!, have been plotting to upset the government by force of arms. The barraoks and palaces were to be as saulted simultaneously, and Preaident Zelaya was to be asaaaiinated. Tbe barraoks were to be blown op with dynamite In oase the assault failed. Another War Deflelt. A comparative statement of the re oelpte and expenditures of the govern ment for the month of September shows the total receipts to have been 134,684, (44; expenditures, $26,579,686, leav ing ft deficit for the month of 91,005, 891. Tbe deficit ot the three months of tbe present fiscal jear ia 135,184.129, as compared with defiolt of $U,884, 658 in the corresponding months last yeaf. Reoelpts for the lait month show a loat as oompared with September ot last year ot nearly (8,800,000 from dia tom a, and about (680,000 from internal revenne. Reviewing Stand Collapsed. Daring tbe parade at the Iowa semi centennial celebration, at Burlington, Ia., the reviewing stand oontnining Vice-President Stevenson, Governor Drake, ot Iowa, and staff, and many other prominent people, collapsed, throwing all to the ground and injur ing thirty people. Vice Preaident Stevenson aud Governor Drake escaped with slight bruises. Part of Fas Burnad. A Tanglor dispatch aays: The Jew ish qnartor of Fez, the principal city of the empire ot Moroooo, has been burned. Soveral persons perished, and many were fatally Injured. Five hundred of the resideuta of the burn ing qnartor were compelled to flee in an unclad condition to the oonntry unlit the flumes were quenohed. It is estimated that there were 10,000 Jews in Fez, out of total popalatiou of 100,000. ' JOINED THE MEIBUND Roumania and Greece Pre paring for Turkey, WILL ASSIST THE POWERS Servla Will follow a. Soon as Queen Natalia's luflu.ooa Can lis Ovareoiue. Berlin, Oct 6.- The sensational news that Roumania and Greece bave joined tbe dreibnnd, and that the formal agreements to this end were signed at Kuobarest during the pretence there of Emperor Franols Joseph of Austria, after the opening of tbe canal through the iron gates of the Danube, is being disouased in political oircles here. Tbe statements made are be lieved to be correct, and are reoeived at being of prime importance, for tbe dreibund will thus bave valuable allies in these two countries in the event of the diaruption of Tnrkey or any teriout complication in the Eaat King Cbarlet of Roumania bat long been anxiont to join tbe dreibund, but it waa only lately that binding bar gain aooeptable to all parties was drawn up. , It is expected that Servia will also adhere to the dreibund, as soon as the influenoe of ex-Queen Natalie, wbo is ft Russophlle, is overcome. Tbe general opriaing of the Wahehet, the powerful and warlike tribe of Ger man Eatt Afrioa, is causing some an xiety in colonial circles here and else where. The Wabobes, wbo met with orusbing defeat from German troops a couple of yeara ago, have this time been incited by Arab chiefs, and tbey must bvae excellent weapona and equip ments. Tbe rebellion teems to be spreading around tbe whole Tangan yika region, and the troops available are muoh too weak to oope with it In the meantime Governor Wiaamann ia lingering here, unwilling to return to bla poat in Eaat Afrioa, owing to bia shatter! bealtb, though be ia being nrged to do to. Moreover, tbe govern ment is not inclined to ask the reiob stag for large increase of the German East Afrioa troops, in view of the big colonial budget, although the present forces are qolte inadequate. A CHINESE ASSASSIN. Made Bold Attempt to Murdar Ran Praucleeo Draffa'at. San Franoisoo, v Oot 8. One of tbe boldest attempts at murder ever made in Chinatown took place today shortly before noon, when Gin Lun Choe, one ot the proprietors of the Cbee Sang Tong Company, druggists, was de liberately shot in the baok by an al leged hired asaaaain, in the presenoe of at leaat half a dozen spectators. As ft direct result of the shooting, Gin Lun Cheeia now lying at tbe point of death in the receiving hopaital, and Ah Chang and Ah Wan are incarcerat ed In the city prison, one identified by the wounded Chinese as he wbo did the ahooting. and the other as the man who directed blm to do it Officer Freel saw the ahooting, aud arretted the Chinese, whom tbe wounded man identified. Gin Long Chee waa shot tbrongb tbe tpine. He says: "Chin Kim Leon told tbe two men who are arrested to kill me, because Chin Kim Leon owed me money. I asked bim to pay me; for tbia reason be told them to kill me. When the man shot at me, I turned my head and taw and recognized bim. Chin Kim Leon wat standing by tbe two men. I beard the tall man tell tbe thort man to thoot, and be pointed hia finger at me." - CHOCTAW SCHOOL BURNED. Four of the StndoBts War Cremated ad Others Injured. Antlera, I. T., Oot 6. At 11 o'olock last night, Spenoer'a academy, looated ten milca west ot here, burned, together with all the furniture and four Choctaw boys. Tbe origin of the fire it supposed to be incendiary, at no one waa occupying tbe room in wbioh the fire broke out, and there bad been no fire in it tbia season. Superintendent J. B. Eter, who wat in charge of the school, heard the flames, and when he gut np, the stairway was on fire. He ran on the outside and woke all tbe boys and barely aaved bia own lite. Tbe boys threw their beds ont ot the windows and jumped to the ground on them. One of tbe boyt who waa burned to death wat cripple, and tbe other three were in rooms in which there were no windows. It ia said the moans and groant were heartrending in the extreme. Michigan forest Fires, Marquette, Mioh., Oot. 6. Destruc tive forest fires are burning two milea sontb ot this city, along tbe line of the Marquette & Western railway. Dur ing the afternoon, a brisk tooth wind wat blowing and there wat some an it last the fires might be driven upon the oity, but change of the wind to the west ftvertea tne aanger. Nestoria Junotion on the line of tbe Dulutb. South Shore Atlantio road, seven miles west ot here, it in serious danger. ' San Francisco, Oot 6. Frederiok E. Luty, stock operator and mining man, committed snioide today by shoot ing himself in the head while in ft hall way over tbe Anglo-California bank. No motive for tbe deed is yet known, and tomporary insanity is the reason advauoed by hit friends. Luty wat teoretary of half doaen mining com panles, but his acoounts re apparently straight. Luty was 60 year sold, and left a wife aud family, wbo are well known socially. Oam ml Ocean'. Mv.Uirlea, Ban Francisco, Ont. 7. Tbe mis sionary bark Jobn Williams, that for nearly thirty years orulsed among tbo South Sea islands, oarrying the gospel to the islanders, is missing and almost given up for lost She was built in Aberdeen for tbe London- Missionary Society, and wat launched in 1800. She wat constructed and fitted out es pecially for the work in the Sooth Seas, and during her career she made visits to nearly every known inhabited coral reef and ialand In tbe Paoiflo ocean south of the equator, oarrying tupplies to tbe permanent missionaries regardless of creed, and assisting in eiery way to advance the oauae of Cbriatianity. Trains are Tied Up. Peoria, 111., Oct 7 J. R. T. Ana- ton, grand teoretary and treasurer of tbe Order of Railway Telegraphers, baa reoeived dispatches from Montreal showing that tbe tie-up on th Cana dian Paoiflo la oomplete. Nothing it moving except a few passenger trains. Saturday night the dispatchers at Smith's Falls, the only ones wbo re mained at work and who bad oharge of 838 miles of tbe road, went out The telegraphers, Anston't dlapatoh saya, stand firm and teem to have the sym pathy of tbe poblio all along tbe Can adian Pacific. At many places objeo tion it made to any one else attempt' ing to perform telegTapbio duties. CONSTANTINOPLE EXCITED. Authorities Believe the Bevolutloulete Will Fire the City. London, Oct. 6. A diapatob from Conatantinople describee Stambonl at being in ttate of siege. Tbe precau tions at night, it appears, are rigoroos. The fire engines are kept ready to set to work at a moment's notice, at tbe authorities are convinced the revolu tionist are determined to set fire to the oity. Tbe Cbiiatiana are in dread ot another uprising of tbe mob, and the respectable Mussulmans share in tbe feeling of anxiety of tbe Christiana. It bas been annonnoed that the Turkish government bas entered into negotiations with tbe Armenian revo lutionary oommittee, with a view of obtaining a cessation of dynamite out rages, tbe porte granting ft general amnesty to Armenians and promising to carry oat reforms throughout Asia Minor. Little faith, bowever, ia plaoed In Turkish promises. Tbe brilliant fetes and military pa ardes attending tbe opening of tbe iron gates of tbe Danube are looked upon at beiug of tbe highest poliitcal. importance. It is stated military convention between Austria and Rou mania will be concluded daring tbe stay of Emperor Francis Joseph at Buobareat, binding both powers to prevent Russia from orossing tbe Dan ube. It is further atated that a gigantio engineering scheme was also consid ered at Bucharest, the plan being to connect Buoharest with the Black tea fortress. After a long discussion the new Tu nisian treaty between France and Italy has been signed, tbnt solving one of the most ticklish questions between the two oountries, the adjustment ot which would bave been impossible a little while ago. Italy, nnder tbe new treaty, snrienders her rightt to try ber own tubjeota in ber own courts in Tunis, and reoeives in exchange com mercial concessions, among which is the right to bave Italian vessels ad mitted to French porta nnder'tbe same conditions aa French vessels, Italy making similar concessions to Franoe. DEFENDING THE MINES. . General Brook. Will Place Cannon on Carbonate Hill. Lesdville, Oct. 6. General Brooks and hia officers bave practically decided to make provisions for defending the endangered mines by plaoing cannon' on Carbondale bill, which oommanda most of them. Tbe next object of at tack, if farther attacks be made, it pretty well understood to be the great pumping plant of the Maid of Erin mine, which draint the Mahals, Emmet and Marian mines, wbioh are now re suming work, at well at many others. The pumpt belong to Smith & Moffat, and their expenses are borne by tbe three mines named. If these pumps were orippled, the rain of the mines by water would reduoe the normal pro duction of the camp tally one-third. General Brooks will toon decide upon the location ot the guns and other de fenses. ' ' -'. French HomlHi Caiilnges. Paris, Oot. 6. Out ot thirty-eight antomoters, of whiob thirty-six were petroleum maohines and two driven by steam, Wbioh started in the race, Sep tember 34, from this oity to Marseilles and baok, 1,603 kilometers, only eleven bave oompleted the round trip, reaoh ing here this afternoon. All the ma chines finishing were petroleum driven. Michelin't motor oyole oompleted tbe trip in seventy-two honrt aontal run ning time. The journey waa divided j into ten stages, at whioh the arrival j and departure of contestants wat timed. There was uo running at night. The maohines whioh finished wore in good order in spite of the terrible weather experienced. Tbe English language ia spoken by about 135,000,000 persons, while the Chinese ia spoken by 400,000,000. Another Culneae Ambauador. Washington, Oat. 6. Minister Yang Yu, of China, today bad a call from v.. KTiav thA iinrtArial nommArniiftl ambassador of the empire, and his' suite, who arrived here at a late boar last night Tbe ambassador, who ia Chinese offloial, bad no diplomatic functions, but hia visit it purely ot a oommeroial nature, and be is making , trip through tbe United States and conducting an inquiry particularly into , tbe state of his oountiymen here. : WRECKED BY WIND Desolation in the Path ot the Hurricane. HUNDBED8 RENDERED HOMELESS rba Town of Cedar Key. Traveled tu the round Sixty-Seven far son. Killed lu tbe State. Jacksonville, Fla., Oot 5. Com munication with tbe interior is re stored, and tbe news of tbe destruction of life and' property by Tuesday's hur ricane becomes appalling. Hundreds of persona are bomelest and must suffer from hunger unless relief shall be quickly furnished. Reports to tbe Citizen from many different towns, in cluding all of the important point! in Levy, Lafayette, Suwanee, Columbus, Bradford and Baker counties, show that sixty-seven persona were killed, and sixty-two injured. Tbeae are the known cacsaltiea. To this total, prob ably considerable number mast be added to cover those not yet beard from. The lost of life wat greatest at Cedar Keys, on the Gulf of Mexico, where the hurricane entered tbe state. Over half o( tbe known deaths occur red at that place. Tbe destruction of valuable timber, turpentine trees, farm crops, phosphate works and buildings of every description in tbe oounitet mentioned forming a belt aorost tbe state from southwest to northeast, will aggregate hundreds of thousands if not millions of dollars. , Full and authentic advicea from Cedar Keys late tonight show tbe al most total destruction of the twn, and the loss of thirty-nine lives. This it believed to include tbe oomplete roll of the dead. At Shell Mound, great pleasure resort near that plaoe, a party ot five men, three women and three children were camping out Some sur veyors making their way home aftr the storm found eleven bodies strewn on the shore, under logs and brush. They were close together, which would indicate tbat they weie timulanteously killed by the tidal wave. ' Eight other bodies bave been found on tbe beach. Twenty fitheremn are still missnig, all of whom are probably dead. Daring the hurricane at Cedar Keys, the water came up with the wind, and down the piincipal streets rushed ft mad torrent, upon which floated bouses, boats and debris of every description. While the tempest was at its height, the Bettelini bouse, tbe Sohemmer bouse and Jobn Sberill'a residenoe took fire and were burned. Tbe destruc tion of pioperty was very great, the lost being estimated at (350,000. GREAT FISH STORY. Four Hundred and Twelve Tona Ware Caught In One Haul. Seattle, Oot 6. -A Port Townsand dispatch to the Post-Intelligencer aays: Tbe catch of aalmon in Southwestern Alaska ia about SO per cent more than tbat of lafit year, and about equal to the pack ot tbe preceding year. What is believed to have been the largest number of fish ever taken at one haul was made at Karluk this summer. In one haul 75,000 fish were caught Each fish averaged about eleven pounds, and the entire catch weighed about 413 tone. . It is almost impos sible for a person unfamiliar with fish ing to realize tbe vast pile ot fish in such a haoL The Theater Hat Queetlon. San Franolsoo, Oot 6. Alfred Bou vier, the manager of tbe Baldwin thea ter, thinkt he bat solved tbe feminine head-gear problem and that diplomacy in such dilemmat aa hit will prove bet ter than force. The plan he haa de vised for persuading tbe ladies to re move their hats consists in tbe follow ing protest, which, engraved on ft oaid, will be presented on a ailver sal ver to the woman who weara a bigb hat to the play in the future: 'The management sincerely regrets any personal annoyance thia may cause you, but must respectfully request that you remove your hat, as complaints bave been lodged tbat it interferes with the comfort and enjoyment to which those seated baok of you are en titled. (Signed) The Baldwin, San Franoisco." Report of tha Astoria Health Ottloer. Salem, Or., Oct 5. J. A. Fulton, health officer of the port of Astoria, has filed with tbe governor bis report for tbe qnarter ending September 80. H shows tbat during July eight vessels entered and left, the snatitary condi tions of eaoh being good. Ten entriea and departures are shown for August, one oase of fever being found aboard, and one of scurvy. Disinfectants are reported used in the fever cases. Dur ing September fifteen vessels entered and cleared, and the sanitary condition of eaub is noted sb good. An Eight-Year-Old Murderer. Zanesville, O., Oot 5. The 8-year-old son ot Andrew J. Andrews, of Irville, secured his father's gun today, during the absenoe ot the family, and, pointing it at bis baby brother, fired, killing him instantly. Tbe fratricide is not thought to be accountable. Woman Beaten to Death. St Joseph, Mo., Oot 8. Advioes were received here tonight- ot a brutal mnrder whloh ooourred at Arkoe, a small town about thirty-five miles north of here. Mrs. Edith Bomley wat found ln ber home dead, with evi dences of a desperate struggle with hei assailant ' She bad been beaten to death, but the murderer made his es cape and nothing fs known ot bim. Bloodhounds will be put : upon bit) trail. FREDERICK COUDEHT BACK. Unearthed Valuable Information Per talnlng to Tanesneln Hvundarv. New York, Oot 6. Frederiok B. Condert, tbe eminent lawyer and mem ber of the Venezuela commission, ap- i pointed by Preaident Cleveland to in vestigate tbe Venezuela boundary ques tion, returned to thia oity today from The Haa-ue. on tbe French liner La i Bourgogne. Mr. Condert went abroad for tbe purpose of examining the old Dutch records relating to tbe Vene- cueia rjounaary, ananaaspent oonsider-' able time over government archives, ; with tbe result tbat quite an array of ; new testimony bearing upon tbe point Polk county warrants are at ft dls at issue haa been unearthed. Mr. ' count. Condert wat teen tonight concerning j The clerk of Lane county will re the result of his trip. He said muoh eive bids until Ootober 7, 186, for had been accomplished. i keeping tbe county poor for one year. "Immeuiately upon my arrival at; Prinevllle propoet to have four day.'" The Hague," sa d be, I met Professor , mmnoingNovember 11. and Barr. of Cornell university, who, fts offer,".,70 in wbich M abou, the representative of tie commission. he mo,t off9r,d bad already apent much time in gather- ,D NortEWMt oironit. ing data. Together we went through ". ,.T , . . the record, very thoroughly. Then we nie wdw MoGuirebat instruct went to London, where many of tbe i f h; to enforce the game law reoords were transferred at the time of I ln L,n,a county, nd ulreftdy two war the purchase of Guiana, in 1615- Many j fanuta en issued. There is said of these record bad already been pub- lisbed by the British government and very fairly. We found other useful evidence, however, and both in Lon don and Holland met uniform courtesy in tbe prosecution ot our search." "Were all the records prior to 1815 transferred to London at tbe time of the sale?" be waa asked. I "No, indeed," said Mr. Condert, ' trolling on Yaquina bay, caught ft big "not all of them. We found some ! salmon of the obinook variety. Cap ; very valuable papers in the old Dutoh j tain Stevens ia nearly 90 yean of age, records. i but be continues to pull bis own boat. Just how valuable the records were ! and enjoys tbe sport of fishing as well ! or what tbey tended to etabliah, Mr. ' as in bis boyhood days, j Condert would not disclose, but raiter- Mrs. F. H. Kearney, of Pendleton, erawmena uli mey were v.iu- Another useful source of informa tion, be said, wat the propaganda at Rome, where tome of the most valu able records were found. "The pioneert in this territory," be said, "were monks, obiefly of tbe order ot Capuchins, and their reports to their borne order contain muob infor mation, wbicb both parties to tbe oon- troversy bave been allowed to avail j themselves of. : j Regarding the correspondence which i has passed between Secretary Olney j and Lord Salisbury recently, Mr. Cou dert said' "I und'erstend'tbat this correspond- enoe deals with the subject of arbitra- tion generally and cannot be tpeoifio- ally applied to Venezuela controversy. Tbe recent visit of Joeeph Chamberlain did not. in my opinion, bave any con nection with thia case. So far aa I know officially, nothing further bat i been accomplished in tbe matter than when I left, and if any negotiations are ' luajno iwmTiAfaul hw .ha ATumM nf government to settle it, they are un - known to me. I cannot aay when tbe commission's report will be ready, nor whether it will be finished before Preei- dent Cleveland's term of office ex- pires. CHANGED THEIR MINDS. Foit Bal 11 Indiana D.ollue to Sell j Their Lands. Pocatello, Idaho, Oct 6. United : States Commissioners Hoyt, Goodwin and Barge, met the Indian chiefs, fif ! teen in number, of the Bannock and ! Shoshone tribes of the Fort Hall reser 1 vation, at Rosa Fork, today, for tbe purpose of forming a treaty with the Indiana for the relinquishment of a ' portion of their reservation. Fully i 1,000 people came from surrounding j towns to witness the negotiations. Tbe Indiana had been promised a feast by the commissioners and bad looked 1 forward to tbe occasion for many ! weeks. They were there in force to .participate in the festivities which promised so much enjoyment When j about to go into counoil, one of the Banncck chiefs, Jim Ballard, a leader j of the faotion opposed to the sale of the reservation lanas. roue up ou mireo- rode up on horse back, bedecked with paint and feathers, and forbade the chiefs of both tribes assembled to participate in the festivi ties. Ballard evidently had the chiefs under his control, for they refused to partake ot the dinner or listen to any argument Tbe chiefs admitted tbey had concluded to make favorable .,- .,.t..i of.pVeoial train, bearing hundred, of whites to witness the oouncil, ohanged their minds. A Brutal PrlseBght. New York, Oot 6. Jack Collier, of Rockaway Beaob, and Kid Harris, of Kentucky, fought seventeen ot the flarnaat rounds with bare knuckles ' over witnnsed bv old-time snorts at Far Rookaway. They were on their feet when time waa called for the eigb- ! teenth, but were to badly out and Drulsea aoout tne iaoe inas tney were unable to see each other, and the bat tle was stopped. Harria' ear ia half 1 gone; his cheek, from eye to jawbone, . is out open and his face and! body are one mass of outs and bruises. Both of his eyes are - closed. Collier had both j eyes closed, his left cheek out open to ! the bone, and waa badly bruised about the body. - . , . . . .. . "r "l " Th.t tl Mediterranean sea prove tbat tbe j . 1U 4 .. . Tried to Steal History Plates. - San Franoisoo, Oot 6. Tbe offioers of tbe Bancroft Company are still with holding the name of the burglar who j attempted to steal 1 0,000 worth of ' history plates from their basement iney now . mvu, u. uo was fonwrly . P le- .'J' n T 7 1 "! member, of the Bancroft Company tbat the burglar bad no other or atealing the p ate. than to melt tbem tnd tell them for old lead. ! m. 1 .1- - . 1 . ! NORTHWEST BB EVITIES 1 Evidence ot Steady Growth " and Enterprise. ITEMS OK GENERAL INTEREST i j , ; from ah tha cities and Town, of the Thriving Slater State. Oregon. i gwu u,,-, j.-,- sold, shooting from tbe road, etc Ibex and mountain abeep have been j seen tbis summer on the almost inao j cestible cliffs and craga of Canyon and : Strawberry mountains, says Jhe Can yon City News. In early days these ' kinds of game were quite plentiful. Captain William Stevens, while out bM reoeny, returned from Tbe Dalle.. having won the distinction of being the first woman to ride across tbe aand wastes between Pendleton and The Dalle on bicycle. Her husband wat with her, and tbey rode with flat tire. Indiana who rode into Harney oounty with the intention of doing lot of hunting thia fall were told to "data wa" by tbe cltlzena. The tiwaabot considered it good policy to leave the grizzlied pioneers in possession of the wild game in Harney oounty'a forests, and quietly departed. Probably the largest salmon ever ' nrougni to tne voquiiie maraei. aays j tbft Herald, wat oaugbt on the lower o1" " weighed forty- ! fiT pounde dressed, and ftbout sixty I ponnda gross. It was ft rre variety ' that section, blueback or Colum- bia river aalmon. The cannery at Empire City ia now 1 receiving tbe largest catch of flab ever known to come into Coos bay. One night last week a Mr. Peterson caught what hrrmoht him tha rnnnd anm of ; $85, at the present low prioes for flab j 85 cents apiece Ar obinook salmon weighing from 80 to 60 pounds eftob. j The board of trustees of tbe Oregon : Soldiers' Home held its regular cuater- ly session in Roseburg last week and I transacted the reuglar routine of ex- amining olsima and billa against the j home. They inspected the home and j tbe hospital, and approved tbe bills ot ! John Hunter, contractor, for 13,000, 1 as per contract; recommended furniab , ing tbe hospital at cost not to exceed I fl,500, and that a barn be built for not more than f 500. . ' Washington. The eleotrio light plant in Waits : burg is about ready to be started up. , The Kalama river boom oompany is ; putting in a very substantial boom at the mouth of the river. The Bellingbam Bay bank Is expeot ' ed to deolare a dividend of 10 par oent soon. One dividend of 15 per oent has already been paid. ' Tbe claim ia made by tbe Oakeadale Sun tbat from four to six oents more : has been paid for wheat there than at ' snT other plaoe in Whitman county. Tha KarmAra- Warehonae Comnanv. of Garfield, haa reoeived 75,000 bushels of wheat thus far this season. The other warehouses there are having a good run, but bave not made public any figures. Postmaster Haynie, of Pasoo, has re fused to accept campaign literature i whioh was enolosed in franked en jpe. 1 B-B lioan,' whioh bad been sent out by the chairmen of all political parties. The matter baa been referred to Washing ton for a decision. Work has begun on the telehpon line of the Spokane A British Colum bia Company, between Marcus and Col ville. Ten men are at work cutting I and delivering poles along the line, Work will be pushed from both ends at fast as poles can be gotten out. Th oompany is taking cedar and tamaraok " - - peots to nave tne line oompieiea ana in operation by January 1. . . Work will beoommenoed aoon on tht old Plaoerfield mine on the Columbia river, neat the Colville reservation. Tbe mine ia not a new one. It wai formerly owned by "Wild Goose Bill" and others, but these did not develoi the prospeot, because of a lack of wa- ! ter. In after years Chinamen worked ' the mine during the spring, while tha ... km. ... snow from tbe surrounding mils wai iuiuuu vt vtaicu. The contraot bas been let by tht Northern Paoiflo Railway Company foi the filling in ot the spaoe spanned by the Cedar oreek tiestle, four milei southeast of Garfield. Tbe trestle is a long one, eighty-three feet high at tht highest point, and will require vaal IJIJUn(UVUlhWiU ... - , .j,,, work to flH lt. The oost ot mkiDg ,he fill is estimated at ,47.000, A new trestle could be built for .bout b , M haT, to 'u ' f d-. J eb j, rnn . . ' . . ::.-v.. ; , . . ,. ; . f