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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (May 29, 1896)
VOL. 13. ST. HELENS, OREGON, FRIDAY. MAY 29, 1896. NO. 23. EVENTS OF THE DAY Epitome of the Telegraphic News ot the World. TKKSK TICKS FROM THE WISES An Intonating Collection of Items Tram tli Two Heinlspharos CmnM In Codwud ironni Word has been reoeifed of the mur der in (Job of Walton K. Sulla, an Amerioan, fur bit money. "' Arohduk Charles Louii of Austria, eldest brother of Emperor Franola Joseph, died In Vienna, aged 04. Tom Linton, a Welibman, beat tbe bioyole reoord from the fifth mile up ward, In Parla, covering thirty mile within one bonr. . " John D.' Jones, who stamped to death In a fit of auger Mr. Mendenhall, at the Anna, 111., fair but fall, wat banged at Murpbysboro. , Be professed repentauoe. The Western Federation of Miners bai deoided to amalgamate with tbe American Federation of Labor, and wi'l alnot delegate to the oonvention of the latter body, Dr. Tbomaa Renn was shot by hi wife in Chicago. Tbe woman fired five time. Two ballet entered the doo tor' bead and be will probably die. Jealousy waa tbe cause, Jame Daaale (oolored), waa taken from tbe Jail in Bt. Bernard' pariah, Louisiana,, and lynched. Be waa ar retted for attempting to ontrage a white woman near the Pa Hereon plan tatlon. Barry Jocea and Frank Jefferess, two oonviot at Ban Qoentln, got into II quarrel during wbleb Jefferess atabbed Joue with a knife, indicting a wonnd from which Jones died ah only afterward... General Vlouna, the Bpaniib oom mander," it dead of yellow fever, at Corral Falio, in Matansas, where be ba been tick for several day past Bl body wilt be bnried in tbe city of Matauaas. Lillian Buseell, while riding her golden wheel near Central Park, New York, collided with an unknown cyol 1st and wat thrown to the pavement Her ooatly wheel wa amaabed and ber ankle waa hurt Mm. Loniae A. Speetaen, an attrao tive and entertaining woman, laaghed beraelf to death to Oakland, Cal. Tbe oaae wa a peculiar one, and attracted tbe attention of a number of Oakland pbyiioiani, who attended the lady. '. The itriking firemen of the Armour paoking plant, of Kanaa City, who went out May 0 for Inoreased wage and fewer boun. have oompromiied their affair and lifted their boyoott againat the company' meat and re turned to work. A London dlipatoh eaya tbe British foreign oflloe baa deoided upon tbe i aae of a anpplementary blue book reU' tlve to Veuesoola, very ahortly. Tbe forthoomlng volume will contain im vortant additional biitorioal evidence In support of the Britlah oaae. What la oUlmed to be tbe largeat atrike ever made in the Ainaworth, a. O., camp waa nnoovered on the Terml nu, owned by Bpokane parties. At tbe end of a 100-foot tunnel a 40-foot ledge wa ttruok of high-grade ore, av raging f 147 per ton gold and silver. " A double murder waa committed at Pyramid Lake Indian reservation, May 18. Indian Bam bmall aeiiDerateiy abot hla wife and her paramour with a piitol which be Hole from a polloeman. Tbe woman died Instantly, but the man. Georae Meserve, an Indian, ia atill alive, though dangerouily abot. A Cairo dispatch says a death from cholera 1 reported among the Egyptian troop at Tourba. . A regular cholera miaima ia brooding over Cairo with tbe heavy air and the hot wind. Tbe virulence of the diaeaae i almoat un paralleled at uoh an early stage of via itatlon. Tbe percentage of death i 90. In Nahant, Ma., an incipient blaae from painter' lamp at the aummer cottage onoe oooupted by tbe poet Long fellow, on Willow road, waa the be ginning ot a fleroe Are, which fanned by atrong aouthweit gale, devoured five handsome unmer residence and oontenta, entailing a lo of about 1100,000. A special from Caraoa aaya: The Veneaeula government ba offered to release the schooner New Day, but tbe owner refuse to aooept under condi tions attaohod. The English govern ment will push the olaima of the own er. Thi make new oomplioatlona In the relation between England and Veneauela. ).,'; The flood .situation in Crookston, Minn., ia beooming very eerlou, the rie In the Red Lake river having been very rapid by reason of continuous and copious rains. The flood ia gaining, and tbe water 1 two or three feet deep on some of the prinoipal atreeta, while tn some of the reaidenoe district entire door have been flooded. '- ' The Arotlo explorer, Lieutenant Peary, is going North again thi sum mer, and a steamer i now being ar rangde in Bt John', N. F., for that purpose. The object of the expedition ia believed to be to aeoure for the Philadelphia aoademy of oimoe the 40-ton meteorite near Cape York, wbioh Peary disoovered last year. A dispatch ha been received in Lon don fiotn Governor Sir Hercules Rob inson relative to tbe seutenoes imposed upon the reformer at Pretoria, wbioh ay number of the prisoners will be released immediately, and others in three month. A third lot of tbe pris oner will have their case considered and passed upon after five months, and a fourth portion after one year. The house committee on public land ba ordered favorable report on tbe bill for tbe maintenance of schools of mine in pnlblo land tnte and terri toriei, by granting eaoh state from tbe proceeds from the sale of mineral land $10,000 fur tbe current year and an annual Inorease of 11,000 per year for ten year. ; White Buffalo, captain of Indian police on the Cheyenne reservation, has applied for a pension, on aooonnt of in juries sustained while a member of tbe Third United Btatea cavalry, and Ex amining Pbysioian Hurley any the In juries are suoh as would give a white man a penaion. ' White Buffalo ia a ton of Bitting Boll, and has always been loyal to tbe whites a a polloeman and soldier. Upon representation of Indian Agent Slouch, at Tongue River ageuoy. Mont, transmitted through and in dorsed by tbe interior department, the war department sent orders to General Brooke, commanding tbe department of Dakota, to send troop from Fort Custer to tbe agency to preserve order and stop the killing of cattle by tbe In rtlans. , Probably two troops of tbe Tenth cavalry will be sent, but Gen eral Brooke ia allowed to use discre tion. new xorx na tbe first dally paper devoted to wheeling published in tbe English language. It is called tbe Daily American Wheelman. Tbe General Trana-Atlantique Com pany ba advanoed freight rates on specie one-eighth per oent on lota of 1000,000 or over, either gold or silver. The North German Gasette aaya: Tbe government ia desirous of the total abolition of the augar Import bounties, provided tbe other states enter agreement to take similar aotion. A oloudbnrst ooourred near Perry, O. T.f eight to twelve inobe ot rain falling. Reaidenoe and buainess build' inga on high, level ground were flood' ed, while housea along Cow creek were washed away. Lieutenant Luther B. Baker, who, aa an offloer in tbe government deteo tive setvioe, bad charge of tbe party which oaptured J. Wilkes Booth, the assassin of President Lincoln, died in Lansing, Mich., aged 66 years. Jobn Taggart, of Big Stone Gap, Ky., waa killed, and twelve ' others dangerously wounded In a gas explo sion in the mines near Big Stone Gap. Part of the mine cared in. It it be lieved six ot tbe injured will die. Tbe boiler in Davidson Bros.' saw mill, near Marietta, lud. , exploded with terrlflo force, fatally injuring Kunioe Davidson, ; Thomas Davidson and Frank Battran. Bix other were more or leas Injured. Near Atlautlo, Ia., the combination train on the Urlswold branch ot the Rock Island wa ditched by striking a mule. All the oar and engine went into tbe ditob, but tbe ooaoh. crowded with passengers, remained on the track. Several were injured, but none seriously. The property at Elizabeth, N. J., of the defunct United States Cordage Company, ba been sold by the sheriff of Union county, N. J., to satisfy TORE THROUGH IOWA Halt a Hundred Lives Lost in a Cyclone. STORIES TOLD BY EYEWITNESSES mortgage held by the United States Trust Company,, ot New York. The plant, wbioh waa valued at nearly 11,000,000 waa sold for $30,000. The London Chronlole'i Romeoor respondent says: News ha been re oeivd from Valparaiso that on the in itiative of Chile, it haa been deoided to establish between Braail, Chile and Argentina another commercial agree ment applying tbe principles of the Monroe doctrine to South America. i, Henry Walker, residing near Broken Bow, Neb., murdered his wife, his ex cuse being that she had attempted to poison him, and be killed ber aa a mat ter of self protection. He purobased a revolver and deliberately anaoged all the details. The murderer la a wealthy farmer, prominent and well known. The ooal . produot of the . United Btatea, for the calendar year 1896, show the output of the Northwest state to be: Oregon, 73,685 short ton produot, valued at $347,001; Washing ton, 1,191,410 ahort ton, with a valua tion ot $2,077,908; Montana, 1,489,19$ ahort ton, valued at $3,810,906. A dispatch from Basse Terre, Island of Guadloupe.West Indie, aays: i Jap anese immigrants are again in rebel lion. The uprising ba beoome so for midable aa to cause planter grave anx iety. Tbe colonial government i adopting drastlo measure to suppress tbe insurrection, notwithstanding the stipulations of the treaty. General Luoiua Fairohild, command- er-ln-obief of the Loyal Legion and ex-oommander-ln-ohief ot tbe G. A. R., died at bla reaidenoe in Madison, Wis. General Fairohild bad suffered from tbe effects ol the grippe fur aeveral weeks, and a month ago tbe ailment was oomplloated by kidney . trouble. Until five day ago, it was thought be would recover. ,. ... ) '-. '! ',v'..;-' The senate oommittee on Interstate oommeroe ba authorised the reporting of a bill for the uniform classification ot railroad freight rates framed on tbe linea reoommended by the national board of trade. It will require an in terstate oommeroe commission to pre pare and publish a classification whioh shall apply to all sections of the country. A Madrid dispatch says: In oonse- quenoe of tbe representations made by the Amerioan government, the Spanish cabinet will try to lnduoe Captain- General Weyler to reconsider his pro hibition of the export of loaf tobaooo to foreign countries, Tbe ediot haa been welcomed in Spain and Havana, as a olever blow dealt at the people who ar considered to be oh let abettor of the insurrection. Whole Vanilla Wiped Out ot Kil.tenoe Tornado Want Mast Through ;' Illinois and Michigan. De Moines, la., May 87. Forty- three killed, a More of fatally injured and about fifty people seriously hurt is, a near aa oan be estimated tonight, tbe result of the destructive tornado which swept portions of Iowa, Illinois and Kanaaa last night The property loss i heavy, but accurate estimate thus far ar impossible. Tbe list of killed stand follow: Jasper county, Iowa, 10; Polk coun ty, Iowa, 9; Rookford county, Iowa, 4; Elgin oounty, Iowa, 1; North Mc Gregor, Iowa, IS; Durango, Iowa, 6; Fort Soott, Kan., 3. The storm wrought it greatest havoo in Iowa, where the counties of Polk and Jasper were devastated by two tornadoes. The loaa of life wa beavieat there. Tbe storm originated near tbe town of Ankeny, ninety-five mile north of De Moines. A near as oan be ascer tained from those who saw tbe eight, two olouds, one from tbe northwest and one from tbe southwest, met and dropped down on tbe earth and wrought their havoo on all that waa loose and fast Tbe storm moved northeastward Near the town of Bondurant it killed its first viotims, the member of the Bailey family. The storm waa seen ooiulng from Bondurant Many farm ers who bad attended the cburoh serv loes bad been unable to get home before tbe storm, and their uvea were tbu saved. Tbe traok of tbe tornado at thia point waa about a quarter of mile wide. It passed onward, going north of tbe town of Santiago. All along the course the fenoe and build lugs, crop and tree were completely destroyed. In place bark waa peeled from tbe trees, bouse were lifted up and burled down and broken Into spun ten; oellar were heaped full of mud, and debris, often partially ooverlng those who bad taken refuge in them, Those who bad fled to oave were in variably aaved, but so sudden was tbe approach of tbe storm that many were unable to find that abetter, though the oaves were only a few rods from them. Passing onward the storm struck Va' lerla. Tbe railroad bridge on the Chi oago Great Western waa the first object it wrestled with." The bridge wa com pletely demolished, and the rails were twisted and bent out of shape. - Tbe town wa almost completely ruined. Tbe buildings were demolished when they stood in the full force of the storm, and those which stood along tbe edges of the storm were moved and twisted, and in other ways injured. A sohoolbouse wa taken away 'bodily, and fragment of it have so far escaped discovery.'1. There were some strange pranks played near this town. ' An old man holding a babe wa lifted up and dropped into an adjoining field without the least injury being done to either him or tbe child. Leaving the wreoked town, tbe storm moved forward, laying tbe oonntry bare, wrecking bouses and killing the inmates. One observer near Valeria who saw the storm and observed it oarefully, say that the oloud appeared to be a high balloon, dark green in oolor, witn a light streak in the can ter. It traveled at a tremendous rate, tearing up the largest trees by the roots or stripping them olean off, driving posts into the earth, twisting buildings in tbe edge of its traok, end first, spat taring the houses close to it with mud and sand, stripping hedges and licking the grass from tbe fields. rrom Vale ria the storm moved on, passing near the town ot Mingo. f i Later in the evening, a tornado seems to have straok near . Manchester, tn Delaware county, although reports are very meager from there. It ia possible that this waa tbe same storm, and that, after traveling 160 miles in the air, it onoe more dipped down to the earth and laid bare a atrip half a mile wide and six or eight mile long. THE BERMUDA NEARLY CAUGHT - Colorado Minors Strike. Denver, May 37. A special to the Rooky Mountain News from Louis ville, Colo., states that the Western Federation of Miners has called atrike on the ooal mines operated by the Unit ed Coal Company and the Citiaens' Coal Company. . The strike waaoaused by the discharge of eight men at the Simpson mine, and was over an old trouble with tbe oompany in refusing to reinstate twenty-two men who were discharged, tbe oompany declining to adopt tbe schedule under whioh the men were working. About 600 miner are affected. : Secession In Pern. ' New York, May 87. A Herald dis patch from Buenos Ayre aays: The Herald' correspondent in Manaoa, Braail, send word that a boat arriving there from Iquitos, Pern bring news that Colonel Seminarioa, leader of the movement to make the department ot Lore to, Peru, an independent state, has oalled Into the field all persons able to carry arms. Colonel Seminarioa has raised about 8,000 men to resiat the troop of President Pierola. They have only old-style arms. A small ateamer has been armed for servioe on the Amaaon river. Seminarioa baa issued proclamation declaring the independ ence ot the new state. Dr. Peters, the Afrioan explorer, about to undertake a new explora tion of Somaliland under tbe auspices of a numbr of wealthy Amerioan s. - Bna a Marrow B.eape From Spanish Ouuboata. New York. May 86. New reached thi oity today from Puerto Cortez, Honduras, that tbe steamship Ber' muda, with a large party of filibusters and a cargo of ammunition and provis ions, bad a narrow escape from 'being oaptured by tbe Spanish warship on ber lust orulse to Cuba. This wi tbe Bermuda' seoond successful trip. Sbe crossed the St John's river bar April 17, in oommand of Captain E. G. Beilly. Tbe Bermuda hove to at a place on tbe northern coast of Cuba, some ten miles east ot Cardenas, and at onoe began to lower ber boats. It was said today by one in autboirty that tbe first boat capsized, being over loaded, and , that five men were drowned, among them a brother of Colonel Nicholas de Cardenas, one of the insurgent leaders. The cargo was all landed, when one of tbe boat got adrift Borne of tbe party began shouting. Sudden ly tbe flash of an eleotrio light was seen directly over tbe ship's masthead, The shouts of tbe men In tbe boat bad been beard by a Spanish warship. There was flash : and a roar, and a solid abot passed about 800 feet astern ol tbe snip. Captain Reilly headed bla ship west ward, and wa pulling away from tbe Spaniard very quiokly. A few min utea after a seoond shot was fired and went wide. Then it waa disoovered that two Spanish gunboata were in pursuit Tbe Bermuda had no trouble in abowing the Spaniarda ber heels. Ohlnaaa Counter. elter. Ban Franolsoo, May 86. At laat the United States secret servioe authorities have atruok a lead to the source whenoe have oome tbe almost perfect imitation of half dollar circulated throughout tbe ooaat It is believed tbe counterfeits, PACIFIC NORTHWES Items ot General Interest From AU Sections. DEVELOPMENT AND PROGRESS All the Cities and Towns of the Paolfl '. States and Territories -Waehlngtoa. Spokane 1 about to take a school census. Columbia oounty was organized twenty-one years ago, and has never bad a poor farm. Tbe Washington pioneers will meet at tteattle June 3. This is tbe thir teenth annual reunion. Treasurer Mudgett, of Spokane, will gain about $000 by the reoent supreme court decision In bis favor. - William Hume, of the Eagle Cliff cannery, who ia canning 4-cent flab, re porta tbe catch tbe lightest sinoe 1864. There are within tbe oorporate limit of Cosmopolis, aooording to a census just completed, 838 males and 198 females. Receiver Balkwill, of tbe German American Savinga bank, of Taooma, ha been discharged of hi trust and bis aooounts approved. Cattle, hogs lumber fenoe posts and oordwood to trade for horses" ia an ad vetisement out ol the ordinary in a Columbia oounty paper." A traveling tight-rope : walker met with an accident at Port Townaend. While performing on the wire, it broke and he fell thirty feet, breaking his lee- Potatoes are opening their eyea and looking up in North Yakima. G. M. which absolutely defy detection, except MoKinney received an order for tour under a powerful magnifying glass in carloads last week at $9 per ton in tbe the hands of a clever expert, were made oar. by Chinese, in their native land, and Parties recently oomlns from tbe brought to thia oonntry laat summer by Conoonully oonntry report that a party members of the troupe of Chinese of surveyors are engaged in laying off aotora who came to America to perform a townsite along the east side of Boyoos at the Atlanta exposition. It ia esti- lake on the reservation. mated that 80,000 of the unauthorized coins have been disposed ot by tbe Chinese, and that "Little Pete," tbe Chinese of reoent raoetrack job no toriety, wa back of the soheme. A Disastrous Cloudburst. Marshalltown, Ia., May 86. A oloudbnrst today, between Lamoille and State Center, caused Linn creek, which flow through this oity, to rise in one hour from a mere rivulet, to river a bait mile. wide.. The .Chioago The jail part of tbe Whitman county oourthouM ba settled eight inobe, so twisting the cell and their bearings that it baa been necessary to remove tbe prisoners for aafe keeping. nFor the first time in several seasons, many ot the farmers around Davenport are breaking up a lot of prairie land, which they are preparing for next sea- ton's crop. Thia year has been un usually propitious for spring breaking. Tbe fees earned In tbe auditor' & Northwestern tracks and roadbed office, in Chehalia county, during tbe and two bridge near Lamoille were months of January, February, March seriously damaged, tbe flood destroying and April, amounted to $2,891.16, of crops and drowning considerable live- wbioh $1,440.80 waa for work done for stock. A heavy bail aooompanied the rain. Tbe railroad yards in this oity are submerged, and dwellings in tbe lowlands flooded to a depth ot three feet Some of the residents were res cued in boats, having narrow escapes. Railroad traffic cannot be resumed for a day or two. Iowa river is also on tbe biggest rampage for fifteen year. Deadly Gasoline Stove. , county and state, and $800.86 waa cash fee. Reports from the lower end of Yak ima oounty indicate that tbe crops of thi season will be larger than for many years past The unusual amount of rain baa proved a blessing to tbe farmer, especially in the Horse Heaven section.' - Walla Walla haa a Daniel Webster, Chioago. May 86. By the explosion w,no elb over boo pounds and is a ot a gasoline etove on Townsend street EJgger man wan tne original uanieL today a family of six persons wa al- He makes no pretense of statesmanship, most exterminated. Four are dead Dnt butoher by trade. He baa trav- and a fifth ia so badly burned that f'6" "0M1TeV n tne orient, ano death ia almost oertain. lived for many yeara in Japan. Mrs. Malm, tbe wife and mother, Piling ia being driven at Fort Canbv had arisen to prepare breakast and her for the new life-saving quarters. Great husband and children were still asleep difficulty is experienced in driving in .bed. She lighted a gasoline stove, them, on aocount of the rockv nature of the bottom. Some can only be driven down eighteen inohea. A gov-1 eminent inspector superintend tne work. bark, out from a Douglas fir, which measured 1 8 inches. Tbe tree was on Northern Pacific land near Snoqualmie. For the first time in several seasons, many of the tanners around Daren port are breaking up a lot of prairie land, wbioh they are preparing for next year' crop. Tbe season ba been un usually propitious for spring breaking, The Fierce oounty commissioners have about yielded to the demands of bicyclists for a road from Taooma to Puyallup reservation. It will parallel the Northern Paoiflo track, and oon- sent of the federal government has been obtained. , , , According to tbe Blaine Republican, that place is soon to boast of an ostrich farm. Tbe pen ia now under construc tion, and two of our well-known citi zens have taken the oon tract to furnish the tomato cms and gravel for feed. All it needs, evidently, are the os triches, i. , Tbe land commission of Washington has invested $86,000 more of tbe per manent school fund in state warrants. This makea a total of $790,000 of thia fund Invested in warranta and bonds of various kinds $604,000 in county and school district bonds, and $186,000 in state wraranta. Tbe Seatco Manufacturing Company, of Buooda, ia building a big flushing dam on tbe Skookumohuck eleven miles above the mill. The dam is 10 feet high and 80 feet long, and will have two X 0-foot flushing gates. It is figured that with two flushes all the logs that will be put in will be carried down tbe river. The nam of the station "Maxfleld, on the Northern Paoiflo, at the Nis- qually river, haa been changed to Sherlock." the name of the postoffioe at that point - At aeveral points on tbe Olympia branch of the Northern Paoiflo, the name of the station and postoffioe at tbe same place are differ. ent, and the Olympian say this Is rather confusing to those unacquanited with all the facta. According to the Yakima Herald, Professor Lawrence, who haa been look ing up the prospects of a fruit crop, is confident that the earlier reports of damage done by frost are exaggerated. The crop of Crawford peaches and sil ver prunes will be rather light but other fruit has been uninjured. Many orchards will be so loaded down with fruit that the tree will have to be lightened of their load to prevent breaking down. County Auditor Hopkins, of Thurs ton oounty, has issued general fund warrants for tbe total sum of $14, 806.48 sinoe the supreme court deoided that the bonded indebtedness of the county could not figure into it 1 per cent of legal indebtedness. This sum is divided among 930 warranta, and oovers the expene of the county from August 10, 1894, until May 1, 1896. Tbe putting Into circulation of $14,000 has given a temporary relief from the financial strain to a great many residents. Last week an express wagon from Aberdeen, carrying two drummers and their samples, met with an aocident on the ferry slip, at Hoquiam. The driver had driven off the ferryboat and nearly to tbe top of tbe alip, when a trace broke and the wagon started to run back, but turned over and spilled drummers, trunks and all. Tbe boat bad just started and was hardly off the landing, but was stopped in tune to catch the wagon and oontenta, which would have otherwise landed in several feet ot water. THE NATIONAL CAPITAL Daily Proceedings in Senate and House. IMPORTANT BILLS INTRODUCED when the reservoir which holds the supply of oil, exploded, throwing the burning fluid about tbe room. Before the sleeping members of the family oould be ' taken out or even warned, they were shut in by the flamea and burned almost to a orlsp. xne treasury ox snonomisn oounty haa received notioe that $11,800 ot the money tied up in the Puget Sound Na a Woman Miner. ' '. tional bank, of Everett, ia now ready Baker Citv. Or.. Mav 88 Mra. W. I to be turned over. For the remainder Afjisworth is the only woman in Ore- of the indebtedness to the county, tbe gon who can handle a miner' pick in bank proposes to give a first lien on its regulation style. She and her family, assets. consisting ot ber husband and four Misa Agne E. Adams, who won the children, live in Sparta, Or., at the Washington intercollegiate oratorical edge ol town. When through with her contest at Taooma, representing Whit household duties, she amuses hereelf I man oollege, is 18 yeara ot age and has by doing a little plaoer mining, been at Walla Walla three years. Sbe Three days ago she ground-sluioed a lis from New Hampshire. Both her patch of ground six feet square, right parents are dead, and she has been at the back ot her reaidenoe, and aa a making her home with ber aunt, Mrs. result she added $31 in gold to her pin EUvira Cobleigh, money, xne ciean-up inoiudea a gold nugget valued at $7.80. Mr. Ains worth ia the possessor of some valuable plaoer ground in tbe vicinity of Sparta, and a man of considerable means. , A Skirmish With Garola. Havana, May 86. Colonel Motons. near Santa Clara . province, oame in sight of the insurgent band ot Zayas, Tbe insurgents abandoned one pris oner, who declared tnat tbe insurgent Brigadier-General Tayo waa dead. Colonel Marito met the Insurgent lead er, Ednardo Garcia, who, in conjunc tion with other leaders, bad a force of 8,000 men at the farm ot Vinola, in Matanzas, near tbe great Southern swamp, xne battalion ol Alfonso Dooe opened fire and the- insurgents re treated, leaving sixteen killed, two prisoners, their arm and ammunition. Accidental Daath of a thlld. Dayton, Or., May 87. A frightful aocident ooourred near Wheatland, ten miles south ot here, in which a 6-year-old sirl of D. Maaill. a farmer, waa killed. It seem the grandfather of the plnwr of 1849, was buried A good story ba just got out on the- Washington militia. It it that, while they were encamped at Sand island, the horses they were using to patrol the beach were taken sick and a veter inary surgeon waa sent for. On in quiry he found that the soldier boys bad been watering the poor brutes On the brackish water of the Columbia river. Had tney known it they .oould have found plenty ot fresh water on the island by digging five or six feet through the sand. Or(on. It oosta Coos county $146 to send an insane patient to the asylum. The Vogt opera house at The Dalles ia being fitted with new aoenery. The Washburne mill at Snrinsfield has put In dynamos for its own eleo trio lighting. ;., . The ateamer Moor will take out a cargo of Coqnllle ooal on her next trip from oooa bay. Elisia Bedwell, aged 76 years and a at Mon- little girl was coming outot the house, mouth last week, with the hammers of a gun oooked, to I i K. W. Purdy, treasurer of Whatcom. shoot a Chinese pheasant, whioh waa has begun suit against tbe persona on near tne nouse, ae stum Died and both barrel of the gun were discharged. the contents entering one of the lower limbs of the little girl near the bip, and entirely severed the limb from the body. Tbe ohild died soon after from loss of blood. the guarantee bond for the oounty money deposited in the Bellingham Bay National bank. Tbe amount looked up In tbe bank is $7,898. 18. : Kinsey Bros., official photographers of the Seattle, Lake Shore A Eastern teotion to work this property quite ex rniiruau, rouauu sent m a sample oi tenstvejy irom now on. : Idaho Mining Notoa. , The Campbell tunnel at the Standard mine ia now in 1,730 feet -; A new mining diatriot ha been or ganised in thia state. It ia on Indian creek . and will be known by the same name. . ' The flume for the Standard mine is now 6,000 feet long. Some heavy work is now being enooun tared In blasting rock. , , The old Granite mill near Gem ia being put in condition for use. A tramway is alBO being erected oonnoet ing the railroad siding with tbe ore bin a. ,. , ., The oapaoity of the mill of the Blaok Jack mine is being considerably In creased and many other needed im provements are being made in and about tbe plant The Consolidated Tiger-Poonnan Company at Burke ia now employing about sixty men. Good headway is be ing made in clearing the debria and getting ready to ereot the new milling plant The Frisco shaft ia down 400 feet, and as soon aa the station is cut the new level will be started. A fine body of ore was struck in the banging wall at the 400-foot point The ore ia of a better grade than has ever been found in the mine. Montana Mining Kotaa. ' The Butte & Boston , company have leased tbe Blue Jay mine down to the 000-foot level to Messrs. White A Farry. Several other properties of the oompany have been leased in similar manner. , . ... Work has been commenced on the Copperopolis mine near White Sulphur Springs. It was recently bonded to Chioago parties, Lumber and necessary maohinery is being shipped to sink the present shaft, whioh is now 100 feet deep, ; Tbe Butte miners' union la already making great preparstiona for their annual meeting whioh takes place in that oity June 18. There will be a street parade and speaking during the day and wind up in tbe evening with a ball. ,: ........ ; ' The Anaconda Company baa com menced work on the old Buffalo mine in the Centerville district The founda tion for a new hoisting plant is now being built ' It is tbe company' in nbstaneo of the Measure. Being Coti-' aldarad by tha Ilfty-Fourth . Session Senate. :-.r.:' Washington, .May 88. The fortifica tions bill, whioh passed the senate yes terday, appropriated the liberal sum of $10,768,888. After the committee on coast defense concluded it invetiga tions, tbe bouse committee on appro-1 prlation availed itself of information obtained by the senate coast-defense committee; it also followed up the in vestigation and concluded to appropri ate $0,840,887. Thia waa beyond all precedent departure in the line of ' coast defenses, but the senate, not ' content with this, and after due oon lideration in the oommittee on appro priation, increased the amount by $4,-' 918,001. Senator Squire was invited -' to sit with the senate oommittee dur-' ing its review of the subject, snd mat-' ten in question were thoroughly oon- ' sidered. The main question of the im- ' portanoe of having this appropriation made was conceded without objection in tbe senate so the bill passed unani mously. Washington, May 80. In tbe senate today Butler renewed tbe motion to . take up the bill prohibiting the issue of interest-bearing bonds. After some sparring Hill interposed tbe objection : that thia waa too Important a question to be oonsdered "without a quorum." This wa the first evidence of a renew- al of the obstruction. A quorum being : found quiokly, the motion was adopt- ' ed, tbe vote being ayes, 84, noes, 80. ' With tbe understanding that the But- ler bill should not be prejudiced, a bill ' wa passed to quiet titlei to land to person who bad purchased in good -faith, without notioe, and for a valu- able consideration, to enable the gov ernment to issue patents on such lands -and providing that commutations of ; homestead entries shall take effect . from the date of settlement and not from the date of entry. Washington May 27. The general deficiency appropriation bill, the laat of tbe supply bills, was before tbe sen- - ate throughout the day and passed just ' before adjournment It temporarily diaplaoed tbe bill to prohibit the issue ': ot bonds. Aa passed, the bill carries '; about $10,000,000, an increase of $6, 000,000 over the house bill Tbe most important amendment agreed to up to ' 3 o'clock was that of $1,643,979, to the Southern Paoiflo oompany for tbe transportation ot mails. At 3 o'clock " the bond bill was formally laid befoie ' the senate, and Pritobard waa recog nised, but after some discussion the bond bill waa informally laid aside and the consideration of the deficiency ' bill continued. All the committee 7 amendments were agreed to. : Bouao Washington, May 28. So much of . the time of the house was occupied to- . day in considering the president's veto . of the bill to pension Francis E. Hoover, a private in the Sixty-fourth Ohio vol- ; unteer infantry, and in listening to a .i personal explanation from Grosvenor relative to a newspaper misrepresenta tion of his position on the subject of r reciprocity, that the time for tbe debate on the Phillips commission bill was extended. Tbe bill provides for the appointment by tbe president of a non- i partisan commission . of twenty-one, seven representatives eaoh from labor, ,(, agriculture and business oi roles, to ool- -, leot information and oonaider and - recommend legislation to meet prob- 3 lema presented by labor. The author. i of the bill made the prinoipal argument : today.,. .. ... ... ,. ,!.';", Washington,' May 80. The Phillips ' labor commission bill, which waa to have oome to a vote in the house today under the special order, was completely ' crowded out by the conference report ' on tbe river and harbor, and sundry ' oivil bills. The conference report on ' the river and barbor bill, whioh re- ported an agreement on all the items ! save that relating to the Santa Monica : and San Pedro harbors, was made the 1 basis of a very bitter attack on tbe bill J by Hepburn and Dookery- The latter ' said be opposed this measure because it ' contained riotous appropriations not : warranted by the condition of tbe treaa- ury. He said he realized that his re- ' marks would not be ponotuated by ap- plause. At the night session, Cum- ' mings made a stirring speech, appeal- ; iog to bis Demooratio friends not to stand in the way of meritorious pen sion bills. Twelve bills were favor- . ably acted on. Washington, May 87. Shortly after .. the opening of the session today, the house went into a oommittee of the t whole to oonsider tbe bill to repeat the . free-aloohol olauae of the existing tariff i law. Evans, in charge of the bill, ' opened the debate in support ot the t measure, explaining the necessity of the legislation. He said tbe bill would not affect the claims now pending, 1 amounting to $10,000,000. Evans" offered the amendment to the bill whioh had been agreed upon a a oom- ' promise by some of the friends and op' , ponenta of the measure. It provided " for a joint oommittee of three member from eaoh bouse of oon great to consider ' all questions relating to the free use of ' aloohol in the arts, , to report their '" conclusions to onngrew in December. " At 0 o'clock the oommittee rose.'." Strode presented the majority report in 1 the contested election oass of Martin vs. Lookhart, from the sixth North Carolina distriot, and at 0:10 ththoas adjourned. t