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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 11, 1896)
Warren vi, St, Hklkns. A trams of baseball was played lust Hundiiy (between (he Bt. lleluui and Warren teams at the grounds of the latter, which resulted in t victory fur the vis tori by a icore of 80 to 8. The gum wu umpired by Dr. Cliff, of thin city, who Is gaining" qilitH rutiututloii In that line, Much wrangling1 is said tn bv been dune during the game. Marhiaob and Pkath. A and ending to a happy marriage which took place in Baker City a few dityn go, occurred on the arrival home of the newly married couple near Burnt river. On coming Iti tight of Umii luture home to be, the learn became frightened and ran away, dragging the bride to death and seriously injuring the groom. Baseball pAwoav The basobull boyi of Ih la city will give a ball tomor row (Saturday) eveuing at tha opura house. Tickets are now on sale at CO cents each, ladies free. The proceed will be used to purchase uniforms for (be team, and to dufray other current stipensos. The public is Invited to be present, and II there are lliose who do not dance, they might assist in a gx d cause by purchasing a ticket anyway. Thi Bijuaw Do Til Work. .The Yamhill Reporter says In a rocent Is sue that there has been a number of wagon loadsofsiwashesdrlven through the town the past two weeks, and in every case the squaw bad to do the driving ss-the buck was too drunk to do mora than ait still and grunt, or lay asleep in the bottom of the wagon, This is a good indication that the In dian is becoming a good citizen and bout ready to vote. - Most Pay Thcir Own Clerk, Id Benton county hereafter all of fioials must pay their own deputy hire. The count court at its session deter mined not to make any allowance for regular dfiputy hire, but to allow the clerk IS per dy for one deputy for each day the clrouit ana commission rs court be in session, and to also si low said clerks $2 for eaoh deputy in . making up the tai and delinquent rolls, anal to allow the sheriff 12,60 per day for two deputies while the jury is In attendance on tue cirouit court. Tnin Mountain Journky. Last Wednesday morning, as had been an nounoed, Senator Mitchell, Hon, Max l'raeht, Dr. II. It. ClilT, T. J. Cleeton, Mr. and Mrs. J. K, Beegle, Mrs. Jas. Muckle and Mr. Charles Muckla look an early alart for Vernooia, whore Ben tor Mitchell was billed to speak on tiolitlcal questions to the people of that precinct. The four last named started early in Hie morning, but the others wailed until the arrival of the Telephone, which brought the senator and Mr. t'rsctii. it was iioikki tiy yetting such an early start that Vtr uonla might be reached by 3 or 4 o'clock in the afternoon, thus giving time to rest before the senator should be required to talk. A. PEASANT KvRNiNa. A very pleasant evening was spent at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Muckle last Saturday, the parly being given by Miss Tillio Muckle in honor of Mis May Willis, of llillsboro, who was visiting in this city. The evening wss SDent in social chat, cards aud in lino and a little later, luncheon was served Those present were: Mr. and Mrs.' James Muckle, Mr. and Mrs. L. K. Clark of Portland. Mr. and Mrs J, II tiheldon. Mr. and Mrs. 1). Davin, Mr, and Mrs. J. It. Beegle, Mrs. Charloa Ilooghkiik, Mrs. ElleraOn of Portland, the Misses May Willis, Tillie Muckle and Prankie Way. and Messrs. Fred Capita, Thomas Muckle and Dr. Ed win Koea. The hour of twelve arrived before anyone was aware that the Sabhatu was approaching so near, and after a cordial "good-night" the party was at an eud. BMKHOWAti AMP LOCAL. ' Benefit ball Saturday night. I. Q. Wikstrom was doing Portland yesterday. Mrs. Frank Dow was in this oily yesterday, . ' Joel Bute, of Goble, was in town Wednesday. Mr. 0. D. Oilson, of HouIiod, was in Portland yesterday. Sheriff ltice star tod for Vernonia yesterday morning. Mr. A. Davis was attending to busi ness In Portland Monday. Mr. B. E, Quick Is sufTbring from a severe attack of asthma and cold this week. (ionulno full weather prevails, and uunditintis for a successful harvest are favorable. . Sheldon's new dork it now ready for business, and already the bonU are landing there, Assessor White and Charles Blakes- ly are al work making the asssHement roll for the year 18UIV Tin Mist keeps on band at all times a large stock of note and receipt books which we sell at a low figure. Rey. 0. K. Philrook will preach at Bcappoone next sniifiay at u a. m,, and at Yankton at 7 :30 p. in. Mr. Alfred Harrison has In contem plation the erection of a new residence at Iloulton in the near future. Mite Mary Gilinore came down from Oregon City luat Monday, where she has been staying for some time. " Master Frank Dow came down from Oak island Monday to attend the term of school Just opened la this city. Tbe Telephone is again on the Asto ria route, making her first tiip Mon day. The Tuluphoue oarriss the mail. Mrs. A. L. Hicbardson. of Rainier, came up from that place Monday to visit her daughter, Mrs. C. II. Johns. Mrs. C. E. Philbrook returned last Saturday from Astoria, where she had been lor several oays visiting tier son Miss May Willis, of Hillsboro, who hsa been visiting her sister in this city for two weeks, returned home Monday Mr. E. C. Oillner and mother, of 8uletn, arrived in this city last Friday, and are at tha old horn for a short time. You should not fail to attend the benefit ball tomorrow evening. A pleasant lime is assured. Tickets only M) ceo Is. Mr. and Mr. Harrison Allen spent several days the latter part of last week in Portland, returning Sunday evening. The flume com pa ay are pulling a walk alone the flume the entire dis- tsnce for the convenience of those on gaged in running wood. Burt Schoonoter, of Vernonia, was in this city Monday on his way to Willamette river points, where he ex peeled to engage in boppicking. Mr. D. C. Tedford, who has been in the min nf distriols near Baker City for the past several months, returned here Thursday nignt ot last wcea. James Cox, who some time since, went to Rossland, B. 0., reports that he likes the country very much, aud will remain there a while al least, Mr. Frank Dow came down from Oak island Monday evening. He re norta hav-makins in full blunt on bis farm, with prospects of a heavy yield Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Clark, of Bt. Johns, spent Sunday in this city at the home of Cantaiu and Mrs. Uoogh kirk. Tlisy returnsd home Monday on the Young America, A poll of the vote to be cast in this e iv almws the following result, mo Playkd A Good Gams. The ball nun announced to take place al Woodland, Wash., last Friday between i the Woodland and St. Helena nines,! took place promptly on time. Some little Inconvenience was experienced .by St. Helens . people in reaching Woodland. It was necessary to h ave here in small boats for Caples, where hacks were in waiting. The river was very roagh, and during the sail against the wind most of the occupants of the boats got a good wetting. Dinner was rsady by the lime the viailors reached Woodland, to which all did ample jus tioe, for the reason that the forenoon had been a long one. Immediately after dinner preparations for the game were made and it was but a short time until tbe game was called by Umpire Cliff, The day was very warm, and the spectators were not provided with either seats or shade, so during the game it kept them busy to keep from almost roasting. The positions played by tbe St. Helens nine were as fol lows: Davey, catcher; Nimus, pitch . er; Sheldon,' lirat j Watts, seoond J Jos eph, third; Eugene Blakesley, short stop; W. Blakealey, right field (Bee tle, center field: Davis, left Beld. - The game lasted one nour ana lorty min utes, resulting in a score of 8 to 6, in favor of St. Helens. The game was quiet throughout, there being very lit tle disputing among the players. The catcher for the visiting team received a stomach blow from a foul tip, which for a few seconds oaused considerable excitement among the orowd as well as a great deal of unpleasant nuns for Mr. Davey, but in a few seconds he again caught his breath and the game proceeded as if nothing had happened. At the end of the gsme It was learned tkat there were no conveyances to take the visitors back to the boat land ing, a distance of about three mile. By a special effort, howovcr, a learn was secured to haul the Indies who ac companied tha parly, and the men were kift to get along the bust tin y could, which meant they must walk. It was 7 o'clock when the party arrived back in St. Helens, all of thorn suf ficiently tired to enjoy a good night's rest. Bealdes the players those who went from here were: Mrs. J. G, Muoklo, Mrs. J. R. Beegle, Mrs. V, Davis, Misses Tillie Muckle, May Willis. Messrs. Thos. Cooper, Joseph Eversol, Terry Gillem, Elmer Newell, Dan Richardson and Will and Mhihiii Slaveu's. Kinlev. 46: Brvan. 18: doubtful, This does not inolude boys who will become of age before election, Ssnstor McBridesnd his sister, Mrs, Dolman, came in from their cam plug trip last Friday. The senator gained six oounds of flesh as a result of the pure air and water 01 me mountains, Ex-Congrrssman Hermann will, in a lew davs. lake the slump lor McKin- ley and Unhurt and will make speeches Ihrotighout his congressional district. lis will orom the campaign at koss burg today. It is aulte probable tlmt a match game of baseball will bo played on the grounds near this city on next Sunday afternoon between the Monograms, of Portland, and the St. Helens team, If so, a good game may be expected, W. II. Braden. well known In this county, and his young son Harry, wnra ntiile seriously hurt last Satur- dv in Portland by an accident to hinvpJe. which both were riding However, no bones were broken, and an early recovery is hoped for. nnnaulnrarlte Dreoaration I being made all along the river, and especial ly In this vicinity, for a large catch of tall salmon. Should there be a large run of fall fish those persons en t euro ft in tha tiMilns business will probably make back what they lost during the strike this spring and sum mer. . . , In a recent latter to the manufac turers, Mr. W. F. Benjamin, editor of the Spectator, Rushford, N. Y., says: "It may be a pleasure to you to now the high esteem in which unamoer Iain's medicines ere held by the peo ple of your own stste, where they must behest known. An aunt of mine, who resides al Dexter, Iowa, was about to visit me a few yenrs since, and be f,,rA lmivinff home wrote me. asking if iiw.v win ii ild here, statins that if tlipv were not she would briin a quan litv Willi her, as she did not like to be without thorn." Tho medicines re m are Chamberlain's Couirh Remedy, famous for its oures of oolds and croup; Chamberlain's Pain Balm for rheumatism, lame baok, pains in tho sidn and chest, and Chamberlain a Colic, Cholera aud Diarrhoaa Remedy for bowel complaints. These medi :.,.. i,,.va h n lu oonstant use in t..wi f,r almoHt a Quarter of a century, The people -have learned that they are articles of great worth and metit, and uneqimled by any ouier. moy for sale here by Dr. Edwin Ross. The Semi-Weekly St. Louis Globe- Demoorst, eight pages, republican in politics, and The Mist, one year f 1.75 advance. I bo Globe Democrat is one of the leading republican papers of the United States, and its eight pages twice a week are filled with the atcst and most interesting news. Its agricultural department ia of especial interest to farmers. Send f 1.75 to this office and receive both papers for one year. A cook who had burned on a piece of veal weighing four pounds, threw it away, and afterward explained to her mistress that the cat had eaten it up. Very well," said the lady, "we will see to that directly," So saying, she took the cat, put it on the scales, and found that It weighed exactly lour pounds. "There, Fredericks," she said, "are the four pounds of meat, but wliefe is the cat?" There is a mortgage in the county lerk's otfloe, filed for recoid on Sep ;niber5ili, given by the Columbia River Railroad Company to the Cen ral Trust Company, of New York, for the security of bonds to be issued by the railroad company to an amount not to oxceed 18,000,000. Columbia county's fee for recording is 914 50. Don't forgot the meeting of the Mc Kiuley club st this place next Wed nesday evening. We have been as lured a good speaker for that even ing, and the in acting promises to be one of exceptional interest to the pub lic. Everybody is invited, aud you may expect to bear an able address. Robert Pstrick and Thomas Petti- ohn, of Vernonia, came over Tues day evening. Tbey report that almost the entire population of that neigh borhood have gone out into the Will anielte valley to pick hops. Senator Mitchell and Dr. Cliff ar rived here from Vernonia at 11 :45 yesterday. Dr. Cliff states that tbe arge tabernacle at Vernonia afforded uo more room than was necessary to accommodate the crowd. From all accounts Chainberlain'i Cough Remedy Is a Godsend to the stHicted. There is no advertisement about this; we feel just like saying it. The Democrat, Carrollton, Ky. For sale by Dr. Edwiu Ross. , Comity Surveyor Meserve, of Del ens, was in town during tue week working ou some road reports which be bad to submit to tbe court. He returned home this morning. Commissioners' court adjourned last evening until September 26, when an adjourned term will be held. Matters sre to come op which will require their attention at that time. Mr. James Sheldon was a passenger down to Astoria on the Telephone last Tuesday. He was looking after tbe salmon businesses tie expected to buy and ship Hell this full. Commissioner Peterson, of Mist, came to town T need ay evening in or der to meet iu regular session with the other members of ihe county court on Wednesday morning. Ernest Sbannahan is in the city nursing a crippled foot. The mem tar was injured while Ernest was at work in a logging camp down the river. The driver is on the scene driving the piling for the new wharf to be built bv W. H. Dolman. pint above tbe one recently built by James Sheldon. T. N. Stoppenbach, of the Pacific Paper Company, Portland, was in this city Wednesday looking after busiuess before the county court. Judge T. A. Mc Bride came down on the Telephone Wednesday morning in company with Senator Mitchell and Max Pracbt. . Commissioner Frakes came down from Scsppoose Tuesday evening to be in attendance on court Wednesday morning. Persons desiring copies of Wm. Mo ICinley's letter of acceptance can have the ssme by addressing D. Davis, at this office. Mrs. A. Shsnnahan and daughter, Callie, of Vernonia, are guests at Ihe hoit.e of Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Cleeton this week. ' . CLAT8KANIE. School srs announced to begin Monday, September 21st. fiilvo (Jraliain was a passenger on the In coming steamer Monday. II L. Warren and family returned from Portland Monday morning. M,.rrli Cmrr and bov. of FIsliawk. were In town Friday and took the steamer for rortiana. Mr. Kelser. of Oawrso. Is now "pending some time with friends on the Burn, be yond Mist, Ed dsrs was hnntlns a setot doubls har ness Tueiday to complete an equipmem io go to Vernonia to near ins senator. A conriderabls party of lsdies snd sea- tli-invn came ill ou tlie steamer Monday morning on their way to Nebalem valley. nriic Lf Bare mxluned bis dace In the shingle mill and Uft our town Monday ev ening lat. expecting to bs engaged in Kaat ern Oregon. Henry Monltnn and bis neighbor. Baker, from beyond Mint, punned through our towa Tuesday wiib their team to work on His ruliroaj grade oeyonu Hearer. Prank Merrill and wits are over st Mint thi" week looking over the, stock of merch andise of Henry Braunlng. It ia rumored that a change or proprietors is ons or me coming events there. A carpto of paint baa been received for painting the action! building another coat, and lumber, also, has been furnished to finish the upper room for the bigb school. All this it bard time, too. Lumber hauling from the valley has slacked ap a little, but there ia a large quantity of It piled oil the banks near the river here awaiting a purcha-er. Uood, llryt-cla-s cedar lumber it la, too. W H. Abies was down earlv Wednesday morning with hia team to haul a load to Vernonia. Abies' horses are not so plump as some, but lis says liiey can get tnere with anybody's team. Particulars later. Some lumber has been left in front of the house Htatta moved out of. with tn pre sumable intention of making some interior changes to suit tbs new tenant. It ia ru mored that Ed Page and family will occupy tbe place. Perhaps you have noticed the circulars announcing ins iiatsanie ntgu-scnoui. Tlmv are bordered with red. to show, per haps, that it will be a red letter day for Clatakanie when we have a good blgn school In progreaa here. Another thing that happened last Mon- ilatr araa tha chanca of location of O. P. Hiatt and family.. They moved their household effects from their late residence on Nehalem avenue to their new residence just out side tbe city limits. rvmslderahle stir waa made about town early last week for some cheap method of conveyance to Vernonia Qulle a number of persona wanted to bear Senator Mitchell but felt too poor to invest largely in means of conveyance, and thought the distance too great to go ou foot. Willard Denslow was unfortunate In cut ting his foot quite severely last Haturday at Odvin'a loiririna raiun. Marshland. After being brought to Clatskanie in a boat for stiraicnl lieln. he was driven by his friend. Arthnr Johnson. In a cart to bis borne near Vernonia to recuperate. In addition to the boy that came to live in Ihe home of Mr. and Mrs. John Falm laat week, thera is a sulniued smile playing about tha f natures of our constable. A. B. Haines. He don t talk mucD, but It got out somehow, that a daughter was intro duced into bis home on sionuay, anu mat all are doing well. A social ia announced for Saturday even ing of this week. The musiscal and liter ary feature to he given at the church, with an after piece in shape of refreshments and lawn nartv. If lbs weather permits, at Dr. Hall's reiidonce. Proceeds for the benefit of the resident minister, who lravea here next week for con'erenre, ana will preacn his hnal discourse for tbis year on Bunaay evening. A miNtln of Itlzens was held in Krati hall last Friday evening in tbe interest of the proposed high school. W. H. Oonyers was called to preside, and Prof. Whitten nutlined somewhat the work proposed, H i u h mt with a verv cordial anoroval by all those present, and it waa voted as tbe sense ol me meeting mat we neanur endorse tbe proposed high school and use our best endeavors to make it a success. Probate Matters. In the probate court this week Judge Doan on Monday confirmed the sale of real property in tbe Stehman estate. Order made that an execution be issued against E. S. Bryant, adminis trator of the estate of E. O. Bryant, for the collection of debts. The exe cution was issued for the amount of $187.63. Real Estate Transfers. George W. Badger to James Coskley, the of uw'A snd swW of ne'i snd of mi snd nwli of ae!4, secZ7, tp o a, r wsst;000. Louis Bradley snd wife to Louis Varwlg, lot InNeer City; 1110. H 0. Cooper to Grays Harbor Commer cial Company, nnd of ne of see ia, tp n, r 0 weat, S4W. H... nul C. Hoadlsv end wife to R. R. Fiwtsr, wK of aw), eo 19, tp n, r 2 west; $760. Rainier lodge No. 68. K. of P.. Bled plat of cemetery. Win. L. Roberta to W. B. flillard, of n. sec 812. tp 7 n, r 8 west; m TliEABUUEU'S) NOT1CK. County Treasurer's Office, ) St. Helens. Or.. Sen. 10. 1896.( JCTICE la hereby given that all unpaid V County Warranta of said comr.ty. hich have been presented and endorsed Mot raid for Want of funds," prior to March 17, 1801. will be paid noon present- tion at this office. Inurext will not be al lowed after tiiis date. W. H. HOLM A M , allot) Treasurer of Columbia County, Or. Notice Creditor. In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Uolumiiia uounty. n the mutter of the estate of Frank M. Meplrer.'ripr.eaMid. TaJOTICB is hereby given that the under- XI signed waa, on tue zzua aay 01 aug ust, lttXi, dulv uppointed administratrix of tbe estate of Krauk M. Meeker, deceased, by the County Court for Columbia County, Oregon; and all persons having claims against said estate ere hereby required to present ibem. wltn tne proper voucners, to the underpinned, at the office of Cole & Quirk. HI. Hi-lens, Columbia county. Ore gon, within six months from tbe date he'eof. Bt. Helen", August zain, toao. KM KLINE MEEKER. Administratrix of the Estate ot Frank M. Meeker, deceased. aW Country justices of the pesce can secure all necessary blanks at this office on short notice. Mr. A. Anderson, ot nesr Apiary, was in town Tuesday. Sheriff Bice came up from Clatska nie Monday night. The Mist and Oregoman one year for 12.00 in advance. All free. Those who have used Dr. King's New Discovery know its value, and those who have not, have now the opportunity to try it free. Call on the advertised druggist and get a trial bottle free. Send your name and address to II. E. Bucklsn Co., Chi cago, and get a sample box ot Dr. King's New Life Pills, free, as well as a copy of Oulde to Health and Household Instruc tor, free. All of which is guaranteed to do yon good and cost you nothing. Dr. Ed wiu Rosa, druggist. DIED, WKATHERWAX. At Rainier, on Satur day morning. HeptemDer 0, low, jonn Weatherwax, Ol prignts uisease. ou years of ags. CHARLTON. At Yankton, on Tuesday, Heinemner etn, iisai, or nean uioomou I, Mima P. Charlton, aged fti veara. TW.,i.d was horn in Cola county. Mo. and eanie to Oregon in 18A7. He resided inr ntanv viturs mi Hauvia's lMillul. Rev, Philbrook' conducted the funeral ssrvices on Wednesday forenoon. Aottce Creditors. NOTICE ia hereby given that the nnder aigned have been duly appointed by h rmintv Court nt Columbia couDtv. Ore gon, administrators of the estate of Cuth- bert tstump, sr., ceceaaea, ann nave quali fied as sucb. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby required to present tne same, witu proiier voucucrs iu us. at tbe law office of Diilard A Cole, in St. Helena, aatd county and state, within six months from I lie date nereoi. Dated at Bt. Helens, or Aug. z, low. ADAM 8T17MP and CIITHBKRT STUMP, ir.. Administrators of ths Estate ot Catbbert Stump, sr., deceased. aztteo VERNONIA VARIETIES. Campmeetlng is over. P. Parker has built a fins bsrn on bis place. Pears sre quite plentiful in this ueigbbor- nooa. Evervhorlr and their neighbors have gone hopplcking. Rev. McElror and hia wife are holding a revival meeting at Mist. Arthur Johnson had a fine Soathdown buck killed by a bear last week. Prof. Dow will commence a winter term ot school iu Vernonia about October 1st. The threshing machines have been kept busy this fall witb several week s work yet Mr. Zilleltt la having considerable work done Improving bis property east of Rock creek. : .. Oulte a number of young people expect to move into Vernonia to attend school this winter. Miss nessle Wilson has iual closed a very successful term of school la the Upper Bea ver district. Mr. Case ssvs the grist mill will be ready for grinding la a lew aays, who tue row roller process. florins- eamnmeeting Rev. Mansbardt preached one sermon in German for the benefit of the German-speakiag part of the congregation. SOAPPOOSB. Thrashing Is nearly dons here, and ths grain yield la ngnt. Gupervleor Cloninger la grading the low land road near scappoose creen. A good start has been made on the Scup- poose and rsobie oreex roaa. Ifsssrs. Lou Payne, Lafe Brown and Burl Brains left for the bop lielda Tuesday. Harry West and D. W. Price atarted for . -ub. wtait in Will..,!, itirlnn vnofordav. 8nt it His lUortter tu Germany, Mr. Jacob Esbenson, who ia in the em ploy of the Chicago Lumber Company, Dea Moines, Iowa, says: "I have Just sent some medicine back to my mother in the old country, that I know from person experience to be the best medicine in ths world for rhenmallsm, having used it In my family for several yesrs. It is called Chsmlierlain's Pain Balm. It always does the work." Fifty cent bottles for sale by Dr. Edwin Ross. City Treasurer's Notice. Notice la hereby given that all warrants of the City of St. Helens, Oregon, which have been presented anil endorsed, "Not paid for want of funds" up to February 7, IHIW, will be paid upon presentation. In terest will not be allowed after thia dute. Dated September 10, IJttB. ,, City Trpftxuror. FOR SALE. Fnllblood Shroupsliire bucks at reas onable prices. Call on or address BURT WEST, Scappoone, Or. For Sale. a The cheapest place in Columbia county. Inquire of E. O. 1IAZEN, Warron, Oregon. - t . Awarded Highest Honor World's Fair, Gold Medal. Midwinter Fair. CREAM WMM Most Perfect Made. 40 Years the Standard. When Baby waa sick, w gave her Cantoris. When She was a Child, she died for Costoria. When she became Wss, she clung to Cantoris. Whan aba had Children, she gavattma Csstors SUMMONS, la the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for tne county 01 uoiumma. Marcel Beaudry. Plaintiff, Vs. Arthnr A. Kvarett. Defendant. To Arthur A. Everett, the defendant above HTuisiSI OF THE STATE OF OHEOOS Tou are hereby required to appear before th i-mirt ahnvA named In the above-entitled ..iu. Anil., flntitiviif tha next reaular term of said Court, which shall commence six weeks or more after the date of the first publication of this summons, to-wlt: on Tuesday, me un J -, ....... I , CAd mm,A n-WAV ,tiA,wim- plaint filed against you In said action; and It iiainun wuiapuiyso in. wmn ,or ..11, aji in uin mmnuinL io-rh: 1st. For jnditrosnt against defendant for the . nl m hundred dollars (KM), with interest thereou from tne mn aay 01 aukubi, ib, the rate of 12 per eent per annum, lor me runn er sum of one hundred dollars 1100) as attor neys' fees, and lor the eosia and disbursements ol this action. . ... 2d. For the usual decree lor the sate ot tae intmlu, dffjM-riheri In the comnlatnt. to-wit 'ha northwest quarter (nwW) of section thirty two I all and singular the tenements, nertditamenu and aoDurtenanees thereunto belonging, by the tiAria- r,i uid Mitntv. os-cord In? to law and the practice of this Court, and that the proceeds of said sale may be applied to tha payment of the amount due plaintiff, and that defendant and all persons claiming under heir, subsequent to Ihe execution of the mortgage In the complaint set forth, on the premises aforesaid, either as Kurcnasers, encumorancers or oioerwm, way a harrs1 and fnrer-loMAd of all riffht. Claim or quitv of redemption in said premises and every lun tMrMU .nn inn luiiatin inn . u.v. iuus- ment and execution against the defendant for part thereof; and that plaintiff may have udg mti .,, ATA.ntlnn airalnst tha defendant foi any deficiency which may remain after apply Inirall the nroeeedsnf thesaleof said premises to the satisfaction of said Judgment, and that JlaintifTmay nave sucnomer ana mruier reuei n the d remises as to the Court may seem lust ana equuaoie. rnia summons is puouaneu u, wuwoi w. Honorable T. A. MeBride, Judge of said Court. made and entered on the 2nd day of September, A. I). 1886. AL.tia.xn at t;i.j!,r.ivn. stole Attorneys lor riaiuuuu -1 1ft -rV OUR FIFT1T SPECIAL, SALE Patronize Home INDUSTRY SPRING AND SUMMER 1896 SINCE BEMOVINO TO OUR NEW STORE 81 and 83 THIRD ST, S. W, Cor. Oak Men's All-Wool Suits Fifteen Patterns. Every Suit Warranted Made From Our Celebrated Albany. Woolen Mills Cassimeres. 1 SOLE AGENTS Albany Men Mills : J.M. MOYER&COI o $8.85 81 and 83 Third Street, FOBTLASD, OBU SsmDies with plain rules for self-measurement sent freo to any address THE OREGON INDUSTRIAL Exposition PORTLAND, OREGON. lsMfcsWysMsjsSsssWfcaWasslsTsssaSMsV September ioth f .TO., October 17, 1896 The Great Resources of the PACIFIC NORTHWEST Agriculture, Horticulture, Fisheries, Mines, Manufactures, Machinery, Trans portation, Trade and Uummerce will ds represented more completely than ever before. GRAND BAND CONCERT EVERT AFTERNOON AND EVENING ... Special Attractions Every Evening ... Loweat rater- ever made on all transportation lines. Admission 25 cents. children 10 cents. For exhibition space, apply to George L. Baker, superin tendent, at the building. E. C. HASTEN, Secretary. aaaaaaasassssaaaaasaasaassaaaaassssaaaaaaajsaaaasaaasaassssas rsawsBWTSw v itfnTi-Av",fckfc-,'-'-v .. - - J T Citation to Heirs. In the Circuit Court of ths Bute ot Oregon, for Columbia county. Ths State of Oregon, plaintiff, Llndley Meeker, and all heirs at law of Levi Frencn, aeceasea, ueieuuams. FORMATION HAVING BKKK FILED tho above emitted Court and Cause on the :mth ,i nf March. 1K96. bv W. N. Barrett, then district attorney of the 8th Judicial District of nroimii whnrain it is avered and shown that Lavl French, then a resident ot Columbia county, Oregon, died Intestate in the county of Muunoinsn in saiu siaui, uu uie ia uaj ui March, 1R93: '..,:, mat sain r rencn, at tne niue or m, uem. umeri in all that nortlon of the followiiu described real estate lying east of the partition fence of the Susannah Lanibsrson tract, to-wit: niri,i,iiiiv .t a noint 17 deureea iu minutes a. ft fio,.h from that earner of the Aaron Broylee ilnuatinn land claim that is Bituated N 66 de grees 80 minutes r. 7. ens irom tne quarter post on tne west sine 01 r:ihu no. miwubihh fo. 4 N, range No. 1 W of Willamette Meridian, and thence running N A3 decrees 10 minutes B S 82 chs to a stake; thence 8 52 degrees 10 min utes B 0.59 chs to a point mi leet irom tne center of the N. P. railroad, as the same is now built; thence 8 87 degrees W, and parallel with the AaniA iii.a fw lutm railroad u a m ni in tn mu ter line of Milton creek ; thence up the eenter of Milton creek to a point where a Hue extended a al degrees 10 minutes w irom tne oeginmu($ post would Intersect the center ot said creek: I hence N 82 degrees 10 minutes E to the place of ginning; an in loiumDia county, uregou; auu eu had in his possession a large amount of ioney: That all of said property Is within this Judi cial district, and within Columbia county, Ore- ""That the estate of Levi French has been fully settled, and the Bamc is free from debts: That said Levi rrencn left no Kin or neirsat law, and bv reasou thereof aud of his intestacy all ol said property has escheated, to the State of Oregon; and that the defendaut Llndley Meeker is In possession of the same: That on or about the 1st day of November, 1(65, the governor of Oregon was infnrmed of all the foregoing tscts, and he then gave leave to, and directed said w. . Barrett ta prosecuw thi. nnilon. and authorised the emnlovment of. and employed Messrs. Diilard & Cole to assist said district attorney herein, and asking judg ment that said extase has escheated, and that the State of Oregon be seised and possessed of all of said property and directing the sheriff of Columbia county, Oregon, to sell said real estate and make return of his proceedings according .., l.u. It is hereby ordered that all persons interested in the estate of said Levi French, daceased, or in said properly, appear in this cause within alvfv ri.vft trom the date hereof and show cause, if any tliey have, why title to allot said property nnt vtet in Ih. flt.ntA nt Oregon, and be old as required by law: and that this order be published for at least six consecutive weeks Iro.M h!ri.t In tha "Or:tunn Mist." a weekly newspaper published regularly lu Columbia county, Oregon. . . . Pone snd ordered In open Court, at this May term, leSS- August 28. IWB. Witness- THOMAS A. McBRIDE, Judge. for Infants and Children. ' HTRTT ysMtra onaerTBtloa of Caurtarla wiih ths) patronac t mlllloaa of amon, permit we to apfc sf It wtthcmt SfwMatnsj:. It la amqneHrtlonm'bly tha Iww t remedy for Infanta sad Childrena thai wgrld have rw haws. ' It ta hmrmleas . Childrwl Ifta It. It srfroB them heajth. It wffl mmm their livtm. In It Mothenr. hT aomathtng which ta haJntily aaJja atnd practtcsJly paarfoet aa ghfld's fdlelne), Caatorlm deatray Worms. . . Casiorla aJlay IVrsrishmaaa. . - i w : . . Caatortsi prwrsnta womttip g Sour Cnrd Caatorl ewroa PlaaThoam and Wind CoMa. "-- Caatorla iUewea Teething Tronhlea. - . Csuttorla enrea Caaaatlpatlom saad Flatnleasey. Caatorla newtrsJlaea tha offeota of asarhoaln ateld gaa ear pofassstatM air, Caatorln doea not eontain morphines opinm, or other nstrootlo pruport. Cstatorla stastmllatea tho food, rcgrnlatga tha stomach and Dowels, '' KwlK haalthy and natnxaJ aleop. Cstatoria ta pnt tip 1st onar-also hottlaa only. It la not sold fat hwlh. Pont allow say eas to aall yon nnythins: also on tho plea or promlap that tt ta "Jnat aa ajood aad "will aaaawsjar owory pmpeso." Boo that yon got C-A-8-T-Q-R-I-A . Tha fao-atmflo rfgnatnga of la on owory wrapper. ' Children .Cry for Pitcher's Castorla. -THE BANQUET SALOON Has re-opened tinder the management of GEORGE A. BR1NN, corner of Strand and Oowlita Streets. Bt, Helens, Oregon. where can bs found tbs choicest Drauua oi WINE AND LIQUOR flard tahlea. nool table, billiard table and other devices for the entertainment of pat rons, where time can be pleasantly spent. WHITE COLLAR LINE Strs. Tele hone and Bailey Gatiert COLUMBIA RIVERA PUGET SOUND NAV. CO Alder St., Portland; Flavel dock, Astorl ... j ' FAMOUS FIRE LADDIE CIGARS Besides other popular brands, sre kept constantly on band to supply the increased trade at this very popular saloon. y TUB FAMOUS CYRUS NOBLE WHISKY 18 KEPT AT THB BANQt'KT.' PORTLAND AND ASTORIA Telephone leaves Portland daily (excel Sun day) at 7 a. in., leaves Astoria daily at 7 p. m., (except Sunday). Runs direct to train for Clat sop beach, and connects with steamer Ilwaco lor xiwaco trains, ruumus w aiiinjiuta wu wuiw Dencn. Bailev Oatzert leaves Portland dally at S p m.. (except Sunday), on Saturday at 11 p. m. Leaves Astoria daily at 6:45 a. m. (except Sunday and Monaay), on nunaay at t p. in.; ctiiiiiwm wivu all trains for Clatsop beach and Ilwaco beach. This line has a boat conuectlna with both beaches, returning from Astoria every night la ttl4 W6CK B. A. SKELXY, Agent. V. B. SCOTT, Pres. ORIENTAL IIOTICL A. 1L BLAKESLEY, Proprietor. Board by Day, Week or Month AT REASONABLE RATES. . The table la supplied with the best the market . affords. Evervthlng clean. A shsre of your rmt ronairc Is solicited. ST. II UI.l.NH, ol'.l.dliM, )