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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 16, 1896)
OREGON VOL, 1.3. ST. HELENS, OREGON, FRIDAY, OCT. 1G, 1896. NO. 43. 1ST EVENTS OF THE DAY Epitome ot the Telegraphic News of the World. TEB8B TICKS FEOM TUB WIBEfl An Interesting Collection of Item, from lh. Two Uemlipheret rreaente la Coadeated Form. .. Retnrns from th Florid election give Bloxham, Democratic oandldat lor governor, a plurality of 86,000. A OODitltnttooal amendment abollthiug lotober election wat ratified. The tetlographeri' strike on the Can. diau Pacific baa been declared off, A settlement waa arrived at throogb board of conciliation. Tbe oompany agroea that all men will be taken baoM esoept thoee guilty of destroying propi erty. It alio agree to reoognl the Order ot Railway Telegrapher and ltf member. Seven men atarted In a kiff to oron tbe river from Canton, Mo., where they bad been attending a political meet ing. About fifty feet trout the Illlnoi Ida the boat upset John Reed, Ueorge Withrow and John Hlmm were drowned. All were in the government river lervioe. In a fog at Argentine, Kan., Ave t-bound Santa Fa train were mlied np in a reir-end oolltslou just outside the railway yarda, the train following Mob other oloaely. Several ear and two of the engluea were w rooked, bat miraculously enough noonewa killed. Four pertout were (lightly Injured. A dltpttoh from Lowell obtervatory, Flagitaff, Arts., announce that the astronomer ot tbe obaervatory bava diaoorered that tbe planet Mercury and Venn etch torn onoe on it axl during one revolution of the mn, rank ing the day juat equal to the year ou thee planet. They find farther that Venn i not olood covered, a ha been reported, but bit about it a thick at mosphere, while Meroury ha none. It ba been eml-offloially anuounoed In Constantinople tliat the Turkiah gov ernment, after weighing the matter and consulting orrUin adviior, oauie to deoltlou not to admit the United State warahip Bauoroft through tin Dardanelle. aud therefore ihe will not be able to aot a tbe gunrdship of the United State legation in tbete water. Tbe porta, it 1 aatd, also decided not to admit the guardship of Ureeoe and Holland. The Urlttah hlp Kilburn, wbloh ba ut arrived in San Franoiaoo, report tbe lot of two of her orew on the voy age from Newcastle. She wa only nine dy out when he ran into a torn). The two men were aunt aloft to tow away tbe topsail, and while they were so engaged violent lurch canted John Anderson, Swede, to loot hi bold, and falling he atruok agtlual John Harvey, an Amerioan, knocking him off the yardarm and to gether they fell. Anderaon wa thrown into the e and drowned and Uarvoy track on the deck, but died in tew boar. , The killing of Frank Hepburn, ton , of Congressman Hepburn, at C'hotter, Ark., i now attributed to a polltioal oomplraoy. The flrl report itated that a duel wa fought Lee Ah Mee, waiter, waa abot and Inatantly killed by unknown aaain in San Franoiaoo, a a remit of high binder war. Another ahootlng affair ooourred tbe tame evening, but no one waa killed. Three dead bodle have been taken from the Cbloago river, and men are at work dragging the etreatn tor more. ; Tbe remain are thoae ot infanta and : bad been in the water for ome time. I The doctor aatert that they bad all been drowned, and it i thought that they have been the vlotlm of a baby farmer. A fatal collision ooourred on the Southern Paolflo tailway, ball mile eouth of Green' atation, Oregon, re acting in the death ot John MoGou igle, of Portland, fireman, and A. N. Toy, a brakeman. Five other were aerloualy injured.. The oolllaion wa due to oonduotor' oareleunea in mislaying bl papers and order. Case of poisoning from eating fmoked wblteflab oontinue to be re ported from Wisconsin. At Merrill, in that state, Albert Radloff and an other man died ot poisoning. Twenty . five oases in all are reported from that town. Twenty additional oases are re ported from Brotherton, on the east bore of Lake, Winnebago, acme of whom oannot recover. Milwaukee ha alio reoelved ber share, and fifty peo ple have been poisoned in Oshkoah. The new i causing a panic among fish eater and dealer. For tbe third time in aii month the Sonora atnge ba been beld np, near Cloudman, Cal. Two masked men uddenly appeared on either side of tbe road and covering with shotgun the driver, ordered bim to "hold np." He wa then ordered to throw out the mall lack and told to drive on. The mail saoks were rifled of registered letters and left on the road whore they were subsequently found by the postmaster of Cloudman. The amount seoured by the robber I unknown, but i believed to have been large. There ba been a run on the society known a tbe Uuida Eoonomio in Rio de Janneiro. The fond ot the soolety are guaranteed by the government, but numerous person withdrew their de posit. Coffee producer and export er are greatly alarmed at the falling prloea In Europe. The agricultural oongreu in San Paulo proposed tbe foundation of a bank for the need of the rural depositor. Foreign oapital, It i laid, can be prooured to open nob an institution, and immediate steps will be taken to start it ... Thou.anut Are Homeless- Thrte-fourtlis of the city of Ooaya qlul, Eouiidor, hai boon reduced to ashes by a (Ire wbloh raged for twenty four hour, swooping everything in it path. Some estimate tbe financial lost at upwards of f 60,000,000. Many live wore lost in the Ore, and 88,000 people are homeless. Two thousand bouses, including every bank in tbe olty, of which there ere five, were burned. It Is Impossible from the present food supply there to feed all the victims, and the suffering will un doubtedly be great. Chloago ly Celebrated. Chloago day, the anniversary of tbe greet fire twenty-five year ago, wa celebrated in tbut city chiefly a a po lltioal holiday. Republican and Democrat culnbratod separutey, each party having Its own big street parade, h well a monster gathering indoors. Praotioully every factory and store in the city waa oloied, also the board of aud bank. From ealry morn ing the streets were jammed with cheering thousand, struggling to gain tome point of vantage. ' An Overtealoua Parson, The Rev. Lang, an evangelist, who had been holding a revival at Seward, O. T., during one of bl sermons de clared "tbut all women who danoe are immoral." A storm broke at onoe, and Lang waa chased to the Santa Fe station by fifty enraged ohurob mem ber. At the atation he wa beaten al most to a jelly by two farmers and a number of women. Subsequently be waa rescued from a ooat of tar and feather by a train orew. Crime ot a Madman. Albert Dray, aged 80, of Noblesville, Ind , a farmer aud a very religloua man, cot tbe throat of bl wife, 8-year-old ton, Carl, S-yer-old daughter, Edna, and blinsolf. The wife and chil dren died without a atruggle. Bray, with a gaping wound in hi throat lived for some hour without regaining oonsolousnea. Bray crushed tbe skulls of bi victims with an ax after be bad out tbelr throats. Fought a Hurglar. Mis Ella Emerson, 18 year old, of Fruitvale, Cal., battled with a burglar who tried to chloroform, gag and bind ber, and after a desperate atruggle, she succeeded iu making ber eaoape by leaping through an open window and dropping to tbe ground, a distanoe of twelve foet II a Maurt.r la Head. Oeorgo Du Manrler, artist, novelist, aud author of "Trilby,"-died in Lon don. Hia end waa pa inlets. He passed away surrounded by bi friend. For day he ha been hovering between life and death, at lnsterval conversing with friend regarding bl work. Upon one occasion a friend at the dying man'a bedside referred to tbe auooess of "Trilby" a book and a play, where upon Du Maurier replied: "Yea, it has been lucoesaful, but popularity ba killed me at laxi" The immediate oause of bi death 1 given aa heart trouble. for the Good of the Cow. Instructor Winterbalter, ot the agri cultural oollege at the university of California, 1 making a comprehensive dairy report wbioh will cover practic ally the entire atate The work Is be ing done under the supervision ot Pro fessor E. W. Uilgard, who is advocat ing the us? of the Uaboook tester to dis cover disease in oowa. Professor Hil gard aay the report will (how the value of such test aud ruggest method of recompensing tbe dairymen for the loss of cattle. .. .. freight Thl.v.s apturad. Seoret servloe agent ot the Chicago As Northwestern railway have arrested is Cbloago the membera and stopped the operation of the most skillful a well a successful gang of trelgbt-oar pilferer! with whom the railroad de tectivei of that olty have bad to deal with in many year. It is known thua far that five railroad have suffered through tho operations of tbe gang, and it ia believed not less tban 110,000 worth of property baa been stolen with in the last six month. An Bleetioa I.nehlug. The state election caused a murder and lynching at Mount Junotion, Ga. Gu William, Popu lilt (negro), atruok a ticket out of a Democratic negro voter's hand. The Democratic negro trook Williams for hi Insolence, and William fired at bi assailant, nut missed bis aim and abot aud instantly killed Engineer Mlddleton, ot the Cen tral railway, who wa an onlooker. Bystandert took William and lynched blm and riddled bi body with bullets. Wheat Is Advancing. Manitoba wheat Is advancing daily. At some points where competition li unusually keen as high aa 67 oents has been paid to the farmer, while 60 oents i now the general price for No. 1 hard throughout the province. Tan Were Browned. In a oollisiou between the iteameri Alexander and Emden, on the Ham bnre. near Hull, the former sank, drowning ten of the orew. A Llghtahlp Founder. It i reported in Qaeenstown that tbe Daunt rook lightship, having on board a orew of eight men, ha foun dered. The Borland's Craw. Captain Anderson and 80 other un fortunate men, oompoting tbe orew ot the ill-fated bark James A. Borland, arrived in San Franoiso on tne Aiasaa Packer' Association steamer Afnogak, whloh came in from Port Townsend. The Borland went on the rooks while trying to make the harbor at Togidek island, Alaska, September 10. The vessel and oargo, consisting ot 80,000 atxes of salmon, were a total loss, but all the members of the orew esoaped. IT IS CONSTITUTIONAL Act Providing for Election of Judges in Washington. AH OLD LAW REPEALED THEREBY Soot of lupr.m. Court's Opinion Is That Kllealtat County Canuol A luae Choose Judge, Olympla, Oot 18 In an opinion flleJ today, the supreme court sustains as constitutional the aot of 1805, relat ing to superior oourt and the election ot superior judges, and hold that the aot of 1801, providing for judge and additional judge for superior oourt iu oountle of this state was repealed thereby. The onse wa entllted the State, ex ml. Hiram Dnstin, respond ent, vs. Claude Rusk, appellant. Regarding tbe repeal of one aot by another the oourt say that the plain Intent ot tbe legiilatore of 1898 wa to provide not for additional judge, but for tbe election ot all superior oourt judge of tbe state by tbe district pro vided in tbe act, and that the aot re pealed the former aot, notwithstanding tbe absence of any repealing clause. Tbe constitutionality of tbe act wa at tacked upon the ground following: That tbe title doea not sufficiently indicate tbe subject matter of tbe act That tne aot Is in oontravention of section 5, article 4, of tbe constitution. Regarding the first contention, tbe oourt oonolodo that the title is suffi ciently explicit to permit tbe legisla ture to enact anything regarding tbe auperior oourt or the election of inch Juage. A to the second objection, the oourt holds that no great violence i done to tbe language of the section of tbe con stitution under consideration, wben taken as a whole, by holding that thereby it wa intended to rest in the legislature discretion to determine when eaoh of the counties should elect a judge for itself, and bow the counties entitled to so elect should be grouped for ludioial purpose. Tbe effect of tbi decision 1 that Kloktat oounty is not entitled to elect a judge for itself at the oomlog elec tion, but must aot with Skamania, Clark and Cowlitx. MACEO'S STRONG POSITION. Entrenched Rlnueir In the Monotalaa Wh.ra lie Cannot Ha Dislodged. Cbloago, Oot 18. A special to the Times-Herald from Key West, Fla., says: ; The sudden return of General Barnal to Havana from the northern coast of the province of Pinar del Rio, where he was eut by General Weyler to com mand tbe Spanish foroea in the recent engagement against Antonio Maoeo, ba caused a profound sensation in Havana. General Bernal ba returned on lick leave and haa asked to be sent to ! Spain, being thoroughly disheartened over tbe result of the campaign just ! inaugurated against the insurgents in I Pinar del Rio. Tbe general report that Maoeo ba thoroughly reorgan i iaed hi foroea in the last few weeks, Sand entrenched himself in the most commanding positions of tbe mountain J fastnesses and that any attempt to dls j lodge bim would be sure to result in i disastrous failure and wholesale slaughter of tho Spaniard. The folly of attempting to dislodge Maoeo ba been fully demonstrated, Goneral Bernal said, in all tbe reoent engagements. From the commanding positiona, the Spanish officers were ploked off by tharpshooters, and the troops lacking leaders, became de moralized and were slaughtered like sheep, , I Tallow Fever and Smallpox. Washington, Oot 18 D. Burgess, ; sanitary inspeotor of tbe marine hoapi ' tal service at Havana, in a reoent re- port said that yellow fever continue ' to be epidemic there, and he i inform- ed it la to in most plaoe where the 1 Spanish soldier are found. During ! September there were 1,084 deaths in I Havana from the disease. Small-pox, instead of diminishing, increase rapid j ly, not only in Havana but in the sub j urbs. The doctor expresses the fear that it will be many months before this scourge i over. He also points out the danger from yellow fever to vessel discharging cargoes at Talla Piedra wharf, Havana, because ot it olose proximity to an old and badly infeoted military bospitaL Dathed Down a Kavine. Martinea, Cal., Oot 18 A. H. Heenan, a bookkeeper at tbe Empori um, San Franoisoo, met bi death to day while driving. He, in company with bi flanoee, a Miss Galloway, of Ban Franoiaoo, drove out to Ferndale Springs in a double team. Instead of turning the team in tbe place provided on the ground, be attempted to tarn it into a narrow plaoe on the bank of the ravine. The team went over the bank and landed in the oreek at the bottom with young Heenan under neath. Mis Galloway jumped and saved herself as the team went over. She wa oompelled to go a mile for asaiatanoe, and it was an hour before the body wa reoovered. Can Command Re.pect- St. Petersburg, Oot 18 Tbe Russian newspapers are unanimous in express ing the opinion that the review of Frenoh troops by the war at Chalon Ignified that if the two powers, Russia and France, are sinoerely paoiflo, they also by aoting in unison possess me force necessary to secure repeot The non-tidal part of the Thame 1 188 mile in length and drains an are ot 6,000 square mile. ' Oil la Oklahoma. Perry, 0. T.( Oct 14. Great excite ment exist in the eastern part of this oounty and in Payne and Pawnee coun ties in the Osage Indian nation, over tbe dlsoovery of oil in great quantities. It baa leaked out that the Standard Oil Company ba seoured lease on thou sand of acres and twenty other com panies have purchased lease oomistiug of many thousand ot sore. At Cleve land, a wonderfully rioh flow of oil wa found by a farmer, who wa bor ing a well; A Settlement In (light. London, Oot 14. It is learned that a oonferenoe yesterday between tbe Marquis of Salisbury, Secretary of State for the Colonies Hon. Joseph Cbamberlin and British Ambassador to Washington Sir Julian Punoefote, was most satisfactory. It is believed in highest quarter that at least tbe gen eral principle of arbitration and set tlement of tbe Venezuelan question will be decided upon with the United State before the eod of the month. For Stealing Turkey. Nashville, Oot 14. At Columbia, Tenn., Mary Moore, a white woman, worth $50,000, and the owner of 600 acre of fine land, wa oonvioted ot stealing six turkey from a neighbor and sentenced to one year in tLe peni tentiary. An appeal wa taken to tbe supreme oourt. Tbi i the finale of a most remarkable career, unrivaled in the history of the criminal oourt of the atate. L.ft tho Track and Cptet. Chicago, Oot 14. An eleotrio oar on the Madison street eleotrio line while going at a high rate of speed, jumped tbe track near Fitty-aeoond street yesterday, orasbed into a tree and then rolled over on it side in a ditch. Of the passengers on tbe oar eight were seriously Injured. WHOLESALE JAIL BREAK. Four Dangerous Criminals Kaeape Front . Vancouver. ' Vanoouver, B. C, Oct 18. A wholesale jail delivery this afternoon, whereby four leader of a gang ot safe breaker, who have been operating here for the past month or two, es caped. Tbe escape waa made about 5 o'clock, duriDg tbe few hour the pris oners are allowed recreation in tbe yard, and it was not till half an bonr i l.tA. wkn -TailA ffnth wntir. rn Innk nn before supper, that tbe eaoape waa dis covered. The men' name are: Ab bott Smith, King alia Clark, McGar ragb and Kelly. Smith baa already escaped onoe, and King bad nearly got away, but fell lnaide of tbe jail fence instead of out Smith and King bad iron on, and j Smith was also looked in bi cell, but tbe iron wa filed off and the lock of tbe cell wrenohed. The escape waa . effected by outting out a board in a ' oell to a hole in the yard. A confed erate, Who bad been released a few ' day ago, evidently furnished a saw to the prisoners While the cell lock and iron were being wrenched, one of . the men spoke to the jailer about some medioine, and thus kept bi attention. I The men bad a good start, and being , desperate characters, and having some 'revolver which were stolen recently and bidden away, they will doubtless ' make a bard reaistanoe it followed. A , description of the men has been tent all over the oountry, and the offioer are oouring the outskirts of the city, but , It i thought there i slight chance of capturing them. Bpanlah Version of a Battle Havana, Oct 18. A meager report ha been received of another important ' engagement between tbe Spanish forces under General Eohague and Antonio Maoeo, in which it is claimed the in argent sustained heavy losses, and 'the losies ot tbe Spaniarda were ad mittedly eeverc. Tbe battle ooourred October 8. General Eohague reports that be found insurgent very strongly intrenched un der Maceo himself on the heights of Gualitoi, in Pinar del Rio. These height were bombarded for three bonr with all tbe mean at the com mand of the Spanish commander. At tbe end of that time be took . tbe height by assault, and put many in surgent to death with bayonets, caus ing them a heavy loss. It i supposed they suffered a still further loss by a heavy oannonade wbioh wa direoted at their retreat For Weyler1 Removal. Havana, Oot 18. The conservative Spaniarda who are againat General Weyler are asking for hia removal on the ground that bi continuing in office mean the sure loss ot tbe island. A large part ot tbe Cuban element will be willing to accept borne rule it an other captain-general be appointed. There i a positive assuranoe from friends here to the effeot that General Martines Campos is willing and anx ious to return to Cuba, but that he will not oome until be bring the home-rule concessions with bim. An understand ing has existed between tbe reformist here ' and the government whereby President of the Cabinet Canovas will end Martinea Campos and the home rule concessions it there ia a surrender ot some ot the iniurgent foroe in the field, luffloient to allow the govern meat to state to the pnblio that tbe revolution is weakening, and that in itself means the final end of the Cuban revolution." A Foul Murder. Topeka, Oot 18 Alfred Cummiugs, a deorepit veteran of the Mexioan war, was murdered in a foul manner at his home, near the Leavenworth oity lim its, some time last night Cummings a. a miaerlv veteran, who had consid erable pension money, and lived alone in a one-room house. Everything in dicates that while he was eating sup per last night some pesron slipped up and dealt blm a blow on the head with a hatohet, linking into the brain. THE ENGINEER KILLED Another Fatal Collision on tbe Southern Pacific. 'IX CARS 8MA8HED TO PIECES I oeotnotlre BuUllf Thrown From tho Halle, Killing the Engineer and Injuring the Fireman. . Redwood City, Cal., Oct 18. A torlous freight-train oolllaion ooourred about 3 o'clock this morning on the coast division of the Southern Paolflo, between May field and Palo Alto. As a result of the collision, the engineer of the freight train from San Jose to San Francisco was killed and another of the train orew was seriously injured. Laitt night six empty oar wore left on a tiding at Palo Alto. Early this morning the "empties" started to move on the sidlug. Tbe grade between Palo Alto and Mayfield i very steep, and the empty cars soon acquired a high rate oJ speed. The oar ran a m 1 1 down the road, when, at Greer's cross ing, they collided with a freight train coming frm San Franoisoo. The engineer of tbe freight train supposed he had an absolutely clear track, and was coming at a good rate of speed with a heavy train. Tbe night wa dark, and before he could perceive hi danger, tbe fugitive cart crashed into hi locomotive, throw in, it' off the track, twisting tbe engini and smashing it badly. Tbe "empties' and freightcar were piled high in I general heap of ruins. Over twenty cars were badly smashed up. Th track at the point ot collision is abso lutely impassable, and at daylight a construction gang began to lay a new track around tbe wreck. Henry Haggerty, engineer of the freight train, was killed. Fireman W. Bowser was badly injured. Tbe freight train from San Jose waa run ning forty miles an hour wben it struck the runaway cars going in the opposite direction. The effeot of the oollition was remarkably destructive. The whole of the long freight train was piled up in one mass of kindling fifty feet high. The tender of the en gine was thrown clear over tbe locomo tive. Engineer Haggerty was mashed to a jelly, and Fireman Bowser suffered broken bones and internal injuries. The trains at noon Are switching around the wreck pending the clearing of tbe main traok, which is completely obstructed. WAS BROUGHT TO BAY. Sherburne Robber Killed Hie Pursuer Then Suicided. Minneapolis, Oat 19. The tory of the robbery at the bank at Sherburne ended tragically today, when G. D. Sair, one of tbe mnrderoua bandits, when all but captured, killed Marshal nllin !.& WiIm nt lila .nr.nara, mw ran. r -------i and, sending a bullet into his own brain, fell dead at the feet of the mar- dered marshal' posse. Tbe daring roDber naa snot nis way out oi a iarm- houce surroundid by offloers, and would promised. have made good his escape, but for an i a an interview upon the subject accident to hi bioyole. I Montgomery said hia reason tor not Sair and hi acoomplioe rode tbeii haviDg given publicity to tbe story bicycle into the little town of Sber-' earlier waa that the kidnapper threat bnrne, and in robbing the cash tray oi ene(j t0 kill him if it ever became pub $1,000, murdered Cashier Thobnrn and ii0 and both he and hia wife believed Olaf Oerstran, a traveling salesman. After the robbery, the bandits set ont for the southwest, pursued by a large posse. Yesterday the citiaens of Em mett and Kossuth counties turned out en masse in search of the robbers. They separated near the De Moines river, one going dne east Deputy Sheriff ' Brayton, ot Kossuth, and Marshal Gal lion, with a posse from Bancroft, took the trail. At 7 o clock Sair stopped at a farm house to get something to eat, and ten minutes later the house wa surround ed. The robber darted for a window, out of which be jumped. Marshal Gallion wa stationed there, but, be-' fore he oould level hia gun tbe bandit bad drawn hi revolver and sent a bul- j let through the breast of his victim. Gallion lived only a few hour. The bandit mounted bi bioyole and rode eastward at a tremendous paoe. The posse soon started in hot pursuit m . . i -. L - 1 J Tni: and for five miles menaced to xne ruuuor wan auuu. a uiuo iu nu-, i j jaam.aa : . ... ij- keep a good distanoe in the lead. His bioyole then went down on him, being " ....... punctured and be left it by the road ide and set out on foot through a corn field. " Deputy Sheriff Brayton wa olose upon his heels, and opened fire with a double-barreled shotgun. The bandit, seeing be bad no ohanoe to make his eaoape, plaoed a revolver to bia head and sent a ball through his brain. By the time the deputy sheriffs reached him be waa dead. Hii body wa rid dled with bullets. Most of the money taken from the bank wa found on hi person. A Boiler Exploded. Danville, Pa., Oot 18. A largt boiler in the Redding iron work ex ploded tonight, wrecking the boiler house, in whioh several workmen were badly injured, and demolishing th residence ot John Burn. John Castle man and Mr. Burns' little daughter, who were in the dwelling wer orushed to death. A Fruitgrower Aetat.tuated. San Franoisoo, Oct 19. A Chron iole special from Suisun. Cal., says: Daniel Wilson, one of the pioneer fruit grower of Suisun valley, and a war veteran, wa assassinated at his home shortly before 8 o'clock this evening. The detail are meager. Two women who lived at the Wilson residence gave the alarm. They said the mnrdered man responded to a knock at the dooi and aa he wa about to step outside a pistol was fired with fatal effeot TERRIBLE SIBERIAN FLOODS. Great Demaea and Lo. ot Life Hear Vladlvottoek. Taooma, Oot 18. Reporta from Vladivostook, wbiob arrived today from Japan pr steamer Tacoma, state that last month the plain bordering on the Ussnri were the scene of terrible flood. Tbe river Siphoon, Mor, Santa Chaaa and Iman were all out, and the plain for hundred of mile wa turned into a lake, in aome plaoe twenty six feet deep. Tbe Siberian railway waa flooded for 180 vent from Iman, the laat station on the road, and in many place washed away and for tome daya telegraphio com munication with Vladivostok wa in terrupted, both on tbe government and private line. The grain orop were beina catbered. and were stocked in sheaves in the fields, and tbe winter stock of bay wa being boused. All these were carried away, a were in most oases tbe stock of tbe farmers, a well as their bouse. New bad been reoelved of tb deaths of over a score of people, and it waa feared that in the more remote district the loss of human life would be still greater. P.esoue parties were out in all directions, taking tbe farm er and their familie to place ot afety in the few boat to be found in the distriot, and the governor-general at Vladivoatock has dispatched a party of soldiers, with two light dranght (team launche and four lifeboat, to assist, in tbe work. Tbi party found great difficulty is reaobing the scene, owing to tbe state of the oountry. A tbe settlers have lost their all, even their stock of foodstuffs for the winter, there is likely to be great dis tress and famine in tbe region during the ooming winter. . ASTONISHING BLACKMAIL. A Story That Blvala the Campbell Ah- .. duetlon Caee. . ...... , San Franoiaoo, Oot 18 Such a story as Millionaire Campbell told and proved against Oliver Wintbrop oome now from Charle Montgomery, pro prietor of the Brooklyn hotel, who ia a man of mean, position and high repu tationjust suoh story, save that the kidnapper, to call bim to, is declared to have planned more wisely than Wintbrop, executed more skilfully, reaped a substantial reward for hia daring crime and gone soot free. For more than a year Mr. Montgom ery ha held hi peace and kept hi pledge of secrecy, and no one but bia wife and bi lawyer ha known that be wa tbe viotim of an astonishing piece of villainy, and that be paid a large sum ot money said to be $10, 000 to bia captors aa the price of bis liberty and personal security. Tbe Chronicle this morning pub lishes a sensational story to the effect that a year ago last July Mr. Mont gomery bad been lured into a vacant bouse in the most populous part of the oity at midday, and nad been held a nrisoner and threatened witn torture ! ... , i j a ,i ... A A f gna G6HIH , ana una uuuuy .(jicou w ' pay ja jailer the sum he demanded j witt,iu specified time after hia re- lease, bad aworn not to betray tbe rob- an(j had paid the money as ne ' .w be WOuld keep bi word. MRS. CASTLE IS GUILTY. Ber solicitor Admits That the Cure. She Stole New York, Oct 18. A dispatch to the World from London, concerning the arrest of Mr. and Mrs. Walter M. Castle, of San Franoisoo, say their solioitor frankly admitted to a repre sentative of the World today Mrs. Castle's guilt Miohael Abrahams, their solicitor, is a oriminal lawyer of wide experience and great ability. He declared today that "I have had her exaimned by some leading special ists in mental diseases, and have no doubt that the judge will admit her symptom are suoh a to warrant a de fense ot kleptomania. She suffers from pain in the bead, from oomplete loss of memory and from other irregu larities, whioh, according to medioal ' oienoe, are known to be frequently ' aaaVafliati associated witn ueiusion. tier case will be decided in a month or six I - TIT akall aannl . Via I tVl weens. -ffv " ner again next J. uesaaj , auu m. uvyo she will be released on bonds we can offer. The whole faot ot the matter ia, in short, that Mr. Castle did take these artloles, but her husband is per fectly innocent of any knowledge what ever of ber doing o." The Vat. of Two Gambler.. Fayettville, Ark., Oot 13. Muoh exoltement prevails in the Indian ter ritory over the operation of gamblers, who are fleecing the Indians. The quarterly payment ot the Ojage tribe wa made Thursday, and hundreds of gambler were present with all kinds of devices, from the shell game to tbe gold-brick swindle. Two gamblers fleeced a crowd of full blood, and their viotim beoame enraged and drove them out of the settlement The gam blers were overtaken at Turkey oreek and killed. The name are not knowa Meeting In the Phllllplnet. Madrid, Oot 18 A dispatch from Manilla aay a oompany of native sol dier at Mindaoao, an island of tbe Malay archipelago, the second largest of the Philippine Islands, has mutined and killed its cffloiala. - Corning, Ia., was visited by the most disastrous fire in its history. Three hundretd thousand dollars' worth of property wai destroyed. An un known ?.! wai generally pillaged by robbers, who undoubtedly set the fire. NORTHWEST BREVITIES Evidence ot Steady Growth and Enterprise. ITEMS OF GENERAL INTEREST From All the Cities and Towns of the Thriving alitor State. Oregon. A large buck deer that weighed 138 pounds dressed wa killed near Lake view last week. Tbe Milton Eagle says that many of the strawberry fields about Milton are producing the second orop of fruit now. There wa but one case to oome be fore tbe grand jury in Josephiqe coun ty at this term of oourt, and no indict ments were found. It it reported that the government will put in the harbor light at Coo bay a soon as tbe location ia decided upon. Tbey will be four in number. Tbe Fort Klamath creamery haa made tht season about 9,000 pounds of butter and four or five tons of cheese. During tbe season the supply of milk . was from 850 oows. A Linn oounty bopgrower baa kept a atrlot account of all expense attending the picking, drying and baling ot hia 18,000 pounds of hops, and tbe total cost figure np 8Ji oenta per pound. Two (mall boy, while trolling in the Rogue river, near Wedderburn, last week, booked and landed a 40 pound salmon. Tbey booked another one, wbiob broke the line and esoaped. A party of elk hunter killed a fine six-point buok elk on the headwater of Birch creek, in Umatilla oounty, laat week, and took the caroasa to Pen dleton, where it was sold to a taxider mist The contraot for building a mill for the Columbia Mining Company, on Fruit oreek, in tbe Cable Cove mining distriot, ba been let to the Gate Com- pany, of Chicago, 111., and machinery for tbe mill li on the way. ' The pole for sixty miles of telegraph line have been landed at Warrenton by the Western Union Telegraph Com pany. Warrenton is to be made the base of supplies of the entire line from the Lower Nehalem to Goble. The new drift of tbe B. B. C. Co.' mine, at Biverton, Coo county, is re ported in about 160 feet, and is being pushed steadily forward night and day. About eighteen tone of ore from the Gem mine i being crushed daily by the ten-stamp mill at Sparta. Tbe Gem promise to become one of tbe beet mine in Union oounty. One day last week the 6-year old son of a German named Myers, who live near Middleton, in Yamhill oounty, tonohed a lighted match to some hay at one oorner oi tne barn, ana tne oia German wa soon without a barn, bay, a wagon and other article of value. The little fellow said he had seen bi father burn"labinga," and he thought he would burn one. Washington. Tbe total enrollment of the Elma school i 140. Twenty carload of sheep from El lensburg to Chicago were shipped last week. The lumber shipments of Washing ton this year are slightly over 30,000, 000 feet larger than for a like period in 1896. The old Lake Shore Lumber Com pany' mill, at the south end of Lake Union, Seattle, burned last week. The loss wa about 13,000. . The payroll of the city of Spokane for September amounted to 110.166.34. In order to get the cash the oity wa oompelled to discount the warranta 1 per oent President Winter, of tbe Northern Paoiflo Railway Company, has, it i aid, closed the deal for a site for a pas senger station in Seattle, the purchase price being $167,000. The beaoh at Gray' harbor one day last week waa lined for mile with a row ot smelt about four feet wide and three to four inches deep, that bad been driven in by tbe storm. The law against killing quail in Washington expired last week. Theo retically, they have been protected for five years, but praotioally tbe little game bird have had a continual strug gle for tbelr live. .The report of the harbor and cus tom business for the month of Septem ber show Oriental Imports amounting to 1350,855; Oriental exports, $265, 000; total foreign exports, $360,860; total to all point. $479,098. A subsidy of 860,0 feet of log ba been pledged by tbe settlers, and work will be oommenced on the removal ot tbe jam in the Willapa river at once. The channel will be cleaned a soon a there is sufficient rise in tb river to float the debris. ,. Competition among grainbuyen ran the prioe of wheat up to 45 cent! per bushel in Garfield one day last week, and thousands ot bushels were sold at that figure. Tbe amount of wheat dis posed ot since the prioe reaobed 48 oents li estimated at between 6,000 and 10,000 bushels. A fishermens' protective association has been formed by the fishermen of Morr'i landing and vicinity, who hoped to extend tbe organisation all along tbe river to Tbe Dalle. The objeot of tbe , organization is to pre vent the depredations of pttty thieve among the net and t-aps. During the present season this kind of thieving ba been going on . to ' inch an extent that life haa become a burden to the aver age fisherman, and it ia proposed through tbi organization to teach tht light-fingered a few lesson . ' . ,