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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (July 24, 1896)
3G0N MI VOL. 13. ST. HELENS, OREGON, FRIDAY, JULY 24, 18. NO. 31. om 8 EVENTS OF THE DAY Epitome ot the Telegraphic News of the World. riSSK TICKS FB01I TUB WIBK8 a Interesting Collection of lUm. From tha Iw. Iieml.paares Presented in a Condensed Worm, A slight movemoot la wool It re ported in Oregon and Washington, . Rtoturs ar again rampant at the Brown Hoisting Works, in Cleveland, O., and serious trouble ta feared. Cincinnati and vicinity bar been visited by heavy thunder storm and at several plaoea ther la roported loaa of Ufa and property. Near Portsmouth five persons took refuge in a ahed, wbioh waa attack by lightning, killing 11 of them. ; , : . Captain-General Weyler baa issued daorea that all forelgnera in tba Inland art to teglater In a apeolal book 'In the goTerotneat'a charge previous to their being justified In appealing to ar ticle f of tba decree relative to foreign eltisenship In November, 189. Jam Harvey Sherman, a famoaa apy In the war of the rebellion, wbo realded near Cbarlotteville, Mloh la dead. More the war broke out Sher man realded in Vlrtgnia, where be ac cumulated fortune, wbleb waa after warda entirely awept away by the war. Albert Olaen, 8S yeara of age, an em ployee ot tbe Willamette Caaket Com pany, ot Taooma, waa oangbt In tbe machinery, whirled rapidly aronnd the revolving abaft and inatantly killed. Tbe body waa horribly mangled, tbe left leg and right foot being torn off oompletely. A little boy of Marshall. Mioh,, when herding oattle, tied two of bia aiatera, 4 and 6 yeara old, and another little girl with rope, the end of which waa attached to the aaddle on a pony. The pony ran away, dragging the three girla bait a mile. Two of the girla were killed and tbe other badly Injured. ' Tbe colored people of Clnolnnatl held a memorial meeting in honor of .Harriet Beeeber 8 to we. It waa in thla oity that ahe wrote "Uncle Tom'a Cabin," aim apendlng ber early life bare when ber father waa prealdent of Lane theological seminary. 8be waa married in Clnolnnatl, Professor Stow being connected with Lane aemlnary. Another bond lame la being apoken of aa a reaolt of the heavy gold with drawals Tbe rebel Impl la gathered in battle array near Balnwayo, and a fight ia probable.; The barkentlne Sllaa MoManemy waa annk near Memory Book, Fa. Mo Uvea were loai A terriflo wind and rain storm in Ohio badly aamaged oropa Light ning itxuok a number ot buildings. Tbe deadly yellow jaok ia playing aad bavoo with the Spanish army in Cnba, and many of the aoldlere are dy ing. ,rr .: Two oabin-boya ot Pomeroy, O , ahot and killed Peter Whtttaker. Tbe kill ing was the result of rivalry over a woman. More silver ia to be coined. The Ban Franoisoo mint will toon reanme operattona and It ia aaid that about 1600,000 will be coined, daring thla month. . Inteoie heat prevaila throughout the aoutbern portion of Great Britain and in Franoe and Germany. In London the mercury marked 80 degree in the ahade and 186 in (he eon. In Parle tbe heat ia ao great it baa been found necessary to close many workshops. ' On July 4, tbe inmate ot tbe oity infirmary in Clnolnnatl were treated to green apple, lemonade and other lux uries. Tbe inmate drank and ate too much; siokneis followed, and eight have ainoe died from tbe effects of the festivities on that day. Noah MoGill, sheriff of Tishomingo oonnty, L T., reports that three white men were found banging to tbe limb of a tree near Reagan poatoffioe, a few miles from Tishomingo oonnty, Chtoka aaw nation. It ia generally believed that they were bortetbievea, captured by a party of Teiana, and twang np on the pot It it understood that tbe secretary of atate haa instructed the United State minister at Lima to demand a prompt settlement of the claim of Viator O. Maooord, tbe American oitieen, tor al leged brutal and inhuman treatment by the Peruvian authorities. Mr. Mao oord' olaim ia for 1300,000. It growl oat of hi imprisonment by the Per uvian authorities in 1880. while be waa acting superintendent of the rail road at Arequipa. ' Felii Faure, president of the French republic was fired at from a distance of only a few feet by an unknown man, but the bullet fortunately went wide of Its mark, and tbe prealdent escaped unharmed. Prealdent Faure had gone to tbe Champs to review the troop. He bad no sooner entered the field when man in the orowd stepped forward nd fired at him. . Tbe shot did not take effect The would-be assassin wa arrested. He declared that he only fired blank oartridge. The Prinoe and Princess ot Wales in behalf of the queen gave a garden party at Buckingham palace, in hon or of Prlnoeaa Maud of Wales, who it to be married to Prinoe Cbarlea of Denmark. The stateroom of the palace were thrown open to the guests of whom there were about 8,000. Am bassador Bayard and Chaunoey M. De pew were present. The Loudon Post announoea that Mr. John W. Maokay hat been turn mooed to Rome on aooount of tbe dan lrons Illness of ber father. Fired an tbe Tuar, It is rumored at Astoria that the tug Relief, while on a trip from Astoria to Port Townsend, w tired upon by tome fishermen whose not the tug bad Just passed over. ,4.,l, Jose Mums Killed. Private dipatobt from Havana tay that General Jos Maoeo, the Cuban patriot leader, waa ahot through the head and Instantly killed during an attack which be led upon tbe Spanish foroe in Gato Hills, The report says that Colonel Caratagena, another In surgent officer, and several member of Maoeo't staff, were killed at tbe same time. 'Mr.tvrlvua Poisoning. , In Clnolnnatl an unknown blonde woman waa found by a Fort Thomas soldier lying unooniclou on the ground on a farm, within a few feet ot the spot where the beheaded body ' of Pearl Bryan wa left by her murderer. The girl wa taken to Newport, where it wa found she bad either been drugged or bad taken poison herself. ,. ICi-floT.rnnr BumII Dead Ks-Goveruor William E. Russell, of Muisaohnsetts, waa found dead in bed in a fishing oamp near Grand Pabos, Quebec. When be passed through Mon- treal on his way to the salmon grounds in Gaspo, be was in the beat of health. It i supposed he died of heart disease. I He wss well-known in public lite, and !i.. L - - . 1 .1. . .1 ..I iwn a I'lumiuou m .no uotiuuoi - Democralio convention reoently held in Chicago, Hanged at Folom. John E. Howard waa banged in the prison corridor at Folsom, Cal., for the murder ot Martin DeLanina, In rular oounty, in June, 1804. Only twenty person beside tbe prison officials witnessed tbe exeontion. Howard walked firmly to the scaffold and stood calm and composed till the drop fell. A (light twitching of the baud gave tbe only evidence ot agita tion. : , . . Haw Llae. A 8b Paul dispatch tay 8. Iwanaga, ot Toklo, Japan, general manager of the Japanese Mail (Steamship Company, limited, ha Just signed a contract with he Great Northern Railway Company for the establishment of a steamship line between Toklo and Seattle. Thus tbe Great Northern system extends its operattona Into tbe far east, and its bills of lading are in foroe from Toklo to Buffalo, N. Y. Aa Amerloaa Bark Ashore. A dispatch from Zanaibar reports that the Amerioan bark John D. Brewer, went ashore at PangawanL Tbe government baa sent a veasel to tbe atslstanoe of tbe Brewer. eraped From the Band Waaoa. The band wbioh eooompanie Buffalo Bill' Wild West Bbow attempted to drive under bridge in Maaalllon, O. All tbe men were scraped off. Five or ix are reported dead or dying and in jured. ' Palsoaed by Drinklaa; Leuoaade. New has been reoeived of tbe fatal poisoning at Santiago, Minn., of a family of nine ohildren, canted by drluking lemonade. The ohildren died one after another, and the parent are not expected to live. A Fatal Call arala Fire. Fir broke out In the residence of John Coyle in Fresno, Cat Coyle wa in the bouse asleep at the time and wa burned to death. He waa a pioneer oltiaen of Frosno oounty and possessed of considerable means. Fleadlsh Wotnaa Baagad. Newt from Coeborn, Va., say that Mary Snodgrass was banged there to tbe murder of 6-montba-old ohild by burning it In a stove. The woman was 88 years old. Tbe Snodgrass woman was a disreputable woman and was oompelled to leave Plkevllle, Ky., on that aooount ,-" r v . Boad lareatl gallon. Senator Harris, chairman of tbe sen ate oommittee to Investigate tbereoent bond issue, say ha bat not yet deter mined whether tbe oommitte will watt until tbe fall before going on with it Investigation or will oomplete it work, frame it report and make it publlo thla summer. Tbe last meeting adjourned inbjeot to tbe oall of the ohalrman. - : The H.n(.r Craolfl.d. A London dlspstoh from Wady Haifa report that the messenger wbo carried tbe new to Khalifa at Om duran that bia army bad been defeated at Firket, wat immediately put to death by croolOxion. Khalifa an nounoed that the lame fate would be Imposed upon any one who mentioned the Ftrket in bia bearing. A Fromlneat Lawyer Daad. John Cameron Slmmonda, formerly ot Chioago, and a member of tbe bar, died at tbe Ward island Insane aaylum, New York. His business interest were largely in tbe West He waa in terested in mining and railway eon struotlon In California, but did muob of hla business in New York, and waa well-known to Wall-street bankers. ' Mr. Slmmonda was an authority on criminal law and. wrote a great deal on that subject Hi . writing on prison reform have alio mad him noted. The semt-ofHolal Neuatenaohrlohten, of Berlin, refer in ironical language to Rudini't tpeeoh in whioh be refer red to the possibility of bettering the term of tbe triple alliance. Tbe writer draw attention to tbe weakness of Italy, wbioh was so oompletely beaten by Abyssinia, and asks what she could do against Franoe. The ar tlole declare that Baraterl'i report on the oomplete rout of the Italian army at Adowah la perfectly true. Her al lies should ttudy ber bad organisation. A CRUSHING DEFEAT Spanish Column Utterly Rout ed by Maceo. GENERAL 1HCLAM WAS CaPTOBED Oovernment Soldiers Ware Drawn lata Tray aad Fired aa From All eldae. Key West, July 91. -The Spaniards under General Snares Ynolan have sus tained a orosbing defeat at the banda of the insurgent under Atonio Maoeo. Not only waa Ynolan's column defeated with heavy loss, but It is currently reported in Havana that tbe Spaniah general himself wa captured and is now held prisoner by Maoeo. Tbe bat tle it laid to have ooonrred on July IS, near Maoeo't ttronghold, in Pinar del Rio. For the last two week the rebel bave been very aggressive, and mall parties bave repeatedly attacked the trocba, causing tbe Bpanlarda muob annoyance. Ynolan waa ordered to drive baok these detached banda of Cuban, and for tbi purpose took with him 3,000 men. -:.. . t. , Maoeo seems to bave expected snob a movement, and arranged to ambush the Bpanlarda. He stationed a foroe in a favorable spot, and ordered m. a.a v. a. a, vi- J$ insurgent skirmisher inoautiously and fell into the ambush. Then the Cubans opened Are from all sides, whiob threw the Bpanlarda into oonfnsion. While tbe Spaniards were thus beeet, the Cubans charged and oompletely routed their foes. Ynolan made a des perate effort to rally bis demoralized foroe, but wa (nrrounded by the Cu ban and compelled to surrender. It 1 aaid in Havana that tbe Span iard were punned almost to tbe trooba, and lost more than 800 killed i and wounded. There were fourteen officers among tbe killed. The Cubans here also say that Maoeo will bold Ynolan aa hostage to aave tbe Uvea of prominent insurgent ofOoers wbo have been captured by tbe Bpanlarda. One of those offloers 1 Capote. If thla rebel leader i shot by tbe Spaniard, it is thought Ynolan will meet the tame fate at the band of Maoeo. W at Maeea Wants. New York, July 91 The World publishes tbe following correspondence from the headquarters of Maoeo, Toma de San Jose, Ptnar del Bio, June 80: "The want of a few cartridge and a few cannon," aaid General Antonio Xf a tn ' .It thai mflbiu nn. ,nmm. ment us n.ture'.rook. instead of brick I and mortar for a White House." Asked how many and what arms and ammunition be needa to guarantee to win the war in, tay two months, be aaid: . "I could do it With 90,000 Reming ton rifles, aamller caliber, 180,000 cart ridge, 10 oannon and 100,000 round of artillery ammunition. I might do it with muob leas. I would invariably attack tbe Spaniards and attaok tbem after maneuvering their oolumna into oul de aot and I would take an Im portant town. Tbe (upplie captured there would assist In the capture of the next one, and ao on until I would be able to storm Havana with lta fully equipped army of 100,000 men and fifty pieces of artillery. "In addition to our 60,000 armed men, we bave fully 90,000 more men armed with only maobetea and re volver, thus giving us a probable total of 80,000 revolutionist in tbe field." JAPANESE ENTERPRISE. Great Colonisation and Trading an Foot San Frsnoisofo, July 91. Among the passengers on the steamship China, whiob arrived today from Yokohama, were Sho Nemato and T. Kusakado, promlnenUipanese business men, whose errand ia to arrange the detaila ot a gigantio colonisation scheme in Mexl oo. They have secured an option, on 800,000 acre ot land in tbe atate ot Cheapls, Mexico, and areon their way outh to oonsummate the deal. Tbe land 1 sold to tbem at 1 per acre. Tbe immense traot will be out up into small farms, whioh wll be operated by ooolle labor brought from Japan. Cot ton, sugsr, tobaooo and other product adapted to the olimate will be raised. In addition to the above scheme, Sho Nemato has been commissioned by the Japanese government to investigate the trade prospect ot Mexico and Central Amerioa. . It is the desire of Japan to trade direotly witn the oountrle south of tbe United State, a far down as Panama, and a steamship line ha been subsidised to run to port along the Paciflo coast ' The main port will be San Diego, and it 1 the intention of tbe Jipanese manufacturer to Import all their ootton via San Diego Instead of through Ban Franoisoo and Paget sound port at present A trafflo ar- rangement will also probably be made with the Tehuantepeo railroad, thus giving the new steamship aooess to the Atlantio ooast Thi steamship company bat nothing to do with the one about to ,be estab lished with Portland, Or., as the main port of oall. ' Brought TJp With tha Tlda. , Vanoouver, B. C, July 91. Word wa received by the steamer Burt to day that the body of a woman had been found on the shore of Gambler island I on Howe ound. The body waa dressed j in blue serge and bad evidently been ' in the water some time, a the eyea and other feature were gone. No person i answering the description lived on the island or in that distriot, and no on I ha been reported missing. ' Maddanad by Faar. ; ' Athens, July 33. Dispatches re oeived from Canea state that a panio occurred there Sunday in tbe Plantza quarter, owing to a fire whiob was mis taken as a signal for carnage. The houses were forthwith barricaded. British Captain Drury landed boats, carrying armed sailors. Austrian and Russian ahip also landed men in Canea and Haleppa. The Turk were finally dispersed. The (hops were olosed and nobody dared stay in the street. A correspondent say that aa be passed through the town the dead and wounded were lying about, and the panio continued. A number of Cretans arrived here, making demands to the oommittee for perfected guns. To Their Old Keaervatloa. Chamberlain, 8. D., July 93. A olause in the Indian appropriation bill granted permission to tbe Lower Brule Indians, who prior to July 8, 1890, lived south of White river on the Rosebud Indian reservation, to return ZiZ: TZT r. Vu 1 mJLZ , . ,u V r: oooupled by tbem prior to that date. J 1 4. At... 11.A.A.. 1 About 400 of the Lower Brule have Just taken advantage of this olause and removed to their former home. The government will bave to pay tbe Rose bud Indiana at the rate of 81 per acre for all land settled upon and oooupled by the Lower Brule. WanU to Wear the Bolt. New York, July 33. J. a Hilde- """" ' T Denver Ed 8mith. Hildebrand he bad $1,000 up for over a month and nobody would oover it. Smith himself declared his ability to defeat anything in the world, Corbett, Fitssimmons, Jackson, . Goddard, Sbarkey and so on preferred in that order. . Woman Attempts Snleldo. Chicago, July 93. Because ber bus band abuaed ber, Mr. Henry Well bouse attempted to drown herself and four children last avenlnn in the lake at the foot of Twenty-fifth street She waa intercepted by the polioe in the aot of leading the ohildren into the lake. COMMITTED SUICIDE. Bat First John Beehor Burned Bis Dwelling House. Roaeburg, Or., July 91. John Beck er, a native ot Bavaria, living at Cleve land, fifteen miles west of Roseburg, committed lulolde yesterday, after hav ing burned bia dwelling-bouse and it oontenta. He had trouble with his wife In the forenoon, and beat ber over the head with a revolver. Hia 18 year old son took the weapon from him. The mother and youngest ohild then went "bbor, half a mile distant, and a 19-year-old son came to Romberg to bave the father arrested. Meantime, ! Br "tJS h?nM fnd ""P i M. Wilson, superintendent ot govern peered. Hi body wa. found early thi. ment ixm ,nd Bronndii nM . monring a mile from home, and 600 j , oinmended the erection of l'"lmJ"2!2Z ."IB7."aC avwaui TV QUI tu V VMM A osovm SS MUMcra, wvrvah. a gun and shot himself. He had been aoting atrangely for some time, and waa evidently insane. An Arkansas Town Burned. I IU1. D A .. Tl Ol tt.l vern, Ark,, at 'the junction of the Hot Springs railway, was almost entirely swept out by fire early this morning. Malvern was a oity of about 6,000 in habitants, the business portion of the plaoe being olustered around tbe rail road station. All this section was de storyed, only three business-houses re maining. The total loss is variously estimated at from t-300,000 to 8400, 000, only a small portion of whiob i oover ed by lniuranoe. Tbe burned building Inolnded the railroad depot, two hotel and the bank. Tbe fire waa without doubt the result of plot to destroy the town. The blase broke out about midnight, in three different plaoea, and aa there waa no apparatus, the fire burned itself out WORK AT THE LOCKS. As Soon aa tba Watar Ooos Dawn, Oper ations Will OonniiM, The Dalle, Or., July 91. The $300,000 appropriated In the last river and harbor bill : for completing the canal and lock at the cascades of the Columbia river are now available, and Mr. MoDonald, superintendent of stoneontters under Day Bros., Informed a Dalle man wbo waa visiting at tbe Looks a few days slnoe, that work would be resumed on the canal, be . V. nn ri . alumt Inmi.t 1 A. bum mm the water had receded sufficiently so : that tbe oanal between tbe upper guard gate and the look gate oan be drained , of water. The engineers bave determined to construct walls ot solid masonry be tween tbe upper guard and look gate, and It 1 estimated that these walls oan be oompleted In two or three month. The oonatrnotlon of these walla will be under tbe supervision of Day Bros. , on the bail of their former con traot for imllar work. A foroe of from fifty to aixty men will be put on the stone work within two weeks, and the building of tbe walls will be poshed to completion. Then the work ot rip-rapping the outer bank on the river side will be com menced, and it ia estimated that six months will be required to oomplete the entire Job. Riparla, Wash., July 81. One ot the moat cold-blooded murders In tbe history of this place was committed this afternoon by James D. Lawrenoe, a passenger en route from Walla Walla to Lewiston, Idaho, Jaoob Mai quist, an old steamboat man, but wbo, for the past dosen years, has been con ducting the Steamboat saloon, being tbe vlotlm. Tbe murderer took to the bills, but wat followed by posse and captured about two milea from town. He will be taken to Colfax. WIPED OUT BY FIRE Business Portion ot the Town of Lone Rock. TOTAL LOSS 18 NOT YET O0WI Few Dwelling L.ft-A Braall Boy With " a Foehet Fall of Match.. atarto the Blase. ' Arlington, Or., July 30. Word wat received here today that the town of Lone Rock waa almost wiped out yesterday by lire. The whole business portion of the town went up in smoke, and nothing remains bnt a few dwell ing in the outskirts of the town. Lone Rook i on Long Creek, in Gilliam oounty. It is twenty-six miles southeast of Condon, the oounty teat; 1y mile from Arlington, wbioh I. . ',,,, and m " .tatl0 nd its shipping and express station, and thirty-five milea from Heppner, it banking point There ia a stage to Arlington and a daily mail. The town was started in 1870. A FERRY-BOAT SUNK. Foartoon Orahaadle-S Drowaad at Cleveland, O., July 30. Several lives were lost In an aooident wbioh oo onrred about 7:80 tonight on an old river-bed near tbe ore docks of tbe aeveland & Pittsburg Railroad Com- pany. Tbe ore nandlers bad just quit work for the day, and were waiting their turn to cross the branch of tbe river on the flat-bottom ferry-boat whiob they bad provided for thi pur pose. When it wa about bait way over, the frail craft was swamped by tbe wash from a passing steamer, and it began to sink. The first report of tbe aooident plaoed tbe number of dead at twenty-two, but that proved to have been an exaggeration. Fourteen bodies bave been taken from the water. William Bueloy, a well-known press man, went to tbe river to see the ex citement, fell oil an abutment near the Detroit boat-landing and waa drowned. Tbe river is being dragged for more bodies. There were many pathetic soenet about the morgue while rela tive of the dead men were identifying them. It 1 believed at 11 o'clock all the bodies bave been recovered, though It la possible one or two victims may be added to the list Twelve ot the , fourteen victims leave familiea who 1 were dependent upon them. . FOR THE PRESIDENT, ! Bulldin BnDorlntendent Wll. on Manas I a Boeommoadation. . Tl Alt -vl T i 'Peoi.l office building for the chief executive of the nation, but oongress has taken no action on them. His an nual report jnst submitted, saya: "I earnestly recommend that an ap propriation of 1250,000 be made for the erection, within tbe executive mansion !t?E ury building, of a granite structure for the ofSoe of the chief executive of the nation. Thla struoture oould be con nected by a wide corridor with a large conservatory fitted up a a winter gar den, with tropical plants and a foun tain, statue of eminent Amerioan; the conservatories oould open into a picture gallery connected by two wide walla, with the east room, and the im provements could serve a double pur pose of relieving tbe mansion of tbe terrible crush inoident to the evening reception a. "I earnestly hope that aotion may be taken at the approaching session of congress toward erecting a suitable office building for the president ot the United States." THE YEAR'S IMMIGRATION. A Irge Ineraaaa In tha Number of Aliens Arriving. Washington, July 90. A statement prepared by the commissioner of immi gration shows the number of Immi grants wbo arrived in thla country dur ing the fiscal year ending June 80, 1896. to have been 843,967, aa oom pared with 958,586 during 1895. Of the whole number, 919,466 were males and 180,881 were female. Tbe ooun trle from which the Immigrant oame are given a follow: Austria Hungary, 65,108; Italy, 68, 080; Russia, 69,186; Germany, 81,885; United Kingdom, 64,867; all other oountrle, 61,446. The whole number debarred and re turned during the year waa 8,035, aa follow: Pauper, 9,010; oontraot la borers, 776; Idiot, 1; insane, 1; dis eased, 3. Two hundred and thirty-six were re turned witihn one year, because of their having become publlo oharges. The total number debarred and returned In 1895 was 9.696. ; Bleyola Factory Burned. London, July SO. The Humber bioyole worka, at Coventry, were burn ed today. Four thousand unfinished bicycle in tbe faotory were destroyed. The total loss is 80,000. A Granite afauaoleunu New York, July 30. William A. Clark, wbo Is known as tbe silver king ot Montana, and who is reputed to be worth more than $90,000,000, haa so oepted an architect' a plan for a gran ite mausoleum to be erected in Wood lawn oemetery at a oost of $100,000, aa a memorial to bi wife, wbo died about two years ago in this oity. . The archi tects refuse to desorlbe the proposed tuoture or to give any information re garding it CAPTAIN TAYLOR'S REPORT Cn Blv.r and Harbor Work la tha Fa altta Werthwest. Washington, July 90. Tbe report of Captain Harry Taylor, of the engineer oorp. who ba oharge of the river and harbor work in the Not :b west, ha been mad to the secretary of war. The work on Willapa river aad har bor, in Washington, hat been com pleted and twenty-one feet of water ee onred, but tome shoal need to be dredged yet No further appropriation will be be required. For the improvement of Gray harbor and bar, plan for a jetty 1 mile to the tea on the south side of the harbor, to secure a low-water depth ot 94 feet, has been decided upon, and contract! will be let for the work. It ia recom mended that the full amount permitted by law 1400,000 bcapproprlated for tbe next fiscal year. In Gray's harbor and Cbehalla river, to carry the dredging to a depth of six teen feet will- largely exoeed the esti mate ot oost The extersion of tbe Northern Paoiflo railway to the lower-harbor towns is said to bave lessened the impor tance of the river as a highway, ao that no ooastlng vessels bave navigated it above Coamopolis since 1899, and It ia recommended that tbe plan for dredg ing channel thrcngb tbe aboala to give ooastlng vessel aooeaa to Monte sano be reconsidered.. The importance of greater facilities for keepng the river flowing into Paget sound free from obstruction is urged. In connecting Paget sound j w 1th Lake Union and Washington, the Smith's cove route Is favored, and the engineer urges that preliminary work be done before right of way ia secured, and says tht $500,000 can be profitably expended during the year. The earnestness of tbe, people ot Everett for pushing the work ot their harbor ia oommendeC. and (15,000 ia recommended to be expended during the fiscal year ending June 80, 1898. The opening of Bwinomiab slough at tbe earliest possilbe date ia urged. '. It ia reported that tbe expense of car rying out tbe project for removing boulders, etc, from the Upper Colum bia and Snake rivers ia so great that it should not be begun with the present appropriation. " A POPULIST PLATFORM. Draws up la Califomiu far tha St. louls Convention Ban Franoisoo, July 90. F. M. Wardell, chairman of the Populist state central oommittee of California, and J. Taylor Rogers, Mayor Sutro's secretary, bave prepared a platform whioh it ia proposed to present to the national Populist convention at St Louis next week. Tbe finanolal plank is aa follows: "We demand a national maney, issued direotly by the general govern ment only, as a full legal tender tor all debts and issued without the agency of any private corporation or bank, and in circulating volume; subject to law and responsive to our needs, and speedily to be increased to $50 per capita ot tbe entire peopla, "Snob money shall consist ot gold, silver and paper, each dollar thereof endowed with the tame fnnotion, im parted solely by the stamp thereon, and not dependent for lta money value upon tbe price of the material used. Each dollar shall be Interchangeable with, but not redeemable In tbe other, and (ball be denominated respectively j guia, buvbt or paper momj su na tional aeots oeing payaoie in eiwwr, ai the option of tbe government "As the United State 1 a free and powerful nation nnd the financial and industrial liberty ot it oltisens ahould be independent of the action of any other government, we demand the free and unlimited coinage ot gold and sil ver by the United State at the present ratio of 16 to 1, without referenoe to the oourse of any foreign nation. "We demand that all national banks be abolished, and in lieu of them that the government establish a postal bank in each oity, town and village of the United State containing a population of 1,000 or more." The platform also declares for the reoognltdon of Cub and against tbe re funding ot the Paoiflo railroad debt. A Woman's Terrible Doed. . Butte, July 90. Mrs. Rose Heim beok, wife ot Ed Heimbaok, of Meader ville, became jealoua ot the attentions ber husband paid Mrs. Thomas Snell lng. In company with her sister, Mrs, Hoakins, she went to the Snelllng home today and, calling Mr. 8nelling into the parlor, Mrs. Heimbaok threw a pint of sulphurio aold on her. Mrs. j Snelling is terribly burned and will die. Mrs. Heimbaok and her sister are under arrest The latter ia a raving maniao in the county jail, and is ex pected to die also. : , Bottle Paper From tha Baroale. , . London, July 20. At the offioe ol Alt TirhJtA G. 14m In .V.J Mtw wimI was received inai as uoy taxe, near Birkenhead, a bottle waa ploked up reoently whioh oontained the following wirtten on a dip of paper: "Struck iceberg. Sinking fast Mid ooean. ' Naronio. (Signed) Young." The steamer Naronio, one of the largest and finest freighter of the White Star line, aailed from Liverpool February 11, 1898, for New York, and from that time to tbi haa never been heard from. Foil Down a Shaft. Rossland, B. a, July 90. Patrlok Driver, a miner working in tbe White Bear mine, waa killed today by falling down 80-foot shaft He struck rook at the bottom headforemost, and broke bis neck. Driver wa about 85 years ; old, unmarried. His only known rela-, i. - i i i t live was a ouuaiu, nuw aumewnera IB the Coenr de'Alenea. Driver had been for some time In this section, having gone into the Coeur de'Alenea during the early days. NORTHWEST BREVITIES Evidence ot Steady Growth and Enterprise. ITEMS OF 6EXEBAL I5TESEST Fraas AU tha Cities and Towns of tha Thriving- lister ttatee . .. Oregon. ." A young oyolone passed through the timber near Fox valley last week, end great deal of timber was blown down. : . The ordinance preventing cow front running at large and for cutting' thistles will be ttriotly enforoed In The Dallee. According to the report given tbe oounty court by George Tregaskis, stock inspector, there are over 110,000 sheep in Harney oounty, not including lamb. Bandover St Co. propose putting in a mill at their Olalla, Doulgaa oounty,' mine. The Arm has sunk a shaft ten feet, and at that depth the assay run from $9.60 to $50 a ton, it la laid. , The Long Creek Ealge, of Grant oounty, ia informed that over 800 sheep are dead on the range between the mid dle and north fork of the John Day river, the result of poison on the range. Tbe Umatilla county grand jury cau tioned justices of the peaoe against inn ing warrranta for the arrest of persons charged with petty offenses, unless the judge should be satisfied that the evi dence is sufficient to convict or that the accused is attempting to leave the ooun ty or state. a B. Wade, cashier of the First Na tional bank, of Pendleton, easy, after personal inspection ot seventy-five wheat fields in Umatilla oounty, and upon careful inquiry, that tbe damage to the wheat crop in Umatilla oounty, done by hot weather, haa been on the average, 60 per cent It looks a though Salem and Marion county were to become famous by rea son of tbe newspaper sketch artist preduoed from - that section, says the Statesman. F. F. Bower, a bright and conscientious cartoonist, has been' summoned by telegraph to the office of a San Farncisoo paper and to assume the dnites of a valuable assignment The directors of The Dalles, Port land A Astoria Navigation Company visited tbe Cascade Locks, where they met the governor, secretary of state and state treasurer, who were looking over the state portage. The portage was damaged but little by the high' water, and will require only slight repair before it oan be operated. , Ibe repair will be made aa soon a he water goe down sufficiently to allow Tbe Dalle City to land at the lower end of-the incline. The oounty oourt of Union county ha reduced by one tbe deputies in the offioe of iheriff and clerk. In the matter of the deputyahip tor the school superintendent's offioe, which In a pub-' Ho way has been conferred on Miss, Nellie Stevens, it is stated that the oounty oourt will not favor her ap pointment in that oapaoity, the board taking the gronnda that disqualification a to tbe prinoipalship also disqualifies her from discharging the duties of the offioe as deputy. Waahlnaton. : The city oounoil ot Puyallup haa ap-' propria ted $35 for cutting the thistles In the streets and highways ot that, town. , During the month of June the Eggert & Johnson Company at Getohell, In Snohomish . county, - out 3,175,000 shingles. , . . i Government Architect Aaron B. Johnson, wbo will have charge of building Spokane' new army post, baa arrived in that oity to assume hla duties. - ' According to the report ot the di rector of the mint, Kittitas county took the lead In mineral production in Washington last year, and produced one-third of the gold ot the state. George B. Lowe, a Georgia melon , planter, has booked an order to ship ' two carloads of the green-above-tbe-red . fruit to Seattle. 8,000 mile. The freight charge ia $850 per carload. Captain Kingsbury, wbo ha been employed a engineer of tbe Yakima reservation ditoh, report that the ohannel will carry 164 feet of water per second, sufficient to water 40,000 acres of land. -, Tbe oyster men of Mason oonnty , have all been notified by the state hind . commissioner that their deed for oyster land are ready for them, and ' they are happy, a the work of yeara ia bearing fruit At the Day logging oamp, at Oak Point, In Cowlita oounty, a logging railorad it being built It will be about five milea in length, and will : tap large body of exoellent timber; heavy steel rails will be used, and the track will be standard gauge. A few weeka ago a quantity of flax straw, grown on Fuget sound, was -snipped by the Seattle obamber of com- ' meroe to Barbour & Bona, ot Lisburn, ' Ireland. The manufacturers report that ' tbe sample are exoellent, and very similar to that grown in the Courtral dUtriot In Belgium. ' An applioaiton ba been filed on be- " half of Anaoortes to make that city a sub-port The recently erected salmon canneries there will use fish brought -from British Columbia waters. Thi it given aa tbe reason for the applioa- ' tlon. 1 V : A. Toblasson, of Delta, In Wbatoom , county, heard a bog qe'aal near hi ' home tbe otber night, and on going ' out found a black bear had Just killed the bog. Mr. Toblasson killed the bear, whioh wat a very large one, with a single shot in it bead,