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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 24, 1893)
OREGON MI VOL. 10. ST. HELENS, OREGON, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1893. ST NO. 9. I lib. UKLUUN MIST. lHKU KVI.IIV IIIIOAV ItlOltMIMi '' " -BT- " THE MIST PUBLISHING COMPANY, J. It. BEEOLE, Manager. OFFICIAL COUNTY .PAPER, Rwfcscrlpllen Male. On O'M'y nn yrur In fclram- .i tu ' Out i'oiy ! uiuiillu... , 76 Vinyl, iMi;y. ..,,, , ,,, ,,.,, a AdverlleiMg Male. canli on yr , I 1 Oneeuliiiiin mi yuar 1J4 Hull noliiimi mi year 7.'. UiurlsriMiliimuoii )r... ....,.... ill Oualiiill uii, iimulli... . ..,........, i On liii'h Hire ui(Mitln... Un liiuh U iniihlli. , ,. , 1,'M-nl miilena. tft-enlaMir line fur ArM lii-er- mini IVM'VIII. lr (III. nir Mi ll BIIIMUnpitllll in urllini, l.on.l ilverllannanl. II, W wr Inch for llrt mrii 7ft Mill ivr Hu ll lor ri-li iiiln 1'ivui tiiavruvii, rm.l'Miii I'nnvTV iiiiitfr-'mitv . Oaauly Olflrer. JinUa - l' n Hlam-liar-l, Italtilvr CI- , K. K. (Hlrk, H', llvlaiia xnmin , ,i. a. Maul,-, mi. Hi-tana Ir.n.ur r K. M. Wharton, Culntnkla L'ltr SUM. of kVhouU..... T. 1. clwluu, V.rm.iila AwiMir..,, W. II. Kjriwr, Rainier iirvi))nr........ ,.A. H. I.IKIv, Ita'Uler i'iim.Hlul,.n. IH. 0. Hi'liu iiiiirnr, Vrnoiil, .,.., )( w nrusa Mmttt, IU.J. . . ... ........ i ... Saeivtr Italic. MAaaxtc.-Mt. ll.lrn. lto, Nn. M-R.iiular ctimiiiiiiiii-aiiuiia nr.( ami hum Hamruay in a?n month M)r. M. alMaxtnio hall. Vlit- ln in.uiMtn hi good Hamlin Invited to at toml. M.KI(-,-Hilnlr fMf. No. Il-Hlated . millii Kalurtlay on or lmor h full iiiihim . at 7HU r, . at MaMinlu hall, war lllaiM-liaril mm. Vialtlu mointwrs lu jood aiauillni In iiiijii m ait.ini, Ion ri.i..iw-Ht, Helena l1ita Nn. 117- Mrat ttwf HaluMav iilchl at 7 ,4) Traiinlmit hrvihran la gaol alaiiilliix eurillally Invlicii lo aiianu, Tbe IMalla. Pawn Hv.r (Immi) nlnwi t SO t. K. I n rlrar (Ixrailclo.o. II t r n i'Iomm t i r. m. lha raall lr V raoula ami rill.iiiirs laari tit. Ilploin MbDilar, Hwlii.a.lar and Ki rldajr at IK 1 ha mall far ManhUnd. Clat.kanla an.t MM laava. (tulnil Moii.lajr, Hwlnaulaf anil Friday atl'iH. M.IUIrallwav) north cloaa a1 10 a. H.i tut 1'nnlaud al S r. H. a. i1 - - Travelers' iil1e-Hlver Hasile. t n. W. HllAVaa- Uatrea Hi. Ilrlrna far f.trlland al 11 H. 1'ti.iHlav. Thurlav anil Matnnlar. Ij. Ml. Il.lrn Irir ( lalaliaiil Monday, W, liwl.y and Irlday al 00 a, M. Hrami Ikai.ii-I.ovc. ml llrln lor Tort land J . . n. rauirnlns ai i;M r. a. Kr4NB Jo.ierM Kli.Mna-l,iavn Ht. Ilvlana for I'orliand dultv tril MlltulaV. at 7 . M.. ar rulm al 1'iirtlaud at ID Ml: n'tnmlii. Inaie furtlanv al I r. M., arrlilliK al MU itrlrii. alt. I'ROFESSIONAL.. jjii. u. R. curt, rilYSICIAN and SURQMOX. 8t. Helens, Oregon. JU J. K. II ALU PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. CUukiiiii. ColuniMa counly, Or. jrR. W. C, BKI.T, PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. Ralnltr, Orcaoa, D tt WILLIAM OKUWOLP, DENTIST. 8t. Helens. Okkoon .'"'All Work Guaranteed. T. A. Mi-llama. A. 8. OsiMsa. M' liHIUHK DKKkDKR, ATTORNEYS-at-LAW. ( , ... , Oregon l ity , Oregon . Prompt attention given Und-oillcebtiBliien. A. SURVEYOR and CIVIL ENGINEER, St. Heleni, Oregon. ' plaulngVanaenKineerlng fS3Xl-Sa done. W.T. Hukhsv. J. W. DiAr-K. t'RNY 4 PRAPKR, ATTORNEYS-at-LAW, Oregon City, Oregon. " Twelve veara" ewrlenc a Reglnter of the United Slate Und Oltlce here, recom- IliemH ll in oils s prriaiiy """,."; 1... .!.... i.f.,i 1 1 Land Oltire or tne Court and involving the Ueneriil ltml Ofllee. .. . ' . vTrnjCKKNIIBOUOH COWINU, ATTORNEY-at-LAW, Oregon City, Oregon. itatesneclnl agentnf General land cilice.) ljtiHi application, aim v- . . . 1 1 lim.. atiennd floor. I a am-cialty- Office Land Ollli 0 DiiiUling, ST. HELENS HOTEL J, George, Proprietor. Tables always supplied wllh thebestedlblns nd delicacies tbe markot aUbrd. TERMS RBA80NABLM PflV REGDLAR BOARDERS. VII Having been newly refurnlnhed, are prepared to give satisfaction te all our patrons, and solicit a share of your patronage PACIFIC COAST. Navajoes Assume a Threaten ing Disposition. salt lake raises a bonus. Labor Element of Montana Takes Measures to Shut Out the Mongolians. Ths lot in the Fraaer river It bracking op. Ths Oregon Senate dm passed a free- ooinsgs resolution. A burglar In one night at I'lirunls. A. i., entered, lour oiiicea, a bank ami a atitble, and was captured on tbe follow- lug morning. TM Kara loes are Miumlna a threaten' ing aiapoeiuon. oau wniiajr ii luougnt to nave much to do with tbe continued trouble on tbe reservation. Halt Lake haa completed the rali'ng of 1100,000 In money and 100 aorei of land aa a bonne for the copper reflnrr pro- poeea to be erected 07 Meuri. roeev a ureen. Tbe State and Boutliern California Beekeeper' Association will petition tbe legislature for an appropriation, to be ued for tbe publication of convent on proceeding! and to tame bulletins 01 in formation to boney-proaucere. Tbe Bradttreet mercantile agency re nort sixteen faienres in tbe Paciflo Uoaet Btate and Territories for the past week, as compared with fourteen lor tbe previous week and twelve lor tne corre sponding week 01 iwi. An Irrigation company proposes to dam tbe Mohave at Victor Narrows, where the river passes through a granite orge 176 feet In height and not over It 0 feet across at the widest point of tbe proposed dam. A lake will be formed nine mile lone, three to five milea wide and of an average depth ot thirty leet, with u flldent water to Irrigate 257.000 acres of government land, now nnoccu pied lor the most pars. Indian cayuiee are dying by hundreds on the Umatilla reservation, ltie snow 1 reported to be three feet deep, and me cavnscs are unauie to reacn me grans, luelr owners, true to in titan tradition, neglected to provide last eommer lor possible cold winter. Many who were rich In ponies when tbe winter began wilt come out in the spring on an equal ity with their roirest neighbors, so far as wealth is concerned. Petition are now being circulated In all the labor eenter In Montana for the enactment of a bill, an Important section of which is a follow : " That It will be unlawful for any offloer o tbe btate of Montana or any omcer 01 any town or elty thereof to lesne a license to engage In any kind o( buiiness within this Btate to anv person or person not cltixens or not having declared tneir intention 10 hamma cltiaana of the United State." This Is a sweeping Wow at tneutuneee and will, if it become a law, uu up ... , . , - WtiZX" "Um,rT by Chinese id the State. Tha mtnln. fever ha broken out in M-Hnnt Or., and nrofesslonal. buxtness and laboring men are looking toward tbe hill and anxlonaiv awaiting a aciuo- mant nf tha weather with a view of tak ing a prospecting tour. New impetu is given to the excitement each day by the return of nrosnecior wtin specimen ui rich gold-bearing quarts and glowing ac counts of tbe p:iibilltie of the mineral belt of Southern uregon. jmh an pre vious rotnrni were totally eclipsed when D. H. Horn came to town with a pock etful of quarts. Many ot the specimens contained almost an equal amount 01 gold and quarts, some of tbe particles 01 gold being as large aa a pea. rive pound of thl rock, when pounded ont bvahand mortar, produced over $10 which wonld run the percentage np to the modest turn of $40,' 00 to the ton. It is reparted from Central Point, a station on tne romuero ruriuu iuur . .. . . n . I n..lll. miles west ol Medlord. Or., that the i pailmal mmMBr has entered into an agreement with F. T. Fradenbnrgn to carry passengers between that point and Crater Lake In the Cascade Mountains. The distance from the railroad to the lake 1 e .htv m ea. and a stage line 1 In Ka natatiliaimrl hatwaen the two points. I - T? I 1 V. Ik. r.ilrnAfl haa guaranteed him 1,003 passenger at S each, lie has aireaay puroua-eu eum- elect stage coaches to accommoiste this nnmhar of tnnrlata. and it ia bis purpoee right for driving, and the round trip can ha mail a in Ave daVS Without a change of horses. It is thought that Crater Lake will be popular retort for tourist and plaamre seeker tm summer, ins possibility of the reservation ol this land k tha .iiArnmant for a national park probably accounts for the action taken John Haye Hammond, General Man ager of the Bunker titu ana aumvan u ver mine at Wardner, Idaho, ha re ceived word from Northern railroads: which ha about convinced him that he will olose down the mine. Nearly a 1 of the other great mine will alo cm a down. For ome month past Mr.. Uammnn.1 anil nthar of the MiCC Own- er' Aeoclatlon have been endeavoiing to get reduction of freights irom tne T- " . a Wt I Id a.ll- Northern Paciflo and Union Paciflo nll centrales to ilu, - u in.. I,.m muu u fir malrera. Mine owner have gone so tar a to offeradidingscaleof compensation for carrying, o that wnen invar ana nma nn airaln the railroad will re ceive more than they did before. To these overture, however, tne rauroaaa have been deaf, and a (so Mr. Hara fallal It ia coating them nearly double to work their mine than it doe u. u..i .nJ nthar mina owner at BnJto nd Anaconda, near at hand, they cannot continue anu dhi bout March 1. Mr. Hammond said : 'I don't see any other way to do. We have either got to cut on the expenses of mining or In freights. We cannot, however, ont enooga - uPJ l.C" T,e 'T net on tmuiiKii umoijuv. .. tl on freight,; in. ouiioo ..h ?l!"ZV. .hr. for rnlnlna in gen- ...11. .V-Iil h. stharman ant." I Vim in W J-arwe aue NATIONAL CAPITAL Senator Stewart Gives Notice of a Sub stitute to be Offered by Him to the Nicaragua Canal Bill. The sundry civil bill a reported to the eenate came tne total appropriation np I to $40,360,110, an increase of 24,11 over tbe hill a pesned by the lloute. The correeprmding bill last year appro priated Z7,UUO,U7D, The President bas approved the quar antine bill, officially known a tbe ''act granting addition! quarantine power and imposing additional dutie npou tbe marine hoipltal service." lie also ap proved tbe act providing for lighthonee and otber aid to navigation, known a the "omnibus lighthouse bill." If the Oeary exclusion act. providing. that all Chinamen who have not regis tered May 6 next (hall be shipped to uhlna, is carried into euect. It looks as if very few 'Chinamen will be left in New York city. Bo far only two China men have been registered In that city since 1 lie ueary act went into enect. Cullom Introduced Joint resolution transferring to the Btate of Illinois after the World' Fair the naval exhibit for the use of the armory for the naval mi litia of tbe Btate. Cockrell of Missouri objected, saying this was simply an en tering wedge of Chicago to got every thing that wonld be sent there for exhi bition. Tbe resolution was referred. Senator Squire has been successful in eettins: amendments incorporated in the sundry civil bill and having them agreed to by the Benate. Among tnoae which be bas secured are the following: Ma rine hospital at Port Townsond. $30,OJU; amendment to Wilson' Gray' Harbor lighthouse. provision that it shall be contracted for; establishing a fog bell at Mitrrowitone Point, Puget Koundj (3,600 increase for repairing l'ghthonses, and increase for lighting Ptiget Bound: also an Increase for survey for public land. The prospects for Hawaiian anneiat ion are not so fright a when tbe new first teached thl country of tbe revolution on the islands. Senator Sherman Is quoted as not being sure of voting for annexation, while there are enough Democrats opposed to it to make it doubtful if a vote cm be rear bed tbi season. Ol course 11 it could re imme diately taken np next aeesion the treaty might be accepted. The rpponents say that in times of peace tbi country can maintain a coaling station on the is'snd, while in case of war Kng'snd could take the Island away from us. 1 he oppo nent of annexation are also insisting that the seal of secrecy (hall be taken off tbe treaty and everythingronnected with It and public op 11 ion beard tbrongh the newspaper boiore the rjena'e acts. Senator t-qulre ha Introduced an amendment to the deficiency appropria tion bill and had it referred to hi Com mittee on Public Building and Grounds providing that 130,000 be appropriated lor tne purpose 01 carrying out tbe en abling act admitting Washington and granting $30,( 00 for a penitentiary. The reason this grant was made was re"anse the 1 overiiment had expended f.-0,lKK) In 1) kota and the same amount in Mon tana upon a penitentiary which was turned over to these States, ami the m amount we appropriated for Washington and North Dakota, a tne erison of Dakota Territory went to Hontn akota. An appropriation baa already been made and work begun on tbe North neen maue ana wora uegan on imngnn "0U P.nitenti?ry, 3 L?en.or lee no reason why Washington should not have her $30,000 lor penitentiary Senator Stewart haa given notice of 1 substitute to tie offered by him to the Nicaragua canal bill. It authorises the President to contract with the govern mentsof Nica and Costa Rica for the right of way for an interoceanic ship canal between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans on-tbe route proposed by the Maritime Canal company 01 aicaragna. tbe canal to be constructed, equipped and out in operation within ten years. It authorise the President to negotiate with the canal company lor the purchase ot all it rights and property; also to issue bonds not exceeding $100,000,000 in amount, ana peering intereeraoiover 3 ner rent, not over I8.0J0.00J of which shall be paid to Nicaragua and Coeta Kica and the canal company, ids Bec- retarv of War. through the engineers corps of the army, is to build, construct and equip tbe canal. I ! .k. I Representative Cox. member of the Banking and Currency Committee and an advocate of free coinage, bas prepared a bill to repeal the Sherman silver law. Tbe bill repeals the Sherman law, and re-enacts the Blind law of 1878, with the proviso that the leiial-tender charac ter of the note issued nnder the Sher man law shall not bs Impaired. The Secretary of the Treasury Is directed to have coined the bullion purchased nn der the Sherman law into standard sil ver dollars and to cover them into the revenue of tbe Treasury, but the silver dollar provided for nnder tbe Bland act, which la re-enacted, are to have priority in coin hit o far as practicable. Treas ury notes issued In payment for the bull ion are to continue redeemaoie a now. aa provided by law, ana wnen redeemed are to be destroyed. The tax of 10 per cent on the circulation of State banks i It waa Impossible for the Senate Com mittee on Appropriation to hold it own against the river and narnor compila tion, and in every cut made in the amounts appropriated, over which there was any dispute, tbe committse was beaten. It was so with the appropria tion for the cascade of the Columbia, where 81 nators Mitchell and Dolph made their fight. In this Instance Senator Squire took a stand which showed that he was also alive to the int resta ol hi constituents in the appropriation! for improvement of tbo Columbia In ad dition to what was said iy the ten Pa ciflo Senator, tht y all made speeches in favor of the larger appropriation. In the House bill the appropriation was $1. 419,250, more than 2 0,( 00 above the amount for which the contract was act ually Jet. This gave tbe committee a chance to make the cut, which was fixed at $809,000 in the Senate. Senator Mitchell theu offered an amendment fixing the amount at $1,239,653, and on this proposition the fight was made and won on an aye and no vote of twent-four to twenty. Attention was called by the ofpnents ot the appropriation to the fat t that Senator Mitchell's amend ment railed for $50,000 more than the contract, and the Oregonian- explained tht something had to be allowed for eaunerviiion of government engineers After it wu over there was no further nU that the power of tb. Oregon Sena- '" " EASTERN ITEMS The Prices of Farming Land in Western New York. BRUTISH MEDICAL STUDENTS Tammany's Banners Will Appear , in the Van of the Inaug urating Parade. A sewing-machine trust la being ormea in tne cast. Half a million year 1 to be spent to protect new xork'a water supply, The amount of tobacco cbewed in tbe United Btate last year waa eighty-five tons. Crusades have been started in Georgia and Massachusetts for the extermination of dog. Tbe Vanderbilts are said to be after control of ail tbe railroad trailic in New England. The city of Philadelphia 1 likelv to be ruea oy immigrant ter good ruined in disinfection. To shortage of natural gaa I attri buted a great many pneumonia deaths in i'lttsourg. A big St. Louis trader is making heavr bets that this year'a crop of wheat will be larger tuan laet year s. A bill is pending in tbe Missouri Leg islature fixing a maximum price of f-tO a yearior teiepnone cuarges. The Virginia State building at the World' Fair will be a copy of Washing ton nome at juount Vernon. Tbe street railway system of St. Joseph. Mo., will be sold under foreclosure of mortgages the first week in May. Kepoits show that the prices of farm- Ing land in nearly all sections of Western New York are steadily decreasing, Governors rf Southern states are asked to meet at Richmond. Va.. April 2. to consider pians to aeveiop tne Boutn The Pennsylvania House has passed. 150 to 18, a bill to prohibit the manu facture and sale of cigarettes in that State. Cincinnati medical etsdents got into a row in a dfeeecting-room and belabored each otber with fragments of human bodies. The Lower House of the Maine Legis lature has adopted resolutions asking tor the anal burial of Air. Klaine'e body in Maine. The Chronicle has been established in Brooklyn to advocate tha consolidation of New York city and the City of Chnrchea. There is one bill before tbe Illinois Legislature to cut down street-car fare In Chicago to 8 cent and another to fix them at 4. Indiana's Supreme Court decided that trunk lines could be assessed and that the law creating a Board so to asses tbe roads was legal, The Indiana Honse of Representative bas passed by a vote of 73 to 1 a bill for- 1. j 1 i: j , rv 1 x uiuuinK raving uuriDg Lnsuciuuvr, duo ary. February and March. Ex-Governor Foraker has been nomi nated by Governor McKinley as a suc cessor to ex-President Hayes on the Board of Trustees of the Ohio State Universtty. Testimony has been introduced before the special grand jury at Newport, Ky., to show that eight Conncilmen divided $8,000 among themselves for the granting 01 an eiectrio-ught contract. The colored citixens of New York city nave atartea a movement in opposition to lynch law, and they intend to form IrW I J uaa BWi UU IrUUr lUIVUU W lUlUl I branches hi all large cities for the pur- I pose ot arousing public sentiment. 1 A bill haa been introduced in the Mis-1 soori Legislature dividing penitentiary convicts into three classes and allowing them a certain pay per day, to be saved lor them tin tne end ot tneir terms. Senator Berry of Arkansas is influ enced by ex-Representative Berry ot California in his action on the debris bill, and declines to make a chacte in the penal clause that has been suggested byuaminetu. A company 1 being formed for the purchase of the New York 7Yr?ir. The preeent company is capitalised at $100.- 0t0. bat the new company will have $1.- (KiO.OOO capital, of which, it is said, $900, 000 will be paid for the Time A Minneapolis Legislator bas taken the bun by tne home, lie oners a bill making it an offense punishable by a fine of from $5 to $25 to manufacture or offer for sale "hoopskirte or anything like thereunto, within the State of Minne sota.' The molders at Whitely'a reaper and mower works at Muncle, Ind., demand ucuiiui an increase of wage, and say that it the company does not acoede to their de mands the whole factory will be tied np and l.wo nana taie. Tammany' banners, so Inglorlously borne in Chicago when Cleveland was nominated, will appear in the van of the inaugurating parade. Jt la estimated that Tammany's expenses for Cleve land's glorification will aggregate $105.- 0G0, refreshments not Included. The Railway General Managers' As- ociation has given official notice in ad vance of any demanda from the employe that thty will not be disposed to con sider any demands for an inorease oi wages. The association represent twenty-one railroad entering Chicago. The estate left by Dr. Norvln Green. President of the Western Union Tele graph Company, 1 estimated at $750,0X1. mostly in stocks and bonds. He owned four fine places of real estate in L'nis ville, two farm in Carroll county, Ky., another four miles from Louisville and one near Madison, Ind. Tha new West-bound tariff,' which after a month's session the Transconti nental Railroad Conference formulated, haa been given out. There lean average reduction of 0 per cent on all freight rates from St. Paul to Spokane, a reduc tion of from 12 to 16 per cent on Coast rates, and from 2 to 7 on rate to Mon tana, while the only East-bound reduc tion is to be on lumber, from 55 to 50. and the East-bound lumber rate to Chi cago and St. Louis remain at 00 and 77X respectively. .. 1 1 PERSONAL MENTION. The Current Reports as to the Wealth of the Late Bishop Brooks Wholly Without Foundation. Mrs. Emmons Blaine bas given to the city of Augusta, Me., $10,0(0 to fonnd tiDrary in honor 01 her husband's mem ory. Katharine E. Conwav. recentlv an. pointed one ot the Police Commissioners 01 Massachusetts, is one of the editor of tbe Boston Filot. PrauE. P. Sueson, the first Russian woman to take the degree of doctor of medicine, recently celebrated the twenty filth anniversary of that event. The next Fourth of Julv will be a bis occasion in Newbaryport, tbe colossal bronte statne of William Lloyd Garrison having to be unveiled at that time. Donna Isadora Cousine of South Amer ica, who is claimed to be tbe richest widow in tbe world, haa an income of $80,000 per month from her coal mints alone. Henry B. Fuller is writing a novel on Chicago society life. If he knows much about it and tells what he knows, hi book will have great run outside of Chicago. ' A gypsy aeeree predicted that tbe Archduchess I sa belle of Austria wonld have twelve daughters before a son and beir varied the monotony. She bas got as far a No. 7. Charles de Lessens, in the Masa prison at Paris, is required to make hi own bed, clean np hi cell and wash hi own dishes disagreeable duties tor man of the world." Little King Alphonse of Spain haa pulled tbrongh his attack ot scarlatina, and wonld be qnit content to tee doc tors, who dosed him with nasty phytic, led away to oe executed. Louis Jennings, formerly of the New York Timet, who baa sat as a Conserva tive lor many years in the noose ol Commons, announces that he will soon retire irom Parliament me. Emlle Zola's aspiration to seat among the immortals of the Academie Francaiee are not hampered by a lack of ready money. He is very rich, and 1 said to have made ovor $400,000 from the sale of bis novels alone. Li Hung Chang. Viceroy of Chins, ia one of the most important people in the world, although bis name is so little known over here. He is first and last a patriot, and his watchword is China and her treasures and commerce for the Chinese. He has never sought popular ity, neither is be afraid of opposition. So far as is known. Admiral Sir Eras mus Ommannev la now the only British survivor of the battle of Navarino. Born in 1814. he waa then middy of 18. Sir Erasmus is beet remembered in connec tion with the Arctic search expedition of 1850. when he was ivcond in command. and discovered tbe first traces of Frank lin. For his service on that occasion Be received knighthood. A friend of tbe late Bishop Brooks au thorise tha statement that the current reports aa to his wealth are wholly with out foundation. The only use which Dr. Brook cared to make of money waa to distribute it among those who needed it tnd bis daily life waa marked by open' handed and tender charity. So far was he from using his talents as a means of accumulating property that at the time of his death he had not sufficient income beyond his salary to support his simple ana unassuming manner ot lue. BUSINESS AND INDUSTRIAL. The Silk Manufacturing Indus'ry Makes Amazing Progress In the United States in Last Decade. The output of American manufactories for the past year was $7,215,000,000 in value. vi w uwisibiwbvu V v vvwa. bjia hundred deposits of iron ore in the Slate TKam aaast I m iawf fit Ka n warns 01 Missouri. ; Southwestern Missouri furnishes 80 per cent of the aine or mined in the United States. It coats the United States government $1,600 a day for firing morning and evening salutes. . ; The Pennsylvania system of railway haa now a length of main track aggrega ting 7,979 mile. s There were 180.000 person without Occupation of any kind among the im migrants ot low. A single row of nearla aa large aa oea. and periectly round, war sold recently in Pari, for $120,003. ' Hard coal loses 8 per cent in bulk per annum when exposed to the weather. Soft coal loses 12 per cent. Ohio brickmakera are using a clay- digging machine that doea the work of from seventeen to twenty men. More than one million two hundred and twentv-flve thousand persons live in tenement bouses ia New York. In tbe southern provinces of Russia a artnk resem oitng nranayis 00 wine distilling the Juioe of watermelons. drink resembling brandy -i a obtained by The value of Pennsylvania's silk pro duct last year was nearly $20,000,000, or six times what it waa ten years ago. The largest needle manufactory in the world Is i Redditoh, Worcester, Eng land. Over 70,000,000 are made weekly. The Languedoe Ship Canal in France. bv a short passage) of 148 miles, saves a sea voyage of 2,000 miles by the Straits of Gibraltar. . , . On the farm of J. W. Fitsgerald. near St. Mary, Kan., there are three artesian well that vary in depth from 600 to 1.200 feet, and about 2,400 gallon of brine per hour flow from them. The Whitman A Barnes Company 1 going to Chicago to erect the largest olant in the world for the manufacture of mowers and binders, as well aa some additional lines of agricultural imple ments.',-:'' -v-':""""'":..'." "-" The United States coniular service Is nearlv self-supporting, for it yearly turn over to the Treasury upward of $1,000,- 000, collected la fees, ana does immeas urable good not to be gauged ia dollars and cents. (! 4 1 The silk manufacturing industry has grown amaaingly in the United States in the last decade, according to the census figures. Production has doubled goods to the value of over $69,000,000 having been tnrned out In 1893 against $34,500.- 000 in 1880 : the number of hands em ployed baa increased from about 81,000 to 61,000; while the number of spindle baa expanded from 508,13f to 1,254,798. FOREIGN LANDS. All Europe Experiencing Severe Winter. ' THE FLOODS IN QUEENSLAND The Russian Tcwn of Tikhvin Be sieged by Desperate Fam ishing Wolves. Over 118.000 people emigratad from Germany during the year 1892. The flood at Brisbane and other narta 01 iaeeniiana can sea a loss of $16,000,- The sentiment in favor of protection Is said to be making rapid progress in cugtanu. A Russian officer. Captain Smoiloff. has succeeded in training falcons to carry dispatches. Boulangist grouD are to be axclndad from narticioation in tha Labor-dar eaU eorauon in rans. The prediction that cholera will be epidemic all over EuroDa this anrinv ia ODiaining strengui. Italy proposes to increase her revenue by controlling a monopoly in petroleum ana atconouc iiqnors. The Bank of Spain will consolidate the Cuban debt, and will Issue large loan to liuoa ana ron iuco. Earthquake at Zante have caused in creased panics. The people are fearfnl tnat tne teiana win collapse. It is reported that there was a falling on in tne vaine 01 both the imports and exports 01 r ranee during usuz. Only forty-one pleuro-pneumonia cases have been discovered in lix month in American cattle imrxWed into England. New south wai will impose a 5 per cent tax on tne income derived from property in the colony by absentee own ers. In Moscow tbe temperature averaged 13 deg. below tero for over thirty days during tne end 01 December and tbe first week ot January. An English court is trying to settle who owns the $125,000 left undistributed when the law recently checked the "missing word contest." "Mile. Nevada" has an engagement to sing in the Krench Italian Upera Company. Her voice bas gained in strength since her marriage. ' Tbe crinoline qnestion is settled once for all, aa the Princess of Wa'es has taken a decided stand against the tablisbment of hoops in any form. The New South Wales Legislative As sembly, like the Victorian Legislature, has adonted a resolution in favor of tha faxing of absentee owner of property. Tbe American Mini-ter bas requested the German Consul atSlevaw, in Afittic Tnrker. to inanira into the bnrninir bv a Moslem mob of American girls' collr gs at aiarsivau. , Arranze-nents have been made in London to transport to Chicago for nse at the World's Fair seven English ooaches and sixty horses, together with professional drivers and guards. The statement that the Cxar of Russia is soon to assume the title of "Emperor of Asia." as a set-off to the title of Em press of India, assumed by Queen Vic toria, is generally believed in European political circles. The present year will see some ener getic work in London in connection with electric railways, that between Finabury Park and Moorgate street being already in a forward state for commencing the actual construction. Tbe people of Bristol. England, are about tb construct costly harbor works, with a view to the attraction of ocean steamship traffic. It waa a Bristol ship that first touched the shores of the American Continent. It waa reported in Vienna three weeks ago that tbe Russian town of Tikhvin. in Novgorod, was beeeiged by wolves, famished and driven to desperate bold ness by the intense cold and snow and consequent scarcity of food. The cold bas been excessive in St. Petersburg and for weeks wood fires have been burned in the squares and streets of tha city in an effort to make ceceesarv outdoor business endurable. The streets have, how ever, been practically deserted. It is said that mail matter dropped in the postoffioe at Paris is delivered in Berlin in an honr and a half, and seme times in thirty-five minutes. Tbe dis tance between tbe cities is 750 miles and the mail is sent by means of pneumatic tubes. The medical history of cholera In Rus sia last summer is of a highly encourag ing nature. It shosrs that by proper sanitary measures cholera can be kept out or stamped out to m greater degree even in districts most favorable to its development. The long distance marching comDeti- tlonsby volunteer soldiers in England are discountenanced by the Commander-in-chief in a recent order. He thinks they result in no practical good, and may cause individual harm through undue Stress of effort. "The sentence on De Lessens is a sen tence on France," says the London Tint: "and the ignominy poured down on that feeble old man ia degradation for the people who flattered and caressed and glorified him as long as the capital waa left to spend." French War Office experts are divided in opinion concerning the value or dan ger of E'ffdl's tower in case of a seige of Pari. German ataff offloer have written quite freely ebout the matter, principally holding the view that the tower would afford a fine target. A proposition is made to connect Great Britain and Ireland by a tunnel driven under the North Channel of the Irish Sea at its narrowest part, between Coun ty Antrim in Ireland and Wigtown ia Scotland. The length of the tunnel wonld be some twenty-seven miles. Cesa-e Qrsini. whose appointment as Italian Envoy to Msxico ia announced, is a brother to the leader in the at tempted assassination of Napoleon III, while the latter waa driving to the opera P lice Orsini, whose name waa given to the kind of bomb ieed oa that occa sion. PORTLAND MARKET. Pradaaa, Fruit, Eta. WmiAT Nominal: Valley, $1.17j Walla Walla, $1.10 per cental. Floce Standard, $3.40; Walla Walla, $3.60; Graham, $3; Superfine, $2.50 per barrel. - Oats Choice, 4344c per bushel; fair, 40c; rolled, in bags, $6.2536.50; barrels, $6.6006.75; cases, $3.75. Hat Best, $U13.50 per ton; eon, mon, $9.00010.00. MrlLsTcrrs Bran, $18; shorts, $20; ground bar ley, $23 34; chop feed, $20 pea ton: whole feed barley. 800850 percent al; middlings, $2324 per ton; brewing barley,90(S93cpercental; chicken wheat, $L10j1.20 per cental. tJuTTsB Uregon fancy creamery, so(a S7Xc; fancy dairy, 3032c; fair to good, 2627ic; common, 1517)sO per pound; pickle roll batter, 405oo pet roll. Chick Oregon. Ilai3c: Eastern Twins, 14o; Young America, 15c per pound. Eoos Oregon, 27Jc; California, 27io per dosen. PonWRT Chickens, mixed coops, $4.50 6.00 ; old hens, $5.60; old roosters, $4.50; ducks, $5.U06.50: geeee, I10 0J11.00; per dozen; turkey, live, 14(3 16c; dressed, 1617c per pound. VaoHABLss -Cabbage, 11.75 31-85 per cental ; onions, $1.5 J 1.75 per cental; potatoes, 90ci$l percental ; tomatoes, 40 50c per box ; Oregon turnips, 7dcjgTl.U0 per cental; yonng carrots, 7dcft per cental; sweet potatoes, $1.6U1.7& per cental; Oregon cauliflower, 7dc$1.00 per dozen ; celery, $.00 per dozen. Faorrs Sicily lemons, $6.50(36.00 per box; California new crop, $4.60(85; Ore gon pears, $1.251.60 per box; bananas, $2.503.50 per banch; oranges, seed lings, $2.00(32.60 per box; navels, $3.50 (4.00; cranberries, $12.60 per barrel; apples, $1.00(82.00 per box. Staple oroaerie. Hoifir Choice comb, 1517e per nound : new Oregon. 18020c. Salt Liverpool, 200s, $15.50; 100s, $16.60; 60s, $17.60; stock, $10.50(311.50. Dhisd Fauns Petite prunes, 10(8 12c; silver,ll14c; Italian, 12(3 14c; German, 10lle; plums, old, 66c; new, 7tfc; apples, 6(8 Uc; evaporated apricots, 10(8 15c; peacnes, lzsioc; pears, (gun per pound. Ricb Island, $4.7605.00 ; Japan, $4.85 percental. Corraa Costa Rica, 21e; Rio, 21e; Salvador, 21c; Mocha, 2730e; Java, 27XO30C; Arbuckie's, Midland, Mo kaska and Lion. 100-pound cases. 25 85-100e per pound; Columbia, same, 25 85-lOOc Bsass Small white.-SVc; pink. Set bayos, 8Mc; butter, 80; limas, Sj4o per pound. Sraor Eastern, in barrels, 40355c; half-barrels. 4257 Wc; in eases, 350 80c per gallon ; $2.25 per keg. California la barrels, 20(40c per gallon; 11.70 per keg- . buaAB net prices: u, c: uoiaen u. 4ic; extra O, 4c; Magnolia A, 4,Hc; granulated. 6Mc: cube crashed and pow dered. bJie; confectioners' A, 6c per pound; maple sugar, 100 ise per pouna. Cahhbd Goooe Table fruits, assorted quoted $1.76(32.00; peaches, $1.85(32.10: Bartlett pears,$1.75(i2.00 : plums, $1.37b tjiu; strawberries, az.a(gz.D; ciier- nea, $X25X40; biackberriea, $1.00 (3 2: mm berries. $2.40: pineapples, $289 2.80; apricots, $1.662.00. Pis lruits: Assorted, $1.20; peaches, $1.25; plums, S1.10OL20: blackberries, $L25L40 pea doses. Pie fruits, gallon Assorted, $3.1503.60; peaches, $3.5004.00; apri cots, $3.5004.00; plums, $2.75 3.U0J blackberries. S4.00 (24.50. Vegetables! corn, $1.4001.85; tomatoes, $1.0001.10; sugar peas, 95cO$1.00; string beans, 90O 95c per dosen. Meats: Corned beet, la, $1.50; 2s, $2.40; chipped beef, $2,550 4.00; lunch tongue, Is, $4.00; 2s, $6.75; deviled ham, $1.7602.76 per dosen. Fish: Sardines, Ht, 75ca$3.25; K, 12.15(34 50; In hate, r. 12.30(33.60: salm on, tin 1-lb. tails, $1.26(81.50; flats, $1-75; SlbSn $2.2602.60; X bOL, IO.OO. , Tha xtaa Mark. Basr Prime sters.$3.8504.25 ; choice steers. $3.7504.00; fair to good steers, $3 003.50; good to choice cows, $3. ISO 3.50; common to medium cows, $2.60(3 2.75; dreesed. $1.6007.00. Morrow Choice, $4.5004.75; fair to good, $4.0004 50; drcesed, $8.00; lambs, $4.00(84 50; dressed, 11 uu. Hooe Choice heavy, $7.007.25 ; me dium, $8.500675; light and feeders, $6.266.50; dressed, $7.W. VXAIr-$4 00(97X1). Rinn Mcat Large ham. 17(3 17)c; medium bam. Vl 018c ; break fast bacon, 170180: short clear sides, 14X01534; dry salt sides, 130 Ho per pound. r v n A I- t-a 1it, " VUUlfJUUUU. U. . " ',v , pure, in tins, 16017tfe; Oregon, U 120 per pound. ; MlaeeUeaeon. N Ana Baas Quotations t Iron. 1 3 75 : ateel, $2.75; wire, $3.60 per keg. Iboit Bar, 2Jo par pound; pig Iron, $23026 per ton. btbbl tu.o P pouna. Tne L O. charcoal, 14x20, prime qual ity, $8.6009.00 per box; for crosses, $2 extra per box : roofing, 14x20, prime quality, $6.75Of.00 per box ; L 0. coke plates, 14x20, prime quality. $7.5008.00 per box ; tern plate I. 0., prime quality, $6.8807.00; 14x20, $13.75014.00. Load 4cper pouna; oar, 00. Shot $1.80 per sack, Hobsbshobs $6. '," Naval Storbs Oakum, $4.5008 per bale: resin. $4.8006 per 440 pound; tar, Stockholm, $13.00; Carolina, $9.00 per barrel; pitch, $6.00 per barrel; turpen tine, 660 per gallon in carload lots. Baas aa Basra-la. Bnrlana. 7-oa.. 40-inch, net CSJh. Ac: burlaps, 10-oa,, 40-inch, net cash, 7c; hnrlana. 12-os.. 44-inch. 7e ; burlaps. 15-os., 60-lnch, ll)c ; burlaps, 20-oa., 76- inch, 14c w neat bags, uaicuita, mxoo, pot, 6io; two-bushel oat bags, 7c One of tbe peculiar fentures of school life in New York is tbe reading of the lUc ot contagious diHc-asea in tha city, The list ia furnished to teachers by the henltb bonrti, and when it ia reml t he pupils 11 re asked if any of them live In that vicinity. When a boy or girl stands tip, he or shs la taken aside and crosir-questlonea, Ii danRor ia suspected tbe youngster is sent borne. , - . In many warm countries the sole supply ot Ice depend upon its artificial manu facture, aa it would be irapoaaible toexpurs tt without absolute loar Of lata year the' manufacture ot artificial Ice ha aiwitmeil larg proportions in the United bUMs. , HT HELENS OREGON. v if