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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 4, 1892)
1 OREGON nn 1v V0L' ' ST. HELENS, OREGON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1892. NO. 45. Trili .UKliUUN MIST. :u kvciiv rmuAV nuhninu THE MIST PUBLISHING COMPANY, J. R. TJEEGLE, Manager. OFFICIAL COUNTY PAPER. nbaorlplUM Hate. Out copy una year In adiauce II M) duo copy tlx mouth..... t 7ft Hliifi. uy , , , o Advertising Hl). Professional cards one year. I li Onreoliiniiinuo year 12A lluK column mis year , 7i Quarter uuliiimi ou yeiir 40 Olio Inch on month if Out Inert three month. On. I ii I'll lx month. Ue notices, lit centa per line for lint lit-er-Hoik 10 cunt. per line lor each aiibciticiil In sertion, Legal adverlls.mauts, II. HO per Inch fur lint Insertion, .ii.i 76 cent per Inob for each suns. qiientliiMrtlon, COLUMBIA COUNTY DIKKCTOKY; PACIFIC COAST. Excellent Fruit Produced in Murray, Idaho. THE RAISIN ,MARKET GOOD. Statistics of the Manufacturing and Mechanical Industries of Los Angeles. EDUCATIONAL, Colorado College Is Overcrowded With students The Colored College at Lincoln, Pa. The Phoenix (A. T.) W. O. T. U. will erect a $10,lX)0 building. Work ba commenced at Bait Lake to lay the maina through which natural gaa will ba suppled to the olty. Snow plowa have already been fonnd necessary to keep the railroad from Mis aoula into the Cceur d'Atenea open. A decision In the Oregon Supreme uoari, jusi rennerea upnoids the antl. i &1 ,WBy 187,000 annually In aid of Ita students. Yale fresh mfin anrl fWnatt h-a-l.... have given up their annual rash at their respective college), Lincoln University, the colored college at Lincoln, Chester county, Pa., haa re- uieueu wun zou stuaents enrolled. The Detroit Boaril nf shut put all teachers from the public cbuuum wuo are not graduates ol the schools. Ooeduca ion has attained to such a re markable degree of popularity in Maine that two married couples have entered university. Colorado College la overcrowded with students. Its present freshman class contains double the number of last year's freshman class. The Chicago University has under consideration a plan whereby classes w ll be formed to systematically study World's Fair exhibits. In the " board schools " of Dundee, Vatantr Oil leer Jmlse , Dean Hlaneharrf, llaliiler t'lera K. K. golik, H . Helen. Htierlir l. A. HUasle, m. Ilcl.i l UUI1UIUB LI LI. .DLl. n . .. v,, quackery act, and physicians must ob- B(!0tl"nai which are similar to our pub tain a license before they can practice. li0 'chpoJ. initructlon in swimming is The belief is general In Fresno that (.'oiniiilaalmera ..,,.....". n. siassir, ri. final . i miai, vivj una iu ui I'ruaaur r K. M. Wharton, Columbia city. Horara in ita mtriat OllflV. VI DVIIUOI. J . 1.IVCMIII. vBruuin Aaeeasor W. II. Kvsur. Halntcr surveyor A. U. Utile, Ha uler in. u. Hi'tio mover, vernonia Mi. . Baruea, Mayser, II...... 1J..L ...i. .1. u Society NaMltiea. Mason l(V-Kt. Helena Lodge, No. M-Hegular eoiumiinioallnua nrat ami tnini Maturtiuv in each month nl 7 HO r. H. at Masonic hall, Vl-lt Iiih m.mliera In food standing liivll.,1 to at. ItOl.l. MAWiaiv.-Ralnler Lodg, No. 2 meeting. Halurday on or before each full tinion at ;:MI r. N. at Masonic hall, over Hlanchanl'. .tore. Vlsitlug member. In good alandlng in. tiicu to eiienti, (Inn r.LOw-Ht. Helena tHlg No. 117 Mueta every Hatuiduy ulghl at 7 . 0. Transient trihren In good .tunning cordially Invited to aueuu. The Alalia. Down river OhwD Phmea at S:W . H. I'o river llHial) clOMtt. at 4 r. H. The mall for Vernonia ami I'ltlalmrg 'earn St. Helen. Monday, Wednesday aud Friday al M.I. The mall for Marahland. Clalakanle ami Mlal leave Huliiu Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 1-2 M. Mali. (railway) north cIom a' to t. u.t for furtlaud at r. i. Traveler' UulaoKI ver tteailea. Htrnb(I, W. Niiva- I,evea HI. Helena for I'oriland at 11 A. a. 1'iiewtny, Thiirdnv and HHtnrday. Iavea Ht. Helen, for t'lalaKanle Muuilay. Weduexlay.aiid rrlday at S: , M. Mtkamkk M. Helena fur t'ort laud ).i a. M. nturuliiK at S:W r. a. r)TAHRk Jul-n lavcaSt Helena for I'orllaud ilallv eirent Kllliilav. at 7 A. M rlvluaai I'ortlaud al 10 0 rcturnliiK. leave I'ortlanv at I r. M arriving at St. Helen, at 4. 1-ROFK88IONAL. jyt. II. K. l l.IKK, PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. 8t. Helena, Oregon. J J. J. K. HAM PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. ClaUkatile, Oolumhin county. Or. JyH. W. C. BKI.T, PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. Rainier, Oregon. y 1, KICK, ATTORN E Y-AT-L AW, St. Hbi.kns, - - Oiikoon. Deputy Dlatrict Attorney for Col lunula Co. T. A. MrliNlDS. ICUUIIIK a PRESHER, A. B. Dliisma. AT TO RN E Y S-at-L A W. Oregon City , Oregon . Prompt attention given lumt-olnce business. M'lTI.Ki SURVEYOR and CIVIL ENGINEER, St. Helens, Oregon. County surveyor. Lund surveying, town plntting, and engineering work promptly done. that city has an organized hand of mur derera in its midst. An effort is being maue to ierrei inetn out. 0. E. Thurmond, County Superintend ent ol Schools at Santa Barbara, has been held for trial on a charge of altering the records of the County Board of Educa tion. Excellent fruit has been produced in Murray, Idaho, this season. The success which has attended this initial venture has encouraged many, who will plant orchards in those high altitude! this fall. The Secretary of the Sealers' Associa tion of British Columbia estimates th it the total seal catch of the British Co lumbia sealers will be about 45,003 skins, wbioh, compared with the catch of last year, shows falling off of 16 per cent. Referring to the finds of remains of extinct animals, none is more curioni than that of finding the antlers and bones of an elk 108 feet below the sur face in a shaft that was being sunk on a ledge near Newbridge, Or., this season. They were found imbedded in a stratum of gravel. The census bureau has made nubile the statistics of the manfacturing and mechanical industries of Los Angeles, which for 1800 are as follows : Number of industries, 83; number of establish ments, 747: capital Invested, 16,817,088 ; hands employed, 4,950; wages paid, $3.- 474,618: cost of materials nsed. $5,00!,- 102; value of product, 111,877 005. James Campbell, the projector of the Los Angeles and Salt Lake railroad, has returned to Los Angeles from Han Fran cisco, where he had a conference with President 8. U. li. Clark of the Union Pacific, and an agreement was arrived at regarding traffic arrangements. Mr. Campbell states that he has almost com pleted nls arrangements, and that in a year's tbne Union Pacific trains will be running into Los Angeles. At a meeting of the California Raisin Growers' Association at Fresno recently it was stated that the oulnlon both In California and throughout the Eastern markets is that reduction in the price of raisins will not increase sales. The con dition of the market is good. All effort s to break the market bave been headed off for the present and perhaps for this year. The price of raisins will be held up to the schedule price indefinitely. Same interesting Indian mummies are in the possession of Dr. Morrow of Pendleton. Or. Tbev were disooverrd one year ago on Long Island in the Col ombia river, buried In a mound of sand. One of tbem Is a figure ol a full-grown adult, evidently ol great age. ineomer la of a roans child. Both are perfectly preserved, having hair and teeth intact. The skull of the younger one baa been removed, showing the covering of the brain. The moccasins are vet on them, I and are hardly changed. The Dnlamar Mining? Comrjanv is threatened with an apes suit that may become historical in the history of min ing litigation in Idaho. Tim Regan, owner of two-fifths of the Stoddard prop-1 ertv, claims that it holds the apex of the Deiemar Company's ore oodles, tie nai recently been doing some work to prove his theory, and expects soon to com mence suit for an accounting. A very large amount of money will be involved. The Delamar Company recently pur-, chased the otner three-niths. Ground has been broken for the im mense ditch to be constructed through the Columbia delta by the Walla Walla and Columbia irrigation uompany, and by March 1, 1803, the proposed reclaim ing of 10,000 acres of as fine land as can be found In the Pacific North weit will have been made possible by securing for that land a supply ol water more tnan part of the curriculum, The University of Wisconsin has or ganized a university extension depart ment under Lyman P. Powell, formerly of Johns Hopkins University. Columbia College accounts for the de crease of numbers noticeable in the class of 1806 in the arts department by the I fact that the standard of scholarship has ' raited. . In the early years of Yale College and until 1707 the names of the graduates were arranged not alphabetically, but in the order of the social rank of the fami lies to which they belonged. i The New York Board of Education has taken a caution" step toward the intro duction of tbe Froebel system by mak ing an appropriation of f 26,000 for kind ergarten classes in the primary schools of that c.ty. The movement against the employ ment of married women as teachers in tbe public schools has extended to Chi cago. That city employs 3,000 teachers, P5 per cent, of whom are women, and 400 or 500 of these are married. Throughout all Spanish America no young man is considered thoroughly ed ucated until he can speak at least two languages beside his own. In Chili French and German are universally learned, and it is now becoming the fash ion to study English. Physical Director Stagg that's what they call him has decided that the stu dents in the Chicago University shall kick football three times a week for ex ercise, at least the young men. The young ladles walk an hour, and take fif teen minutes' exercise iu the gymnasium. EASTERN ITEMS. The Honorary Thirty-third Degree of Masonry. SEVEN NEW BISHOPS MADE. Well-Known Horseman Gets Six Wei I -Deserved Years in the Penitentiary. Chicago barred "Ta-ra-ra-boom-de-ay" from ita civic parade. Stamford, Conn., baa Just celebrated its 250th anniversary. Severe weather is reported by the in coming Atlantic steamers. Tbe Lake Shore road is being double tracked between Buffalo and Chicago. A societv haa been formed at Phila delphia to promote the eating of horse uesu. j The late General John Pone left an estate of about f 25,000 of $30,000 to his children. Chicago is fortunate In having? discov ered a new supply of natural gas at this juncture. Kansas commercial traveleri have or ganized a State association for mutual WORLD'S FAIR NOTES. The Weight and Value of the Exhibit From the Mikado's Empire A Dairy School Etc. A large model of Columbus' ship Santa Maria, made by a deaf mute in Madrid, is to be sent to the World's Fair in Ciilcago. A big row between the national and local officers, of the fair regarding the rules for governing the exposition next year is now on. The Prince of Wales is not likely to visit Chicago next year. If the fair is kept open a second season, he mar come over ana ioox at it. JaDan World's Fair Onmmiaalnnnra say that their exhibition will weigh over 2,000 tons and be worth over (1,000,000. They will show samples of art never be- lore seen in tms country. Tbe railroads centering: in Chicago have given orders for the construction of more than 1,500 passenger cars and 400 locomotives, to be delivered prior to May 1, 1893, in anticipation of the increase of business during tbe World's Fair. Tennessee is not a maritime State, bnt schooner built on the Clinch river has just arrived at Chicago, having voyaged along rivers and canals, making 1,800 out oi tne z.ooti miles under sail. She la loaded with East Tennessee exhibits. Liquor will be sold in Jackson Park daring the World's Fair. After a long discussion the National Commission de cided that it would not interfere with contracts made by the Chicago directors for the sale of light beverages and stim ulants. I UL wiT . . v t I Sam Moey.a Chicago Chinese mer- AtiviiuiKiuDiiuir MfBUBlinUAUD nhanr hoi vaaai van n fismotiAn fvAm fuel gas from oil that will be cheaper ' the Treasury Department that 200 artiste than natural gaa. Bnd ctors for the proposed Chinese the- Tbe government haa decided that nn ' ater during the World's Fair can he im- more contracts with Indian attorneys ' ported by having each obtain the proper PERSONAL MENTION. Order of Shefkakat Conferred Upon the Daughter of the British Ambas sador to Turkey. The Duke of Edinburgh Is composing music to a uoretto by carmen Bylva, Ex-Senator Piatt once led the village choir, and was considered a fair singer py ine cnurcn members. Mr. Cleveland's Buzzard's Bay resi lience, uray uaoies, is lor sale, it is stated that Mr. Cleveland will again make his summer home at Marion. One of the beat portrait painters of Boston is a woman, Mrs. Phoebe Picker ing Jenks, who devotes berseii exclu sively to the portraits of women and children. Mrs. Martha A. Hogan, Mrs. Mary A. Fassett and Mrs. Sarah A. Fassett, trip lets, were present at a celebration at Waltbam, Mass., the other day. They are 69 years old. Marv A. Dickens, daughter of Charles Dickens, Jr., who waa for a time on the will be approved, A lead and zinc mining company has been organized at East St. Louis with a capital stock of $1,000,000. Dr. S. Weir Mitchell, the Philadelphia specialist in nerve disease, haa invented a cigar containing no nicotine. .Collector of Customs Fannigan of El Paso has been Indicted for assisting Chi nese to enter the United States. The Mechanical Rubber Conmanv. with a capital of $15,000,000, was incor- poraiea at irenton, ss. j, last week;. The Dean typewriter, invented bv a Minneapolis man, haa passed to the con trol of a New York trust company for ti,ZUU,UUU, For the first time in tbe experience of ine new xorK ponce a umnaman was arrested there the other day for being drunk in the streets. A vessel has reached New York with cases of the disease known as beri-beri in Japan on board. It resembles yellow fever in some respects. Ann O'Delia DisDebar, the spook priestess, was arrested at Quincy, III., one day last week for stealing $1,000 from a friend at Elgin, 111. At point north of Reading. Pa., water is so scarce that the railroads have to guard their tanks, and mountain fires have broken out in several places. An official of the Big Four says that the manifest system now in use on. the road is worth 1,500 cirs to the company, so much more promptly are freights moved. A circular issued by tbe order of Rail way Telegraphers to operators contains a number of question which railroad managers object to have their employes answer. " For famishing medicine to an 18-year-old girl at Columbia, S. 0., for a crimi nal operation uoionel J. a. Morrow, tbe well-known horseman, gets six years' imprisonment. President Gompers of the American Federation of Labor says he will recom mend the federation to boycott all of the Carnegie Steel Company's product turouguoui tne united estates, certificates, The three local banks of Bo'se City the Boise National, the First National and the Capital State have agreed to advance $5,000 for the purpose of aiding laano in mating a creditable exbiuit at the World's Fa.r. Commissioner Wells has discovered that many people are willing to guarantee the repayment of tbe money advanced re tbe Commission er if the next Legislature fails to grant mm a sumcient appropriation to carry on the work. In case the Lgislatnre makes the necessary appropriation, the so.uuu win oe returned trom tbe amount set aside for World's Fair purposes to the banks making the advances. Otherwise the parties who bave pledged themselves as sureties will have to see that the banks are repaid. The $5,000 will great ly aid the Commissioner in his work. Among the thousand and one attrac tions at the Columbian Fair not theleaat vrill be the dairy school, as it will be in effect. It is the intention of Chief Buch anan of the agricultural department of the fair to make the dairy branch an object lesson of the highest value to every farmer who attends the exposition. His plans, which have been long under consideration, have already begun to crystallize, and unless the unforeseen prevents, the dairy school will be a su preme example of what such an exhibit should be. In the first place be haa se cured from the owners of valuable stock the promise to furnish him selected cows representing all the leading breeds, while the general government has agreed to put experts in charge of the tests and analyses, and the directors of the fair will equip the necessary buildings with 11 needed appliances. NATIONAL CAPITAL. A railroad with a guage of but twenty four inches is now being built in North Carolina. It ia run from Hot Springs vwavuH va vraoai 1VI m ellUQ MIA L.UV7 . . J stage, is now in literature, and contrib- j SeM toS Tennessee border to Laurel ntes to the journal that her father edits river distance of twenty-four miles. Father Haire, who was pastor of the Immaculate Conception Church of Balti more for little over a year, has been appointed Superior of the Order of the Bisters ot Ubanty lor tbe United State. and which her illustrious grandfather once carried on. The clay model of the statue of Gen eral George B. McClellan, which is to be erected in Philadelphia, has , been scru tinized by Vice-President Morton and Major McClellan, brother of "Little Mac," and they regard the likeness ex cellent. , Boatswain John C. Thompson, U. S. N., who has been attached to the Brook lyn navy yard for the last fifteen years, ba been placed on the retired list. Boatswain Thompson is a veteran of the Mexican war, ana haa seen fifteen year oi active service, President Harrison Acts Favorably Upon Two Aplications for Pardon The New Postal Card. The new postal card with a paid reply has been placed on sale in all first-class offices. W. T, BuumtY. limNKV A DIUPKK, J. W, Drapicr. ATTORNEYS-at-LAW, Oregon City, Oregon. The Pope is now in hi 83d year, and in ran s f ield Marsnai uanroDert la 85, and Marshal McMahon, who is still straight as a dart and retaining a mag nificent seat in his saddle, ia 83. Kos suth, the Hungarian . patriot, has just celebrated his 90th birthday. Prince Camille Rohan has recently died at the aI OO anJ , V a aamA n L. ... I.l -f ury in the case of the the late Earl of Essex. sufficient for ali purposes of agriculture, The water will be taken from the Walla Walla river at a point about nine miles above Wallula, and st this point the work was begun. The coroner's Twelve vears' exile! Irnoe as the United MtatM Lund Ofllce here. Register of recom mends us in Otis niiei ittlty of nil kinds of linaliieaa before tin Land Otll'ie or the Courts antl involving the Uenerul tami Office. B 1OCKKNI1R0U0H a COWINU, ' ATTORNEY-at-LAW, Oregon City, Oregon. ( Lata speciul agent of General hind office. ) lloniesteiitl, Pre-emption, and Timber Land uniilicatlona. mid other Land Olnce liusinew. a amcialty. Office, second floor, Lund Ollit e Building. AwiwArki Anlnatrm Ak T.ia Anirelea. bv which even persons were killed and a Prof. E. N. Horsford of Cambridge, large number Injured, gave a verdict ex- the great believer in Ericssen a the true onerating the man in charge of t'je fire- discoverer of America, has received from works. The Jury express the opinio-! the King of Denmark the decoration of that the mortars used for the purpose ol Knight of the Royal Order of Danne-nrlno-e bombs had been tampered with, brog. This is a very ancient order of and that if the proper police protection knighthood it was founded in the mid had been furnished by the committee in die ages reserved for a score or two per charge of the celebration the accident sons of distinction, would not have happened. This verdict Edward Blake, the eminent Canadian Inrf catea the lurv accented the theory tiv.i k... i. .iui that boys poured gunpowder into the be, 0f parliament, has been invited to talk on home rule in Boston at an early date. Aianson w. .Beard, William K. .JAPANESE; TPfL mortars before the latter were loaded. A diacoverv made at Vancouver. B. 0.. bv the legal fraternity has bad rather a startling effect. On October 1 the act of the Legislature setting apart the new Vancouver judicial aistrict came into fnrne. Tt provided that when It came into force the Sheriff of the New West minister district should have the power Barrett, Rev. Stopford Brooke, Mayor Matthews and other prominent Boston- ians, in addition to leading Irish-Americans, signed the request. The late M. Renan wrote a vast num ber of personal letter from civilitv rather than inclination and often with CURB A new and complete treatment, (pn.istlngpf Riiiiiiiwltorkw, Ointments In liauanlea, elan in box and IMlla: a I'oaltlve cure lor Bxteriiiu, in ternal, blind and Hleedlug, Itching, Chroiilo, Iteecnt or Hereditary riles, and many other illaeasea anrl female woakneaaea: It la alwayaa grout henellt to the ftiii.rnl health, (lie Itrat diacoverv nf a medical cure rendering u opera tion wltli tne knife unnoeea.ary hereafter. 1 hi; Hetnadvhnneor been known to fall. II per box. u for 16; aent hy mall. Why aitfler from thla torrlhledlaeaao when a written guarantee, la given with 6 boxea, to refund the money If not Surod. Hentlataiup for free wample. ''j'''' Issued hy WooiiAao, :i.Aaas Co., Wholoaale antl Retail druggists, Hole Ageiils, I'ortlaud, or. to aerve the Processes tben in blS ll nlt, ..... Imnhlo 1 1 waa araa tn u and that his Jurisdiction should then and lak conversations. He hardly ever cease. It waa expeciea tnai as soon as dropped an epistle into a letter box the new act came into force W. 8. Pat- wjthout wishing he had not penned it, terson, who haa been acting as Sberitl and na 0ften (ell asleep when engaged Armstrong's deputy there for four years, in private correspondence, would be appointed Sheriff for the new . ..,,."" T"r'i- i . i..,.ni ... .r,..l. I Rev. Dr. Parkhuret of Trlnltv M. E. and now, by the declaration of the act, Church, Charleatown, Mass., delivered ill work done within tbe confines of the ddI8 th er Sunday night, in new Vancouver district since October 1 j which he assailed the character of the - ohHr im.inn. of the old West- discoverer of America. Dr. Parkhuret . . . , . . , . ., v 1 . J - minister district, which embraced Van couver, is Illegal. The effect of this will be fae-reaolilng, ana no ena oi legay muddle will be the inevitable result. denounced Columbus as a liar and seeker after gold, and said that, although Co lumbus professed to be profoundly reli gious, he was at heart a very bad man. Ttpperusalem is the name of town in Oklahoma. Tipperusalem was the happy compromise between one pro moter who wanted to name the place Tepperaryand another who desired to can it Jerusalem. Wheat at St. Louis is lower than ever known. The market i weighed down, and the flow of wheat from farmers' hands ia like a deluge. This is the result of the " hoid-your-wheat " circular of last year. Another leper haa been discovered in rbiiadelpbla, and tbe victim is a woman. Tbe woman will bave for ber compan ions a Chinaman and Japanese, who have been at the hospital for some time awaiting death from the dreadful dis ease. ...... Chinamen are now being smuggled into the United State from Windsor, Ont., via a new route. Formerly they were landed in Detroit, but now they are put aboard a steamer and taken down the river and across the lake to Toledo and vicinity. The suit for the ownership of land now occupied oy railroads on both sides of too river on wbicn rests tbe interna tional bridge at Buffalo, N. Y., haa com menced in the Superior Court at Buffalo. It involves the city's rights and about 12,000,000 wortb oi property. Rev. Dr. John Hall and Rev. Robert Russell both have resigned from the Board of Directors of the Union Theo logical Seminary a a result of the com plications following the seminary's dis pute with the Presbyterian Church. It is said the other directors will withdraw. In the executive session of the House of Bishops at the Episcopal convention at Baltimore seven new Bishops were made. Among them are Rev. W. M Barker for Western Colorado, Rev. Jo seph Horsehall Johnson for Northern Michigan and Rev. Lemuel Henry Wells for Spokane. The Olympic Club at New Orleans during tbe annual Mardi Grae festivities have provided for three prise fights. The men who will do battle are Champion James J. Oorbett and Charley Mitchell of England; Jim Hall and BobFiUsim mons, the middle-weight pugilists; Champion Jack McAuliffe and Dick Burke, the champion light-weight pugil ist of England. Secretary Rusk says in regard to the alleged diecovery of pleuro-pneumonia by the British inspectors among Ameri can cattle that the American inspector assert it was catarrhal pneumonia. General Flagler, chief of ordaance, in his annual report calls attention to the inadequacy of the general appropriation for arming and equipping tbe militia. i avhiAh at t.hA laat eAaainn of Ponirftna was still further reduced. : The annual report of Adjutant-General Williams of the army recommends that the annual appropriations for tbe National Guard be increased from $400, 000 to $1,000,000. Referring to tbe ques tion of the advisability of enlisting In dians, tbe report states that it has been confirmed by the experience of the past year. Chili's $75,000 indemnity draft for the Baltimore's sailors has been sentto Paris for collection. Since it waa turned over to the State Department it has passed through the hands of the Secretary of the Wavy and secretary oi tne Treasury, the latter having it forwarded through the regular channel for collection, for, when honored by tbe Pari bank upon which it is drawn, the amount will be deposited with tbe United States Treas urer, from whom it will be drawn by the beneficiaries noon checks signed by the disbursing officer of the Navy Depart ment. The plan of making the allot ment is still unsettled, but Secretary Tracy thinks favorably of a proposition for a department board to make the dis tribution after examination into the medical records of the men injured and other report made by the officers of the Baltimore. , President Harrison has acted upon two applications for pardon, granting them both, for the reason that the pris oners concerned were about to die, and to be effective the pardons must bs is sued at once. In this view the Presi dent was prompted to put in abeyance for a few minutes his own great personal Borrow. One of the prisoners pardoned is Lee Sing, convicted of perjury In the United States Court for the Northern Distrlot of New York January 26, 1892, and sentenced to the Albany peniten tiary for one year. He was charged with being unlawfully in this country, and an investigation proved tbe charges. His pardon was urged by the Superintendent and physician of the prison and the Dis trict Attorney. The other i Marshall Wheeler (colored), convicted in the United States District Court of South Carolina of carrying on business as a re tail liquor dealer without having paid the tax. He was sentenced August 18, 1892. to six months' imprisonment in York county jail. The jail physician, Bueritr and lbatrict Attorney recom mended the pardon. FOREIGN LANDS. The Czarina of Russia Kisses a Hospital Nurse. LONDON'S POOR STARVING. Children's Dances All the Rage in Paris Valuable Discovery of Nitrates Etc. Deaths from cholera in France since ast April nave footed up 3,184. The Pall Mall Gazelle, London, haa uocu auiu lur ,liaj,taju, i I (aid. All the hotels of Switzerland have bail a summer oi exceptional prosperity. ranee has gained manv important concessions irom tne sultan of Morocco. The Queen ia said to be disturbed hn. cause of the mutiny among the Windsor troops. An American author in Paris aimiJ Harris has received the Lesion of Ilnnn riuuon. The threatened strike of rmtton num. tives in England will affect 13.0m.nnn ! .. .11 ' ----- Bjniiuies. The vonns King of finain ia ramnrln. from the cold he caught at the HevilU uoiumons lete. Lord Randolph Chnrc'illl it la atabwt has practically abandoned noiitina for commercial interests. The French war office haa nroviitivi for the enrollment of between 6,000 and 7,000 bicyclists in war. The government haa decided tn am. chase a number of trunk telephone sys tems throughout Ireland. Rev. James Spnrton haa so far reeov. ered his health as to be able to resume bis pastoral duties in I.jutlon. Starvation threatens thousands of the poor of London. Many deaths from hunger have already occurred. In London tbe opinion is widelv nttar. tained that the Queen will annoint fUr Theodore Martin poet laureate. The increase of crime in Guuenw la said to be due to the "abnormal thirat of tbe laboring classes for liquor." It is believed that General Booth of the Salvation Army is desirous of aban doning his " Darkest England " scheme. A monument to Millet has been nn. veiled at Cherbourg, France, with great ceremony, and is pronounced a fine work- oi art. Five village in Kutsis in Transcan. caaia have been destroyed bv an earth. quake. Many lives are reported to have been lost. Great Britain is to issue a new itimn of the value of 44 pence 9 cents to be available for all postal, telegraphic and revenue purposes. A diaoatch received in Brnaaela from the Congo Free State confirms the re port that the natives had murdered Sub Lieutenaat Biegois. In Paris the authorities are endeavor. ing to put a stop to the bogus picture b es conaiaauy occurring, ana at Wfiictt many are swindled. Children's dances are all the rstm In Pari, the most popular of them beinir one known as the Maaka, which has been imported irom ttussia. The approaching reconsenration nf the Luther Memorial Church in Wittenburg, uermany, promises to be a ceremony of extraordinary splendor. It is reported that a valuable discov ery of nitrate haa been fonnd near Mount Darwin in tbe direction of the Hanyani river, South Africa. The official information shows that. while the cholera ia decreasing in Ham burg, Germany i in increased danger from an invasion from Russia. The proportionate nnmber nf births In Russia is nearly double that of France, while the German population increase faster than that of .any other country. Pari with a Population of abont 2.500.- 000 haa fewer than 100 negroes within ita limits, it is claimed that the colored population of all France is less than 550. The law of Denmark now gives to every Danish subject, male or female, the right to a pension at 60 years of age except in cases of convicted criminals. A golden throne of the value of 20, 000 will be presented to the Pope by the chapters of the various cathedrals in Christendom on the occasion of hi ju bilee next year. ,,. ' It is officially announced in Spain that thi new commercial treaty between Spain and the United States covering trade with the Antilles ia favorable to Spanish industries. The Ameer of Afghanistan Is endeav oring to secure British help in having his illegitimate son recognised, a the successor to the throne, which hi sub jects violently oppose. The institution at Wiemar known the Goethe-Schiller Archives is about to 1 become a universal German archive to ! contain the literary remain ot all the great German writers. The Chilian government a a token of its desire to renew good feeling and friendship with the United States will send tbe cruiser Capitan Prat from France to represent her in the naval demonstration next spring. Baron Hirsch is about to distribute among English charities another $100, 000 of his turf winnings. This will en able those who were cleaned out to recou p to some extent, if they are not particu lar about accepting charity. A wealthy Australian has bought the late Lord Alfred Tennyson's birthplace Somerby in Lincolnshire which he intends to convert into a museum for relics, etc., similar to the Shakespeare Hathaway cottage at Stratford-on-Avon. PORTLAND MARKET. Prodae. Fruit, ate. Wheat Nominal. Valley, $1.22), 1.26j Wall Walla, $1.151.16)i P cental. Fxodb Standard, $3.65; Walla Walla, $3.65; Graham, $3.15; Superfine, $2.60 per barrel. Oats New, 4345o per bushel; rolled, $6.506.76 per barrel: $6.50(3 6.75 per bag; $3.76 per ease. Hat $1113 per ton. MnxsTorrs Bran, $16; shorts, $19: ground barley, $22.5025 ; chop feed, $21 22 per ton; whole feed barley, $18319; middings, $2628 per ton; brewing barley. $1.10(31.15 per cental: chicken wheat, $1.20 per cental. orTTaB Uregon fancy creamery, 82J, a35c: fancv dairv. 80032 Uct fair to good, 2527Ke; common, 1520o per pound. ). Chess Oregon, ll12c; Young America, 12c per pound. Kaon Oregon. 30c : Eastern. 23Un ner - u , , i y m - r dozen. Poultry Old Chicken, 14.00(3)4.60; young, $3.003.60; ducka, $4.00(85.50; geese, nominal, $8.009.00 per dozen; turkeys, 12 13c per pound. VsoiTAjjua Cabbage. $1.0" (2)1.50 per cental ; Onion, 76c$l per cental ; pota toes, 7590o per cental; Oregon cu cumbers, 10g)lSc per dozen; tomatoes, 85c per box; Oregon turnips, 15c per dosen; young carrot, 15c per dozen; beets, 16c per dozen; sweet potatoes, $1.75 per cental ; Oregon cauliflower, 75o (gll.uu per dozen ; celery, 80c per dozen. Jf Burr vregon peacnee, Ci.ZuCgl.MJ per box; Sicily lemons, $9.50; Cali fornia lemons, $7.008.00 per box; canta leaps, $1.501.75 per dozen ; water melon, 1.261.60 per dozen ; California) grapes, $1.001.25 per box; Oregon grapes, 4576c per box ; pineapples, $3 per dozen ; uregon pear, zi.zb(gi.60 per box; banana, $3.004.00 per bunch; quince, $1.50 per box ; orange. $3.00 per box ; cranberries, $10.00 per barrel : apples, 75c$1.60. Staple erawaanaa. . Hohit Choice comb. 15(317o per pound ; new Oregon, 1820c Salt Liverpool, $14.60017.00: stock, $10.50(311.50 per ton. Rica Ialand. $6.00(35.60 : Japan. 14.85 percental. Dbud Fauns Petite prunes, 10(3 Uo; s;lver,ll14c; Italian,12o14c; German, 10llc; plum,66c: apples. 4X89Jc: evaporated apricots, 1616c; peacbes. 12 16c; pears, 7c per pound. Corrza Costa Bica,21c;Kio,20,c-, Salvador. 20c: Mocha. 27ffli30c: Java. 27!l(330c: Ar buckle's 100-pound cases. 23 17-20c per pound. Usams Small wblte, 3c; pink, 3c; bayoa. 3c; butter, So; limas, 3j-c per ponna. Steuf Eastern, in barrels, 4055e; half-barrels, 42X67ie; in cases, 35(9 80c per gallon ; $2.25 per keg. California in barrels, 2040e per gallon; $1.75 per keg. Sooab Net prices: D,4ie; Golden O, 4c; extra O, 4c; Magnolia, A, 4c; granulated, hc; cube crushed and pow dered, he; confectioners' A, 6o per pound ; maple sugar, 15(3 16c per. pound. Canned Goom Table fruits, assorted ned $1.75(32.00; peaches, $1.85(32.10; lett pears, $1.75(32.00 ; plums, $1.37 L50; strawberries, $2.25(32.40; cher ries, $2.25(32.40; blackberries, $1.86(9 2; raspberries, $2.40; pineapples, $2,259 2.80; apricots, $1.65(32.00. Pie fruits: Assorted, $1.20; peaches, $1.26; plums, $1.10(31.20; blackberries, $1.25(31.40 per dozen. Pie fruits, gallons Assorted, $3.26(33.50; peaches, $3.50(34.00; apri cots, $3.50(34.00; plums, $2.75(33.00; blackberries, $4.00(34.50. Vegetables: corn, $1.40(31.85; tomatoes, 5e$1.00; sugar peas, 95c3$1.00; string beans, 903 96c per dosen. Meats: Corned beef, Is, v $1.26; 2s, $1.86(32.00; chipped beef, $2.10 ; lunch tongue, Is. $3.10; 2s, $5.60 deviled ham, $1.60(32.76 per dosen. Fish: Sardines, 76c1.66; lobsters, $2.30 3.60; salmon, tin Mb. talis, $1.26 l?s U6" 2-252.W. X DbL, $5.60. ; KUoallanaoma. ..... Naitjs Base quotation: Iron, $3.00: steel, $3.00; wire, $3.50 per keg. , IaoN Bar, 2c per pound: pig iron, $2427 per ton. Stsets 10)o per pound. , Tin I. C. charcoal, 14x20, prime qual ity, $8.28(38.75 per box; for crosses, $3 extra per box: rooflno-. 14x20. nrim quality, $6.62(36.75 per box; I. C. coke plates, 14x20, prime quality, $7.50(38.00 per box. - Lsad 4c per pound; bar, ejtfe. Shot $1.80 per sack, ' HoE8X8HOKS-$5. Naval Stobsb Oakum, $4.50(35 per bale; roain, $4.805 per 480 pounds ; tar, Stockholm, $13.00; Carolina, $9.00 per barrel ; pitch, $6.00 per barrel ; turpen tine, 66c per gallon in carload lot. Hides, Wool and Bops. Hidzs Dry hides, selected prime, 7 8c; l)c less for culls: green, selected, over 65 pound. 4c j under 65 pounds, 3c ; sheep pelts, short wool, 8050c; me dium, 60080c; long, 90c3$1.26; shear ings, 1020c; tallow, good to choice, S 3c per pound. Wool Umpqua Valley, 1819c; fall clip, 1316c; Willamette Valley, 15(3 18c, according to quality; Eastern Ore gon, 10iao per pound, according to condition. . Hop 19(3210, according to condition. Thm Meat Hark. Bkkf Live, l)i2o; dressed, 4Jtf English papers are bubbling over with praise of the graciousness of the Czarina in kissing a hospital nurse who had been in the midst of cholera Infection an impulsive, womanly way of showing her admiration for the nurse' bravery and self-sacrifice. Mrs. Pyne has been admitted to the London Society of Compositors, and re ceives the same wages aa the male print era in the establishment in which she Is employed. This is spoken of aa a new thing in London. . The printers' unions in this country have long admitted wom en to their rank. Morrow Live, SVQSXc; dressed. 6c j lambs, live, 8J3ic: dressed. 8c. Hooe Live, 4c; dressed, oo. VsAL 48,8c per pound. Shokbd Msats Large ham, !3c; medium ham,133. 14c; breakfast bacon, 13 16c; dry salt sides, lOXc: moked aides, 1213o per pound. Labd Compound, in tins, 9c; pure, in tins, 124"313c; Oregon, ll13o per pound. Mounting Heavy Oaaa. The disadvantage of mounting heavy guna in pairs bus become very generally recognized. Their separation is now con sidered as essential to safe use, and ships whose guns are mounted aingly in spore. sons will prove to be the most effective. United Service Gazette. A Lobatar Gain to thm Show. A lobster measuring- 84 inches in length and weighing 19X pounds was taken from a trap In St. Andrew's bay, near Roblnaton, Me., one day recently. The specimen will be prepared by a taxidermist and placed on exhibition at th World' fair.