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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 4, 1896)
MI nn VOL. 13. ST. HELENS, OREGON, FRIDAY, SEPT. 4, 1806. NO. 37. rm OREGON EVENTS. OF THE DAY Epitome ot the Telegraphic Newtj of the World. TERSE TICKS FROM TUB WIEBS aoltilere.llng Collection of Items From tb Two Hemispheres Presented la Coudensed Farm. A powder house near Xenlu, O., blew up aud shook the oouutry lor miles atounil. Two men were killed. A farmer named Silvers, living near Hunt Hosa, Cal., attempted to potion himself, wife and family by putting arsenic iu the coffee. A doctor ar rivnd in time to save them. Tlio lookud out mm of the Drown Hoisting mid Conveyancing Company's works, at Cleveland, O., have voted to return to work, and the famoui triko, productive of several battle and rloti, li broken. ' Minister Terrell but notified the Turklnh government that the latter' answer to the demands of tha United titutu for indemnity for the burning of the American missions at Kburpot and Marash are not satisfactory. Hilton. Hugho & Oompany (onoe A, T. Stewart & Company), one of New i froln lne oruiaer Dolphin, who extend York's largest department itorel, have e(j to the Chinese statesman, iu behalf made an assignment The assignment 0f President Cleveland, a welcome to ia without preferences. The failure la due to the gradual decline of business. The olvil service commission haa is uoii all order to federal ollloe-holdor, waniing all their employe! against mcklng or milking oooiitributioui for oitnipaign purpose. The order em bruiHii all branohei of the government lervioe. Violator! will be proieouUid. II 4.1 J.t'l V'MU'f MM veaweo j ion twin wai just lauding iu passon- : bo Imnt on mischief let looie ! In New London, Ooun., ai an exour hMuvv truniftur on nn incline. It daihed into the crowd killing one woman and eriouily injuring leveral person. A pauio emiued iu which leveral more were injured. Acoording to a cablegram received in 1'hlliidulphta the atcamer Laurada ha just liindud one of the moat for midiiblo filibustering expedition! yet ihipped to Cuba, hhe lauded over 800 meu and an immetiie cargo, which oou lilted of (.1,000 pound! ot dynamite, eloveu field gum, four oanuon, auvon gutltugi, and a quantity of ammuni tion. Fire hai destroyed the village of On tonugou, Mich. The large mill! of the Diamond Match Company were com pletely destroyed. The flame then dtutooudod into the busiues and resi dence quarter of tho city and finally lodged in 108,000,000 feet of lawed lumber on the dock. The duitroutlon of the village wai complete. The lorn li nealry $5,000,000. About 1,800 men, womeu and children are homeleu aud iu need of clothing aud abettor. P. O. Minor, pioneer reil ent of Bun Jose, Cal,, a prominent lawyer and capitalist, ibot and killed him self In that city. Nocauie li aiiigued. United States Marshal Tbomai and deputies killed Bill Doolin, a noted out law, in a battle near Clayton, Payne i county, O. T. One deputy wai wounded. G. M. Schilling, the one armed athlete who baa ouderUkon to walk fnm Pittsburg to Han Francisco and back in ten mouthi, and to return with 11,000 in cash, although restrict ed from begging or purchasing auppllei eu route, hai arrived in the latter oity, twenty-ilx dayi ahead, but 300 be hind bli schedule. Captain Burn.slde and twenty-two of the crew ot the Uritmh tramp steamer Moldaya were picked up at io iu three open boat! by the Anchor line iteamer Ciroaiaia, which hai Juit ar rived In New York. The Moldava truck an iceberg in a fog aud lank giving the crew barely time to provl ilon the lifeboati an lower them. All handa wero laved. The wedding of Mtn Gertrude Van derbil. the eldeiit daughter of Mr. aud Mr. Cornelioi VauderWlt, to Mr. Harry Payne Whitney, the eldeit ion of former Beorotary of the Navy W. O. Whitney, took plaoe at "The break eri," Newport, K. I. The affair wai aomewhat of a disappointment to io oiety owing t it ilmplioity. Only fifty person were preieut The lultnn of Zanzibar, Hamed Bin Thwaln Uin Said, i dead. He wai about 40 yean of age, a nephew ot the late initun, Alt Khalif, aud Bar gain, and inooeeded to the aultanato on the death of Sultan All, March 6, 18U8. He wai one of a number of olaitnanti, and wai luleoted ai the most fitting by the British government, whioh ex ercise! a protectorate over the inltan ate. Feeling against the Southern Pacific Company ii intensifying among the 15,000 wheelmen of San Frauoisoo aud 40,000 wheelmen iu the state, over the recent decision ot that oompany to charge 25 oenti for carrying a bioyole ' between any two points, and tor tax ing bioyoliata who oroia the bay 10 oouti for each wheel. A boycott hai been declared on the Southern Paciflo by a large number of wheelmen and the otheri, it is laid, will doubtless take the same oourse. It is reported that the Northern Pa olilo li about to enter npon the work of reduolug many of its grades, with the v low of decreasing the oost of operat ing the road. By lesaening the grades it will be possible for the road to haul train load very much larger than at present It ia said that the Great Northern hauls traius 50 per oent larg er than those on the Northern PaolHo and the Northern Paoifio proposes to so improve its property that it will be on ' a level with its competitor in the near , future. ' . Massacred by Wholesale. A dispatch to the Vosslsohe Zeltung, from Constantinople, iuyi that there win a general fusllade and inasaaore. At the oouoluiion of the riot many hundred dead bodtea were lying at the head of the Ktauiboul bridge. The Turk tun mob, armed with knivei and trloki, invaded the qnarteri of the Armenians, attacking the Anneniana' bouses and then pulled their butchered vlotlinl out of the wlndowa. The po lice and militia itood idly by iu the itreoti where wagon loudi of human bodies were lying mattered in all direc tion. Awful trim, of Three Man. Three men visited the home of E. V. Warner, a farmer, of Liberty ville, la., bound and gugged Warner'i daughter, Mellle, aged 20, who wai alone in the house. The trio ransacked the bouie, but found nothing, and then each man assaulted the girl. Tbey left her bound and gagged. She managed to release herself, and went to the bouie of a neighbor, where ihe full unoon oloni. She li in a oritioal oondition. The men have been captured and there ii itroug talk of lynuhiug them. Karl 1.1 llur Uueat. The American steamship St. Louil from Southampton, having on board Li Hong Chang, the Chinese ipeoial envoy, and Hullo, bai arrived in New York. On her arrival off Quarantine lie wai boarded by General Kuger, of the uoverumt'iit welcoming: officers, the Uulud State. Derailed at Crossing. A pauenger train over tho White ; Mountain dlvUlon of the Boston & j Maine railroad wai derailed at a street ; crossing in Conoord, N. H. The engine, : baggage oar and smoker left the rails ! and were badly wrecked. Every ocou- nant of the imokinir car wai more or - - - w lit J les lerionily injured, and it ii feared that leveral will die. The injured number about a dozen. III Jewel. Wara Railed. Michael Barriotli, ragged and dirty, arrived on the last ilaiuburg-Ainrrioan liner in New York, ilia trunks excit ed suspicion, and a search was made disclosing false lidei in the trunks, which contained 606 pliccs of jewelry, consisting of gold aud diamond pins, bracelets, earrings aud brocchei, worth f 00,000. They were all leized. Into the Crowd. At Kusbville, lud., Mmie Wood, a race horse, broke away from her driver and dashed into a crowd of spectators, injuring several of them. Great ex citcment wai canstd by the runawuy, aud the crowd stampedtd, meu, women and children making a fran'to rnh for safety. Some of the injuied will die. A Mother's Terrible Crime. Mr. O. W. Green, the wife of the traveling pasreuger agent ot the Big Four railway, of Kansas City, while temporarily insane, killed her three children, aged respectively 13, 6 and V. while they slept and then committed uioide. Will Kalaud llur Iimmlii. The Argentine government proposes to annex tho Sotth Hhetlaud inlands in the South Atlantic, about 1 00 mile south of Cape Horn, aud will dmpat h an expedition there for that purpose in December. Tha Bruuklyu Is Hie.cly. The government'! new warship, Brooklyn in her trial trip off the Massa ohusetti' coast developed the wrnderful peed of 31;00 knot! per hour, thut winning for ber bnilderi alargebt uur Mutiny and Murttrr. The crew of the Portland (Me ) brig Henry B. Cleaves mutined in the har bor of St. John, Porto Rico, attacked the captain, overpowered the mate and about killed him and inflicted injuries on tbe steward whioh cuased bli death The iteward, Antonio F. Berra, was struok. over the head with a belaying pin and thrown headforemost into the hold. Iu wantonness tne niuraer com cares with the triple murder on tne Herbert Fuller. I. a lloiir(f(ne rxoneratrd. The maritime oourt, at Cherbourg, has decided that the Fronoh steamship La Bonrsuirue il nut to blame for the collision which occurred fu a fog be tween herself aud the Atlas line steam shin Ailsa, both outward bound, near Port Hamilton. New York bay,, on February 21). whioh resulted in the sinking of the Ailsa. Shelled tha I'alaoe. A Zanaibar dipatoh inyl the pal;-3e of the mltau hai been bombarded by English warship anchored in that port and i now a man oi ruiui. ine usurping ohieftain, Said Khalid, and tha commander of hii forces. Said Sales, escaped to the German ooutul ate, where they remain under the pro teotion ot the German flag. Mora Idle Man. Workmen enmloyed in the Illinois Steel Company1! nlnut at Hammond, Ind.. have been informed that the fur naoe flrei are to be drawn, when the concern will oloie for an indefinite oeriod. Thii will throw 400 men out of employment. Depression in bust nesi is oue of the causes assigned. A Hny Oru.llt d to Death, Ten-year-old Rhiner Moyer wa in itauty killed while playing in a box oar, at Telford, Pa. The car was shifted whtle the boy was looking out the door, and itruok another car, on the ama track, tho toroe oi tne shock n.n.inir the door ot the oar to close .nddenlv. crushing Moyer'i skull be the frame of tbe oar and tbe door. ' . -' - Germany lovos botanical gardens and hai thirty-five of them. THE PEACE OF EUROPE May Be Disturbed by Prince LobanolFs .Death. BOTH DRAMATIC AND IMPORTANT I he llu.aUn Minister of Foreign AITalis Ulad Nudaleulr While Traveling Vrum Vienna With the Ciar. London, Sept. 1. A dispatch to the Telegraph from Kloff say that Prinoe Lobauoff-Uostovsky, Russian minister of foreign affairs, died suddenly while traveling from Vienna to that plaoe. The prinoe was in the oompany of the at the time of hi death, and bis demise wa wholly without warning. The news of the death of Prince Lo- bauotl-RoHtovsky, acoording to the dis patch, caused great excitement through out Russia, whore the personality of the minister of foreign affair! wai con sidered to be seooud only to the czar himself. Prince Lobanoff-Rostovsky exercined a atorng foreign polioy -a policy which win regarded in aome quarter a threatening the peaoe of tbe world. Besides his presont work, Prinoe Lo biitioff-Rostovsky devoted bis leisure hour to the study of and to the writ iug of works on Russian bistory. Tbe tour he bad planned to take with tbe czar through the countries ot Western Europe whs expected to be most far reaching tn results affecting tbe settle ment of the Eastern question. Francis Joseph paid Prince Lobanoff Rostovsky the highest honors during the recent visit of the czar to Vienna, and hi death at the present juncture ii regarded as a most dramatic and important event, upsetting as it does all possibilities of conference between the foreign minister of the great power and compelling the czar to obange hi plana concerning his tour through Germany, Franoe aud Eng land. LEAVENWORTH TRAGEDY. Mj alary of tha Sjnlelde anil Attempted Murder Kevealed. Leavenworth, Kan., Sept. I. The mystery of the National hotel tragedy wa cleared away today when relatives came here to care for tbe young girl in ber dying moment aud to take away the dead body of the man with whom she sought to die. Tbe girl is still alive, but has not regained conscious ness, and cannot live. Tho story revealed is one of Innocent lovo, poverty aud tbe aeukiog of death to overoome troubles that were by no means serious. John Hartig, the doad man, wsb but 21 year ot ago, the sou of a poor farmer of Conner station. Mary Bush, barely 19 years of age, aud quite pretty, i the daughter of a poor Motion-band who works on the Missouri Paoifio at Poineroy. The country youth and maiden had met aud loved, but wbeu they proposed marriage the girl' father objected, though ber mother bade her do a she wishod. Hartig was without means, and met with lit tle euoouragemeut in hi matrimonial aspiration from hi parents and brother. Today' developments show that the youug lover discussod their poverty, the parental opposition to their mar riage, and what seemed to them their dark prospects, until death seemed pre ferable to life. Their journey to this city Sunday night, and tbe tragedy wbicb will un doubtedly result in tbe death of both, was the result From tbe train they weut direct to the National hotel. When safely looked in their room, preparations for dojth seemed to have beeu immediately begun. The men who broke iuto their room found both bodies lying acres the bed, both dressed as the young people bad oome in from the street. Their hats lay side by side on tbe table,' together with the notes stating their determination to die, and requesting that their bodies be buried together. A BAD MAN'S CRIME. Without Any Provocation Shot and Woiiuded Ills Daughter. Columbia, Mo., Sept. 1. A brutal and perhaps successful attempt at murder ooourred bere last night at the home of John Hunt, who has borne a bad reputation tor years. Hunt went home drunk and in an ugly mood. Hii daughter oame from the house to meet him. Without provocation Hunt drew a revolver and opened fire on the girl, who, after receiving a bullet in her right side, just above the hip, fled to tbe bouse. Hunt then began firing at his wife, who escaped without injury. Tbe frenzied husband then ran to tbe stable, mounted a horse and esoaped. Officers captured him some disatnoe from town this afternoon. Minute Hunt, the wounded girl, who is but 17 year of age, ia in a serious oondition. Killed by tha rail. Pomona, Cal., Sept. 1. Mrs. Doctor Theoda Wilkia wa thrown out of ber buggy last night, instantly breaking her neok. She was secretary of the lo cal medioal society and a practicing phyBioian of repute. Fire Caused by Llghtnlna;. Glenwood, Ia., Sept 1. The state institute for feeble-minded children burned this morning, involving a loss ot $156,000. All the inmates, number ing 100, were resoued. The fire was oaused by lightuiug. Vene.uola'. Brief. " London, Aug. 81. The first part ot Venezuela's brief in the boundary dis pute between that country and Great Britain wa issued this evening. v; Fiezjfjo lost her fky terrier, Roy, last week, and a she wa very much at tuohed to the dog, she decided that it should have a funeral. She bad the dog embalmed, aud tbe remains lay in state in bor parlor for two day. Tb ooffln was made by her own hand, and wa a gorgeous affair. The dog' head rested upon a pillow of white orepon edged with laoe, and surrounded by flowers. Crowds visited the place un til the lady bad to close tbe door. Thi remains were interred yesterday and a tombstone will mark the resting place of tbe dog iu Baltimore cemetery. Ilrteoyefl, Murdered and Kobhed. Grunt's Pas, Or., Sept. 2. In formation ha been received bere from Kim. Over a Canine Corp.. BftHtinore, Sept. 2. Dr. Amelia Sheriff Fred Ferguson, of Del Norte ;0f being overturned, and that a provi couuty, Cal., that tbe dead body of iional government will be appointed. Charles Perry bad been found in a well in the old wagon road between Th Constantinople itiot.. Kerbyville. Or., and Crescent City, Constantinople, Aug. 81. When Citl. Perry was induced by a man the Armenians seized the Ottoman named Nelson to go with him to a sup- ibank, on Wednesday last, Edgar Vin posed rich placer claim, about twenty joent and some of the other directors es mil... fmm wifin tn ttiA riiMf-Hnn of oaped to the roof, and when the tbe the ooasr. He wa killed aud plaoed in ; the well by Nelson, presumably forira at everyoouy nppoariua tho little money and jewelry which bo bad. A Young Suicide. sun rancisoo aept. a.-ue. e aie.u- ert, a 19-year-old girl attempted sui- oide last night by shooting herself be-; caure her lover, Joseph Cuneo, said that he no longer cared for ber. He ''?:B - .r.d! . " " ' . " """ - do so. bubsoquen ly they met and Cuneo told the g.rl that he eonli uo longer go with her. She became des- p.-, - herself. Her recovery is doubtful. Killed for Their Money. - n i q Turn Kfavf oanswbo have been near this oity for some time engaged in tbe manufacture of a curious sort of beverage from tbe common cactus, the secret of wblcb waa only known to themselves, have suddenly disappeared. Their cabin a .u.. as tbey are reputed to have bad oon - tr. la ViAliavad thev money, were foully dealt with. A Hhower of Crickets. Ban Rafael, Sept. 1. At 9 o'clock this evening, tbe resident of this place were astonished by a shower of crick ets, which fell in all parts of the ctiy. On the courthouse square, particularly, they could be noticed as on the concrete it appeared as if a coat of black paint had been plaoed there. After they had fallen tbey climbed up the side of huildings and many ot them entered residences through open windows. Professor Cole Drowned. Toledo, O., Sept 1 Professor Ed ward Cole, an aeronaut of this oity, was drowned iu Maumee bay this af ternoon, after an ascension. His com panion, who was billed as Josie Car mel, waB saved by a life-preserver The balloon rose from tbe Casino, on tbe bay front, aud was about three miles out when the tragedy happened. Newcastle strike Ended. San Francisco, Aug. 81. Tbe great Newcastle coal strike is ended. decision of tbe strikers, acoording to Australian mail advices received, was made July SI, when a majority of the lodges decided to accept the master' terms. Tbe miners appeat to have sub mitted to tbe inevitable, and at last accounts work was being fully re sumed. AT GRANT'S TOMB. How Viceroy 1.1 Hong Chang Passed . tha Kay. New York, Sept. 1. Li Hung Chang spent today quietly at the Waldorf. In the morning he received his old friend, Colonel Fotter, and afterwards a dele gation of Mott street merchants paid their respects to the viceroy. In tbe afternoon Li Hung Chang visited Grant's tomb, on whioh be laid a wreath of flowers, winding np the day by a visit to the house ot Colonel Fred Grant, where he bad tea and remained for an hour. Li Hung Chang will leave tomorrow, on tbe dispatoh boat Dolphin, for West Point He will be aocompanied by tbe members of his retinue and the officers ot tbe United State government, who are attending him during his atay in this oouutry. THE LEADVILLE STRIKE. Air ady Lost Two Million Hollar, aud Settlement Not In Slglit. Leadville, Colo., Sept I. Thii is tbe seventy-fifth day of the strike, and marks the inception of the most import ant action taken on either side, as for the first times sinoe long neiore tne strike began, the great pumps in two of the leading mines, the Bouair and Penrose, are idle. Tbe order for stop page came yesterday afternoon and was obeyed at ouoe. Tbe movement means that tbe mine-owners hope to force the uuion to declare tbe strike off, or that they think to avoid trouble by closing down on everytihng and allowing the miues to fill with water, rather than submit to the dictation of the union. The strike has already cost t3.000.000, and there la nothing to Indioate that it is any nearer settlement than on the day it began. Donver, Sept 1. Ivy Baldwin, the well-known balloonist, was seriously hurt late this afternoon by falling from bis balloon. Baldwin has been making weekly ascensions and parachute jump, aud today the wind oarried him into a I tree. His arm was broken, and he i could not retain hold on tbe bar. . He fell about eighty feet Hia right arm i was broken in two places, his shoulder dislocated and be wa badly bruised about the head. It i believed that he will reoover. THE FILL OF TURKEY Sultan's Government on the Eve of an Overturning. THE MOTS AT C05STAHTIN0PLE Intended a. Demonstration Against tha Powers for Thels Keg-toot of tha Armenians. London, Aug. 81. A dispatch from Rome say that private letter just re aeievd from Constantinople, say that the Turkish government is on tbe eve troop arrived, the latter fired hapba. at tbe windows. Thus leveral clerks who were trying to escape were killed. While tbe fighting was proceeding, hundreds ot Mussulmans, armed with gnd M Softai gathered :. " . lk arW. nri o; agsaolted aU tte Arn,eDians 'they met Tbe scene resembled tbe riot of September, 1805. beveral - tbeGalatia were plundered nd pamo spread over the whole city, , iall in the Pera qnarter. . where bomb we tbrown int0 the j y Qf t of aomen Mvettii of whom were wounded. Thepeoplegen erally were afraid to venture into the street. Tbe officials of the British postoffice were uiu j mail w" n' dlBP'0 1 also appears that while the Otto- bank waa being attacked, cucu- , Urs were delivered at the different em- j b. by the Armenian revo- ilutionary committee, deolaring that i'ney ' UOla intended to seize tbe bank and it for two days, duriDg which they wanted the powers to actively in tervene in tbe settlement of the Arme nian question and adding that if the authorities tried to recapture tbe bank, they would blow it up with dynamite. They later made a statement saying that they held as hostages a number of the employes of the bank, and that they bad seized tbe bank in order to demonstrate, not against the Turks, nor tbe bank, but against the powers, who bad abandoned the Armenians. They bad selected the bank as tbe most favorable plaoe, and expressed their willingness to surrender, provided they were allowed to retain their revolvers, while yielding up the bombs in their possession, and receiving safe conduot out of the country. These terms were agreed upon and tbe Armenians ear rendered last night and were conveyed on board the yacht G ulnars. ITS GLORY HAD DEPARTED. Tha Jackson Park Statue "Republic" Destroyed by Flro. Chicago, Aug. 81. At an early tj, i hour thii morning the statue "Repub ... i . . i j .i 110, wnion stooa at tne iieau ui we grand basin in Jackson Park during the Columbian exposition, was. burned by order ot tbe South Park commis sioners. The figure oost about f 25,000, and was 60 feet high, standing on a pedestal forty feet in height The oost of gilding the figure, whioh was made of staff, was about (3,000. When the fair grounds were scourg ed by fire, which destroyed some ot tbe huge buildings, and swept away in a night those features familiar to sight seers, during the exposition, "Repub lic" stood as if defying that element of ruin. The statute, that of a woman, stood with uplifted arms. In ber right band she held a sphere surmount ed by an eagle. The left band sup ported a staff surmounted by a liberty cap. The commissioners were loth to give the order for her destruction, and with held it uutil the improvements in the park made it necessary either to re move the statue or to put it in a oondi tion in keeping with the beauty of the park. Several plana were offered by whioh the statue might be preserved, but none met with the approval of the majority, and so her death warrant was sealed. Daniel French, the sculptor of thii oolossal world's fair ornament, was born in Cambridge, Mass., but of late years has made bis regular home in New York. Victory for Wheelmen. San Frauoisoo, Aug. 81. A victory haa been won by the looal knights of the silent steed. . Wheelmen'! present ; priTilegea on trains on the Southern I Difl. t t w, 0or,i,,t nn mid Paoifio are not to be restricted on and after the 1st of September, and wheels will oontinue to be carried without oharge to all points within a radius of fifty miles from San Francisco as here tofore. This at least will be the oase for some time to oome, for Traffio Man ager Stubbs, of the Southern Paoifio, stated that the order instructing agents to oolleot charges on wheels transport ed from one station to another on tr.e lines of the oompany would be re scinded before Tuesday next, the day on whioh it was ordained it should go into effeot New Cuban Bank Bills. Havana, Aug. 81. The offloial ga tette will publish shortly a deoree making the circulation of tbe new bank bills oompulsory throughout Cuba, and the king's attorney will severely indiot any person contravening its deoree. A oiroular will also be is sued annouueiug that no objections will be made to the clroulatiou of the new bills in mercantile transactions. Secret military orders will alio be issued to the same end. - NOMINATED 8TATE OFFICERS Washington State Republican. Meat nt Tneomn Tha Platform. Lilt week in Taooma tbe Republi can! oi Washington Held tneir state convention and placed tbe following tloket in the field: Governor, P. C. Sullivan, of Pleroe; lieutenant gover nor, J. W. Araimith, of Whitman; supreme judge, John P. Hoyt, of King; secretary ot state, J. H. Price, of Pieroe; treaiurer, 3. A. Kellogg, of Columbia; auditor, John E. Frost, of Kittitas; attorney-general, E. W. Ross, of Cowlitz; superintendent of publlo instruction, Edwia L. Brunton, of Walla Walla; commissioner of public lands, W. T. Forest, of Lewis; state printer, O. C. White, of Columbia; presidential electors, L. B. Andrews, of King; Sol Smith, oi Klickitat; John N. Conna, of Pieroe; W. K. Ken nedy, of Adami. Tha Platform. "We, tbe Republicans of the state of Washington in convention assembled, reaffirm and renew our allegiance to the principles of the Republican party, and indorse the declaration of princi ple a expressed by tbe national con vention held in St Louis, June, 189S. "We further pledge our earnest and united support to the nominee of tbe Republican party for president and vioe-presldent of tbe United States, William McKinle -nd Garret A. Ho bart "We indorse and commend the pru dent, wise and patriotic conduot of publio affairs under tbe chief magis tracy of Hon. .John H. MoGraw, and denounce as false and malicious the at tack made upon onr state administra tion from motive of personal revenge, and fox partisan purpose. "We reaffirm our confidence in the ability, probity and efSoiency of Sena tor Joan L. Wilson and Congressmen William H. Doolittle and 8. C. Hyde. "We assert that the injuries to our industries and tbe wrongs inflicted npon our wage-earners, miners, arti sans and all laboring classes, and npon our lumber, coal and agricultural in terests are chiefly attributable to tbe repeal of the MoKinley law and the abrogation of our national prosperity rests upon a just application of the principles ot a protective tariff. "The Republican party i unreserv edly for sound money. It oaused the enactment of the law providing for tbe resumption of specie payment in 1879; Bince then every dollar has been as good as gold. We are unalterably op posed to every measure oaloulated to debase our currency or impair the credit of our country. We are, there fore, opposed to tbe free ooinage of silver, except by international agree ment with tbe leading commercial na tions of the world, which we pledge ourselves to promote, and until such agreement can be obtained, tbe exist ing gold standard must be preserved. All our silver and paper currency must be maintained at parity with gold, and we favor all measures designed to maintain inviolably the obligations of the United States, and aU our money, whether coin or paper, at the present standard of tbe most enlightened na tion of the earth. "We heartily approve the declara tion of the Republican national con vention in which it pledge the Repub lican party to promote international agreement, and we hereby instruct our senator and representative in congress to earnestly co-operate with tne admin istration to that end. We believe that the patriotio citizens of this nation will never entrust its monetary legisla tion to any paity under the leadership of such men as Bryan, Tillman and Altgeld. "Tbe Republican party ba always been mindful of it country's defend ers, and therefore favor the polioy of just and liberal pensions. "We believe that taxation should be no higher than is required for sufficient revenue to defray the aotual neoessary expenses of the state; and we pledge ourselves to the most economical ad ministration of publio affair consist ent with their business-like manage ment. "We emphatically demand the en actment of suoh legislation a will se cure just and equitable freight rates to tbe producers of tbe farm' and all in dustries of the state, awarding justice alike to the produoer and the common carrier. . "We favor an appeal to the general government for an additional donation of two more sections of publio land in each township to be surveyed, the pro ceeds from tbe sales thereof to be de voted to tbe construction and mainten ance of a system of publio roads. "We recommend such legislation, or amendment, to our fundamental law as will enable us to adopt tbe Torrens system of registering land titles, at as early a day a the oondition of our pub lio finance may justify. "In view ot the alarming inorease ot contempt for our constitutional lib erties and tbe growing diarespeot for our government in all its branches, we demand tho enactment of more strin gent enfranchisement and immigration laws. "Tbe principle set forth in the Chi cago platform that it is not within tbe duty and province ot the federal gov enrment, whenever and wherever neo essary, to protect the lives and property of all oitizens, we denounce as revolu tionary. "We reaffirm the doctrine of tbe founder of our government that the safeguard of our liberties and our insti tutions rest upon its judioial tribunals; aud we condemn as unpatriotlo tbe im putations of the Democratic and Popu list platform that the decision ot the supreme judioial tribunal are governed by other than honest and impartial In terpretations of the law." I never think that he i quite ready for another world who i altogether weary ot this. NORTHWEST BR EVITIES Evidence ot Steady Growth and Enterprise. ITEMS OF GENERAL ISTEEEST From All the Cities and Towns of tha ThrlTlng Sl.ter States Oregon. Snow fell in tbe mountain east of Lone Creek, in Grant county, last week, whioh is rather unusual for August . Estimates are being made prepara tory to building a good road into tbe Calipooia and Blue river mines via the old Calipooia trail. Tbe track of the Baker City fair grounds is being put in oondition and there will probably be a race meeting held there sometime in September. ' According to the school land com missioners' apportionment. Curry coun ty receives f 780. 15 from tbe school fund. Tbe basis ot allowance i f 1.05 per child. Tbe cannery on the Siletz, at Kern ville, i now in operation, and hai al ready packed several hundred oases of almon. The fish are said to be in very good condition. Tbe Grand Ronde Lumber Company opened the flood gates of their big dam in tbe Grand Ronde river one day last week, and tbe released waters caused the river in tbe canyon below to rise three feet The mining boat which has been working on the bar of Snake and Clearwater river ia proving a uooeis. ' Some of the poorest bars worked by the boat have paid aa high as 37 cent to the yard. Controller Eckel ha just ordered tbe payment of a 5-per oent interest dividend by tbe Linn County National bank. The depositors have already been paid their principal in full, and will now receive 6 per cent in addition. -Besides this, should suits now pend ing be in favor of the bank, from 1 to 1 per cebt more will be paid on in terest Wheat i pouring into Pendleton at a lively rate, and brings on an average 86 cents. But little of the wheat ba been shipped to Portland, as yet, owing to the fact that tbe export value are a trifle below what tbe mills can afford to pay. The fluctuations in Chicago do not affect the price in Oregon, as export values are based on Liverpool quotations. The son of a Hood River fruitgrower placed a note in tbe bottom of a box of strawberries asking the purcharer to inform him of the condition of the ber ries when received. Three week later be received a letter from Winnipeg in forming bim that the berriea were re ceived in excellent condition, and that they were the finest that bad ever been seen in that city. Tbe state superintendent of pulbio instrotlon ba ruled that any person having received a first, second or third- grade county certificate In one county shall not be granted a second paper of the same grade in any county of the state, and said certificates are good only in the ooonty where issued. A person having received a third-grade county oertifloate and going into an other county to teaoh, must pass the ex amination for the next higher grade, namely, a second-grade oertifloate. ' Washington. It ia said that three mills will be re quired to work up the cane that has been grown in Kennewiok valley thi season. It will nearly all be oon verted into molasses. Fall fishing i now well under way on Gray' harbor, and a large number of boats are at work. A great many new traps are being driven and equipped. The daily oatoh at present is about 800 fish, for whioh 80 cents each is paid. The Biddle wire nail works at San Frauoisoo has been purchased and per manently olosed by the nail combine, aa also the mill at Port Townsend. There are now on the coast only two wire nail mills, tbe one at Everett and the one at San Franoisoo. , .... . Tbe Sprague roller mills turned out 6,700 barrels of flour during tbe mouth of July, shipping the produot to Yoko hama, Ecuador, Guatemala, Cape Town and Sydney. There are four roller mills in the viointy of Spoakne, with, a combined capacity daily ot 900 bar rel. ; ..... , The Northern Pacific has a force of; 100 men at work in Spokane leveling ground to put in more tracks and in orease the capacity of the yards. ; It is intended to put on an added force of 100 men as soon as more material ar rive. Tbe work will be completed within three months. A oommittee from the Commercial Club of North Yakima and the Wool growers Association has been appointed to confer with the Northern Paoifio laud department and endeavor to in duce it not to oharge sbeepgrowers rental for the range. Tbe land depart ment is making no effort to oolleot rent from horse and oattle raisers, and tbe sheepmen think that tbey ought to be treated equally well. Tbe scientists ot Columbia college, New York, who have been for several weeks making a study of marine life in the waters ot Puget sound, have fin ished their work, and are now prepar ing to return East One of them has already departed, but the others will take a trip through tbe Olympic moun tain before returning. 1 Sixty of tbe business men of Dayton, Wash., petitioned the oity council ask ing that tbe amount of saloon license be reduced from (800 to 500 per year. The oounoil refused to grant It