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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (May 29, 1896)
STRIKERS ARE DESPERATE B. Searcy KiUed While Fish ing Last Week. fhll Jewell Narrowly Haoapee tne Ha Fill Other Flehermea eyerely Bmim, Oa Thursday veiiln; of last week R. Beany wa killed by striking flsbsrrueu on tb Columbia rivaropposlt Kgl CUf. and hi partner, Hill Jewell, only esoapsd with hll llf after ouiuarous bolei wr iliot In hi olothes and receiving scalp wound on tb back of tb bead. It wm about e'rlnek hi th vetiliiK and 8roy and Jwll had Juit laid thtlr net out at tb upper end of th drift. Tbry noticed (our boat In a group, aoh boat containing Mvral nun, passthriu, tit lat on giving tbm warning tliat tbty bad bttr pick tin their net. Searcy aald to JwU "I guM w bad btlr pick apt tby ar gatting too thick around bri" and tbty at one began to haul In tb net, Presently a fifth boat tailed by containing four run and when about 100 yard abur flearcy' boat tUey (topped and took down their sail and rowed back toward tb flelisr- rnen, When within about Hfty or seventy fly (eet Searcy eallen out, "Stop, you bare oome oIom enough 1" and tb man la lb torn of th other boat replied, "I guea w have," and at that the four men In th at tacking boat ralead their rifle and Bred. Searcy and Jewell, both of whom had shot gun loadad with baekibot, returned th Ar and th ltlr claim that two of th men In lb other boat fell. Searcy wae tint hot through th arm aad a second hot paiied through bU body. At thU be exclaimed, 'Pail, they have killed me." and be fall with hli bead on tb gunwal of tb boat wbr In another Initant a third bullet itmuk bim la th top of th head paaalng clear through and mining out at th back of tb neck. jll had no more ant munition and oonssquently dropped down ia tb boat. Tb atrtkar. evidently think log they had killed both men, aiarted to row down atrearn and when turn dlitanre way, Bred two more auota atSearcy'a beat. Jewell, aa ooa a h thought be could venture, out th net adrift and tartod to pull toward th arlnlng ground where b wa met by leyerai Miner who aaabtad him to lay the body of Searcy out in on of tb boum whe r It ranialaed un til aa Inquert wa held by Juitice Hall the next day. Jewell then went to hla acow In Cut Off (mails have bit owa wound ex amined and drwd, be baring reeerred en ogly acalp wound In tb back ol tb bead. Tbo bullet paieed through hi bat and an other blistered tb (kin en bli right arm, while (till another tore away a part of th collar f tb sweater b waa wearing. Batorday nlgbt th remain of Sesuey were brought to St. Halena where the funeral rvio were conducted at If aeonlc hall Sunday by Bar. Plowman, after which Interment took place at Odd Fellow cem etery, attended by a large number of friend aad retativ. v Demanded Protection, Th Brat Intimation of tronbl at or near Wallace laland waa the following talegram aent to Sheriff Doan by B. N. Davy, fore" raaa of the Mining ground there. Thl nag waa (eat on May 13th, and wa aa followa: "O. t. Do an, sheriff of Columbia county, Or.! I hav aotiBed you of interfereus to fishing at Lower Wallace bland. Striking Aahermen bare ew demanded that ' we top Billing. J ihal bold th county re poniibl for any daaaag to my interest or ' my employer ocoaaioiied by their action." Ia reaponM to th abov telegram De paty (merit Makaeley waa Mnt to Wallace laiawd and when b arrived there b aaya tb flahrmn Informed blm that tbay did Dot apprehend aay serious trouble so tbs deputy sheriff returned bom. Oa Wedueeday, th day before tb (hoot lug occurred, the following message wm ant m Shgria Doan by F. Ben Uiek "I waa beaten yMtorday by (triklng Bah rmen, and my Bah wr atolen. I demand protection., for myMlf and other la thl neighborhood," Oa Friday morning, th day after th booting , m oa aa tb newi wm roivd here, Deputy SberUf BlakMley again went tothaaoeneof Ue trouble, returning th aame nlgbt and resorted the eonditioa of affair, Saturday Bbarlff Doan iwor In a poeM of is deputies who, la charge of Deputy.Sberlff BlakMley. left Sunday night for Wallace bland. When they arrived there they found sereral hundred union Ustsermea patrollng tb rlrer in boata, each boat containing Mreral men, and all of them armed, Flahing operationi were en tirely luapeaded and tb eaanwia In a atate of iag and would not allow anyone to land an th wharf. Part of th poss re turned her Monday night and other tb following day latiafied that line th trlkera had eeagregated ia sueh numbrr they war anabt to copa with them. Boata aad Met Ueatroyed. J. J. Bralm, who Htm at Ralnlar, but hu been fishing at Wallace laland. earn to 8t. IIlni Tuwday morning and reported that on Sunday night on ot hi boat while oat Ashing wm captured by tb (trlken and on of th flibermen badly beaten. Hli nt wm cut to plecM and tb boat totally demolished aad turned adrift Bralm also atate that ea th aam night several ether boata and net were destroyed In that vl elnlty. The striken not only destroy the ashing gear but they bar been patting nag ia in an n so tbat no on can, with afaty to their act, drift la th river. It li aid the Bahlog groaad about Eureka bu all been plaoed la thl eonditioa within th put law day. The Militia Aeked For. Sheriff Doaa went to Balera Tuesday to Interview Governor Lord with reference to calling out th militia, but upon arriving there be learned that a requMt for th milt tin must oome tnrovgn we county judge, and not then until the local authorities have exhausted tb mean at their dis posal, and this th governor did not oon Ms had bMn don. Tb sheriff went to ller Wednesday night to consult Judge -.u hrd ln regard to the matter. Among ?y hlngs. Governor Lord said, when In i7!r Oregonlan reporter Wed-2Stli.-i,h'' ,'Bi"'M Doan should de fUZ "Jfc '!! "r7 " o thote fisher ?m."Jon the strikers arc trying to in- A HiJ;Kh 'U'ther trouble." eri. i -, Oregonlan from As- i j M ! i """""Y has been organ bed at Rainier armed with 136 Winchester rifles. The flsharmen la that local t J .i nT. the (booting of Bearoy" hivi termined that nona'of their number hal?b2 m iMtedwhUeMgaged ln th, p..fal oc ration of providing food for their wIvm and little onee, and It 1 aeeerted tbat anyat tempt to Interfere with them wlU b re pelled with all tb etrangtb at their mro nead. Log bar been sunk aear Wallace Wend and near Eureka, to which- bar bMn attached sturgeon hooki, tbui render ing It Impossible to flsh wltb nets, except at lb risk or serious Injury to them. " Judge Blanch ard cam to St. Helen yes terday and wrote a Inter to General Beene plaining tb situation with a request for the state militia,. Under tbc session laws ef 1805 tb following, section applies la this CMI! "Unction M. Parn 1MI In mm of anv breach of the peace, tumult, riot or rai- anoe to the Drocess of the state, or imnil nent danger thereof, any county judge of any county, on tb application of the eheiilTor the mayor of any city, may call fur aid noon the roniinsndfiie officer of the National guard stationed therein or adjacent thereto, in commanding- omcer on whom tb call Is mad shall order out, lo aid to the oivll authorities, th military vi rw mr suwravi unuvr ins ituiii- uand, and shall report what h baa done and all olrcumata' re of th mm to tb coruruander ln olilef. who may confirm or roumariuena nil acuon.' At prexs hour nothing wa known as to urnrrui oeeoe I plan. JUST BEFORE) ELECTION. VaagoiiiA, May 28. 1800. Rditom Mist: Th cloning of th cam palgn call for a few remark touching th "fat of a bolter.'1 which appeared In the great (T) independent sheet published at Pittsburg, Or., although tb Claiikanl Chief remark very appropriately Ibat this i "a windy fight," let us bop that It I an "ill wind that blow no good." Th artlol b In th bsu of May 18th, beaded "Tb Bolter and Hi Fate," and My, among other things, "all executive and Judicial authority b vested In tb oommitteM an th conventions from wbiob there Is poeelbl appeal," Now, Mr. bushwhacker, (I call you thl beoauMyou have acted the coward an1 sixaked behind ad plum.) I go behind th organbatioB of th commltlM and claim that all sovereignty inherae Inaliana bly In the people and th right to appoint delegate to tb date convention not only wunut delegated to Ihe committee, but waa positively withheld allies th date we not changed for th state convention to later date than February K. In (ucb case they were to appoint delegates, but th datr was changed to March aoth. and of this change th committee had full Information yt In th absence of authority Ibey re solved themselves into a mutual admira tion toclety and appointed themselves del egates to tli atate convention, and through th atat to th national convention. Thus by thl act of treason m effectually dis franchised th populist ot Auburn precinct In th state and national convention a If tbey had been residents of Fejee islands. (I say this of Auburn precinct for I am not Informed What Instructions tbeotnereom- niltteemen had nn this subject). Bear in mind Mr. Campbell ttatedln poelllve term to th club "tbat under no consideration nould the committee appoint delegate If th state convention was postponed,'' and Mr. Beueman had full knowledge of th (acta of lib authority la tb premises, and yet tbls gang Campbell, Scboonovar and Beeeeraan violated thb solemn obligation and appointed delegates as above stated Now, Mr. Bushwhacker, I ssy m tli lan guage of scripture, "U that is faithful In a few things shall be mad ruler over many thing, but he that Is unfaithful In little b (or would be) unfaithful In much." Bo condemnation b passed a poo the, -Judge,'' for being an unjust Judge. Yon can act the part of "JudM" and vote for all tbr "yalier dogs" of th Bchoonover gang on tb populH ticket if yon choose to do so but I choose to be governed by tls motto, Unus homo t Dees Iia major numerous.' Now, "old voter," and by thb cognomen you enafei to being a party lo all the evil that b upon ns and you need not alt with men ln convention to do so. you bav only to remain with the mutual admiration soci ety, th brain power of which resldee bod' lly in the Bchoonover 8. M. C. gang, but you will always And in In tb conventions of reformers when clrcumsteocee admit. Tbaman Mitchell boasted at Veroonla tbat be bad secured th resignation of tb pop candidate for treasurer, but now wr ar informed by Mr. Wood that tb treas urer hM not resigned. Thl ticket-de stroyer b wore than a bolter, aoi'yet there b ao word of condemnation for Mm ; b be longs to the gang, "doncher know." Thia earn Mitchell wanted Mr. Fringl lo put hi nam on tb democrat! ticket for Ins Uce of th peace in Auburn preciact, and yet h wanted to ran a populist paper. Bboo, fly I Tb populist club at Varnonla, ondr th abb (r) management of tb Judge," failed to get a praoiitet ticket on tb official ballot, either through Ignorance, lap of duty or from th fact tbat he would sooner "pint" someone, for he know the gang hM been built np and flourlsbee under th appointing power, and tbla b an- otbr Up from th populist dictrin, an other vldPC of unfaithfulness. I am charged by Mitchell of being a iup- portrter of Ooldbug Doan. Tbi I confmi, believing it would be better to elect hlni judg than Bond bug Seeseman. Th bolt er (I write tbi in th plural, for w ar many) have agreed to support Mr. Doan for Judge, believing It b th surest way to defeat BasMman, u tbey do not consider Mr. Dart' following to b sufficient to justify u la voting for him. We maybe wrong ln our Mtlmate, but such b our con clusion. Th VanPyke part of lb gang here will also receive "marked" attention on th day of lotlon. Tb great ( T) cow ard Mitchell put off to tb hut issue before lection to wrls up about tb most un worthy man ln th county. Pharisee Ilk, ay In thb language. "I thank Ujm, O Lord, that I m not m other men, vn m thb publican" ( Davbon). I belong to tb gang, I writ, etc And why not, If w ar to hav a tinhorn soldier to deliver tb ad' dress, a hM beea luggasted, on Memorial day for tb Q. A. R., at Vernonla, get Mitchell. H hM printed, wUbout credit, (his usual style) an old memorial ipeech in hb Sentinel. H could Just read or memorb thb artlel of hi and declaim it and claim tt a original aad do on would discover tb deception hat me, and I would not tell, and (o by keeping him in training wa might In two years walk him for lustloe or th peace on the democratic ticket. (It Is not in good teat to apeak of running at a funeral.) Your, M. Davisoh. ekloata Armtcat Saiv. Th bent Solve In the world for out. bruise, sores, ulcer, salt rbeum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hand, chilblain, corns, and all skin eruptions, end positively cures pile, or no pay required. It b guar anteed to giv perfect Mtbf action or money refunded. Price 36 oenU per box. For sale by Dr. Kdwln Rose. . Joaoa, Ha Pay tho Freight. Send (or a oopy of "Tb Buyer' Guide," with latest reduction and market report. Bent free to any ad dreia. Freight on f20 order of good paid to any point on the Columbia river, reached by Portland boata. Jon' Cash Store, 105 Front street, between Washington and Btark. PorV land, Oregon. " Hxxhici WiTHDBAWi. W. E. Hen rloi, who wa nominated by th papu Hsu of tbla county for the office of county clerk, list Monday filed with I lie eounty clerk hi wii lidrawal at a candidate for that office, This leave th field clear for Jtidaon Weed, who, no doubt, will be elected clurk for the nesi two year. " CnaKOi of Tim-The p-ople of thl place and Houlton will be pleated to learn of the contemplated change of time iu the lohedtite of the North ern Pacific train out of Portland. The propoMd change, however, will effort only the train now leaving Portland at 11 :80 p. m. Inatead, it will leave thai city at 8:40 a. m., thui we will be supplied with mail about lgbt hour ecrlier. Especially will tbi be appre ciated on Bunday, a, inatead ol the Sunday mail arriving here at 0:40 p. m., it will be delivered here at about 10:30 a. m. Nobthup'i Cam pi ton. II. B. Dun iway and J. W. Whalley, who are out in the interest of Judge North up fur congress, held fourth in tho court houee Tuesday night and talked for some time to a numerically small aud ience, but which wa composed prin cipally of aabitantial business men. Some of tho precent, however, are known lo be opposed to Judge North tip' "Independent onnd money" toga, and were there more out of curiosity tiian otherwise. Mr. Duniway was th first speaker, and after stumbling over his subject for a while, during wlil' h time he occasionally told a very got d story, he surrendered the floor to J. W. Whalley, wl.o finished the patch. Whalley, by the way, is a very good spexksr, hi profesaion be ing that of a lawyer, and he interested his audience for soma time in the in terest of "sound money" and Judge Norlhup. PERSONAL AND LOCAL. Mrs. E. H. Flagg, of Salem, was in St. Iielens last Suuday. Fob Sale. A good soda fountain. Inquire of J. H. 8 wager, St. Helens. Mrs. 0. F. Doan and her daughter, Laura, were visitors to Portland Wed nesday. Phil Jewell has moved his fishing cows back into the Willamette (lough iur uw fvmaiuuvr ui sue mivst Mr. A. 8. Dreseor. of Oregon City, was billed to apeak lit re last Tuesday night, but for some reason the crowd was not la re and the meeting? ad jourued. Maiter Dolph Hoochkirk celebrated bis seventh birthday Tuesday. Io the evening a number of little friends who re bis Sunday school classmates took dinner with Master Dolph, and pleasant time was had. Mr. W. B. Dillard. democratic can didate for joint senator, has been un able lo take an active part in the po litical canvass (pr the reason that be has been daily expecting a summons to the bedside of his father, who is very ill in Virginia. For every quarter in a man' pocket there are a dozen uses ; and to us each one in euch a way as lo derive the greeted benefit i a question every one mutt eolve fur himiolf. We be lieve, however, that no belter Use oould bo made of one of these qnarlere than to exchange it lor a bottle of Cham berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, a medicine that every family should be provided with. ' For sale by vt. Edwin Kosr. The audience which listened to the "sound money" siweches of Judge Whalley and H. K. Duniway con sisted by actual count of eighteen men and eight ladies. Of these men were noticed three or four democrat. and ix republicans who will vote for Mr. Ellis, leaving nine who have not expressed themselves on the qnestion. This shows the extreme unpopularity oi tue candidacy ol Judge Kortbup. Mr. D. P. Davis, a prominent livery man and merchant of Ooahen, Vs., ha this to say on the subject of rheum liun : "I take pleasure in recommend ing Chamberlain' Pain Balm for rbeu malum, as I know from personal ex perience that it will do all that ia claimed for it, A year ago thb apring my brother was laid np in bed witb inflammatory rheumatism, and u flar ed intensely. The first application of Chamberlaio's Pain Balm eased the pain, and the use of one bottle com pletely cured him. For tale by Dr. Edwin Ross. Wbaa Baby waa atck, we gav her Ceaeerl. Wbsa be vaa a ObOd, she cried for OuSorla, Wbaa she bad CUUrea, she gave them Osstcrti t May Stm mm Rtwels far Tow. Mr. Fred Miller, of Irvine, III., write that h had a severe kidney trouble for many year, with severe pain ln hb back, and also tbat his bladder waa affected. He tried many so-called kidney cur, bat without aay good result. About a year go b began the use of Electric Bitters and found relief at one. Electric Bitter I es pecially adapted to tb cur of all kidney and liver trouble and often give almost Instant relief. On trial will prov our statement. Price SO cent and 11.00. For sals at Or. Edwtn Rosa' drug store. Awarded ' Highest Honors World's Fair, Gold Medal, MMwtatar Fair. CHEAT,! Moat Perfect Made. 40 Years the Standard, nBilCIEBK NOTICE. OotfXTY TaaUIUHgB'e OfflCI, St. H clems, Or., May 29, 1896. Notice Is hereby given that all unpaid County Warrant of aald county, which have been presented and endorsed "Not Paid for Want of Funds." np lo Oct. 17th lHttt, and the following, endorsed on Out. 17lh, IMA. to-wlt: Warrant No. 8401 "ei;( WJtrw, V'V 1 1 UMf Uinu, tetffdrf rtjl 1 , 11403. 8404 and 8420. will be Paid upon pre MteUH flUf lA fJugyr Ml UUUK UAi aft auial sentation at this office. Interest will not be allowed after this dnte. B. M. WHARTON. m'JPjOT Trramirer of Oulumbla County, Or. TBEAsjtiifciaa MwriJB. . Covxty Trbasuheu'b Ofpich, ( St. Helens. Or.. May 8. 1890. ( NOTICB la hereby given that all Colum bia county warranta heretofore pre sented and endorsed "Not Paid for Want of Funds." up to Henteniber 27. 1W3, and alo warrant No. 8382. endorsed on Septem ber 27, 18m, will be paid upon presentation at thia ottice. Interest on the sam will not b allowed after this date. Iii8t5 E. M. WH4RT01f. i reaxurer oi ixnuiDDia vounty, uregon PETITiei FOB LIQUOR LICENSE To the Honorable County Court ef Columbia uouniy, meie m uregi E. thk unoebhkin iMldlne tn bnmr Inland urMifaH.. Colum bia County, Hlate (X Oregon, would respeetlully Kelltlon your honomble body at its next regular irm of Court to be held In the Court House in the City of Ot. Helens, Columbia County, Ore n, on Wednesday, the Mb day of July. A. I). MM. that a license be eranted to Joel Bate to sell mult liquors In quantities less tbsn one :nnon in ieer isiana precinct, iwiumoia i;onuiy tale of Oregon ; an such license be laeued for ' uht7onem?r,S"yf0, ,U " whlch Frank BlthoD. Ju K nndr. Wm R Rose. W C Koblneu. J H Blaekeler. Joel Bate. Michael Badly, Joe Klllsm, M A Klllduff, W t Brown, L n enaw, wai Miner, n navem, rrans nerger, i CJtmilnh. R R loafer. H Inert BUk. Joh Beopls, C P Marlnarey, Isaac B Wblte, John Le- muiii, v, w i;napiDKn, m rowier, J a nunivr, Pat O'Brien, C E Leavens, John Mainland, C L nuoox. n Bortnwics, jss jscnaugnion, i Holden. John Olllem, A J Hoyt, Joseph Roth Wm Hellstun, J Hlmes, J S Conboy, A C Zlgue, J Kayes, H M Fowler, Jseob Leagescher, D L tuie, t coBoiiy, rrea Tiussuauner, Frana we- gsnaa, vnariee una, u nauer. mayi Adalsiliimerta Bale. XTOTICB le hereby siren that In nnrsu- Al anoe of an order of eel duly made and entered by th County Court of tl Countvof Colombia, Btete of Oregon, on tbe 22nd day of May, A. D. 189S. in the matter of the estate of Charles Trim, de ceesed. the undersigned administrator of said estate, will sell at public auction sub ject to eonlirmatlon by aald Court, tbe fol lowing described real properly situate in Columbia County, State of Oregon, to-wit: The northeast auarier of Hection Three In Towneliln Five north of Range Two weet of the Willamette Meridian, containing 160 seres, together witn me tenements ana hereditaments thereunto belonging; eaid sale will be made on Mondav the 29th dav of June. A. D. 1896. at 10 o'clock A. M., at tne tromviUar of tbe Court House, ia B. Helens, in said County Bnd Btata; terms of sale, cash in V. 8. gold coin, twenty per cent oi ine bid peyabie on tne day of sale, and the balance of the bid payable on tbe aay ui conoriliauou or saia sale. GEORGE TRIM. Administrator of the estate of Charles Trim, deccared. in29j26 SHERIFF'S SALE. In the Circuit court of tbe Btete of Oregon. ior tne lyouniy oi imumoia. Hiram Orient, plainllA, vs. L. M. Cox and Annie Cox, hb wife, de fendants. T Y VIRTCE OP AN EXKCTJTION MJ iudament ordei and decree, dnlv is sued out of the above-entitled Court; in the aoove-entitled cause, lo me dole directed, dated the tStb day of May, 1896. upon a Judgment and decree rendered in said Conrl on the 16th day of May, 1898, which Judg ment was enrolled and docketed on the 16th day of May, 189S, in favor of the above named plaintiff, and against tbe above- named defendants, for ihe eum of eeven hundred ($700) dollars, with interest there on si ine rate oi ten per cent per annum since September 6th, 1895, and one hundred f100) dollar as attorney's fees, and twen ty-three and 40 100 (123.40) dollars costs of suit, aad all accruing costa, and the costs upon this writ, commanding and requiring me io make eale of tbe defendants'. L. M. Cox and Annie Oox. hia wife, right, title and Interest in and to the following-de- scnoea real property, to-wii : i ne morteaceu lanos ana aDtrartenances via: Theeaxt Wof the northwest u and Ibe west M of northrest X, and southeast W of the northeast W. and lot number one. oi me wuiamette meriaian. In Columbia county, uregon. now, inerefore, oy virtue oi aald execu tion, lodgment order and decree, and In compliance witb tbe commands of said writ. I will, on Saturdav. the 27th dr of June, 1896. at the hour of 10 o'clock In tbe forenoon of aald day. at the front door of tne county courthouse, in tb city or 81. Helens, said eounty and atate, sell, subject to redeinntion. according to law. at public auction, to the highest bidder, for U. 8. gold coin, cash ln band, all the right, title and interest of the above-named defend ants, L. M. Cox and AnnieCox, his wife, or either of them bad on tbe 6th day of March, 1895. or aiiiee had in and to the above described real property, to satbfy said exe cctlen. Judgment order and decree, inter ests and cob and all accruing costs. ot. neiene, uoiuinoia oonntv, uregon, Mav 29th. 1898. O. F. bOAN. m29j26 Sheriff of Columbia County, Or. SHERIFF'S SALE. In the Circuit court of the State of Oregon, for the Countv of Columbia. Mary Ameden and L. E. Amdn, her ausDaaa, piainuna. vs. D. W. Seller, Jane Adrox,8. W. John- eon, Maude Johnson, Bonnie John ion, Archie Johnson, H. F. Allen and 0. H. Lewis, eo-partaera aa Al ien A Lewis, and K. E. Quick, as ad ministrator of the estate of E. J. V. Johnson, deceased, defendants. I V1KTUJC Ur AN KaECUTION. ludsrroent. order and decree, dnlv in- Sued out of the above-entitled Court, in the above-entitled oauae, to me duly directed, dated the 26th day of Mav. 1896. noon a Judgment and decree rendered in said court on tbe 20th day of May, 1898, in favor of tue aoovi-named piaintms, and against tbe above-named defendants, for the anm of eight hundred and one and 16.100 ($301.18) dollars, with Interest thereon at the rate of eight percent per annum, from the 2Mb day ot Mav, 1898. also th costa upon tbi writ, coinmaaaing ana requiring me to make sale of all of lb said defendants' right, title and interest in and to th following-described real property, to-wit : All that Portion of the donation land claim ot William 0. Poppleton and wife, in section nomoer sixteen u), in township number three (3), north of range number two (2), weet of tb Willamette meridian, and aevea and ene-balf (7H) acres from and out of section number fifteen (15), in said township and rang, and Dartlcularlv described as follows: Commencing at tb northwest corner of laid section number fifteen (18), thence east on th section lino thirty (30) rode. r nance souta forty (40) rods, thence weet thirty (80) rode to the section line, thence north on the eeotion Uu forty (40) rod to th nlace of beginning, and cotitainina in all one hundred and sixty-nine and one half (189X) acres more or le, situated in Columbia county, Oregon. Now, therefore, by virtu of said execu tion, judgment order and decree, and in compliance with the commands of (aid writ, i win, on eaiuraay. tne ntb, day ol Jane, 1898, at the hour of 11 o'clock in the forenoon of laid day, at the front door of the county courthouse. In th city of St. ell. subject to redemption, according to law, at public auction, to the highest bid der, for U. 8. gold coin, cash In hand, all tb right, title and interest of the above named defendants or either of them had on date of mortvare. or since had In and to the above-described real property, to sat isfy said execution. Judgment order and decree, interest and cost and all accruing coete. St, Helens, Oregon. May 27th, 1898. CP. DOAN. 29J26 Bhoriff of Columbia County, Or. ., NOTICB. V. V. a Land Office, Oregon cltOrajr0J4 COMPLAINT having been entered' at this office by Otto B. Malmiton against Constant Bruggeman for abandoning his homestead entry No. 457, dated June lltb, 1HV2, upon tbew'-i. section li, lownamp norm, range 4 wesi, id Columbia County, Oregon, with a view to th cancellation of said entry, the said parties are hereby summoned to appear at the office of Israel Bpvuoer, notary publlo, Vemouia, Oregon, on the 26th day of June, 1mm, at 10 o'clock A. M., to respond and furnish testimony concerning said alleged abandonment. KOHKKT A. MILLER, Register. mZtJU Wa. OALLBWAY, Mecetver. rcTiTiom rem Liquor license To th Honorable County Conrl of Columbia W County. Oregon: K, TUB UN0KR8I0NKD LEGAL VOTERS residing in Deer Inland Precinct, Colum bia eounty, Html of Oregon, would respectfully Cilltlou your honorable body at Its next regular rm which will be beld on the lib day of July, A. I. vm. In the Court Home, In tbe City of W. Helens, Columbia eounty, (late of Oregon, that license be granted to O, X. Hunter to sell spirituous, vinous and malt liquors in qaanll ties lew than oueeallon In Deer Island precinct In aald County and State, and that aald license we will ever pray. Dated at Coble this Hit day of May, UWi V O Marks, C J Thomson, A W Batson, W C Roblnolt, H Bager, William Dowd, P H Flfer, Fred Nussbaumer, C Hoven. Jakob Zwlngll, Joseph Kolh, J H Blacketer, O Link, Charles Link, C W McFarland, W Burdlck, Guy tester, H Btehman. A Fowler. John Olllero. M Peter son, J Holden. J Laments, Joe Lawrence, B B Splawn, ft M Beiu, O H Foster,, Jacob Len gascber.0 C Jsqulsh, Frank Deganda, Christ Keber, victor Furrer, v E leavens, a r unggs, J A King, K It Foster, RAhpt. Wllann. Vlrtop Slcots, C W Chapman, K W Fowler, 1 M rowier, K Bchmidt, O P Cross, H Bauer, F YV MaklnMer, J F Dougherty, James Kennedy, Jac Nuss- baus er. m22l9. SHERIFF'S SALE. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for tne county oi i;oiumoia, Bussell W. Clark, plaintiff, vs. E. W. Bingham, executor of the last will and testament ol Elijah Wlngert. deceased; Peler 8. Wlngert. Andrew 8. W. Wlngert, . Hudolpb H. Wlngert, Susan A. Rice, Isa bella Henderson, O. Brandos. Baldea Olld- A-t. (. BY IKTUK OF AM BXBCUTION. JVM ment order and decree dulv Issued oat of ana under the seal ol tne above entitled court, In the above entitled cause, to me duly directed, dated the 1Mb day of May, ll, upon a Judgment ana decree rendered id said court on tne sto dav of January. 196. and said ludgssent was en. rolled and docketed In said court on tbe Ml day of January, 189s, In favor of the above named nlajntlfr and azalnst the above-named defendants for the earn of Nine Hundred Five and 7S-100 (MK.78) Dollars, wltb Interest thereon at the rate of 10 ner eent oer annum from the 4th day of January, 1895, and the further sum of One Hundred (1100.00) Dollars aa attorneys fees, and tbe further sum of Fifteen and (6-100 (116 (6) uoilars eoste and aisDuraemsnts, less tuw.w neld March 7tn. una. and paid atarcn ln, U95, and the costs of aud upon this writ; com manding and requiring me to make sale of the loliowing-desertoea real property, to-wit: TIm smith half of southwest ouarter of section 12, township north of range 2 west of the Wil lamette jsenaien, containing eigaty auiee,su- natri In Colombia flountv. Oraeon Now. therefore, bv virtue of said execution, Judgment order and decree, aud la compliance with the command! ot saia wnt, i wiu, on von day, mmm ieoid, MM, at the hour of 10 o'clock In tne loreuoon oi saia aay, at tae front ooor oi tne Countv Court House, In the City of St. Helens, la said Countv and State, sell, subject to re demption eccording to law. at public auction to the highest bidder lor United Btates gold coin, cash lo band, all tbe right, title and Interest which tbe above-named defendants or either ot them had on the date of mortgage or since bsd in and to tbe above-desert oea real y real property satisfy said execution, ludi j said execution, Judgment order and oree, interest and costs end all accruin; accruing .mzjju c. f. doa::, Sheriff of Columbia Countv. Oreeoa. Bt Helens, Oregon, May 20, m. SHERIFF'S SALE.' In tbe Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for tne uounty oi voiumma. I. L. White, plaintiff. E. W. McNutt, and'j. K. Teal, administrator of the estate of Ivan B, Dawsou, defend ants. TY VIRTTJB OF AN EXECUTION. JUDO- JL men! order and decree. Issued out of end under the seal of the above entitled court In tbe above entitled cause, to me duly directed, dated the 16th day of May, 188. upon a judgment and decree rendered In said court on the 12th dav of stay, use, in lavor ot tne a Dove named piaintin ia against tne aoove named oeienaanta. ior tne sum oi tuxteen Hundred miny-iwo gno 4. 100 (tl6S2.S) Dollars, with latere! thereon at tne rate oi a per cent per annum irom in a ma day of May, 1196, and tbe further eum of One Hundred and Fifty (I160.U0) Dollars as attorneys fees, and the further mm of Fifteen and &9 100 (116.50) Dollars, costs and disbursements and tbe costs oi and upon thia writ, commanding and requiring me to make sale of the following des- oniKQ lew. property, wwii: W.MMU f ' . VI .1171 Wl ,1, Wl . 1 U . 1 4 west WUlamette Meridian, and bounded by beginning at stake driven at a point IM ft, i In. north aad 39 ft east of the ne corner of blki, original town of Vernonla. Colombia eonntv. Oregon, and thence south 184 ft. 2 ln. to e point where the eeater line of Second street Intersects the north boundary line of said town: thence east 160 feet to oast side line of an alley on the west side boundary of a tract known as the "Reserve;" thence south 112 feet; thence east a-1 leet to middle Rock creek: thence north' erly up middle of Rock creek to a point dne east the place of beginning heretofore mentioned; thence west 490 feet, more or less, to nlace of be ginning, containing acres of land; also three certain lots In the town of Vernonla, County of i;oiumDia, numoerea on tne pint oi said town as lots one a) and two f In block eight (S). and lot two (2) In block nine (9), which said plat Is now on record la Columbia eountv. and refer ence la hereby made to said plat for a more per fect description; also that certain piece of land situate and being in said County of Columbia, Bute of Oregon, and described aa a part of the t nair oi tne soutneast Quarter oi sec n. iowe- shlp 4 north, range 4 west Willamette Meridian, auiJ v uunu. iwukv - ws nuuminw JMVU1IU, bounded by beginning at the northeast corner of said southeast quarter of section eight and running thence south along the east boundary of said ecUon eight 10 roda; thence west 20 rods; tbenoe north 80 rods; thenoe east 29 reds to the place of beginning, containing 10 acres; also that ether certain piece or Deroel of land In said County and State, being tbe southwest quarter of the northwest quarter of section nineteen, townsnip tour norm, range tour west, Willamette Meridian, and tbe south half of Ibe northeast quarter and the southeast quarter of tne nortnweet quarter oi section twnty-iour, township four north, rsnee Ave west of the Willamette Meridian, containing 166.8 acree, all in amiq i;oiumDiaoouuiT, uregon. Now. therefore, bv virtue of said execution. Judgment order and decree end In compliance with the commands of said writ, I will, on Sat uroay, tne win day oi juus, ihv. at tne nour or 10 o'clock ia the foreuoon of said day at tbe front door ot the Countv Court House, in th Cltv of 8L Helens, ln said County and State, sell, subject to redemption according to law, at tonne auction to tne nujnest oraoer ror united lutes cold eoin. cash In band, all the rbrtat. title and interest which tbe above-named de fendants or either of them had on date of mort gage of tbe above-described real property, to satisfy aald execution, Judgment order and de cree. Interest and costs and all accruing coats. m22jl C. F. DOAN, Sheriff of Columbia County, Oregon. Bt Heleus, Oregon, May 18, 1866. SHERIFF'S SALE. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Columbia. A. H. King, piainutr, vs. ' K J. Jeffrey, Nantllla A. Jeffrey hla wife, a wife,) e, The I a, and! f, JUDO- fonu nays, ausaueto nays nis wire. nays jeurey tympany a corporation. ci o. Alien, neieuoauta. IVY VIRTUE OF AN EXECUTION. If mentorder and decree, duly Issued out of the above entitled Court, in the above entitled cause, to me duly directed, dated Ihe loth day of May, 1896, upon a judgmeut and decree ren dered in said Court on the 12th day of May, 1896, which Judgment was enrolled and docketed on the 12th day of May, 1896, In favor of tbe above named plaintiff and against the above named defendants, for the sum of Eighty-seven Hund red Nineteen aud 82-100 ($8719 82) Dollars, witb Interest thereon at the rate of 8 per cent per an num since May 12, 1896, and Seven Hundred and Fifty (I7f0 00) Dollars attorneys fees, and One Hundred Sixty-four and 67-100 (1164 57) Dollars costs as taxes paid, with interest at I per eent oa 8164 67 from June 8, 1896, also the costs of and upon tliis writ, commanding and requiring e to make sale of tbe defendants', B. J. Jeffrey and wife and John Bays and wife, right, tlUe and Interest in and to the toUowlng-aeeoribed real property, to wit: The donation land claim of Thomas H. 8mlth and Maria Smith his wife. In townohlp num bered four (4) north of range numbered one (1) west of the Willamette Meridian, situated la Columbia eounty, Oregon, and containing 633.41 acres. Now, therefore, by virtue of said execution. Judgment order and decree, and In compliance with the commands ol said writ, I will, on Mon day, the Xind day of June, 1899, at the hour of U o'clock In tbe forenoon ot said day, at the front door ol tbe County Court House in the City oiBt, Helens, said County and BUM, sell, sub ject to redemption according to law, at public auction, lo the higheat bidder for U. 8. gold coin, casta In hand, all the right, title and Interest of the above named defendant, B. J. Jeffrey and wife and John Bays and wife, or either ot them bad on tbe 9th day ot March, 1890, or sines had to and to tbe absve-descrlbsd real property to satisfy said execution, Judgment order and de eree, interests and costs and all accruing costs. 21st "lw!"' ColttBbl Counlf5' r''rf m22jl Sheriff of Columbia County, Oregon. OUR FIFTH-5- SPECIAL SALE - SINCE REMOVING 81 and 83 THIRD Hen's All-Wool Suits J Fifteen Patterns. Every Suit Warranted Made From Our Celebrated Albany Woolen Mills Cassimeres. c $8.85 ho 1 nm nnrnrnmnnnni SOLE AGENT8 Albany Woolen Mills Sample with plain rule for SM W V WW OREGON SHOE STORE 1 68 THIRD ST., BETWEEN MORRISON AND YAMHILL. BLOIHI IXlK OF SMOEG. Our Stock ia Complete, Embracing all popular Last in Ladles Children's and Men's Shoes. Ladle' Uonirola Kid Shoes, in Narrow. Square and Piccadilly Toe, and Common Sena Lasts, $1.26 to 3.60. New Oxford, in Tans and Blacks, Common Bene. Narrow Square and Piecadllle Lasts, from 90 nenls no. Urn's Hhnca nr. to rf.t. ti w I&60- Children's Shoe from s to 8, from 40 tip Oxford ties B to 12, from 60 cents np. WE SJrELXj BKLIABLK GOODS ONtV OREGON SHOE STORE, for Infant 8 WjMUlltXT yMsre o rrmtiosi mt Csmtewfcs with the itToauss) mt 11 smtlMamaef yeermerns, pee-aaH ne a syatk ot tt with fmeelir It le BmqauMtieasiDly the lfmt reaaeely for Iafharte mni CMMyeaa f3f world luae ewer kmmww. It la karsml . Caflslresa Kks It. It tr tkesa kJtlt. It wfll aw tr Mr. I H MethsCT W-rw metltlaa; wMck 1 mWalmtely mmH mm yrawrtleavay jewfeert sm m, CmwterU desrtrre Werma. CstatarU aJUyeFeirsailslinMtat, DUerkeam Casrtearta reHwve T tktma; TxwaMaw. Csmtsarlat sere. Csaaslpsttle. el rUtwlseaey. CsMTtawU alia the eaVeta ef ssrtesJs M gmm ew aft eeaatmra i pklne,wlam, Clemtesri. eataHrnt the) IWd. rcltee the esseauaeJa mm Werele. ; atsmltty ausd amtanmJ el pw Otertet ta pwt vm t eae-ts Wttlei enry. It ta mart M 1 VaJk. Posit stUsrw aa- a te H raw wtktsta; else esa tXe pleat yrmlmm Aat t H le jwa mm Eaast" mm win mm. w wry lwws kv ymm ret PA-8-T-Q-B-I-A. nm ftwiisjle . egaamtanre n? Children Cry for FOR PORTLAND, DAILY. ;; tiabiei ; ;.. Young America WILLAMETTE SLOUGH Leave 61. Helena 6:90 A. M Arrive at Portland 10KM A M Leave Portland . ., 2:80 P M Arrive at 8k Helena... 6.-00 P M ' TAUU tS CENTS. : Will Carry Nothing bat FaaMnser and Fast Freight JAMES GOOD, MASTER. ';" THB . BANQUET SALOON Ha re-onened under th management of GEORGE A. BR1NN, corner of Strand and Cowlit Street. St. Helen. Oregon, where can be found tbe choicest, brand of WINE AND LIQUOR Card table, pool table, billiard tab) and other device for tb entertainment of pat rons, where time can be pleasantly spent. FAMOUS FIRELADDLE CIGARS y -( v.:--. Beside other popular brand, are kept constantly on band to supply tb increased trad at tbi very popular saloon. TBI FAMOUS ( CYRUS NOBLE WHISKY II KIP? AT TH BAKQUIT. Patronize Heme IHDDSTET SPRING AND SUMMER 1896 TO OUR NEW STORE ST, S. T7, Cor. Oat J.M.MOYER&CO. 81 and 83 Third Street. FSBTLA9ID, OK. eelf-meaarement cent freo to any addre. If a'V "e" smi cant up; to 12, from 60 cent np: Detent 168 Tfclral MireeS, POK1XA9iaroKRCIOI. 7 and Children OerrsL satsl Wfmsl Oella. fas Pitcher's Castorta. WHITE COLLAR LINE Sirs. Telephone and Bailey Gataert COLUMBIA RIVERA PUGET SOUND HAV. OO Aider St, PortUnd; Flavel dock, Astoda, PORTLAND AND A8T0BIA , Telephone leavee Portland dally (except Sua. day) at T a. leaves Astoria daily at T p. m (except Sunda?). Bans direot to train for Clat sop beach, and eonnacta with steamer Ilwaee for Ilwaoo traina, running to all pointa oa North beach. Bailey Gatsert leavee Portland dally at I a a., (except Sunday), on Saturday at 11 p. an. Leavee Astoria daily at : a. m. (exospt Snnday an Monday), on Bunday at 7 p. m. ; connects trim all trains for Clatsop beach and Ilwaoo beach. This Una has a boat connecting with bosh beaches, returning treat Astoria every night 1st thaireek. X. A. 8BKLKY. Agent. U. B. SCOTT, Free, Decker's BARBER SHOP J, H, DECXSB. Proprietor, The old and reliable barber baa hla resets Jnst aa sharp aa ean be lound, and will shave yea comfortably and quickly for oul y 14 oeuta. ST. HELENS, 1 OREGON irUCKXE BH03. AaoraoTuaaa or Dimension Lumber, Flooring, . Rustic. Bheathina, Caalnca, and a complete stock of eveiy variety of Rough and Pressed Lcmber ALWAYS ON BAND, AT THB OLD STAND, IT. BELE? OREGON