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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 7, 1896)
M i ST. HELENS, OREGON, FRIDAY , AUGUST 7, 189G. NO. 33. VOL.-13. OREGON 8 EVENTS OF THE DAY Epitome ot the Telegraphic News of the World. TEfiSE TICKS FROH TUB WIBKS An Interesting Collection of Item. From the Two llemt.pneres rnuiM la Condensed Form. - Biortns in Wert VirittnU bav or ted great huvoo and railway traffic ha bwi upo)d. Th roemberi of a camping party noar Oakland, Cal., were forced to oliinb treea, while a madeoed bull de stroyed their camp. B. L. Harrison, who wa formerly traveling auditor for the Northern Paoiflo railroad, oommltted aaloide in Taooma, by abootiug hlinielf In the month, the bnllet from hi revolver penetrating to the brain and killing him almoal Instantly. A freight train on the Vandalla rail road ran through a bridge sear Otaw- fordevllle, Ind., killing Oonduotor M oKenala 'and Fireman John Berber and seriously injuring Boadmaiter J. , ti. Brotbera and Engineer Bowman, The wreck waa oaaaed by washouts. Bev. Geo. P. Knapp, who wai ar retted In Bitlia, Eastern Torkey, on the oharM ot oonspirins against the Turn ' tab government, and who waa onoe lib erated, bat refaaed to leave the ooantry before bli tnnooencs waa eatablHbed, haa aaaln been arretted and will be tried on a charge of inoiting riot, i B. I Moody, logger, made a oow ardly attempt to murder Mr. H. J Bnnn in a hotel kept by the woman's husband at Elma, Wash. Moody atabbed bia victim in the wrist and in the riaht breast with a knife, and then fled, leaving Mrs. Bnnn seriously if not fatally wounded. Moody is still at large. A Havana dispatch says the polloe bive captured a oolleotion of maps of the island, highly colored, showing the auDDoaed insurgent beadquaiters in Onbltas, the rebel flag and piotartng various chiefs of the insurrection. The map bear the Imprint of a Baroelona Arm. The Havana stationer, Don Fer nandea, in whose possession they were found, was arrested. The two daring navigators who left New York Jane 88. in a sailboat but iarhteen feet Ions, to arose the Atlan tic, are all right. Tbey were sighted on July, 10 in latitude 68, longitude II.6S. by the American liner Indiana and asked to be reported. Tbey ap peared to be in the best of spirits and required no assistance whatever from tbe Indiana, although provisions and water were offerod them. It is rumored that the Turkish gov ernment oontemplatea an issue of paper money. , In Viator, Colo, .fifty pounds of giant powder exploded, causing 15,000 worth ot damage. Many people were out by glass, but none killed. In Bedalia, Mo.. Mart Crawford, a section foreman on the Missouri Pa cific was banged by a furioua mob for tbe attempted rape of a 18-year-old girL Tbe socialist congress, whioh met in London, proved to be a noisy gather ing. Bceoes of violence were enacted and a free fight was narrowly averted. Tbe oomlng year it is said wines will come btgb, owing to the failure ot Cal ifornia's grape crop. Little wine will be exported from tbe golden state this eason. A New York dispatch aays Senator Hill is now in favor ot a third lloket The Information, it is said, comes dl wot from a personal friend of tbe sen ator, who ia a prominent Democrat A stockman named John LAwrenoe waa found dead upon tbe range near Union, Or., with a bullet in his head, and a pistol lying a few feet away. It is supposed that be oommltted suicide. The trial ot the South African raid en baa ended in London, and Dr. Jameson baa been given a aentenoe of fifteen months imprisonment without labor. The others reoelved light sen tences. In Qnlnoy, 111., five fatalities by drowning or otherwise occurred in forty-eight hours, James McLean was killed by an accidental fall from the roof of the Bicker National bank; Her bert Harrison, a sohool teacher, Fred-, eriok Gross and Fred Bantngarten, aons of prominent oltlxens, were drowned la Boar creek; George Betero, another youth, waa drowned in a pool south of the city limits, and bis two brothers were saved only with great dlftloulty, Pennsylvania was visited by a disas trous burrioane, resulting In loss of life and property. Steeples were blown from churches, adjoining buildings were crushed, houses were unroofed, and treea broken off or torn op by the roots. Great bavoo was oansed by tbe heavy ratnfall. Two lives were lost, thirtv-six injured, some fatally, and nronertv damaged to the amount of 100.000. A boarding-house near Ceoll, Washington county, was washed away nd Its oooupanta, fifteen coal miner, were drowned. Seven of the bodies have been recovered. Eight are still missing. Two oable cars broke loose at the top ot the Ninth-street Incline In Kan sas City, and dashed down the deolivity Into the Union depot sbeds. The grip oar and those on board escaped injury, but tbe trailer was thrown from the track just inside tbe elevated sheds and literally smashed to pieces. Several of the oooupanta of this oar were badly burl Among tbem are George D. Fearon, of KansxsCity, and his two sis ters, Mra Gay and Miss Fearon, both of New York. Mra. Gay suffered an Injury of the spine. Victoria to Ktlro. The rumor that Queen Viotorla in tends to retire in favor ot the Prinot ot Wales is again current in London. It is added that oourt otroles are greatly troubled regarding tbe oonditlon of the queen's health. Such reports have fre queotly appeared reoently, only to be seml-ofllolally oontradtoted later, but It seems that there may M some aotuai foundation for tbe statement made. It is added that ber majesty bas de rided to spend her time in future at Balmoral or Osborne, and will give tne Prinoeand Princess ot Wales the use of Buckingham palaoe and Windsor oastle. Is tef, Dumb and Blind. An interesting experiment in educa tion will be oommeooed at tbe deaf, dumb and blind institution at Berkley, Cel., on tbe opening of the sohool year in August Grace 0. Bperow, aged 10 years, who was been stone blind from childhood and is now almost deaf and dumb, is to be made special student and educated at tbe expense of the attte. This obild will be given a nine years' oonrse and will reoelvo instruc tion from speoial teacher employed for that purpose. This will be tbe first attempt to educate a deaf, dumb and blind person and in oonsequenoo great Interest oenters about the oase. ehrader In Texas. August Shrader, the so-oalled divine healer, put in an appearanoe in Dallaa, Tex., where be treated 1,000 persons In four day. Some reported they bad been oored. He left suddenly, leaving the following notet "I am called from here, and obey my Father' will" neeeaefnl Plllbnaters. Passenger from Havana, arrived In tr WA.fc tU ataimw f arvitfc ra. port a rumor ot the uooessful landing J of a nlibnaterlna- axnedltlon in tne VI- olnity of Cieufuego. The expedition is believed to be under tbe oommand of Captain Cabrera. Ongva'i ohool Censna. The Mate school oensns, which bas just been completed by Superintendent j Irwin, at Balem, shows that there are j in Oregon at present 128,039 olbldren j of sohool age. ' . ' 1 B.pnbllcaa Stele Convention. j The Republican state committee of ; Washington decided to hold the state j convention at Taooma on August IS. The convention will be attended by 488 delegate. ' Jadge Carpenter Dead. Word oome from Holland by cable that Judge George M. Carpenter, of the United State district oourt for the die trlot of Rhode Island, died of paralysis of the heart. ' - ; Kpldemloof Seleldea, Driven to despair by different causes, six people attempted to end their own live by suloide, in Chicago in on day. Dsvnatated by tha Storm. TKa mrwik rfAafcrnnfclva atorm in' tha history ot Sunday Creek valley oo-; rr.A .t ninnA.f,r. a minlno- town twelve milea north ot Athens. O., re- suiting in the almoal total destruction nf nn nf tha nriudnal thoroushfare of the town. Tbe fury of tbe wind ia almost lndesorlbable. Buildings were toppled over, trees torn from their roots, and the town Is a scone of desolation. Nearly every building in tbe town is damaged. To add to the horror, Bun day oreek I (weeping, raging torrent Several houses have been waahed away, and word was received that tbe list of dead will reach fifteen. ' Mia Bnraad by (Ulnars. The mine of the old Pittsburg Coal Company, at Hymeau, Sullivan county, Ind., baa been burned. A oommittee from the minora' organisation visited the mine and sought to Induce the miners to qolt work. Tbe watobman wa captured, oarrled some distance and tbe work burned. The loss is 35,000. Italian Warahlp Destroyed. The Italian armored wraship Bola, of about 8,800 tons displacement, was struok by lightning near Borne. Tbe flames spread rapidly threatening to reach tbe magaalne. It was found ne OFssary to sink the ship by discharg ing torpedoes. ' Both Are Daad, Robert Stark and Abe Tinkey, the former a merobant, tbe latter post master at Sequim, Wash., attempted to acquire a oheap jag on wood alcohol, Tbe effect was inch that within a few hour after drinking the fiery doooo tlon both men died. . It Olorjr Bas Departed. ' Tti .rut anriitnrinm in which the Rnnnhitnana and Ponnlista held their national oonventiona in St. Loul. will be turned Into a Madison square garden fnr hnraa ahowa. blovole meeta and1 other great indoor sporting enterprise tbe coming fall and winter. Raarjr Damage tn ooth Dakota. Dispatches from Melitt and other point in South Dakota state that a hail atorm devaatated a stretoh of country sixty mile long and five or six miles wide. The damage amount to hun dreds of thousands of dollar. . A Terrlde Bxplotlon. A speoial from Vienna say an ex plosion In a powder magaalne at Fuen fkirohea resulted in the death ot five persons, injuring eighty others and rreoklng the town ball. . Not Paid to Do Campaign Duty. Postmaster-General Wilson ha is sued an order to the railway mall olerks directing them not to take an active interest in the political cam paign suoh as would be Involved in at tending political oonventiona a dele- gates or making political . speeches. The postmaster-general', circular ex- preasly states that be doe not desire to control tbelr opinion on potutoai mas ters, but tbey must retrain from tak ing an aottve part ia political matter. NEW LINE PROPOSED To Run Between Yokohama and Portland. CAPITAL Of TWO MILLIOS YIN the Company, After Perml.iton Has Boo Granted, May Amalgamate -, With Oriental Steamship Co. Taooma, Aug. 4. News has been re ceived ber of the establishment ot an other steamship oompany at Tokio, to be oalled the Daito Kisen Kaisha, with capital of 9,000,000 yen. The Japan ese Weekly Gasett saya he new oora psny propose to open up regular ser vice of steamer between Yokohama nd Portland with tbe object of effect ing oonneotlon with Oregon railroads. Aooordlng to ths present plan, three steamer of 6.000 tons eaoh are to be employed on the new line. The signa ture of the projectors are being taken preparatory to applying to the authori ties for a oharter. It is said tbe pro posed steamship oompany, after official permission bas been granted, may amalgamate with the Toyo Kisen Kaisha (Oriental Steamship Com pany), whose formation bas been re ceived with great popularity by the publlo in Japan. ONLY A FLESH WOUND. Bat Harrow Bseape, However, for A. T. Bose. Astoria. Or.. Aug. 4. Aboot 8 o'clock this morning Jack Kenney, pro- prletor of a danoehall, ahot A.Y. Ross, laun one sue uwuma v. w. dry. Rosa and hi wife left tbe restaurant after breakfast and started for the laundry near by, and in paasing a crowd of mm, among whom was Ken ny, they were subjected to vile lan guage, and were followed by Kenny into the laundry. ) Ross requested him to leave tbe plaoe, but thla only pro. voked tbe man to viler language in the bearing oi tne women employes, noes then came from behind tbe oounter and pushed blm into tbe street, whereupon Kenny pulled a "gun" and Bos pick ed up a brick and threw it, itriking Kenny on tbe arm. Keuny then fired, the ball cutting into Boas,' ahonlder near the jugular vien, lnfiioting only a flesh wound, however Kenney was arrested and plaoed under 1 1,000 bonds, and this evening waa committed to jail to await a pre liminary trial, being unable to furnish bonds. , " - - - - .'. STRUCK WITH AN AX. A Kabraakn Parmer's Method of forc ing n Betraetlon. , Elkhorn. Neb.. Aug. 4. As a result of the recent ohool election here. WU Ham Clark wa probably fatally in Jured by being struokwitban ax in the band of Georg wealthy farmer. Frost Both are Clark waa en route from Elkhorn, and a he waa passing Frost's plaoe, be was balled by tbe lat ter and commanded to retract a state ment be made at tbe school meeting, or abide the oon sequences. Clark re fused and was atruck on the right aide of tbe bead with the ax. Tbe blow knocked Clark out of the buggy and one ot tbe wheels ran over bia body. He aaya Frost struck him while he wa lying on the ground, but finally desisted upon tbe tearful solici tation ot one ot hi sons. Beaides bad wound near bia right eye, Clark ia ; Injured iuternally. Frost is a sohcol director snd Clark aooosed him of j falsifying the sohool records. A war rant wa placed in an officer's hands, bnt Frost eluded him. SCARED THE BRITON8. Bnglnnd'S Hnvat Bulwark la Not Im pregnable. . London, Ang. 4. -Tbe result of the naval maneuver just conoluded have given a shock to Englishmen, who im agined that Great Britain's naval bul wark was Impregnable. Tbe idea of the maneuver wa that tbe foreign fleet wa trying to reach Lougbswilly, and that a British fleet, whioh wa much stronger and faster, had to pre vent it The foreign fleet met off Tor bay and the British fleet waa spread from Land' End to Lap oape, oloseby, but the forelgbn fleet did not try to pas up the Irish sea. It went around the west ooast of Ireland and snooeeded in reaching Lougbswilly unmolested. i Thla was a complete reversal of what waa generally expeoted, and Is held to prove that the landing ot an invading foroe in Great Britain la quite possible, even though a greatly superior naval ' foroe will be trying to bar tbe way A Ten Var Cant Reduction, Belief onte, Pa , Aug. 4. An order ha been lssned at tbe Valentine Com pany' works that, commencing August I, a ten per cent reduotlon ot wages would be effective. Over 600 men are treated by tbe reduotion. A fight and n Drowning. New York, Aug. 4. James Murphy, 8B years old, and Stephen Garvey.aged 50, fought tonight at pier 86, North river. During tbe struggle, both men tumbled Into tbe river and were drowned. an Franolaeo's Maw Poatoffloo. San Franolsoo, Aug. 8. Work oo San Franolsoo' new poatoffloo is soon to oommenoe. The tenants now oc cupying buildings on tbe site, at Mis Ion and Seventh streets, have been notified by the government to vacate within twenty day. The site oost ovt r ,.000.000. and the postoffloe building j cost about 13.000,000 more when , completed, Tbe annual "cattle crop" ot ' South Wales 1 about 400.000. New Gnarded by M alltla. Cleveland, O., Aug 4. The labor sit uation in this city 1 again critical. One hundred and fifty nonunion men went to work at the Brown hoisting works this morning, guarded by four companies of militia and a large foroe of polloe. A big crowd of union men were present, bnt no outbreak occur red. The police and soldiers kept the striker moving. A sympathetic strike, threatened ever ainoe the strike at tbe Brown company' work began, eleven weeks ago, was inaugurated this morn ing. Eighty-seven men employed by tbe Van Wagner & Williams Com pany, hardware manufacturer, laid down their tools and walked out. Sold at Auction. Seattle, Aug. 6. All of the lands ot the Northern Pacifio railroad in the state ot Washington, comprising 11,- 902 sections of patented and an indefi nite quantity ot unpatented land, were old today at publio auction by Special Master Alfred L. Carey. Tbe aale was under decree of tbe United States cir onlt court of tbe eastern district of Wisconsin. . The property was bought In by Edwin W. Winter for tbe North ern Paoiflo Railway Company, of which be is president, for $1,700,300. Oakland Building Collapsad. Oakland, Cal., Aug. B. A two-story bnilding on Seventh and Clay street oollapsed last night, and nine people occupying tbe house bad narrow es capes from death. Tbe underpinning of tbe house gave way shortly before midnight, and the building fell two feet with a orasb. Tbe building is still standing, but the first wind probably will topple it over. It was!built forty years ago, and is one of the landmark or to city. Three Ware Drowned. La Crosse, Wla, Aug. 6. While boating laat evening Henry Hendrlok son, Anna Amsrud and Llssie Oldj stadt, three La Crosse young people, were drowned in the Mississippi river jnst below tbe city. . , , . M nrdarcd Threa People. ." Providenoe, N. Y., Aug. 6. Near Clay, eight miles west ot here, Tom ; Brown, a farmer. 80 years old. butch ered his wife, mother-in-law and baby last nigbt Brown comes of a feeble minded family. Building Bia Own Church. Ban Franolsoo, Aug. 4. Rev. Henry Victor Morgan, pastor ot the First Christian oburob society ot Alameda, is building a meeting bouse with the as sistance of several members of his con gregation. In laborer'a garb, with hi j coat off, hi ileevea rolled up and a i straw hat on the back ot bis head the ' Bev. Morgan may be seen daily plying the saw and hammer in the construc tion of a bouse of worship. "I bave alwaya been bandy with tools and I am not afraid to work," aaid the Rev. Mr. Morgan. "I took it upon myself t superintend the con struction of our little meeting house. I am being assisted by some members of my congegatlon. This (truoture will be nsed for a oburob only temporarily. Inside of a year we expect to build a church edifice and then this structure will be moved baok and attached to the rear and need aa a Sunday-sohool room. I think I am doing good work tor tbe Lord in this way, I am anx ious w should have a home." , : Andre Delayed. Stookholm, Aug. 4. News has been reoelved from Spitsbergen that Pro fesaor & A. Andree's balloon has been filled and that be wa ready to start July 86. The Virgo, with Professor Andree, hi two oompanion and bia apparatua on board, aailed from Strom soe June IS. Since June 80, tbe expe dition bad been established in Pike's house, in the northern halt of West Spitsbergen, opposite Dane' island. Tbe store and equipment had already been disembarked and the position con sidered very favorable. Aa the explorer had planned that bia preparations would all be completed and bia balloon filled by tbe first week In July, it seems probable that some unexpected obstaole waa met In completing the preparations. . pain May Buy Warahlps la Qlaagaw. Madrid, Aug. 4. The shipbuilder at Genoa, with whom tbe Spanish gov ernment ha been negotiating tor the pnrohase of two ironolada, have finally deollned to sell to Spain the cruiser Garibaldi, on the ground that Argen tina has a prior right Admiral Ber anger, the minister of marine, will in oonsequenoe send a commission of na val officer to Glasgow to negotiate for the purchase of two ironolada Carried Off a Wife Clinton, Mo., Aug. 4. Several months ago Jim Carey cam from Iowa and made hi home with hi nncle, W. 8. Carey, near Clinton. During the latter' absenoe yesterday Mrs. Carey eloped with her husband' nephew, taking her baby along A warrant ha been Issued, bnt It ia thought tbey have fled to Iowa. horn Angela Ohlneae Shot. Los Angeles, Aug. 4. Wong Cbee, one of the most prominent and influ ential Chinese In tbe city, was shot and seriously wounded by one of his ooun- j trymen this evening. Three Chinamen i have been arrested and Wong Chew Gow, one ot the number, is believed to be the man who did the shooting. A Beward for Informer. Havana, Aug. 4. The offlolal ga aette publishes a decree offering a re ward of $84,000 to any one enabling the Spanish cruisers to effect tbe leis ure of filibustering steamers and offer ing a further reward of 89.000 to any pwjw; """' , capture nUbusterlng sailing veel or person enabling the Spanish cruisers to over SOB tons. At least $160,000,000 worth of Brit ish property 1 alwajsi on tbe sea. THE TRAINS COLLIDED Came Together at a Diagonal - Railroad Crossing. TES BE3ULT8 WEBB 8ICEEHIRO An Bipreea Catenas nn Bzenrslon Train ;. Broadside, Literally Cleaving V IS la Twain. Atlantic City, N. J., Ang. 8. A railroad aocident, horrible in it detail and sickening in it remits, occurred this evening, just outside ot this oity, and as a result about 100 person are either killed or injured. Tbe Reading railroad express, whioh left Philadelphia at 6:40 o'olook this evening for Atlantio City, crashed into a Pennsylvania railroad excursion train at tbe aeoond signal tower, about four milea out from here. Tbe Pennsylvania train was return- j ing to Bridgeton with a party of exour-1 slonists from that place, Millville and neighboring towns. It was loaded i with passengers, and a rough estimate j of the killed and injured at a late hour , places tbe number at 100. It is hoped that this is an exaggeration, but tbe j number ii undoubtedly more than fifty, j At the second signal tower, the J track of tbe two road diagonally : cross. The Readirg train was given ! the signal to stop, but the brakes either failed to work or the speed of the ex press was too great to be cbeoked in time. It caught the exouraion train broadside and ploughed through, liter- j ally cleaving it In twain. The engine of tbe Beading train was shattered to pieces. Every car on tbe excursion train waa jammed to its fullest ca pacity, As soon a tbe new reached Atlantic City, the utmost consternation pre vailed, but the authorities wete equal to the emersencv. Belief trains were UUiiuudu w. uouo, tuauDU mi- Nil and bearing staffs of surgeons. As quiok a the bodies were recovered, tbey were oarrled into tbe local hos pitals and undertaker's shops. A general fire alarm wa sounded, and the department promptly respond ed, and aided in tbe heartrending work : ox Digging ior tne viotims. rear grew into despair and horror as the vigorous 1 work of the relief gangs revealed tbe awful extent of the disaster. j The first Beading relief train bore 1 into this city twenty-seven mangled ' corpses, men. women ana oniiareu. j Tbe next train, not an hour later, oar ; ried fifteen of the maimed and wound ," ed, and two of these died soon after j reaobing the oity. A train after train plied to the scene of the wreck, and oame back j ana a famine is feared in the district with it ghastly burdens, tbe Sani- during the oomlng autumn. Great tarlum, which does duty as the city hos-! number of people who escaped the pital, quickly found its oapaoity over-1 fary of the waves are left utterly desti taxed. Meanwhile other ot the dead i tute, without food or shelter or the and injured were being carried to the means of proonring it private hospital at Ooean and Paoiflo Hat Chan ia situated opposite Yn avenue. Chan Island, on tbe coast of Klang So Eward Fan, engineer on the Bead- j provinoe, which is on the Whang Hai ing train, was killed outright, aa was . or Yellow aea. The anrfaoe ia mostly another railroad man who rode on tbe level, whioh may account for the great engine with him. Tbia man, whose J loa of life. Kiang Sn i one of the name ha not yet been learned, saw tbe j most fertile province of tbe empire, collision oomlng and leaped from tbe ; and exports more silk than any other cab an instant before tbe crash oame. j provinoe ot China. Tbe Yang-tse-Almost at the same instant tbe engine , Kiang enters China through tbia prov out its way through and caught him j inoe, the prinoipal city of which I directly in its path. His body and that j Nanking. : of Farr were found under a heap of j .... combine debris, but tbe engineer lay In what THE -UMBER COMBINE. remained of the oab, and hla right hand still olasped the throttle. He had been faithful unto death, and met it at hia post Tbe fireman on that train leaped a few seoonds before and escaped with i trifling injuries. j Samuel Thornton, baggage-master ; on the Beading train, is among the jdead, -,y j Jame M. Bateman, a Bridgeton an- Ant-taker, ia known to. ha killed. He j waa in the third car, and hi hat waa found lying among the mas of broken timber. Biohard Trenohard, a Bridgeton ma chinist, and his wife are both dead. Oonduotor Kelly, of the Pennsylva nia train, had both arma and legs broken, and was Internally injured. Albert J. Mosebaoh. of No. 18 North Eighth street. PhiladelDbla. wa on the Reading train. He Moaned nnhurt The exouraion train waa made no of fifteen care, the foremost of which was a baggage oar. This and the next two ooaohe oaught the full force of the m-aah. and warn nttarl demolished, What remained of the third oar waa tumbled into a ditoh at the roadside. The responsibility for the aooldent oan- not now be fixed. William Thurlow, telegraph operator in the tower-house, was arrested to- night and held, pending an inquiry. Europeans Maaaaered. Paris, Aug. 8. Advice from Ma junga, Madagascar, report that cara van of two Frenohmen and three Eng lishmen have been massacred by tha Fahavalos, near Ambolipiana. Crop Failure In Sooth Buaaln. London, Aug. 8. An Odessa dis patch to the Times announce that offl olal report are to the effeot that the harvest haa been a failure throughout the most fertile graln-produoing dis tricts in tbe south ot Russia. , .: OH Tank exploded. New York. Aug. 8. Two men were fatally - injured and three other se verely burned by the explosion ot a tank at tbe Standard Oil Company's works, at Cravens Point, Jersey City, todav. The fatally injured are: Rich- I ovA rnnnlnoham anil jnhn ftnlriamith. The worka were tet on fire by the ex plosion, but tbe flames were extin guished before muoh damage was done. The world's navies are estimated aa deploying 6,000,008 men. MARK TWAIN IN ENGLAND. His Opinion of the Transvaal and It. Inhabitant. Southampton, Ang. 4. Samuel Clemen (Mark Twain), with bia wife and daughter, arrived today on the steamer Norman from Table bay, Cape Colony, Although he started out on bis tour of tbe world in feeble health, being obliged often to take to hi bed between the delivery ot lecture,, and, notwithstanding an attack ot sickness in India, Mr. Clemens looked the pic ture of health when be landed bexe. He bas gone far and seen much, in tbe Sansdwioh islands, Australia, India, South Africa. 1 He expressed himself as charmed with wbal be bad seen in South Africa. "I oonsider tbe Transvaal the coun try of the future," laid Mr. Clemena. "It ha a delightful climate and bound lea natural wealth. I bad presented to me in Johannesburg a little nugget with figures on it showing the enor mous increase of the gold output. The bulk of trade there ia in tbe bands of English and Germans, bnt Americana should be able to oommand the lion's share of the trade in maohinery, the largest portion ot the machinery in tbe Transvaal being American. Mr. Hammond, the reform leader oonvioted of treason, but whose sentence waa commuted, intends to bring back from the .state with Mm $300,000. Tbe majority ot Amenoan in the Trans vaal are engaged in mining and en gineering. The American element ia email, but tbe mas of the Boer make no distinction between Amerioana and English. Indeed, all foreigners, with the exoeption of Germane, are deferred to. "The excitement over the Jameson raid and subsequent trial of tbe ro formers baa subsided, bnt all tbe re former are agreed that the cause of political reform haa been retarded a decade by the Jameson ftaaoo." . ENGULFED BY A TIDAL WAVE It Is Estimated That 4,000 China . , Porlahod. Shanghai, Aug. 4. New of a most terrible disaster, which occurred on Sunday last in tbe province of Klang Su, baa just been brought to this city. An immense tidal wave, fully five milea in lenirth and of n-reat height. iwept a fr0m the sea upon tbe ooast 0 Hajehau, whioh is in tbe outheast- era part of the province, inundating the entire country and destroying numerous small villages in its path. At present it is estimated that 4,000 people were drowned, bnt It la probable that when a full investigation haa been made, that number will be inoreased. In addition to the great losa ot hu man life vast numbers of cattle were drowned. Rioe fields were submerged, and the crops almost totally destroyed. Waahtnaton lumbermen Mo .Afraid ! ' That It Will Be Broken. I Taooma, Wash., Aug. 4. Manager : W. H. Hanson, one ot the proprietor of the Taooma Mill Company, aaid ! that the story sent out from San Fran- oisoo, that there waa likely to be a dia i ruption ot the lumber combine, 1 with ' out foundation. ... "Tbe millmen of this ooast." he said, "have been losing money long j enough, and present prions are but lit- tie higher than tbe aotuai ooat of pro duction, "If the retail dealer of Oakland or any other city see to fit to out rate, that is hi business, but he cannot ex pect millmen to get in any out ratea to them. My opinion of tbe whole ; trouble la that several of the retailer , have been after the ame business, and some of those who failed to get cer : tain orders out under their more soo- oessful competitors to try and get the ; business away irom tnem. "It is ate to say there wiU be no re- duotion in oargo rates, tor two reasons. i There ia no neoessity for cutting, and 1 the present rate will not stand it, a j tbe inoreased prioe for itumpage and the greater distance the mill have to : go tor log would mate any suon cut- ; ting a ioe to tnemuunau, Killed by a railing Building. Birmingham, Ala.. Aug. 4. At Co lumbus City, Ala., Maynard Covan wa escorting Miss Dovie Proctor and Delia Bishop, daughters ot prominent families, out tor a walk, when a wind and rain storm oame up, and the trio stepped into an Old building out of the storm. The wind inoreased in mry until the building oollapsed, and all were oaugbt in the debris. Covans and Miss Proctor were instantly killed, and Miss Bishop so badly injured that death will result A New Kiteflying Record. Boaton, Aug. . 4. All records of kiteflying were broken at the Blue Hill observatory today. A kite was sent 7,888 feet into tbe air. This is 1,000 toet higher than the top ot Mount Washington, and 800 feet high er than a kite had ever been sent be fore. Fifty members ot the Appala chian Club witnessed the exhibition. Glass houses of a very kind oan now be built substantial NORTHWEST BREVITIES Evidence ot Steady Growth and Enterprise. ITEX3 09 GESEKAL IHTEBEST Proa All the Oltles nnd Towns of the Thriving Slater State Oregon. Foreat fire are said to be raging throughout the Nehalem country. Curry county' ' delinquent tax amount to about $6,000 tbi year. Seventeen boxes ot peaob pluma, tha first of tbe season, were shipped from Tbe Dalles last week. Of the 861 students graduated from the state normal achool at Monumouth, 889 are at present teachers. The Empire cannery, on Coos bay. will run through thla fishing season. Preparations are being made to start up next month. , The board ot equalization for Coo county will meet in Empire August 81, nd will oontinue in session until Sep tember 8, 1896. The Oregon Centra) St Eastern Bail- road Company will probably be a bid der for the government work to be done on Yaquina bay. Citizens of Coquille are making great preparations for the soldier and pio neers' reunion that will be held there August 13, 14 and 15. The county court ot Curry county has directed the oounty treasurer to pay state taxes out of tbe county funds here after and to use no sohool funds for that purpose. John Durbin will celebrate bia 103d birthday at the home of hia ion, Isaac on Howell prairie, September 18, and every immigrant of 1845 in the state ia invited to be present The postal department has disap proved of the proposition to establish a mail line from Klamath agency to Sil ver lake, and to increase service on the route from Silver lake to Prineville. The grain crop in Lane oounty ha proven to be muoh better than waa anticipated a few weeks ago. Soma field of grain are very light, bnt tha yield in most oases will be very good, and muoh better than wa expeoted. Smoke from fire in the Cascade mountain ha been blown by western wind aoorss tbe valleys and plains un til it is thick and blue In Grant county, nearly obscuring the inn, and Impair ing the usefulness of the moon, say the Canoyn City New. Reports from Sherman oounty are to the effeot that wheat is suffering from the oontinued hot weather, and farmers do not expect the average yield ot the county will be more than bushel to the acre. A month ago they expeot ed the average yield wonld be twenty five bnhsels. Mrs. Mary Henkle, who died reoently in Independence, wa born in Green oounty, Kentucky, July 89, 1817. She crossed the plain with her husband in 1866, to California, and they oame to Oregon in 1867. locating two and one half milea south ot Philomath. She wa the mother ot fourteen children, nine ot whom survive; ' thirty-nine grand-children, thirty-one of whom survive, and thirteen great grandchil dren, twelve of whom survive. Washington. - The newspaper men of Seattle have formed a pre club. - Grasshoppers are eating the potato plant in th vioinlty of Sprague. A schoolhouse i to be built in tbe Pleasant valley district, tn Whatcom county. Harvest ha begun in Whitman oounty, several headers having started tn within the week. The warehouses at Garfield are all being put In oonditlon to receive this season's grain crop. In the Steilacoom, Wash, , insane asy lum there are at present 678 patient, 200 of whom are women. A convention ot the various cburob societies ot Lincoln oounty will be held in Davenport, Thursday. August 80. Tuesday, September 16, has been set by the state land commission for bear ing testimony oonoerning oonflioting applications to pnrohase tide lands in Chebali oounty. Tbe oommittee of one hundred, whose task it was to find ont who stole the ballot boxes in Taooma bas asked tbe judges of the superior oourt to at onoe oall a session of the grand jury to in vestigate the orime. Treasurer Lewis, of Chehali oounty, bas remitted to tbe several towns tax oolleotion, aa follow: Aberdeen, $510.97; Montesano, $100.06; Ho quiam. $246.81; Cosmopolis, $461.54; Elma, $9.74; Ooosta, $18.71. and to the state treasurer, $14,181.14. Mora net stealing than ever wa known in the history of the river i taking plaoe this season, say the Cath lamet Gaiette. Some fishermen claim there ia a gasoline boat whioh is mak ing a business of staling web. ; Tbe men claim that the gasoline boat picks up the web with a hook that reaohe to tbe bottom and sever tbe lead and cork line with one (lash. The statement ot the treasurer of Skagit oounty for the year ending June 80, 1896, ahowa that receipt have amounted to $148,060.78, and disburse ment to $95,489.06. leaving a each balanoe of $58,651.69. :, . . Charles Frank, an Indian from the Lapwai reservation, wa tiied at Col fax the other day for tbe stealing of a horse, and waa acquitted. Tbe evi dence was plain that he bad taken tba horse and ridden off, but It wa proved to be a custom for the Indians to ride an another' bone when the1 wished.