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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 11, 1892)
nn HE OREGON nn o VOL. 9. TUB -.. MJtmrVM . HtlCT 1 rtA.r.. . I . 1 -i f rYr fliOA' rAUIrJU UCJAST educational 1"IKV KVfSHY IHIDAY RIOHNIKIU THE MIST PUBLISHING COMPANY, : J. B. BEEOLE, Manager. OFFICIAL COUNTY PAPER, MbacrlptUn Hate. On. ropy on. yr In ailYRiir.,,. II tu On. cop)' ! niunlln,,,,. ,7 nihil colir AdrerlUiag Hal. J Profusion! earits on rear..,,. ..... tineeoiiiiiinoiis year.. m. Half uiiliimn on ar Uuarl.r column mi. y.r . Ou Inch on month.,.,.,.,. - (iii. Inrh Ihr.a iiiuiiIIh.w. .... On luoli ill month..,.. m 7 40 i $ IxM-nl nolloes, in cents per line for flr.l lnr lion i lui'.uu r llu lur R-h ub'iiien I In-, 11.60 per Inch for llr.t Insertion, and 7 p.nU pr Inch for each siiuii. quant Insertion. ,,.,.,....-, , COLUMBIA COUNTY DlltKOTOllY, Jaunty Olflcer. . Juds ......., ...Dr.n lllanehard, Halnl.r Cler. .,....,.... ,..,...K. It. Quick, D. Ilel.ili Sharlff '. A. Haul. St. Ileli,a Treaaur r ...K. M. Wharton, Column, i:ny Hurt, ol Schools T. J. Cleeton, V.rmmla AMoaior , W. II, Kyaur. Kalnl.r Surveyor A. B. 1.1 HI., K.'Dl.r t". O. selionuovar, Varuoiil (0 w Haru. Mysr. IA- U .- L LI. ,LJl-X-. .ri.if nMlen. t. MasonIc-HI. tfeleni Lodge, Nul ta-Resnlar (omiiiiiuicatlona nrm aim Hiiro naiuraay i it arhnionthal7:0r.M.atMaaoulo hall. VUH Ini m.intnr In aooil staudliis luvllad tu at' 11 ml. M some -Rainier Lode, No. J4-Htatd liie.tlns' Saturday on or txfur eark full moon at l .m . M. al Masoule kail, ov.r Mam-hard's torn. miiiiiK luauiMr in foou eiauanif in to attaint, tioti Pai.Lowa Mt. Helen Unite No. 117 Meets every rlaliuday iiIkIU at 7:10. Transient brethren In good sunning cordially Invited to auemi. ,. . , li XJ ' .1 L ... B-!g?BW--ge . " ' Tk nail. ' Down rlvr (boat) nliMO. at S SO A, H. river llMiatl clfMas at 4 r. M. Tha mall lur Varnonla anil PlttsbllrR- latvn It. Il.l.iu MkBday, Wednesday awl Friday at ' Th' mall lor Mar.lilend. Clet.kenl and MM l.avn. (jiiliiu Monday, WadiiaMlay ana rriuay MIIIH Mall, (railway) north clot 10 A. M.j lur rortiauu u i r. i. Traveler' !! Hirer Rente. riTRtMiaa. W. (iuvita-Uav Bt. Helen; lor I'urlland at 11 At M. Tu.Mlay, Thiirwlay and Haturday. I..ave Ml. Il.l.iu for t'laukaiil Hou.Uy, Wednesday and Krlday at 1:00 a, M. Htramrr UaLtia Uav.a m. for Port land 7:40 t. M, returning at s:in r. . Ht Jouam KiLionn Uav.i Ht. Ileln for Portland dally eiceit Hiniday, at 7 a. a., ar riving al Portland al 10.80: r.lurnlnir, !. uy at 1 r. v.. arrlvtim at HC. Il.l.u at 4. TBOFESSIONAL. 1) R. II. K. CI.1FK. rilYSICIAN and SURGEON. 8t. Helena, Orrgon JJU. J. K. HAtX, ' " PHYSICIAN and SURGEON, Clttakniile, C'olonilila county, Or. jK. W. C. BKI.T. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. ; i Kalnl.r, ()rtou,, ji .. ' . iy J. RICK. ATTORNEY-AT.LAW, Ht. Hklknh, I - i Orkoon. Ieputy Distrlt t Attorney for ('oliinil)ia t o. T. A. Mi'HitiDC. A. 8, Dhimik, IdlltlPK Si URESNGR, A1T0RNE YS-at-LAW. Oregon City , Oregon . Prompt utteiitlon given IttiiiJ-offlce buslneju. b. i.rm.K, SURVEYOR and CIVIL ENGINEER, St. ilelenn, Oregont . , dimity HUrvevor.i tund surveying, town jilntllng, And engineering work jiroinptly done,, v. j- s: j;V. l)APietl.1 W. T, BuitNitv. jjUKNKV A DRAPER, r , ( ATTOIINEYS-AT-LAW, ....... , . Oregon City, Oregon. , Twelve year.,' eKperlcnre n Ketflster of the United Hlatea Lund Ollloe here, recoin inrnila n In oiw anecialty of nil kinds of lniKlneaa before tli Lanil Olline pr the Court wid Involving M rul Lnd Ollloe. ' .. . .. ,., , ,. i ROOKBNBROUUH 4 COttlhU ATT0 RNEY-AT-LAW, Oregon CHy, Oregon, " ' (Latenpeihil agentof Oeneral land 1 JIi.ineMteuil. l're einptkin, and riniber l.a.1,1 apiilieations, ami oilier Land Offlo busineiiVa specialty. Olllce, aeeond floor. LandOHUe Hullding. - JAPANBSB I CURE A new and complete treatment, ennalatlng of RiiouoHltir en, (i nlinenta ill i:iiiiii". ll'ix mid I'llla: a Positive t:nre for Kxterniil, In t" nil I 1 1 and llleeillim, IlelilnR, l" ?' ne'ent or "llere-llUry Piles, and ".any " he tllanases and fvma e weakiwssoai .It Is '?' " it mat iKinellt to the general health. Hie nrsi 8h?.very.faNne.lle.irere tlon wIlH tne knife unneeessary here.i Im. never l'en kuown t o all. 1 ptr hox tl fur 16; sent iv ma 1. Why snffer from tills terr hie dl'miso when a written "ufn J, nlvnnu ltli 6 hoses, to refund the money n noi euro, Heud.t.Vf'nj.le. Issued bv WooliARD. t'i.AaKR4 o., Wh esaie It. 'T- j.J 1 il ! Another Good Man Arrested foi Embezzlement. LOS ANGELES STREET DUEL Line Between Idaho and Wash ington Counties Being ' -: Surveyed. , There are tlx newananera mt Phmnl. A.T. ' Kinmton. N. M.. la tn hava a AR nnn choortiouae. A aerlou outbreak amnnir tha Vavalna la threatened. Loe Anmilei ia to have an artlflelal tont factory. Ralnafn Bontliera Arizona have Im proved tba cattle Industry. Five hundred b'ack bai have been Placed In the Willamette river above alem, ; The orange and oUve crops in the South promiie to be large, while that ol" lemoni will be ahort. - Box ean are to scarce thronghont East ern Oregon that coal cure are need to carry wheat. Threshing ii not com pleted in that iectlon. Phil Bherldan'a cavalry eaber, which be used while at Fort Yamhill, ii aaid to be owned by an Indian on the Grand Sonde reservation. The perpetrator of the many robberiee at tat Angeles has been captured, lie givee the name of Robert William. He li about twenty-three years old. Sing High, a Obineee iaundryman, left Boise City, Idaho, last week on his way to China. lie took with him 114.- 000 In money as a souvenir of his stay in Idaho. William Turner, owner of the Senator, Snowstorm and John L. Sullivan mines at Oreenhorn, has refused an offer of sw.uuu tor tnese properties made by syndicate of Portland capitalists. ' The line between Idaho and Washing ton counties is using surveyed. The re salt is being welched with interest, as it will determine in which county in Idaho the rich Seven D.vils mining district be longs. The business men of Bait Lake have foreed the railroads into concessions that will be worth more than $1,000,000 a year to them. The suit before the Inter state Commerce Commission is to be withdrawn. The discovery of valuable coal fields near Auburn, in Kastern Oregon, is re ported, and preparations are being made to develop the proiierty on a large scale. Heretofore no coal veins worth develop ing have been found In that entire seo tlon. 1st a street fight at Los Ange'es An dreas Lugo shot Francisco Figueroa through the lung, when the latter tabbed Logo in the neck, killing him instantly. Both men belonged to the oldest Spanish families in that part of the Bute.. Hattie X. Pound, administratrix of the estate of her husband, William J. Pound, the fireman fatally hurt in an accident on the Union Pacific below Pendleton, has tiled suit an-alnet the railroad com pany for $5,000 damages. Carelessness and undue speed are alleged. ' Senator Mitchell of Oregon while at Pendleton was visited by three chiefs of the Umatillas, who expressed a desire that their people be allowed to lease their lands for a term of three or four years, until they could get money enough to buy horses and plows and improved agricultural machinery ana naa learnea how to farm, r j , i At Boise, Idaho, Fred A. Wllkle. a well known publisher, has been arrested for the embesslement of about $2,000 of the funds of ths Boise Baptist Church. Wilkle nracticallr admits his guilt. He la a leader In all the local religious move ments. The church trustees had such Implicit faith in Wilkie's honesty that they required him to give no bonds. James McElvey, a wealthy hermit liv ing in a shanty on Kneeland Prairie. Humboldt county, Oal., had been found dead in the woods near his place. His flesh had been partly devoured by dogs, which were his only companions for many months. When found it was sup posed he had been dead a week or more. He was a well known stock raiser In former years. The new lighthouse lust completed on Northwest Seal Rock, near Orescent City, was llgb'ed one day last week lor tbe first time. The light is 146 feet above high water, and may be seen from eigh teen miles out at sea. A fog signal is operated in connection with the light a twelve-inch steam whistle, giving blasts of five seconds' duration, separated by silent intervals of thirty seconds. Probata Judge Baxter at Phoenix, A. T., has appointed W. M. Heiwert ad ministrator of the estate of Rodaif Mons, who committed suicide some time since. : Mons was connected with a noble and wealthy family in Germany, from which he has been receiving an annuity, but before his death he destroyed every vestige of writing from whloli their whereabouts might be learned, hence the rlisannolntment. His estate consists of diamonds, jewelry and real estate in Tucson. , - . ; , Amended articles of association, incor poration and consolidation of the South ern Pacific Railway Company were filed In tbe County Clerk's office at San Fran cisco the other day. The document eels forth the names of the railroads in Cali fornia, which consolidated in 18-W, un der the name of the Southern Pacific Itillway Comnany, with an aggrega'e capital of $142,990,(100, which was sul sequently reduced to $90,000,000. Sep tember 27 the board of directors voted to make certain amendments in tb cor poration, which are embodied in the paper Just filed. The names, length and general direction of the thirty-sit roads and branches included in the in corporation are fully set forth. The en tire Iengtn ot tne rosa ana us Drnncuee atraregate 3,391.89 mlle, and the dura tion of the corporation is fi ty yeas from May 4, 1888. The seven nirectors - -. . .-. n Ti ....... are: unaries . urjcaer, j. r. nunr ington, Charles Mayne, w. v. iionung- ton, N. T. Smith, J. 1 wucutt ana a. N. Towns. The capital stock Is $90,000, 000, divided into 900,000 shares. ST. HELENS, Primary Education Gratuitous and Oblig atory In EcuadorEton College Undergoing Changes. . Hopkins University has a 10,000 ther mometer. The alumni of Williams College now number 1,947. Trinity College, Dublin, has celebrated Its 300th anniversary. The oldest English public school ia Winchester founded in 1387. Every Northern Stat west of the Al legbanies has a State university. In Denmark and Sweden the school hours of girls are fewer than those of boys. During the last year 1,800 girls were graduated from the Boston Cooking School. Switzerland spends on education sum one-third larger than it apenda on its army. Tbe number of students at tha Univer sity of Michigan has mors than doubled since 1884. Of the public-school teachers In the United States more than 06 per cent. are women. It Is stated that 5.601 dudIIs entered the London National Training School for Cooking last year. Tbe prescribed coarse of medical In struction in the Mexican National Uni versity is seven years. The nhvslclans of- tha clasa of 1803 of the Baltimore College will write their prescriptions in English. One-third of the students abroad, it la said, die prematurely from the effects of bad habits acquired in college. The Law School building ia the latest addition to the campus of Cornell Uni versity. It is a handsome, white sand stone structure. Beginning in October. Russian will be taught in two of the Paris colleges and perhaps be on tne same tooting as uer man and English. Mr. Spring of Chicago has given Yas ser College a scholarship of $0,000 in memory ot his daughter, a former stu- aent oi mat institution. A woman teacher at Topeka, Kan., has taught school there for twenty-two years, it is said, without ever having missed a day'a attendance. The oldest and largest medical school la America is that of the Univeraity of Pennsylvania. It was founded in 1706. and has graduated 10,468 men. In the Republic of Ecuador primarr education ia gratuitous and obligatory. There is a university at Quito and uni versity bodies in Cuenca and Guayaquil. Students must have had six years of classical, two years of philosophical and four years of theosophical education twelve years in all before taking a four years' coarse in the Catholic University at Washington, D. O. Eton College. England. Is undergoing various changes. Three ancient bouses in the cloisters near the playing fields are being thrown into one large residence for the head master. Tbe houses are 450 years old, and are picturesque red brick buildings covered with ivy. PERSONAL MENTION. New Proofs of the Abiding Popularity ot Rabelais Given by a Recent Con - gress of Rabelaislans. Oar de Maupassant, the famous French story writer, ia out of the lunacy hospital. Moody and Sankey are aald to have received $1,2JO,000 in royalties from their gospel hymns. Prof. James Hall, the New York State Geologist, who is still an active and ar dent devotee of science, is 82 yearn of age. J. J. Coleman, head of the great mus tard firm, is to be raised to the peerage. At present he is mustered in tbe House of Commons, Miss Lutise Imogen Guinev has been voted $100 by the Aldermen of Boston for a poem in commemoration of General William T. Sherman. Collecting old china is Miss Braddon'a hobby, and in her house at Richmond near London she has a series of well atocked china cabinets. The Empress of Japan is an adept porformer on the koto, a kind 01 large cither. It is an instrument which is much played and very popular in Japan. Archbishop Vaushan of London was a soldier in the Crimean war, and coald handle the sword as a brave officer be fore he took to the canons of the church. General Richter. confidential secretary and adviserof-the Russian Emperor, is Germsn by birth and a very devout Lutheran. He has been seriously ill lately. Tennrson ia oredited with once having advised a man to read a verse from the Bible and a verse from Shakespeare daily, "for," said he, "one will teach ou now to apeax co uoa ana ine ouier iow to address your fellows." Marshal MacMahon. ex-President of France, is now 84 years of age. Although advised by his physicians to spend the colder months somewhere on the Medi terranean, and although it has been re ported that he had already gone to Men tone, he was still lingering in his chat eau in the department of the Loire a few days ago. An Indiana bandmaster named John Nunns, well-known in Jeffersonville, is a direct descendant of Pedro Nunei. the Portugese geographer and friend of Co lumbus. He once possessed a consider able fortune, and his career has been one of remarkable vicissitude, ranging from service in the Crimea and in the Sepoy rebellion to screen manufacturing atreekskill. ; New proof of the abiding popularity of Rabelais is given by the recent assem bly of the seventh congress of Rabelais lans at Tours in France. The congress lasted for two days, and many papers on Rabelais and his works were read. Then there was a regular Gargantuan banquet at Ohinon, the satirist's birthplace, and visits were made to all the places he had frequented in youth. . Mr. Ingalls' notoriety as a politician has obscured from public view his at tainments as a poet. In his youth he wrote verses, and many of his poems, some ot them still in manuscript and nnprlnted, are preserved by friends in Kansas. Such of his verses as saw the light of publication were printed in local newspapers anonymously or with an un recognisable nom de plume attached. , OREGON, FRIDAY, EASTERN ITEMS. Estimated Value of Kansas' Wheat Crop. " WAGON-ROAD LAND CASES. National Nicaragua Convention to be Held at New Orleans November 30. , November 24 will be Thanksgiving day. There are about 1,200 Chinese in Phil adelphia. Diphtheria In an epidemic form is rag ing at Columbus Ind. Sixteen murderers are in tbe Philadel phia jail awaiting trial. Big mining strikes are reported at the Ureea district in uoioraao. The wholesale grocery trade of New York is said to be demoralized. The Canadian Pacific is arranging to own a line to tne Missouri river. Preliminary work has begun on the new Croton dam at Croton, N. Y. A belt line is projected around Read ing for the use of coal and freight trains. The Mutual Life Insurance Companv refuses to pay a $100,000 policy of a sui cide. ' A movement Is on foot to build rail road from Philadelphia to Cape May, N. J. A process for making artificial mica sheets for electrical insulation ia a late invention. Many disasters are reported on the Great Lakes caused by the heavy galea of the past few days. The Secret Service division has dis covered a counterfeit of the new issue ot the new $2 silver certificate. A scheme for lighting the Pennsyl vania Company's railway in Philadel phia by electricity is under way. Heavy rains are falling in Tennessee. The section about Memphis has been suffering, and great good has followed. Dubuque, Ia., is reported to have the first case of lumpy-Jaw in a human being ever recorded in the State. The victim is a six-year-old girl. Three arrests of counterfeiters were made at Boston Saturday. This gang ia aaid to havs floated $30,000 in spurious money in Boston alone. CapeCod'i cranberry-picking season is now at ita height, and thousands of the poorer people-have been profiting by this opportunity to make money. The schools of Newcastle township on the outskirts of Pottsville, Penn., have been closed indefinitely, owing to an epi demic of dipth;ria and scarlet fever. Captain Healy, commanding the rev enue cutter Bear, is a candidate for the position of Superintendent of the hle saving static na of the Pacific Coast. Tbe uncompleted ten-story gymnasium snd clubhouse of the Chicago Athletic Association on Michigan avenue has been destroyed by fire. Loss, $195,000. The railroad companies whose lines enter Atlanta have decided to abolish the free delivery of freight, a custom which has been in vogue lor some yeara. Manager John Havlin, the theatrical man, sues several labor organizations at Cincinnati for $100,000 damages for irikesand threatened boycott against tils business. The receipts of wheat from the eight primary western markets lor tne nrst sixteen weeke of the current crop year aggregate 119,000,OOJ bushels, against 1)9,00(1,000 for the corresponding time last year. Leland J. Webb of Topeka, Kan., formerly national Commander-in-chief of the Sons of Veterans, has been de clared insane, and was taken to an asylum. His insanity is said to be the result of the morphine habit. At Wadsworth, Ala., a train on the logging railroad jumped the track at a water tank, knocking tbe tank down on a car containing forty laborers. Fifteen of the men were hurt, two of whom have since died from their Injuries. , ' The Chairman of the Executive Com mittee of the National Nicaragua Con vention, held at St. Louis last June, has issued a call for a convention to meet at New Orleans November SO, 1892, to fur ther consider the canal interests. The Indian Bureau has not received any further advices in regard to expected troubles with the White River Utes, who according to previous reports had taken advantage of the removal of the troops from Fort Duchesne, Utah, and had left their reservation. The United States Supreme Court ad vanced and set for argument on the sec ond Monday' in January the cases of the United States against the California and Oregon Land Company and the Dalles Military Road Company. These are known as the wagon-road land cases. The Topeka Capital estimates the value of the wheat crop in Kansas this year at 37,OO0,O00 and that of the corn crop at $49,000,0J0. It figures the profit of the wheat crop to be $17,000,000 alter the cost of production, and places the profits of the oorn crop at $21,000,000. - At the annual convention of the American Street Railroad Association in Cleveland a few days ago President Holmes predicted that before the close of the century Cleveland, Buffalo and Pittsburg would be connected by a tri angular eleotrio railway operated by power obtained from Niagara falls. of the Inman steamers City of Paris and City of New York, who came over from England to consult witn the Uramps, has beeen taking a glance at our new navy, and tbis has lea mm to observe that ''with such vessels as are now in the service of thegovernment the United States navy need not take a back seat for any power on the globe." A Puebla (Mexico) dispatch savs : Fur ther particulars of the damages and losses sustained by sufferers of the re rent overflow of the Balso river, in the State of Oaxaca. show that thousands of of acres of coffee and cane lands were In undated and luiiy $400,000 damage to those crops alone done. On the hacienda of Pedo Cells 2,000 hsad of cattle were caught in the torrent of water and swept WW UV NOVEMBER 11, 1892. NATIONAL CAPITAL. Experiments Made to Ascertain the Best and Cheapest Explosive for Pro ducing Rain. Inspector-General of the Army Breck inridge nas submitted to tbe War De partment a report of the operations of bis department. He dwells at length upon tne activity or the army in the past year. At one time, the report as serts, tbe country seemed on the verge of war. which served to show the eager ness witn wnicn an Americans are ready to resent indignities. When war seemed inevitable, the response of the people to a can, not yet maae out anticipated, tor men was sometning tboroughly gratify ing. These tenders of regiments of men came spontaneously from all sections of the country, Texas being perhaps the first to offer her services in rallying around the flag in defense of national dignity. In the North and South alike tbe spirit of patriotism was equally en thusiastic. A reply to the English counter case in the Bearing sea negotiations is approach ing completion at ine state Department ana win soon roe ready lor the united States counsel to lay before the arbitra tors. The work of preparing the reply has been going on for some weeks at the State Department under tbe direct charge of Secretary John W. Foster, The lawyers and clerks who are engaged in the work have been shut up in a large room, and no one from the outer world has been allowed to enter the room. Ex-Minister Phelps and Justice Harlan have not personally been at the State Department during tbe preparation of the case, in which they are counsel, but they have been in correspondence witb their younger representatives, and every point made has been carefully gone over by Secretary Foster. The purpose of the officials is to weigh carefully every point made on behalf of the United States, so as to put it in the clearest language and study its relations with every other point, in order to avoid con flict or compromising admissions. The case of the United States will be as ex actly logical and as forcible as ths com bined skill of several able lawyers can make it. Representatives of the United States before the high court of arbitra tion will leave this country in a few weeks for Paris, where the court will sit. The original cae of the United States and the British counter case are already in print, and have been sub mitted to counsel on both sides. It is not intended, however, to make any ol the arguments public until the award is made and accepted by the two countries. The entire case will probably be sent to Congress by tbe President and printed in the English blue books. During the past week Washington Citv has been treated to a series of ' booms." They have generally occurred in the evening, and have had sufficient force to set the crockery vibrating on all the ce ramic shelves throughout the city. These heavy detonations nave proceeded from a rain-making experiment of the De partment of Agriculture, whch has been encamped at Fort Meyer, Va., just up the Potomac river from Washington, en deavoring to ascertain an economical method of explosives by testing various compositions of gases. Tbey have not been trying to make rain there, but to ascertain the cheapest and best explosive compound with which to carry on their experiments elsewhere.' They have as certained this fact, and the explosive which will be need next will be a chlo rate powder devised for the purpose and gases composed of three parte hydrogen and one part oxygen, which ia a cheap and simple method. There will also be need ordinary illuminating gas and oxy gen in the proportion of two parts of the Former and one of the latter. The con cussion produced from it does not cost more than one-twentieth as much as a corresponding explosion of dynamite or one-tenth as much as an explosion of " rosellite," and has the same effect. A Srevailing impression was that the in intion of the party was to produce rain, but such was not the case. From 20,000 to 53,000 feet of gas is generally used in experiments for that purpose, but at Fort Meyer only several hundred feet were consumed. Arrangements are now being made to ship the entire apparatus, composing over 350.000 pounds of freight, to Texas and New Mexico the latter part of the week to try and make rain in real earnest, but the locations for the opera tions have not yet been definitely decid ed npon. . WORLD'S FAIR NOTES. Young Lady of Deer Lodge Chosen for the Model for the Silver Statue of Montana. The Queen Regent of Spain will be of ficially represented at the Chicago Fair. The owner of Blarney Castle has re fused to allow the B'arney stone to be taken to the Chicago world's r air. The R Offers Locomotive Works and ths Brooks Locomotive Works are each build ing eighty-ton engines for exhibition at the World's Fair, which will be mounted on pedestals at each side of the entrance to the passenger station. A vouns lady of Deer Lodge has been chosen for the model for the silver statue of Montana, which ia to be on ex hibition at Chicago next year. She ia a native born Montanian and is said to be possessed of striking beauty. Borne idea of the size of the multitude which will cross the Atlantic to visit ti e World's Fair next year may be gained from the fact mentioned in a Sun cable- Sim that nearly 3,500 members of the egent-street Poly technic have already engaged passage. . At the meeting of the San Francisco World's Fair Association it was definitely decided that the best means of advertis ing San Francisco is as follows : By a re lief man and panorama of the city and surrounding country; by an illoatrated book describing the city in all its feat ures, and by niches in the California building to represent art, music, litera ture and industry. In anticipation of the large volume of mail and the value oi auick transmission during the World's Fa r the details of an elevated read nave roeen suDmittea to the Poetofflc Department by - the United States Rapid Transit Company of Chicago. The plan ia to erect this System between the exposition grounds and the Chicago postoffice and by means o' an electric cable situated high enough to clear all buildings along tbe route at tain a very high rate of speed. 'FOREIGN LANDS. Paris City Employes' Wages to be Advanced. A - NEW KIND OF ARMOR. Daring Mountaineer Climbs to the Top of One of the Peaks of Hindu Kush. Frightful weather is reported in the irian sea. Great Britain has decided not to retire from Uganda, Africa. -Tennyson makes the list of burials In Westminister Abbey 1,173. The Ministry baa been suatained by uib general elections in rortugai. . Belgium is making arrangements for an international exhibition in 1895. The Swiss Guards, a part of tbe Pope's nousenoia, are w oe aispensea witn. Russia has nearly $100,000,000 depos ited in the different European capitals. the French government intenda in creasing the military forces in Tonquin. The striking miners in Carmaux. France, have decided to continrm the tight , Queen Victoria will spend tha winter months in Italy, at Bientina, eleven miles east 01 risa. & neat Ainca nine- naa mat baa an umbrella made for turn twenty-one feet in ammeter. Tbe trolley car is literally astonishinir iue natives oi Singapore, xney call It tne wind carnage. A Papal brief has been Issued confirm. ing the election of Father Martin as general 01 tne Jesuits. Order has been restored In Rantiatm del Estero, Argentine, the Federal troops uaviug overcome tne rcoeis. ' - General Booth of the British Salvation Army has issued an appeal tor $300,000 10 continue ms - XJarxest England" work. The Republic of Paraguay has offered very generous premiums to immigrants who design to follow agricultural indus tries. It is stated that shirts of chain armor. which cost about $500, are now worn by more man one aiaunguisnea person in burope. The outlook in regard to champagne is not favorable, and foreign journals in cline to the opinion that prices may be aavancea. . A house-to-house inquiry at Hamburg- has shown 150,000 xorkingmen without employment ana 8,uuu small tradesmen aouivuiuy niuiin. Kin ir Georee has conferred tha damn. tion of the Order of the Savior npon Dr. Waldstein of the American Arcnasolofr- ical School at Athens. Archbishop Croke's proposals for the release of the Parish Irish Parliamentary fund have been accepted by the Irish rariiameniary liommittee. Henry Ryder, formerly United States Consul at Copenhagen, has been sen- ibucbu iu eiguimn lnouuuj at nam laoor for theft, fraud and perjury. A London theatrical manager savs the present year nas so tar neen one 01 tne most unremnnerative known to the Eng- nsn stage tor many seasons. A syndicate has been formed In Lon don lor the purpose of taking over the wnoie i,7ou,uuu ot Uruguayan stock belonging to the Barring estate. A statue ia to be erected at Bar-le-Due. in Fiance, to Earnest Michaux, who is supposed to have invented theveloci- ede and thereby paved the way for the ncycie. Russia has demanded of Belsinm that all passports issued by that country to inienaing visitors to Kussia state tne re ligion of the bearer. The demand is aimed at the Jews. There was Quite a larm Increase in the crop acreage in Ireland this year. Tbe various crops were grown on 4,884, 784 acres of land, which is an increase over 1S91 of 66,403 acres. There are 1.800 vacant houses in Frankfort-on-the-Maln, and the news papers of the city say the number of vis itors in the city has not been so small in any corresponding season for years. W. M. Conway, a daring English mountaineer, has succeeded in climbing to the top of one of the peaks of the Hindu Kush Range, on the border of Kashmir, to the height of 23,000 feet. It is reported from London that Brit ish troops will soon be withdrawn from Canada and Newfoundland, Mr. Glad stone being in favor of having the colonies rely on themselves as much as possible. The plans for making Paris a seaport have been deposited at the Hotel de Ville. The proposed canal from Rouen to Paris is to be 110 miles long and about twenty feet deep, and will cost 135,000,COO francs. The Municipal Council of Paris has voted a credit of 2,000,000 francs) to ensble an advance to be made in wages of the city employes, such as street sweepers, sewer men, etc., whose wages are under 5 franca per day. Count Tolstoi has recently deposited his memoirs, including a large diary of manuscript, with the curator of a Rus sian museum, the condition being made that they shall not be published until ten yeara after the author's death. The researches of Sir Reginald Pal grace, the learned Clerk of the Table of the House of Commons, have fixed the exact spot in Westminster Hall where Charles I. sat during his trial. The po sition of the King's chair is marked by a brass tablet at the east end of the hall, Great expectations have been formed by ruby mines alleged to have been dis covered by the Ameer of Afghanistan about six miles from Paghman, near Cabal. ' The specimens sent by the Brit ish agent at Cabul to the Indian govern ment, however, proved to be worthless qnarts. - 4 : 1 t Experiments have recently been made in Germany with a new kind of armor, claimed to be far superior to any kind heretofore made. It is said that the re sisting qualities of this armor are so great that a thin layer of it will prevent the passage of the new small caliber rifle ballets. NO. 46, PORTLAND MARKET. Prod lie, trait. Bta. ' Wheat Nominal. Valley, $1.20Q 1.22X; Walla Walla, $1.121.1& per cental. Floub Standard, $3.65 ; Walla Walla, $3.65; Graham, $3.16; Superfine, $2.50 per barrel. Oats New, 4446o per bushel; rolled, $6.606.75 per barrel; $6.25(3 6.60 per bag; $3.76 per case. Hat $11013 per ton. MtLLSTtrrrs Bran, $.6; shorts, $19; ground barley, $22.50(326 ; chop feed, $21 22 per ton ; whole feed barley, $1819; middings, $2628 per ton: brewing barley, $1.10(31.16 per cental; chicken wheat, $1.20 per cental. Bdttsb Oregon fancy creamery, S2 35c; fancy dairy, 80c; fair to good, 2"t327c; common, 1517Xc per pound. uusksi Oregon, ll12c; . Young America, 12c per pound. Eaos Oregon, 3032c; Eastern, 23c per dozen. Podltbt Old Chickens, $4.004.50; young, $2.503.60; ducks, $4-0036.00; geese, nominal, $11.00 per dozen; tur keys, 1415c per pound. Vbostablss Cabbage, $1.0f 1.60 per cental ; onions, 75c$l per cental ; pota toes, 7690c per cental; tomatoes, 76 9Jc per cental ; Oregon turnips, 76c$l per cental; young carrots, 75c $1 per cental; beets, 76c$l per cental; sweet potatoes, $1.75 per cental ; Oregon cauli flower. 76c$l per dozen : celery, 90c per dozen. Faurrs Sicily lemons, $7.50(88.00; California grapes. 76c$l per box ; Ore gon grapes, 60c$l per box; Oregon pears, $1.26(81.50 per box; bananas, $2.503.50 per bunch; quinces, $1.60 per box ; oranges, $4.50 per box ; cranber ries, $8.76 per barrel; apples, 60c($1.50. Staple Oroeena. Hokbt Choice comb, 1517c per pound ; new Uregon, 18(3 20c Bali Liverpool, $14.50(317.00; stock, $10.50311.60 per ton. Ricb Island. $5.0035.60 : Japan. $4.85 percental. Dbibo Fbuiib Petite prunes, 10llo; silver,ll14c; Italian,1214c; German, 10llc; plums,66c; apples, 46g9c; evaporated apricots, 1516c; peaonee, 12 16c; pears, 78c per pound. Corras Costa Rica, 21 ,c ; Rio, 20c ; Salvador. 20c; Mocha. 27Wa30c: Java. 27X30c; Arbuckle's 100-pound cases,- 1 17-zue per pouna. BBAKsSmall white. Sc: pink. 8c: beyos,3c; butter, 8o; limas, Sc per pound. Sracr Eastern, in barrels,' 40(8&6e; half-barrels. 42(367 Wc: in cases. 35a 80s per gallon ; $2.26 per keg. California in barrels, H)(S4ue per gaiion; 11.70 per keg. Sdoab Net prices : D,4c; Golden C, 4c; extra O, 4c; Magnolia A, 4c; sranulated. 5Mo; cube crushed and pow dered. bc; confectioners' A, 6c per pound ; maple sugar, 100 loo per pound. Cannko Goods Table fruits, assorted quoted $1.76(32.00; peaches, $1.852.10 Bartlett pears,$L7632.00 ; pluma,$1.37J- 01.60: strawberries. $2.26(32.40: cher ries, $2.26(82.40; blackberries, $1.8ei 2; raspberries, $2.40; pineapples, $2.2641 20; apricots, $1.65(32.00. Pie fruits: Assorted, $1.20; peaches, $1.26; plnms, $1.10(3 1.20 ; blackberries, $1.25(3 1.40 per ikjsen. Pie fruita, gallons Assorted, (3.26(33.50; peaches, $3.50 4.00; apri cots, $3.50(34.00; plums, $2.763.00; blackberries, $4.00(34.50. Vegetables: corn, $1.40(31.85; tomatoes, 95c(3$1.00; sugar peas, 96c3$1.00; string beans, 90(3 95c per dozen. Meats : Corned beef. Is, $1.25; 2s, $1.85(32.00; chipped . beef, $2.10 ; lunch tongue, Is, $3.10 ; 2s, $5.50 ; deviled ham, $1.50(32.75 per doeen. Fish: Sardines, 75c(31.55: lobsters, $2.30 (33.50: salmon, tin 1-lb. tails. $1.26(3 1.60; flats, $1.75; 3 lbs., $2.262.50; bbL, $5.60. - ' - ' HlmlluHn, ' ' Nails Base quotations t Iron. )S 75: steel, $2.85; wire, $3.00 per keg. Iaou Bar, 2o per pound ; pig iron, $24(327 per ton. ctskl 10c per pound. sw r n 1 on M,tm. 1 .11, v. viwwwiiuw, js.iuia uar lty. $8.2538.75 per box: for crosses. $2 extra per box; roofing, 14x20, prime quality, $6.62)6.75 per box : L 0. coke plates, 14x20, prime quality, $7.50(38.00 per box. - .NAVAL BTOBB8 U&KUm, $4.00(30 per bale: rosin. $4.8035 per 480 pounds: tar. Stockholm, $13.00; Carolina, $9.00 per barrel; pitch, $6.00 per barrel; turpen tine, 65c per gallon in carload lots. jjad 4?c per pound; bar, 6ic . Shot $1.80 per sack. Hobsssuobs $5. - Bides, Wool aad Hops. Hides Dry hides, selected prime. IM. 8c: lkc lees for culls: green, selected. over 56 pounds. 4c ; under 66 pounds, 8c ; sheep pelts, short wool, 80(3 50c; me dium, 60(3 80c; long, 90c3$1.25; shear ings, 10(320c; tallow, good to choice, 3 lg3?ic per pouna. -Wool Umroaua Valley. 16019c: fall clip, 1315)jc; Willamette Valley, 15(3 18o, according to quality; Eastern Ore gon, 10(316o per pound, according to condition. How 19G$21o, according to condition. axa SCarket. -;.. :. Bkkf live, Ui2Xc; dressed, 4 Uirrmit. TJva. ft!riS5ttA. iImmaI a.. . - . . . " , 1r,, . lambs, live, 8,33cj dressed, 8c noes ajivb, c; aressea, 00. Vbal 6o per pound. Rirnamn . tfn-aT.ra. Via nr. 10.3 .3 H4c; medium ham,14ai4c; breakfast bacon, 14(3 16c; short clear sides, 113 13c; dry salt sides, llllo per pound. Lais Compound, in tins, 9c; pure, in tins. 12Xai3Kc : Oregon. 11(313 Wo per pound, s,-; . - ., '.':':.'.',! Baas aa4 Barlaa xturiape, o-ua., wincn, net casn, 6c; burlaps, 12-os., 45-inch, 7o ; bur'lapa.' 15-oa.. HO-irwh. 11 Un. knrUna 9ft.n ta- Inch 14o. Whaat haom n-Jntit,. M.oa pot, 6c; two-bushel oat bags, 6c ' ' A Bray Man Shrinks. "How's this? You said you in tended to. propose to Miss Clam whooper this evening, and here vou art) back before 9 o'clock. She sure ly didn't refuse you?" . . Ho-o, I didnt propose. . I con cluded to postpone the question." - VHow, see here, John, if you dou t get that girl it's your own fault. The idea of being such a coward.' You, who have bravely walked tip to the cannon's mouth." ' "Y-e-s, but the cannon hadn't been eating oniona. "Exchange. and Retail WniggUla, Hole Ak'i Portlaud, Or,