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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (May 29, 1896)
OREGON MIST. ISSUES) EVERY rHIOAV MOBIUNS . . :' -it- BEEGLE A DAVIS. CITiCIAL COUNTY PAPER. Rtn. On copy on x la drno... . 1 M On oouv ilx moutaa..... 76 Simla copy-. - Advertising rate artd kaewa apoa application COLUMBIA COUNTY DIRECTORY. lades.... Clerk.... C.uatv 4tfler. .........Den Blanehar. Kalatar iadaoa Weed. Vertmaia BherlC , .....Cbaa. F. ftoan, Italnlw Treasurer .... hi. Wharton Columbia Vilf 6upt,oi 8choela. 5. Watta, Seanpooa Asaeesor rllj wtiiie, umuer Surveyor W. N. Meeorve, iWleua P. A. Freaea, Seanpooa aalimawj &8 fekeoasw. Teroeui T. HELENS. OaXEOON, MAY f . METHOD OF VOTING. It 81 be -observed by thoae who ttavfl access to the "ltioti law ai mended by the legislature of 189ft tliat the method of preparing the bal lot before putting it into the ballot- box, baa been changed, and lor the ben eat of thoee eleotora who bare not a copy of the aaid election law, we will eodewvor in a brief way, to explain the wew -method of marking the ticket by whidh the intent of the Toter is made known. Heretofore the elector haa been obliged to "cancel, croaa or mark out the name of candidate! not voted for. wbtch required an unnecessary amount of time, and caused uncertainty in many ballot by reason of iaaeeurate mark ing. Tbia year taatoad ol marking out the names the voter will eimpiy make a cross (X) only, between the number and the name of each candi date voted for, leaving all other ao towehed. Ia this county not more than one candidate in each group an be voted for by a single elector, bene treat oar should be taken ia marking the ticket, 80 that the elec tors choice may be clearly under stood. We give below a sample which hows bow the group for congressman will appear after the voter has pre pared bis ballot ready for the box, the voter having prepared his ballot for W. K. Cilia: :. : Pot-Congr, Second Disc Vote tor On U A. 8. Bennett. . Deraocratio UXV.L Ettu. . Republican U . r. sfcKBsher.. .Probibition tt H. Br Northup . . .Ind.-8ound-Moiiey 16 Martin Qninn Peoples And thus on dowa the entire ticket, narking each candidate's name you v choose to vote for as is mafced the name of W. B. Ellis in the table above, each time marking between the num ber on the left and the name of the candidate. Tbksa are a few lifelong republi cans in this county who are, so it is claimed, going; -to vote for Northap. Can it be possible that they are de termined to elect Qoinnt It looks that way. JLssuKAVcxa have been received from George W. Patterson that if elected to the state senate the inter ests of Columbia county shall be looked after with all earsestness in the upper branch of the legislature. Mr. Patter son is a shrewd business man and has btutnees interests at stake, which will serve as a guarantee that any legisla tion secured through bis efforts will be an the interest of good government The state legislature should he com posed of business men, and Mr. Pat tenon is one of them. Br reason of ill health Norman Merrill has been nnable to take a Tory active part in the campaign this year, bait bis friends will not overlook bis tame when they begin checking their tickets next Monday. It is very ee eeotial that Merrill and Patterson should be elected this jesr because there is a United States senator to be elected next winter, and it Is also es sential that he be a republican. Tbia is sufficient reason why a republican legislature should be elected in Oregon this year. A vote for either one is a vote in the interest of good government Kkxt Monday a great battle is to be fought and won at the pells. That will be a day when every American citizen within the state of Oregon will mi ought to be permitted to go to ths polling place and unprejudiced and not misguided, east bis ballot accord ing to the dictates of bis own con science for the best interests of him self and his neighbors. On that day county, district and state officers sre to be elected for two, four and six years, and every good citizen is inter ested in having good and efficient pub lie eervants, and to this end every legally qualified elector should cast bis ballot Men of intelligence need not be told how to vote. They have the interests of the county and their own personal interests at stake, and therefore are expected to exercise their beet judgment in making the selec tions, looking always for the best pos sible service to ths public by public servants, remembering that a public oftee is a public trust, and no one ia entitled to their support except those ready and willing to render the ser vice required for the salary they re ceive. -. wss a principle involved that must be maintained if the commercial, manu facturing and financial interests of the country shall be promoted. "This was," be said, "the toundation tor suo cess in the future. Judge North up rises above party." It might not be out of place to state here that this country never produced but two men who claimed to be greater than weir party H. H. Norlbup and Grover Cleveland and tney are now bom on the same platform. When it was first announced that North up would be au independent candidate his platform was to be the single idea of "sound money," but a little later a number of other items were tacked on embracing the main principles of republicanism, thus showing that himself as well as bis political promoters realise the weakness of the real issue he repre sents. Judge Northup, however, could veil aSurd to be an independent can didate for congress, for if he is unsuc cessful he still holds down the juug hip of Multnomah couuty for two years to some and if elected to con gress his tenure of office would be for the same length of time, so tbaine has a sure thing on a fat job for two more years, si uie wpirairiuu ui uku no doubt another place will be set apart by Joe Simon for this pet whose principles, like Grover Cleveland, "rise above party" only when there is an office in sight The most noticeable applause during the meeting Tuesday night was when Mr. Duniway eulo gised President Cleveland for his able administratis of national affairs. There is little difference between a Northup republican and Cleveland democrat I bis speech Tuesday night Mr. Duniway claimed that Judge Northup was not an office seeker and would not remodle bis principles to get a party nomination. This may be true, but if so, thsre are a great number of Judge Northup' friends in Oregon who misrepresent tbe "sound money" candidate for congress upon this point On tbe contrary it is asserted that there never has been an office too mall for tbe judge to twist himself in all aorta of shape to get, even to run ning independent against tbe regular nominee of bis party for congress. Mr. Puniway practically admitted that Northup stood no show of election but excused bis caudidacy by ssying there FROM MAYOKR. The Hon. T. J. Cleton, nomine for dis trict attorney on th republican ticket, ad dressed a large and appreciative audience at this place on last Monday evening. Tbe fallacies of the populist party were sired to the fullest extent, showing that every bill tbe leaders of that party ever introduced in congress called for fiat money, white the leaders of that party were now trying to ride into office on a free silver plank ; also showing the inconsistency of going down into mother earth and toiling for days to get a twenty-dollar gold piece when yon could turn tbe crank of Uncle Bam and turn the same amount out In about one- fourth of a second, and when that was gone turn the crank and get some more, plainly showing that what this country most needed was a protective tariff to start the wheels of business in motion and giving work to our people, thereby stopping the issuance of bonds and getting a credit on the other side of tbe ledger. Mr. Cleeton made many friends for tbe republican ticket Very" respectfully, Gao. G. Matssb. and Fruit Pests. Bonos Mist: Our unfavorable spring has blighted most of tbe fruit blossoms, but in th eternal fitness of things the green aphis ia a pretty well used op "bog." It teems there bas been just enough warm weather to batch them, and alternate cold rains and frosty nights to destroy them. AfUr careful examination I do not find aa egg unbatched or a lir green aphis. Prob ably enough for seed has eseaped, there fore, it is advisable that orcbardista com plete what the frost may have left undone. By a little judicious attention what seems almost a calamity may turn out a blessing. W. H. Douab. Ctrcvit Court. Amsden vs. ZUer. defsult of Allen A Lewis, and decree of foreclosure; also at torneys fees as prayed for. Bute of Oregon vs. Lindley Meeker, jury trial, judement for defendant. A. H. Bltkeslev vs. James Mnekl, dis missed, each party paying tbair own costs. Mcr arianc tiros vs. utm tinned for tbe term. The trial iurors were discharged for the . ur si a-tik a Stump, F. M. Tompkins and G. Lange. woo are to oe ana appear juiy to. lawu. Btate of Oregon vs. Lindley Meeker, mo tion for new trial submitted and bv the court overruled, to which ruling the plain- tin excepts. The Nicholai Bros vs. Michael Boeser. demurrer overruled and defendant given to June lath to answer. Badger vs. Badger, defendant given five dsys to reply after service of plaintiffs amendment. Kettering vs. King, judgment for plaintiff. Micballs vs. Enyert et al, receiver dis charged. Ericksoa vs. 8 aiders, judgment of dis missal. Tatum A Bowen vs. G. A. Maasie, judg ment for defendant. School Report. Th following is th report of th school in district Mo. 34, from April 13th to May th, lt6: Number of pupils enrolled 16 dsys taught 20 Total number of days attendance 233 " " " absence 7 Average dally attendance 11 Pupils nut absent or tardy: Bessie Pinck ney, Nellie Pinckney, Jennie Pinckney. Anna RambaJski. Herman Usher, Elmer Olssn, Uora Usher. Miss U A. Bonn, Teacher. HOI7LTOH SCHOOL. A report for the month beginning April 27tb and ending May 22nd, W6: Number oi day tanght 20 Number of pupil belonging during the month 43 Number of day attendance 804 Per cent, of attendance 83 Those neither absent nor tardy during tbe month were: Jobnie Garrison, Anns Wikstrom, Frankie Berdahl, Ida Bowiey, Oscar Weed. Gertie Weed, Clara FranU, Enona Perry, Walter Cam bell, Orvill Beaver, Violet Pine, Clarence Garrison, Mary Wikstrom, Cbas Braddock, Jennie Gilson, Frsnk Emerson, David Henabaw, Hattis Murpby, Earl Perry, Beryl Graham, Ethel Wwd. Barab Gil more, Frankie Graham, Oracle Kalley, Albert Hensbaw, Eddie Pine, Nora Beaver. M. C. Cask, Teacher. Hw Treat et Wife. (From Padfle Health Journal.) First, get a wife; second, be patient Ton may bare great trials and perplexities in your business, but do net, therefore, carry to your home a cloudy or contracted brow. Your wife may bave trials, which though of less magnitude, may be hard for ber to bear. A kind word, a tender look will do wonders in chasing from her brow all clouds of gloom. Te this w would add, always keep a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy ia the bense. It 1 tbe best, and is sure to be needed sooner or later. Your wife will then know that yon really care for her and wish to protect her health. For sale by Dr. Edwin Boss. Blank note and receipt books can be bad at this office. For Sale, The cheapest place in Columbia county. Inquire of B. O. HAZEN, Warren, Oregon. ti The Meal Pa.wa.eeew James L. Francis, alderman, Chicago, aytt "I regard Dr. King' New Discovery a an Ideal Panoa for coughs, Cold and lung complaints, having used it in my fern, ily for tbe last five year to th exclusion of physician' prescriptions or other pre parations." Rev. John Burgus, Kvokuk, Iowa, write! "I have been a minister ol the Methodist Episcopal church for fifty years or more, and hare never found any thing to beneficial, or that gave m such speedy relief as Dr. King's New Discovery." Try thn ideal cough remedy now. Trial bottle free at Dr. Edwin Ross' drug itore. Real Estate Tranefera. C. F. Doan, sheriff, to Edwiu Merrill the new of section 1. tp 8 n, r 2 wast. 8? A. Fowler to Olive D. Hunter, 1 acre In section 13, tp 6 n, r 2 west ; 1100. United States to Michael Fresh, nX of section 11. tp 5 n, r 3 wet: patent Frank Cox and wife to John Wilkinson, neM of aeW and sH of nX andneXof X. seoT. t6n. r8w: l. F. W. Jenkins and wife to the United 8Utes, new of seo 88. t in. r 3 w ; 1410. Ueorg U. Lemont to Clara A. Clin, lot 18,blkl8,8t. Helens; 100. Bailie and W. J. Rice to John G. Hrnrici, t.R 1m Ltnatinn elaiin of Edward and Anna M. Henrici. Hannah Tywfciewics to t.iara . wm, lot it. hi 37 and lot V. blk 17. 8t. Helena: State Kepnblioaa Ticket For Supreme Judge, R. 8. BEAN. District Ticket. For Congressman Second District, WILLIAM R. ELLIS, of Morrow County. For Join 8f nator, GEO. W. PATTERSON. For Prosecntinc Attorney, TH0S. J. CLEETON. Ooaaty Republican Ticket For Representative, NORMAN MERRILL, of Clatskani . For County Judge, JOS. B. DOAN, of Rainier. For County Clerk, JUDSON WEED, of Vernonia. For Sheriff, CHAS. W. BLAKESLEY. or St Helens. For Treasurer, JOHN BWAGER, . of Houlton. For Surveyor. , WM. N. MESERVE, of Delena. For Superintendent of Schools, J. G. WATT8, of Scappoose. For Commissioner, THOS. 8. COLVIN, of Marshland. For Assessor, - MARTIN WHITE,, of Qulncy. For Coroner, dr. a. p. McLaren, of Rainier. For Justice of the Peace, Union Precinct, J. B. GODFREY. For Constable, JAMES 0. COX Demwratic State Ticket. For Supreme Judge, JOHN BURNETT. District Ticket. For Congreasdan Second District, A. 8. BENNETT, of Wasco county. For Joint Senator, W. B.DILLARD, of Colombia county. For Prosecuting Attorney Fifth DUtrict, J. is. HKlKiJlB, of Clack mas county. Columbia County Ticket. ( For Representative, , . GEORGE F. MOECK, of Rainier. For County Judge, JAME8 DART, of 8t. Helens. For Sheriff, EDWIN MERRILL, of Deer Island. For Treasurer, W. H. DOLMAN, of St Helens. For Commissioner, D. W. FREEMAN, of tisbbawk. . : For Assessor, GEORGE GRANT, of Scappoose. For Coroner, J. 8. CLONINGER. of St Helen. Union P reel oct. For Justice of the Peace, A. N. CLARK. For Constable, JOHN SCOTT. THS GREATEST SPECIALISTS 01 THE AEERJCA5 C01TUEIT. Most Successful Catarrh Doctors ia toe City. Thev treat SCIENTIFIC ALL.T and SUCCESSFULLY, care Quickly nd PERMANENTLY, PRIVATR, Ul.UUU and SKIN JJlSMAbUS, VOUS DEBILITY and SEXUAL DIS ORDERS, SYPHILIS, GONORRHOEA and GLEET, Spermatorrhoea, Seminal Weakness, Lost Manhood, Night Emis sions, Unseen Losses, Decaying Faculties. HYDP JCELE, VARICOCELE and STRICT ORES radically and safely cured without pais or detention from business. All deformities and impediments to marriage quickly removed. A CERTAIN and POSITIVE CURB or the awful effects of early vice and itimcroua evil that follow in its train. Cofisuit -raonally the most EX. PKKIENCEU SPECIALISTS :or 1HSKASUS OF WOMEN, or write, sending stamp. Consultation free iui ctMitidcnrial. , National Hedlcal Institute PRINOIPAfcOFFIOE, 132 THIRD ST., PORTLAND, OR, K. f. QUICK, Commlulonar of Deads lor Washington 0. W. COLB, ;., Novas? Pvslio Cole & Quick. ST. HELENS, ORECJON Proprietor f "Thorn's Numerical System Title Abstracts" FOE Columbia - County, Oregon TITLES examined and abstract fnralahed. Will attend to mature befor th Board of Equalisation; payment of taxea, etc. Real Kttai, Conveyanelug, and laaurano, and. Loans negotiated. umjuuiju .iju uiju i.i II i i) mi inrrnri ii 1 TMKAStlatEHO HOTIVK. County Tebasubkr's Ornca, ) St. Hxlbns, Or., May 15, 1890. f NOTICK Is hereby given Ibat Columbia county warrants Nos. 8383, 8381, 8380 nd 3379 uereto ore presented ana enaorsea "Net fata lor want ol Minus, will ne paid upon prexentation at this office. In terest will not be allowed after this dale. mlSjl2 K. M. WHAKTON, Treasurer of Columbia County. Or. riCTPpU oorrcc and chop Mouas LAOluAn D. H. BKOWN, Prop. Best Heal in the City for 15c AND UPWARDS. mPirctW NeC1ilaBuiptyl. lUMUl.) POHTLANO. OBCOON, Formerly 170 Third, Bet Morrison aud Yamhill COLUMBIA BANKING COMPANY ST. HCLCNS, ORCQON Make investments, rarelrae deposits and doas a geaeral banking bualueaa. Capital stock. $20,000. All kinds of food securities boncrht snd told. Exchange, good everywher in th world, sold. INCORPORATED JAN. , l8e. J. R. NelU, president: B. W. Allen, vice-president; C. N. Scott, secretary; P. H. Ward, assist ant aeeretary; C. H. Newell, caahter. In Advance- THB-eao flist and Oregonian ONE YEAR $2.00' This offer holds good only for new yearly subscribers who pay in advance and old ones who pay up to date and one year in advance. One year will extend the time over the state earn- paign in, the spring and the presiden tial election in November. One Dollar Saved by taking the two paper together, the price of each, separ ately, being f 1.50. The Mist Has been designated the official paper of Colombia county by ths County Court, aud consequently will furnish all the news pertain to public matters in which tbe people are interested. PROFESSIONAL. R. KDWIN R08S, PHYSICIAN AND BURGEON. St. Helens, Oregon T. J. CLSsToS. H. AU.SX. ALLEN A CLEETON, Attorneys and Counselors at law " ST. HELENS, 0KK0.0H. JJB. H. R. CLIM, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. St. Helena, Oregon. J-JR. j. I. HALL, PUYSIfllAN AND SURGEON. Olatokaule, Columbia county, Or, yy N. MBHKRVE, " Surveyor and Civil Engineer DKI.KNA, 0RK00N. BnFMun, ?.nft Rtirvavlne.Town Plaltina and Knaiiieerine work promptly xi-culeii. D1SMOLVTION NOTICE. VfOTICK Is hereby given thn the) psrt. il nershlp heretofore eslsUng between M. Collins ana w uiiatu oor, noma; ouar ness under th Hrm nanieof Oollla A Roor, t itoappoose, Orrgon, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. Dated at ttespppoet this a d day of Muy, 18UU. uilSjia N. Comm. NEWELL & WATKINS .DEALERS IN- Groceries, Hay, Flour and Feed WOOD AND MIISel.ES. Countrv Pmduc Bought snd Bold, snd Ex changed (or Uood. unuerianiiiguooaa furnlHhed on Bliort Notioe. 8tore on Btrand Street, BT. HELENS, OR, ORIENTAL HOTEL A. B. BLAKESLEY, Proprietor. Board by Dayi Week or Month AT REASONABLE RATES. The table ! supplied with the best the market anonta. cveryintnc Clean, a anara ot your pai ronar II solicited. ST. HELENS. OKEUON. ST. HELENS UYERY STABLES . THOS. COOPER, Proprietor. Horses Boarded and Cared For. TURNOUTS ON SHORT NOTIOE. 8T. HELENS, f t OREGON Ulo E. McNEILL, Receiver. TO THE OIVE8 TBI CHOIC1 0 Two Transcontinental Routes GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY RY WAY Of Sookane, Minneapolis & St. Paul UNI N PACIFIC RY RY WAY OF DEKYER, OMAHA, & KANSAS CITY LOW RATES TO ALL EASTERN CITIES OCEAN STEAMERS LEAVE PORTLAND EVERY 6 DAYS For San Francisco, for Fall Details Call on or Address W. H. HTJRLBUBT. General Freight and Fan. Agt, Portland The Indestructible "Maywood" At pat BICYCLE. THISJ SJ7S.00 COM PLITB BIOYOUI EMSsttatw, W Al -sr. r- tXT S35 ''iiia eaiiHnamiipia ,l"iM'n MHai i.u .aiaajiiii iirfl t a m m m aMiwuialr " Oet. a, isas - Jaa 1. ISUS rAIM 1 May 17, 1S01 The "Maywood" la the ttrtmgrti and i Jan. at, isas Other Paadlas "MmrwoeV la the tfronpeaf and timpUM bUsyeU tm mad. Adapted for an kted ol toads and riderj. Mad of material that la toiid, Umoh and wiry; aimple InsonatrSSlon! '7 '"f" spar and pat together; ha few parte: iaof nob. wiry metraettoa that ItsVart will bold together eren In an aeetdent : no hoftow tnblna to emah In at every oontaot ; a fIS that eannotT broken; o simple that It ad)natlnK parte serve aa Its eonneetln part. i ona vimiVSSS!ti S11" "saT&irlTerellable and rapid traSPoAatlonT f"" -1"! Prol lonhle diamond, tanMite4 tut thn year, liadeof W -I nob sold rolled ateel rod (tonuheat and atrongeat metal for Its weight known); Joined together with aluminum bronaj fittings In snob a manner that It Is Impossible te break or aor part work looae; a marvel of novelty, slmpllotty and darabillty; the greateat ootnoinatlonof ugennltT In blerole known, to balld a frame without brain Joints snd tsbtng. as yo?SSow that frameeoontlnnally break and fraetnre at brasen lolntt. and tnbes when th.7ri h?iVi to,BOt "? rlrei.H?,CL-?S-ln'!h: warrfwooartm. Tptlno 11, tant aJke. aadbraaanlppres. HURa-Larg barrel pattern. TIB-" Arlington" HoVeVR oraioll f" Wrignt Quick Repair, or some otner nrat-elaa pnenmatlo tlr. UBAfctNua-Bali E5f?25" S Z9Tf SI' Inclndlng wheels, erank axle, steering bead and pedal a. C( r AJ0 COMGa-Beat quality tool aMel, carefully tempered and hardened. CHAl -HIh i. hardened eenters, rear adinstment. CKAMIuour eelebrated one-Bieee erank f Jll.'SSSI 5 ? 7" iruttgv--inatniotibl; fork orown nvd from sraDbsvrMi mtt n amhi nitzf? :DAiT?i'i ;"''rri)tt"wl "ru?"?. niabea If oraerea. UDULE f, A F Ollllam. or aome other firat-elaaa mab pwitai Bat-trap or rubber! full ball bearing. WWlkaJSnmSSSuSSJM JI ntekel plated. Kaon Blerole eompletTwith tool baaliSprwwnoh and oUet Wa!Sha2l wrdlna to tin, pedals, saddle, ate., it to to poondL a ou,r- - f to I or Spswlal Whalaula Frle Rerer baton aold for lea. To qulekly lutrodnoe th "Haywood" Bloyole, we bsv decided to make a apeoial coupon oOaz, giving every reader of thia paper aohanoe to get a flrst-elaas wheel at ths lowest pries aver offered. On receipt of (st.oo and eounon we i will chip to anyone th abov Bicyele, wenrely crated and guarantee safe delivery. Money refunded It notaa repreaented after arrival and examination. We will ship O. O. p. with privilege of examination, for SM.0 and aoupon Provided ts.00 Is sent with order as a guarantee of good faith. A written binding warranty with each Bicycle. Thi la a cnanee of a 1fetirae and yon cannot afford to 1st th odds. WjUypaas. Address all order to Csspm Ns. 8034 ooo 0 IF StNT WITH 1 Qnomn poh I No. s Maywood t ...Blcycla... I iHlt THE OREGON 3IIST, ST. OPREJQOISr D O VQ17 NEED GROCERIES? " 5,00 your want can lwys b ulHd: by DART & MUCKLE; Who have a complete line. Dress Goods, Clothing, Fancy Goods, Jtiais, Boots and Shoes, FURNISHING GOODS St. Helens, Oregon. ST. H ELENS MEAT MARKET All Kinds of Fresh Meats, Hams, Bacon and lard Moats by Wholesale At apociai Kaiea. James H. Sheldon, MAIK ITRVRT, I I BT. HEMHWS. OBKQOK. Clatskanie Drugstore 1 lb Wag to Seeue fj Tur PratM Medicine PRESCRIPTIONS COMPOUNDED AT ALL HOURS Patent tledioln, Prescription Drug. Toilet Article, ranojr Motions, elo. M. i. B. HALL. rraavMaar i. Or. uJbL.iiiN iiuiiiLf.... Our table will at all lime be found .tipplied with tbs best edibles and dulicacie tbe market MlTuru. TERMS REASONABLE FOR REGULAR BOARDERS Tbs botel baring been newly refurnished we are prepared to glvt satis taction Is all our patron, aud solicit your patronage. J. George, Proprietor. St. Helens, Or. "VnVnVngrW?nfnn 5f AAA 0 -ATTMi: New Drug Store :,.-; if There Is a Complete Stock : Of : Patent Medicines DRUGS 5 CHEMICALS . BC8T BRANDS OF CIGARS Perfumery, Stationery and School Books 1 DRUGGISTS' 8UN0RICS , comu'ndL'd'dat or kioht. Dr. Edwin Eoss, Projp. ST. HCLCNS, - OREGON J 5ii AAanaatfc MajaV ST. HELENS EXCHANGE, Mr. Cooncr'i new and .levant bar room U tb fnvorlt r sort ol tb. dty , wber at all time can b found th. fatuous i PRIDE OF KENTUCKY WHISKY UST Bat AMDS DOSf ESTIO ARB) rOBTSt) OltlASIS Mr Oooner la alwavt glad to welcnm hi old frksnd to hi popular plao ol bulua ST. HELENS EXCHANGE i t. . BV PORTLAND AND CLATSKANIE STEAMER a. W, SHAVER, DeU ShAvor, Master. 4ommnHnsi Anrll lit 1MM tvlll T.i.M v ttr liI.. ' a nn j",--" wtw a wi hsiiu, IUU U TT aalllinKUIII trvia J uosuaji Thurlay and Hnnday vnlngi at 8 o'clock. Rturnlng-Uavs Clatakani. (tld pr- "vMlf f)'o?,ndW,.WV?lnwd,-,ndJ'r,UJ' "lnjrs at 6 o'oloek. Will paa Oak Point ShS.1 ;.! B',lJ!i8!ai,'jrJF?r ':28! Bonier :S Kalama 0:15; St. Helen! 10:80. Arrlr. Ill Fortlgind 1:110 A. If. Thai . ki u... ai ii .a i HAVES TBANSPOBTJITION MM If A NTs THE MIST AND OREGON IAN TWO TOGETHER ' ONE YEAR, ONLY TW DOLLARS THE JOSEPH KELLOGG d COMPANY'S RIVER STEAMER i-i,..Mi,r in hi r- i - iiit 1 "i - i .nni wr" STR OTOSH3ITH KMJLCDCG FOR PORTLAND. .r),-. '"tf. Leaves Kslso Honda. Wednesday, snd ft n'elnr.V a.: nr.. isVf; Portland Tusidtr, Thursday and Saturday at 6 o'clock a. ta,-