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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (June 23, 1893)
SWHHCRirTJON.' fl.BO I'KH YKAR. Bt. IIklknb, J (isb 2X 1893. EDUCA TION A XD EMINENCt'. , At tliUi season , we are nmiidYl ahat It iaiiiflicult lo tell wlmt become pf all the promising young men. Every year there i a fresh, supply of llioae who mudo a remurkubly credit iible record during; tbolr vhool or col lege life, and toon a cikhI ninny of tbin will be in evidence on fiomnieuce- uient day. It is not cynical to ca ittention, to the fact that those apnea an cos are often illusory. Many pa cntg have congratulated themselves on possessing children of extraordinnr promiav, and have lived to see most or dinary and, common place ftilfilhnen uf their hopes. Fortunately, most of them have the good tense to become ' gradually accustomed to the result. Tho young nun's ambition, also, if slowly modified, and what at one time wouM have seemed to bitn a pit iful outcome of the expectations that were mdulgca concerning aim comes V be regarded as a satisfactory succeas, In life, as in other journeys, distances . axe deceptive, and the lofty peals, .vhich to the ardor and inexperience of youth, seem close at band, turn out to be so remote as to be attainable only by constant aud long continued effort and special Gtness for the under taking. In Tact, the native vigor niiud which ia the foundation of what u considered sueccsa in life m certain directions, can be tested only imper fectly durmg youth. People, general ly, form their forecast of a man's fu ture from qualities which have much less to do with the kind of future they are thinking of than the intellectual qualities which they have scarce! v any trustworthy moans of measuring -(Esop's fable of the horse and the tor toiae bag frequent illustrations eey man's knowledge and observa tion of his associates. Character, after all, is the result of predisposition and experience. It is, as a rule, impossible to telr how a boy or young man will turn out after he has looked at the world beyond the classroom and taken bis chances with it. This is true both of the moral and intellectual cbarac ter. As for the young men who can not be .called promising, comfort it not lacking for those interested in ibem. We find in the biographies of many distinguished men that at school or college they gave no evidence of .future greatness. Their ability was latent and needed the stimulous of ac tive life and special opportunity to de vclop it and cause it to bear fruit. There are many remarkable illustra tions in American life history of this . late development of signal ability in men who have become justly famous. Parents of boys whose intellectual gifts are Solid rather than brilliant may take comfort in the reflection that the race is not always won by the swiftest runner. Even if their chil dren do not attain the distinction de sired by them, and if, in the youth of promise, ambition is mistaken for abil ity, the fact remains thai many of thoBe who have arrived at eminence njoy it only for a limited period, and that the atmosphere of the heights might prove incongenial to those whom nature and circumstances have united to fit for the plain. With these con aiderations in mind the future of the army of young men about to enter ac tive life may be awaited by their friends yffiyk. cheerful confidence. " upward of $10,000,000 toward a public enterprise, it was not for the purpose of attuiuiiig conlrotin whole or part. By ronntiidir.g this case to (ho circuit conn, the matter is linuly settled. The only recourse will then be an appeal to the Sup "ome court which doea nui meet again until October, when tlu fair will be over, W'ksteh: wool growers who befon the lale election permitted bin taut deniiigogueii to convince them that a renenl of tho tnult would not rlloet tho price of wool, nre now reeeivi: ;he fruits of their folly. J he pros pective tampering which the tariffi receive when congress convenes has unsettled values that whore former! wool sold for from thirty three to fort cents, it uow brings from sin to foil teen ceW. Wise men profit by th experience of others, but a fool must learn from, his own folly. Some of the fools who voted for free-trado arc now getting their "divy" of the "prof its." We noticed the Danube go skating past this place a few days since, her way to Victoria where she will Ioubtles8 receive another cargo of Chinese "merchants" for Portland Importing these ''merchants" has be eome a very lucrative business for the owners ot tne l'anuoo, and it is no matter for surprise I hut that vessel was speeding back to Victoria with all haste, to load on several hundred more ot taese paeans who Have no longer any trouble in landing on the Htrength of certificates of citizenship vhich are known to be forgeries. If a change is needed in anything it is iu the Fool. Killer's Department ana we demand ot Cleveland thai no civil service rule be applied here. W want a regulitr old fashioned By th Eternal Jackson Democrat in this of dee, and we want him to begin on th mau who still persists in publishing the tatemeut that on the presort basi, lhere is from $20 to 24 a day profit in a Red Cedar shingle mill, which has a daily capa;ity of 50,000 shingles. V jun aland opium and Chinese smug lers, but this statement is too much West Coast Lumberman. Captain Anderson and five of the crew ol the v ikmg ship received rattier unpleasant reception ui;on heir arrival at Brooklyn. They al iened a banquet in the evening and on their way home the captain wae assaulted by a drunken Scandinavian who attempted to knock out the en tire party. An intelligent policeman arresed the captain's party instead cl the drunk, and they were obliged to give bonds in the sum of f2J0 for their appearance iu court. Oue prediction that the overland Railroads would soon begin lowering rates to he world's fair is being quickly fulfilled. The lines biding for the ex position business have not only cut rates to less than half what they were at the begining of May, but are daily de veloping a strong tendancy to go even below tbe existing rates. ; The com pauies are feeling the effect of these cuts very perceptably, the result being to hourly increase the numbers of ap plications for transportation. Fares have now reached a figure which is within tho reach of all who are able to attend tho fair at all, and while they are still as high as they should be at any time,. rates could be lowered ten or fifteen dollars and kept at that figure without bankrupting the roads. The exhorbitant rates over trnscoutin ental lines which have previously ob tained one out of all reason and little short of legalized robbery. Q'he com pletion of tho Great Northern has been a most potent factor in breaking up the combination which controlled the passenger traffic and kept up the fafes, and Mr. Hill is entitled to the lasting gratitude of the entire Pacific coast for his invaluable services in securing reasonable rates to the people of these states. It has at last been definitely settled that the World's Fair is to be opened Sunday. This decision was reached in the Court of Chief Justice Fuller Saturday, when the injunction issued vul of the Fedend court restraining the managers of the from opening $uuday, was overruled. Tlio opinion of Chief Justice Fu'l-ir was tlmt the gift of the United Bfatcs to the fair was iu no- seriee a trtirt; that when the grant Was made, in consideration the local corporation. Laving epeat President Cleveland has broken a lot more democratic hearts by appoint ing twenty Indian agents out of the regular army, instead of choosing them out of the rauks of the faithful. The order coufering these appoint ments will carry consternation to the hearts of many civilians who were smacking their lips in anticipation of big persimmons wlien they should fall from the democratic tree. LandCommissioneb Barnes render ed a decision on Jane 12, in which heor- ered canceled, on thegroundof fraud and collusion, about twenty-three tim ber and stone entries of valuable tim ber lauds in Washington, now held by J. B. Montgomery, of Portland, to whom the lands were transferred im mediately after the .final proofs were made. The death of Senator Stanford adds another to the list of Multo-miliion-aires that have passed to the mistie beyond from whence no man returnetb where fortunes are not made or last, and where his vast volume of wealth cannot lollow. How true it is that "man brought nothing into the world, hence he can take nothing out of it." CIi.YTSKAXIIS. W. K. Tichenor moved bis family out to the mill the lirst of the weals. Ira Ovcrturf returned Saturday from wink's absence In tlie Xeliah-m mountains John IJnilirrrii ia now ilrtvimr a new -iir Klu'ott has IimiikIiI out his biijw looking a row I a new iv.Ur mu overhauling .tmi ' Prof. Ch'rtmt lo't on tlie steamer Thura- lay lor I'ortltiiid, tnu iitliiii; before bis turn to vi.-k schools in tho upper part ol ine iToniiiy. Her. M. v. wntr, of Mt Talior, near IWihmd, p.-nl I ridav uuiit in town ami went over liv hunt to Lower lit aver, ou Sat Rev. ami Mm. Moore returned M inula from Lower llenwr. hero thev hiui tx-ei n aitenilani e at the si-rviecs of the meet I iK hi'M there. Hj the wav, when writing of ttovs, your rorro-MHiurnl ii-'IK'eit I'harlrv liomms ear- rymft two rnhlKr botiles on Moudav U entertain his pair at home. Ftlxerton ha moved Ills Roods into hi new huililiuir and last wtk went U Port 'and for an aihtititxial snpnlv which lanittHl on inv piattoriu in irout ot lit store t- inlay aiurnooi Another ."ufdition to the bminesa bouse' was opened np a few days aw in the sliapt if stoi-k of liui's and vem'tables, in the room formerly oci-iipied ly Uoiiuue, nea law leaiuor warvrooui. Frank Mcrriil and family re ui the river this week, visiting relatives. Thev have lovked ui the h-'nse, let out the eow pastured the nciiv and rmraiftui Mrs. Knsf. lisli ui take care of the tb'Wti s, and uuiy be uoaviu luretsur lour wees. Ikv tminlwr two Is the latest attraction at tne drtix store, ami is receiving u,. con ratulations of his friemis. ami lu-iehlxirs, aets as thoueli ho has ihih lostav anil A place wilt he made or him at the taole a ouu as ae la reaily to occupy it. Mr. and Mrs. Coats lift for Portland Monday mxht on the ttenmer. Mr. Ooata iia had eluiri-c of Tirlicitor's latl mill and the sliutini' down of tout entor prise tlirew him out of emlovnu-nt. W( are sorry to lose the eonpls from our town Mi Mildred Boyle If ft on the steamer last Friday for Portland, where she will iiienit most of her vaou'ion. Nbe has been -e-eiecteu teaclier ot the orimarv scliool havin? done very satisfactory work i that department during the past fivi IUOUII1S. A. F and Mrs. V rers and dnii-'htr Ion me enjoyed a ride Saturday with Kngineei j. M. l'ayneon the l.ieomotivr, oyer trie tosgnif; railioad as far as it is completed i'lie sound of the Ktenm whistle mitke IJ:itskanites feel us if thev were itcttuur iui qi ine woous. anil a 'ram on tne As- toria-ti.ihle road wad uassinK near bv iusi .... . . i.. UUb Ol MIIW A nnmtjer of r-ersons took oeeasion to at tend the quarterly mretiir services at th otewart creea sen joi nnuse m Lower Hen ver, las' bai'haih. S 'iu conveyances tool iieoi le ui'erianu ami a numtier ot smal toai w.rp iisii to lake others over whai is generally land but uow o ivered by water. uasing me ui-ianea more than ono-iiall l.orter than it nuuiU be to foifow tin winding of the striama between the tw, places. 0THE8 COSTRIBCTIOMS. A live negro was in town this week. rernnrd Mattliiesseu returned this week rem a business tup to Orej;uii City. Mrs. W. II. Ab!esf frotn near the sum it, was visiting friends here this week. Miss Nellie Terry, who returned to Chi a this week . w ill carry with her view if some of our lame trees, taken with hi-i kodac. The fruit crop will be a success in tlii illey at least. A numlier of voiiior nrch irds have been planted, amonir them tbosi f W. A. tiirrton, C. A. Uiuiiile VKiivalktiigbcrii. K. C. Payne, who owns valuable timber laims on the summit, laid down his eun u liHluni.' rml ami lu, I his mil the saimtin trout come aaain, ieaviuj; n the steamer jShaver Tuesday. Iluipk- and Jus. PEBMOSi AL Sltai 4 lO.I. Ev Faxton was a passenger to Portland on ine roller n eanesaay . J- G. Muckle and Messrs O. H. Kewell and Dave Uavis left btre Monday, to attend tbe State convention of the I. O. O. T which commenced in Portland the first of the week, aa dtjegatei front the order at this place. Phi. Harris, who !, )n ,,ot . .i. Hotel de Masuie the oust thinu ,i. released from custody Sunday, and'ie'ft on tbe Jrahia tor Ins hntnenr ;;.ini..r i....... crowd of admiring friends, (who were ghij to see him fjo) accumpnnied Mr. Hani? to wnan, ami i ,,ot" Ji;akeley saw that he was properly tagged and consigned to liilly Muckle. ' Word reaches us that a valnablo ! quarry of block marble has been found on Lewis river, near Lacenter, Wash. An offr to b'jnd the quarry for .$20, 000 was refused. The owner has sold a tenth interest in the property to a Portland party but we were unable to learn the consideration. A parly of marble cutlers outfitted at this place Monday, aud develonment work h already been commenced. wday. We roeret the serious nffletion which hn overtaken Prof. tH. eton's evesteht. He re urned to Portland Tuesday for medical I. The Profi'SMO has the svmonlhir t all his friends throughout the county. There are several iduckv women in ld neighborhood w ho arc holding their claims loing their own clearing mxl gardening, with lady friends an i Ijooks for compan ions. .Some of them are miles from other ueiyhbors. The following notice wasnnsted in a run. picuous place in this city ; NO TICK, The IT. W. and Cntholii-. Tk wr.t;,. There will 1m a grand eaiherin? of the laiis at their liall on Julv 4ih mi i f. clock a. m . at 'heir rcsiui'iiu.. 1.1.-1,0 ,,( abode in each military o'isirict of auo wasiiinjnon. J urn out promptly "I'ufi j"ur inciichiera aun one uiimlrei rounds of aiuiiiuniiion. A warm time i: anticipated. "bic Bemtr Tyrannus." By Order Grand Comical CILLTON. Crops are looking fine. Summer seems to have come at fast. We b arn with regret thnt lml Pn,.l in. lenas giving Ur Ins school at this nlaoc Ki-ery one Is-ta kimr of the pood t ni in ae uau at Ot. Helens on the Fourth of July W. K. Htcecns has Inst. r,.,, dairy, wliich is certainly a credit to his at itauy vaiuaoie farm. We understand Y. O. Young is going' build a neat cottage on his farm souitti during the summer. J. S. Bacon. our enereetie merchant sm to be very busy attending to the wants of u.m luanj customers. Phillip Neer is erecting a fine residence on ins tarm one mile west of this place, . a- . wciinc.i uciuj; tuu arcmiect. the cit:ns of this district have rafed enough money by subscription to clear the school yard, and the work has already be- SHERIFF'S SALE STATK OF 0RK0OX, I County of Colaiubia.f BV VIUlt K of an kxkcution Lssumloulof the Circuit Court of the State ot Oregon lor Coluiuhia Comity in favor of W. H. Conyers, and a,tliist John Mnynard, for tbe sum of M Mi thdlara jitdjtmcnt with interest thereon Min e the lit li ilaynf February. istt'ntthe rateofs per cent, per auntiln. and tor the costs and ex-pen-us of said writ uud of raid sale, said writ was directed and delivered tome a Shcrittof Columbia County, Oregon, eom manding me to make th alHive-nained .umsoutof the propel ty of said defendant, John Maymird, and for want ot personal orovrty'l did, on theMh dav of June, IS!i3. evy Uhii allot the interest of sr.ld defendant fohn Maynard, in and to the followiuu iwcrild real estate to-w-it; lits i2l anil ,-t) two and four, section 1ft town hhi t notrb, range (ft) live west, anil lots ft, it, 7 , ind southeast of southeast )i -ei tKin IT township (t north, range A est, of the Wil lamette Meridian, euihraclng 'Jul acri nore or leas, in Columbia County, Oregon. Sow, therefore, by virtue and in pu suam c if saiil execution, I will, oo Saturday, tin ttth day of July, IStKl, at the hour of It' 'clock in the forenoon of ld day, at i he ibmr of I he court house in 8t. Helens, n said County and State, sell for cash at nibiic auction, to the hmucst bidder there lor, all of tbe right, title and interest of the aid defendant, John Mayna d, in anil to th above described real estate, to satisfy mut execution ami costs ami expenses o ale. Said sale is made subject to reili lnp lion as per Stulute of Oregon. O. A. MASSIF.. iunlDlulU tsht-rifrot' Columbia county, Or. 1776! GRAND 1893! 4th of July CELEBRATION IN- Notice to Creillturs. NOTIVK in hereby piveu bv the under' fitful., ndiuluiHtrutor of the eattUe of S. K Shutttifk, dwTiwd, to the erediiors of , mid MwX nli persons havmif i-lnim agiriHt tin laM tli't'OMsetl, to exliilul wun Hie ne'esftrv voweher within six mouths after thet.r:t Mil)li rttimof ttiisnulivClo tho suid idiiiiiiirtrutur nt tliooHlooot Dillttrd St Otile, nttorueVH at lw. hi t Holeu, i'otunihiti comity. Oregon. Hknhy 0. Lamdmksdn. Administrator tf thu e&tuto oi h Khut tiu'k, (leecaed. lateil May lift, l. nnmoil wilier ha nfftl notice at liltt tii Ion t make tlmtl prmtf in support of lii rliitm. N a lire for lKublitaill.. LauJ OOice at OreRun City, Oreiton. MrtV 'ill. IMI. VTOTtt'P: I hembv kvmi that tho fnllowln i. nftmeu witter n irw that tuiM vrtmf will b mmiv be ft hp the t'ounty t,'lork if V oliimlfiaetiunty, nt Hi HvWut., "regiui, on Juiy t im., viit; Homestead entry No. Mr the nonthweHt '4 'f vectitm 8. twiivhlM U north, mnife a et. Ho na me the Miawln wltiipL't to nrov ma viiiiuiitiouit remaouee upon unu cuittvtuHm of IhihI, viz: illiHin Wolf, Andrew Auderann. (ttistrtf LAnge ami Julius LorurxiuMa, all of Hcap(HOHe, Coluinlitacuuutv. Oretfou. juuJjul7 J. T. Al'PKKSOK, Uenlater. Nolle tor PMbltcMileu. Land Ortic at Orejft-n Cttr, Oregon, J HUB I t. TOTfCR in herhv tht ibit 1 1 naihf I Pettier haft Hlwl noiice of hi- lien .ion to ni&k Html proof hi KttpfKirt of hf.-t elalin, iii'i mm muu vriHtt wiu iw uiaon rmtore tn otintr Clerk of Columbia i -hhivv, uV Hi. ltolen. tUI- I. tun R.K, lomcttead-cntry No. 7 36, for thu N K. W of fee. i2 T. N K. 2 W.. W. M. He names ihe fottnwlne witiee to nrofe hh. ontftuioiia reside ace uihmi and cullvMtloii ui. aid land, vU: ii. H. Hien'ka, W. C. Hendermn. Henrr Pnttt r. aid Julius Jhet;riiun( of Scajjoorie, I'uluiuhia Oil III v. itfjuUl J. T. APPKRriON. Reftwlar. Nollrtf fer PubUeailan. tantl Ofllc at Oregon City, Orernn, Muy 11. tKML N'OTICK Is hereby r!ren. that th followltiit named wttler has tiled notiee of hi in ten- Ion to make hnaf proof in nophort of hU lulm. aud that Kaid t.roof vt 111 tn made hefnre het'iiwity 'leik of Clnrnhiu euiinty. at M. He Iron, IHukou, ou July 6. WXi, vi: A. H. It. I.KWS, flomotend entry No. 7Ht, fur the wett U of he northetiat 's arwl the northwest i of the .oudieaMt U o( MKtln K twahio 4 north. uitRa 5 west, . He it sine the foIJowlnif ttl(ne" to mov its cnntinuoiiM teiieu" upon and ullittiion i NMia tuna, vi: J. Lnwreme uii Mtirieom. Jndum Weed.. J. I.Hrii.on atul J. I'rucU. all of Veriiouia. Co umliia county. OreM. ul9jun21 J. T. APPRKHOV, IteslHer. Notice for I'tihilruilou. Laud Olfice st OreKOitt'fty, Oregon. Mav a, is't't. YtMK.'h lu herehy;ivet! that, the fullotvutir- name I tuttltr nan rtli-i! untie of in inii n tlou to make final proof iu "4UiMHrtof hln claim mo tnui hhi a nrooi win te nouie netore Uih ouny (. lee ot i,oi'iniiiucuunty. at kliu una jregou, ouiui it, ivn, viz: JOII? KIN!. IfotneKtetd entry No. (H .1. for the- norfhwevc l m.H'ti;n 17. towiisliioS uoith. ranee 1 uc-t He nauiea the following wittier to (-rove ts continuous reHiuyiice, udou and eultivutinn ui naoi lauo, vix; JumeH (iiiiti'iis and N. H. Andrew, of lieer Is land, uud . St Kov ler and Jee Hendricks, of .uri'-o, an oi uuiutiiuuteoiintv. frej'tti. UIUJU17 J. T. APPr:itN, KeitlHtor. St. Helensa Oregon! Reading the Declaration of Independence ! ORATION, LIBERTY CAR, SPLENDID MUSIC, BASKET PICNIC. BARBECUE, AND SPORTS! A -GRAND -BALL! If mill 1 BUEStlFF'S SALE. STATIC Off OttKtlON, I County of tuiuuiliU.f Y VIltTUB Off AN BXKOUTIOW mut wiUif uf l'iiiiiil uulol If f'lr- tnilllioiii't oi (iiaotan ui urnuun, iur th CiMinly of CuIiiiiiIiIii, tit mm (llrwitad, In fnvnr nf K. I'.. Miller unit Jaiuu, KmIIv unil It. Kelly, for tlm auiu nt jili i1iiI!hh, jutiK"t'iitr Willi ln(rt at ilio tiild of 8 iu r cunt. pir iiimiim. from tlie 'Jiitl iIhv of OcUjImr, Itttll , ami Hi fur tlii'r mm of tia.tto tlolliim oot unl i-or-1 iil4 tcwti, uoiuiiiniitiliitf mo Ui uik Kit ot II i ii followltiK ilnwiUiwI rl proirl lo w Ut; 'J im iitirtlt hnlf nf tlia liurtliWMt iiittrtur, tho iiUiwa( ttimrtor of tli nurlliwiinl nniii'iwr and tlia nthit tniariiir ol I lie mm lb t uuarlar uf ita- rillRrtnl V.t, moro or ivnm, toiiutlwr wlUi Urn Uncinrnli. hiiniilllaiiiiilH aim anrtiitiiotit lhr unto IipIoiikIiik or hi atitiUtt aiiiirUliiings all IivIiim mtiialiil in CoImiiiIiU county,, alula of (trpifnn, I duly lovlrU uikio tali, lire-nilnon on the liltli liny of May, Inil3t Now In pnrniiii(i nf nnhl xiutiin t will mi Hid ;nt h iluy of Jmit UlW, at tlia hour of in o'clock a. in., nf nalit day. at thai ciinrtliotmvilonr In nulil miimtv ami ut nil at uiUilhi mmilon, all tlia rlaht. Hilar itluini anil InlnrtHt ta and U tha abnva ilu-i'rllif l r rnl I and I then Inlnruat and coal. O, A. MAlWIaV. Hhcrlir of Colunilila County. tlon '.'.1, of tott'iwhlii T north, rniiK 4 watr Wlllaiiinlta liirlilliMi, rmlirHulng luo acraa, inn aim ininraHi n ami u ma ahnva wrllied rihriiiaTty ol aaid Jainr Kelly d H. Kelly, It Ilia hlvhrat hldilar iTifor for raxli, l aatlafy,aalil aaoutlou BIICRIPT'S SALS. 8TATR Off ORKOON J I'liiiiilf nf ('oliiHi4ilai HY VlltTUK off AK IXKCVTIOW and ardor of aalu liauaU oat ol lUv I'm-iilt Court, of tha Hlat of OragoB for Ilia (ioiiiity of t'oltinihla, l ma dlrautad, l favor of K. M. Tlinmtikbia, and agalnal Jnuilo WrlKht and Nellaj Doalay, for tha mil uf fjmo.oil dollara )udKront, with iw torml at lha rntr uf N iar cant. trr annum (ruin tha 7th day uf liacanihtr, IMH, audi Ilia further aunt uf HI ,UU dullara, raala and arcruliiK riH-ln, o umiauilliiK ma to luaka alu of llir followluK doarrlliol raat wnparry lo-wllt Th aoiilliaaat U of awtlon 9, ot tuwiinbli Ii north, rnngo 4 Waal, Willamatla tui-rlilian, cniliraolnK HO acraa, mora ar hwa. kKlhcr wilh tha t)'iwinruta.naradila uinli and aiiuiliiiiancaa, tkarauuto ba. li nijInKor In anywina ay.HfrUliifcia:, all W 1 1 ( ltull In riiliiinhla ciauuly, aula ol Ori'Kou. I duly Ivvlad iijk.ii aaid uranilaaa on lilt, tilth day of Hnitiuhor, law Nuw In ruauro of oaid arfuMnit, t will on i Lo h4i day of July. Ihuv at Ida hour of 1 nVlixrk a. in. uf anidday, a tha court liou duor. In vaiil ttuoniy and alaia, aril at inib no aui'iion ait tne ri.iii, una, claim and la lormt in aaut lo tha almva Ukmii llwd rral tnlrty of auld JVunto VYrh(lil and Nvllia Uiuili'V. In II it lilxlia.t Idddar lhor(or for CHh, io aali'fy aaid onccnllou. luurat and coal 1. A. MAhMIK, Hhcritr uf Coliinibia t'ounty. IN THE- (Ballroom 4080 Fttct) New St. Helens Opera House. DontFoolWithFakcs CANAAN. Ihe first orlionl mnnth In II.;. ,!i0,.t,. uiwu wun exainiiiations on riday last. Last 8aturddT evening, iff n.1 Mr. c Beiicer rnteruincd their fricni at Ih.-ir home on 'I Me creek. finini was n.r. main feature of the evening and in npfte of inuimy roa is anil jrc-fiucnt uliower. nun,, . number were present. TiiIcpb arraiiKeineut can be made with tlie "Clerk of tlie wlli,.r" m ... elian je it will ie nt-eewnfiry u, attend our anticipiiU'd Fourtli of July picnic clad in overcoats and rubber boom, or else change nic iir'vruniuia ny siiijxjitutlna; a tally pulling," or a " houn-wariiiitiK. For Sale ! Bottom land, well imnroved. with fine, young orchard and good bnililiiiKo; also a I4iwd upliind farm , well improved, lin, youii( orchard, splendid huiplinjju. Cull oiioraddresa X. liUMHAKDNKI!. Deer Island, Or. SHERIFF'S SALE. TATK OF OKKOON. I ... Countv of C'oliinibia.f T-Y VIIU'l'KOK AN KXKCIITION. AN D order of tale iucd out of the Circuit . ourt of the fctate of Oreuoii , for the coun ty of Columbia, to me directed , iu furor of lianzuiiU.'iirainslC. it. and A. L. Koiikh-, for the jam of J.V0.30 judgment, with in teret at the rate of 8 per cent, tier annum from the lt day of July, 1,2, and the further auni of i).u0 coats aud a-t:ruing costs, coiuniandinit me tu make sale of the fullowini? described pro-rty, to-wit: fts (2) and (.'!) In block 4. iu the town of Kcnn. prone, Columbia county, statu of Oregon, mfc-emer wan me icneiuenin, nereclilBrueiiln and appurtenance thereunto Monifini; or in anywiie aHertaiiiing, all hcintr mtuated in Columbia county, nt:ite of Oregon. I duly levied upon the eaid premises on Ihe dih day of January, 13. Now, in puiKii nnce of raid execution. I will, on the Sd day of July, 1i, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m.. of kaid day, at the couit hooae d.xir, iu auid county and state, seli at public auc tion, all the ntrht. title, claim ami Inter,..! in and to the alKjve dttscribed real property of Ihe said C. Ii. end A. I.. Konkle, to the highest bidder therefor for cash, to satisfy naid executiou , interest and costs. Ii. A. MASH IK. Sheriff of Coluiuhia County , Oregon. I( 3'otirHeIf or friends witJi to lo cure J of Liquor, Opium, Morphine, Choral, Co cuine or Tobacco hab ts, ncek only the gen uine Keeley Treutuicnt, which ia tho only enfe, reliable anl jtcrmftneiit cure in xit ence. Genuine Keeley Inctiliitcf, with most favorable surroundings, at Forest Grove and Roseburg, Or. UGs Write for particular",. Correspond ence confidential. ARE YOU AWARE? 4 -THAT- Edwin Ko CARRIES A COMPLETE STOCK OF In Equity. FaWNELL jjBpjl aKin Powder: ft. . . a ub oniy i-ure ureaia of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia; No Alum. JJsed in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard, IN TUB CfRC'L'IT COT'RT OP TfTK HtaUj of Orelf'in. for CnlnmMn r!i.i,t,tw f T, ,!.... V " ' i-.uxjau xiAJ.i., x laiuiiii, VS. Jour n. and I.tzzia Ka.Nsci.i,. Defendants. To John II. OiLMa ao Ih-fendants. IN THK KAMK OP THE STATE f)F ureaon you are required hcrebr in un. pear und answer the coiniilaint tileil you in the above suit, by the tenth day of uctooer isim; and 11 you fail so to answer, for want thereof, the plaintiff will take a lecree against you. 'ihe said action is brought Ui obtain a decree of this court for tne ioreclosure of two certain inortiiKes lies cribcr in tbe said comiilniiit. ami e.., iii,..l by Ihe asid .fohn II. Gillis, on the tenth day of January, lulu), to secure the payment of io certain promissory notes. I tint the premises cinvcyeii by said mortage may be sold ami the proceeds applied to the pay- 1,11,1. i rn, nun's, jvuu 111 case sum pro. ceils Hie nui SUIUCICItt Ul uiiv tin, sninii nui i', uiiiaui au execution UL'iinist said oiiii ii onus lor tlie bulance reinainin ue, and also the said defendants, and cue t tueiu. and all nersnua c bilmlinr l,v i.nroiii;u . or uiiiier inein. ninv ite nuri-eri tmri r loreciosca 01 mi riL'iit. iit,-i ci,,,,,, i,.. equity of redemption, and interest in ami io sain iiiorteaKed premises, and for such other and further relief as will more fully appear by reference by the complaint on file herein. And that said defeiuiunt, 1,1. zle Keunell, he foreclosed of all riirlit, title, and interest in and to thesaid j,reniises des cribed iu the said luortiracs, and Ihe com plaint herein, by virtue of a certain ninrt linire. or lien, wiiii.h the said Li.ziu Fennell claims to have thereon. ' CLAIiKNT'K rrif.TC. Jiin1fijul2 Attorney for plaintiff. zz Drugs and Chemicles, Tiiosk disgrunUod politiciiuiH who voted for a cliange of adminintration, are uow ge:Uin all tlie benefits of that very wisn move exuept the "chango. Wonder how tl3y like it? PATENT MEDICINES, ETC. Perfumes, Stationery, School Books and Cigars PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY COMPOUNDED. oi.ntLbins, - - OREGON. FAUMEKS AND MERCHANTS INSURANCE CO., Albany, Or. AUTJiuillZED CAPITAL SKCURKI) CAPITAL.. PAID CAPITAL rxnn puupkhty a peci altt. For parculsr apply at th. ofllce af Oillard A Cola, or Tn Mut offloe. 500,0(X) 217,500 74,250 "BIRDS OP A FEATHER FLOCK TOO ETHER." This is tho reason why The St. Charles Hotel, I O. W. KNOWLES, Proprietor, ' I,M Bllch ,arB patronage by tho buaineiw men of the State Jf you want to meet a friend you will alway find him at The St. Charloa. BHEItlFF'B BALE, static iw rii'irmv 1 Cuiiilv ot Culiiinhla.) M BY Vlftll-K tK AN KXKCUTIOJI, ludmneiil or.ler aud juilxiuant, Uauaif out of the l ircllil liwl uf iheHUttaof Ora Con, for I'oloiiilil 1 ciHiiily, Ut ma dlrautad, dated Mav 'M, 1KII. U41011 a liidKnietil rrn ilend In sahl cuurt an tne Hlih day of Mar, IM.H, III fai- of Kdward W.h,ter, plalniiff, and aKiiiast Una H. Ilynon aud Nelita lly lion, dulaiiilants, fur Uia aum of iJiO.fvJ. wlllk liilcre-l Ilia rata of lit par cant, pvr aiitunn, and Ihe (uitber sum of a:U 00. in allorney'a fr, and lha further aum of t-sl.-MH'oals nud disliuraciut nls anil accruing CU1.U). coiiuiMudliiK iiik ut Mania aala of tlia folliiwlni) dx.-ilhvl rval pruMrty itaaaaaiaaaj atlacbed liy urn, by riilua of a writ erf at-tni-liiiu nt l.puml out of the ala miutlwt conn In Ihl cause, lo wit: Allot lha Waal of lha aoiutiweat Si of iwctiun V3. and uiei a.l of ll,es,iiillieast K of aectltHi ti, all in tnwi.shlp 4 nottli, ranve ft west, Wai auieiie uiarhiian. In iluliiuibla ouuniv, l)r aii. Nuw, then-line, by virlueof anld ia culion . luilKutvut. tirdrr and iiidemant t will . 011 Monilay, lha 3.1 day nf July, IW, nt li. r hour of leu ( Hi) o'clock a. 111., at the door of tin 1 oiiniy couit h .iiiu, in Ht. JUI enn. kuid county and itiil, ell at pulillo u'liil hi, aubji-ct to redi'Uijillou, to lha bUh 't hi Idcr for i'hoIi, all of drfniidania, (ma II. llynou and Nellie Hyuon'a riKbl, lliln nod 1 un-n-. I in und to raid rral liia.rty to ili.fy 1.11I.I aveeiil.o'i. JiiilKinaiil nnler and jii.IkiiiciiV, liitvreal, cootoandaerrulMKcuaU li. A. MA-hIK, Hlirnir of t'olumbia county. Urrgon., SHERIFF'S- SALJE 8 TATK OK OKKIiOtf, f l ounty of Ci.liunblit, I HY VIltMJK OK AN KXROUTIOJf and onli r of hah turni.! i aI ii. I In uit court of tha Htiitw nf Onyon, Ur the I ouiity ol ( olunil.l.i, to me directed, In far T n. tha Hhile of Urcaon anil tha llonnl of roaiaaioionwra. for tha aala t tk-boul and L'i WariiUv landa. and foa tho inrmtuieut of fiimia arldiitf tlierr from, and aKBlimt Hamucl L. l,or. II. I', Ilia T liveliand John Mav nard l..r lb. 11111 of mpa.Xt) dollar judimanl, with. littrrtMilattlwt rate of 8 a-r cent, ttr n liiltn fiuiu Ihe aHih dav of Mr, l. imu ml Ihe further aum of f 141.11 l,.llra ami an ruiiiij r,i,, aiiuiawnrtlna ma lu make aale of lha followlmr.deaerrbd rral properly, tivwlt: Th taut ff tit the north wiwt X and the norlhweat i of lha aoulh wel W. and Iota 10 and II, of aectton (17.) townIili. No. (H) iiorlh, raiiita No. (ft) weei of ihe Willamette meridian, embracing IW) aerea, more or Irea. tofuthrr wilh the tene rrwiiK bnreilltanieou and appurtenance uiereuiiio hciongingor in anywla apuer tainiuif, all bfing Mlualed In Coluiuhia county, "tiite of Oraann. I duly levied ut on aaid pri-mhina on Ilia 8th day of June, ! Now, in pumuanca of aaid eiecutbui w" " Hie I'-ili day ol July. imt). at th hour of 10 o'clock a. m, of aaid day. al lha 'ourthow-e dir. In mH county and alale, aell at publlo auction, all tha rtirht. title, clniin and InU-rmi iu and to Ilia aluive dei ril,cd rent property of auid tt annul I l.vell, I'.liitu V. Loycll and John Maynard. lo (hehlithett bidder therefor for oaah to. auliafy auid exucutlon, Iniereal and roeta. 11 A . M AHMI if. JiiiiHIJiiU4 BherlfTof Uuluinhla (Jouiit'y, Or. SHERIFF'S SALE. STATE OK ORKOON, ) BY yilti'l'K OK Ari EXKCCTION, iudtfmt-tit order and HeflreelaaueJ out "'""-r inn Deal 01 the nrcuit oaairt of lt,e Slate of Oreiton for Columbia oouajcy. Ir, ni .ll.......l 1 . n ....... ... ... lllrl, 4 una iikl upon a udHiiient rendered In aaid court, on the MrNiiU. iitaiiillir, and aaaiuM On M. Ilynon mid Nellie Kiiiinnlinn ,i..r.j t.nnH ,i..f..j nu, for the aum of ll'ja.oo wWi Interest thereon at the ral of ten per cent, aer an num, mid tha fori 1,i n a7 1. .. Uinipy'g feoN. and the further auni of Iftt.Oft coatM and dinburniiienta, ami alao accrutiaa COSla. COIUIIlMiiilliiir mA in i.,b. .ul. fnllowinK-dem:rilied real properly. to-wlt: flu 01 ton, niitnlH-red three (3), four (4), five f). elx (II), nine (I)), ten (lOlandeleVoiilll). Ill block num hatred twniitv.llva cim 1. HO llll of llhk ll niunl..r,l -...., il. .wii all lii Mel lngor'a Kim Addition io the city or Vernoiua, Colunilila county, Oregon. NftUf t Itaiiii.f . . .... 1... m if . ....,,, ,,, uy viriueoi aaiaaxeuution, . linliriiient mi ,, m,i ,i,.... 1 1 1 ... the lAth, ima. at the hou, in 'i.,ir m. at the door of the aonnly courthouae lit hi. Jlelvna aaid county and alate.aell al ptihllo auclloii, aiibjeet to redemption, to the hlKheat bidder, for ca-a, all of de feiidantu lino II llynou and Nellie Km-' monH-llynon' rh;h, title and Intereat In' im ui aam real proierty to aatlufy aaid xeiuillon. 1uilfmni. n,,i, w... 1.. tureat, ooata and aucrnftiir coalg. ' aTi a a a aarn JunlOJiilM HhcrifT of Columbia ooun'tV. Or. United BUtm Uud Office, Oreron City. Or., t... ir. .', 1 ,rY' . nmrrwi at una omea iL'li 1 ""I'-'w Kliit Jamea K. Uaakar' .... ,...,, mk ,na iioiiie.umd antry No. MMC, M''n '!!i",ur' "i """' '' ""rthaaat u U jaellon 1H, imrnahlp 6 north, raneet waat, InCo hi no county, Oreaou, with a view K thae.a J 01 "' "'. tl "dd partlea ar. her. ?J ?, rJl Wo'elwk a. m., to raipoad and furnbili temliBonjr voneernlni aaM alfeaaJ mluiuuaj , FaWenduu.ltaalaayX