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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 21, 1892)
E OREGON VOL. 0. ST. HELENS, OREGON, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1892. NO. 43. Y MIST. THE OREGON MIST. It.l'EU EVERY fHIDAY mOHIMlIU THE MIST PUBLISHING COMPANY J. R. BEEOLE, Manager. OFFICIAL COUNTY PAPER ubecrlpllau Mat,. Oh copy on year In ailveuo II W On. copy ilx month. ,.,.... 76 Hlngl. tiopy , , t iMrtrlUiKf Htltit PrnfeMlimal eanla nn. year ...... 12 On. column una year , Ml) Half nuliiiun on, year 70 (Juarler ooIiiiiiii on. y.r 40 On. Inch on. inonlli 1 , (Hi. Inch three month. 6 Ou Inch U month...., , II lineal nolle.., in cut. .r line fur Or it in-w-tlon Mil cent, per Una (or each .iitine'inem In ..rilon. l-eviil advertisement., I1.M per lui'li fur lint liuartlon, .ml 76 cent per Inch for each uba qiieulluaertluli, COLUMIUA COUNTY DlllEOTOHY. C'aunlf Officer. JwWe.. ....... Dean lll.nrli.r.l, Italnler t'lvrk K. K. Uuli'k. Ilftlmii Hherln , it. A. Maul. Ml. Helm.. Treaaur r II. M, Wharton, i.'olumMa i.'lty i cnooi....n..r..T. j. tneeion, vernnnia Aw.sor W, II. Kyxtr, Kaltiter surveyor .,..,. A. B. Mill.. Hauler C'oinnillu.ri. t. u, Hi'iio lunm, v.i uon Ml. W. Ilaniea, Mayaer. ac.air Nalleaa. M. son i!,-ih. Helena Ln1e, No. , enmiiiuuloatlon. drat and Hi In! ttaliirday i eeeh month ll:Nr. . alMaxmle hall.' In m.mkera tu food eLmllng to at tend. M.eiotiR.-Raliiler todae. No. 2i-Mtate1 ' .meetings Saturday on or before eeeh full moon at7:au r. M. at Mnlii hall, nvar Waui-hard l .tore. Vl.lllng member. In good .lauding In Tk. nail. Down river (Iwi.t) cln. at a 0 . . l u river llHatllou. at 4 p. a. 1 he nail for Varnonla and I'lltnlmr Lava. St. Helena Monday, Wedneaday and Friday at fa. a. The trail for Marshland. I'lat.kanla and Mlat leave, tjiiinu Mouday, euueiHlay ana Friday at I2H.' Mall. (railway) north eloaa a' 10 a. Li (or rorii.uu at IF.). i .- 1... ... - - Traveler' (iulae Hirer Haalea. HTfaa(). W. (duraa-Laavee St. Helen. (or Cortland at II a. M. Tueoriny, 1 Imrsdav and Haturday. Leave. HI. Helen, (or ( l.lnt.nle Monday, Wednesday and rrlilay at S:u0 a, M Htramkh l.iLtn l,aave. HI. Helen, for Tort land 7:46 a. M. returning et:M)r. a. HTKAMaa Joaei-M Kslukmi Leave. Ht. Helens (or Portland dally except Monday, at 7 a. a., ar riving-el Portland at 10. SO; r.tiirnliit, leave Portlanv at 1 r. a., arrlvlnn at fit. Helen, at 4. PROFESSIONAL. JH. 11. K. CUKF, TIIYSICIAN and SURGEON 8t. Helena, Oregon. JyU. J. E. 1IALU PHYSICIAN and SURGEON ClaUkuiile, Columbia county, Or. I) K, W. C. HKLT, PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Rainier, Oregon. J. HICK, ATTORNE Y-AT-L AW, St. 1! BI.RNS, "OatRdOM Deputy District Attorney for Columbia Co, T. A. McUkipe. A. B. DasaSEB, JJcHRIDK A DRKaMCR, ATTORNEYS-at-LAW. - Oregon City, Oregon. Pronijit attention given. ami-office business. B. I.1TTI.K, SURVEYOR and . CIVIL ENGINEER, Bt. Helena, Oregon. County surveyor, Lund surveying, town pianiug, aim engineering worn promptly oone. W. T. Burkkv. J. W. Draper. JJI'KNKY & DRAPER, ATTORNEYS-at-LAW, Oregon City, Oregon. Twelve years' experience as Keglster of the united mate J:tni umce neio, reconi inemia ua In oua specially of nil kind" of bu.lneas before the Lanil Olllce or the Cntlrta and iiiTOlving the Ueuerul I.aml Offloe. B ROCKENBROUOH J COW1NU, ATTORNE Y-at-L AW, : Oregon City, Oregon. (I.ale special agent of Oeneral lnnd office.) Hiimesteiid, Pre-emption, and Timber Land applications, mid olhor Land OfBce UitalnesH a specially, uuioe, aeconu nuor, LaiHlOltice Building., A. H. BLAKESLY, Proprietor of Oriental : Hotel. ST. HELENS, OREGON. The house hns been fully refurnlihed throughout and tlie bHt of accom modations will be given. CHARGES REASONABLE. RTAOK run In connection with the hotel connecting with the North em Pacilto Railroad at Millon. Stage for Tacoata trains 10 p. m. For Portland train at i p. m. PACIFIC COAST.' Excitement Among , Men in Idaho. Mining CAUGHT STEALING WALNUTS Chinamen Furnished With Illegal of Merchant Certificates EntryFined. Drvenfurth'i airenta ar in Near M-r. loo endeavoring to produce rain. The Brit ah Columbia mallnir flt hu brought down only 1,271 akin. Sacramento ii to mnnd tlOO.OOfl In n. larging and atrengtbening ber levee y- WUJ. The owner of the Halcvon have bnen fined $800 at Victoria, U. 6., for evading ana uuDiuiui omcera. Hang Nelson and Juan Atvarna hava been captured at Pluonix, A. T., while passing counterfeit money. The Net Perce reservation in Idaho, very rich land aection, will be open for eettlement in a few months. The cattlemen in Southern New Mex ico are moving off the range, the drought having made them barren. Silver ealtnon are now very plentiful at Yaqulna Bay, and are bein caught with trolling line in great number. The vintage i fully on in Napa Valley. The wine-grape crop I two-third hort, and many large wineriei are not crush ing. . There are thirty-seven punils in at tendance at the Oregon D)f Mute School this year, the highest number ever present. The High Court of California Forester concluded it work at Uakerafleld the other day. Monterey was selected as the next annual meeting pla?e. Another murder is reported by "Kid," the Apache, in the Swisehelm Mount ain. A woodchopper was shot and hi i j i . . i . ueau ovate u uu wiiu stones. The opal field on the Snake river near Ualdwell, about thirty miles from Boise, iaano, are ine cause oi considerable ex oltement among mining men. Oeneral McCook says the condition surrounding the Navajo reservation are a constant source of anzietv. There are u.ow Indians living beyond the limits of ine reservation. By ruline from Washington th Nogales (A, T.) custom authorities are authorised to permit the free entry into the United State of calves that were born to cattle that had strayed into Mex ican soil. The contract for a new oonntv 1 til ha been let at San Dieiro bv the "Solid Three" of the Ave Supervisor who re fused to submit the proposition to a vote of the people, on the around that the am not anow wnai waigooa lor mem. The British Pacific Construction Com pany, with a capital of 5,UJ0,0U0. has been incorporated at Victoria. B. C. lor the purpose of lav nt out. bu dinar and equipping the Canada Western rail way from Victoria to Yellowhead Paea. Mctt Hindenter. who own over 30.- 000 worth of real estate in Los Angeles, baa been detected etealing walnuts on the Briawalter place. His coat and trousers had their pockets extended for the work. He pleaded truiltv. and waa fined m. Los Anieles thinks the renorted mis hap to the Charleston at Ballast Point should have been thoroughly investi gated, and that grave responsibility will rest on some one if the vessel meetswlth bad weather and i Injured. It is stated the propeller blade were beat. A card in the clothing of James W Conrad Oox of New York, whose body was rounu in tne .wooas near victoria, U 11 I . I J!.f . i J that Cox was a translator of twenty-five languages and interpreter of nine. He j was also an expert accountant. A California botanist, who hits been making a prolonged visit to Mount Hood and Hood Kiver Valley in quest of speci mens of fruit and foliage ot cone-bearing trees, succeeded in obtaining specimens of sixteen different spee'es of cone-bearers out of a possible taenty-flve, and la very enthusiastic over the results of the search. Evans and Sontas when last heard from were in Sqiaw Valley, and were seen the day after the alleged interview with them which was printed in a San Francisco sensational newspaper. The distance between the place where seen and where the "interviewer" talked with them would require four days' travel to overcome. Samuel McFadden. a truck farmer liv ing near Los Angeles, while driving home was robbed by a man who-slipped Into the rear of the wagon, placed a pis tol to bis head and told him to drive slow and not open hi mouth or he would blow bis brains out. With bis other hand the stranger went through the farmer's pockets and secured (305. . There is a comnanv with headanarter in Portland, Or., which furnishes China men with merchant certificates of entry into the United States, properly signed and sealed, bearing a photograph of the party aesiring to enter at a cose oi Ttu a head. These certificates are Rent from ,l ........ at D n who have no difficulty in disposing of them at the prioe stated. The San Francisco lumbermen inter ested in controlling the cargo output of tne raclno uoast nave prepared a acned ule of the amount of lumber each mill mav out under the pool arrangements. The schedule is baaed upon the output of 18111, and is unsatisfactory to most of the small mill owners on runet Bound, who may be subsidized, although it is srtia it not the plan now to subsidise mills. Jack Henderson from the Limestone caves on the hed of Sucker creek re- pjrt that Mr. Nickerson and himself in a reoent exploration discovered a cham ber which exoela anything yet found in these immense caves. This chamber is fully 1,000 yards from the entrance, and is verv difticnlt to approach, owing to the small and crooked passige that leads to it. It is (any iuo leet in length by flftv in width, and haa a roof or celling from sixty to eighty feet in height. It full of the most grotesque forms, which are beautiful in the extreme. EDUCATIONAL. New York City Shows a Good Record In the Matter of Suspensions In the Public Schools. Evenr Northern State west of the Al leghanlea ha a State university. Sweden ha 2,000 school gardens. How many are there in the United States? Three thousand student, it is esti mated, will attend Harvard College this year. Of the public-school teachers In the United States more than 05 per cent, are women, Edinburgh UnivAraitv la chief medical centers in the world. It was founded in 1682. The freshmen la.aAa nt TTnmNl mnA Yale both show noticeable increase. i aie leaus witn over 6UJ, The Oldest llvimr teachnr la Ml.. PI or. Whiting of New York. She aerved con tinuously fifty-seven years. The elementary-school statistics of Hungary are thus renorted: In 1HO? 2,016,012 children attended school, while 1U aoob vuiy l,10Z,IiO. There will be no color line at the Uni versity of Chlcaeo. Quite a number n( colored person of both sexes have ap- The oldest and larireat medical schnnl in America 1 that of the Univeieity of Pennsylvania. It was founded in 17U5. and his graduated 10,468 men. Wonderful progress ha been mo1 In this country of late vears in teaching the dumb to apeak. List year articula tion was taught to 4,236 pupils. Twenty-five graduate and former aln- denta of John Hopkin University of Baltimore. Md.. have accented positions on the- staff of the new University of viucago. In 1870 the London School Board be gan Its work with not a single school under its control. In 1801 it possessed 410 school, affording accommodations tor 4ZB,uuu cmiaren. New York city show a vood ntmni In the matter of suspensions in the nnhlin schools. Last year there were but thirty five of these 260 schools that experienced such an extreme measure of discipline. The number suspended waa onlv flftv. one in an attendance of nearly 200,000. Sweden waa the first country in which cooking and housekeeping schools were established, and hare these schools show a great variety. One of its cooking schools supports a restaurant of about 100 persons. In Beleium hviriena and the theory of household processes form a part of the course of atudy in element ary scaoois. The University of Berlin, with its o.uuu students and scores of famous pro fessors, has a capital of about $750,000. Its largest endowment, that of the Countess Bose. is onlv 150.1X10. Never. tbeless it is the seat of the highest Ger man learning, and claims to have the ableat corps of instructors of all the wprld's schools. Yale College entered upon its one hun- area ana ninety-tnira year September 29. Over $1,000,000 have been expended on new buildings and other improve ment during the past year, and the total membership will exceed 2,000. During uie year x aie naa oeen tne recipient ot more than $3,000,000, and its President sayj lywiWJ mora lias been pledged, PERSONAL MENTION. Louis Kossuth Finishes His Memoirs Dr. Nansen Proposes to Jab His Way to the North Pole. Sir Julian Paunceforte Is an ccom. plished musician, and can play anything irom an -brara narp to an end man's banjo. Mme. Bourinlne. whom the Grand Duke Nicholas married at Toula, wa born a serf, it is stated, a was her first nuauanu Charles Ashton. a London policeman. Has received a prise lor szo'J lor an un published bibliography of Welsh litera ture irom tsut to law, Louis Kossuth haa finished his mem oirs. The manuscript of the closing chapters of the fourth and last volume is with the printer at 1'esth. Mies Ada A. Brewster, the California artist, belongs to the line of Brewatera who proudly claim kinship with Elder .Brewster oi Jnaynower tame. Lord Tennyson handed a check for $1,000 to Sister Emma Durham, who nursed him through a recent illness, and she haa presented tne gut to the na tional pension fund for nuraea. Kev. a. K. Haweis has been per suaded to undertake the preparation of Sir Morell McKenzie'a biography. He invites contribution of letters and anec dotes that will assist in his work, General Booth has 380 men, mostly broken-down drunkards at one time, working on his farm, a few miles out oi London, and they are described a a de cent, induetrioua, useful and enthusiastic lot of people now, Prof. Huxley and Lord Chief-Justice Coleridge are among tne prominent Eng lishmen who attended the recent Glouces ter muiical festival. The latter gentle man la said to be exceedingly apprecia tive of suoh performances. Henry B. Cleaves, the new Governor ot Maine, came ont oi tne war a Idea tenant, and at once secured work as an ordinary hand in a sash factory, but after a two years' trial of tne job he thought it wasn't a promising one; so he stiuck out in other line. The eminent Von Pettenkoffer of Mu nich diatinctly disputes Koch's proposi tion that the coma bacillus 1 the cause of Asiatic cholera. He thinks it is only manifestation ot the diese. This should put a period to the coma bacillus' ascendancy for the present. Mr. Skene, the Queen's historiogra pher for Scotland, who has just died at the age of 84, enjoved a wide reputation as a scholar, historian and archaeologist, and was the author of many valnable works, the ohief of whioh Is "Celtlo Scotland; a History of Ancient Alban." Mr. Gladstone during hia visit to Wales quite caught the people by hia comprehensive knowledge of their coun try and ita affairs, and especially by his good knowledge of their language, a by no means common accomplishment in foreigners. He described himself as a Scotchman by blood, a Lancastrian by omn, a uoexney py residence, but in fected by Mrs. Gladstone with love of Wale.' EASTERN ITEMS. The Treasury Net Gold Fund Still Growing. NEGROES BECOME BANDITS. The Street Railway Conductors of Cincinnati Discharged for Stealing. The orantre cron of Leon conntv. Fla.. i larger man tor many years past, Toledo has a boodle scandal. ' Its Al dermen have been accepting bribe, Owing to the scarcity of hay, Kansas farmer are harvesting their corn fodder. A Chicago man has sned his doctor for zo,ow lor breaking the drum of nls ear. Now that the cholera scare is over, the streets of New York are resuming their dirty state. The Canadian government is to follow our example in making postal card of various sues. Negroea are turning bandits in Missis sippi. Several murders and one double lynching have occurred. At New York marriages between Chin ese laborers and Europeans of the poorer classes are increasingly irequent. The Baltimore and Ohio party seem to have carried their point, and will gain control of the Ohio and Mississippi road. Spurious silver dollars are plentiful in some of the Eastern State. They are said to be clever imitations, but light of weight. The net gold fund in the Treasury is still growing. Two months ago it amounted to $110,000,000, and now it is I1ZJ,UCU,UUU. Pitteburz thinks of damming Indian creek forty-three miles away to get a supply ox water, ii needed, oi 100,000,000 gallons a day. While driving a well at Linwood, Mich.,"a vein of soft coal, two feet thick, and one of hard coal, six and one-half feet thick, were struck." The contractor for the construction of the Canadian Soo canal binds himself to have the canal completed by the open ing of navigation in 1894. The story that the grasshopper are eating up the early wheat in Kansas has been traced to tbe State Central Com mittee of the People's party. An Omaha sport in red clothes is walking from Omaha to Chicago and re turn, begging his food, and to do it in thirty-seven days for $4,000. It Is estimated that the voting lists of Boston will contain at least 80,000 names. In 1888 the number of registered votes at the national election was 72,116. The Daltons were second cousins to the James boys and distantly related to the Youngera, who are now in the Minnesota penitentiary for the North field bank rob bery. Mr. Whitney, President of the West End road of Boston, and a syndicate of capitalists are reported to have pur chased all the open coal mines of Nova Scotia. The County Commissioners of Carbon county, Pa., wek before last sold 10,000 acres of unredeemed mountain land. Some of it was sold for less than 3 cents an acre. A Canadian officials ha cone to Hud son's Bay to invetigate the truth of the reports that American whalers are amug- ung large quantities oi goods into tnat iitrict, The street railway conductor of Cin cinnati who need the old punched tick ets over and over attain and cheated the company oat of $100,000 Or thereabout are out of a Job. Three bio- law firm in New York are having a vast amount of real estate busi ness, and are inserting a clause of their mortgage now requiring all future pay ments to oe maae in gold. It has been estimated bv financiers of experience that not less than $300,000, 000 of American securities held in Europe have been unloaded in this coun try within the last two years. The Interstate Bridge and Street Bail- way Company, having a capital of 17.- 600,00, ha given out tbe contracts for a new bridge over tbe Missouri to connect Omaha, Neb., with Council Bluffs, la, It is stated that the remains of Christo pher Columbus have been offered to the United State as security for a $100,000 loan at 6 per cent, intercut. The offer was made by President Henreanx of San uomingo. The Dubuque (la.) water company wants the city to buy the plant at 1366.- 000, alleged price offered by outside cap italists. The city holds an option to bay it at its appraised value, which will not exceed $2JU,ouo. The Indians at Pine Ridge Agency are sullen, and communication between the various tribes of a secret and apparently important nature is said to have taken place daring the summer. Thev expect tne messian in laws. President Seth Low of Columbia Col lege used city police to prevent sopho mores interfering with freshmen when assembled for entranos examination.' His purpose is to break no rushins and ail less maniy lorms oi naaing. A diamond mine i reputed to have been discovered on the farm of J. W. Marchbanks,tbree miles from Gainsville, Ga, "A pan full of garnets and dia monds weighing nine-tenths of carat have already been taken ont." Complete statistics of the great fire at St. Johns, Newfoundland, have just been iosaed. The number of houses de stroyed m as 1,650; the number of fami lies burned out 1,874, and the total num ber of persons burned oat 10,234. The use ot molasses as fuel is bains seriously considered in the South. Mo lasses is now selling at 2 cents per gallon, and 166 gallons weigh a ton, making the price $3.33 per ton. which is less than current prices for coal on tbe plantations. Oagoodby. the young farmer who wrote what was known as the Murchlson letter four years ago, is still living near Los Angeles, Gal., bnt is oat of literature. Ex-Minister Sackville-West muv ha In. terested to learn that hi celebrated cor respondent never got anything from the administration, and it does not appeal that he ever solicited any consideration. NATIONAL CAPITAL. The Monthly Statement of Exports of ' harm Products Shows a Decided 1 Decline for September. Mr. Hnnaacker of the Carnagie Steel Company had a conference with Secre tary Tracy the other day relative to the alow delivery of steel for the construc tion and armor of war veajuila. Aftar the conference Secretary Tracy said that it had retalted satisfactorily to himself. According to the statements made (o mm tbe Carnegie Company is in a better condition than he thought. He received tbe assurance that work would pushed, and that hereafter all contract requirements would be met. Secretary Tracv haa deefdm! to rennm. mend to Congress an appropriation for an immense government dry dock at San Francisco. This important work will cost about $5 0,000. The chief of the bureau of yards and docks has made strong representations to Secretary Tracv of tbe necessity for a government dry dock at San Francisco in response to vigorous appeal irom Mare Island offi cials. The proposed structure would be of timber and stone and of a size suffi cient to accommodate the largest war mp. General Miles haa submitted hia an nual report on the department of the luiBsieeiupi. xie says tne inspection re ports show that tbe troops are in a good state of discipline and efficiency. (Gen eral Miles says regarding the dissatisfac tion among the Cheyenne and Arapahoe Indians on account of the deduction of S67.500 for so-called attorneys' fees from money aue to inaians in payment tor reservations opened to settlement that he directed an investigation to be made by Captain Lee. - Captain Lee in his re port said that the payment of money was tainted with misrepresentation, fraud and deceit, and waa an outrage upon the Indians. General Miles earn estly renews the recommendation made in his laat annual report of $850,000 for ine moo.'lization ot 1U.000 regulars and 90.000 State troops at tbe World's Fair. He further nrges an appropriation of $1,- oju.uvu lor transportation, camp ex penses, equipment and other expenses connected with the proposed encamp- men. The monthly statement of exports of arm product mow tnere wa a decided tallins- oil dnrinir September and rlnrino the first quarter of the present fiscal year, compared with tbe same periods ot last year, rue decrease in exports ex ceeds $14,000,000 for September and s26 - 000,000 for the quarter ending Septem k. at t,i i .i i ?. f wi ui., uui, ur inmu ui uo .urge exports made last winter and spring the total for oreaastuns last nine months was more than $38,000,000 in excess of the first nine months of 1891. The exports of wneat nonr increased daring September f OA-F ufll - : a e o-r ,'in . . ... . yi,AU4,oo, ngauusi, yj,o i,0'JO 1U 181 and daring the first quarter of the fiscai year $19,154,436 against $14,449,262 in 1891. The exports of corn show a falling on lorneptemoer ot i,uuu,U79, against $1,846,676 in 1891. The rye export for tne montn were only ll(J,377 in valne, whereas a year ago thev were $2,968,539. The value of the exports of cattle and hogs from the United States daring Sep tember were $2,491,081. and for the first quarter of the present fiscal year $8,532, 212, an increase for the month over 1891 of $141,689, and for the quarter, $41,600. The exports of dairy products for Sep- temoer were iuu.zsi, a decrease, com pared with the same month of 1891, of l-i,o9i;. . WORLD'S FAIR NOTES. The President Expresses Satisfaction at the Warm Interest the Pope Is Taking in Our Fair. It is ascertained that Germany will be represented by not less than 280 wine growers at tne umcago Exposition. Mrs. Dora Wheeler Smith is doing dec orative work on the ceiling sad freixe of the woman's building at the Chicago tvona-s air without charge, which wooid nave cost $3,000 if done by anyone eise. A number of the old pioneers of Ben ton county, Or., propose to go to the World's Fair next year overland in prairie schooners with ox teams in the style in which they traveled to the West in tneeariy days, w hue there they will muge iu uieir acaooners. Pacific county, Wash., will have a fine display at Chicago, mounted by Profea- t T 1 I 1 . . . . mil aiuuouu, inciuaing sea lions, seal, sturgeon, salmon, elk, a group of deer, bear and sea birds ot all kinds. In thn department of natural history Washing- tuu win us represented witn nearly everything from a humming bird to the skeleton of whale. Photographs will show the salmon industry from driving trap aiwa to canning tne Salmon. The ten logs donated by the Puget oouna loggers to the Washington World's Fair Commission are fair les of the immense logs cut in that tate. The loga are 121 feet long and 41 inches squared. One of the logs before being squared was 125 feet long, and con tained 12,276 feet Thev are the largest logs ever shipped out of the State by rail road. Fonr flat cars were required for one log. The end cars are built up so that the middle cars can wing free while rounding curves. Cardinal EampolII, Papal Secretary of State, has received a letter from Secretary of State Foster, expressing the satisfac tion of the President on learning of the warm interest the Pope waa taking in the approaching Columbian Exposition. The President was also gratified that the holy father had manifested a wish to forward to the exhibition some memen tos of the discovery of America and other objects of interest now preserved in the Vatican. Secretary Foster as sures the Papal Secretary that the great est care will be exercised in guarding the exhibits, and that the representa tives in charge will receive every cour tesy upon their arrival and daring their sojourn. Secretary Foster states the ex hibits belonging to Columbus will be shown in building which will be an exact reproduction of the Monastery La Rabida. He farther states the President has made similar requests to varioua governments, private persons and cor porations in Europe for the loan nf annh articles having a relation to tbe discov ery of America, and that it is the pur pose of this government to bring relics, if necessary, to the United States in a man-of-war to be detailed by the Secre tary of the Navy for the pur pose. FOREIGN LANDS. Exp eriments With Different Kinds of Lights. ENGLISH DRUNKEN WOMEN. A Remarkable Shower of Volcano Ashes in Several Parts of , Finland, Russia. The barley crop of France is 20,00O,OC0 bushels less than last year. The French Free Mason have resolved to take a more energetic part in politics. New docks for the transatlantic trade will bj shortly started at Stettin, Ger many. The London police returns show a great increase during tbe last two years in the number of drunken women. It la estimated that $40,000,000 gold of British capital haa been invested in the railways of the Argentine Republic. The cross on the top of the Pantheon in Paris, which haa been so great an eyesore to the Radicals of that city, is to comeaown. A leading Japanese newasaper com plains that the good manners of the Japanese women have been ruined by the importation of Western civilization. A company with 100.000.000 francs capital is trying to get a license for a gambling establishment at Mondorf, sit uated in the Grand Duchy of Loxem biurg. . In Kin-Kiang. China, there is a man who has token a vow to watch three years by his mother's grave, during which period he will be cared for ty ueignuora. Considerable interest hs been awak ened among the litnraiy circles of Berlin by the sale of an edition de luxe of the complete works of Frederick the Great for 2,000 marks. A remarkable shower of volcano ashes recently occurred in several parts of Fin land. The ground in some placet is stated to have been covered to tne depth of nearly an inch. A Glasgow paper publishes the statis tics of emigration from that port for 1892. and these show that forty-three started for Australia, 1.056 for Canada and 20.637 for the United States. A corner on vaccine was brouzht abont recently in Moscow, and in view of a threatened epidemic of email-pox the price of the virus was increased some thousand per cent. It is stated that Dr. Pellegrini will suc ceed Senor Plaza as Argentina Repre sentative in London, and will be charged to propose terms for a final arrangement in regard to the debt. The Liverpool Journal of Commerce an nounces that a reduction of seamen's wages is probable, 10 per cent redaction having been decided upon at Hull. A great deal of trouble is feared. The ci train made in France laat year realized a total of about $10,480,000. Cigarettes made in France were sold to a total of about $4,029,000, while tobacco for smoking in pipes fetched $34,430,000. An Encash company is beintr formed for the acclimatization of elephants in Sooth America. The Valley of the Amazon and ita tributaries are thought to be very suitable for elephant farming. A statistician of the German govern ment a short time aeo investigated the records of the Department ot Compulsory Insurance and according to his investi gation tne most untortunate day is not Friday, but Monday. -;. The Shanghai correspondent ot the London Timet cables that English mis sionaries have been mobbed by natives in Kieng Yon. The hoose of Mr. Phil- li n tt thai iniaainn na m A .Basal-wnwstxtal UfC- UVtM U U1W UUDDIUU. TV UCDV4UJ OU : -sd fee-ndjii! wife fled for their lives. The Emperor and Empress of Russia are soon to pay another visit to tfaeir in valid son, Frince George, at his moan tain retreat, Abbas-Tuman in the Cau casus. The Prince will continue the heroic treatment for his lungs another year. The Britieh Adm'ralty, wishing to make the display of British warships at Hampton Roads next spring as imposing as possible, has invited Admiral Hoe- kins at -'he conclusion of his furlough to elect tbe vessels which will be available for the occasion. Experiments with different kinds of lights for libraries show that 550 hours of an electric light of 144-candle power produced no yellowing enect upon the leaves of books, while 240 hours of a fifty-candle gas light produced a notice able cnange ot tone. In the recent competition of horses at Rouen, France, for the world's champ ionship leaping sweepstakes an English horse, Las Mania, cleared the bar at a height of seventy-four inches. The highest leap of a French horse. New Moon, was seventy-two inches. The merchants of Trieste are hooinc to inherit a large share of the shipping trade that has been interrupted by the outbreak of cholera at Hamburg. Thev argue that their port is peculiarly well situated for trade with Asia and Africa and offers many advantages to Hamburg firms. One hundred and twenty thousand copies of Zola's "Debacle," have been sold in lees than three months. He has received $60,000 for the publication in feuilletons of nineteen volumes, and by their publication in book form he has made about $160,000 more. In twenty years altogether he haa made about $260,000. The new army bill to be submitted to the German Reichstag at its coming ses sion will call for an outlay of $10,000,000 and a permanent addition to the budget .f too rwvt nu. - WAA. .v.. - '' . v. -&0,wv,vw m J c. , u-j weruilieilb contending that the increased military establishment will be absolutely neces sary to make sure of the retention of Alsace and Lorraine. A recent report that the White Star line had contracted for a 760-foot steam er, a ship eighty feet longer than the new Cunarders, arose from the request of the Liverpool anthoritiea tn RrlwarH Harland for his opinion as to what size of ship they should provide for in the new docks. The answer was that ac commodations for a steamer 700 feet long would be afficient for the fnture. PORTLAND MARKET. Prodnoe. Fralt, Bte. Whrat Nominal. Valley, Walla Walla. 11.17! per cental. $1.26 j Floub Standard, $3.65) Walla Walla, $3.65; Graham, $3.15; Superfine, $2.50 per barrel. Oats New, 4043o per bnshel rolled. 6.60fi6.75 per barrel: 16.500 6.75 per bag; $3.75 per case. mat siifgiil per ton. Un.fnnnM Rwn A. -V....- m. VMM a f u, UiUiw, fiv, ground barley, $22.5025 ; chop feed, $21 22 per ton ; whole feed barley, $18019; middlings, $2628 per ton; brewing barley, $1.101.15 per cental; chicken wneat, 11.ZU per cental. Butter Oregon fancy creamery, 30 32$c; fancy dairy, 2730 30c; fair to good. 22)i25c; common, 1517)c; California, 3840c per roll. Cheese Oregon, ll12c; Young America, 12Jc per poand. Eoos Oregon, 2730o; Eastern, 25o per dozen. PootvrBT Old Chickens, $3.604.00; broilers, $2.003.00; ducks, $3.00(6.60; geese, nominal, 8.009.OO per dozen; turkeys, 1012e per pound. Vegetables -Cabbage, $2 per cental; Onions, 75c$l.O0 per cental; pota toes, 809Jc per cental; Oregon cu cumbers, 1015c per dozen;, tomatoes, 35c per box; Oregon turnips, 15c per dozen; young carrots, 15c per dozen; beets, 15c per dozen; sweet potatoes, $1.75 per sack ; Oregon cauliflower, 76o $1.00 per dozen ; celery, 90c per dozen. Fruits Oregon peaches, $1.101.26 per box; Sicily lemons, $9.60; Cali fornia lemons. $7.008.00 per box ; cantaloups, $1.601.75 per dozen ; water melons, 1.2o1.50 per dozen; California grapes, $1.001.25 per box; Oregon grpaes, 4)7bc per box ; pineapples, $3.00 per dozen ; plums, 7590c per box ; Oregon Italian prunes, 8590c per box; Oregon pears, $1.251.50 per box ; ba nanas, $3.004.00 per bunch ; quinces, $1.50 per box ; oranges, $3.00 per box ; cranberries, $10.00 per box. Staple Ctroeme. Honet Choice comb, 15(317e nound. per Salt Liverpool, $14.50(117.00; stock, $10.6011.60 per ton. Rica Island, $5.005.60; Japan, $4.85 per cental. Dbikd Fruits Petite prunes, 9c; sil ver, 10llc; Italian, 10llc; German, 8c; plums, 66c; apples, 4)6)c; evaporated apricots, 1516c; peacues, 1216c; pears, 78c per pound. CorrE Costa Rica, 21c ; Rio, 20'c ; Salvador, 20c; Mocha, 27&30o; Java, 27)4 30c; Arbuckle'a 100-pound cases, 23 17-20c per pound. BEANBSmall white, 8c; pink, 8c; bayoe. 3s'c; butter, 3c; limaa, 3c per -pound. Sirup Eastern, in barrels, 40355c; half-barrels, 4257Kc; in cases. 36(3 80c per gallon ; $2.25 per keg. California, in barrels, 2040c per gallon; $1.75 per keg. Sdoar Net prices: D. 6c: Golden O. 5)sc; extra C, 6jc; Magnolia A, 6c; granulated. 0c: cube crushed and pow dered, UKc: confectioners' A. 5c per pound ; maple sugar, 16 16c per pound. Canned Goods Table fruits, assorted quoted $1.7682.00 ; peaches, $1.852.10; Bart lett pears, $1.752.0J ; plums. $1.37M ai-oo: strawberries. S2.25(u!2.U : cher ries, $2.252.40; blackberries, $1.85(3 2; raspberries, $2.40; pineapples, $2,253 2.80; apricots, $1.652.00. Pie fruits: Assorted, $1.20; peaches, $1.26; plums, $1.101.20; blackberries, $1.25(31.40 per dozen. Pie traits, gallons Assorted, I3.253.50; peaches, $3.604.00; apri cots, $3.504.00; plums, $2.753.00; blackberries, $4. 004.60. Vegetables : corn, $1.40(31.86; tomatoes, 96c$1.00; ugar peas, 95c$1.00; string beans, 90(3 95c per dozen. Meats : Corned beef, Is, $1.25; 2s, $1.85(32.00; chipped beef, $2.10: lunch toname. la. t.3.10- 2a. xn AO: deviled ham, $1.60(82.76 per down. Fish: Sardines, 76c(31.65; lobsters, $2.30 3.60; salmon, tin 1-1 b. tails, $1.25(3 1.60; flats, $L75; 2 lbs., $2.25 2.50; bR, $6.t0. .MlaeellanMua. Natls Base quotations: Iron, $3.00; steel, $3.00; wire, $3.50 per keg Irok Bar. 2Je per bound: nig iron. $24(327 per torn. , i Bteel 10c per pound. . :. ; ity, $8.2og3-76 per box; for crosses 3 " extra per box?- TOoftSSr liiSoT jprime quality, $6.626.75 per box; I. C. coke plates, 14x20, prime quality, $7.60g8.00 per box. - Lead ic per pound; bar, 6)V ' ' Shot $1.80 per sack. Horseshoes $6. Naval Stobrs Oakum, $4.50(36 per bale; roein, $4.80(35 per 480 pounds; tar, . Stockholm, $13.00; Carolina, (9.00 per barrel ; pitch, $6.00 per barrel ; turpen tine, 65c per gallon in carload lots. Hide., Wool and Hop.. Hides Dry hides, selected prime, 7)4 8c; lc less for culls; green, selected, over 66 pounds. 4c ; under 65 pounds, 3c ; sheep pelts, short wool, S050c; me--dium, 60 80c; long, 90c$1.25; shear ings, 10320c; tallow, good to choice, S 3ic per pound. Wool Umpqua Valley, 1619o; rail clip, 1316Xc; Willamette Valley, 15 18c, according to quality; Eastern Ore- ' gon, 10(g 16c per pound, according to condition. , Hops 1520o, according to condition. Tk Keat Harket. -live, lK2c; dressed, (asc Mottor Live, 3J33Jtfo; dressed, 6o; lambs, live, ZM (33c; dressed, 8c Hoos Live, 6c ; dressed, 7c. Veal 46o per pound. . . Smoked Meats Large ham, 13 13c; medium ham,13(314o; breakfast bacon. 13316o: dry salt aides. 10U; smoked sides, 12(313c per pound. Lard Compound, in tins, 9c; pure, in tins, 12l3cj Oregon, U(313o per pound. - Not a Kick, Bnt . Wise Mother (from head of stairs V-Mv dear, I wish you wouldn't sit up half the night reading novels. , Pretty Daughter (from the parlor) Why, ma, Tm not reading. Mr. Lilli- white is here- - ' Wise Mother-Oh. I beg his pardon. I thought you had gne, Mr. Lilliwhite. and I was afraid my daughter was in juring her eyes readiog. It seems I was mistaken. Probably the noise I took to be the, front door closing was only tho hall clock striking? 10. New York Weekly.