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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 10, 1893)
MI VOL. 10. ST. IIELJSNS, OREGON, FJtlDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1893. NO. 7. , ON 8T JJXJ1 m a m m m m THE OREGON MIST. ItMVKU EVKUV rillDAV moHKIINU THE MIST PUBLISHING COMPANY, J, R. BEEOLE, Manager. OFFICIAL COUNTY PAPER. Subarrlpilan lime. On. cnnjr on year In ailvaucs,, ,..., M On. copy U iiiuiilln.. ,....... J6 HIiiiiIs vmiy ' Advertlanig ! PrfilHnfnHBl n.rtln nti. vr .... .....I 12 One roiumii mi. year , 4 I'-'A Half nullum! on. year 7 (Jttarltir iMiliimn uiih yaar. ...... 41 (HIM llli'll ritiM Hllalllll ! Otitt ineh three month.,,...,,..........,.... Oil. inch .ill mouth. U.eal millii. Id renin per line tor tlmt lit-ar-tloiii lu (villa imr tin lor earn nbeiiieiii III rllou. I.enl ailvertlMmaiiL, II, M) per Inc h for hrl liiwrilmi, ami lb tuL njr Inch lor each lil lUMirlluu, COLUMUIA COUNTY DlltKCTOHY. Sanely Rellcee. MnHn-.H(. lli'lom lxl, Nil. Sl-ttegular enimtiuuloailaii. Itrot ami tlilnl SalimUr III avh mniiih t 7;!i0 r. H. at M.miiiIk lull. Vlll Iiw iti.mliari. In good .imiillnii lu al- !''m v'w.Nir. Uxlp. No. SI lt.t nieellrtlt naiupiny on or wiure w -ii mil ,.. l7:Mr M t Miuotilr hull, over Main harr tto Vlililun iii.iuur. In iMxt .uiiillni In vikxtioaiicml, Onn Cuii'iM-W. Helen. IhIks N. 117 Umi utiiry KalmiUy nUlil t M Tmnalvnl brvilimu lnuol standing cordially luvlieti lo alu-iid. , The null. . . , (town river (Ixnl) eloe al .TO a, M. tP rlv.r liat)i:linn l r. M. 1 lis mall lor V.rnonla awl I'itianurt Imvm St. MIiu Mtuday,, Vieduewtay ami Friday al Tha'mall for Maryland. OlalnlianU ami Mint leave. H'iiiiii Monday, lnoJ.y and Friday at in a. . . - , Mall. (railway) north eloat a' 10 4. at.; lor Purl laud alt r. M Trar.lni' Clal lllr HMlt UtitjuaaO. W. HiiAVna-.UavM u llclsn; lor I'orllaml at II . . Tiily. ThiiradaT and HutiiMay. Ixiavra HI. Il.lrn. for I'latadanl Mauday, dualay and Krlilay ) . HmtMKi lai.ii-lav. HI. Illi fur Port land 7:41) 4. Mi rtliirnlux ll:Wr. M. riTia JonarM Ki.l,on-Uavelt, llrlann for Hurilaiid dully anwiil Holiday, at 7 a. a., ar rWlnr al rurtlau-l at III 0; rifUirnlim, .!. I'orUaiiy al 1 r. a., arrlvlim al u lllu . l'ROFESSIONAL. rilYSICIAN and SURGEON. 81. Helem, Orr-gon. J. E. II ALU rilYSICIAN and SURGEON. t'liiitiii. Columbln county, Or. JR. W. C. BKLT. rilYSICIAN and SURGEON. -, ' - Rainier, Oraion. --' JJK KIU1AM OKIHWOM), ,. DEN 11 ST. Bf. llKLENi, - . - OllKOON ' . All Work Gumnleed. T. A. McIImm. A. 8. Pkm. fcJIRIDK DRKS8ER, AITORNEYS-at-LAW. Orngon Wty , Oregon . ' ' 'Prompt attention glvm litnd-olrlc butlnew. H, l.tTTt.K, " fc 1 A. SURVEYOR and ; s r CIVIL ENGINEER, Bt. Hflmia, Oregon. County amyryor. Lnuil urveylnr, town i.liuitng, tint angl'iewing work pnuiiplly (i onn. W, T. Huwxiev, J. VV. Dhapkr. lURNKY A URAI'BR, ATTORNEYS-at-LAW, Orfgon City, Oregon. ' Tw.lva veara' xpi rlenoe lleglater of tl, t lle.1 Hint UnH Olllce here, recom Hid. In on. -..ecl.lty of 'nd 0' hiialneai before the Liiml Olll'ie or tlie CoVirw nd h.Tolrlng the Oenerat Uui Olllce. , : ' ' - ' ROCKBNBROUOH C0W1N0, B ATTORNEY-at-LAW, ' Oregon City, Oregon. r .i aiuirlal ent of fleneral Innd ofllce. ) ii.m.St l're"inptlon, nd Timber UnTI&ttoM. i.n'.l thr Und Ottl.e bCin.-. l'ily- Office, eecond floor. Land Ottd e Bulllfnc. ST. HELENS HOTEL. J, George, Proprietor, Tnl)le lwy nppll w"h tl.beStedlble ; nd deUcncles the market Hord. . TEKMS REASONABLE . ! FOR REGULAR BOARDERS. ' Ildvlng heen iieyrly wfurnWied, w Mi ' ' .r. to give aatlnfuction to ourpHfon.. and .ollclt i .h.r. of your ( , patronage. CeUHly Olflr.ere. JmW ........ ....Ik-ail Ilaltller rlera K. K. Vlult-k, H'. HiiarllT . A. Mastic, Ht. Hi'loi.n TruMiir t It. M. Wliartnu, HiiltimMa (Illy iill, ol ikihuoU T. J. rieetnii, Vriinuiit W, II. Kywr. Kalnlur Hurv.yur A. H. Liuta. lu uler , . IX. (1. hvho iiof er, Vsriionla w uUM., M.m.r. PACIFIC COAST. Arrest of Mrs. Yesler Said to be a Conspiracy. THE BEE HIVE AT SALT LAKE. Wholesale Thieving Unearthed on the Southern Division of ' the Santa Fe. ' Rlvenlde packer! sod grower ar holding the orang crop back until tb florid (rait It wall oat of market. The contract (or the eonitruction of tho South Ulla canal baa Inat been let to Loe Angelei partlea. The work when com pie ted will ooat 12,000,000. The wife of R. T. Earle, late nperln tendent of the Htockton combined bar eeter worki, beUeTea be ha gone to Mexico with married woman. , - O. W. Holleobeck. the Auburn (Oal.) banker, hat been acquitted on an em bexzlement charge, owing to variance between the indictment and the proof. The Otge canal, which fnrnlahet the water .apply for the new cable tettle menti of Rivenlde.ia being cemented for t diatance ol aix milea, and the work la nearly completed. : Phumlf , A. T., ti apparently in earn est in an endeavor to dolt ihare toward building the proposed Han Dieco end FhmniK railway. Ban Diego olTjr to build to the Colorado river. The Lo Angelee Board of Supervlaor, favor the paisage of a State law provioV lng that new countle cannot be formed without the content of majority ol voter rending within the area of the original county. , , i - The Bradatreet mercantile egenoy re port fourteen failure in the Paciflo CoMt State and Territorial for the past week, a compared with thirteen for the prevloui week and aisteen for the oor repondlng week of lot2. The case of the Illlroil Trait and Sav ing Bank of Chicago agalmt the Lo Angele cable road ba been opened in the Superior Court at Lo, Angelee. Thl la an effort to forcloae $1,044,000 worth of oatttanding mortgage. The Governor of Washington ba par doned Lucius Uontaleeof San Franciac). a marine engineer. Uoniale ha aerved two year in the penitentiary, butreceni clrcnmatanuft prove Ulm innocent of the crime for which he wm committed. Trace of itrychnine have been found in the.atotnaoh ol the wile of Hmry Bent ley at Lo Angele. Bentley mar ried the woman, who wa quite wealthy, and it i charired that be bad boasted he would be dead at about the time ahe died. , A email bird inhabitant the vallev nd canyon putting into Diath Valley, making bi home in the meequit grove abounding there. Hi principal occupa tion eem to be a war of extermination against scorpion, which he i very skill ful In killing. The Bee Hive, the old residence of Briuham Young at Lake and recently owned and occupied by bi ton, John W. Younv, ha been old out on Judgment for $117,413.44. The Bee Hive brought 61,5(17.78 and the other property enough and more to satisfy the judgment. Along the coarse of the AmargoM river, which flow into Death Valley, in many place the depression I below that of the ea level; ae much a 120 feet wa found at point opposite Bennet' Hole. Large bed of extinct bone, rich in borax, coda and other mineral laltq, lie ia the valley. , Sergeant Levin of Victoria, B. 0., who was suspended owing to bis investigation into the manner of the death of A. J. Divis, the Montana millionaire, ha been reinstated. The Sergeant believed that the dangbter-ln-law of Davl pushed him while he wa drunk, and he fell down stair and wa killed. No criminal in tention wa discovered. A tray of diamond wa stolen from H. Wachhorst' jewelry (tore at Sacramento the other evening. One man broke the ptate-glasa window and another covered the clerk with a pistol, while the first grabbed the tray, when both men dashed np the street and disappeared in Chinatown. They had false whisker and oould not be Identified. ! The prospect tor an early resumption ol operations at the Temeecal tin mines tn San Bernardino county, Cnl., are not very encouraging. During the past week the Sheriff has sold at auction a quantity of the movable property of the company to tis(y the accounts of partie to whom the company wa indebted when the mine was closed down some month ago. The arreit of Mr. Yesler at Seattle. Wash., on the charge of having destroyed the will of ber husband, is now believed to be a part of a conspiracy to prejudice the appointment of Mr. Yesler' choice as administrator of the estate, and Low man, the disgruntled heir, is the bead of the conspiracy. - There is much feeling In the city, the Mayor will not involve the city in the suit. . ; " . y i ! Wholesale thieving on the Southern or New Mexico division of the Santa Fe has been unearthed. Brakemen and conductors for month have robbed the car of baggage and valuable freight, and it 1 estimated that $75,000 worth of good have been taken from the car. Ho far twelve engineer, conductors, brakemen and firemen are under arreit, and more arrest will follow. Governor Pennoyer received a letter from Adlntant-lieneral Mitchell of the Oregon National Guard, asking permis sion to use two bras cannon, belonging to the State, for the purpose of firing a ulute on Inauguration day. The Gov ernor sent the following reply; "No per mission will be given to use Btate oon non for filing a aalnte over the inaugura tion of Wall-street plutocrat a Presi dent of the United State." It is reported that m gold bar valued at about $900 was given to the skipper of the wrecked Queen of the Bay by mine owner down on the Lower Califor nia coast, to bs smnggled out of Mexico without oavinc the export duty. The skipper and crew Indu'gad in a costly pree, being drank when the schooner wa wrecked, and it I believed that they pawned or sold the bar. The crew i still held at Ensenad. while the au thorities are investigating this report and also the fact regarding the wreck. BUSINESS AND INDUSTRIAL. English Capitalists Interested In he Coal : Fields of KentuckyGrowth of a Colorado Mining Camp. Four-fifths of the engines now working In the world have been constructed dur ing the last twenty-five year. - In making champagne the gripe are queened six time, each pressure mak ing wine ol a different quality. One of the oldest and most conserva tive trust companies in Philadelphia holds $330,000,000 of trust estate. Electricity ia used for making forglngs, augers, railroad splkee, ball bearing and other article hitherto made by band. The value of the honey and wax pro duced In the United State during the rjaat year has been estimated at $20,000- It I said all the building trade of Chicago will on April 1 demand Increased pay and contract excluding non-onion workmen. Horses are so plentiful In Buenos Ay res that everybody bas at least one. It is said that even the beggar beg on horseback. English capitalist are reported to have become Interested in the coal fields of Ohio county, Ky., and propose to de velop them. The Languedoe Ship Canal In France, by a short passage of 148 miles, saves a sea voyage of 2,000 mile by tb atrait of Gibraltar. The boar of 7,001 men on the Union Paciflo railroad system have been re duced from nine to eight and only seven on Saturday. A druggist t Chicago believe that If he con Id secure the soda water privilege t the World's Fair his fortune would be made for life. An ingenious Boston man ha just pat ented an electrical device designed to automatically play banjos, mandolins, guitars and harps. A year ago there were only fifty people In the mining settlement of Cripple Creek, Col. Now it is thriving town of 10,000 Inhabitant. Four hundred acre of land In Linn county. Mo., fenced and seeded to tim othy, but without buildings, wa re cently eold for $30 an acre. The largest telephone center in the world la that In the Exchange in Berlin, Germany, where 7,000 wire are con nected with the main office. An inventor who recently bad an idea patented In every country of the world where the patent law exist bad to pay Just $14,560 for the privilege. One hundred thousand ton of silver and 300 tons of gold, representing a money value of $4,820,000,000, have been produced In Mexico since 1881. A recent invention Is a new tvne of refrigerator car that can be run for twenty days without re-icing. It is charged with ice and certain chemical. There is a scheme on foot for the estab lishment of a IS.tOO.f 00 steel plant at Galveston, Texas, similar to the steel work at Chicago, Pittsburg and Cleve land. Granite for columns, balusters, round post and urns is now worked cnieny in lathe, which, for the heaviest work, are made large enough to handle blocks twenty-five feet long and five feet in di ameter. When Harrison W. Crosbv first intro duced canned tomatoes he sold them at 50 cent a can. Thl wa in 1848. For a few years past the average price ha been 7 cent for a much superior article than that for which Mr. Crosby received 60 cents. It the ivory trade increase at the present rate much longer the elephant will soon become extinct. One firm alone In Sheffield last year received the tusks of no fewer than 1,280 elephants. A few years ago 800 pair of task were sufficient for them. PERSONAL MENTION. Mrs. Potter Palmer Wants Congress to Appropriate More Money for the Board of Lady Managers. ' , Ex-President Have wa the first man to receive the LL. D. degree from Johns Hopkins. Stephen M. Whit's he stannch Demo crat, is the first Senator from Calilornia who was born In that State. ; Ex-Senator Ingalls is making $5,000 a month oat of his lectures and syndicate letters. This beats being a Senator. Senator Faulkner of West Virginia has placed himself on record as favoring the election of United States Senators by popular vote. . v , . Mr. Moody is tcrapuloas about travel ing on Sunday, no matter how impatient he may be or how worthy the mission on which he may be bound. Mrs. Jefferson Davis distinctly refutes to receive any gift from the Southern State or from private friend, preferring to live upon her own modest income. Mrs. Mand Howe Elliott will try the lecture platform, and if she is as success ful In the new line as she ha been a a writer, the public will be pleased and he will make a bonansa strike. A sister of General Butler, eleven years older than he, i now living near the old Butler homestead in Nottingham, N. H. She is the widow of Daniel a Stevens. - . i. ' "-i Rev. Dr. Henry M. Field ha com pleted his story of the Atlantic telegraph, which he has written as memorial of his brother, Cyrus W. Field, and it will be published in a few week. The heir to the Austrian throne, when he become Emperor, will govern nine countries, bear eighteen title a Duke, one a Archduke, two a Grand Duke and also thirty-three other titles. M. Eiffel wore the rosette of the Legion of Honor as he appeared on the witness stand the other day; He is described as a small, wiry-looking man, who from time to time pulled or stroked hi short gray mustasohe and beard. Toward the fund needed to boy the home of Walt Whitman In Camden $600 ha now been subscribed and $1,60) more 1 needed. It ia intended that the poet' bed-room and study shall be preserved unaltered in contents and all. Mrs. Potter Palmer 1 in Washington trying to persuade Congressmen to vote for another appropriation for the Board of Lady Managers of the World' Fair. Congress ha already appropriated about $90,000 for this purpose, bat Mrs. Palmer wants saoM, ... EASTERN ITEMS. Ex-Governor Thayer of Ne braska Penniless. NEW FORM OF PATERNALISM Canadian Pacific Secures Independ ent Entrance Into Jersey City Etc. Northwestern lows is liable to be in volved in a meat famine. Citizens of Memphis are endeavoring to suppress the evil. About forty employes in the New Or lee j Mint have been discharged. Kansas sends in the best wheat report of any of the wheat-growing States. An Investigation of the ex-offieials of the Illinois Penitentiary is asked for. The Michigan Liquors-Dealers' Asso ciation has organised an insurance order. Small game is reported te be very abundant throughout Alabama this year. Extraodinary precautions against the cholera have been taken at the city of Mexico. " Philadelphia capitalists are figuring on starting a new bank In Wall street with $1,000,000 capital. A Philadelphia syndicate has made extensive purchases of coffee lands in the State oi Oaxsca, Mexico. The managers of the Chicago Fair are counting upon $6,000,003 in receipt for concessions granted by them. Mexico's exports to the United State daring the past fiscal year aggregated $4,949,688 more than daring the previous year. The fifty-cent Columbian stamp. It I discovered by a St. Louis ousiie fiend. contains the picture of a man smoking cigar. The Union Pact So threatens to make the rate from 0den to Missouri river points $20, and 'a hot rate war 1 ex pected. . Barbers in Ohio are agitating for alaw which shall make it legally possible for white barber to refuse to shave a col ored man. Six of the pfibllc schools of Milwaukee have been closed by the Health Com missioner because of their unsanitary condition. In Louisville a man named Manning ha been arrested who ia charged with selling charms warranted to care all sort of illness. The Senate has passed the bill to re fer to the Court of Claims the claim of Jessie Benton Fremont to certain land in San Francisco. A Chicago lawyer has suggested that ex-Presidents, when they possess the legal requirements, be named for Su preme Court Justices. Four saloons were erected In the mid dle of the Ohio river, which wis entirely froien at Louisville, and did a thriving business for many days. As the result of a recent order by the government the immigration -commissions naid bv railroads to steamship companies will be reduced. Governor Hogg of Texas, In his mes sage to the Legislature of that Bute, advocated the taxation of vender oi deadly weapon and cigarette. : Senator Warner Miller says Hunting ton and the Southern Paciflo interest ar . in opposition to the Nicaragua Canal, and their agents are at work in Wash ington. , A bill to prohibit prize-fighting In In-! diana, providing that principal aboald be nned sd.ijuu ana me newspapers $3,000 for printing advance notices, was killed in the Hause. The Geologist of Indiana says that enough gas has been wasted in its belt to supply every family in the State for two years, and that $22,000,000 is but a fair measure oi toe loss. j Police Superintendent Byrnes of New , York haa issued orders to the police to . arrest all beggars caught plying their trade. They had made general nuis ances of themselves. Four thousand new DTStofflces were established during the last year, 557,646 nnmailable letters poured into me doxcs, 04 All nl than, aihnllr without UT Ont- side sign, symbol or address. Miss Neltie Ahem will be the next State Librarian at Indianapolis. This wa decided at a caucus of the two Houses in which sixty-four vote wer for Mia Ahern and only eight for th male candidate. ' A Washington dispatch ays it ha In formation Irom a thoroughly reliable source that M. M. Estee upon the part of San Francisco has offered the Santa Fe $10,000,00) if the road would ootid into the city. The Ohickamauga National Park Com missioners have offered $17,000,000 for eight acres of ground on Orchard Knob. Tennessee, where Generals Grant and Thomas stood and watched the battle ol Missionary Bulge. It has just been shown that Joseph Benton, a negro, hanged in Delaware nineteen years ago for a criminal assault, was an innocent man. A man who as sisted in the arrest, named Morris, and was a witness on the trial was the guilty party, -. ... The Canadian Paciflo has secured In dependent entrance into Jersey City or Weehawken. J. it. Kamsey nas sold his franchise for the construction of a railroad from Jersey City north to the Canadian frontier to the Canadian Pa ri "a Road. The new road will run west of the West Shore road. The United States Supreme Court In the case of Homer, plaintiff in error, vs. The United Suites, has decided that Aus trian premium bonds constitute a true lottery within the meaning ol the stat utes, notwithstanding the plea that they are part of the Austrian debt, and that they are, therelore, not mailable. ' Ex-Governor John M. Thayer of Ne braska, who created a great sensation, two years auto, by refusing to allow Gov ernor Bovd to take possession of his of flon. ia beins sheltered bv a poor soldier In the suburbs of Lincoln. All his wealthy friends turned against bim aftei his exit irom omca, ana mm is nil. NATIONAL CAPITAL. The Commlttes to Ascertain What Action Congress Should Take to Protect the Kaweah Colonists. Senator Dolph ha the Silets Indian reservation bill in proper shape and ready to pass as soon as an opportunity occurs for calling it np. Senator Cullom has introduced a joint resolution requesting the city authori ties of Philadelphia to lend the United States the Liberty bell for exhibition at the World' Fair. By direction of the President Secre tary Foster of the Treasury Department ha directed the Collectors of Customs at New York, Philadelphia and Boston to suspend the refund of duties upon hat material until further advised. It Is understood that M. E. Bell, su perintendent of the Chicago publio building, against whom a report of mal feasance in office was made by Assistant Secretary Lambertson, ha tendered his resignation to Secretary Foster. It will probably be accepted. The experiments in the treatment of lumpy jaw under the direction of the Department of Agriculture are com pleted. Results show that of eighty-five cattle treated sixty-eight were comp'ete ly cured. Secretary Rusk is highly de lighted with the showing. The Oregon delegation has been in re ceipt of numerous letters recommending H. L. Rees of Oregon for appointment as paymaster in the army, and have in dorsed him for the place, but the Presi dent is very likely to name some of his personal friends for these place. . Senator Mitchell ha introduced a joint resolution providing that where an officer of the United State baa been pre sented with a medal and the medal ba been lost or destroyed a duplicate should be issned. This Is meant to secure a do plicate medal for General H. B. Comp son of Lakevlew, wbose medal for dis tinguished service wa (tolen by the Indians. The House Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce has ordered a favorable report on the Senate bill ap-Di-oDriaticg S250.000 for the construction of a ship canal to connect Lake Union and Washington witn ruget oouna. roe bill wa reoorted with' an amendment striking out the proposed route by Smith' Cove, leaving the route to be decided upon by the Secretary of War. The rumor 1 in circulation that, if the present G -ingress does not repeal the Sherman act, Cleveland has said that he will convene the Filtv-third Congress in special session within thirty days after March 4. Representative Mciinnn, a member both of the Ways and Means snd the Rules Committee, says he ha been over the ground caretully. and can see no possible chance of the repeal of the silver acu , The Treasury Department at present hold less gold than at any time since the resnrnDtion act of January 1. 1879. and in the language of a Treasury offi cial the gold obligations are greater, with less than fS,lJU,tiUJ iree goia to meet them, and $2,500,000 gold engaged for shioment from New York for Europe. Treasury officials do not venture a pre diction when the oulfbw will stop, bat tate that they tee nothing serum in the situation.,.ii.Rii.nil John Wanamaker created something of an innovation in official life recently by giving a reception at his residence to the employes and at- f .MTlmAnt nf thai Poilt- offioe Department, as well as of the local poeiomce. xne event va (iibwuto u; - JIhhm Ia wklnh nnitj. nnmhAF fil the UIUUD VW nM.V.a - r.iri. nf h Vnmt ma.tar-(3ftner.l and hi wife were invited. . Thia i the first reception of the kind that has ever neon given by a member of the Cabinet, and it I expected to form an interesting precedent that will be extensively fol- j towea in year to come. . TU. t.i.mI.1. nA lTnnbtvn rVimmnrae rUmmillM Kaa annnlntjvl thai followinff pw in . r, a subcommittee to consider the Nicara- guan canal bill : Patterson oi xennee- . . w , I n; -. T tee, JKavnor oi marytana, rnra oi uw Isiana, Geary of California, O'Neill of Pennsylvania, Storer of Ohio and Honk of Ohio. At least one member of tho committee is strongly opposed to we canal bill. This is Raynor of Maryland. Some others are believed to be lukewarm, nd Genry cannot be relied upon with certainty to favor the bill according to tome men who are familiar with the ait nation. The report of the Silets Indian Com mission, with the draft of a bill for the adoption of the agreement which has been reached with those Indians for the cession of a portion of their lands, has been received in the Senate, and upon the request of Senator Dolph, immedi ately sent to the printer, ao that it may be considered at an early date. The Senator say he 1 going to make every effort to push the bill through, although it is so late in the session that he may find it difficult The bill provides that the land shall be thrown open upon the proclamation of the President, but Mr. Dolph is of the opinion that this will bs stricken oat and the land opened so soon as the agreement I ratified by Con gress. He considers the agreement reached with the Indiana very satisfac tory. Senator Felton from the select com mittee on forest reservations in Califor nia ha aubmitted to the Senate a report on the resolution appointing a commit tee to ascertain what action should be taken by Congress to protect the settlers known as Kaweah colonists, who made homestead and pre emption entries on certain lands in Mariposa and Tulare counties, Cal., which afterwards were set aside as forest reservation, known as the Yoeemite and Sequoia National Parka, and the settler ordered to vacate. The committee recommend that the Secretary of the Interior be requested to appoint a commission of three per sons, one to be named by the Secretary of the Kaweah colonists, who shall ex amine into the right and equities, in cluding the lands and improvement held by each resident settler, landowner and lawful filer upon lands within the bounds of the reservation, and ascertain what consideration and damages may be due the settlers and to appraise the same. The report will be made to the Secretary of the interior, who shall In clude the amount due these settlers in his next annual estimate of appropria tions for the department. The report farther recommends that all lands pat ented to individual In the reservation, to which ingress or egress is denied. hall be appraised and ptussaaMd by the FOREIGN LANDS. The Depression in the British Shipping Trade. NEW MINERALS DISCOVERED. Australia Competes Strongly With France in the Production of Brandy. The National Cat Club of England hag issued its first register of high-bred cat. There fe little probability of the re lease of Mrs. Maybrick from imprison ment in London. The official figures of the working of the " sine system " on the railway of Hungary show moat gratifying result. England will not adopt the decimal c . n-ige for fear the humbler elaese of society may suffer daring the transition. Manufacturers of Manchester continue to run behindhand on their contracts, owing to the scarcity of yarn, resultant irom laoor irouoie. The Russian government hat declined to grant the request of the Russian rail way companies that they be allowed to buy material abroad. In three weeks recently twenty tons of unwholesome meat were seised by the authorities bavicjg charge of the market in the city of London. The water supply of Portmadoc, North Wales, was recently totally suspended through the barsting of a large main conveying the town's water. There are in Iidia 0,612 government savings bankf. holding balances aggre gating over 8SS)i lakhs of rupees. The number of depositors increased 55,000 last year. . There are more tba i 50,000 persons in Pari who earn a living by picking np and making use of what other Deoole thr. w away rags, bones, metal and such refuse. : Twj new minerals, of scientific value only, were recantly discovered at Ceylon. They have been namel respectively Getkie'r'e and Badd-deyite. Both were loana in peooie torm. Mors than eight thousand English women have already signed the protest against the reintroduction of the crino line, and the work of organizing them into clubs is still going vigorously on. The extent of the depression in the British shipping trade just now may be gathered from the fact that altogether 479 vessels, renresentinz a tonnage of 856,000, are laid up at English and Scotch port. Foor thousand nine hundred and fif teen new book and 1.339 new editions. a total of 8.254, were published in Eng land last year. This i an increase of more than five hundred over the produc tion in 1891. - The manufuctire of aluminium bv an electrolytic process i to be gone into quite extensively at Forges, France. Th falls of the Pras river, giving 2.000-horse pswer, are to be utilised and a plant erected soon. . : Indications are cropping oat tending to confirm the rumor that th King of Belgium will visit the Congo country ia April, accompanied by several officer of his military staff, a number of civic of ficers and member of the press. . , A new schema for the extermination of rabbit ia being tried in Australia. Cartridges generating poisonous gas are put in the burrows, the hole are closed and the rabbit are killed by th poison in the smoke, not by suffocation. The British Musenm is not very old, but it haa been an industrious as well as an intelligent collector. It was started in 1755, and ha now twenty-five mile of book and a greater number of curi osities than any other like institution. At Liverpool 156 steamers, represent ing about one hundred thousand tone, are lying idle, and over one hundred ana fifty vessels are laid np on the Tyne. In addition there are ninety-nine British steamers lying idle at Continental ports. Russian female convicts In Siberia are in th future, if a proposal made by the Ministry of Justice to th Imperial Council is ratified, to be exempted from flogging and wearing leg irons. Restric tions in diet and solitary confinement are to bs substituted. The tall tower of London will rise in Wembley Park and surpass that of M. Eiffel by 150 feet, being 1,150 feet from the four concrete foundations on which it legs will rest. It will be on rising ground and overlook London on one side and Harrow on the other. . Mr. Morley has offered the retiring Lord Mayor of Dublin the dignity of a Privy Cocncllorshlp. Thi is the first time that the honor ha been offered to a Nationalist who haa never identified himself in the slightest degree) with any of the great English parties. Australia Is entering into strong com petition with France in the production Of brandy. In 1892 the colony of Vic toria exported to the United Kingdom 63,010 proof gallons. It is said Australia can produce brandy that will stand com parison with the finest French cognac. Cecil Rhodes, Manager of the British South A'rica Company, is contemplat ing the advisability of extending a tele graph line from Cape Town to Alexan dria, via Uganda, Khartoum and the tiwns along the Kile. A company has been formed, It is stated, with a capital of $2,000,000, to carry the project into ef fect. As a result of the Panama troubles the famous Drachenburg, the most bean tilnl castle along the banks of the Rhone, which has been admired by thousands of Americans, has been sold. Baron Sarter, who became immensely wealthy in work on the Sues canal, spent $5,000,- 0X0 on th castle. He lost his fortune, However, in tne ranama undertaking. Austria announce an electric locomo tive which is to travel 125 miles an hoar, Th Independence Beige follows with the statement that the North Belgian Com pany and the North France Company are constructing a line for locomotives. ' operated by electricity, on which the i journey from Brussels to Paris, about ' one hundred and ninety-two miles, will be accomplished in eighty minutes, a peed or nearly on Honored ana nity amusaa aoaa, 1 PORTLAND MARKET. Frodaa. Vnilt. at. Whiat Nominal : Valley, $1.20; Walla Walla, $1.10(31.12 per cental. Firo Standard, $3.60; Walla Walla, $3.60; Graham, $3; Superfine, $2.60 per barrel. 0x1842(3)430 per bushel ; rolled, In bags, $8.26(650.50; barrel, $6096.76 j ease, $3.76. Hat Beet, $11013.60 per tonj com mon, $9.00 10.00. l&ajunvrr Bran, $18; shorts, $20: ground barley, $28324: chop feed, $20 per ton; whole feed barley, $18(19; middlings, $2324 per ton i brewing barley, $1.00(81.15 per cental; chicken wheat, $1,10 1.20 per cental. Bonn-Oregon fancy creamery, 859 $7,c; fancy dairy, 8032c; fair to good, 2527c; common, 1617o per pound ; pickle roll batter, 4055o per roll. Chixss Oregon, ll(813c; Eastern Twins, HJic ; Young America, 15c per pound. Koos Oregon, 32c; Eastern, 2t per dosen. Poultst Chickens, mixed coops. $4 : old hens, $4.605.00j old roosters, (4 S ducks. $6; geese, 111 per dosen; tur keys, live, 1213c; dressed, 16 loo per pound. VatMTABL Cabbage. $1.0Cai.60 per Rental ; onions, 90ctl per cental ; pota- toea, 90c$l per cental; tomatoes, 40(9 oucper box; Oregon turnips, 75c$l.uO per cental: young carrots, 76c(a$l per cental; sweet potatoes, $i.60(gl.J5 per cental; Oregon cauliflower, 75c$1.00 per dozen ; celery, Due per dozen. Fauna Sicily lemons. 16.00 per boxt Calilornia, new crop, $4.505.00; Ore gon pears, $1.26l.o0 per box; bananas, $2.503.6O per bunch; oranges, seed lings, $3.003.ZB per cox; navels, Ituu 04.60; cranberries, $12.60 per barrel: apples, $1.00(12.00 per box. ' ' Stavaile ereeerlas. -Horn Choice comb, 16017 per pound; new Oregon, 18020c Salt Liverpool, 200s, $16.50; 100s, $16.60; 60s, $17.60; stock, $10.50(311.60. Dsjud Fanrnr Petite prunes, 10 12c; silver, 11 14e; Italian,l214c; German, 10(3 lie: plums, old. 5at3c; new. 739c: apples, 6(3 11c; evaporated apricots, lDCgioc; peacnea, izoioc; pears, (sue per pound.. Bica Island. $4.75(36.00; Japan, $4.86 percental. - UOSteb xonm xuca, sio ; mo, wc ; Salvador. 20c: Mocha. 2730o: Java. 27X30c; Arbuckie's, Midland, Mo- kaska and .Lion, low-pound cases, 26 85-100e per pound; Colombia, same, 26 35-lOOc Bbaks Small white. SMc: pink. Set bayos, 8Wc; batter, 8c; lima, 334e per pound. - ' r n i . i , iflrr. . half-barrel. 42M67Kc; in cases, 86i 80c per gallon ; $2.26 per keg, California tn Darren, aiosue per gauon; fiwo per IsijaaJ. Net prices : D, 4c ; Golden O, 4si; extra O, 4Xc; Magnolia A, 4?c; granulated. 6Aic: cab crashed and pow dered, 6Jte; confectioners' A, bc per pound ; maple sugar, 100 10c per poona. Cakh bd Goooe Table fruits, assorted quoted $1.7632.00; peaches, $1,8602.10: Bartlett pears, $1.7602.00 : plums, $1.S7J 01.60: straw Demes, z.a(sz.4o; cii er nes, fZJ3OJl.4U; Diack Demes, si.eoo 2; raspberries, $2.40; pineapples, $2.26(8 2.80; apricots, $1.66(82.00. Pie fruit 1 Assorted, $1.20; peaches, $1.26; planus tl.10Al.20: blackberries. 11.26(91.40 per dozen. Pie fruits, gallon Assorted, $3.1503.50; peaches, $3.6004.00; apri cots, $3.6004.00; plums, $2.7603.00; blackberries. $4.0004.50. Vegetables t corn, $L40(91.85; tomatoes, $1.0001-10; sugar peas, aoc9l.w; string Deans, tun 5c per dosen. Meats: Corned beef. Is, $1.50: 2s. $2.40; chipped beef. $2,560 4.10: lunch tongue. Is, $4.00; 2s.ttt.78; deviled ham, $1.7592.70 per doeen. Fish: Sardines, H; 76cO$2.26; H". 12,1504.60: lobsters. $2.3003.60: salm on, tin l-lb.tall,$1.25f 1.60; flats, $1.75; IllMk, x.60; x DM., $&.). Nim Bas Quotations: Iron, tl 75: steel, $2.75; wire, $2.60 per keg. lao! Bar, zkc per poona ; pig iron. $23026 per ton. BTsxii iomc per pound. Tm I. O. charcoal. 14x29, prime qual ity, $8.5039.00 per box; for crosses, $2 extra per box; roofing, 14x20, prime quality, $6.7607.00 per box; L O. coke plates, 14x20, prim quality, $7.6OS.O0 per box. . LkAD4c per pound; bar, 60. . Shot $1.80 per sack. HoasssHosa $6. ' Navai, Stores Oakum, $4.6006 per bale; resin, $4.8005 per 480 pounds; tar, Stockholm. $13.00: Carolina, $9.00 per barrel ; pitch, $6.00 per barrel ; turpen tine, 65c per gallon in carload lotsk, HldM. Wal and Hotm. V HiDss Dry hides, selected prime, 60 8c ; Ke less for call : green, selected, over 66 pounds. 4c ; under 66 pounds, 3c ; sheep pelts, snort wool, 8050c; me dium, 600! 80c; long, 80c$L25; shear ings, 10020c ; tallow, good to choice, 8 3Vc per pound. Wool Umpqna Valley, l017e; fall clip, 13016Xc; Willamette Valley, 15 18c, according to quality; Eastern Ore gon, 10O16 per pound, according to condition. Hop 12O190, according to quality. Yhe BUatt Mark, ' .. ; Bzsr Live, 2)'3&e oar pound: dreaeed, 4)'07c. McTroa Live, 4O40 per pound; dressed, 8c; lambs, live, . 404)o; dressed, 80. Hoea iAf, o(aoc per poona ; areesea. Te. ; - ., : Yai 4(370 per pound. Bmokbd Meats Largs ham, 170 17 c; medium ham, 17i018Me; break fast bacon, 1718ac; short clear sides, 14X16Kc; dry salt tides, 1314o per pound. Labd Compound, In: tin, 13c; pare, in tin, lb 017)c i Oregon, Ud I2j4 per pound. ' ' ; Th. Prapat Parwa. "Bub, how far is It to the daypol" he asksd at a lad on Jefferson avenue yesterday. "Daypo Is Franeh, tant ler queried toe Hoy ka reply. .; .," ; ';;;'.-;.;' "Yes." rv.; v "Then you'd better ask soma Frenchman,; You couldn't find it In EngHih." Datrois Free Praia ' : : i f - i . ' " Why destroy present happiness by a distant misery, which may never come at all, oi- yon may never live to see it, tor every substantial grief has twenty shadows, and most of them shadows ol year w malting. BjAutj SnU. , i OREGON. (vtiaiaeM. ' V A.,.,