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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (July 31, 1896)
MAMnl ruins, mors ltlll, can, nmui, curt aa4 more urtlrt powvc In C:3d!'8 Garsaparilla TtM any ather. Ba mra ta I only Hood. Hood's Pllla cor Mlkraanaaa. Indlfaattoa. MADAME IAUBIER. .' Tha Adatlrabla Wlfa of tha Maw Caa (dim Prtnltn v Mine. Laurler, wlf of Wilfrid Lau- rier, tha new Premier of Canada, la an admirable example of the best type of French-Canadian (en tie woman. Fot many j-eara she haa not only led In French society at the capital daring parliamentary oeeslona, but baa fulfill- THEPOSTPOffl) ORDER Confirming Sale of Northern Pacific Properties. TO PSOTECT THE BONDHOLDERS 3', 'All S BaariVs Commlaaloa. The judgment of the lower eonri waa rerenwd by the suprem oourt of Waahington In Olympia, la the oaa of Walter H. Sodertrarg, appellant, re. King oounty, reapondant Thla notion waa brongbt by tha plaintiff as aa ignee of direr parsons, judgment debton in various foraoloanra prooeod. inn, olalmiug to be entitled to the ; anrplue arieidg from eaoli foreoloanre ! aale. There waa no redemption in ' any oas and the plaintiff In each ac tion became the pnrebaaar. It appeara that the amount claimed a surplus waa the anm olaimed by the aberiff aa feea and oommtssion. In oondnotlng aale tha aheriff paid into the county Milwaukee. July 84. The form of treasury aeveral amount tinder th th postponed order oonBrmiug the mistaken belief that it waa hia doty to aale of the Northern JPaoido propertim dedoot a oommlatlon from tha amount j war proaented to Judge Jenkins by th bid in a oh instance. There were j attorney thi afternoon. The flrat aeo-thirty-foor eanaea and th aggregate ; tion, oompriiing the main line, will be A POOL TO SUPPLY GOLD to Cheek ada Jaaklaa afakaa a Xinbai ChaacM-AddlUaaal liana That Farehaaoi Mail Ma a. amount olaimed 12,004.8. Raw Quart! Kadad. In Cincinnati, ahot war heard at thereaidenoa of William T. Wiley, ladiea' tailor Fifth atreek i v fete old for 110,000,000, tha mlnltnnm amount allowed by the decree of aale. The eeoond paroel will bring at least 13.000,000 and the third parcel f500,- fKML Thaae tmnnnti. hnaravnr. ara ana inrrler, OB Wett : not all that tha nnmhaaara will ha. a tn Mr. Wiley waa found i py. jaga Jenkint ezpeot change oueaing irom eur. nnuei wounaa, ana tn ha n tha farm hinh ru ner nnaoana waa nnoonsoioua witu a ballet hole in hia temple. Th woman 1 died on th way to th hospital Wiley' wound waa super flaiaLth ball glanoing off the droll. The couple, after frequent qnarrela, had separated, but began to lire together again about three months ago. Wiley aaya hia wife ahot him. He then seiaed th weapon and fired at her. Aa 11-Taar-Old Bot Knrderer. In Chicago, Harry Rudolph, aged 11, struok two blows with hia puny flats, and hia opponent, Grover Han- aged 9, fell dead at hi feet The niah ample protection to the bondhold- I en who hire not oome into the reor ' ganiaation agreement They will re oeiv what waa th market valoe of th bond before th market wa affected by the reorganisation. Tbia provision was Inserted by the oourt and the pur chaser must agree to pay in addition to th nominal amounts suoh aumt aa may be necessary to pay the amount of theae olaima. The judge also object ed to th language of the form whioh mad th oourt hold that th company had been dnly organised in oonform-1 ity with th law of the state. Th ! riaa af Naw.Yark ftaaker . Klporla. New York, July ST. Th Brentng Post Says tn committee of foreign bankers appointed at th meeting yes terday to formulate a. plan for th checking of th exports of gold during th next two month is not eipeotod to report tor two or three days. II is th intention to arrange a pool by whioh all demands for exporting may be sup plied daring that time, : Thi morning there waa a decline of one-half cent in the posted rate for sterling exchange. Th bankers present at yesterday' meeting today referred all question to ! T, P. Morgan, s An assooiat of thos j present said, in peaking of th result j a.ea ui ua aiNiuigi . . "Th report that foreign bankers have agreed to sell exchange not to exceed U 1 8, 000, 000, and bar promised not to ship gold for two mouths, la hardly oorreok W hare, however, been assured 15,000,000 in th next two months, to be provided by a ayndi- NORTHWEST BR EVIT1ES Evidence ot Steady Growth ad Enterprise. ITEMS Of 8KHK&AL INTEKE3T Freaa All tha Cities aad Towaa of th , Thrivlag llatar State .'' Orason. Th amok from forest fire in the Caeoade is to thiok around Pendleton that th Bin mountain can no longer TBAVKX WITH A SmdScaJ Thr rm.kli.iceu tha ., Ja. , KSaJ bVl5l"d trU..em th. reiikba,t i at III laid wUrotilfc 'h a irwno """' HlomiiPh Hltlnra, eiiinmnr lal ami tl.utriml auenta and. tHrlU Ia wfejiianJ, which ommnansfaorhanBatUra, narvouani'M ana J!'JJVu""i?5L In the days of Qneen Elisabeth aoh guest at a dinner party brought hi own knife and spoon. Pine's Cure for Coniumptton Is our only mtillolna Tor oongns and coiaa. rar.. . Belts, ;8lh ar.. Dsnfer, 0ol., Nor. , 99. noiTra avHoot ro or d with gentle dignity aU those other ! onll Hansen itarted to run. Rudolph manifold social office which fall to th I flowed in wift pursuit oa toning the lads were haatn. a k.l.h .d lurm gw w " " preTent me . n I .r. r.- V x ll .VIC i autement a recital lot of the wife of him who leada his party. Somewhat younger than her dis tinguished husband, Mme. Laurler la a handsome woman of about 45, with that type of good looks which la ill por- ' trayed by photograph. ' Delicate fe.' ruree, clear Dine eye, silvery nair, a fresh, girlish complexion in youthful contrast to th graying treaat;, a quick French amlle, with flashing impression of white teeth and sudden dlmpl that is Mme. Laurler aa no camera Tr can do her Justice. Aa Mile. Zoe Lafon taine, of Montreal, ah who ha become th wife of a Premier waa a noted , i beauty. As Mme. Wilfrid Laurler abe ils a noted chatelaine and aweet help meetone as able aa ahe is quiet and 'tasteful. The Laurler horn la at Artha jbas Rarille, a small Quebec town, a quaint old house set in eight acres of .land, where the statesman has quiet for taking his rest, and Mme. Laurler opportunity for cultivating th plant jand flower which comprise one of her chief Joys. Mme. Laurler la broad- minded and sympathetic to all. What ever burden of care and responsibility j icome to the first minister of the crown j In Canada, he la sure of near sympathy, ana a wire to encourage, stimulate and strengthen him. Leaser virtue, "per fcaps, but one which appeals to the mind feminine, ta that Mm. Laurler knowa how to drees becomingly and welt Her costume ax a qolet as her manner are. . , lad near th curb, and struok him in thefaoeand abdomen. Little Hansen i wvered hia face with hia hands, fell backward, and expired. Young Ru dolph was looked up. Th Ballot Thleva. Ths city oounoil of Taooma, In spe cial session, offered reward of f 1,000 tor th arrest and eonviotion of the thieve who stole the ballot of four and not a an. adlndlnatlnn. KnmAmni aIIia nhannaa! war mad before th oourt waa satis fied. ' ON WAR FOOTING. Caa Havy Da Activity la tha partment, Washington, July U. The purpose ot tha administration to ba prepared for war trouble, if it oome, la indicated by the order which have been issne bv precincts from the vault at the oity ! the navy department directing all halL Mayor Fawoett has offered a re-1 officer on waitimr ontara tn rannrt at ward of $200. Th avideno thus far onoe for duty, and at the asm time re- eourea indicate mat th breaking into 1 yoking all leaves of absenoe. eat comprising powerful local and in ternational interests, at a price lower than tb oost of exporting gold to Eu rope. The details of thla agreement have not boon arranged. " , avaataaa MlUloaa Deposited. New York, July 87. Th subtre ury odoiala and staff were rushed to day receiving and keeping tally ot th deposit of gold mad by th Hew York banks in exchange for green backs. AU indication point to an ag gregate accumulation of the precious metal from bank and institution In j thi oily and from outside flnanolal : center fully up to th estimate made , in these dispatohe, $30,000,000. Tb oorreoted offloial total of deposits at th subtreaaury from th inception of j th movement to the olose of business i j Assessor Howell, of Lincoln county, has completed th flold work of assess ing, and is now at work making up the assessmsnt roll I Seven-year loouits ar numerous about Canyon City, la Urant oouiity, and th merry musio of their wings oan b heard all day. Mrs. Catharine Irvine, who died at Galem lost week, wa on of tb first women married at Tb Dalle, having gon there from Indiana in 18B3. Th high water of last mouth in Un ion county I aaid to have many young prairie ohiokens, a breeding ground war in many place overflowed. Elmer Hansen, ot Adams, brought Into Pendleton last week the flrst of this year's wheat crop in thla county, and old It to Mr. By era for 40 cent a buihaL It ran B8 pound to th bushel. ' A carload of fat hog wa shipped from Elgin last week. This 1 th flrst shipment of hog mad from ther for some Urn, beoau ot th dull market At Bnrllnram, Ban Is on of thi Mataa ColintV. 01., miut thnniuih. careful and practical "Hon.s Bohools" to b found on th PaniHa nnrnnt. It urenares hnvt for any nniyamity, teotinloal soliool, or for actlvs buaina:ia strata llted at th State and BUnford UnlreratHa. and under th able management of Kx Hist Superintendent Irs O. Hottt. Ph. I)., ranks smong th llrat suhools in ths Untied Htataa. Ks-opsns Auguat 4. JK'wIng mid S-iaritijtfl ). T.i.r. u n,nM fttfarrh lii Ihla taetlnn Of tb eomilry man an oinar aiiawm p.u ft msvbit 211$ yoii; anMUv-.i,i,k: Maalk I. Ik. Mn! '- I'alallallM f Uw,. Uatua af H,mtk Ckm4 MMte -pa. la Ik, a.V(ll -im. t rik "'la Amhiu tfnm, IrrtuH, taaaiuaa a( um MlaS - DltiioHa-. HMSatka-CMMht. atlka at nu.rk.-i . TkaMln DYSPEPSIA la M af Hi mny fcna Th aaa awliin Mn w kU fMntalot etaiylalat I Acker' Vmvih umu, and aiiill thelaattew yaara wmih' Iti.'liml.le. mr a t"w maun ri ara a' inwd ta b neu,ra ara- nonnonl II a local flnr,a, anil n-arrtiKo uw ramadlaa.amt hyeonmaiiiic mlllnar teeiir wlln tratlmant, prounnnrrit It tnenrab'. tri'lonc hupniTan eaiarrh In ha aennalllallnn. al ill . and lhertliprarqnl'MivinliliUlonl traatuient. Hall'a Catarrh t'ure, inannfaetarad br r. i. VMimj 4 Co., ToleJo, iihlo, It lha imiI eontlltiltlonal enra on lha market. H ! taken I n I ..... 1 1 m In Jmu iMM 1A rl.M.ia tn a lunnflHi destroyed ! fill. It anu dlranllr on tha blno'l aad mniwut ftlia annart'B oi ma fjnivm, I ne nirar nni puunnn elnmiaraaud trflmoniait. Atiro-a, P. J. ( H tsMKY A CO., lolede, O, Sold b tlmirtlala. ?So. ttell-t rae.ll 1-llia ar th beat. I never uad o qnlok a eor at Ptao's Our tor Consumption. J. B. Palmer, Box 1171, Hasttla, Wan Nov. l lDo. riTH.-AI) itorpad Iraa by Or. Rltaa' Oraat Marva Haatorar, No nualtar II erlral dar't uae. Marrrlnut ouree. TrMtlta and t 00 trial bottle free to Fit eaaaa. Sand to Ur. K Ilea, Sit Arch Ot,. Philadelphia, Pa. 3 f aall, ptfaM, aa lanlat af a atata ( r4i ; "MA Tniirlal. Kr Tnrt.) j taxi ' I fiilf.wl h'lrrll.lf (mm iraiaiiain, bull C Ai4tWtTaliia,MluwalWriMla,bavai.Hraaat."S I MKXM MtniCltllca, M UCkaiakanSt., S.IA MULED FflEE Hpaclal I'rla Ll.t of HOUSIMOtOQOOD. tTO. Thla olrenlar It Itanad (nr lha banallt of ear wi mi irr e nilomart a hn eaiiuni avail thamalM el our lialljr Speal llalra, fend your ad. ditae. Vou will 8nd bnth vaoa anil rhi a rtsbl Wll I, PIN! It t'O., ' 111 . Mtrkal ttnwt Man Krannlieo, Cal, "Wa will taava It Katlraty fin your hernia." U ro aa II a ari' l aa Uaa ra Un.ii Km. oin a, aad It It diwa soldo all af II lll,)roa ma raiura It at out . oanaa. aad (ur Uaielusue and prta I.iat 10 Aiaarlsaa Typ PouadarVCo. taaaa ta Mart ttt rartlaa. IK la writing to dvr titer don't for get to mention tbia paper. today waa 1 17, 768,000, th deposit 1 Most shipped last week sold for two bringing the treasury guarantee In th oents per pound. reserve up to approximately 1108,681,- 635. .- , AFTER ORIENTAL TRADE. CkJeago la Raw Working tot m Trana Faclfle Llna. th vault waa started about two week go, and finished between last Satur day night and Tuesday morning. Thla is an unusual proceeding, and avmiM tint nrriinarilv iai -. necessary, except in case of positive wr. j u U expectod, will gire 8uoh action is supposed to indicate that a, ,lmoa oomplet oontrol ot the everv available shin will at bum ha " 'i tv.oa auiu Chioago, July 17. Th publication of th negotiation between President Hill, ot th Great Northern, and Mr. Maiujima, of Tokio, for steamship line between Faget ound and Japan haa AmwnnmA tha f..l .Kb fTt. m men alraadyhavepraotioaUy completed l?6n Sx" b' ,com T .rranoement. for such a line of a.m. I hkbiUtions, looking for J. MoCarty, In attampting to board an out-going freight train in Baker City last week, tell aoroa th tall, and several ear passed over bis left toot, which wa so badly mangled that it bad to be out off. The unusual drought ba killed all the salmon berries, raspberries, and other wild berrie along th Neoan nloum, in Clatsop county, to that tb bear, which In th summer time live principally upon the bernea, bare - WILL WEAR SHORT SKIRTS Brooklyn Women Pleda-e Theaaaelvee to Reform Coatnene. Tb first rainy day after the flrst Monday tn October will be signalised In Brooklyn by the appearance of the Brooklyn Health Culture Club in tbelr new "common sense" costume. The club was organized only three weeks, ago, with a charter membership of six .. well-known women. Already It ba thirty -Or members, and by the rainy day before mentioned it la expected that folly 150 Brooklyn aoclety and pro fessional women will have been en rolled. The object of the clob la to et an ex ample of hygienic living and sensible dressing. The President la H. Chris tine Lumsdon, th well-known portrait food. Ths Grant Psss Courier says: "Tb General Geor,e w. jo.aa Dead. .ilav, "L, wi v' I business between the United State aad tever, which carried off three General George W. Jones, th oldest plaoed eommisson and givnatull! Orient. gj t on the Anton Bow ranch on surviving ex-United State senator, i Lmiraan. t mM-H J- In th venture of th Chioago men. William creek, has been eorraled, and died at hia home in Dubuque, la., aged Several officers will also twohaMv ha ' ta dertood tb Atchison, Topek to" ot spreading tb virulent 93. He represented as 2 delegate to mh!S ,f k.I.7. & Santa F. railroad ha. an toteresVand ! "" V Th oiti- oongrea th territory now included In .munition works to hasten mnl. i h company is ready, it neoeseary. to ' ptltton4 th eounty oourt to p- Wisoonsin, Iowa, Michigan and the tt, and .hlnment f n..i .t.. break ita alliance with th Southern ! Pln! qnarantin omoera, bot no law West, except the Paoiflo ooastv He -.,. to.w. tM. t,.. I Paoiflo and the Huntington intereahi ! 001,1(1 Ionnd 3tifying the measure. waa the state' first senator, and wa aoter wm materially expedited by! order carrT on toe ohem. Superintendent Bisque, of the Virtue prominent in national affair, especial-, j teu0n of th faot that th approprla-! 100 Ta,oe of h trde with he Crln n,lne la BkM county, ha let a con ly of th Northwest j M0ni fo. at,, -reaent fiiwaiTMF have .Hi ta appreciated fully by all th tran-i traot for ropplying the min with 8,000 crtoai. c.k ataa. r- become available for expenditure . . portation and commercial interests of f cords of wood. Th, contractors a r P. ctlppl Creak Btaca Held Tp. f . ... . tha oonntrr. and thnra ta nn fear thai Raanha and PatA .1 Inlma Tl..n. The Cripple Creek stage waa held up ! huUsn that the 1.000 men anlL? i ther "B na I tract price i. about 130,000. Th. wood near Grassy, five mile eaat of there, j j. bT "X th new line profitable, San Diego it ' 1 to b delivered by January 1. 1896. try tare, masaea men. wno ootainea aeatot midsummer evolu-i toe PrMent terminn ot the Santa F ! and Basoh A John will pnt a force of IWU1TV KU1U WKaaUllOS M11U IQUU III IH1IL .. . ... . vnarf anrl 4 i annlrl iiaawat f.ol Lt i. ' a The naienaer. included thirtsen ' a. wlUl0o aem would practio-J - " """d.T1' - - " . allv ne an Imnnaaihiljlnr ti nmia, .: "wv. m .u. i autuu ana two or tbree women. Tha lattar; : r L t The latter were unmolested by the robbers. posse with bloodhound la on the trail of the highwaymen. t ' frmnchlao Oraotad. The oounoil of the town of Castle Y j man the three or four ships now out ol j 00111 f"!' ther, A oommiasoa. ! vastly increased. There has for some time been a de air on the part of the naval authorities to make the evolutions of the various' ' flenta thia vear tnnra arhinclln. unA i SoJold la Athaaa steamship there ita tonnage would be SHOT HIMSELF IN THE MOUTH Book ha granted to H. Orchard a thir- i W"ugti tnan any ot their predeoe- of Jadga Dapaatt, men to work in the timber without low of time. The Willamette Hopgrowera' Asso-1 oiation met in Independence recently, ! and decided that at the next regnlar j meeting, whioh oome on th lit day 1 of August, the members would oon dward ' aider the advisability of picking bops ! and alto the price to be paid thia year. ty-year franchise for the construction i or"' r0T tnu 1883011 extensive pre-; renaieton, ur., juiy 7. Juag Bd-j xney aio exiena to invitation to all ot a water and sewer system. The P"011 atn 0860 ia progress, bnt it : wara jjepeats was zouna aeaa in bis , nopgrowera oi uauaa, tsoena vista and x. cKBiaTXvn lvuivos. painter. Among the charter 'members ar Mr. Cornelia Hood, the lawyer; Mrs. wnson and Mrs. Manning, aU prominent In - th- Brooklyn social world. The meeting at which the organiza tion waa perfected was held In Mrs. Lumsdon' studio. It waa mad a rule that every member abould pledge herself to. wear, on all occasions, save those demanding conventional full dress, skirts short enough to clear the ground by at least three Inches. For rainy or wet weather they have adopt ed a costume, consisting of bloomer or kntckerbockera, a short skirt and legglnga or boots, meeting the skirt at the knee. The waist Is left to the pleas ure of th wearer, and over all will be worn a light gossamer or mackintosh. French Wlttlclama. v A lady, more famed for her looka than her wit, complained in Sophie Arnould'a presence of being beset by a host of admirers. "Oh," said Sophie, "It la easy for yon to get rid of them. Ton need only talk." A critic of Beau marchaia play, "The Marriage of Fi garo," told her it would be a failure. Tea," aald she, "so it will, but It will fall fifty time running." She on day met a physician with a gun, on th look-out for game. "Where ar you going In this way?" abe asked. "To ee a patient," be answered. "Oh, doctor," ahe replied, "you are evident ly afraid of missing html" water will be taken from a mountain tream about two miles below town, and carried to a reservoir on the rock outh of town, to an elevation of about ninety feet above the town. or waiting orders, but Bear-Admiral Bonce, commanding the .North Atlan tic squadron, gave the enthusiasm a new impetus in a report which hat just reached the department, to th . ' IK.I lma nil I..I- allk .Y. JM A I- . wh tun., juia OTI.U UIVUI IU Ula cussing all matter of Interest bad not been determined to put all the office in Athena at 1 P. M.. today, surrounding country to be present at hip into commission or to call in : having oommltted suicide. H was thos officer who were absent on leave ! missed at home Tuesday night, and hia family thought he had come to Pendle ton. They telephoned here Wednes day, and, learning nothing of hi whereabouts, oommenoed search. To day L. D. Leavely and Deputy Marshal ConaamptlT Mllek Cow. Milk Inspector Dookerr. of Ban Franoiaoo, aaya fifty per oent ot the . effect that bis squadron will begin lt Dhalaun entered hia offio through oows whioh supply milk for San Fran ciaoo are consumptive, and will have to be killed. There are 6,700 oows owned by the dairiea of tb. city, and of theae fully 8,000 are diaeased, and th milk from them is unfit tor use. summer maneuvers about the flrst ol next month and continue them six weeks or two months. SAN DIEGO FAVORED. wtaaow, ana louna nun lying on a lounge. Hi arms were aero hi chest, the right hand holding a re volver, the muzzle of whioh waa in hi mouth, the bullet having passed tnrougn the root of the month and Waahlogtoa. G. W. Corning, of Olympia, died in that oity last week at the age of 61, He waa born in New York. The Popnlist party of th state of Washington will hold it state conven tion at Ellensburg August IS. A. B.Weed, of North Taklma, says tb. Taklma bop crop will probably not be more than 6,000 bales this year. Tb oost of "exporting:" th book of For A eeosol Oosvoatloa. At a meeting of th. gold-standard Democrats, held In Chicago, It wa de cided to bold another national conven tion not later than September S. A 1 meetins will Boon ha held in Tndianan. olia to decide on the plaoe. ' ; Two Bodle Found. Skamokawa, July 37. Tb. body of rot Japanaee Staamahlp Llnee Boathera California. I San Francisco, July 34. San Diego la waiting to welcome the man whose report to the Japanese government may result in great oommeroial lodged to the brain. The room wat ' King county will be not lea tbsn 36, quite dark. th. curtain being drawn. 000, and the highest estimate is 131. 000. At tha tnnnaat it waa tnnnA at,. U. ' . oauae of hi death waa a gunhsot wound inflicted by hi own hand on or about the night of July 31. H waa known to have threatened to commit suioida to that oity. Sho Nemoto, the special commissioner sent by the Japanese gov ernment to study the oommeroial pro- 1 advantage i "T" ""wenea so commit suioide ', the special 1 everi11 time. d bad been drinking Frank Peterson, on of th"nfortan-! ' mm. of Mexico, ate-who, with Mra. A. B. Crosby and Charles Newell, drowned May 13 last, near thia point, waa pioked up by the seine at T. K. Johnson' seining ground yesterday morning. The re main were naturally oompoeed, and were only recognized by tn elotbing and shoes. Tbia la the flrat appearanoe of any of the Ill-fated young people. They were supposed to have been washed out to ea by tb heavy freshet. Another body wa also pioked up near Brookfleld, about th am time, but thos who saw it aay it la not that of young Newell, but that of a man who had not water more than a week. Th. remains of young Peterson were buried her. today. Glass in oven door Is a new contriv ance, it enable oookt to watch th food without opening the door. Central America and South Ametioa. will start from her. today for San Diego in company with T. Euaakado, who arrived with him Sunday from Japan, and whose mission is to con. purchase from tb Mexi can government of 800,000 acres of lan' in th state of Chiapas, for th Jcpane Colonisation Society. Mr. Nemoto' investigations, while primarily to learn th oommeroial pros pect and report to hi government, will ultimately be of much importance In connection with several prospective I steamship line that ara to branch out been In tb .apau auu wuoa at many poru w tuo Bouta vi aere. uat oi in line may make San Diego terminus in order to gather from that port a large amount of good brought by rail direct ly from tb. Eaat for the Japanese mar ket, notably ootton, kerosene and ma chinery. - ' A ColUeioa Probable. The latest theory regarding th. sup posed loss of some of the ooait-bound fleet off Cap. Horn 1 to th. effect that two ot the vessel have been in oolli- i ooroner ba gon Body af aa Cnknowa at aa Found. Astoria, Or., July 38. The body of an unknown man wa found in the river on the Oregon side, opposite C 1 .1.1. I m r an fl,a nU. at.!- A 1.1-1. oaauiuaawa, aula uiuiuuig, II oar i. n. ha. Inat arHvad at S T. PlM- Tn .ua c a TzZTJz " , i for the remain. w wvuuu, avyvsM tuna, uu April t, IU latitude 66 south, longitude 63 west, th. abandoned hull of th. British bip Gowenbank wa lighted. Th. derelict looked like it bad been in oollision. Th. maata were gon. and th. headgear carried away. heavily. He wa 60 year old. Bo leave a widow and three ohildren. Th. de ceased bad been sis years in Athena, nsving gon. then irom Southern Ore gon. ... - A Oaa tb bad Marriage. New York, July 37. Howard F. Benediot, a young Wall-street broker, the son of James H. Benediot and a nephew of F. C. Benediot, th banker and personal friend of President Cleve land, died yesterday, a few hour after ba had married Mi Margaret Lloyd, a society bell of Cincinnati. Mr. Benediot had become engaged to Mi Lloyd in Maroh. When It becam known a few day ago that Mr. Bene dict's condition waa oritioal, a tele gram wa sent to Mis Lloyd. Sh reached the oity yesterday. Soon after, in company with a pbysioian, th went to th. bedside of Mr. Benedict. He wa (inking fast, and It waa at hi earnest request that th. marriag oere mony wa performed. Aitorla, Or., Joly 37 Two fisher men named Hollats and Laben drifted on the end of Sand Island at 8:80 P. M. Monday night, and tbelr boat waa swamped in the trap. A high lea was him in the hack and tramniin. I,. running at the time, and their livei j der foot until he wat nearlv d n. The oounty treasurer and auditor of Thurston oounty have been directed by tb oomimssioner to invest the linking juna oi b,uuu in tate warrants. The oounty commissioners of Lincoln oounty will thi fall submit to the voters a proposition to more the oounty eat from Spragn to Davenport The farmer of tb Kannswiok valley are busy cutting their second orop of alfalfa, and th yield 1 good. Tbey find a good market for their bay among tb. sheepralsere. Th Ocosta mill is no more. All th maobinery ba been taken out and shipped to Cosmopoll. Over 178,000 has been lost in attempting to operate th mill at Oootta. j Th total loss by fir. In th. city ot Spokane ha been less during th latt twelve montns than during any pre vious similar period ilnoe the paid Are department was eitablisbed. Th. eldest ton of H. H. Spaulding, of Almota, wai dragged by a runaway team through a barbed wire fenc the other day and bit clothing completely torn irom nim. ae Wat scratched from head to foot, but not so deeply but that hi wound will soon heal. Hogan Johnson, of Biverslde, In Pa oiflo oounty, pot a rope around a bull 'i neck and started to lead him home. On the way the bull made an attack upon Mr. Johnson from the rear, goring would have been lost bad not tb. Can- by life-saving crew rescued them nd cared for them two daya. Tb. boat waa broken, but the life-saving orew neipea tnem repair it and recover the ! horn penetrated the lung, entering the body about five inohes. Mr. Johnson' rignt rm waa broken in three places, and from bia hip down he 1 one mass of severe bruise. He is 63 veara old. A Boy Droaraod. Ignatius O'Dea, tb. 18-year-old brother of Father O'Dea, tb. recently appointed bishop of Neoqually, wa drowned in the river at St John, near Portland, Or. The boy wa member of a pianio party, consisting of several No wonder women believe In mar riages for lore; they know that few women can b. married for beauty or money. Tb Browa Strike -a. , Cleveland, July 34. The strikers submitted today to the Brown Hoisting ! ft Conveyancing Company a proposition j of settlement embodying the formal,' recognition of their labor nnions and ' .U. J t 1 M ! .U- i I dinlh. v5Li. Lfit Th,ding Ale Brow' ' oompany. refused day in th. woods near St Johna. H. lt ,a v. t,t' 't ,., ,u. How Mlnlatry a p pa ara. ' Bom., July 33. Th. new ministry presented itself in parliament today. rvjSf-K "-"1 -iis5? esrssx A traveler through the Horse Heaven country told the Yakima Iiepubllo that the beat i something terrible in tbst eotion. urain ba been badly burned, and will not go twelve baabels to the ore. tie says be wts forced tn IhaPhJw ifu J,1'1' "tt' " sway .. ever. The I when h. lost bia kalanoe and fell in-trw..! v., rr-i ' . -i. .. Thtlyiil..... I""""" ku. ii.o. auuigu,. ano The first English hymn book used In puUio worship wai that compiled by Iaeao Wesley in th year 1716. Canada Prevent Flllbnaterlna;. Ottawa, July 37. The Canadian government ha given strict Instruc tion to collectors of ouitoma at all Dominion port not to give a olearanoe to any vessels entering ontward for Cuba without flrst receiving authority for granting the tame from the minis ter of onstoma. It ha oome to the no tioe of the Canadian authorities that a number of maU haw lata trni.- a oommittee waa appointed to oontider j with rifles and munition of war on the advisability of oalling out all th. board for Canadian norta. to h ,ahi oity, in sympathy ; ped into another vessel and thus aant union men In the with th. Brown striker. I to th Cuban lniurgentSa tnirty-tnree miles through a broiling sun and stopped at three or fonr bonses to get a drink being refused eaob tlnis. The water is so low tbat a padlock and chain is kept on the buoket, and the well go nearly dry eaoh evening when water it drawn for ook tlowly fill ing at night sufficiently to provide water for domeitio Dumnaaa i. .u. 1.. v. ,J, 1 nxt day. . .... aawtjaTa I . a 1 This is the very best Smoking Tobacco made. BlackwolPs Cenuino BULL DURC-3AEV. TaaarUIBnSanaooapoalgililaaacfciaoaoabMaadhaoaMaoaa tMlea tea a aaaoe hi BuatiaiUiacoapoaaadatakowtaiMraarartffaofam.miaanMata. Ll!ailltilUiajs Absolutely Pure-Dclicious-Nulrilious- The Breakfast Cocoa , MAD av Walter Baker h Co. te DORCHESTER. MASS. COSTS LESS THAN ONE CENT A CUR NO CHEMICAL. ALWAYS ASK YOUR GROCER TO Walter Baker ACo. Breamst Cocoa made at dorchester.masvit bf.ars mm TRADE MARK IA BELIE CHOCOlATiERI ON EVERY CAN a AVOID IMITATIONS "Big as a Barn Door" (1 For 10 cents you fret almost twice . 1 n . ' a wa 1 . I as mucn "cattle Jx" as you do of! other high grade troodsa BrW th Ddays of Battle Ax" consutYirMs mid 4f I- aa - " u cents tor a small plug of the samel qualityo Now "Battle .Ax "Hiirh- est urade, twice the quantity That's true economy. . ISSOSivirs" - FOU CHILDRIN THrHIHO o i - "'"l?!;il CaaMalttla. ' FOR PiOPtlt THAT MI SICK or Don't at Wall." i-kov.LUtK FILLS aw lha Oaa Thing to aaa, 2ifa?i .Til" . " CURE CURE roR PILES In t'rn ft!4 y tfniirytMaTt, f i1 T. P. K. V, No. 6C0.-S, F, if, U. No. 787