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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 4, 1892)
Deaiand the Difference. 'In buying baking powders, as well as any thing else, insist upon having the worth of your money. If another brand is urged upon you in place of the Royal, bear in mind that it has from 27 to 50 per cent, less leavening strength than the Royal, as shown by the offi cial chemical tests, which is equal to from 13! to 25 cents per pound less value than the Royal. If you buy a low class powder, see that you are charged a correspondingly lower price. A long Spas of Win. ' It is Claimed that the longest span of telenuouu wire ia across the Ohio river. between Portsmouth. O., and Sonth Portsmouth, Ky. The wires at this point pan the river from a pole on the Ohio aide, measuring 103 foet above ground, to the Kentucky hills on the opposite aide, the distance being 3,773 feet Ls tween poles. The wire is made of steel, and its sice is No. 13 gauge. Philadel phia Ledarer. JUST A LITTLE pain neglected, may become RHEUMATISM, NEURALGIA, SCIATICA, LUMBAGO. Just a little SPRAIN may make a cripple. Just a little BRUISE may make serious inflammation. Just a little BURN may make an ugly scar. Just a little COST ' will get a bottle of ST. JACOBS OIL, A PROMPT tad PERMANENT CURE. Years of Comfort against Years of Pain for JUST A LITTLE. A eony of the "Official Portfolio ot the World's Columbian Exposition," deMripttv . of Building, and ground., beautifully Ulu. traced, in water color edecta, will be aent to any add res. upon reoeipt of Ic. In postair tun pa by Th. Cbablss A. VoesLU Co Bauimobj, Ma. Tobacco is man's most universal luxury; the fragrant aroma of Mastiff Plug Cut starts people to pipe smoking, even those who never used tobacco before. J. B. Pace Tobacoo Co., Richmond, Vs. When you ask your gro cer for Java, he does not offer you Maracaibo and say it is "just as good." When you ask your drug gist for Scott's Emulsion of cod-liver oil, if he is honest, he will not try to sell you something "just as good." Why do you want it ? The answer is in a book on care ' ful living ; we send it free. Scott & Bowm.ChamH i Soata eta Anna, New York. , Your druggist Inept Scott'. EmuMoa of eod-IHrer Ml all drusguaa mrywhora do. tu August Flower' " I am happy to state to you and to suffering humanity, that my wile has used your wonderful remedy, August Flower, for sick headache and palpitation of the heart, with satisfactory results. For several years she has been a great sufferer, has been under the treatment of eminent physicians in this city and Boston, and found lMtle relief! She was in duced to try August Flower, which gave immedaite relief. We cannot say to much for it" L C. Frost, Springfield, Mass. HUf Trad Mark la oe lb. beat WATERPROOF COAT riumtac n the World I WS? A. J. TOWER. BOSTON. MASS. IP Save by Narrow Margin. - The culture ot orth Dakota is being sadly maligned by a story that is going the round concerning Judge Ia,utlr, of Wsh peton. It bsppeued that that worthy, who was I hen plain Mr,, reasoued with him self that the title of judjte is most honor able, and at once set himself to gain it. Out in the western eud of his state his campaign was conducted by one DowsfiVld. a Dakota newspaper man with all his An gers in the political pie. liowsfleld told the people how this man who should com . was a horny handed son of toil, honest, un cultured, hard of head and chock full of common sense. He hail no false ideas of etiquette and was not bothered by the fashions of society. In short, a man of the people. Then on a day there came Lander to speak in that country. There had been great preparation for his coming, great ex pectation of his arrival, and all the town what town prudence forbids me to say was at the station to meet him. The train came thundering across the prairie, sliding upward in the long perspective of the rails, till at last it stopped, and there issued from it one combed and brushed and spick and span, with boiled shirt and highly pol ished shoes. The crowd fell back in dis gust, but ere their eyes had had time to take in fully the disgraceful sight Bows field had the man by the arm aud dragged him out of sight. What then he did to the unfortunate Lander no man knoweth to this day. But when the time for the speech arrived the speaker was dusty, unkempt, untidy, and there was not a vestige of polish on his shoes. Bowsfteld explained that the boots had been blacked by the porter on board the train without Lander's knowl edge or consent and by the skin of his teeth saved the day. Lander won the prize, but by a close shave, for rumors of that boiled shirt and those polished boots lost him four towns. Su Paul Globe. Senator Sherman's First Campaign A congressman tells this story: "When I was nominated for congress I was in donbt about accepting the nomination, and I went up to see Senator Sherman, and I told him t here was no chance of my being elected. He advised me strongly to run, and said: 'You are a young man, and you can't tell what will happen. I was nomi nated just as you have been, and I had no more chance of being elected than yon have. I hadu't much money, bnt I had an old whita horse and a rattletrap of a bnggy, and I took old Whitey and drove around all over my district. Every village I came to where I could find two or three men standing together I would get out and Jump upon a chair or a store box and make a speech to them, and I did this at every crossroads in my district. Well, when the vote was counted I was defeated, as I ex pected to be, but before the next campaign came on the Kansas-Nebraska troubles had entirely changed the sentiment of the dis trict, and there was a fair chance for a Whig to be elected. " 'I was away ahead of all the other com' petitors because the people remembered me from my speeches and I got the nomina tion which resulted in the election and which sent me to congress. It may be the same with yon you can't tell what will happen. Public sentiment changes rapid ly in the United States, and a new issue may spring up any day which may revolu tionize the thought of other people."' Washington Cor. Indianapolis News. Why Polly Was Givea Away. I was standing at the office door at one of the Paterson (N. J.) docks, when I saw coming toward me a forlorn looking man tn sailor garb. Under his arm he carried a box with a few slats nailed on top. I looked in the box and there was a young polly. The sailor told the "old, old story" arrived in port and money soon spent, and for a few dollars I could have the bird. I bought the parrot and hnng it np in the office. She could only say words in Spanish, but she was quick to learn. Men came several times a day and backed their horses on the ferryboats and dumped a load of coal in the hole. Not more than a week elapsed before ona day one of the cartmen, with a load of coal, left his cart, as he was called away. The parrot began, "Back! back! back!" as he had beard the men say. All the time the horse was backing, and finally the last "back" dumped horse, coal and cart into the stream. This is a true story, and the men at the dock and office made np a purse and gave it to the cartman for a new outfit. We gave that parrot away the next day. New York Recorder. j coaaranmaa's Great Speech The other day I was listening to a con gressman relating to a small circle bis experience at a recent convention. 1 will make a secret of his name, as I pro. pose to live long and uninterruptedly in the land which the Lord elected, and in no wise crave to be cut off in the blush ing morning of my days. The fact is, this statesman ia a very broad, athletic one, of a shifty and uncertain temper. "Yez shonld have heard me speech, he said. "It was a lulu. And 1 paid me respects to .Congreeh, too, me boy. I toold 'em the way matters had been mishinanaged we wouldn't have the money to meet the expinses of the pris int physical year. Thin 1 bore down on the hypnotizin prachticed in this house.'' "The hypnotism?" queried a listener. "Yis, the hypnotizin. The appint mint of alt thim sons and ree-Iatives of congreshmin to loocrative stipinds. Here's the b'ys of three congreshmin on the page's roll naw, be hivins, earnin their seventy-five dollars a mouth the year 'round and tliuiij li'ys, mind yez, only nine and tin years old, and the legs of thim no bigger than sphindles. t should say it was hypnotizin. "And thin," continued the congress. man, "whin onr man wint through all right I jumped np and moved to make his nomination ceremonious, and thin the (oon began." "Unanimous, you mean, corrected an auditor. "Well, phwativer it is. I done it, but they voted it down. AH the same he's nomenated, which is what we were after." Washington Cor. Kansas City Time. A NIGHT ON THEBJVER THE LAST RUN ON THE MISSOURI OF THE MARTHA MITCHELL, Uaageroe Snag That Are m Con.tanl Meaae te .River Tram The Sleepy . Pilot ot th Mitchell Wa Meohanlcal ' aad the Boat Went lowa. Never doubt anything you hear about the treachery of the Missouri river. The oldest pilots on the stream those gril led fellows wbo went to Fort Benton on trips that netted from $3,000 to 20, 000 each will tell you that a "tie up' over night is the only way to insure the passenger that the morning Will not find them stuck on a bar in mid stream, or, what ia worse, camped on shore with the boat pinned by a snag and settling in the mud. No modern snag boat can keep the channel clear of the heavy logs that are always floating down from somewhere up along the Dakota, Iowa or Nebraska shores, green at tlrst as torn from caving banks, but dead, hard and splintered when most dangerous. Snags that stick their noses above the water are little to be feared, but the hidden logs, those whose limbs are caught in the mud, while the trunk swings np within a foot or two of the surface, have always made steamboat ing on the Missouri a precarious occupa tion. 1 remember one instance, however, in which a visible snag sent a good side-' wheel boat to the bottom on one of the clearest, brightest nights that ever hung over the river. It was in 1830, or per haps a year later. The boat was the Martha Mitchell, a tramp from the low er waters, running from Cincinnati to New Orleans. She was making a trip to St Joseph with provisions for the plains, mostly bacon; and bacon, let me tell you, was a necessity In the west then. The passenger list of the Mitchell was heavy, so that many of the travelers were forced to remain on deck. It was 13 o'clock on a moonlit night in August, The captain had gone to bed for a won der, and only a sleepy watchman woo sat astern represented the executive among those awake on deck. A dozen passengers were seated about the big bell forward, telling b tones while they reveled in the beauties of the night. The moon was shining with a clear, white light that made everything for 100 yards ahead as plainly visible as at noonday. There wag no noise save the dull throb, throb, throb of the engiaes, the gentle puff of the released steam iind the breaking of the water on the wheel s paddles. Sundenly Jack Carnthers, a young fellow from St. Louis, gazed forward in the course of the boat, and pointing to a rmail, black object just discernible in the distance, asked: "What's that thing, boysT "A log probably," returned an old timer. "They're always floating about." "Bnt I've been watching it," Carn thers went on, "and she hasn't moved much."- The entire party looked at the black object in the distance. It grew plainer the boat climbed the stream, but not as if it were floating down on the cur rent the approach was too slow. 'See there! Carnthers exclaimed. It's swinging from side to side." 'Funny," said the old timer, "but if she's a snag the pilot 11 get around it all right" By this time all of the deck passengers were looking at the black object. The boat did not change its course. There was no more comment all eyes were riveted on the dark spot in the river. When the boat was within forty feet or it the old timer sprang up and placing his hands in trumpet fashion about his mouth called back to the pilot: "Hello, np there!" There was no reply, and the nose of the big boat continued straight for the object. "Hello!" chorused the party. "Well, what is it?" came a gruff an swer. . "Throw her hard to larboard," the old timer said; "There's a big snag twenty feet in front." There was a clanging of bells below decks, and the passengers in their berths felt the boat lurch violently as the ma chinery was reversed and the steamer answered her rudder. But it was too late. In thirty seconds there was an other jar, greater than the first. The Martha's nose seemed to climb into the air. An effort was made to back the boat, bnt it would not budge. Then the passengers became panic stricken, run ning about in their night garments and threatening to jump overboard. The clear headed captain was on hand in a moment, however, and before the old steamer had settled a foot every passen ger was started for the shore. In the morning we watched the cabin of the Martha float off while we stood on the great bluffs just above Roche port' Then the hulk sank out of sight The owners of the Martha did not save their bacon. The sleepy pilot saved his by escaping through the woods. We only wondered that he did not run us ashore before the accident, bnt the captain said that he knew the river so well there that his work was mechani calDetroit Free Press. Eleetrle Test for Spurlon. Coin. Some interesting tests with alternating currents and a particular form of mag net have been made in England. Among the experiments shown was one which illustrated a new method of detecting counterfeit coins. A genuine coin, being a good conductor, was held between the poles of the magnet, bnt a bad coin, not possessing that necessary qualification, immediately dropped when placed in po sition. St Louis Olobe-Democrat, , ' Bather Mixed. The following was the peroration of an orator at a political meeting not long ago: "The time has come when we must leave off voting for ornamental princi ples and vote to put bread and butter in our pockets." " Wise aad Old. Ha (rejected sultori You condescended to look upon my suit with favor ones, Mist Bond. B be Yea, I was young and foolish then. I bar gained wisdom with age. He (savagely) How very wise you must be by this time.- Yankee Blade. A Breathing Spell. A sleepy little soul at bed time found it bard work to keep awake when ah knelt Jown to say her prayer. Half way through i th stopped and sighed; "Well, I've got froo the worst of It, roswrns," New. York Trib- OUR AWFUL FIGHTER. A 'frit 8tor t Why He Joined V and Why II UIIU It having become nolmd about that w were going to.ntak a boneback trip through a portion of the cattle country, various indi vidual, mad application for situations. W nnnlnl only a cook and a man to take charge of lue baKKtttf. ""t th applicant kept com ing, and the day before w left a chap ap peared wbo Introduced blinsslf a Awful lavuv "Uok-hre, fellers, b began In a bud new way, "I want to b counted tn on this, Indeed, It's a slight on mo that you badut pplied ror my aorvlcea You'd have been in purty pickle to hnv. gun. without th un ilwuigneu." W'heh uked to explain what peculiar valu his asrvit-Mi might bav to us he uttered a long whistle of aurpriae and replied: " well, yuu are Innocents, aud no ml. take 1 Who's going to do your fighting for you t" As the Indians were at pno w aunii ex pect any trouble. Uhl you dou'tl (lira me, nut what dear, good little boyal lujuusl Nobody said In- june. It's the while men you've got to look out for You're going among th tufTest lot in tli whole world. They are right un th fight all day and all nl.-hv. Any on of th gang ran turn himself kxm and hammer llamas out of the whole (Ire of you In to minutes. lie wanted to go along to do our fighting. H would furubih bis own mule and make th trip for a dollar a day aud hi keep. When asked If he had any recommend be put on an injured air and answered: "And you never heard of Awful Davis! Never beard of the man who has fit Hfty-aix fights and come out on top every timet Pur tend that you want a certillcat of character from a feller who fights, .landing, kneel ing, or lying on his back I This make uie weary I" W talked It over and dually engaged nun. and when Informed of the fact he replied: Very well, gentlemen, rrom this mo ment you are in my keeping. Just plut out th kua you want pulverised aud I'll do the business. 1 shant put airy limit on you. lin to light day or night and to lick six men a day. If you could briug about three or four a day for the nt-xt week 1 should feel obliged, as my liver is a leetle torpid and I want ex ercise." ' During the first day's ride we met but few people. One of those was an old Indian, lame In the left leg, and Awful Davis halted the party and observed: "Oeuu, did I bear any of you tell m to lick this copper reptilef" None of us bad told nun so. "I beg your pardon, gout. I want you to understand that I'm alius on band. I'd like to git down and hammer him fur the benefit of my liver; but ot courts I'm under orders." ft bad pitched camp and were waiting for upper whuu a cowboy roue up. The greet ings were friendly, and be got down to uave a bite with u& lie was hardly on the ground before be saw our Awful tighter and uttered a humph I of disgust. . What you got tuarr be asked. He's our tighter." Your tighter! Did you bring bun along to fight anybody or anything!" He hu ed to us to do our llgbting, b't he's bad no show yet ell. 1 11 give him a show I Come out o that you cowardly kyotel" The Awful was skulking behind the bag- gaga He rose up at the command, and the cowboy shouted at him: Bill Wbeeson, I know ye and 1 owe y one. Come out bere and earn yer hire i" la that you, Jim Phillip" queried our Awful as be advanced a step. Of course it's me, you r alter cur from th bottom lands!" And you wont to flghtf I want to show them 'ere gents that you sr the biggest liar and coward in America! Come out herel" Gents, is it your wish that I proluos a funeral borer asked the Awful as be turned to us; "thai 1 bang bis feechurs into one bloody mass kill him deader'n a beef bone with one blowf We answered that it was. "Here tie one band behind me tie both hands behind me tie my feet together, and I'll lick him then!" bowled the cowboy. "Jim rniliina, you haven t got two inlnits to exist!" solemnly announced the AwfuL Tm comln fur ye like a dozen cyclones biled into one! Look out, now f He spit on his bands and stepped back, as if to get a running start, and next thing we beard was the thump! tbumpl of bis feet as be fled afar Into the darkness. Borne time during the night be returned for his mule. Next morning we found the following ex planation scrawled on a piece of paper and tuck into a split stick: "Soezed with sudent yillnese good-bLn New York Bun. IrrepreMlble Boya. -An attempt was made at Belfast the night before the Fourth to prevent the small boys from making the night hid eous with the ringing of bells. Notwith standing the vigilance of five policemen, one of whom was stationed at each church, the boys succeeded in entering one belfry by the lightning rod. The police force might just as well have at tempted to stop the sun from rising. Maine Letter. , Butterflies lo the Snow. D. L. Mann, of Sugar Pine, one of onr practical woodsmen, was in town last week. He reports that millions of but terflies are in the snow belt of the Sier ras this year. He says that in riding through the snow clouds of them were seen by him. They were so troublesome that his horse would snort and shake hit head to keep them out of his nostrils. Tnolumne Independent Indigo for Bee Sting- I see that a lady in Jersey City has died from blood poisoning from a bee sting. Had she gone into the nearest laundry and rubbed the part affected with a blue bag she would be now alive and well of the sting. It is an effectual remedy. I know several cases where indigo applied in that simple manner never failed to cure. Cor. New York World. So there are 64,500,000 of us! Super, intendent Porter thinks that the census of 1890 will give the United States about those population figures. There is no cause for complaint This gives ns near, ly 15,000,000 more than we had ten years ago. No country can show greater ad vances in wealth and population in the past decade. - A remarkable invention has been made in Austria whereby the serious effects of railway collisions are prevented. Glass tubes project before the train, and if they are broken by an obstacle an elec tric movement is applied to the brakes, bringing the train immediately to a standstill. Twenty-eight people are reported as having left Moosehead lake in one day within a week because it is so cold np there. This news won't be likely to make other folks desire to keep uva from that part of Maine. : Mrs, Elizabeth Stuart Phelps-Ward is described as a shy woman of delicate features. Her eyes have a look of sad- 1 fess in them. The strength of her face appears in her forehead. She is a quiet but engaging talker. inmnkliin H"Uba A coiiir'"'.1 oujmgMl in tlie mannfao ....... r ....ll.ulviu ' in this eitv hits for sale now small bombs about the sis of frankfurter smittaK, witn wmon u is ..! !.. rurimir can brimr down small showers of rain wheuevor he sees clouds over his lund, ti. .,uiii..iit. f nna hnmb are di vided Into two parts, liquid and solid, which are notn snpuratuiy nonexpiueive. Im bent aenarate until the time comes to nse them, when they are mixed. I'l,!. ...11.1 nnrt la nlwmt an Inch in di ameter and eight inches In length, and .. .. OT, 1 . , Is wrapped in cotton, inese iwiiiue are ..I I,, nnutvui tin IwiVH.. iuuih linld- rinvvM iu ft " - - iug ten. A small tin measure, contain ing the llunld part, accompanies each lw r la i.fuilimtAfi alinw the nnan. tity needed to saturate the bomb to the exploding point tifiv lmmlut mav lie need, ajv cording to the amount of rain needed or the detonation required, now in la needed is a dubious matter. The bombs are tied in a bundle, a time fuss is attached and the whole lot discharged from a mortar and at the passing cloud. In hlllv rmmtrina tdomla often nasa nvar the vnlluva and dischanrs their contents ou the barren mountain sides. In such regious, it Is said, the bombs will be particularly useful. New York World. A City Marshal Abroad. One of the city marshals who took a vacation recently and went to Frauce fouud what a big man a marshal over there is anil how muJn a marshal's btulgo amounts to. He started to go to several places of public interest in Paris at an hour when they were not open to the public. At the entrance he was stopped and told that the places were closed. Ho said that he was an Ameri can mid had only a short time to stay tn Paris, and that if he could not get in then it would be too late. That made no difference until he happened to put his band in his trousers pocket for some change with which to try "to bribe) the attendant. His coat was unbuttoned, and his arm pulling back the lapel showed his big city marshal's badge in blue, gold aud gilt, with the word "Mar shal" on it big enough to be read ten' feet away. As soon as the Frenchman saw the word marshal be became obse quious. The American marshal, as the city marshal became known, was shown around with a great deal or considera tion, and the Frenchman declined to ac cept a fee. New York Sun. A Matrimonial Compliment. Mr. BipjM That medicine I took this morning makes me feel like another man. Mrs. Bipps Well, I hope to goodness yon are. It ia time. Epoch. "Brown'i Bronchial TroeW are excellent for the relief of hoarseness or sore throat They are exceedingly ell'eetlve. Sold only in bote. Price, 23 cents. You can tell enndtriat foroMe by the bow be make., the 10111 he wear, aud th (rip and olg.r. he gives. Stats or Ohio, Citv or Toi.sdi,) I.l'CAU COUKTY. 1 Frank J. chkn y make oath that be Is th e lor partner of the Arm of F. J. ( hsnsy A Co.. doing bualnnw In the clljr of To'erto, county and State aforeeuld, and lht .ld firm will pajr the urn of ONK HUMiHKI) UOIAAKK for each and ever? case of Catarsh that cannot he cured by theuteof Hall's Catarrh Curs, FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and lubecrlbed In ray pres ence this 6th day of December, A. D. lwut. saat.1 A. W. 0 KAHOS, Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internal y, and act directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Sernl for tmUmonla).. free. f.J CHUNKY A CO., Toledo, 0. Sold by UrugKlala: Voceuia, COPVW6HT Set right all the proper functions of wo manhood. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is the remedy. 1 It regulates and promotes their ac tion, and removes the obstruc tions and suppressions which cause trouble and misery. At the two critical periods in a woman's life the change from girlhood to woman hood, and, later, the u change of life " it is a perfectly safe and an es pecially valuable remedial agent, that can produce only good results. It's a powerful, invigorating tonio, and a soothing and strengthening nervine; a legitimate medicine purely vegetable, porfectly harm less and carefully adapted, by an experienced physician, to woman's delicate needs. For all the derangements, irregu larities, and weaknesses peculiar to the sex, the "Favorite Prescription" is a remedy so certain that it can be guaranteed. If it doesn't give satis faction in every case, the money is returned. No other medicine for women is sold in this way. No other medicine can be. StfLOH'S CURE. Care Consumption, Couch, Cronp, Sor Throut. So'd by .11 Uni-giili on a Qtjrntt, For Lima Side, Cock or Chest Bhlloh'e Porous Plaster will eivo rre.-.t tatisfactlon. j cent, SHILQH'Q VITALIZE!?. Mrs. T. 8. Hawkins, Cbattanooeuronn., sayil eomtder it the 1xr.t rcmctlyfwadebiiitatcdtitiitcm Ievrruscd." I'or Uycimp-ia, Liver or Kidney troubloi 10 It 03CCI3. i rice (J C.J. Haveymi Cfetarrh? Xrythlsncmedy. Itwllt relieve and Cure you, Price 60 ct. This In-lectorforltuci-esfnltroatmentl.furntohed free. Bhllnh's Hemeriles are sold by us on a guarantee to give satisfaction. oooooooooo A torpid liver I. the aoaroeof lyrwn. Oxle, lck headache, eon.tlpatlon, pilea, Q blliou. fever, chill, and Jaundice. Tull's Tiny Pills U h.M em atMs.ns.iA awl I n It h AaT.lswSl. fllevtjm. oooooooooo K. V. fi. C. ISO. 466-6. t. N. U. No. B42 a w hum F - ar I - - Bill, laJfT' Till AMD BKWOntBT Of eH'MMallon sre n jitrums ot wKlch II Is .rtrd-Hind I br sr. many uoh- h. t lhr o r bodllT allmeut. oMouff "' There .r uone tai'h that can. Chroulo ';" cannot be removed. I oiitlin my In the ww of a smiulii nmlloliie. "'b "''i Stomach Itllter., will railluaW chrin o will. Not the !e.t of thine lt in ti h.rieol It. opnmlilou to medlclu. I turn, U. the removal of which, if nrnl.ttd n, the Hltlor. 1 particularly adapted, l omlili'tt" I ef the Dowela la s complaint which ahoula b iluall wlih early and ayaunnailcaily. ru It. nl atUtniWnla. liver ooinplalnl and dya vpela. For thiwe, lor malaila, rheninatlani, HilliM titrable, and mure reoenlly "la arliipe," thi. hlKhly and profewloually oommeii -led modioli! 1. an iiu douuted eplflo, Nolhlnit mil osi ewl It, more over, a a uieana ol luipurtlug atrtuiith to the fevbl.' and nervon.. If the Uino spent In looking for tumble could bsuiruid to aiwlns woud, uibjhty few pauuhj would niflVr from eoul. .RNTIHKLV SATISFACTORY, W. J. Arkell, publisher of Juttv ami fraii Utlui't ImfrafMf A(t;nur, writes! Iini iivwfntfrrr , 'iw llllM.IMNU, 1 and lxtent)i Bt., K, Jan. H, lHtll. I "JlltMl Cor. Fifth Ave. anil Niw York "About three weeks iluuc, wlitla suiter Ing from a sever cold wliioh had Bottled on' my chest, I applied iu Alliwi'I 1'oroih 1'lastks, ami in a short time obtained re lief. " In my opinion ths plasters should be in every household, for us in case of oourIis, ooltls. sprains, bruises er pains of anv kind. 1 know that in my o the to suits have been entirely satisfactory and beinllolal." Wl dnm. It I. a wla child that goes nut of t rjoiu when th old man hi th .nib. BCPTCBI AMD riLKS OVRBU. W paatUvelv ear rupture, pile, and all no tal disease without pain ordeteuUon from bual nM, Mo our, no pay. Also all Private dls ....a Addraaa for Daninhlet lira, PortarSald A Lossy, Sat Market atmel, San FrauouKio. A bl. man iiroana moat when he set ilokll- cauae here Is uioraol hint to .niter. Tsr Oaaif sa for breakfast. Da Bnamallu stove Polish! bo dost, an mell. oisrio jsjvjoyo Both the method and results whet Syrup of Figs ia taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and icU Sntly yet promptly on the Kidneys, ver and Bowels, cleanses the sye tern effectually, dispels colds, head iches and fevers and cures habitue! constipation permanently. For sal ia 60c and f 1 bottles by all druggists CALIFORNIA FI0 SYRUP CO. uxu$iui, a-r. f rosvr, r. -ELY'S CREAM BALM- lfH the NmikII riM-niKwM, Aiistysv ftMin am rA Jlilvea Helll-rnt oii. e Ajwrfg m .VeelWlfc- VK. UruKiiltta or by mall. ELK c vflW.Ht-r... 1 m i w I l I 1 Gimonds Crescent Ground Cross Cuts, And All Kinds of MILL SAWS. Also Saw Repairing. ffS SIMON DS HAWOO.. 7S Wront fltr. Partland. Or. -V Printer or Publisher : Have you tried Tube Inks ? No ! Then do not waste any more time or Ink, but try them and you will use no other. Jaenecke& Ull man's Tube Inks are the finest ; wo sell them; also their celebrated Blok and News Inks, Bronzes, Varnishes, etc. A complete stock at our warerooms. . A TRIAL WILL CONVINCE YOU OF THEIR SUPERIOR QUALITIES BETTER THAN THIS ADVERTISE MENT. Season for TroutDp ens Iprll 1 st. If Tow Are In Meed ot Trout riles, Sa tfa Beet. 4tsuir1ftrt1 qnsvlltr, 4 to I hooks, per Aon SO. Orefon Trout Vlitrn, 4 tn tMHrks, pr drs,.,,,,, .61 rin KeverMHl Win Fllfrs. 4 to hooka, tmr dot. l.M Any of Aborts ausTitlKS stint bv nisi I on twwtnt m piios. Also fuil littS of KODh, HM.K1M, UN JCH H3.,s4 Hudson's Cun Store, I flHtT IT., PORTLAND, OR. SV S.nS for lllnatrated catalofne. SlsOlatheaSnowieafet ading remiuljr for ail ibt Bn natural dlarbarfM ae 8nv.tedlHiaM.or aiea. i rtala enr. for th dfalll ' tatluf .akM peeailai to women. I nrurlb.lanA faalaafr lTHtEunW(S"li(Vl. In recomra.adia II M k A- .41 1. 8T0NER, M D.,DtMrw,SJ old t Dr;sUisv LADIES. MAGIC CONKH are aold on miarantoe. ff thv fall o benefit or cure, return nont-a, not iiaeil. In. good order, and money will be nfundod. aN renitijj bunt LuaM nan Do UUAKANTKKD Ladlca eau cure tliernaelvea at home without loaa of lime and tbe expense a trifle. I'artlnulais (sealed) Ire. '1 II K MAOIO (J()NK CO,. liH inira street, Portland, Or VIS ool and SUrer Bnofht; nnd nor old Oatf nf SUeer bfall lo lh. oldid' MlUbliTaaij ol A CoUmMi, Third Hrwt, Saa FraiMlaooi I wUlLod bl rMarBBaaatbaeadi. aaafirdln. u. a u!l 7?.. Si 1 I arluli kr e. it'..-..'"--.. &Mit.r. .ur;' i I l V Sl Jfr. David if. Jordan of Ednunlull, N. Y. Colorless, Emaciated, Helpless A Complete fur bit JUOl' HAltSAVAHlLLA. This is from Mr, 0. M. Jordan, a re tired fanner, ami ono ol the most re, epected oitlwns o( OtM'o Co., N, Y. "Fourteen year. I had an atiaek of Hi gravel, aud have eliuw been troub'id with my ( Liver and Kidneys gradually sniwliis worao. Three yeara aun I ant down wili.w thai I remld acartiely walk. I looked more like s than a livint, Iwlinr, I had no appetite ami lor five week. I at nelblua bul ajmel. IwaalMdlyemai lnird and had no nime color JlSaii m marble annul. HoiMraHaraapatfliajva-ri'i-i.iiiiiieiid; eil and I Ihounlil 1 would liy II Before 1 had filllili. il the llrat Hill! I llotbwtl Ihal 1 lell la't ror, aunerrd leaa, the IntlanaallwH ol th bladder had .unaided, the color tivan t re turn hi my fuce. and I bra Mil le feel hlN. rr. Alter I had laicn three but lea I coil d at anyllilns withoul humus me. Why, I vol an huiniry Ilia! 1 had lo rat ft times a day. I haw now fully rwoverrd, thaukt to Hood's 8arsaparllla I feel well am well. All who know in marvel to see mv well." I M. JoniMM. "HOOD'S rilll are the beat aller-.ll hi t I'I'la, SaalatUlseallou, euro headau.i slid lilllouaut'as. MAHJO B2 CVTTF'i Will ent Dry or Oraea Bon,Mel,UrlatlaandalL ' Urvea (Jut MONKS will doubl th nam her ot ej will make then more fer tile will carry the ben safely through lb moiling period and put thorn in ' condition to lay when em command the hlRhnal pries aud will dovelojie your , chirks faaun tiisa any . other food. Keel areen Hons and ne t'reeaewwae to kill the Ur,n I yoa wlllmaA fltyptrteM more arout. Send for Catalogu and , price. PCTAUJIi HCUB1T08 CMPT, rTTilPi, CAL PRUNE TREES. Italian, Petlteand BHveri wholeaalaor rotal S to 10 feet blah. I'rtee aeeonllug to alaa, ' Agent', eonimlwlon given purehaaer. Write loi RrleeetoTiHM. J UAVIH, Manager, Portl.rnl, Orl unwry, South Ml. Tabor, Or. No g.uU out. YOU NO MCN1 The 8polflo A No. I. rtm wllhoul fall, all eaen ol ta hmn .lid SileeS, no mailer ot how kii boollng. Pruvenla atrk-liire, It heh, an lo trnml r-mely. Cure, wlien everylhijia ala ban lolled. Hold l. all Menufitetorenu The A. aeiiinhel. Medlolne to.."i J I lift Aaaayer and Analytical Chemist, . I. fiat H Whlntet.rnrtlaod.Or. hiki iniiMiiiinwtinii. iiwtaiai : &m i .1 fMm riin r for olil III lleail. I Tly II U Uuieklr At-tfbM. I V-eVV'v UltUM.,M Wamo KU,N. tl Jri-V- PALTJEft &J.EY.S0T6 Agents. Printers' Supplies, PORTLAND, OR. A SQYEREIGH REL1EDY. on. PAiiKeii's sin covob cvhr. Onsdraewlll a'np a roiiKh. It never la'la. Try It, I rlre, 8neii a b Mile fi't aal by 1 all dm la'., l'aclllc Gout Agenla, 0 0. DAHLBENOtR CO.. Or jglllt, SIS Kenrny Street, San Kraut laco, Tal. i.'S,.' 1 . '13 ' I . MORPHINE HABIT I SURE CURE Sols MeSlouM V., SS Cla Si. aaa rraaelaa I 1 - M , 1HU4 Kiev SMITHS' CASH STORE, . 414 to 4IS Front St. Att St U-paii Catalog, Frt. Plao's ltemady lor Catarrh Is tl llrat, Kaaleat to Vm, and (!heapeaL Li Hat Mold Iit drunslau or aent by mall. tat. K..T. ilMwlUu, Warrea, f.