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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 17, 1893)
Health Officers Speak. City, State and National Authorities report the Royal Baking Powder in . every way Superior to all others. STATE CHEMIST, CALIFORNIA : Tho Royal fulfils all the requirements. Our tests show it has greater leavening power than any other. STATE CHEMIST. WASHINQTON; There is no question but the Royal is the strongest, purest and most wholesome baking powder in the market. V. 5. OOV'T FOOD REPORT: Royal Bakino Powder is shown a pure cream of tartar powder, highest of all in leaven i.,, . ing strength. CANADIAN' OFFICIAL TESTS; Royal Bakixo Powder is commended as of highest excellence, and shown to be greatest of all in leavening strength. j SAN FRANCISCO BOARD OF HEALTH: We cordially ap prove and recommend the Royal Baking Towder. It is ' " ft absolutely pure and healthful, composed of the best ingredients, ... of the highest strength and character. , BOARD OF HEALTH. SEATTLE, WASHINGTON : Finding "" ' in analysis that it is entirely free from any adulteration, we ;. heartily recommend the Royal Powder for its great strength, purity and wholesonieness. ( BOARD OF HEALTH, TACOMA. WASHINGTON: In our judgment the Royal is the best and strongest baking powder ' before the public. , . BOARD OF HEALTH. SPOKANE: Certainly there is no bak r ing powder known to us equal to the Royal. ' DR. BINSWANGER, UNIVERSITY OF OREGON: It is also my opinion that there exists no purer, better or stronger baking powder than the Royal. - I confidently recommend it. Do hot permit the slanderous stories of inter ested parties to influence you in using any ' ' ' other than The Best, The Royal. Aa Irish Geua. An Irish journal bad this gem is answer to a correspondent: "We decline to acknowledge the receipt of your post card." " Which is very much like the Cork nian who traveled into Kerry to an Insulting enemy to 'tell him to his face that he would treat him with silent contempt." London Tit Bits. High Bodily Temper-tore. ( Visa Tolleson. of Memphis, had an attack of tonsdlitis that ran her tem perature up to the unheard of point or 153 aeps. Previous to that an . Omaha lady had shown a tempera ture of 133 degs. in a case of peri tonitis. St. Louis Republic. 10O BEWABD 100. The reade- of tola paper will be pleased to learn that thee la at least one dreaded dlaeaae that ecleuce has beu able to cure In all It urea, and that is Catrra. Hall'i Catarrh Care la the only positive core known to ine Hledii 1 fraternity. Catarrh, twin a constitutional dls c. requires a cv-natitutiooal treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cnre la taken Internally, atn directly upon the blood and macons a-rfaree el the am, thereby destroying the foundation of the dl esse and girinr. the patieot strength br build-in- up the constitution and assisting nature In doing It work. The proprletoraJuire o -nneta faith in Ita eurstive power that they offer One Hundred Dollar for any -cane that It fills to cure. Send for Hat of testimonials. Ad irons F. J. CHESEY fc CO.. Toledo. 0. Sold by druggist. 7 cents. . s It was Ben Franklin who said: "Three may keep a aeoM 11 two of them are dead." A perfect oil dressing for line kid shoes, guarantees atscl-taly dust-proof, or money refunded, Watson's Peerless Polish. Use no other. For sale by all deal' ers. - """ ''"v ' v NOTHING US! IT. 0 YEARS OF PAIN CURED. THE OA8E. N. Ai-bany St., Ithaca, N. Y., Dec. 19, 1.881. For over 40 years I have been a victim of rheu- . uiauBiu, a w m a persuaded to try St. Jacobs Oil. I have used two bottles, and a man more free from rheumatism never walked our streets."' My limbs that were once stiiTand lme are now as liht and Umber as in my youth. - . JOS. EDSELL. AFTER FIVE YEARS. Ithaca, N. Y., July 5, 1887 Suffered many yearsinjury to hip resulting In rheumatism, muscu lar weakness and contracted cords. Two bottles of St, Jacobs Oil re lieved me so that I now milk about and attend to daily duties at 6a. I hcartHy endorse it. , r , TOS. EDSELL. IWs Trade Mark la n the beat VMTERPROOF COAT In the World! A. J. TOWER. BOSTON. MASS. St e) lathe acfcaowleofw kdlac ramady for all tai nnaatoral dtackaraaa aa. Private dtaaasas of matt, J eertala core for the 4 aaallH Sanaa- Mrs 1tt 1 Ipraaoribanandfaelaaf IHtOMta""l Pn. in raoomaiseaia U Bo wumn i,JXa8TWES,O.,0iiTaa. ail aonerera. m eHrtel pt li IMi HVntHt Ail Hi UilS. I 1 if.L tMian eyrup. Taetea wooa. uas I in lima. iie ftoio br draawist II I ",n'r'T,T,"r--''Trr" J mi 11 -- imriMinn nitM .m r oreelnLl lTOIAYB.j f iOssrsstt ta a a saass mmmi 1 Mew Oecuttluai fur Wouaask living waxworks have long been a feature of church fairs, but a dime museum wax figure in flesh and blood is probably a new "feature." It works well as an advertisement The girl stands motionless as long as she can at any rate. Her face and hands are painted to the semblance of wax. ''Look at the bully wax fig- gerrsays Jimmy to Billy as they shuffle along past the door. "Git outr says Billy. "She ain't no wax flgger; she's alive!" "Now. Billy, don't you go an give yerself away for a countryman r Jimmy protests. 1 Meantime the girl s eyes betray her 01 course. . She affects a stony gaze, but that most beautiful and mobile thing, the numan eye, can never imitate the dullness of wax. Her eyes move in their sockets. She shifts her weight from one leg to the other. Billy laughs triumphantly at Jimmy's ex pense, who gasps, "'Well," if I ain't sold like any farmer I" And the liv ing wax flrrqre'B purpose is fulfilled. The "Tallow Day." iept 6, 1881, is well remembered in Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont and parts of New York and Pennsyl vania as the "yellow day." Canada also took on some of the characteris tics noted in the states above men tioned, only that the yellow was of dull, greenish cast, which accounts I for th?Jctthae-t3ie Canucks refer to it as the "green day." In the morning the sky had the appearance oz Deing clouded, but as the sun arose it was plainly visible and of the color of tarnished brass. . About midday the intense yellow was most appar ent e very uung except leaves and grass was of a well tinted dark yel low color. 1 ne cause of tne phenom enon has never been satisfactorily explained. rniiaaeipnia Frees. Pis Honey from Ralelnc Flower. It is curious that when so many women are asking what they can do to earn money so tew think of be coming amateur gardeners. Violets. pinks, chrysanthemums and many otner flowers are not difficult to raise. ana wnen carefully packed and sent to a Erst class florist bring good prices. It is said that a woman in the south makes a good income fur nishing real orange blossoms to a fa mous florist, while five or six others dress themselves on the dollars pro duced from the violets that grow with so little care in the well preserved Tiotet pit. mrcnange. Why e Bisealts Were Bad. It was ni fault of the cook, although she was blamed by the m'streas becsuee the biscuits were not as light, delicate anu nneiy nsvorea as usual. When it was too late the cook found she bad been imposed upon by the gro cer or his boy, who bad given her a new brand of baking- powder in place of the 1&07S1, wnicn sne naa alwsvs need with good inck, and which had been ordered. She bad used the new kind, spoiled the Discmt ana got a scolding. xne Koyai Basing rowder, as every cook Knows, js iiways 10 rje reuea upon. It is one of the greatest aids she ha She is always able with the loaet trouble to mike tne wry finest biecuils, cakes, mnffins and croets. Many a cook's rep utation has been made by the delicious things she has been able to mat e with it. It is no wonder that shs ia inrliirnant when the grocer sends ber aootber bak ing powder In its place, which spoils her iwwi lujuicv uor reputation auu orings her blame.-' The grocer ssnda br t'tm brarH if baking powder r-imp y i. -arise it roate him so ranch less and he can make more front by selling it than he can on the loyaL The Royal is m vie from the verv finest materials and costs much more than any other brand, which accounts tor its superiority, although it is aolH n 0 nsumer at the same price. ine cook snouiaexaminecarefully the label of the baking powder and see that she is not imposed neon. - XI the tends anything but the Royal, send it oacr. as one cook did five time nntn she got the Roysl. The only sa'e way s lor the cook to bave the finest things wore witn, ana t 'be finest, bit the oi baaiuf, jt to work with, and the Royal is not only most economical to ! so ranch further. HEREAFTER. . n 111 N , Oaaas ptetnr, aald a friend So sot, The Joy of what is re to bef -Oauwt thou dvacrib eternity? Poet thou belies that when we take That laat long sleep a day shall break The dreatulans nlghtf Shall we awake Tell me, with reason In thy rhyme. Poet think there'll be no end of time Nor end of bliss In that blest elliner I do not know, tor sure, I aald: I know not those whose light feet tread Yen shoret 1 know the dead are dead. ! aeen the summer birds take wing When wluter came, and la the sprlus Come back again to soar and elu Pve seen the red rose In the den. Rid ueath the hoar frost, die, and taea la brighter moment bloom again. r-r eeen the aoul, freed from the elaf That held It here, reach far away. Take op It harp and start to play. I seen a mother die. and site, When came to her what mnat to me. Looked laughing toward eternity. And I can ee, whtl rose bloom Where roaes fade, shrangh Urea long A gleam of hope beyond the tomb. Hut whatsoe'er the furore be. If there a lire for yon and me, To laat through all eternrty, , "Twer well to keep this point In stew Do unto man your whole life through. As yon would bar hlui do to yon. And then when yon are o'er the rang, V here all are good, though many strange. Ton may not feel km great the change. Cy Warnuut In Oreede Chronlelev The Power of Gravltattoav From common experience we are apt to hold exaggerated notions of the power of gravity. Not until we compare it with other attractive forces, such as magnetism or elec tricity, do we appreciate how trivial it really ia The fundamental experiments in electricity and magnetism, known to men for more than 2,000 years, of lifting light bodies by rubbed amber and iron tilings by means of a load stone, demonstrate at once their in comparably greater power. If, for instance, the attracting body had the moderate dimensions of a hand specimen of amber or load stone, we should require it to be of so dense a material as to weigh 1,000,000,000 pounds instead of a few pounds, as usual, in order that ita gravitational attraction should equal that of either of the two forces men tioned. It is obvious therefore that the imposing nature of the force of gravity, as equally compared with other attractive forces, is due not to its superior qualitative magnitude, but to the enormous masses of the bodies which exercise it ; Thus, while it requires the use of the most delicate torsion balance to demonstrate even the mutual attrac tion between a small and a large sphere of lead, yet where enormous masses, such as the earth, are con- corned, the attraction exerted by one hemisphere upon the other probably exceeds a rorce or 500 pounds per square inch over a surface whose radius is 4,000 miles. Electricity. Characterise Costumes Disappearing, Possibly 50 per cent of the inter national costumes copied by Queen Victoria when she dressed dolls have passed away, never to return. In some of the Swiss cantons the traditional Helvetian garb yet sur vives; in others it is fast declining to extinction. Picturesquely clad men, women and children who pre tend to be artists' models, but who are in reality beggers, still haunt the Via Condotti at Rome and ex tract coppers from the "forestieri." The police have driven themira the Piazza di Spagnia and tie steps of the Tjrir.ilL de Monti; but ere long' in all likelihood they will wholly vanish. A few vestiges of romantic dress linger in the Italian provinces; but on the whole the peninsula is at present inhabited by a population, the males of which wear "store" clothes and wide awake hats, while the women are clad in Manchester cottons and cheap hats copied from the latest Paris modes. (Characteristic costumes are on the wane in Germany, in Norway and in Spain. They hold their own to some extent in Austria, in Bohemia and In the Tyrol; but on every side the na tional costume is coming down to a dull, prosaic level, and in another de cade or so it will be difficult to dis criminate between different nations in so far as their garments are con cerned. London Telegraph. Lightning's Magnetl EfTeet. The magnetic effects produced by lightning are often .very curious. A chest containing a large assortment of knives, forks and other cutlery was, not many years ago, struck in the house of a Wakefield tradesman. and magnetism imparted to tha whole of the articles. Arago, In his Meteorological Eesam" aneaks of a shoemaker in Swabia whose tools were thus treated, to his indescrib able annoyance. "He had to be con stantly freeing his hammer, pinchers and knives from his nails, needles and awls, which were constantly get ting caugnt oy tnem as thev lav to- guiu-r oa we Dencu." xne same authority knew of a Genoese ship which was wrecked near Algiers in consequence of some pranks played by lightning among the compasses, the captain innocently sunrjosin- that he was sailing toward the north when as a matter of fact he wm steering due south.- " ! Habits of Poblle Singers. Do you know how manv famoua lady singers have contrived and still contrive to strengthen their voices? Mme. Sontrff, by eatincr sardine Mme. Deepierre. by drinkin- hnt water; Mme. Cruvelli. claret: Mme rara, seitzer water; Mme. Kikson. beer; Mme. Cabol, by eating pears; Erick Ericksons, 1,215 Nels Nelsons Mme. Trebelli, strawberries; Mme. 'and 1,011 John Johnsons. Borghi-Mamo, by taking snuff; Mme. Dorus-Gras, by eating cold meat. A wash roadie of witch hazel and Several SintrerS Of the main mar eocninn fn V. annliad v. 1 o have Indulged to similar freaks, oarmu. tne Swedish tenor, used to eat pickled cucumber; Berk, the bar-1 Itone, hardly ever spoke for fw f spoiling his voice; Kinderman was ' us iwuu ui sajucuur vnusav . Turn. A Sculptor ta Oroaeo. Th MTJlpton in Greece are cele brated, but a "sculptor In grease" it something of u novelty in the art world. Nevertheless Washington possesses such a phenomenal artist who (luds Bcope for the exhibition of his genius not in classic marble or plastic clay, but bas-roUof models in lard and busts in butterine. His name is B. C. Ford, and his studio is at the west of Center market The way Mr. Ford tmtered upon bis artistio career was entirely by accident It is his custom to pile fif ty or sixty pounds of lard upon his counter, and one day he cai-elawly picked up a knife and carved a bas- relief portrait in the side. It was merely an ideal head, drawn at ran dom, but possessed such' merit as to attract considerable attention and custom from the marketers. Sena tor Manderson, who happened along, was particularly struck with the por trait, which be doclared to be a re markable likeness of Sir Walter Ra leigh. Since then Mr. Fonl bos continued bis experiments and developed con siderable skill iu manipulating his novel material for modeling. His tools are ordinary carving knives, with which he chisels out in rough some ideal face, ilio leatures are afterward molded and smoothed by the fingers, the warmth of which renders the lard plnstio. When this has been done to theartist's satis faction ho dips his fingers in ice wa ter, which chills and fixes the fesv hires, at the same time imparting marmeliko gloss to tne bust and showing almost translucent In the electrio light Washington Post A Pnsrled English Visitor. Wlien lauiy (somerset first came to America she was particularly anxious to become acquainted with all the American customs and to take part iu everything American. Ber appreciation of America was in tense. "Now will yon tell me," she said one day to a friond, "why the chost nut has been selected as a national nut and why it is so dear to the hearts of everyone? I notice that all. be they old or young, boy or girl, man or woman, speak of the chestnut frequently and always pleas antly and even affectionately. "Today, as I was seated in one of your horse cars, a httlo boy began telling another one some short anec dote, when suddenly the other little boy sprang to his feet and shouted. Oh, chestnuts I Later in the day I saw one man whisper something in the car of a friend, to which the friond only replied, 'Ob, what a chestnut I' "How pleasant to have something of which every one is so fond. But explain tho cause of the liking. Why was that particular nut select ed! Why not the almond or the pe can! Is it that the chestnut grows more rreoly Here?" New York World. Whea th Reporter I Work-lag. Whenyousee a reporter engaged in writing in a railway carriage. don't imagine that it is his innate cussedness or his love of hard work that forms his motive power. Noth of the kind. I have seen a reporter writing in a railway carriage, and driven almost to desperation . by stress of timo and illegibility of note and want 01 lucidity in the speaker. womea oy questions about bis short hand and the rate of speed at which he can write it, by inconsiderate pas sengers, who then show their grati tude in practical fashion by letting down the windows and blowing away the notes he has been so pain- ruuy transcribing. On other occasions I have heard passengers enter into a violent polit ical debate, with frequent appeals to tne reporter, varied by whistling and singing. At the same time a writer in a railway carriage cannot expect everybody to be silent just to piease mm, and tncrerore lie would do well to cultivate concentration of mind. London Tit-Bits. . Modernizing the Mother of Cltls. The Mother of Cities is in some re spects the newest of them all One- half of Rome is as new as a back woods' settlement, and strenuous ef forts are being made to furbish up me otuer nan. uut with the latest innovation in Rome there ia not much need to quarrel The city is now iignteu oy electricity, generated by the cascade of classic Tivoli. Such things, in such connection, sound ap pallingly modern; but nothing of that kind is too strancre not to be true, now that we seem likely before long to hear the cry of "Change here ior Damascus! 'San Francisco Ar gonaut. , - American Progress. Disgusted American (on a dusty road) Well, here we are ridin- be hind a pair of horses and taking their dust just because our grandfathers aia. Friend What's the matter nowl "The horses ought to be hitched at the rear end of the carriage. Quick, as I have ten minutes to spare. I'll invent some way." New York Weekly. . Bis Great Ambition. Willie had been watching the dem olition of a house near his home with great interest. Then he said : "Papa, I think IU be an unbuilder when I grow up. Tearing down houses must be lots of fun." "" The 1850 city directory of Minne apolis reveals the fact that there are in that rifrr 1 01ft Din nin-- 1 ns passages when the asthma comes on, is an effective cure for hay fever. ' .. Cooper wrote to reliova tha mmr ever impending insanity, and was niiy - uirM wnen tha " ik Carat tit pvaaa. THE riBST LAW QT MATDRI. and iMonla who aduiil sgalasl til auoroachos of ri ma ba r.nn-aarraciou is mjruuswikvu w wv. dtsiMauiili niedloinal s.f.-iriiarJ.soorwl-l.rd brrxiwiUuo and th iniioilou ol pliyst dsns, afliin! oitppy Illustration ol th wisdom nf th .mviiii. 111 in nea in iuer ivainrs auu (Oiuliiu to snJ.'T. Among niilt, sta tist Hi (irnwth el wliloh lloslvlU'r's Sloniaun lilt Ivrs all nls rlfli'lont protmilou, dlsi aws ol the klilnvysand hlailik-r are Ira ghl with th tit- most WTH sno etiut'it arviiiuuPMiiary wuvu wr piwrd ! ordinary nmsiis, Tho HI iters van and will atihdu ihrra Notosilmouy lsstrotiHrthai .Li. l'.ul ,1 tiw. .inlMxl unit fiiiraUtulitlv. till best lestilia nisy he xiwced. '1 nls inmllMtie s so eiailivatca liver complaint, t'oiialluotlon, dyspepsia, waiaila, rheumatism and iwrvous m. Ria little namlnue about mil in security lor a man who lake no uuwspnu.r aud kenfi (wo Hogs. . UIS rKKSONAt. KXfKKtKKC. Hon. James V. Htisted. while serving hi sixth term as Speaker of tits Assembly of th Slat of New York, write! "8tatb or Nsw Yom.1 AlWKMUl.T OlIAMHSB V Albany, Jan. Ill, lttiiO.I I dosire to once moro bear my testimony to the value of Atuoi k's I'omoii 1'ls- tsrs. I have used tltcm for twoiuy-iiv rear past, and can oonsolontlounly ooin- mend tlieiu an the boat external remedy that 1 have known. Year (go, when thrown from a oarriitge anil seriously Injured, I iru mm them a tluiriim-li trial. In a verv short time tho pain 1 was ull'triiig disiip iirnrwl, ami wituin a week 1 wait entirely n-lievotl. Oil another occasion, when sul faring from a severe cough, wliluti threat ened pulmonary tlilliuultivs, which I was worn mended to go to Florida to relieve, 1 iliUi'rinim il to teat the Dinner again. 1 applied them to my cliett uud between the shoulder blades, eiul in It" than a fort night was entirely cured. Ou still another oocaxion when sultering from an attack of rlieuuintinin in the shoulder to suoit an ex tent that 1 could scarcely raise my arm, 1 again reeo.ted to the plasters, and within a very lew aays tne rmtiiiuaUMiii entirely 111s appeared. 1 have them oomtmtly by tne, whether at home or abroad. My tamily as well a myself have found them to be a sovereign remedy, htith for external and internal troubles. 1 never bad but one kidney difficulty in my lifo. and the aniilication of tne plaster cured in in a week. I desire, as I said before, to bear my testimony iu a public way to their elucacy, an 1 I know of no better way ol doing it than by giving you my personal experience. ir looks iu the das Is eleau after ha has sr. shed It: ha looks at the dirt on th ItiweL KUPTHBK AND PILKS CUKKO. We nosttlvelr care rtiDture. titles and all fes tal diseases wtthoat pain or detention from boat- oeaa. No core, no pay. Also all fVteuM dis ease. Address for pamphlet Dre. rorterfiald A uosey, sss ataraet street, nan rraiieisoo. O Charity, what awkward dancing 1 som- sunea iu toy Datum For Coughs, Cold and Throat Disorder I "Hrown'11 Urmirhuii 'iVwis'' have Ui-otwf 1 thir e lllcacy by a tost of many yean. &jII only in boxtm. One person with a ehro do case of vsnlly sotoeuiuos gives uie auH-sae to sn eutir town. Tit eaufA for breakfast. Use Knamellne 8vrr Polish; no dost, no smell. I OS TRIAL. That's a good way to evsr a luetucine. bo I li a prstty hnrd condition under whli-ta to sell It, lerhap job v notieed that lb or- linary. hit or miss meillclne doeant at tempt It The only remedy of It kind so re markable In it effect that it can t sold oa this plan Is Pr. l'len-e's (iolilen Medical Dis covery. As a blood -cleanser, strength -re storer, and flcsh-buUdcr, there's nothing like it known to medical science, la every atsens where the fault is in th liver or the blood, aa Dyspepsia, Indlcmtion, lilllousneas, and th most stubborn fekin, Hcalp, and Bcrofulous affections. It la (ruaranfeecf In very rats to eeoellt or cure, or you hav your money baok. T every sufferer from Catarrh, no matter how bad the cam or of bow long- stand ing, the proprietor of Dr. (Jag Catarrh luaierty say wis: J'H w cant ur it, perfectly and permanently, we'U pay yoo e-xju in caan." 001a oy an aracfiaia. i . MS1 f SKILOHS V CURE. Cnrea Consttmntlon. Consrha. rmnn. Ram TliroivU So'd l"r e!l Dnijtuti oa a Cu.iranis. For a I-ams Si'ia, L'art: ct Chei Bhiloh's Porous Plaster wul give f t.n ratiffacrloa. tj cants. SH!LOM'3 VITALIZBR. Mrs. T. 8. lIiv,-Llnis,Chatt-jKK)gn,Tona.. mi II -r7fciIoh, Vda:iii'HAVi:i 3IY J.I itl 1 emttdcrUtfrh-lrcmu!iifradcIZltatcdiniiiUm 1 eotr uwil." . i or Dytpcp io, Iivor or UMaef UVUIHD lbU2UU 1 IW IOIS. HaveyouCamn-h? Trv tbtaPtmicdT. Kwlll unllnvA and (ir vms. Prwe All or a .This In. leotor for ltastir-eisftil traMtment IsfiirrilahMl f rne. Plilloh's Kemeille am auld Lv ua uo a uaraatee to give tatislactloa. "German Syrup" I simply state that I am Druclst and Postmaster here and am there- fore in a poriiiion to judge, I have hut Tnr tried many Cough Syrups ten years past have found nothing equal to Boschee's German Syrup. I have given it to my baby for Croup wmi ine mifii sausiaotory results isvery motlicr should have it. J. H. IIOITBS, Driiccist and Postmaster MolTat, Texas. We present facts. livtne facts, of to dav Unsrhw't German Syrup gives strength to the INVALID GOODS. Holllns Chair nerllafn , Chain Bark Bests f'onioiotfes. ' - ' Hln1 for Cutalrimin. WT. A, SCaOCK.21 Hewr Montgnmery St. S.F don't BE A scVMARK fsV NOT SIDIMa THI JIMT (CHS ro OUS AtaujouS Tells vouui Am.w 1 . S . MSSvi . u NORtliPACIFlCrYCLErO. BICYCLES OF e.venv deschiption!" i Maqv.- Bmtpma -Po-TiANti OijEo VOONQ MEN! The 8peolflo A No. r-nres, without full, all easss of . hern and Wlewt, no maln-r nf (Ti sljiiiillng. I'roveni stricture, It lii. uw long tcrnnl ri-mnlr. Cur-s whrn evsrrUifua aiu, 19 nil 111- Tftji iuiiin. nfiin Hv 1,11 ii.,.,i,u 1I111 Manufacturers: the A . HrlHwnhai. MMIri,-, Prlr.. S.m. f n Ha., t . . . sM Mb Hood's Cures Th marvellous cur of Mist lttl Huntley of t'orilsud.N.Y.ha attrsct ed aid stteutlon. Hit win n'lih to dosth't door with tismnrrbsgM ! by ulcers In lit stomach. Could est nothing. Wbtm tit pltji claus said lbr teas ho, hnr tuotliar urged her to try llood't istsspsiills. llhi lluutlay. fhs reluctantly vousentsd md m tw days felt trourr. Woauug ino tided, appftlt gradually returned, snd In nonth sit could walk aero th roam. In six months sin wsi as wsll as ever In bsr life, and has hu In rf eel health vsr slue. Rli ssi'ss " I know thai Hood's Sarsoparllla no li st s ons, ayeaniy 111." ti nii'i iii our l.lrer tils. Janndlee.SU- Icusiiess, sick llemlaehs and t'onstlitliin. Fresh Air and Exercise. Get all that's possible of both, if in need of flesh strength and nerve force. There's necd.too, of plenty of fat-food. Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil builds up flesh ' and strength quicker than any other preparation known to sci ence. Si-oft't Emulsion it (onttantly ef fecting Curt of Consumption, Bromhitlt and kindred distant when ether methods tku Prsrrert Ks SMs a rVisma. V, T. AH4 leaista &7) if Off A o' Ut qaallty can ever Sj2sS be Mat by mail. May nap you auosr iu Itr freight, prepaid II r e'erred, are ihtpsaloiy i, B or 8 IU trees ; yr.Hoeof rare etol fence, everything 1 You aotnally pay lee than ior the puny ttntr. 1,001 acre Nnrerie. Jit.rO-l acre Orchard. Exact Information about trees and Iruita. Stark Bros., Louisiana, Mo, -ILY'8 ORIAM BALM rMMuiMa Ally I. ti 11 its (lit Hiirta Itrtstorra tsit 104 'AWAIsllBiIti r 1 lvr Hellpfat once K. I'ri iigglsls or by null. KIT lsrst9Bser3BBBaBBasa Justice to All. It is 'now apparent to the Exposition that millions of people will the possessors of World's Fair Souvenir Qoins The Official Souvenir of tin Great Exposition The extraordinary and growlni. demand for these Coins, and the de. sire on the part of the Directors that equal opportunities may be afforded for their purchase, have made it necessary to enlarge the channels nf didrihnfinn To relieve themselves of some responsibility, the Directors have Invited THE MERCHANTS Throughout the Nation to unite with the Banks in placing Columbian Half Dollars on sale. This is done that the masses of the rvnrnV anH tw. living at remote points, may be afforded the best Dossibic nrw.mrfv h obtain the Coins. THE FORTUNATE of SOUVENIR COINS will be those new advantages. silt. ic u hkx, me ISSUC IS l,i Tfca s4. 1. --- rs-tt .- Tsuim iia.iiw u vnc LAlimr Caen. HOW TO GET Go to your nearest merchant nr , uicjr ic nneiy 10 nave Hicra. If you cannot procure them in this way, send direct to ui ordering not leu than Five Coins, and remitting One Dollar for each Coin ordered! Send instructions how to shiD the Coinc r or expense. Remit by registered letter.or order, or bank draft to ilf r1ft Treasurer World's ColumW-n T"""" vmcago, IU. Km!." Mm'M m tquallid We Make 90 per cent Of the Wire Mats Sold In America, HASTMAii 'Vr'"'"' "M ur"" " 5rj,.""D!,,.,U,:;.,;.S.A71.'''i Vi' -';:r. could get did him no good. V . m s 11 m j k KESULTS asws--.-'- "-41 ' I . mr I j 1 A W atBllaT 9 KM RPIIPII --L- . 11 isiiiiul ' inuiiirn SAPOLio a fV BIMONDa UW IXZJ9 ROLLER SKATES B-k : is -r 1. ' : rxr.xw.ti 1 BSJ as A full itnek ot Raymond KxUusluu Kullsf Skates oouitautly ou baud, Fire Arm, Fishing Tackl "-AND . Sprtl tiaoS B vary Ueaorlatlesi H. T. HUDSON. 98 rtrat Sir., rOHTLAND, OR. Rend Scent Iu stamps lor nsw IM pag IUu srsted lalugu. Plant Ferry's Seeds and rmn ft He h KtWrtVSl Itl tIIIII. fttWltthiMlt FERRY'S SEED ANNUAL Far INtl.'l Is Invaliisiila In every I'lnnlenl I is an eneeiViifieilf'l nr ins isimm ntnniii I lllioriuatiiiti intiHiiivuiiinauiuuniiii, i Nuiieo jrre. DETROnVi lll. Old Oold aad allsss ftousall saaS sowr nM Q.44 arid mi? sr sr ntau so mm aid ana smiaui isnas of 1 C-ismaa, I Tblid ssrsst, Man rraastasu; I -111 1 Mara Bull ths sash, esauriUn to sassf tfe at aasiaiaotaif wui rssont (ow. FflAZEfl AXLE BestintheWorld! Get thfl Genuine! Sold EvBrywhertl GI1EASE Cp)tLfC!BIC BELT vWXiV'HJV laSaieSaulsess, Latest lmimved. ts recngiilsed by th me-lt- I pr tesaliio a tlia only eommou-eeits bell msdefiir the cur ot Hemlnsl Weatnesa, Cams In tha Hack, lm of Haiaory. Hrabir'a, Nervna Hnaitra tun oraa dtaeaa arlrtng fni'fl jrotnh fill tintlaeretliin. Hellevra In oiw nr t'O day Hneatnaitani, Constiiallnn, I'srslyils, Kidney or Urer Troubles. PrlreBIO. Mend lor el outer. Hen! 0. 0. 1). or on receipt ol price. Address INUOUD StHa , Drsigglats, Oakland. Callfurnla -in tb InHttminMtien. ttntl Httinll, nsitl uihii1 v araSBfiii a 1- 1 .. fori old In lli-a.l S Uttit HIIOM., s Warn- at,, N. T. Directors of the World's Columbian be denied the pleasure of becomine r rr v POSSESSORS who are earliest in seizin upon these limitea. and t me muti snhin-s ' .-... sssms THE COINS: rnnirr ,t ... a..M iiivi ttiii XIII I ICC send exnress Or nrtti-nffu mnnan r r -...v..7 pv- - tltey art Beyond lomparlsool Why? Because They are Odorless, Everlast ng And "BesL" '"1 siampad BaaTKaa - PA. bleaca. us. v nir, CURES Rheumatism. elleved mm sn old Zn''.l y oared emlrei; u,,T, t'Ht d",or'- FROM THE USE OF jr m Croso Cuta, - -W RD.lrln. ' S. r.TS.V. V: 4W. r. S. f . Se. Mr w rrwni