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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (June 23, 1893)
(Ehc (Oregon jfligt. Dulled Kluti'i and County 5TflcliTl I'nper Hf. Hkmcnh, Junk 211, lHU.'I. PUBLISHtR'i NOTldi! All mimntiiileallim mii to Tim Mint for pub Mention iiiiihUk Ki'tiumuiilei1 liy Die aiilliiir'i vui imiiiw hiiii mil n IHMII lie Mlllllfl alone, ws , do ! wniii imii.ti fur iniliili utlim, hut an mi , .vl'lnne nf Kiimt ful I h . ruri'niiiliii' with- out the writer's nnniii mumnpittiyliig will he r..l.f..Hl'W lu Mlu WNir IIHIIHMlt BUI II! F MKNTION. What do you lliiiilc of tlio school proposition? Don't forgot Ike colubrntion at Hi llcloiia, July Fourth. W, A. Hurrii, a sawmill man of Vor- nnnonia, waa doing busiiiots in HI. Hel ena Friday. Doan Blanolmrd'a pilodilver came down from Lowls river Tuesday oven ing and began driving pilot for the bunking company's now wharf. Hud Searcy, a gill-not fliiliorman on Bt. Helens bar. catiuht tun Hulinnn Monday thu aggrtifiataweiglitof which waa ovor four litimhed pounds. At the shurifTa aale of real eitate bo longing to Tlioa. U. Davidson, of Hcan- MKMo, Haturday, tho property waa bid n by tlio l'ortlaud Havings Dank for R000. , Th rivers aro about aiulionary, with a tendency to rise. Within thu next ton daya it will b dotorminad whether very high water will occur or uoU Wealhur liulliten No. 13. W. T. Jonna.of tlia city water works, tin been in l'ortland the pmt few days attending the bodsida of hit daughter, Miaa Maggie, who ia dangerously ill at Iter luther'a houae in that city. A feature of Portland' onlchr.Uion will be the participation of the double turretwl count dufonse monitor Man tnrey. The Monterey will leave San Francisco nn the 2fiih for l'ortland, where the will remain uutil aflor the celebration. Portland's offkicul fire department is kept in splendid practice. Alarm of fire aro turned in almtt hourly, but the promptness and clliniuiicy of the dnpaitmeut has ho fur saved tlw city from any groat loss, during what dry weather there has been thia year. A MlHT representative can vouch for the sixe and quality of some fine, large strawberries brought to this plane hint week by K. M. Wharton. Tlio hi rrit B wore raised on Mr. . Wharton's place, Ufl.r Columbia oily. Tliey were beauti ful snecimena of the fruit, and their llvor was simply delicious. Lad irs of the Congregational church at Hciiooe will give a Huuwuerry festival ill the church at that pi ice Haiurday night, llw proci'ed lo apply on the dubt of the church. Ualluns of strawbenica ami oceans of nnl cream will tie served by bevies of pretty girls. Tba public will be nntde welcome. j The 1 proprietors of Iho Columbia Itank are building an addition to Iho front of tbuir eauiu'ishnieiil. Thia ia done in emlor to have a stone founda tion for the large safe, which now (; cupies audi a KMiliiu that in cane of lire or oiler accident to the building it would be precipitated into the river. A large tan-adored dog belonging to Captain We. Whi'coiuli, of the steam- r Cascades, fell overheard a short dis tance above the Warrior Kotk light house Kulurdny night. The animal waa hirhly prised by Uupt. Whilcomh who will suitaldy reward anyone who will return the dog to him, or send in formation leading to his recovery. We acknowledge the receipt of au Invitation to attend the Commence ment KxcmUoa of the Stale Normal Hotiool at Monmouth, begin ng June 17. 'The graduating class consists of twenty-two ladies and eighteen gentle men, who prepared and exocuted an appropriate and interesting literary Hud musical programme for iho occa aion. Sheriff Maude and his deputies be gan the work of making up the delin quent tax list Monday morning. The Ksaesameut this your aggregates $38,000 and about two thirds of it !ia been paid. " Publication of tha list will be gin so soon as the county clerk puts Ida warrant upon it, which will not be dene uutil the roll is audited by the county court, on July Oth. It is estimated that In order for the world's fair to 1e a success iiuunoially it will bo iieowaury for thecal receipt t,i Hvnrsffe at least 130.000 per day from the llof.Juue to the close of the exposition. This will hardly be poasible for during the months of July -..,1 AiiffiiKt the attendance will be niiinwlittL.decrebaeu ou account oi heat. The running expenses are about f 30,001) dully wnicu must nrsv uo wmu out of the total receipts, then there i8 ilm 10 000.000 investment to be made up. Hut for the purpose for which the i. (mantled it is a decided success. Persons who have seen both say that the Chicago fair is fur ahead of the raria exposition, wniuii ing not a little for American enterprise In the May term of the clrcuitcourt a criminal case waa uocaeieu wnerem t a Wtk.i.rom was charged by 8. A. Miloa with shooting a stcor belonging i. t ha latter. The only witness for the prosooution was one Frank Webber, a brothor-in-luw to Wikslrom and a resi A ,i aI Honlton. wl o represonted thol he knew Wikstrom to bo the party who did the shooting an I that lie would .it.. il I.. Milan hfriin nm- needing! and had Webber subpoenaed m ii a u i 1 11,11. When Wobbor learned " il.,.t the ease was to be a criminal in stead of a civil one ho changed front and skipped the country going aa far east as Washington city. The case was continued by Judge MeBiide who issued bench warrant for Webber, in.irunt.ions to hold it over him nn;i i.a waa RDorehcnded. Webber I,.., ilu minnsud the case had been dismissed and that it would be safe him in rninrn. Word reached Sher iff Massio Monday morning that Web ber had just arrived on me mm, " lie immediately sont ii-ir ... ' Dunlap to bring him in. Webber gave bonds in Ihe sun. of !00 to appear be fore Judgo-MoBride July 10, mid wns ilven, hi liberty, 11KTTKII HOHOOIi WANTED. A Proposition to the Cllizeiis of Ht. Helens and Milton. The urgent nood of bettor accomo dations for the patrons of Die Ht. Hel ens school has wen severely felt for the past two or threo years, and the absoluto necessity of providing this dis trict witli a credilublu and more con venient school house Is upparetil to any one who will give Ihe mutter his unbiased consideration. I'orhups this district is not iu a position to provide 1.... ..l I !. fl- I ... nil i'Aniimi vu Minimi mr lis pupils, out it can ull'ord a much better one than it now has, und even if it were uocess' ury to go iu debt a little the district could not possibly mako a bettor invest ment limn to do so. A prominent business man of this place has made the propi si lion to unite this and tho district just west of it in which Milton is situated, and by so doing be able to vote bonds to build a house sufficiently commodious for both districts. In order to locate tho new school where it will bo convenient for both districts it is proposed to secure a site for il on the cumpus about mid way betwoou this place und Milton where it is believed that tho difference in the price of realty will pay for lay ing sidewalks to the school house b.ilh from this place and Milton. This did triot is better able to build a suitable school than its neighbor, but neither of them alouo bus sufllcient taxable property Insecure bonds to build a school such as tho putronugo of tho present or that of the near future de mands, but by consolidation the now dintrict will be a very rioh one, a (act which will Insure our credit, and by concerted action iu thia mutter we can build a school whic hwill accommodate all the pupils of both districts and give them most exellonlauvantiigeg, be a monument to our enterprise au inval uabla reoommondulion lo our city and an acceptable invitation to a desirable class of people to come and live among u . Wo cheerfully recommend t Irs prop osition as practical lo the citizens of this neighborhood and involve an ex pression of public sentiment upon it. Tho fuct tbul we will Soon be forced into providing better school facilities for this pines cun no longer bo disguis ed, and definite notion in tbe matter, cannot be tuken too soon. Au I'liijojablo AfTulr. The grand ball given by tho Knights of Pythias at Huinior, ou the 15th of this month, waa a succesa in every way. The inclemency of the weather kept many persons away which otherwise would alteudud, yet the hull and sup per U hies were well tilled, the former being lilted to about the full extent of its capacity , especially so if we take plcu'tiro into consideration. There were about eighty tickets sold, and judging from the number of gentle- nuiu present, we loel safu in asserting that they wcro all present, and fully us largo a number of ladies. The music was superb, being supplied by the kelso orchestra, besides the brass band from that pluco being present. The managers of tho floor spared not one means Pi seo that all present were sup plied with partners and their efforts to see thut all present enjoyed themselves were crowned with bnlmnt succesa. The lloor director thoroughly under stood wh. I he was there for, and one leusuut und agreeable feature, coupled with another gave cause for all present to pronounce the party ihe mot pleas ant und successful one ever given in this county. The plentiful supper, which was furnished by Mr. Smith, was without fault, and the conven iences of the bnll, which is one of the finest aplHiinted outside of rortlund, only added to the ugreeubleness of ihe occasion. Without boubt Iho people of Rainier and the order of Knights of Pythias at that place, outdone them selves in entertaining the devotees of terpsichore of that and thesurounding country. Financially the affair wus a success so fur us we were able to learn, at least it wus the wish of every one who fattonded. Funcral of Lice Perry. The shadow of a great and bitter sorrow has lately invaded the piecinota of a once happy home in this city. Dcalh, tho inevitable fate and common end of all, has visited us and removed from our midst a loved son and brother, an esteemed friend and a young man of much promise Lee Perry waa at the time of his death 28 years of age. He was born at this place where lie has always made his home, and where hia mother's family now reside. He early manifested peculiar ability as an engineer, which occupation he followed until tho time of ins (icatti. a mw months since the deceased contracted a severe cold from which ha waa not able to recover, and which rapidly developed into consumption. Thinking a irip to California would be beneficial he went lo Los Angeles, and for ft lime ap peared to have a good prospect of re gaining his health. A telegram an nouncing Ina ueatn was a painiuu sur prise to his frionds and a shock to his family. The funeral rites were solemn ized by Rev. Faxlou.Friday.and almost everv citizen of the place wus present to extend tneir sympainy to me oe- reaved family and pay a last tribute oi respect to an honored neighbor. A Now Wharf. The wide awake, enterprising pv prietors of tho Columbia Hunk are driving piling for a large wharf and ware house on Ine property aujowing und iust below tho bank building The wharf will extend eighty feet into the river and have a frontago of 120 foot. It will be two stories high for the accomodation of business at all stiig.'B of water, and will be supplied with a stairway for passengers and an elevator for froight and other modern conveniences. The wharf will also be used for banking wood. Tho company intends transacting a generul storage und warehouse business and the estab lishment will be a oonvience which will undoubtedly be appreciated and lurgely patronised by both the steam boats und those who do businoss with them. The want of a good whiirt has long been keenly felt here, and 'partic ularly so during the present freshet, all of which time the hrgor steameis have been unable to touch tbe shore at all, and the smaller oraft were pblged to. dump passengersand freight put in lUe mud anywhere 'thej' could get near enpugh. Ih.e bivtk,, COMMUNICATKU. A fliiffaestlon for Plunk Intf County KoadM, Eihtor Mist. 1 notice you conynmd Mr, JI. O. Hnwiiril. the huwiiiIII lusn. of Maine- villo. for thu wnv In whleh lis has lilunki'il tlia county road' from his place to thi nill rosd nt Milton. Ho deserves (iraixe for ids olijuct iimhoii to Die people. Now If lie will lay lint Iron with alow llanife upon it with a Hiiitnlitu turii-iitr. he will be aliis to trans port from four to ten tinids tlio loud wilh His sums tniim unless Ills prudes ais tou heuvy. 1 think It would be rlnht for tliu county to de Oils It would be sufficiently to tbe intornsl of tbe county. I have long ailvouiileij Unit tliu counties borrow money from the state ut two per cunt, interest to do this work, ami that the stutu ftnt the money from tho government ut one lnr cent., eucli (jiving fiouils hi security. 'J'hc bunks do this anil then charge us what we urn n.rceu uy our nccessiue w though the law tries to rexlrict litem to two per cent. Privute enterprises paying ton pur cent for money of account, cannot a' nford to make these necessary improvements hut tho state, paying one per cent, could do no upon state roads, uudcuunties psyiiiK two pur cent, could do the same on county roads. Municipalities paying tlis counties three percent, eould do likewise on muni cipal roads. Why not set the ball rolling until we have a system of Iron-luld plaukeii roads throughout our county, and thus give lubor to our idle people who are willing to wnrk? Wben the amount of travel justifios make a double track with lurnoD's from one to tho other. The money should not be paid bsck in thirty years as the 8vlis peo Die did. but let the be perpetual be cause It would only bo an Indirect taxation uuy way, und the eheupest and simplest tax would Do ml interest lax. j. r . n irai,, , Coal Deposit Discovered. Two of our very prominent citizens returned Wednesday morning from a prospecting tour in the Hcappoose mountains, where they located what gives promise oi a valuable coal de posit. Limited time and preparation prevented a very extensive or even satisfactory prospect of tbe vein, but the gentlemou will roturn at an early date and mako a thorough examina tion of their find. The vein is only a short distunce from the Northern Puci- 11c ruilroad.Biid iho spei imens hown i indicate a high grade of lignite coal. The deposit shows a clear face of three foot and four inches, the foot and hanging walls being both clear sand stone. The mountain rises abruptly from the face of the vein to an altitude of 6,000 feet at an angle of 95 degrees. The Cud is a valuable one the energetic gentlemen, who are the lucky tinders have both the means and inclinations to develop their find. Tillamook Wiped Out. Tho prosperous city of Tillamook hits just pursed through its baptism of lire, and nearly the entire business quarter lies in ashes. At aa early 1 our Monday the citizens were startled by au alarm of lire, and rushing into Ihe streets they found several tine blocks a mass of tlumos. Alter a lew hours struggle the lire wus extingished and the citizens were going to their homes when a second alarm sounded. The second lire was much more destructive than the first, causing the loss of nearly every business house in the city. Doth lires were work of firebugs. The loss is estimated u I $ 100,000, insurance about $8,000. Tlio work of rebuilding the city wus commenced as soon us tho fire wss extinguished, and the burned buildings will be replaced by subitaulial fire-proof blocks. DICK It ISLAND. Pat Hughes is having about twenty five acres slushed. Tholale cold ruin of last week, spoiled a greut many of the oherries. 8o now i. looks us if the crops were to be rather short. If ull the supervisors are doing tlieir mad-work as well as our supervisor, Mr. Kdwin Merrill, there can be no cause for "Curt accidents" as long as they keep iu Ihe middle of the road. Swau Nelson, of Woodland, Wash., made us a pleasant visit lustweek. He did not come alone, but brought a very ploasaut little wife, bam is uu indust nous, sober economical young man. Mr. C. C. Clark, of Reuben, is giving our new school building a tnorougu iminliue. Mr. Clurk is an artist at thu trade, and intends painting a sign with the district number for Ihe school houe, which will add both grace and convenience lo the building. A. F. Mo Donald sports a handsome horse, tho property of Jesse Uuild, oi Woodland. Wash. Those desirous of trotting a fine roadster and all-round purpose horse should not neglect to patronize this horse. For stylo, beauty and gout del nets lie has no rival. The board of school directors of this district have called a special school moetiuK for the 29th inst To receive the new building from the subscriber j and lo permit the same for school pur- noses. The bourn is determined to leave no stone unturned to make this school disiriot equal to any in the country. KKUBEN. George Archibald has taken a layoff. Did the constuble catch the criminals? Bolt Havard is hauling wood to Ecu ben. . H. O. Burrows is home on a fur lough. 8. A. Fowlor moved to Reuben ad dition. Some improvements are much needed in the county road here. Everybody is talking of spending tbe Fourth at St. Helens. Rain is a thing of the past, and once more we have a few good days, Mr. Nevin has sold out to Fred Ncwabaumer, and will hereafter reside ut Grants Pass. Mrs Foster is expecting to make trip east as Boon as she can straighten up her business auairs. Mr. Flummer, successor to Foster A Foster, has had a telegraph office put in his store, which will be a great con venience to the citizens of ibis place, The mav friends of Mr. Jay P, Archibald will regret to hear that he is about to leave this part of the coun try. He expects to take in the world's fuir. and from there goto londa where ho will make his future home and min gle with tho monkeys and sweet pota toes. The railroad fare to Chicago has heen reduced to $33.00 one way. See oud, css to St, Val is now $18, Some "Good Buys" roa SAI.K sv- D. J. Switzer, ST. JIICMJNS, - 0HK00N. The southwest M nf section r, and the southeast i of the southeast of section 31, and west of Ihe southwest of sec lion HI, township 7 north, ruuge 2 weit, 20 acres, 17.60 per acre. The southeast H of ths southeast of section m. township 7 north, range i west, (0 acres at Vt per acre. The northwest i of section 0, township Onerth. range it west, containing 100 acres, $10 per acre. Tha southwest and west of south east !4 mid the southeast A nl the soutti- est X and the weit of the northeast il, snd the nortlieust of tliu northeast of section 0, township 0 north, range 2 west, 400 acres, per acre. 1 lie went yi ui iiiiiiimcni, ui Bi-e- Uoii fi, township 0 north, range 2 went, ') ai res, WM per acre. The northeast li of thosouthwest il. and the northwest !l of the southeast il of sec tiun li, township U north, range 2 west, 80 acres, b per acre. The north M of the northeast 11 of sec tion 7, township II north, range 2 west, 80 acres, SO per acre. , A farm of M acres at Warren Station, on the N. 1'. It. K , with team of horses, wa gon, harness, 3 cows, 1 yearling; also all farming tools, gooil bouse und barn. Price. l,200, two-tliinls down, balance in 1 yeur. Inquire of V.J. ttwitzer, ri. neieiiB, ur. The northeast H of the southeast H of section 1 , township (1 north, range 3 west, 7,ao per acre. Terms One-third cash, balance secured by mortgage at per cent interest. notice. Countv Tressurcr Wharton can be found at hi. nlHie In the court huute 111 Ht. Helens ou WeiluewlayH anil HiUurila)Sot each week. Notice of Final HctUcment. In the County Court of Columbia County, Mate of Oregon. In tliu matter of the eiliite ot -ora A. llailev, deceased. NOTICK is hereby elvcn that the under signed executor of the lttt will and testa ment of NoraA Httiley, deceased, has tiled his tiual account In the ad. Ministration of said estate in the above entitled Court, and that the Hon. Judge nf aid Court has ap pointed Monday, the Kiliday of July. lHU'f, at 10 o'clock a m., and the Court room of said Court, as the time and pla'-e for the hearing of objections to such iinid account and the settlement thereof. All person Interested in the said estate are hereby required to (lie their objections to said final account on or I eforc find 17ib dav of July. 1H(. II. R. OI.l KF. Executor of the last will and testament of Nora A.Bailey, declined. jun!ijul7 Dated June 7th, 1803. .nlli-e to Creditors. NOTICK is hereby jdven by the nnder signcd administrator with the will an nexed, of the estute of l.orenz Ilohnert, deceased, to the creditors of and all persons having claims asainst the said deceased, to exhitiit them with Ihe neeesssry voucher within six months after the lirt publica tion of this notice to the said administrator with the will annexed, at his store in Cedar Landing, in Columbia county, state of Oregon. . f". Moeck, Administrator, with the will annexed, of the estate of Lorenz Hohuei t , deceased. Dated May &i, lsu.!. IIuhIiiona' Clinnjjp. NOTICK is hereby given that Wm. Tray ler haa purchased the interest of W. M. Roberts in the saw mill formerly owned and run by 1'avne it lioberts. Messrs. It. 8. Payne and VViii.Travlcr will continue nn' der the linn nsnie of Payne A- Co.. the lat ter to collect all accounts due the t nrtu. and also settle all just claims again.-t the ramc. It. 8. Payhs. V. A. Tray lsii, W. M. llOllSHTS. notice lor Publication. Lund OlUce ut Oregon I lly. Oregon, May 11. If3. NOTICE Is hereby (rlvcnlhnt tho' followinn uanied sell ler has fileil notice of his inten tion to mako dual proof In support of hiscluim, and that iM proof will 1 made before the County Clerk ot Columbia county, at St. Helens, Oregon, ou July r, 1MM, viz: itARTI ToHIN, Ilomesteail enlrv No. art, for the east )4 of ths northwe-t and the et Mi of the northeast li of aeeti.iu 2, towushlp5 north, range i west. He names the billowing wilneises to prove his continuous rerklence upon aad cultivation of salil laml, vis: , Henry kuhert, Frank J. Peterson and Omtav Peterson, of Mist, ami Andrew Elliott, of Pitts burg, all of Columbia county. Oreaon. inltljuuaa J. T. A I'l'K RSON, Register. Notice lor Publication. Land Oltlee at Oregon City, Oregon, May 11, 1RM. NOTICE Is hereby given that the followiiig nameil settler has tiled notice of his Inten tion to make tiual proof ill support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before ths County Clerk of Columbia county, at St. Helens Oreaon, ou Julv :st:i, vix: KIOIUKD H. BAILEY, Homestead entry No. SSlt, for the northwest of tho southweil -4 of section 21, and northeast nt the southeast iiot section M, township 5 north, rango 2 went. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and eultivailou of said land, vis , umtcr section S61U1, K. S: S. Rock. Jenss Hendricks, 8r., and Sherman Voaberg, of Peril, and I. K. Fowler, o( Peer Island; all oi Columbia county. Oregon. uiljun23 J. T. APl'bttSON, Register. Notice lor Publication. Land Office at Oregon City, Oregon. ilav ). 1KKC NOTICE Is hercliy given that tho following named setllci has tiled notice of hiiinteu- tion to make Itnal proof ill support ol nis claim and that said proof will be made before the County Clerk of Columbia county, at St. Uelcns, Oregon, ou jury ii im. viz: chXklks W. KMKRSON, Homestead entry No. OHO, tor ine souinwest of section 17. lovvnstiiu ft north, range 2 west. n oumpa Iho f,,l lou-Iiiu itneses to crove his continuous residence upou and cultivation nf aal.1 lni.,1. Vlx! 1). R. Fowler, C F. Fowler and John King, nf Carico, and S. Hock, oi Perls', all of Columbia eountv, Oregon. J. 1. Ari'Kw, Jun2jul7 . Iteslster. Model Saloon. I. tTANWOOD, Propr. BT. HELENS, OREGON Choice Wines. Liauors and Cigars. Beer 5 Cts Billard and Pool Wahh for &8 Paaommodafion of Patpona CALL AROUND. H. YARWIG & SON, WnOLXSAM AMD RITAIL 231 FltONT BTR1SKT POUTlwVND OREGON, ONE DAY CURE HAT TEES o O.YY.R. MF'G. C8PORTLAM0.O For Suit by Kdwin ltoss, Bt. Helens, Or. DO YOU SUITEB? Rheumatism, Fits (epilepsy), Scrof ula, Liquor, Morphine or Tohacco llubit, quickly and permanently cured by tho wonderful UI -CHLORIDE of UOLD treatment. QUniMHTIM (Ths uric acid entirely ex nntylYIAl HI veiled from the blood Cured In Hum live to thirty dayi. riTO (Kfillepnyl Permanently cured; no re rl Id turn of the dineuse from two to tour week treatment. PpQnrill A ndtheworstcaesoflnherllJ OUnUrUn bl ood taint quick! and per manently cured. nrnnlfonnoec ".7!'" O".2? lo.?l?l,v- Ml Uljnuillllj dij urnuii, miinriiinK or lOBAtt ll habit cured 10 to 20 dayi. No restriction or publicity. I'utients cured at their own homes. 40,000 suffer ers cured in 8 years. Full particulars witlioutcharge, address Dr. Wool Bi-Culoriie of Gold institute 275 I'owell St., fan Francisco, Cal. DR. WM. GRISW0LD, DENTIST, St. Helens, Oregon. COLUMBIA BANKING CO. (Incorporated) ST. HELENS, OREGON. G. A. MASSIE, C. H. NEWF.LL, President. Cashier. Capita! $20,000. Transacts a cencral bonking business. Exchange boucht and sold. Interest al lowed on time deposits. YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED, LEARN TELEGRAPHY! A TRADE. IT JTAVS Success Sure. PORTLAND Marble Works. SCHANEN & NEU, Manufacturers of Monuments, Headstones, And all kinds of Marble, Granite, Stonework, Tablets, Curbing, etc Special estimates for any desired work furnished on application. 268 First St., bet. Madison and Jeffersoa, Portland, Oregon. Hart tf Sweet land, Proprietor St. Helens Meat Market Fresh and Salted Meats. Sausage, Fisb and vegetables. Meats by wholesale at special rates. Exnress wason run to all parts of town, tdd otir;M Mut.ou.oi - TOURIST AND FAMY HEADQUARTERS New, York Restaurant. Anderson a Bkakby, Proprietors. No. 139 First Street, PORTLAND, - OREGON OF COURSE YOU DO. STJOH 'BEING THE CASK, it beboovs't vnu to lind tha most desirabls plaoa to purchase vour " invtgoraior. it THE BANQUET, Keeps constantly on hand tha famous Cuban Blossom Cigars The finest line of Wines Manors and vlguirs to OS ioun iiitgame ui r land. And If you wish to engine in a game of POOL OR BILLIARDS, They can assure you that they have the best table in town. Everything new and. neat, and your pntrousge is respectfully solicited "THE BANQUET" Bt. Helens. Oregon, Do You Drink? E. S. BRYADTT, Manufacturer of and Dealer in - ROUGH AIO DRESSED Fir and Cedar Lumber. lear Flooring, Ceiling and Finishing Material Constantly on Hand, , Clatskanie, " F. R, CHOWN, Hardware, Stoves, DAIRY PANS, CHURNS, MILK STRAINERS, MILK CANS, ETC. 212 First Street. PORTLAND - CLATSKANIE ROUTE ! SARAH DIXON, Leaves Portland, at Alder Street for Clatskante, touching at Saucie's island, St. Helena, Columbia City.Kalama Neer City, Rainier, Cedar Landing, Alt. Coffin, Bradbury, Stella, Oak Point and all ' intermediate points, returning Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. J. MUCKLE. UCKLE BROS., -MANCFACTUKIKS OT- Rough and Dressed Lumber. -DBALEB8 IK- General RJoi-ohandico- St. Helens, rSStO p For your Medicines at the Clatskanie Drug Store, Where you will find the largest stock of PATENT MEDICINES, PRESCRIPTION DRUGS, TOILET ARTICLES, ETC., In Columbia County DR. J. E. HALL, Proprietor. CASH STORE W. J. MUCKLE & CO., -General Merchandise Crockery, Glasswars, juaaies Dress uooas, jjooxs, oiioes, Gents' Furnishing Goods. LUMBER, SHINGLES, ETC. Produce Taken in Exchange. ' , It Will Pay You to consult uur rrice RAINIER, - - - OREGON. BOOTS, BOOTS! General Merchandise. NW-ST.0CK N EWrOODSj AJE0TYLS1 JUST FROM THE FACTORY. DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES. G. F. MOECK, RAINIER. - " Oregon. PORTLAND G. 21. Shaver. Master. Dock, Monday, Wednesday and Friday C. MUCKLE. Oregon; Queensware, SHOES, SHOES! OREGON,