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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 28, 1892)
a 1 '' " " ' 1 1 .... . , 1 , . ettl It l VIP 1.1 ea" IUAUJ I " IT11IIU inn I iii i No Substitutes Return to the grocer all substitutes sent you for Royal Baking Powder. There is no substitute for ROYAL. No Vary Encouraging. : Al7 had spent a long evening with Mlsa Edith. 'At last be rose to go. Her hand shake was not cordial enough to suit him; to (act, it was very limp and exhausted. He was disappointed, for he had expected very different parting, but in ft rein of pleasantry he said, "Oh, shake hands with man, Miss Edith!" - ' "I should be pleased to, Mr. Brown," was her quiet rejoinder. Algy has not called since. Harvard Lampoon. ;. A Bran Packer, A novel invention tea bran packer for the use of uiiUors who do large export business and to whom economy of space Is desirable. The apparatus consists of an augur Working in the funnel that fills the bag. It constantly revolves, at the same' time having up and down motion. On the down stroke It forces the bran into the sack, paoking it solidly ftt tho asms time. Xew York Hecorder. The Roumanian has, in every walk in life, fierce and savage pride which causes him to abhor the idea of medi cine and surgery, and to consider the loss of a limb as terrible as that of life itself. - - v , : ., Nine-tenths of the stuff used aa bay mm in New York, and other places as well, is not bay rum at all, but mix ture of the essential oil of bay with com mon rum or alcohol. ( Mr. Goodfellow writes that "toast la more easily digested than ordinary bread, insomnch an it contain greater percentage of h-"d '''"'' " Good advice to pipe smokers is' to. try a pipe full of Mastiff Plug . Cut Its the lavonte with all who delight in the sub tle charms and fragrant aroma of a pure, mild-flavored, slow burning tobacco. " J. B. Pice Tobacco Co., Richmond, Virginia. Babies are always happy when comfortable. They are cdmfortable when well. They are apt to be well when fat ; they worry and cry when thin. .,, They ought to be fat ; their nature is to be fat. ",. If your baby is thin, "we have a book for you care ful living free. Scott A Bowks, Chcouste, ija South $th A venae, New Vork. , YourdrueeMoeScott'eEmulionofcod-Uver oil ali dmtSuM everywhere do. ft. "ixerman Syrup 99 William McKeekan, Druggist t Bloominzdale, Mich. "I have had the Asthma badly ever since I came out of the army and though I have been in the drug business for fifteen veata. and have tried nearly every thing on the market, nothing has given me the slightest relief until a few months ago, when I used Bo schee's German Syrup. I am now glad to acknowledge the great good it has done me. I am greatly reliev ed during the day and at night go to sleei) without the least trouble." MARK. ERADICATES BLOOD POI SON AND BLOODTAINT. SEVERAL bottles of Swift's Specific (S.S.S.) entirely cleansed my system of contagious blood poison of the very worst type. Wx. S. Looms, Shreveport, La. CURES SCROFULA EVEN IN ITS WORST FORMS. Iiiad scaorutA In 1884, and cleansed my system entirely from it by taking seven . . . r c 1- (- , 1 ... I .1 ...... .nmn. bottles of S. S.S, ioms since. r W Wir-r-nie. Spartanburg, S. C "., '1 HAS CURED HUNDREDS OF 1 1 CASES OF SKIN CANCER. Treatise on Blood and (Skin Diseases mailed free. Swift Specific Co, Atlanta, Ga. oooooooooo If yon have MIr, File Sink Hawl f ae&e, Coee Howela, Dumb Ague or Q f V your fowl Oorm not assimilate, ?TuilsTiny Pills? IM will ran uiou aronmee. jeuao v TRADE frloe SSo. iinoe,Birrarueo,jw. oooooooooo Knd at ft Long Lawsuit. ' An extraordinary lawsuit, which com menced Sept. 15, 1768, has just been con cluded, after having lasted 121 years. In the year 1410 Bishop Demendy, of Neu tra, in northern Hungary, died, leaving hisimrnenseestntestoliUfaniily. Owing, however, to the Turkish invasion of Hungary at that time, the bishop's rela tives were unable to take possession of the property. After the invasion it was found that the number of persons who had a right to share in the property was pward of a thousand. i As they wero unable to agree among themselves as to the division of the es tates, an appeal was made to the law. The courts of justice were so afraid of doing injustice by precipitate action that all the original heirs, and even the next two generations, had passed away before a decision was arrived at. Meantime the expenses of the law and administration had to be pxid, and while these have well nigh swallowed up the once vast fortune, the heirs have increased in number to more than 8,000. Now that the jtiuR ment of the court has been delivered, t!ie bishop's descendants find that property that should have now been worth prob ably a quarter of a million has melted down to something over 3,000, out of which they have still to pay a lawyer's bill of 1,000. This will leave the for tunate heirs at least a sovereign apiece. London Standard. A Pauper's Sad Ufa, Recently a poor, demented being, about 60 yrars old, was brought to the Waterville house by a man by the name of Light, from Palermo, who left him to be cared for until the following Monday. The man, Amos Murray, has been a pau uer since he was 3 years old. From time to time the support of Murray has been sold at auction; the last time he was bd off by a Mr. Light, who was to clothe and feed him for HO per annum, the balance of the expenses of keeping him alive and in working condition coming out of his body as a slave. Light sub let Murray to another person by the name of Prescott. The pauper ran away from his last owner and found his wy to Waterville. He was a mass of raco, his feet being incased in pieces of o'd gunny sack?., and he was hungry, tired ind exhausted. Landlord waite Kinuiy cared for" him and, finding him sick, iravehimextraattention. The man who brought him disappeared, and when he returned next day his poor unrortuua'e was dying. Saturday be died, and his remains were taken away by the person who bid off his suppert. Kennebeq Journal. A Saint's Skull. A saint's skull is soon to form the sub iact of an action of law at Lyons. The taint in question is Jean Soanen, wl-o was bishop f Senez, in the department of Basses-Alpes, during the reign of 'uouis Quinzo. The skull was for mary rears in tbo possession of an ancient family, whose scion, however, disposed of it a short time ago with someo'd lumber to a local dealer in bric-a-brac. He was at a loss to know what to do witb the skull, when s broker, hearing of ' dilemma, bethought of a devout lad; one of his customers who happened o hn the nroDrietor of the lower jaw of t"-e self same saint The broker conduo I the ladv to the shop, and a bargain w concluded whereby, on the payment of 40, she became the possessor of this ad ditional relic. After the lady nad quit ted the house in triumph, with the bis.v op's skull neatly packed up, the brok-r claimed half the money as the intro ducer, and, the dealer having refused to hand over more than 1, he is bnngi.ij the matter before the law courts. Lon don Globe. French Cremation Society. The French Cremation society, whirh was founded in 1883 for the purpose of familiarizing people with the idea of t'w new method for disposing or. tne aeaa, has for its president M. Koechlin- Schwarz, mayor of the Eighth Pa' ward, where periodical meetings a-i held, and amone the members who ma np its committee are a goodly numneroi deputies, municipal councilors, engineer and doctors, in oraer w oecome a titu lar member of the society a minimum sum of $3 must be paid the first year, and tl for each successive year afterwar'i, Donation members are expectea to con tribute at least a sum of $30 on entering. The last report shows that the body num bers at the present moment npwara oi a thousand members. The receipts for the first year of its existence were $500. Paris Letter. Railroad Building- Id Russia. There have never been such large or ders for rails from the Russian govern ment as at present, and these are all be ing given to home manufacturers by the minister of war. The Jastovo line to the Austrian frontier is to be built on a double line of rails to be laid down on the Kursk-Kieff line. In fact, all southwest ern lines aro to be furnished with doub'e rails. The strategical line to Petrofsk, on the Caspian, is also to be commenced in the course of the year, and probably some progress will be made as regards the great Siberian line. What is consid ered as rather ominous is that all the new and double lines in European Rus sia, for which orders are now given out, are to be finished by 1892. Cor. London Times. ' ' Carefully Selected. Of the Gladstone library at Hawarden The Pall Mall Gazette says: "Mr. Glad stone is not only himself selecting all the books and arranging tlieiu on the shelves with his own hands, but in each case he is marking those passages which seem to him most important and which have had most influence on his own mind and life. The library will thus be an actual collec tion of books that have influenced him." A Modern Robinson Crusoe. A solitary sailor has been discovered on a desolate island near Santa Cruz nearly dead from exposure.- He gives the name of Robrignez, and claims to have lived eight years on the island. He lias been sent to his home in Spain. Public Opinion. I ALL THINGS NEW. Will icioiecu wr ov". .. 'I I mm OKI sorrows tuat alt at the heart's sealed gats, Like sentinels grim and sad. While out in the night damp, weary and late Ths King with a gift divinely great. Is waiting to make us glad. Old foam that hang like a changing cloud Over a auulees day; OM burdens trtt keep the spirit bowel. Old wrong that rankle and olaruor loud, rjoall pass like a dream away. In the world wi'hout and the world within -; He maketh fie old things new. The touch of sorrow, the statu of sin, Shall flee from the gate when the King comes in. From the chill night's damp and dew, anew In the heaven the sweet stars shine. On earth new blossoms spring; . The old Ufe lost in the lite divine, "Thy wUl be mine, my wlU be thine," b the song which the new hearts sing. . Washington Post The Laughing Plant, The "laughing plant" grows in Ara bia, and has been given its name from the effects produced by eating its seeds. The plant is of moderate size, with bright yellow flowers and soft, velvety seed pods, each of which contains two or three seeds resembling small black beans. The natives of the district where the plant grows dry these seeds and reduce them to powder.' A small dose of this powder has similar effects to those aris ing from the inhalation of laughing gas. It causes the most sober person to dance, shout and laugh with the boisterous ex citement of a madman, and to rush about cutting the most ridiculous capers for about an hour. At the expiration of this time exhaustion sets in and the ex cited person falls asleep, to wake after several hours with no recollection what ever of his antics. New York TelejTam. Theatre In Japan, ' The theatres of Japan begin in the morning and last until sundown. The audiences sit on the floor, and the people aro as muoh affected as children by the plays. Whole families come and spend the entire day in the theatre. Some of them bring their provisions with them, and others have them served from the neighboring tea houses. In some thea tres, when a person wishes to leave the hall and come back again, he is not riven a return check as with us. There is no passing of your ticket to newsboys in Japan. The doorkeeper takes hoiu oi the right hand of the man going out and stamps on his wrist the mark or tne theatre. When the playgoer returns, he presents his wrist, -the seal of the theatre is shown and he is admitted. Boston Flag. - Chinese Medicine. The San Francisco Examiner reporter says the doctor pulled out a drawer from under the counter and exhibited hun dreds of mummy grasshoppers. "These are good for little children," he said. "In China, every spring millions of these bugs come in the fields. Pretty soon the grasshopper dies and the meat turns into a fly. The hind legs and little tail drop off and the little fly goes away. Then there is nothing but the shell left. The laborers in the fields gather these and dry them In the sun. They make good medicine in powders. "Chinese babies never die from con vulsions when teething like white babies. This powder acts on the stomach when the stomach teeth are coming through and makes them good and strong." Shearing by Electricity. Sheep are now sheared by electricity in Australia, Frederick Wolseiey, a brother ,of Lord Wolseiey, having in vented a machine for the purpose. The method of using the shears is very sim ple, the operator having merely to throw a friction wheel into adjustment by means of a handle, and then push the comb into the wool, pressing it continu ously forward and keeping it as closely as possible to the body of the animal be im; operated upon. From one to one hun dred shears can be operated at one time. Bv this mode the shearing is done more mercifully than when done by hand shears. Excbango. Forestry la Germany. The Germans have been the pioneers in scientific forestry, as in so many other lines of progress. With a total forest area of only 84,846,000 acres, of which 11,234,000 belong to the state, the Ger man empire has no less than nine schools of forestry, and during the three years ending with 1888 it published 177 books on the various branches of the subject. There are also ten periodicals devoted to forestry, and a general association of foresters with annual meetings and ten local societies. Montreal Star. From the Sixteenth Century. The peculiar bauds ornamented with lattice work of narrow parchment strips seen on the back of every ledger are a reminiscence of the way in which those books used to be bound as far back as the Sixteenth century. ., They had a broad band of leather brought round the back and stitched through and through with these narrow strips of parchment They have survived, like the buttons on the back of a man's coat, long after all use for them has gone. Once a Week. A Self Extinguishing Candle. A candle has recently been brought out which extinguishes itself after it has burned for an hour. This it does by tiny extinguisher of tin which is fastened in the wax by wires', and which effect ually performs its task. It is only neces sary to remove this diminutive ex tinguisher when its work is done, and the candle is ready to burn another hour. "The Author" Did It, The writer of a recent book of travels continuously refers to himself as "the author;" "the author" saw this, and "the author" was reminded, of something he had met with in some other region. To the mind of "the reader" there is a self conscious awkwardness in such a styla Had he said simply "I" Instead, "the reader" would not have smiled so often or so much over bis pages. L. 8. Q, The Writer. rish. in . Agassiz always taught his pupils to kill fish as soon at caught by a blow on the back of the head, that they might not suffer before dying. Such fish keep better and are better to eat, and the best fishermen in Europe and America always kill their fish as soon as they catch them by ft blow on the back of the bead, Exchange. a cnean Affidavit, it w. .hnurn In a lawsuit in New England town the other day that one Ebenezer Skinner made affidavit tnai a certain remedy had cured him of rheu matis of twenty years' standing, and all he charged for this swearing was fifty eu ,u ".""r "6 . y cents. He had never baa tne rneumaus in his life. Detroit Free Press. the Mild Winter Necessitated the Vat ol a SubitHnto for the "Beautiful." ; In the lushber regions of northern Pennsylvan1 a curious expedient b l been resorted to for the purpose of g V ting the lost out of the woods. Hun dreds of barrels of crude oil havft been sent to the c-mips, and this fluid poured over tho "slides." This was intended to take the plae of snow. Logs can only be got to th market over slippery paths, to when thre was no snow or lue thy greased the mountain slides, but in spite ot that the vast lumber Interests of tie state have suffered to serious extent from this ir-Ud winter. The snow that fell Friday gave the lumber princes of Williuuisport and the idle camp men a gleam of hope. Tho thaw recently, however, knocked out all this hope. I understand that snow would have to fall a good week and I maintained by thirty daya of freezi"g weather to bring into the streams the lumber now lving in the forests. This is the" first time that crude) pe troleum has been used to lubricate the slides to any extent. Some of the slides are twelve tuiloa long, starting away back on the summit ot mountain ard running through the passes; in some in stances shooting up one hill ami down another in a series of inclines. The mo mentum the logs gather with distance sends them along with a furious rute of speed, and the crude oil has been found not to wear off for nearly a week. There are today 850,000,000 foct of tim ber lying in the woods which ought to have been in the booms of Willinmspp-t before this time. In other words, Feb. 1 has usually seen all that wonderful amount of timber lying in the river hero, and much of it in the mills being llnlsh-'d for the market. This forest blockade is worth miliums of dollars. The logs rs they are feKod aro worth $4.80 per 1,000 feet tor hemlock and from $11 to $15 for pine. Twenty different firms of Wllliatnsport are sufferers from the blockade, wh'le 5,000 wood cutters in the camps are id't, drawing no pay. In addition to all Ihii there are scores of saw mills, portable and stationary, up through the forest country which have been shut down most ot tne winter because they could not get the logs from the woods. This would !d tens of millions of feet to the above fig ures. For instance, A. C. Hopkins, ot Lock Haven, has 81,000,000 logs lying in Elk and Clearfield counties. Thus f t ho has only been able, with the aid of creased slides, to get enough tim'et down into Siunamahouing creek to form thirty rafts, and even since he has had them there, there has not been wat-u enouirh to bring them into the west branch of the Susquehanna. Cochran, Payne & MoCorraicit and Deemer & Co.. of Williamsport, are fio largest operators in the state. Mr. J. C. Payne said to me today: "There Is mrt more than C j,000,000 feet on the river in the neighboi-.iood of Williamsport. Tl's is less than -. fifth of what we umia' y have on hand at this season of the ye- As it will r mire at least one month ol continuous old weather to get the 25' V 000,000 feet of logs out of the woods, and as this .. already late in February, it begins to look doubtful whether we will have la: je stocks on hand this sum mer. Of coarse 1 think this will anV'l market pries for Pennsylvania lumbf-, The very fact that we have had to go to so much trouble to get out what little wo now have, such as greasing the slide, and buildin..; stretches of tramway, and buving additional horses, must make a difference on prices. "What if the mild winters continue in the future? I asked. I have heard some people advance the theory that the climates are chan - ins, and if that is true the lumber bu ness would be revolutionized. Of coun e we would have to meet it, though, as we have beet doing this year in a meas ure. I sup; ' e the building of great sys tems of tra ways, or even narrow gauo railroads, vjuld bo the solution of t'-e problem. ' though costly at first, tby would provt- cheaper in the end than the present inet.;od oi hauling on tne snow, because then we would not be at the mercy of the weather. There would then be no such Interruption to traue as we have suffer-i this winter. I know one firm now which has a narrow gauo railroad wi, i a light locomotive, and It works successfully." Pittsburg Dis patch. . . Photography In the Court Boom. The adaptation of photography to legal uses is the newest thing in the trade. A firm of Bror.dway camera experts are do ing a thriving business photographing letters and documents for lawyers to use in their cases, of doing up views of buildings, interiors of rooms, objects of furniture and the like, to help the learned counselors make their cases plain to the gentlemen of the jury. As the average lawyer's powers of graphio description are not very gTeat, this latter branch of tho business should be of decided advan tage. The scene of a murder or a sui cide, the window by which a burglar forced an entrance, or the iock ne Durst to get into a bank, are very important parts of a criminal trial. Heretofore de scription hai been the jury's only reli ance in the matter. Now the unerring eye of the photographic lens will serve them as a silent witness. New York News. A Burled Forest. Well dieirers on the Crowley place at Little Prairie continue to find further in dications of a buried forest. The cedar or pine found at a depth of thirty-five feet appeared to ne tne orancnes oi a tree: at forty feet the growth was larger, as if near the trunk; at forty-five feet larger still. The first thirty-five feet was through light gravel and the next ten feet through blue clay, exceedingly hard. The impression prevails that a swamp will !e struck at a lower depth, as has been the case in previous instances where the-wells were abandoned. Good water in that locality Is rare, though the land lies high and the surface soil is light. The matter is attracting much at tention. Evening Wisconsin. A Hypothesis. Stranger (in New York) Why is it the city authorities won t permit you to play except between the hours of 9 o'clock in the morning and 7 o clock in tne even ing? Orean Grinder 1 notta know, jnayue zee Cruelty to Children societa arraua we overwork munk. New York Weekly. It is estimated that $62,000,000 Is spent in America each year for cosmetics, of which $33,000,000 Is reinvested in adver- '....,,. tf th HmslnrUllli.. """' " I 'w " !ul" Aur. a Porous Plastiks aw unap- .hie In onratlvs properties, rapidity and safety of sotion, and are ths only reli able plasters ever produced, iney ht. successfully stood ths test of ovw thirty years' ue by the public; their virtues have never been emiaftd by the unscrupulous imitator whol.ave sought to trade npon lh reputation of Atuwrt bv making plasters with holes in tlitmi and claiming tliemtobJt as good as at.LW(g s. and they stand to Uaylndoraed by not only the higiieKt mvdioiri authorities, but by millions of gralKlul patients who have proved their allleaoy as a household rem edy. , .... Hewrt or Imitations, ann.uo tun uw. - oeived by misrepresentation. Ask lor ai cock's, und lot no solioitntion or explana tion induce you to acoept substitute. . - There is nothing more tiretentlons than ths er"i l Now Is the time to treat catarrh of long standing. Kly's Cream Halm reaolies oiu and obstinate cases, where all other reme dies fail. Do not neglect procuring a bot tle, as In It lies the relief you seek. , Rev. It. H. Kairull, 1). D .editor of ths loum MethmtM. says editorially i " Ws have tested the merits of Kly's Cream Balm, and believe that by a thorough course of treat ment it will cure almost every case of ca tarrh. Ministers as a class are atUleted with head and throat troubles, and ratarrh seems more prevalent than ever. We can- . J ... .lain, ,ut '''in'nl'v Balm Into each nostril. It Is quickly absorbed. Gives relief at pnoe. 1'rioe, au cents at aruggiew or uy man. 60 Warren Btraet, New York. Curld is a sure shot, sltho gti h make many lira." , -. ... 8rT or Ohio, Cmr or Toi.d, Ll'CiS uocktv. i . ra.uir J. i'hkm Ynmeeaoaih that he Is the se lor twrtuerol the linn ot K. J. t hsnsv to., doing buslneiw In the city ol Toledo, oom.ty and But af'irvMild, anil that 'aid Arm will pay the sum of ONB HUNl'KKD HOI.LAKH for each aiid every case ol Cataiikh that raiiuot be oured by the use ol iiAu. a i,ati i rKA.IV Wir.t-.IM. Rwnrn to be fere me and subscribed Inuiy pief- enceth sstbdayol Uewmlwr, A. B. Iijj. Hull's ftatairh Cure is taken Internal y, and act directly ou the blood and mucous surfaces ol the system. tf Bold by DrugKUU'l W ooul- Young mai', make a note ol this: Grass wtd- oasarv uo. toe. . Have Yea AathmaT r n RciusruAHH. St. Paul. Minn., will mail a trial package of Hehitinian's Asthma Cure res to any sutlercr. (iives instant re lief in worst cases, and cures where others fail. Nam this paper aim sena auurve., The Pleasures nt llelng a Itarbar, Burbering has been a very genteol art, and it might be fine yet The fee U so small there is no excuse for doing ft credit business, and there Is no bore of bookkeeping. The chluk drops in fast, and "Next!" Is a merry cry. And what a luxury it is to have man fumble your face and head. The bar ber's nimble, strong fingers rouses your somnolent wits. It Is delicious to bt kneaded, cntulied, brushed, bathed, cur ried, spruced np. National Barber. ' Tat Slay' Mate. Little Girl 1 want another slate just like my last one. It was made by Pat Mv. He's onlv 10 years old, too. He made mv sluto last year. Dealer 1 never heard of any such iinnufacturer. Won't one of this sort dor "Why, yes; that's the very kind. See, . , . .r-. W , IQQQ n COPVRKHT MM On the road to health the consumptive who reasons and thinks. Consumption is developed tb.ronp:h the blood. It's a scrofulous affection of tho lnncrs a blood-taint. Find a per fect remedy for scrofula, in all its forms something that pur fie the blood, as well as claims to. That, if it's taken in time, will cure Con sumption. Dr. Pierce has found it It's his Golden Medical Discovery." As a strength -restorer, blood -cleanser, and flesh-builder, nothing like it is known to medical science. For everv form of Scrofula, Bronchial. Throat, and Lung affections, Weak Lungs, Severe Coughs, and kindred ailments, it's the only remedy so sure that it can be guaranteed. If it doesn't benefit or cure, in every case, you have your money oaoit. " Yon et well or you trot 500; That's what is promised, in good faith, bv the nroDrietors of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy, to sufferers from Catarrh. The worst cases, no matter of how long standing, are permanently cured by this itemeay. 'w-afl rtt 1 This GREAT COUGH CURE, this success hil CONSUMPTION CURE is told by dree (fists on a positive guarantee, a test that no ot he Cure can stand successfully. If yon have i COUGH, HOARSENESS or LA GRIPPE, I m 11 mire vrm nromntlv. It VOUr cnua nss tm CROUP or WHOOPING COUGH, use i' quickly and relief is sure. If yon fear CON SUMPTION, don't wait until your case it hops ess. hut take this (Jure at once sua receive lm mediate heln. Larra bottles, (oc. and ftf.OO Trsvelerr convenient pocket site 25c. Ail your druggist for SHILOH'S CURE. Ifyow lungs are tore or back lame, us ShUoh't For out natters. I'nce, 25c. The Best fatcrprocl Coat In the WORLD t Tlie riftH HIIAND SLICKER Is warranted water- proof, and will kef p yon dry In tiio hsrdmtslorm. The new POMMKb Bl.K KKU la a perfect rluiiifcuat imvanifliaenllrM(lle. lMwareor Imitations. 1 llmyseoat If the " fun Hrsod" U noton It. yUuntrav- ilrt cstsloirtie itw, A, I. TOWKK. nosbin, Mim. sarTTrcm V!AIJk!J ITK f rr Lata hop th. r''hVnra'bl I ram as an " ,i while we heat and lurronnuiiis ,,,,, " ... tin. trv In Hits vale of tears, why should we v un Urt7y induf. il ! torture '. ''?i-l'M " ' Sm-tlo 1J ol llcsltter ' ?i'V:' h U-It win rui us ci hi "' - L . l .Im l'1 s ar. very much at ',.,',r hur ten the term l our existence. H '"i" bl ".,iie.;,..iistlpstlon.lm..t always aH.m nanv thta iHiiniilalnt, and are symnloiimtlo of tt. These aw al l" Vtl iKulehe) t by the BilU'rs, wlil.'li li!.rj , .,.1 ,i.,L.,lv malaria, rheumatism, m "Vonsi ess and debility, allies tb ;Hr"' oi" la urlpiw" it has shown t" ""'lrv ....'...H.V..l..,M.i,i.i..tiitilaliittlmt has carried off many ol out hrignwst auu pes.. rviimnhuaetmlit not have pick ds Snot time ol year for a tea trl. used with aclvitiilage to aiiMvmw Y"J VUUMnn. nrw.w w - it niM Sore Throat, Hoarseness aim oramiuw outions. Hum otn.V "" u .i.v.i.nriKtli hetchetwhre he ran ,ot at It raillly when he wains it aga n. RUrTltHM ANOPILlEa CCKMD. We nesttlvely our rupture, piles and Blit Ul dlMase without palu ot aetemio n nnni ff?WBS'raU boaey, WIS ataretire, ou iuw-w. Right, TohrWha was th hrn ol the bal" ttetif New iirieaiiST inns mess w,,, Tit QMnia for breakfast, Dm Bnamelln Stove rollshl no dust, no small. KOTHINa LIKE IT. 40 YRARS Of PAIN CUttKD. THK CASK. K, Albany St., Ithaca, N.Y., Dec. 19, 1881. For over oyears I have been a victim of rheu matism. I w a a persuaded to try St. Jacobs Oil. I have used two bottles, and a man more free from rheumatism never walked our streets. My limbs that were once stilTnnd lame are now as light and limber as in my youth. JOS. EUSELI.. AFTER riVK YEARS. Ithaca, N. Y., July 5, 1887. Suffered many years Injury to hip resulting In rheumatism, muscu lar weakness and contracted cords. Two bottles of St. Jacobs Oil re lieved mo so that I now walk about and attend to dully duties at 61. I heartily endorse It. 105. EDSELI- rail HUMANE, STRONG, CHBW." TVinbls ths straiiKtti ol any other Iwwoi will g.w., . ,1 - T 'MJ . iTTii f iIMMTl " '- Is Stock; a rVrfort Kami Fence, ynt MauosotniieiHiuRii tournament a mi. 7", Tm ami Klowar linanla, Klfalhla Wtra Mat, to. tW Always mention this pafsr. iT " J.. r. .. I. il. R. 1. n. Sanaa, din. Waitarn tllss Sat.. SOS Stat St.. ii..pi,itiv tnremar ana itwiirnoiiisis! aim, U4 Mtm Davlfl m. CMfMW, lf..rnnni vr. fioiiy. RUPTURE CoaaaaiHimiKiica Hot.ietTan, A BETTER MAN. 'Confound roa f da yoa ana by arar my toaal a mo thai wheelbarrow om 'Keep 'am oatoline way thee, "Fellow. I aat f itaAluntont Butterly Tabba be celebrated young anlkoc wboa portrait af ears la the current laaas of Us great Writ, '"'if Magttn4." Well, I so, C. Cloetro Lcafb. and say Mood li ettei tnan yours, oecauas i nae oat uw dalle ,s la your pocket and purify year blood by as S syrup or wna urape." sft PitaAltaaioat Battarly TattM for tha I t drug etera DID YOU HEAR? That we sell MY 0RAK. sdoae med, fine, too lot. ELECTRIC LUSTRE STARCH per package only UHBRIOBT , '- " . best scouring Soap, (acta PILOT BREAD, per lb. BEST FLOOR per ilarrcll ; CREAM CHEESB, any amount from loc ID, to $5.40 5c 5c $4.35 I2c ADOSsss roa latkst rates iist SMITHS' CASH STORE, , 414-41I-41S Front Street, S. F. ' THS LAROSST OCALKSa. LADIES. MAQIC CON KM are sold on guarantor. If tliny fall o benefit or cure, return rotu-s, tint use I, In vood O der, and n nuey will be r. funil d. A Minvily that CURKH can bn (iUAUANTKKI). Illn pan cure thomsnlves at hums without low of lime and the expense s trifle. I'artlmilajs (sealed) Ires. '1 11 K MaUIU ('ONE CO., 134 Third street, Portland, Or, r$lWmm ffljn v..f i . 1. P. N. V. No. 464-8. F, N. U. No. 641 A "7 Both th method nod results when Syrup of Figs il taken j It is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and ictt gently yot promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses ths sys tem efTeotually, dispels colds, head iohes and fevers and cures habitufj oonstrpatlon permanently. For sals in 6O0 and $1 bottles by all druggists. CALIFORNIA FIQ SYRUP CO. u mmnioo, ou. lOVMILU, tt. May tOKK. K Hercules Gas Engine (OAS UK UAltlH.insw Made for Power or Pumping Purposes. Til Clwaiwst Hi.Mshl On. Kulut an lb Market. Our OF INOIHS AND) Push. for Simplicity It lUaU the World. It olla IUlf from a ltrnrvlr, No Carburetor to gri out ofnrdaf Vo Ilattarla or KUclrle Hparbe It runs with a Chmira-r OrMi- nf tlaaulliis lliao any vtlwr f-.ii.lai. sawn ma cATAUxiri To PALMER & REY, ManufacturiM 4H taiMffii Unit, In Frwwa, til. VISIBLE, ORNAMENTAL. not strewn, as or t out ol sfispa. Hsrajlatt IS .-. cw. -.--.. CMctflo. vw.. pp-j.w "' PERMANENTLY CURED OR NO PAT. Wo detention from business. We refer yon lo em ono patients, and el notional banks. InveotluaieMur tnetlKal. Written ruuronlce to aliwjliitely ""e ill kl nils of K U PT UK 8 of both wlthmtt th. ? ' 8VBINOK,nomallerof bow long atauilmv. KXAMllATIO rKnlf THE 0. E. MILLER COMPANY, ..AOTSS."ta' SM.nroaCiacft.AB. Tait! Ki.r.vaTo mm Dynamite I POWDER CO., II CAllFORNIa ST., AN MaNCISCO. If you want POWDER for Mining, Railroad Work, fitump Blasting or Tree Planting, send for Price List. Will out Dry or Green Bones, Meat, Grist le and all, Uraeu Out BONKS will double tha nnmlwr ol kits will Bias tit em more fer tilewill carry tho bent aafely through tha molting period and put them la oonillUon to lay when ens rommand thehlgheatprl and will doveloiH) yc me nisheat nrioa and will dovelo your chirks faster than any ot aer looa. Feed Green Hones snil nss ( rsenessai to kill tha lira, and yoa will mala fifty ptr cent mora prout. Send lor Catalogue and prices. PETALDH IICOBATOH CfllH, rTTalDli, CAL PRUNE TREES. Italian, Petit and Bllreri wholesale or retail) 2 to 10 lie! hlKh. l'rloe ecimllng to else. Agent's rommlmlon siren purchaser. Write lor BricMtoTHOM. J DAVIS, Manager, Portland, Or) uraery, South Mt. Tabor, Or. Moageutoout, MORPHINE HABIT I Books Has. SURE CURE olSalaeactsCfc.SSCtayt.Saaaileo, YOUNQ MEN I The 8poolflo A Ne. I. Cures, without fall, all nanea of 4o hie. and OlMs, uo matter of liuw long aumtllng. Preeenta stricture, It being an In. ternal remedy, Cures when everyUiDia else lias fulled, Hold hy all Urtigglate. Maliufaetorerst Tbe A.Helioenliel. Medicine rrlee.Sa.SO. Co., Bau Joee.Cal. NERVE WASTE. The third edition of lir.fiewynr'a popular "Nkhvs " (Hvo., clo, i-ontalii. 47 chapter of practical Informal ion ami advice concerning new ouanesH and the various forms of nervous Impair ment. Tint chapters upon Nervous JlnligfMllun, KetirodtictlveNeiiiaslheiilA.liraliiand .erve i otxls and Nervines and Nrve Tonics are enpeitially vsl liable. Maniple pages and preaa notices aent free for lwo-(H-nt stamp. Tim Banerotl Comptny, Publlthtrt, San rrano'lM. Dig 1 IsthaaeknnwiensM leadlns remsdr for all kof unnatural dischargee aaf prlvatodlseaaeeof . eertalaeure for tbe deb w tatlng waakaeas eo women. . , I praeorlbeltana roeisei. in reeommeaawa " all eunerera. una rsuc f",0.,OtlrrirMii y oraigssMoa JB r0V Asaayer and Analytical Chemist, s B. rlvR H WaaMugtonBCrorUaud.Or. f t -tires InV 1 jriTolllAVR.l f flhiiHiM. art w a I I esMsSaiMel II IMOIIW 1 Tu.rv.eeDMililftll fM t0lII,0.-' VS:fcttJ I f aMUConWrrupaaMs Uood. Use r C I In lima Hold by dnuwlsia T r . wg.aaigy(!-w-y-o)aysl- t.. m mink ii listaianaiii