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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 11, 1896)
3 OREGON MIST. Ull'ISB GVKB V t'lllDAY MOHMIfte -St- BEEGLE A DAVIS. OFFICIAL COUNTY PAPER. ftakecrlpllaa Hatea. One copy on year In Kltur...w...l it) On ropy si a mouths... . r -f ; eini copy...... ....... f Advertising rates mad known upon application COLOMBIA COUNTY DIRECTORY. , SJawaty eillcera, ill-ice... Joseph R. Doao, Rainier Clerk , Judson Wed, Vsrooma BlifirltT 1. N. Rloe, Clatskanie Treasurer W. H. Dnjinau. 81. Heleua ftuiit. of 8chiKIs J. U. rYaHs, 8wmie Assessor ..Martin White, Qulucy 8urveror.,,..,,..,.......W N. Mi-serve, Iielena umHi0r... Dr. A. P. McLaren. Rainier Commissioner, j N D Wcrtou; Mlrt in tha sensta, according to tbe senate journal, is do the list of those votin lor tha rrealeat amount of appropria tiona, hit nama appearing at tba head oi the list. It history teacbea any thing ft is thai every man who joins the populists . purities the party be leaves to the extent of one rote, Mr. Olmsted, too, who four years ayo sought the nomination for supreme judge at tin hands of the republican' party, afterward Hopped to the popu' list camp, and is now seeking the place of presidential elector ou the fusion ticket. T. HELENS. !, PROTECTION AND PROSPERITY FOR PRESIDENT Wm. McKinley, of Ohio, FOR VICE-PRESIDENT Garret A. Hobart, of N, J. How changed the conditions pre vailing since tba ejection f the present Administration! It was elected upon n issue that proposed tbe reversal of the economic policies that bad brought to the nation theee marvelous result. Since then our energies have been stifled, hope and courage' have almost fled, and instead of the chorus of plenty, want's gaunt hand baa pressed close upon many of onr people. Pros trate industries, idle wheels, smokeless furnaces, palsied capital, idle labor, unsought production have cried in vain for help, and the only answer of "triumphant democracy" waa the Wil son bill, with its "perfidy and die honor," that wrecked our prosperity and ruined our industries. KLaBSAg scored a gain in population last year of 1925. Tbe tide haa turned at hist, but all that is needed to renew the scramble to leave the state ia an other term of populist crankery in office, Tsi farmers are aware, of course, that tbe present prices of their pro ducts are democratic prices, and it follows that tbe best way to get higher ones ia to restore the republican party to power. Bbyaji speaks of McKiuley's letter of acceptance aa "golden text ot the republican lesson," and he couldn't have said a better thing about it if be had tried to compliment it instead of aiming to discredit it. "Lbt no act be done, no policy be adopted, no expedient retorted to, that will tarnish the honor of this great republic," is tbe advice of John Sher man. It is gratifying to know that thus far in the history of tbe country every party of repudiation has been wiped out at the polls. WEBSTER ON BSYAXISXf In hia admirable letter of acceptance. Mr. McKinley quotes a timely and striking passage from one of Webster's speeches admonishing; the people against devices intended la create an tagonisms between diUereut classes oi ciuxena. Much more matter of pres ent value might be extracted from that speech. In fact, the whole of it has significant relation to the existing situation. It was delivered ia the seasta, January 31, IS34, against a currency-degrading proposition simi lar to tha .uie which is new being ad vocated by the demur rata and popu lists. The great orator was never more eloquent than on that occasion, when he pleaded for the maintenance of an honest standard of value, and against the substitution of cheap money tor money of a sound and reputable char acter. He described in vivid terras the evils that would surely follow a de preciation of tho currency, and cited historical examples to prove the folly and wickedness of auch a nolicy. j Power was given to congress over the! money system of the country, he d clared, for tbe expresa purpose of pro tecting the people against such a ca lamity, and not to furnish opportunity in tbe other direction. The Interest of "the great toiling masse, aa Air. Bryan calls them, in the mailer of boneat as opposed to dishonest money, was dwelt upon by kesplng prollt-and-Uss accounts. ' "1 have endeavored to ascertain what the coat of free coinage ot silver would bto the country, provided tlis Altgeld-TUImaa combination wliicb nominated Mr. Bryan free Pills. Send your address to H. K. Buckten A Co., Chicago, and est free sample box of I Dr. Kings New Ufa Fills. A trial will convince you of their merits. These pills PROFESSIONAL. wake good their promises, and I hav cou- are easy in action and are particularly ef- eluded that the cost would be too great that the sacrifice which ths country would bs obliged to make would be greater than the benefit derived therefrom, Theiefore, I propone to support Mr. McKinley, "While believing In bimetallsni, it would he Jtt't as Inconsistent to support a policy which would bring about silver monomer allim, As to support gold nionoruelaliiin. and 1 do not belief any other result would follow the accomplishment ot the present plana of the democratic partv. "One phase of the money question which Seems to bave been overlooked by our writers aad speakers I th fact that for soni Weeks, not only gold but treasury nolaa are being gradually withdrawn from circulation; in fact, th process began itu Dte-ttately after lit Chicago convention. -Should Mr. Bryau be elected, those who owe obitgatims payable in gold will realise to what extent this contraction has al ready been, consummated. It is conserva tive, in my judgment, te state that, it be Is elected, upon the day following that ascer tainment, gold will go to a premium of Iron) S5 to 80 cents on the dollar, and every man west of the Rocky mountains wno owes a note will have that much added to his Indebtedness. By calling at any bank and asking to exchange national bank notes or silver certificates for gold, this may be easily ascertained. I do not know to what extentthi policy bas ben adopted in Portland, but tbe pro cess of boarding gold has been quietly go ing on through sll the iatermountain states ever since the adjournment of ths Chicago convention: "I do not know whether those farmers who owe mortgages, snd are clamoring for the election of Mr. Bryan, have realised this situation or not, but they had better inquire before it Is too late, and satisfy themselves whether or not my statement is correct' JJH. EDWIN KOtW, PHYSICIAN AND BURGEON. St. Helens, Oregon jR. if, it curr, niY8ICIAN AND SURGEON. Si. Helens, Oregon. JJR. J. X. BALL, PHYSiniAN AND SURGEON. ClaUkatile, Columbia county, Or. T, 1. CtixroN. H. ALLEN Jc CLE ETON, D O YOU NEED GROCERIES? foot! re in the cure of constipation and sick headache. For malaria and liver troubles they have been proved Invaluable. They j ftr guaranteed to be perfectly free from every deleterious substance and to be pure ly vegetable. They do nut weaken by ihelr action , but by giving ton to stomach and bowels, greatly invigorate th system. Reg ular sis Si cents per box. Bold by Dr. Kdwln Ross, druggist.. A Council. There will be a council hold at the church next Wednesday, the lOlb inat . u t 9 -'ttt rv m In ...inai.lAp llm matter of organising a Congregational Attorneys and Counselors at Law .h .i 1J..1..... 'I'l.- ....l.!:- I ' ... u V m mm . ..criuito, 4. IIW frWUIIV services for the organisation and rec ognition of the same will be held in the evening at 7:30. Miuiatera and delegates from other churches are ex pected. Everybody cordially invited, C. . I'UILUK(HK. BT. HC1.RNM, . ORBOON. Bwrklea' Arttlra native. The best Salve in the world for cuts. bruises, sore, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped Ijamls, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruption, and positively cures piles, or no pay required. It Is guar anteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 2J cents per box. For sale br Dr. Edwin Ross. Oregon Shoe Store l'W Third St. bet. Morrison and Yamhill Special Sale yy M. MBSRKVB, Surveyor and Civil Engineer DKLKNA, 0REU0N. County Surveyor. Land Hurvevlne. Town Platting and KiiKiueerlna- work Dromutlv exrumvu. COLUMBIA BANKING COMPANY ay, HcLiNa, orcoon Hakes Investments, receives depnatl aad doss I a geiMnu Dauaiu busiusss. CAPITAL STOCK, $20,000. Alt shuts of sood securities tmneht and sold. Eicbaiie, good everywhere in Uie world, sold. INCORPORATED JAN. S. itto. J. R. Nelll. nnwlilent! . W llln lr.n,..l. dent: C. N. Kcolt, serratarv: P. H. Ward, aealst- mii. Rvrawrii v. it. neweu, eaenier If you do and desire III beat quality (or the least tuuiisy your went can always Us supplied by DART & MDCRLE, Who have a. complete line Dress Goods, Clothing, Fancy Goods, Hats, Boots and Shoes. FURNISHING GOODS St. Helens, Oregon. ST. HELENS MEAT MARKET All Kinds of Fresh Meats, Hams, Bacon and Lard Meat by Wholesal ai special Kate. MAIN BTR1PMT. I I James H. Sheldon, ST. IfKI.KNH. OHKOON. POlilTlCAIi POINTERS. Webster with particular emphasis. 'Sir, he said, "the veiy roan of all McMnley's speecnes appeal to man's others who suffers most by mischievous reason; Bryan's to their passion and pre-1 legislation concerning the currency is judic. Th convention of tbe national dem ocratic party held at Indianapolis last week nominated Senator John M. Palmer, of Illinois, for president, and Simon Boliver Puckuer, of Kentucky, lor vice-president. The former is 79 year of age, and was a general in tbe Union army, and tbe Utter 73 years of age, and was general in the con federate army during the civil war. Tbua the blue and the gray harmonize t least so far aa the national demo cratic ticket is concerned. These two old men bave about run life's race, and it was a neat compliment paid them by their old associates to grant them the honor of having been presidential candidates before it was everlastingly too late. Cotjktt warrant are now a drug on the market. Those who have hereto- lore been buying at vo and some as nigh as 98 cents, have declined to take them at any price. Tbe reason assigned for this is tbe uncertain con dition of finances all over tbe country Men who bave money to invest have become alarmed and have withdrawn their money from circulation, for tbe present, at least. One gentleman who has heretofore invested heavily in Co lumbia county paper, writes his rep resentative here that he would not in vest another dollar in warrants until after the election, but that if McKin ley is elected he will again be in the held to purchase this countv'a Darjer. The same conditio.! exists all over the country and will not be changed so long as repudiation is advocated by any coosiueranie number of people. the man who earns his daily bread by his daily toil" The capitalists, he went on to explain, could take care of themselves by hoarding their money, or even reap a profit from the hard times by preying on the earnings of tbe masses. "Hut tbe laboring man,' he exclaimed, "what can be hoard? His property ia in bis hands. His re liance, bis fund, bis productive free hold, his ail, is bis labor. Whether he work on his own small capital, or an other's, his living is still earned by his industry; and when tbe money of the country become depreciated or de based, whether it be adulterated coin or paper without credit, that industry is robbed of its reward. He then la bors for a country whose laws cheat him oat of hit bread.' These word? of one of the most distinguished of American statesmen are directly and forcibly applicable to the present po litical situation. They present the free silver question in its true light, and snow plainly what th conse quences of the election of Bryan would be to tbe people who work for a living. Surely the advice of each a man is worth heeding; and the man who vote againat it will give himself cause for deep regret. A PLAIN STATEMENT. A populist exchange, in speaking of E. Hofer, who is a candidate for presidential elector on the fusion tick et, in this state, says: "Hofer was one of the most honest aud courageous men in the legislature." It will be remem bered that Mr. Hofer was elected to tbe last legislature as a republican on a ticket pledged to economy. But in looking over tbe house journal of the last session it is seen that Mr.1 Hofer and Mr. Young, who is now chairman of tha populist state central commit tee, and formerly a Mormon, voted for mora appropriations than any oth er two men in the bouse. Thus it will be seen thst pledges for economy do not count for anything with peo ple of popnlistic persuasion, and it will be seen further thai the leaders of th populist psrty are men who have betrayed tbe trust reposed in them by one or the other of the old parties, and therefore are cast aside for honest and conscientious men. In this con nection we notice that Mr. Butler, who was in the laat state senate, and also a democrat, now on the fusion ticket for presidential elector, while! The following is an excerpt from a speech delivered by Senator Mitchell at Verooma, Columbia county. Wed nesday, which ought to set at rest all doubt as to the enatora position on the two great question of tbe hour. The speech is loo long to publish ia lull, but tbe portion here quoted con tains a few thoughts worthy of serious consideration Is it entirely clear to you. my silver friend, a an advocate of independent bimelalism, that it cannot be main tained in this country in connection with tbe enforced policy of free trade. and when entirely divorced from tbe policy of protection f While I. ter- eonaiiy. lonowing tbe piatlorm of tbe republican party of this sUte, upon which the legislature was elected which appointed me to my present term in the senate, bave advocated and voted for independent bimetalism, and nave done so earnestly and hon estly, believing it could be maintained in connection with the nolic of nrn. tection, I have always insisted in every ""kinswoman as I am to cheapening onr speecn tnat i bave ever made anon the snbiact. that it mint Ka mrmlorl :'..!" .;- .. ' view wuuw protective) iann, oiuerwise we prail or tl-at of the august tribune ap- wuiu uv u.ii pruspCTiiy in tins i pomtea oy ue constitution to settle it. tuunirv. iu utuer woras, x nave De-i The republican party fronts tbe de- ueveu tnat any good enect mat might structionists and trumpets its defiance to come Iroin tree silver would be more I tDe enemies oi souna money, it win tignt, Li Hung Chang bas about as much chance to become president of the United States ss Bryan has. Oentletnen are not expected to engage in joint debate with notoriety-hunters and blatherskites. Governor McKinley is right; tbe opening of our mills will do much mors good than th opening of our mints. If organized labor takes ths advice of two of its sblest leaders Arthur and Powdsrly -it will vote solidly for McKinley. Suppose you increase a msn's pay 25 per cent and pay him in money which haa de reciated 50 per cent, where does bis gain come tar A If sine man says it would be as easy to convince the farmers of that state that they can make maple sugar ont ef botteruiiU as to convert them to free silver. Wage-earners in Mexico get half what they do in this country and hav to pay double our prices for nearly everything they buy. Yet the Bryanites aaut to Uexicanize the United States. It will take stronger proof than BrAn or any of his followers can present to convince tbe country that one-twentieth of its citi zens are continually scheming to enslave the other nineteen-twenlieths. The United States now has a financial policy which in the main it bas been pur suing since the beginning of the govern ment, aad which it does not mean to change until ft can find a better one." William McKinley Brysn says th man who loans money is th enemy ot the prosperity of tbe bor rower. What tommy rot 1 tbe lender wants tbe borrower to prosper, if for no other reason, in order that be may repay the loan with Interest. raoif HABRitos's srxsca. "The prospect of republican success never did disturb business. "The first dirty errand that a dirty dol lar does is to cheat the workiogman. ."The atmosphere of the Chicago conven tion was surcharged with th spirit ot rev olution." - 'The courts are the defense of the weak. The rich and powerful have other resources, I out tne poor nave not." Ws can coin silver freely, but we cannot I mate sixteen ounces ot silver eaual to one I ounce oi gold unless it is." "I am qui e as much opposed to chean- enina- we American worsinganen ana Our Stock is Complete. Embracing- all Pop ular 1"U 111 I.ALMM , lillLe DKKN'Send MKN'S SHOES Ladles' Dongnla Kid Shoe, in Narrow Sqaareand Piccadilly Toe: and Common Sense Laits. tt .25 to 93.50. New Oxfords in lan and Black. Common Sense. Narrow Sauare and Piccadilly Lasts, from 80 cents up. Men's Shoes up to dale, from ft. Si to $3 50. Ohildrea's and Misses School Shoes from 60 cents up. Children's Spring Heel to 12. t cents. Children's Spring Heel A to 8. 50 cent. We Sell Reliable Goods Only. OREGON SHOE STORE, 168 Third St. bet. Morrison and Yamhill. ruaiLsnu, UKiuun. of shoes NEWELL & WATKINS DEALERS IS Groceries, Hay, Flour and Feed Clatskanie Drugstore " the Place lo Secure Your Crash Medlelna PRESCRIPTIONS COMPOUNDED AT ALL HOURS Patent Medicine, Prescription Drugs. Toilet Articles, fancy Notions, el OK. 4. C. HALL, PrenrMee ClaUkaais, Or WOOD AMD 11141 LE Country Produce Bought and Sold, and Rx- cuangea lor Moods, undertaking Ooods lurmmen on enort notice. Store on Strand Street, ST. HELENS. OR. Lumber All kinds of rough and dresocd Lumber on short notice. Builders' Material Of the best quality delivered to any point on the river at the Lowest Possible Price One-half Cash and One-half In FARM PRODUCE. Address all orders to H. B. BORTHWICK Your Money's Worth Every Time Dolman's Store. . wwvvvvvvvvvv aatscadkay , ....ST. HELENS HOTEL.... J Our table will at all time be found supplied with tbo bust edibles aud uviicaute me market atlords. ' TERMS REASONABLE FOR REGULAR BOARDERS The hotel having been newly refurnished we are prepared to give satis- wmuu t an our patrons, aua solicit your patrousge. J. George, Proprietor, St. Helens, Or. In Advance TME-v. GOBLE, OREGON. flist and Oregonian ONE YEAR 0 food Wanted ! f $2.00 20,000 Cords, delivered on Milton Creek or tributaries Con tracts entered into for immediate de livery. Apply to or address OREGON WOOD CO. C. H. Piooott. Manazer. ot. xieiens Motel, bu Helens, Or. 9 aA ajrkjallk.JaW Jatt jflk lAi wV atfta . Jtfa jfjg "AT THCS- Ncw Drug Store There Is a Complete Stock Patent Medicines DRUGS So CHEMICALS BEST BRANDS Of CIGARS Perfumery, Stationery and School Books DRUGGISTS' SUNDRIES Dr. Edwin Ross, Prop. ST. HELENS, . . OREGON PR roD t nfTs-tva COMPOUNDED DAY OR KIOUT, I This offer holds good only for new yearly subscriber who pay in advance and old one who pay up to date and one year in advance. Mr. aortc FOR PORTLAND, DAILY. STEAMER One Dollar "Tbe question is whether Mr. Bivan'i of the constitutional question shall I Young America -vu- WILLAMETTE SLOUGH than destroyed by the policy of free trade. And I am firm in the belief and always bave been that, without a proper policy of protection in this country, we can never bave that de gree of prosperity which rightfully belongs to us, whether we have bi metalism or not. Therefore, I believe now, a I always bave believed and urged, that bimelalism in this country, wnetner secured through international agreement or otherwise, must be ac companied by a protective system, otherwise we will remain slaves to Great Britain and other foreign coun tries, both commercially and finan cially. While I bave argujd ear nestly in the past in favor of independ ent bimetalism, 1 have never, aa it seems is supposed by some, opposed bimelalism through international agreement, but, on the contrary, I bave always insisted that if such an agreement could be broueht about, It would be in all respect a better and more satisfactory settlement of tbe question, ana sucli is still my convic tion. And therefore, for those reasons. n part, 1 appeal to my silver friends to stand by the republican ticket." however, without covering any of the glorious mottoes and inscriptions that are upon its Danaer. Leave St. Helens :. Aran A xr Arrive at rortiana .. 10:00 A M 1eave Portland P Ml Arrive at St. Helens 6:00 P Ml FAKE t CENTS. Will Carry Nothing bat Passe neers ana rst f reight. JAMES GOOD, MASTER, ft B oavea ny taking the two papers together, the price of each, separ ately, beiDg fl.60. The Mist Haa been designated the official paper of Columbia county by the County Court, and consequently will furnish all the news pertain ing to public mailers in which the people are interested. ST. HELENS EXCHANGE A .. ., ... t , Conner's new nd elegant bar room I the favorite re ' . t of th city, where at all times can be found the fatuous PRIDE OF KENTUCKY WHISKY sUSST BBANDS DOMESTIC AND IIUPOMTKD CIOAHS Mr Cooper Is always slad lo welcome his old friends to his popular place of busliiin ST. HELENS EXCHANGE PORTLAND AND CLATSKANIE IIUCKLE BROS. MAHurAeruasRs or Dimension Lumber, Flooring, Rustic. Bheathin. Casings, and a complete stock of eyeiy variety of Bough and Dressed Lumber ALWAYS OW HARD. AT THE OLD STAND, BT. BELEK OKEOOK lilo TO THE OIVK8 THS CHOICX 0 03 B 03 4 STEAMER O. W. SHAVER, Dell Shaver, Master 11 THS GREATEST SPECIALISTS 01 THB iiiPDirii rnsTTtDin Mostsotteawchrrt Two Transcontinental Routes ltiey treat SCIENTIFIC A I.lVir an 8UCC K8H F ITIXY. core Oiiiclrl L Li' 1 . A V I.'rTT ir WrTsts. Thorrtw "anK..' . M of Washington .Tu;n?&.r lu, u,,Mmy reerv(w th riffht to HAVB GETTING INTO LINE. for Prominent Free Silver Ijesder McKinley and Hobart, Governor W. J. McConnell. of Idaho, was la Portland last Monday, and when asked for an expression of hia views on ths pres ent political situatien, ssid: "It is well understood that I savan advo cate of tbe free coinage of silver. But," said he, "although at present occopyiag a position which may be termed political, my life has been spent In business, rather tnao in political pursuits; and, as a busi ness man, I bay acquired the habit of I BIXJOD and SKIN DISEASES, NEIU VOUS DEBILITY and SEXUAL DIS. ORDERS. SYPHILIS. GONOKRHOKA and GLEET, Spermatorrhoea, Seminal Weakness, Lost Manhood, Night Emis sions, Unseen Losses, Decaying Faculties HYDROCELE. VARICOCELH .nrl STRICTURES radically and safely cured whuuui pain or aeiention trom business. ah deformities and impediment to marriage quickly removed. A CERTAIN and POSITIVE CTTUW (or the awful effect of early vice and numerous evils that follow in its train. Consult personally the most EX PEKIBXCKD HPKCI Af.fS'ia for If SIC ASKS OF WOMEN, or write, aendinit .tamo. Consultation fna snd confidential. National iledical Institute PRINCIPAL OFFICE, 132 THIBD ST., PORTLAND. OB. THOB. COOPEB, Proprietor. UA.nAM T 1 - J j r j t- nuiscs oudiueu anu warea ror. TURNOUTS ON SHORT NOTIOE. ST. HELENS, ( : OREQOh GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY BY WAY OF street. Tneadav. itlkanle. Itlila nar. Will pass Oak Point lions II) -art A chaiiee time withi TnANaPORTATIOiS COMPANY. Sookane, Minneapolis & St. Paul UNION PACIFIC RY BY WAY OF EASTERN Best Meal in the City for 15c DEMR 0MAHA. lABU city corrct and chop Houac D. H. BROWN. Proa THE MIST AND OREGON IAN TWO TOGETHER ONE YEAR, ONLY TWO DOLLARS THE JOSEPH KELLOGG & COMPANY'S RIVER AND UPWARDS. 1711 Thir St Me Chines Bmrioyaa. 1IU 11U1UUI.. SOWTLANO, OP.COON, IOW BATES TO ALL EASTERN CITIES Decker's BARBER SHOP J. H. DECKER, Proprietor. The old and reliable harhar h. hi. i.... aa sham as can b inuuA. mnA .. comfortabl and quickly lot only 16 cent. ST. HELENS, 7 t OREGON OCEAN STEAM KRH LEAVE PORTLAND EVERY 8 DAYS For San Francisco. For Full DeUils Call on or Address W. H. HURLBUET, General Freight and Pass. Agt., Portland. B. McNeill, p,, Manaf er. STEAMER v v, , ua PORTLAND Leaves Kelso Hfnn.,. .... PotUandTuesdayrT