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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (June 23, 1893)
"THE. MIST" Official Paper ... or- Columbia : County. E. OREGON "THE MIST" OtVtf ALl The Official and Other News or . Columbia : County. VOL 10. ST. HELENS, OREGON, FRIDAY, JUNE 23, 180.5. NO. 26. MIS THE; OREGON MIST. iwMViiu i!Vi;n t in hay itini; THE MIST .PUBLISHING COMPANY, ;, CAV;i3 33R03., Managers : Ol'TIClAL COUNTY Milieu One unity nn In hiIviiiii'. n i io imiy Hi i nmiiilia, KUil,y,., 'AalviirlDiins; llulvn. Priifemilorial i'ni.1, oiKi year.,., ., line column unu j?nt, .,,.,. ,....v Half column nuu uti , QimrlBr ciilniuii unit onr .... iiihi iiii'li ihmi im.nili ,,, (inn Inch tliieil iiiotillm ..: Uuw Iniili U iinnilltx , ,,, .; v ... LmimiI mnlcim, 11 eem per Hue fur II il In i.f. tlmi ; HI i unu pur lln l.ii' um li milirii'iMKiu In trrtlon ' ,.- -.. 'lvi-lj.Biiii)iils fl W pur Im'ti fur lrl ln-.i'rll"il, Mil. T 7.1 fdiH per Inch fur enell niili.. qiii'iillnawrtl'.il. ' , ci.'nMuu;wutNTv uikwjwhy... , ' "."( '"' foiVul i Olfiiiera, Jnli;i).................. li mi HUiiclm-.t, lulnlrr CU-r. V- K. (Mick, H . llilun. Hnnrirr . .,.-....., ". A. toawl.'. H', Tri'.mir .'.. ' .. K. M. Wham iiliimi litclty Hunt. "I w liNj(i...,,.,,.:T. J. t!HM'i..n, Vn.niii r.(tri,.,.i..,. .;.,. i...W. II. Kyu.'r, lUllll.-r Surveyor.. ,.i,i,;..i..,n..i ........A. M.; Itu ulur l!uuimil intn.; irt. U. n MU MIOVIT, flllUlia U. I . llarm-n, Midk.t. -";';' Mncmlf Niulleii. MAstiKtfl.-iHl! ilnleii Ikw1ii. Nil ai- ltpsiilnr itoiiiiitiiuiettlfoii I't 'l and ilili'i Saturday In em u iiuiiiili nl jsoe. M- at M.iMiuk' ball. Vl-.ll-lu! linnuUvrs til KUimlliiu Itlvlled t ut- t'linl. M isnSieMtrttitllM' ' Imdge, Nr. 2.Klattl iMet.ltniecHalnr.la1 uii or Mmmcim'Ii lull I.IIIOII at 7:itu 1. M. hi MifHiuli' Imll. .vur lll.iiu'liHr.rN Uorit.. Vlliiiji lunmlwi In liuu.l Mululiiig ! vllf l to ulUiul, . , . (;uil Kiil.'wIU, lUili-n, I ii'lu, No. 117 Miwik twif IMhhIii? nlglil nl7U Iriiiitiiml brniliicu In ku.j'1 Iilii.iih iturillnlly IiivIhm lu ill-nil, ' ' ,i .JL'rfc 'Mitlla." Dnwii rlmr (Imi.I) clmtn HI H !W) . M. t 1 iircf (lmtn li" ul f, M, 1 ion 1 1 fr Vniuiil mi'l rllllinrir 'ouvbh HI. Ilulmi. Mvii.lii), AVuiliii;vlity oml t'rlilit)' lit f , M. Tli iiiiill tnr Miiriltlnuil, t'tili-liiil( nii.l Mini I.ikvo, q. mm Mmi. In . Ui-liiu-. lu iiml fiiiluy fin. Hwl.iriilURy! nurlli t'l"o ' III A, H.J (ur l'..rilu.l a i . H. Trvi'lr (Jilldn -II !r Muir. (thaiirk (1, IV, KlIAVKR- Kt. ItdtelM lot I'ofiliiinl m II . n. 'I'in-i1iiy, 'I 'Imrwlnv mul Hatur.lny Inui'i H. Ili'lfim lur liilnlotilli! M .iiUy. WtvtiKJ.r uiel HM.i nl " tl , Stkimkk tiuMit-i-Univ HI., fur Port land l:ti 4. M, f.lilNllHtt c im r. H, STKAMlsa JUHKIMI KKI I.WH- lim SI llrlMI, lot I'iiril4ii4 rifilly mreel Miimlnr. l 7 A. M , ur rlvliiirm CartUml l l .IW: n-uimliiK. 1'h l'.mli,v l I C. H.. trliK t tt. HolcimiiH. JMCUl'lCStSlONAL. j j 11. 11. 11. n.ii'c, rilYSICIAiV and SUHOKOX. " 81. llclein, (Irrgmi. )ll, J. It. IIAI.I, , PI1YSICIAX ANiSUIt(JI-X)N. - Clatikitiili". Ceil imi I ill ciiimly. Or. n. i.rrri.K, 4 SUHVEV0H and CIVIL KaN'OIXKHR, ' St. Ilelun. Ori'Kim. t'ormtv "(ii vevnr L:inil imrveyinr, ti n plnniiif!,' and ehtflncfrimr wmk pnmi.ily ilutiu. ? . ; ' ' ,- ' W. H. CONYERS & CO. Haul MiUe bhuflil, M n'l liiaiinBaJ ou ' ' uuiinUliiii, nrMlM " illrcieu uJ i aiitrcn ml. ,' ; ao.:nt!fortiib Farmers and Merchants, t i German American, NOXAUIW8 I'Vin.JC. Clulakto, i . i . ftrcitau. OtVllTf. Ttini aaARKfl. BKBIOM airtaTt. unavBiflura -inj For Information mi frao 1 1 rinclhook rlto U , M1INN A CO.. ftll lIllllADWAY, NEW Vollf. Ol.lix Imrona for mnirlnK imKmtli'lii Aranrliia. KBrr nntoilt Inkiin out I'T U l lirminlil hofora Uu pubuu by a uuiloti givau una of oUaikb Ui Uia , ,. - ... (M I Inrt olnwlaflon of any aolcintlflo pnpor In t,h woil tielon.lhllr illu.trauni. No luitjlliiiimt mnn utinilia o wltliout It. Weoilrv ;!, 1 mari ai.MKix ninnthi. AiHlnum MI NN CO, tupuauaua. UU1 liroudnuy, Wii luik Uty. THE ITFAIWKB IRALDA ' la now niakiiiK rcRiilor round . V: 1 iiipsfrom , OAK POINT TO PORTLAND , Daily JBxccpt Wednesdays, Liavino OAK TO INT, HTKIIiA....!. , KAINIKIl.... KAI.A.MA ... ' ' ' bf. IfEI.KNS AbrivikoI'OUXI.ASD. ...,4:40 A. M ....6:) ....0:18 ; " ,.,.7:0) " ....S:00 " ...11:00 " 11' RETURNING Lkavm POltThAKD... . Abivb ST fCtd.A.'. ...... . .1:nn f. M. :4 l'Ari-K. fl W vo b 4 i Solentlflo American ffOAlT, , Jl JUr TRAOi MARKS, ,W, E, NEWSOM. Standard Bred TROTTING STALLION -rKDKJRKUi- All) ItlM'k' VVdllll lv n ,t...l. 1 1.1' 1 I. hljilii mi whin' o.iM".t mm. Hi. mn hi i-i bv A'li" inn (7IIM A III HorkMiMiil t-allv !( k- wimil, l,j HiM iwnO'l (1 1(7). A'llroii'iiu-li'w iliim, Mnil((i, liv Viilmilicr (M), hiii of HvmIhU'. HnuilileluiilHii. ii,u rtmii, Ni., by Aluxmiiifir Alll ll hill ll 'tl.kil.i l ll-,l. Il.....t.l..i ....I.... it .il l ",'r...r lillllli.M'l.IMIIII I. at; Jil ilmii lj,v hlninmiii MurKuii, mil nl Jiwlln Mllt'UUII. IllUltll'ill lllillli'DI. 1,1 I ll M ' UH II llillilly nl liur-ii., Hlinriiiiiti Miiritiiii liml Vivimm't llliii k Mnuk.Nlipul Kllimi Allen. Miitnt',l (7 Ulj I" lull lii'i'lliiirtii IIiiiiiii a an-, llii'ivr, J ;4, - Vliuiii llniti.i j"f.r n.'..i..i ii. .inn TrutlMl In ,nlil. iuii(i'nn In iJ iu, i;ri fiurr im i.j iiuimri muiiii r ill i if,, iiriinii mill HriiHi.iitt iii imi;, t,i,n,., iiuiihld In imlillc In illi'j, Miiilxc, ilillil i f Aillluliilnl l,', In liv Vol wiiliiir (fij), m of Itymlvlfti't tlHiiiblvionluii 110 ." Viilillilfvf HI. ,Iii1Iimi--2 ll '4,-UlaMi!r--II 17 " ' hi iiih-s; nr.fe, ITIVwr A'. Ill',, i'lll, llii Kriiiiflii f Aillriimlnrk, nn Hill lie .1. .-j n it-Ainu 11.1 m niMIIIIHUI iiu'i rue in lniiiilili Main- 2 14 - Kii.ioIiiiI 'I: lirij. 'Ili'.:iiiliilr.-a ;.!!; i.-MuJor taH-!l;W- mid HI. AID ROCKWOOD Will III 11 1, ( Ilio i.f 1MI.I at JOHN DOWNING'S PLACE, Wiii'i'i ii Wintlini, (,'nliiniliiii Oniiiity. TERMS.15 DOLLARS Splendid, Youn Norman Horse TESViPEST Will Make the Season oflBrJ3 as Follows: . M.mdiiy and Tuimdny ut H. COX'S phice, Warren, ;, , WeifiicNilny amf Thumliiv nl Gol.ln, Hifl.if Ibe week nt 0, MUCKLK'S ruiicb. Deer luliind . TERMS: INSURANCE 15. TKMl'KKT h n licniUlfid, dark Iron prny, Id liimiln IhkIi ; seven year, old ; i ImIik I'd I'liiimln, with line Htyli', quick movement, and mci, mi i j nmii' in j.owrr unit liiirubilily. - - He wa nired hy Yniinff Ilynm Klcr: by Old ll.vron K er. 'Inilmrlcd mul imnwl by Mmiiunalit', Keoln, Iowa. Teiniieel'ii dam nan .ii-.i l.v Obi Tt niMf t, a Nonnuti ilorte owned by Jf, I'owti", Inwn, Muckle, Owner. JAMES F. BRADDOCK, mUK I '.It II. I BLACKSMITH WORK In all its Branches. REPAIRING : WOOD : WORK. Piirca are very reasonable mid nil wo k Uimriiniml. HOULTOX, OR EG OX. STrllliLENS ilOTEI: . J, George, l'roprictor,- Tubles always KUpp-icd wi'h thrlieti'diblef ami delicacies tlie market nllords. T Hit MS BEA80NAIIl.R.'..;... FOR REGULAR BOARDERS. . Having been newly refuriddied. we are prppartid to xiva aitlisfueliun to nil ' ouriHhons, mul solicit a share of yonr j patronage. , . ' ' o ST. HELENS OKEflON. Tha OHrland Route. Two trains tlnlly, I(av Iiir KIIHi ami I airceln, tlrnnrt Central Depot, HIiHnilnir Ciirsunil fioalteollnliiR Clutlr Cum tlirniiKU from Porlland to Clil ciiiin. via Council Hhiifii. wllliont ehnnire. Thl Irnln makes itlrecl eon neelloiei tor Denver, Kiinmis City, Ht. Louis, llelciin, Untie iwrtst. -Paul : alisuearrlealhrmiKh Piilliinin slrefur aartOhalrOar for Walla Walla, Colfiis, KarniliiKlen, Korklonl ami Spoliium, making illract ronnvctlotia for Dayton, Horn urov, Moiw anrl Cimir cl'Aleiio. No. S, flverliinfl Plyor," IuiivIiir nl 8:1ft A. M , carries Pulliimu Puliiee anil Toiirlsl. Weein from Portland loMlummrl rix-er without change. Througli trains arrlvo at 7:'Jft A. M. and V. M. ei.n.An ri,i.-i ..ui . I.BAVIS PollTlaNI), .BAVBAN KBANn O. Colllllilllft...Mliy 1,1.1,2.1 State May 5, 17, if Oregon May 4, 111, i!N Columbia May S,2() Slute May 12, 121 Oregon May , ! n'i,., ni.totinnv rxirvtis tho right to change JTC'f O.IJIT4 No. 2, "The Minltod W m!&mm FMt Mall," leaving K ymM'm"l-ta p. M.,errlua VeU f5 Hi jn&t'WTTlSI'Mle' l"Uniaii I'alaee ftd rWTawE.IJ ffiHIwnlnir and OIiiIiik S8 aleamera or "ailing daya, , .. POKTI.ANI) AND ASTOltlA ItOtlTE-Mora-log boat leava Portland dally, oxro'in Sunday, 7 a h i returning, leaves Aslntla dally, ex rent ftnmlav, at r. M. Night boat leaves Port land dally, exeept Hntnrday, at V. M.i, retiiru Iiir, leaves Astoria dally, except Sunday, at (1 A, M. 'I'li morning boat from Portland makes landings on the Oregon side Tuesdays, Tliurs' day" and Saturdays; on the Washliigloii tide Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, From As toria Iho morning boat makes landings on the Oregon side Mondays, Wednesdays and Friday, nnd on the Washington side Tuesday, Thurs day" and Saturday.. CASCADB HOUTK I.enVB Ash stroot at 8a m. datlv, except- Sunday; returning, Iciavo llonnc vlllii at 12:!W r. m., arriving at Portland at 6 P. M. TO DAYTON AND WAY 1.AND1NUS Mon dav, Wednesday, Friday, 7 A. M. - tieosn ieamcr leavu froiu Ktcannhlp wharf "'aU.OTHEH SteamorB leave frora Ash-strcot gm Tlekut ofllctk-SM Washington street, coruTrThlid. W. B, HUHI.lilIMT, . Assistant General Passenger Agent, . ' Porilaud, Or. THE PACIFIC COAST. Strange Complaint Prevalent Among Cattle. HUGE CROP OF MUSTARD SEED. A Boguti Colored Widow Arrested, Charged With Perjury No Moio Coyote County. nantii(r, A. T., lian lii-en wleetiwl n the Hite for I Itu Territorial Keform Srlmul. The Colleel'ir of , . . , ' . ClI-tollH at ll'IOlia, IV C, Ikim 11.111I out 111 Healing eluiins (00.123. ProMjmctora liav rcaelmd Han Bernar dino from tliu Colorado IVncrt witli "pockets full of Kold ww&qiU." Milch aetivity in lielnu iimnifented in tlie caniiinn of lobMci-H and lih and otherwise prolitinic from I lie lislierien along Ll 10 lower const of California. Oregon exiifeU to clip U.IKIO.IHXJ imiimU of wihiI tbiH year, her iiiereiif . 1 1.... 1...:.... ,..,:... ...i in kln.eii over IhnI. veil' iHiinn eHtiinated ut !)U Jiur cent, all o which in alieer iiin. The expedition from San Oieito into Ihi) Colorado lJeneit after tlie illusive I I'eiileu ml nu ha been forced to return, iOiii) to the extreme heat encountered, ; Juiiicn I.iiniorenii of Idaho TuIIh bat brmiiilit Hint in the Kifih Dmtrict Court niiaiiiKt the Kimor IiihIiIuId of I'oealello lor (11.0011 ilamanc, ueeiuinu iney inen and failed In cure him of the liiiuor habit. Tlie Vend d'Oreillu river ii) rMnsf ra idlv, heiiiu within nix feet ai hieb at pietieilt an at any time bint year. Kvery Indicatioii KintH toward I be water bein liiKher tbia year than ever known before. The office of the Soutborp. diviaion of the Santa l''o railroad, heretiiforu loealcil in San llernardiiio, are beiiijj ivnioved to Loh AnuelcH to take (uartcrri In the new Uejiot recently elected in the latter tit)'. ; ' ArramrementS have been completed fur the ritfht of way to coimtnict a e unit on a cut-oir at the mouth of the Yuba river, the object bennr, to relievo the river ilui inu' bili w ater and make the diiinnel more direct. Work on the donblo-turrcted monitor Moiindnnck ba been practiculiv cm jiendiHi durinu the pant month, 210 ni" cbanics havinu U'en tukeii oil' Ibe work ing force and nnKiisiied to other woik ttlwtit the navy yard. TheCbineae and while mon licretofnro emploved tit (!.:! on the Southern 1'ti eillc lailroad between Kt Piiho an t Im Angehl urn lieiiii replaced with Mesi enim fmm Chihuahua at U lr day. It ia openly dinted that Iho npirit of tbo tonliaut law in Ileitis broken. The Stale of California will no lonwr puv iHiuntieH for coyote Ht-alp unleni eompt'lled todo ho by the .supreme Loiirt lied todo hoIiv the .Supreme Court. h no Hpccial upproprititioii, ami it i men question iw to wlielher theni i , inn I paid ont of any fund in Tbei-o IS In an one eliiimn inn Ik. imid ont of any the State treasury not otherwise appro priated, Ida Mando Kline. Iho boirus colored vi.lmv in the McKinnev will cjuiti-Kt nl. J lock ton, Cul., who nwoie thai slie wa.i the wife of the old ni'uro In the hope that hIid could ret hii i-Ktato worth 10, O.Ri, in in jail, ehaiyed with perjury, and A. J. Hoi, an cx-nolice otlieer, who is nlleginl to have worked up the evidence, is under arrest on a charge oi suuormi lion of perjury. v . a. B uiw, a rreai-ea e oe , r o caieiii, iiiniittsi i.iin. iviiAuui-iii'i, lo ileed her home to him for an alleged isinsiileralioii of (6,01K), that sum to be paid lief at the rate of 42") a year for twenty-four years, without interest or security. Sbiiw exacted a promise of se- crecy, but llnally Mrs. Joseph consulted j some ttltornevs. Shaw's lawyers advised him to deed back the property, and that i lias been dono. Z. M. PotUr of -Ran Miirnnl mesa. Ran ' Diego county, Oil., was ridiculed a few months ago 'when it beeame known that lie wis to raise a crop of mustard seed. The crop will mature aliout July and it ts estimated to lie alsiiit 1.5)1) pounds tf swd an acre, or about sixtv-live tons in alt. This is from about eight pounds (in acre of the need sown. The total crop is worth $10,400 at 8 cents a pound, which is the ruling price. Attorney-General Chamberlain has rendered an .opinion upon tho Weston Normal School act, in which he says it is evident, t hat the Legislat lire did not in tend that the appropriation should be expended in the erection of new build ings, but only in the parmentof salaries, tho purchase of needful and proper ap paratus, and generally in settlement of such expenses as might ho incurred in tha successful arrangement of tho school. A strange complaint . ia prevalent smong the cattle in Sun Bernardino county, Cal. It is a disease of the bone, similar to rav fungus, which starts inside the bono and consumes it. General lv it (tarts in; the lmnoa of the left shoulder, cradilullV reaching other portions of the body and invariably terminates in death, generally in from "three to live months. It is as fatal as plunder nnd is mippwd to lie us conlii rious. It generally attacks cattle pastured on heavy dark loam. Tho Fresno Expositor says: An item in going the rounds of the California press that "millions of worms are de vastating the vineyards of Fresno coun ty," . This is altogether an error. Worms nVe not devastating the vineyards to any extent. They have np pen red at two or three points outside the rcirulur vineyard disliict, but have done no material in jury to tho grape crop of this county. The worm that is doing tho most of the Hamnun in this vicinity la the worm of the still. , iii ) - i. There aro indications that the failure tit the biink of Hamilton. Job & Co. at. Corvullis is much worse than was at first nnticipa'e l. Tho firm owned consider able outside properly that, it is probable cannot be realisedon for yearn," Thode posits were about 1170.000. Among tbn number Conductor 0. C. Kennedy, with an amount reported at dc'OO to (-4,000. Vn any event the failure will tie up a large amount of monev for somo time, and will materially affect business in Corvallis. ' The-State of Oiwon bad (15,000 in the bank, deposited there for use in tho construction of the new Agricultural- College buildings. Ituntmi county had 10,000 and Lincoln county 1 1 000 on deposit, moneys recently col lected from taxes. - - - NATIONAL CAPITAL. I'tintf Lund C0111111 in-iionur Powi'mhai ruiiliircil a ili'uiriiun in wliii li 1m onlern CHiiculcd on tin.' Kruiiiid of fraud ami col lusion uljimt twciily-lliri-p timlii-r mul Btiiiic 1'iitrii's of viilimlilo timliiT landMin the V.uiruiivi'i' hiiiil ilinlrict, Wiuli., and now lit'ld by J, li. Moiitximmry of Port land, Ur., to whom Hie lundii were traiiM furrvd iiiiiuudiululy after final proofs were inadn. The hoitril, roiiHinliiifr of engineer: of the iiiiiiy and three engincera from civil life iiiiiiinii'd to exitiiiine ami renort nnin the fuiiHihility of a bout railway or fioini' oilier inctliii'l of inipmveil nnvi;a tion at The P.illi'i Mulmiitte I iU re poi't to thu War l)r trtnaMit. Up to the pivHMiit timi! the department Iiuh refnwd to make it puhlir, Ixrauoe tlie report wan ordered by lonnri'Si and, it in claimed, miiHt he made in Coiiivuh. 1.'... t. a I i...,1 .iluml it l,n,i.u..i. J'.llUIIUil ID It I.Mll.1 nifniw ll, irini'Tiil, w ., ,,,. .., I.,,,,.,.,,!!..,,,,, nmiwinitinn , : 1 ,. i.i.,i, ,.,.. L ,i, ..i ha" received a black eye; a'so the canal, wliich, it Ik claimed, would ant too much 1 money. Hie only "I'Meino recoinmenileit I by tlie bimid in paid to bo a portage rail way. It will be iiImoHt iniK)HHilile for 1 the Oregon delegation in Congreas to overturn thin report. Tbo Ocpartnicrit of State lias not been informed of the reported ptiriioHoof the t ChineKH eovernment to retaliate upon j tl, United KtalcH, evidenced bv the . 1 in..: t rxirtrd inohibition of the pundiaxe, use or wile of American kerosene in the prov ince of Aiuov. Kven if there ban been cud! a prohibition, it it: not believed at (he department that it can be regarded n a lneiiiHiire adopted in a spirit of retat iittiou, but rather uh an exhibition of the extremely coiiHei vativu character of the ChiiicHe.Vhoie resistance to such an in novation an the use of kerosene may have been strengthened by some recent caHiialiieit. Moreover, it in a fact that a mere Vicerov of a province would scarce ly be to iiiKtitule a iiolicy of I'etaliiition, wliii li would rather be iiiili uted by the imperial yovornnient itself. Secretary Hniith was aikel the other duv what, would be the probable policy of 'the Interior Department in reference to the approval of litu of Northern Pa cific laud under the grunt which wan not came l in the time Hpecilied, but yet to which the coiiipiinyuwuuHwlitle. Tlie Secretary t-eemed to be of the opinion that, the lamln having lieen earned, the company would undoubtedly be entitled to them! and that in the approval of the lisle, nnle-M the Mlalulea Haul that they could not, be approved if not earned in time, hi! kuppoicd that he i-hould not take that finest ion into consideration, lie intended to follow the law, no matter .what tlie assumption might he of parlies int"re.-ied. He aided: "There is no doubt that toe building of the road was a great improvement. It has been of va-t U'netit to I he count rv, and the gov ernment hax h:id ibe udvant ige of Hell ing its landu, and ibe country has been fettled and developed. Of couise, tlie road baa been built and the lands have been earned, I shall look into the law on the Huhn'ct before making approval, and shall act on thelaw, whatever it is." f1";" n 1:""",,'V; aniln, 1 1 ,,;,,v"i 11 It was migufsted that quite a large puty ess was anxious to forfeit these ic Secretary Kuid that ho ha I it, but that he would have Ut follow the law Congress bad enacted rather than anvlhing that mav lie in prospect. The probabilities are tha' the ':.-, ,.-'11 .l.. n ,,on-.l n'' ,1 ...til-- made to forfeit the lands will be defeatist by the Democratic administration, as it seems to lie regarded that the road, even ll it did not complete its line in tlie tune specilied, made every elfbrt to do eo.and its intention was amply shown from the fact that the road was really built. WOaLD-S FAIR NOTES. A lunch room for the people who carry 1 inches has been opened at the fair grounds at Chicago, uud all the tables are well tilled. Tbo suggestion comes from Chicago that the World's Fair may have to be continued throughout next y?ar in order to enable tlie management to recoup it self for the vast expenditures that nave been made. The Spanish caravels are on their way to Chicago by a long water route, and. will probably not reach the World's Fair before July." They will be objects of great interest to tho people who encoun ter them in tlie St. Lawrence or iJie Lakes. Auditor Ackerman and Fred W. Pe.iJc, Cliaiimnn of the Finance Committet. of the World's Fr.t-, have united in a stetu ment resarding the llnauees of the fiur. Tbo total expenses for Mav, thevsiv, were less than (00ll,03D, or about t'l8, 100 per day, while the total receipts ware $723,000, the exposition being open I Hit tweuty-seven days. The expenses are being" reduced largely every day, while the average daily revenues from admis sions and collections are constantly in creasing. Much-needed money is now flowJng into the treasury of the ok pod l ion r.s a result of the largely increased attendance of visitors. No one welcomes the change mora than Treasurer Seeburger, whose position since May 1 has not besn an enviable ono. Tho exposition has been short of ready money to liquidate its ob ligations to contractors and employes, and it is not out of the woods yet by any means. Bank and commercial failures in that region nnd tho panicky foi ling among savings-bank depositors, which has just subsided, have made it impos sible for tho oxposition corporation to borrow any largo sum of money, and the directors liave stuck manfully to the pay-as-yon-go policy, having confidence ut a speedy and permanent change in the number of paid admissions. Tho 100, 000 mark has been passed at the gates several times, anil is accepted as an in dication of an era of prosperity nnd a plcntitude of cash to pay off all out standing bills. There is a standingorder at the llnance department for Auditor Ackerman to holdall vouchors for Money due ou April and May contract work in his olllce until there is money to spare in the treasury for the payment of it. It means that" only Mn.-ch bills have been paid ou contract work, but the em ployes of the exposition have been paid promptly. There is much discontent among the workmen on tho pay roll of the fair on account of tho order ist is sued by the director of works reducing the force to an eight-hour basis arjd eight hours' pay. They have been forking ten hours and for eleven houri' pay. There is talk of striking, but such a stop is likely to result in the striken being put on an indu:iuite vacation basis with out pay. , ' EASTERN NEWS. ri:c Iv;cporls of Brcadstuffj for I'd 'it I'lm .lonttis. , Ui' Vv'EST POIKT. . !'. Number of BlarriuRcs .n Kansas IJuiing the Past Year Last Letter of WatiUington. There arc in Pennsylvania over 0.000 iiiemoers of the irons of Veleians. Virginia Populists are making prepa rations for an active campaign this fall. Twenty-lb rue illicit distilleries were raided iii XoitU Carolina week before last. Resident of Lake George are very anxious to have a lUh hatchery located there. An electric railway, several hundred miles in length, is to bo built in Ten nessee. The sentiment against ball-fighting in spreading to nearly all the Mates of Mexico. Floods in the Tombigbco nnd f-axa-puila rivers have injured the Mississippi col ton crops. Moonshiners in Pickens county, Ala., disguised as whitcups, uiutt cr.-d a wit ness against them. Five thousand people in and around Hope, Ark., were left homeless and des titute by the recent tornado. A peculiar characteristic of Washing ton's death rate is the excessive mortal ity among infants and children. The last letter written by George Washington lias recently been sold at auction in Philadelphia for (boO. Western roads arc paying commissions of (5 and (0 each passenger to get the immigrant traffic from New York. Forty-two foreign nations are now represented at the World's Columbian Exposition by 327 representatives. Tlie Connecticut Legislature has re pealed the slatuuJ requiring dimikaids to ten wliere tney bought ineir liijuor. The sheriffs of Kansas propose to make a fight for the commissions on sales i;f property cut off by the last Legislature. Ex Libor Com in is? 'o ter Peck of New York has fled the country. It is said be feared punishment for burning his ulfice records. In the last two months full v one-half 5f the young hogs in Northern Iowa, outn Dakota ami Nebraska nave died of cholera. Passenger business over tbo Pennsyl vania lines is now so lieavv that the company declines to furuudi curs for pic nics or excursions. The men hauls loilors of Texns have formed a State orgnniiit ion to light com petition of agents troiii abroad who take orders in that Slate. fho Massachusetts Commission on Highway luipiovemelit buds that huh fie lownr: in Liir, Mnie cftiliiol uiluixl to mpiove their roads. Miits for U.VJ.OOd against tho various branches of ibe Malldard 0.1 Company inve grown out of 1 lie big flood and lire u Oil creek last summer. Though lhe entire rot ton crop of the country was under 7.000.000 bales last v ar the cnterprisinsr New York Cotton Kxclmngc sold C2,450,rJ0 bales. - Senator Shei man bus just moved into bis new ? 15 J. 000 bouse. Much of the "minor's wealth has been made by in vestment in Washington real estate. TlieexMrts of breadstuff's from the United States the past nine months have shown a loss of nearly (100,000,000 iu comparison with the preceding yean According to the Albany l aw Journal women are eligible as delegates undei ti e law providing for tlie holding of a constitutional convention in that State. The Civil Service Commission has ls?en culled upon to decide whether tho Post-master-General can remove a clerk in the clnssilicd service for insubordination. The cable cara on It road way; New York, appear to be a great success, tak ing in, it ia said, nearly three times ae much money as the horse cars they dis placed. There is mourning among the gypsies b H-ause of the death In Illinois of Mrs. Harrison, who had been chosen to suc-ct-d Mrs. Young as Queen of the Ro many folk. Mr. Jewell, the latest of the Kansas rainmakers, whose first at tempts chanced to bo coincident with remarkable rain falls, finds that he cannot play the trick a second time. Rev. Mr. McAnnev of Tnrrvtown, N. Y., thinks 10,000,000 of the 'people ol this country will die of cholera before fsllif tho World's Fair should be kepi open Sundays. Leading capitalists in Fnstern cities have been conferring with a view ol foi ming a company to establish electric lines on largo scale in a number of cities, East and West. Tho New York Five Points, oneo re garded as the wickedest spot hs w ell at the most densely populated, bus been condemned, and will be converted into magnificent park. Among the West Toint graduates art Edward Tavlor of Idaho. Frank It. 51c Kennaof California. William H. Smed berg, Jr., of California, and Verting K. Hart of Wyoming. We bought of China last year mer chandise, chiefly tea nnd raw silk, lo the value of nearlv'20.000.000, while China bought only (5.000,000 of goods, chiefly cotton cloth and kerosene, from us. A loft for noming pigeons is to be fit ted up in the Public Ledger building a' Philadelphia, and for the lirst tunc this air-line messenger service will heroine an established feature of a newspupci plant. The Italians of New York city, who now number about 100,000, have novel yet appeared as a power in politics, and only a small proportion of them hav even taken the trouble to procure papers of naturalization. ' There were 10,145 marriages in Kan sas last vear. A notable fact is that 0.781) of these weddings, more -than huh of all, were of colored people, though tin negroes of the State number only conn 60.0C0 in a total population of 'aboui 1,500,000. r-r.-OOWAL MENTION. Queen Maraherita of Ttaltr on the oc. asion of her wedding day received unong other things over 22,l)iW begging Hirers, iovernor IIo;g of Texas has delivered inolner didactic address to bis people. It seems to be Hogg and homily down n tho Mexican border now. The entertainment to the Duko of VciHgim cost New York $:)7.0D0, it is stated. Thai's why they emphasize the word over there when they refer to hiiii as his Highness. Senator and Mrs. Haivley of Connect icut have given up their proponed tr.p to Kmland this summer to visit relatives of Airs. Hawley, and will remain at their cottage in Woodmoiit, New Haven coun ty, Conn. Dr. Julia Washburn of Lexlnstin, Kv., is in charge of a bureau in the Kentucky St.ite Me Society, and will deliver the public address this year at the meet ing of that txxly in Danville on " Women in Medicine." Editor George W. Childg is fitting np the Philadelphia Ledger with a band of trained pigeons to act as messengers anil carriers of " copy " from distant report ers. It is expected that the scheme will be a great success. The Duke of Edinburgh, It is nn'er stood, is among the heaviest sufferers in England by the recent bank suspension in Australia. As the Duke is a very wealthy man, he will not be embarrassed by the misfortune. Governor Russell of Massachusetts has selected for his private secretary (to suc ceed Samuel Roods, Jr.) Charles Warren, a Harvard graduate of IKii). who, though only 23 years of age, has already show n ability as a campaign organizer. Warren is an independent in politics. Some of the wealthy American women who are now Londoners have ii hand a project to endow in perpetuity a cot in the Victoria Hospital in memory of vnnnff Ahrnhiim Lincoln. wtios rli.n.h following a painful illness, occurred dur ing his father's residence in London. Lord Roberts' services in India are to be commemorated by an equestrian statue on the Maiden at Calcutta. Al ready between 3,000 and jti.OOO has been subscribed bv the native Princes and personal friends, and it is thought that the fund will reach a large amount. Probably the oldest illustrious pianist in the world is Mine. Clara Schumann, who is known abroad as " the queen of players." Sho has been before the pub lic nearly as long as the Biblically allot ted lifetime, having mode her debut in I'ipsic three score years and five azo at th age of 8. . Rev. Joel Swart. D. D.. nostor of St. James' Lutheran Church, Gettysburg, who lias vou widely scattered in embers in his congregation, thinks nothing of doing his ten miles on a bicycle in pros ontuing his pastoral duties, though be is ui years oiu. tie nas three sons in the ministry also. Ex-Secretary and Mrs. J. W. Foster, vhen the Behring Sea arbitration pro ceedings are mushed, will turn their laces to tlie eastward lora year of travel, during which time they will make a tour of the world. It is not vet decided whether or not thev will be accompanied bv their youngest daughter and her hus band, who accompanied them abroad and we at iru.-uni with them at Paris INDUSTRIAL ITEKS. Then A s. l The i :i v. rr2,720 telephoT!. - . -operating bicycle is annonnced. oitle industry of Eiiulaud is de- lining. Washington, D. C, has underground rollers. Our 1S02 wheat crop was 619,0OO,O0C bushels. An Englishman claims toowna$l,000,- 0CJ vacht. fho Earl of Dudley has the largest life insn ranee $6,000,000. Cuts on the New York canals are to be propelled bv electricity. . . Over 1,000 steamships are traversing the four great ocean routes. The American Flint B.ittlo Company is the latest projected trust. The telephone lines of Sweden are to be bought by tlie government. Georgia raises more watermelons than any other State in the Union. At least (720.000,000 worth of British property is always on the sea. The revenue from the New York docks is more than (2,000,000 a year. It is said to cost (60,000 to get out one number of Scribner's Magazine. The English people consume annually over five pounds of tea per capita. At an average price of 3 cents per head n acre of cabbage will return (2 JO. The Johannesburg gold mines pro duced, during 18i2, 1,525,394 ounces of gold. The first American fire insurance com pany begun business at Philadelphia in 1(114. Mexico levies an income tox on public and private clerks and salaried em ployes. Minneapolis has a $2')0,000 co-opera tive coal company, winch turnisiies me. at cost. It is estimated that Butte, Mont., will produce 130,000,000 pounds of coppoi this year, Thoro is a chef do cuisine in Taris now said to co able to cook an egg in 600 dif ferent styles. A Slate Federation of Labor was or ganized week before last by the laboi unions in lowa. In rrussia incomes above flOO are taxed. O-tlv one person in forty-three has over (ioU income. Over 25,000 women in this country are engaged in. the decoration ot dilloront kinds of china and pottery. "A legal fence" has been defined In Kentucky as one that is "pig-tight, hoisu-light and bull-strong." Missouri inventiveness has devised "tho combined cyclone cellar and milk house." Coolness and safety. It is estimated that not less than 510, 000,000 acres of desert hind in the West are capable of being redeemed by irriga tion. Manv of the working women of New York city, especially those employed by "sweaters," receive less than 2 a week as wages. :' .- , s, A newly patented contribution box works on the principle of the cash regis ter, and indicates the amount of the con tribution. ' . , FOREIGN CABLES. Aggregate Cost of Standing Armies of Europe. CARRIER PIGEONS AT RACES. The French Authorities Threaten to Totally Prohibit the Telling of Fortunes Etc : Turkey hag Quarantined vessels from Marseilles. Fnlbpr TfvAInth, u tn rplnrn in lt.A Catholic fold. President Carnnt's health fa verv fen. ble. He needs rest. Thev are ffilkinpnf a wnrld'a fair In London in 1805 or 1806. . , The nnti-Spimtir. forr.inn In flnrman. Is broken into three sections. FranCA plaima in liavo ft, a Kl.rwtat a.,1 most powerful gun yet invented. French courts are granting decrees of divorce at tlie rate of 6,000 a year. There is a strike of coal miners at Kladno, Bohemia, and it is spreading. The Czarowitz will attend the autumn maneuvers of the Austro-Hungarian -my. ... There are five Admirals in the British navy, each of whom is more than 00 years old. Queen Victoria has fust knighted half a dozen English editors and raised an other to the peerage. The latest news from Calcutta unmis takably points to an approaching crisis in the currency question. , The clove tax is the principal source of Zanzibar revenue. It brings in more than 450,000 rupees a year. Princess Waldcmar of Denmark has' la-en confined to her house since she used a razor on the royal corn. German government will suppress any ssitalion in favor of the severance of Al-' (ace-Lorraine from Germany. The lale Duke of Sutherland is said to -have made ninety-one wills before he secured one that was entirely satisfac tory. Carrier pigeons are used at all the Paris trotting and running tracks lo send the results of races to the city betting ' resorts. ".'. At the becinning of this year there i ' were (340,000,000 in gold and (251,400, 000 in silver in the vaults of tlie Bank ol France. The recent great floods in the Trans vaal have been follow Jtl by outbreaks of fever, which have carried off hundreds of victims. According to the computation of a Paris corresXndent the standing armies of Europe lost year cost an aggregate of .mo oon oiu Olo,ow,ouv, The British Anti-Slavery Society re ports that the slave trade in Morocco still flourishes, young girls bringing from -(UOto(2SO. A number of European workmen have .l-: r. '..l,o lf..,niuUH i '1 be Ameer bad them escorted out of the country in safety. , Negotiations have been concluded be tween England and China; by which tlie f former is lo have increased privileges of trade with Thibet. f The Empress Frederick has ."ecently founded in Berlin a home for English governesses, which is open to A vM-ican . governesses as well. The Minister of the Colonies has in troduced in the Spanish Cortes a bill providing tor ine reorganization oi uie government of Cuba. The emigration from Ireland during 1S92 showed the smallest volume; with four exceptions, since 1851. The United States got 01.5 percent. A fatal duel in Brussels has resulted iu thirteen months' imprisonment for the surviving principal and four months for each of the four seconds. Under Sir Gerald Portal's manage ment Zanzibar is becoming quite civil ized, and the sanitary arrangements are becoming rapidly improved. It is reported, but hardly credited, that more than (50,000,000 lias len raised ir. France to pay for resuming work on the Panama canal. In France the authorities threaten to totally prohibit fortune-telling and to prosecute every person engaged in any way la foretelling the future. It is states! that the rate of taxation is so high in Russia that one-half the in come of the people is used up in paying the demands of the government. A petition is In circulation in the prov ince of Corunna, Spain, seeking a pro tectorate from England. Spain is send ing troops to suppress the disaffection. The Sultan's enthusiasm has been fired by the account of the success ot Chicago's Exposition, and is trying to get up a world's fair in Constantinople. The Pope has Fent his thanks to Car dinal Gibbons for a discourse recently delivered bv the Cardinal in favor of re storation of the temporal power of the Pope. MM. Balhut and Blondin, convicted, of corruption in connection with the Panama canal lottery, will escape by a decision of the Court of Cassation on Ap peal. ' - " Miss Lucy Booth, the youngest daugh ter of General Booth, leads the Salvation AririT among the women of India. She dresses and lives in all respects like tlie natives. . ... .;:' ,. Emperor William denies the intention attributed to him ot dissolving tlie Reii hstag a second time if the newly elected body should prove unfavorable to the army bill. The entire male nonulation of Savilla Feenis to have gone mad over the beauty of Queen Amelia of Portugal, who has lieen called thither by the serious illness of her grandmother, the Duchess of Montpensier. The sculptor, Albert Bruce Joy, has sailed from London on his way to Chi cago to exhibit a colossal statue of Mr. Gladstone, nnd also a bust of the Mar quis of Salisbury, which has been exhib ited in the Royal Academy. Herr von Do'ni erof Hamburg, belier ine his wife's recovery from a dangerona illness to be clue to the skillful treatment of Dr. Michelsen. a woman physician, has given (500,000 to fonnd a woman's hospital ia her honor la that city.