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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 5, 1892)
& ,s - Office of the Spokane Board of Health Spokane, Washington, May 13, 1892. The evidence is conclusive as to the absolute purity and - healthful character of the Royal Bak- ing Powder. Certainly there is no baking powder known to , us equal to the Royal for strength and uniformity. We confidently recommend it for 'these qualities, well as for its purity as Walter Q. Webb, M. D.,) JYtsulent. of C. G. Brown, M. D.)HeaUh- G. T. Doolittle, M. D., Health Offictr. Green-itoods mnn expect to find green; men who will boy their tooils. TU TrMfTATION Tt RO "lit of oVwwa ! routh weather la not irona, bat we are, many ol us, compelled to face rouKu tb.r frequently. biMMuaa wmvu ail from a 'Mil are iny-nllar to no seenn ot the Tear. Thta Is true; therefore, there should ba la the closet of every household whatT Not an uuraeutcated stimulant, absolutely devoid of anything but aa eicttive action, but a tonic combtntur, In tba etiec'ive form of an InrlKor ant and an a teratlve, the quality of defense against cha"gea of weather. lioetetler' Stom ach Bitten haa three or four propel ties that no oilier artiole of iu clues poMowa. Kotonlydoea It relieve tha complaints which It eventually cures, It fortiBei the system against the bad ef fects of change of temperatara, fatally and too often shown iu the deadly form of " la grippe:" it produces a radical chance in the weakened condition of a system tcollarly liable lobe at tacked bi it. and H tenda to provide against the danger resulting from an Impoverished cowii tlou of the blood and a disordered state of the Uvar or bowels. - A liar telle a hundred truths to one Ue; ba has to, to make toe Ue good for anything. A. common sbksb kkmkdy. In tha matter of curatives what you want is something that will do its work while you continue to do yours a remedy that will give yon no inconvenience nor inter fere with your business. Bach a remedy is Allooci's Pobocs Piautsm. These plas ters are not an experiment; they have been in nee for oyer thirty years, and their value ban been attested oy me nignesi mwiita authorities, as well as by testimonials from those who have used them. They requii no change of diet and are not affected by wet or cold. Their action does not inter fere with labor or business : you can toil and yet be cured while bard at work. The) are so pure that the youngest, the oldest, the most del cate person of either sex cat, use them with gnat benefit. Beware of imitations, and do not be de oeived by misrepresentations. Ask foi Allcocs's, and let no solicitation or ex planation induce you to accept a substi tute. . . ; , The big head It one of t .e hardest things In this world to cure men of completely. . In 1850 "Brown's Bronchial Trocket " were introduced, and tbeir success in relieving coughs and bronchial troubles has been un paralled. - Do no neglect yonr nose. If vol eutlyl Dreatne tnrmgn it, you wui pell d to ihtmgh It. OKI? K2VJOY Both the method and results when Svrun of Fieri k taken: it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and act gently yet promptly on the juaneys, Ldver and Bowels, cleanses tne sy tern effectually, disoels colds, head aches and fevers and cores habitual constipation vennanentlr. For sal in 60c and II bottles fey all druggists CALIFORNIA FIQ SYRUP CO. SAD nAnoiaoo. em. , iouisviuj.. nr. ,: , rout. r. Tower? fcs Improveo" FLICKER . I Guaranteed US itotutt W.vtet wth t ts. proof. Urksnkm btSdathtrUhBrwi In OA3A 1 every Coals 55 H TiAStajionrveryCoatl 5fcf t Woolen-'ty WatehOutI Collar. A A TOVCH Mm BOSTON. MASS : ,- r T m at ivruD Retris Xeblanc is a French Cana dian store keeper at Notre Dame de Stanbridge, Quebec, Can., who was cured of a severe attack of Congest ion of the Lungs by Boschee's Ger man Syrup. He has sold many a bottle of German Syrup on his per sonal recommendation. If yo drop aim a line he'll give you the full facts of the case direct, as he did us, and that Boschee's German Syrup brought him through nicely. It always will. It is a good medicine and thorough in its work. FOH IKBIOATINO USE. ' .Mni a Li .a nm llil.llla KMOIMB. b , ttmit Ky, A f., CaL Portland, Or. and wholesomeness. ' Medical Nomenclature!. Judge, jury, lawyers and spectator wore treated to an exhibition of profes sional priggishnesa in division No. 9 of the circuit court the other afternoon that was decidedly refreshing. The case ot EL O. Etouham against the Kansas Oity Railway company was 011 trial be fore Judge Slover. The ease is one xor 30,000 damages for injuries sustained in an accident, and considerable medical testimony had to be taken, A young doctor was put on the stand who was determined to display his learn ing, and he was successful. When he started off he did so with the easy gait of one who feels he has the nomenclature of his profession at his tongue's end, for every sentence he uttered was so mixed with technical terms that an ordinary person could scarcely understand him. When he took the witness stand he glanced patronizingly at the jury and the rest in the court room, and in answer to the first question rattled off a lot of medical terms that drew the attention of every one in the room. Judge Slovei looked at him a moment and then said: "Use plain English, doctor, I know yon can if you try." The witness looked around and said, "Tea, sir; certainly, sir." . "Now, doctor, where did yon say Mr. Bouham was injured?" "On the posterior portion" "Speak plainly, doctor," admonished the court. "Well, he suffered a severe contusion of the posterior of the abdomen" (turn ing: to the jury with a familiar-wave of his hand). "He was bruised in the rear of the stomach. In other words, his back was hurt. Judze Slover looked worried while the witness continued to answer another question. ., . . "When I examined bun i nrst remov ed his clothes, you know, and in feeling him I could determine that the aDaomi- nal wall was baggy and tender, and lie actieared to be suffering from a touch of the" (here followed a name as long as one's arml. "and the dorsal vertebra were severely contused. In other words,' again turning to the jury with a wave of his hand, "his backbone naa Deen rubbed." When the witness left the stand every one looked relieved and Judge Slover mopped lys brow, for the ordeal made the perspiration flow freely. Kansas City Times. Poatonca Detectives' Gallery. There have recently been many com plaints to the postmaster concerning the f . . . . . , ni: 1 . .,.1 loss 01 registered tellers in me i-uuauci-phia office, and the officials have been greatly worried by the charges that there were thieves in the service. It has been decided to erect a gallery along the roof of the working room, from which watch men can look down upon the entire force without being seen from below. This gallery will be eighty feet long, and will denend from the glass and iron ceiling bv iron surtnorts. in H there win oe freauent small windows witn swinging sashes, from which the watchman can see every part of the great room where the stamping: and distn buting is ail aone. Here there are 800 men at work at times, and it is impossible to oversee all of them from any other point than a Dove. The watch is to be kept not alone lor the rmiDoee of watching for thefts, bnt also to see that men do not shirk their work or disturb other clerks by conver sation. The gallery will be reached by an iron stairway at its southern end, and at its northern end another iron stair way will ascend to the glass roof. There are two of these roofs, one above the other, and it is necessary for workmen to ascend to the lower one to clean It or dust. There is now no way to reach there except by putting up a ladder. It is said that it is purely for this purpose that the gallery goes up, but there is an other use. There has been talk of having inch a structure for nearly two years. Assistant Custodian George Painter has been aeitatmi; the matter, and has nnauy succeeded in getting the work done. Philadelphia Record. Porpola Shooting. Porpoise shooting is the newest sport st Cape May. The seaward end of the ir la tha favorite rendezvous for those v. .ni tn nd. a shot at the swiftlv moving fish. The marksman must have i , .. , ,,n me iorpouw v. does not have, time to raise the gun to the shoulder before they are out of sight beneath the water. The women take as much interest in the sport as the men, and quite a number are out every after noon perched on the lower deck of the pier, rifle in hand, and waiting for a good chance to shoot. The sport seems to lie more in the attempt to capture big game than in successful results, as it is quite rare for one of the fish to be killed and washed upon the shore, Exchange. Ho Peaehea This Tear. A letter from uover. uvi., w aoiq tiwore American says: "A uriveturouKii wnile ys c&ylfa appendage U oma what ought to be the center of the peach menlei tb fourteen rattles and a but- - . , belt lower &.emuna upper oubbo ih.u.- ties will convince any one tnat tne much abused peach liar of this peninsula will have no chance this season, for the reason that there are no peaches tone about." There are miles and .miles thrifty looking peach 'orcaaros wjwiiy destitute of fruit. The-buus wereuuea by cold, sleety rains in tne spring. AMBER AND CRYSTALS. INTERESTING FACTS ABOUT THESE CURIOUS SUBSTANCES. . TVorkina; Amber la Vary AaoWnt Bus!- It la Found Only la Europe. Queer ofd Roman Ideas About Crystal. Sera's Valuable Cups. "Amber is curious stuff," said a collec tor of curios the other day. "It is ouly rotuparutively recently that its nature has been known, and even at this day very few people seem to have any notion as to what it Is in reality. The anolenu regard ed it as altogether mysterious ana even magical. They found that it was rendered electrical by friction so as to attract light substances, and our word 'electricity' comes from tha Greek nam for amber, which was 'electron.' A favorite puzxle with them was how the Insects so frequently found in amber became to be so situated. "I have myself seen a chunk of very transparent amber In which a small lisnrd with five legs was tTicnaed, looking as if it might have been alive yestortiny, though, doubtless, it had been dead for thousands of yetrs. The mystery regarding this sort of phenomenon Is easily enough explained when It is understood that amber Is act ually the fossil gum of an extinct kind of cone bearing tree. In the process of hard ening it Imprisoned the flies and other creatures preserved in the chunks of It that are found today. It ts discovered plentifully by digging In certain parts of the great plains of north Germany, where the strange tree once flourished. "ft la also found In considerable quanti ties along the shores of the Baltic in tha yellow sandstone. At Palmlcken, in east Prussia, it Is dug in regular mines; else where it Is picked from cliffs, and a good dml of It Is eatbered in the shape of nod ules cast tip by the waves. 1 tie mi est specimen of amber In Europe Is a cup marie of that material now at uie nnirntuu museum. England. It was found at Hove some years ago, together with weapons and utensils of stone and oronse, so n ts evt lwitl v verv ancient Indeed. ' "In the r ourteentn century, ana oeroro j . . . amber was made into knives and forks with cne prong, which weru used by princes and cfcurch dignitaries, it was more valuable than cold. Now it is worth from S to $50 a pound, accsriripg to Its quality. The most Important made or It is tor nieerscnaum ana otner pipes. -BEAUTIFUL CRVSTALS. "What a very beautiful sphere of crystal this isf" said the newspaper man, taking In his band a cool globe that looked like a huge dewdrop, which the collector banaea him for examination. "Yea. that is a pretty specimen. I sup pose you are aware of the theory enter tained by the ancients regarding such rock crystal. They thought It was actually Ice frozen to great density by duration of time, congealed brxond liquidation. 'Kiystalloa' In Greek means 'ice,' The famous writer on natural philosophy. Pliny, who wrote more facts that were not true than ever any man collected together before or since, says the crystal is undoubtedly water frozen by cold so Intense that nothing can melt it again.' Roman ladies of that time were accustomed to carry such spheres as this one in tbeir bands during hot weather for coolness. , "It was the thing, also, to have the ma terial worked into wine Jugs and other vessels. Nero bad two drinking cups of crystal worth 3,000 each, and a crystal ladle' also; but when he learned that he had lost bis kingdom he broke them, lest they fall into the hands of any one else. A crrstal lens was employed In Borne to kindle the sacred vestal fire. Great care was taken not to put the crystal ware in a warm place for fear that It would melt. The most remarkable discovery of crystal on record was made in 1867 above the Tiefen glacier by a party of tourists, a single cave in the granite yielding 1,000 crystals of from 50 to 100 pounds weight." "And what is thlsf PEARLS AND PEARL DTVEltS. "That." replied the collector. "Is a di minutive Chinese god, covered with a coat ofpe:-rl by a real pearl oyster. On such parts of the coast of the Flowery Kingdom as produce pearl oysters a regular business Is often made or manufacturing pearis ar tificially by introducing into the shells of the live oysters foreign objects of various kinds. You doubtless know that the pearl Is a morbid symptom In the bivalve. A grain of sand or some such substance get ting into the oyster produces irritation, and the animal protects Itself by covering the objectionable particle with coating after coatine of its own pearly secretion. The interruDtion of Ultht by the successive coats of which the pearl is formed in this way gives it ita beautiful luster. Taxing advantage of this habit of the pearl oyster the Ingenious Chinaman pries it gently open and puts in whatever be likes, maybe a little figure of a god like this. The oyster goes to work and covers It with pearl, until after a tew montns me moi is a peari iuui. It is worth mentioning incidentally that sharks are by no means such a terror to pearl divers as Is commonly supposea. it Is true that now and then a direr does get gobbled, but for every such human victim hundreds of sharks are killed by the divers. "Pearl divers in the Torres straits are not one-twentletb part so much afraid of tbt tiger sharks which are swarming there as of the giant molfusk at the bottom, six feet or more across its shell, which lies with extended laws, as If waitine for the unfor tunate fisherman to drop into them. The victim, dropping out of his boat into the depths with a heavy stone attached to his feet, brings bis leg into contact with the mantle of the huge mollusk, which closes upon the limb with one tremendous bite. Onlv one thins then remains for the direr to do, namely amputate the limb with his own knife, because tue snigniy oivaivea jaws are clasped together with a tenacity that would take several horse power to loosen, and it is anchored to the bottom with a cable of its own three times as strong as the best inch rope. "-Washington btar. She Can Make Pills. Miss Bertha Higgins studied pharmacy with her father, and for a time was asso ciated with him in the drug business at the corner of Pitt and Delnocey streets. A big, broad shouldered police officer entered ; th. one ji., looked at the bright lit- tje pharmacist, purchased a vial of quinine asillas and walked Bway with her heart. ..That was the end of her value as a drug- , gist. Now she is a bride, has a medicine I cabinet In her home, and with the pnarma- had a dispensary of her own- New York Utter. Came Out All Bight. "Have you heard the newsf" I "What la lt" "That Count Politsl, who Is engaged to Helen Streeter, is not a count at all, but an American." . "I'm glad to hear iu 1 thought he'i come out all rlgbt."-Harper's Bajiar. A Ula Rattler. ! The boss snake is a monster rattler on exhibition at J. F. Bolton's store, in A meriens. Ga. His snakesbin Is more than , f . ontrth and measures twentv v.u i nn,f.n in th miilille. t (UI.UI. .U ...mui.w.whvw " ' to hideous oMect was killed in 4 on the Huguenin plantation . Alfrej a colored laborer, who, . lively fight of several minutes. knfx.ke1 h!m m the head with a fence Mr. Bolton had the snake's hide .ni hnmt nr ta 0 his : - -' - . . ; - v 00 THEY PAYf Children Sometimes Do Hot Sees Aiw cottier rcrfnot, but TUey Do ray. "Sometimes I Just ttluk children don't iimv." aaid one of my careworn ana tils- courssed neighbors one dy. "What do you think about itr 'n. I ilnn't know." I replied, and tny conscience smote uio even while I spoke. Hut then I said In mental self rcproacn and self excuse for saying it, "I know I didu't pay." and I don't thluk 1 did. lint wheu It comes to my own do they pay . ..... Well, they are "a sight or trouDie. - in deed they are, and they coat time ana money and palu and sorrow. There are three of them and they are little thlturs still, and my friends who have I., LM.V ..,1 I ...1 ,,nt Oluer cuuureu wu uiw m '--.- - . .,. tn .,, w htm iiiv bab ea will be "less trouble" thau they are uow. I . ,!, in nnia when tliev will not be a source of care and anxiety and hope and fear no, not even wheu they have gone fort h to noniea 01 tneir own ana have their own little oties around them. Do thev dmv nowf Here I am wearing old olothes and trying to brush up my hat if iv .mis fl.iLt. mv .Inhnnv ami gammy may have new kilts and reefers hersullVring. Two promlmmt ptivsIiMans and hats and ahws and look as well as -ere called and endeavored to do all .in other children. They do kick out shoes so their power for her relief. In spite, dreadfully, and they haven't the first com- however, of their skill Mrs. Ray grew pitnction of conscience about It, either, weaker ami more depnwsod, while the They tear and smash and destroy and are agony she endured seemed to increase, "into everything." particularly the baby. it was at this time that a noted physl. Does a a-year-old baby pay for itself up can who was culled declared Mrs. Kay to the time It readies that interesting Kgef wg guttering from' cancer, said there whs Sometimes I think not. I thought so yes- help, and told her friends she could tcrdny when my own baby slipped into rur not live more than a week at the furthest, study and "scrubbed" the carpet and his And here comes tha interesting part of best white dreaswith my bouloof Ink. He the storv, which we will endeavor to tell wasplnylng iu the coal hod ten minutes in Mrs. Kav's own words. She said! after a clean dress was put on him, and "Unknown to all these physicians. I later in the day be pasted fifty cents' worth ntil been using a prea ration of which of postage stamps on the parlor wall and had heard much. I did not tell the poured a dollar's worth of the choicest physicians because I feared they would "White Rose" perfumery out ofthewiu- ridicule me, and perhaps order its die dow "to see It wain." continuance. During all the while that Then he dug out the center of a ulcely the physiciass were attending mettle baked loaf of cake, and was found In the preparation was steadily and faithfully middle of the dining room table with the 5t,in its 0wn work In Its own way, and sugar bowl between his legs and most of 1 had faith in its power. At last the the contents in his stomach. doctor suld there was no use of his corn He has ulreaily cost over $100 In doctors' f for he could do me no good. I had bills, and I feel that lam right in attrib- iucrod so much that I was quite will uting my few gray hairs to the misery 1 ng to die, but it seems I was nearer re endured walking the fioor with him at than I knew. One week from tha night during the first year of his life. 4,- the doctor last called a false growth. What has he ever done to pay me for M large m a coffee cup, and which looked thatr as though it had been very large, left Abl I hear his little feet pattering along nie I gent for a doctor, and he de out In the ball I hear his little ripple of cttred it was a fibroid tumor, hut said laughter because he has escaped from hla he had never known one to come sway mother and has found his way up to my 0( itself before. I Immediately began to atudy at a forbidden hour. But the door Is health and strength, and I tinhesi closed. The worthless little vagabond tatlngly declare that my rescue from can't get iu, and 1 won't open it for hint, deuth wasdue solely to the marvellous No, 1 won't. I can't be uisturoea wnen I'm writins. He can lust cry if he wauts to. I won't be bothered for "rat, tot, tat," go his dimpled knuckles on the door. I alt iu silence. "Rat-tat-tat." I sit perfectly still "Pspa." No reply. "Peese, papa." Grim silence. "Baby turn In peese, papa. He shall pot come In. "My papa." I write on. "Papa," says the little voice; "I lnb my papa. I'eese let oaoy mi" I am not quite a brute and I throw open the door. In he cornea with outstretched I little arms, with shining eyes, with laugh- Inuface. I eaten mm up into my arms, and his warm, soft little arms go around my neck, the not very clean little cheek la laid close to mine, the baby voice says sweetly: "I lnb my papa Does be payf Well. I kucss be doeal He has cost me manv anxious days and niKbta. He has cost me time and money and care and self sacrifice. He may cost me pain and sor row. He has cost much. But he has paid for It all amio and airain and again in whisperintc those three little words Into mv ears. "I lub papa." Our children pay when their very first feeble little cries flit our hearts with the mother love and the father love tbatougbt never to fall anionic all earthly passions. Do your children payf J. H. u. In De troit Free Press, Inflammable Mad, The surroundings of Blaine are not only superficially productive, but several parties of experienced prospectors have been ex amining the mineral indications, wnicn sire promise of undreamed fof richness. Coal is found on bothsldesof the boundary line, from the coast buck to a distance of twenty-five or forty miles, and comprised lu an area of 80.000 acres or more, and the country is so easy of access by a railway line built parallel with the boundary line that there ts but one way lo which the coal will be brought out, and that la through Blaine, ' It is only necessary to be In this coal dis trict with one's eyes open to see it, and competent Judges affirm that it is coal of the finest quality. Nor Is coal the only mineral to be found. Vast deposits ot iron ore abound; in fact, there is a mountain some few miles back which is nothing but Iron ore, and oil Is so much in evidence that a stick plunged Into the marshy land can be immediately lighted by the applica tion of a match. Blaine (Wash.) Journal A Graveyard Curiosity. In New Lonilon, Conn., there Is a lot In I the cltv cemetery contaiulna five graves, those of a man and his four wives. The women's irraves form four sides of a square, the man reposing in the center, while the Inscriptions are as follows! rr sacosB win. OUB HUSBAND. hi nftar win. St. Louis Republic Aa Easily Malted Metal. A metnt Ima heen nrodUeed that Willi. 1 V..114. ell. an melt at a temperature of 150 degs. It Is ... ( aasn k 1 1 - nf lonrl tin lliamiirn si rifl PSU- mium, and in weight, hardness and color resembles type metal. It melts so easily that, placed on a comparatively cool part of the stove with a piece of paper under ;lt, It will melt without the paper Deing soorcbed.-New Vork Telegram. A Hundred Thousand Trains a Day. It is unlikely that any one who leaves a station of the elevated road has any Idea that more tbun 100,000 trains pass over the various switches of the road within twestf- tour noun or wni couwuuoua Tiuiittuuw necessary in order to avoid the most serious of acj;idents. But these men in the switch towers do tue wora most enectiveiy. new Yorlt lleraiu. . ... As near as can be discovered from the evidence, the nroiect for Mr. John D. Rockefeller to found a $30,000,000 uni versity hits been seriously considered by a number of other persons, but Mr. Rockefeller himself has not been in it, so to sar. This was uui te an unfortu nate omission. ' 1 The following notice is posted on the main street at Athena,; Ore. i "To my neighbors If my spring chickens are disturbing your garden kill them and eat them. Don't pile them out in ins alley to become a nuisance,, joot bt- ington." . . ; , , J '. ' ' in i J" 1" j..'JLL"JP MOST GRAPHIC) STORY. IT IS TAMS DIKBC rftOlU MBAl A CharmlagN ewKntlend tady Tails Bee Kipertenee Both Abroad aa La . Asnerlea. ZZZ " ( ltotlon Htrdd.) "'m. The unwritten romances f Hfe art more wonderful and far more Interest ing than the most vivid works of notion. The one we are about to reltite occurred in real life, and Is both interesting and instructive, - , , , Mrs. Jennie Kay lormeny uvea iu Manchester, H. M. tier I10'" w" pleasant, her surroundings oomlortaUle. lu the year 1880 . she visited England, ..,.1 u.Mln in Ihnt IHllllltrV Dftfan 10 ex- wn ........ ... " , rwr nine Stranae sensations. Anura.auv attributed them to the change of climate. lint. lnv continued and Increased, until jlmilly, like many another woman, she liecame utu-riy aiseountgwt. It was while in this condition that Mrs. r. n.t,,-,.i ti Amiirit'S and her home. Thousands of women who read this story mn nmirwluto the condition In whifh Mrs Raw Mum whji. ftnuftVinrUlullIf Willi eftwtH of Warner s Bale uure, wnwn ,.. thn mmxlv I took unknown to the physicians, and which certain ly rescued me f rom the grave. It is my Arm belief that many ladies who are said to die of cancer of the womb are cases like mine, and if they could belsduced to use War- .... J I 1 - . ! -I. . 1.. 1 ner's sale cure tney, iiaw mj, uugiia saved." . . .. Tha ahnv cranh O anoonnt IS periectiy true in every respeet. Mrs. Jennie Usr is now living at 1W West lUh Street, South Huston, Mass., and If any lady doubts the almve statement she can ad dress Mrs. Kay, who will gladly answer all questions or grant an intorview of a confidential nature to any lady who may ciloosa to call noon her. It IS said that ,i,,iv, t. than liction. ' and wnen the thousands of suffering; help- mm m,,n whnareution tlienaui wnion nlviclni,a av hails onlv to death, con- LU- tie atorv as above given there Is reason for hope and joy, even although tit At mat Im now in the deotlis of de spondency and misery. To such ladies the above truthful account is willingly given. Tk. .... r Fi'a Pm.m Ilulm. a sure curs for catarrh and sold in bead, is, attended with no pain. Inconvenience or dread, which can w said of no other remedy. 1 rt 1, Hut to aav a few words in reiranl tn Klv'a Cream Halm, and I do so I arithnut solicitation. I have used it half a year, and have found it to be most .,l,Mlrnl,U have an tiered from tatarrb of the worst kind ever since I was a little boy, and I never hoped tor cure, dui a, ream liaim seems to ao even ma. acquaintances have need it with excellent results. Oscar Oatroin, 45 Warren aveuue, I 'I. Ill Apply Halm into each nostril. It is nulcklv absorbed. Gives relief st once. Price, 60 cents at druggists' or by mail. JblT DNUTniM, 60 Warren street, New York. BOPTURK AND Plt.ES CTJRSD. We positively enra ruptU'O, piles and all rac ial dlsesses without palu or dnteoUo Itimb i biisl- v. ,u n. alan all Primtn 'U- e.aea. Addnwa f a- pamphlet Dra. PortarSald Lm iy. Kin Haraet streai o au mo, Dsa EnameUne swva Polish! no daat, no amau. Tit Qebmsa for breakfast. COSYBIOKT ISI Wound up the man or woman who's "run down." Dr. Pierce's Uolden Med ical Discovery sets the wheels going. It starts the torpid liver into health ful action, purifies and enriches tne UIOOU, cicaiiscB, iciiauo,-, ens the system, and restores health a a ! iTJX S Jj, rirOCeSSCS of digestion nd HO I iPiTinn. 11,1 lluillil uu r UOTU f Jv , 1 "aw I For all SCTOf UlOUS numors ana I MJ. faints, nnrl even Consume- . , Lanff-scrofula), if taken 'n.Ar.,i, .;.;. ''av iipti k'- v Uirlike the sarsaparillas, which claim to bb good for the blood in March. AoriL and May, "Golden Medical Discovery" works equally weir at all seasons. Unlike other blood-purifiers, too, i , , . . n . M . - it's guaranteed to benefit W W, in every Case, or TOUT money IS re- turned. On these terms, it's the cheaptH. You pay only for the good you get But it's the bat or It couldn't be old so. I CURE FITS! wi 1 u. I An mat aiaaa await testoa tfcaai for a tins and Uimi naa Uims ratora aaaln, I aiaaa a radlMlaara. I nam, BU4 tha dlaMe of UTTH, KFt LBPKV or FALWHQ alvamuHiauiaonf aioar. i m. im aaaa tea wmilii SaeaaH othamkEMlalnidla aa raaaaa tor aot now isaalfine a enia. Sjaodat oaoa sar a treatise sad a Vaaa Sottlaof ' nvialalllblenmaar. unaaiuiaiaaoa rwum B, O. BOOT. X. Ct 1SS read m M. T. I . w "- " r- r- .r-.t . i . a a. rtV Assayar and Analyttoahemist, . u. s IN. P. N. V. No. !-. F. N. U. No. 520 .tOvOtOtOvOvOvOtOtO U ........... 1-.. hlv true W "- " wmmM lend to tort erjtfeialMI tba X AHUUmLH I . ;JS. ki,m e. not k No OonrJt. jst km City. N, J, lb uniiM-taHtta to vuftMUit to kind otwtoi prist tlwt iwmn In Uttt pruHHWUU, 1to tLutdrd ih..nMiid now mbMiHWs M rtMr AavortiMittf Mirwui hai MroMkftMurt for tho4t wtous twpwr hof MtMthiiitNC JttlM.lON ihmii to mors ihn tmn.oM of 1vtrtltnsi roTvitiMS tiurin tttO m tUla lltaMMM AM KUUiLIOIl i""Ya' lour iirwHt lint. H iim lM-m mm nnir for Uimii K-aailiaMlHlMrl-a 111 MIk Ml lit thai Uk hlial a. aa. W. vim muio Uwn Utu Wl MO 1 uiipiMMuiiiiy. litis is proiuv fsnmsimi 'it WWj)SJWSJSJSJSJBJSJSJBJSJrSJSJSJSJSJBJSJ j v nuctW lf CORRECT MSWMS f W OMt f it I Publithmg Company wilt pay Vi following iCASH REWARDS tar a rortwt aiwwer tn anv DM went, , sees I r,ir a wx-mti aiw,wr mi hhjt rws worn I Kur a oomx uuww bi iu,y TUMI worda, ta. I , Vw a wiM law to aii I0UI wonu, 1 ' lor a Wfntl auwr to aiqr wonla, ISS. ea 1 1 As SPECIAL GRAND REWARDS wo will Pay In CashO 1 For the rntRT correct answer to Att. of the entire Tan words, SB.OOOi I Tor the SECOND oorrect avna war to ALL of tha ntln Ten words, 3 ,000 ' for tha THIRD correct ana war to ALL. of theenUreTeo word, $8,000 j 1 Here are tha Ten Word-Riddles Jeaty a Bl&-e oVty Qug0aVic--ifljj: 10 'Explanation.! .mi, kwti4iro t mmm ta im nrtt.ll; Ml -UM uTa it.-rlMUrn k w .-.ami-iMihMlaMMrf m lVb ioid tormH New Varh tnlBe ' niwanl w,A uurrx t ainwrr 1 rSMStaC'aabiyoaaraBatcauaiiMi laauy par La-.Xi woSKar eaa3 U ,"", l dj brWut Maomru u wl ve more ttuui one ymurn anl I Mill ba IihtwwI In DrupurtluB (run Sil to "S-jaS. Aloin-mMOIMrUiatinMaoagllu.viibilif Sr.l" l. llli,rr ia.w. It Hit V kc.rrn-1 tfW far ea a alalia ware '1 he Onlv Condition. I Th At, it this inrtraArStaarr offer la. er eoaraa. io Mctire tWt-rtl)ll at once ami la lanra num- . ytr"! uism HpUq to miw of ' Pi" twpsa w. urriire mjnin wa. m r ate wr m I rMir flrml i(Tn i t AncM rirfia foMhlil Jorl. svu4 Tif AMf-rU rmvoi uw rmir im-T nr su inn swiV r.n, . larmr. If you rml rmwrsr to murv thn won. TOO mOM. mnu ariMarsMV nawraini taau. i"r . WMaaP ' a ailRWrri I'M hum anwqm m awn nwann l (hut rtHi rwtMr toream mnmrnmrn co bo dU i riUod pro rut imcmg Lbs lUt, ur yew (ma sup It Hon J. F. KELLY, Treaa, GONSUriPTION. S ban a ponUrc Maadr ttaa abme dkaaaat fcr He aaatheoaudsoleaaaa ottliawgnl stod aad of Ion aWmtbmbmaamd, Indaodasatnawlsairialth tn Its aiSoacr, tlut I ar il ami wo eorrua raaa, altaj aVALVABLS TRKAlrlKKeathaidlMaMtaaarBat. IM wtaealll saad aMIttew Ita la.-anil If. O. addmaw V. A. BliMwas. M. Cm IS3 Pearl tit K. V. oooooooooo A torpid liver la tha ourcenftlyapep. 0.1a.allt bMuUuilH'.ean.tlpatlon. pllaa, Q blllouatever, clilllaBUininllee. w oTuH'eTinvP e fiaweapwIrtofrM-wonlhe llvor, ro-W a n laaaaalKSkanftlfll. Vftflta. oooooooooo rari a a, ' - - - ..., ..iisis Hotel and t-DLU HOI tUllilkirilllllS.hatbsApauaU I Huanllamuerature, IMdea.rabr. eiwlrlc I iiuun. mulk-at d and .liower balUa with maaaaaa. I ' . . . ... inhBl.tln nifiliiB. I KWimmillS pool, nuuw " - J , plaints, ibeumansm, soui, ryir, p-lvste dteun. Pby.lclaa In lu"";,,1" alad In Cascade Monutalns. SO miles east of Koai,. Beautirul scaneri ,ry; food bnnllnf. BiounUIn truut, of water, W Jar- ' rail Intor , BARB MUtKOKO. I Hoard and um ol I . , ..... hakh aurunw, Poley not Hnrinira, iiie tom. took tor this adv't In tins paper nst wee Season for Trent Opens April 1 st. irToa are In Nead of Troat Files, el ttaa nasi. Standard quality, to hooks, par dos. . . ,., .10.1 Oreaon Truut rllm lea. 4 u I hooks, par dos....... .M Pine Kevereed Wnac Plies, 4 lot books, per M is - ,v, oualltlea sent by mail on reoalpl prioef liwafafl use of noif, kkkls,wS I t) at Hudson's Cun Store, II rISST STn POSTkasn, or. MT Bead for lUnstrated catalogue. JUDSOII -jKmoHL is esLiroiNia v.. as manciioo. If ma want POWDEB for Mlnlns, Railroad Work, Btnmp Blasting or Tre Plantinc. semi lor rnce 1,1st. UHDS. PATLHTS. PENSIONS. If von are internal! on any Land ease; If yon mrmHim fulfftit. nr d.ialra a Pansloil. write for Inf mat on to HAI iw liaaini."-i, mint nera, Wsahiniiton, 11. -'. dontxat Cases, Mliilna Claims sort Hailnwd Lands a spnolalty. Fees mod erate. Any dairad nrfereiios alveu UNBRIGHT noold saoi-eed In -elllns? DnbrlKlit sroHrlnir snap at Sc, bnt opilled sulBnlently lo 'ao.lllca at CS afd to be suierlor to any. - 0 MITKS' CASH STORE. 4IS-S1S Front St. , and for tarn pis sod slrcalar. EIt1tsthaaekaowlalte adlns remedy for all tba annetural dlarfharsaa aad prlvatedleaaeeeol sues. 4 Mrtala enra for the daSIl tatln weasaaas paoailai towomea. r nMM,lh.a.ail faat aara liaiPlI Co, In raoommanilaf It M 7 ...... a u . m . ... m mil until. 4. BIURS, U.fUfOSTUS, ftl ' i ny utras-Ktasa rauva mm at jenras Injt I f eaanaWS ..iul I M ,. Suaaaie. 1 iTittivwiO YaoiaaTi.g.E ws ; .a- i"JXuir.Tr.Tii,' J. i UW.VMtt Uf Mult tMIIUlltf UW fill- I prrtbors tlit Um world hws vrtr knuptt f .hi ptett or nivtbod ii Iu KMnktwth no M mMim lotur- . M or ti.'Umo uf etmiKWi It lit' i VulVM Boinmr wm w nine" or Hi1 1 asui ,.ula,ai n. u. In uinra. i w t'y ,a wl II I list tn of wits it itovwuu-yi OUU MU'lUHiVtJ - . .-'arr gsreLara 1 TOP 1 Mewing Tit Word-KMlM Mmtrican ltViraewr4aannirleanrllIenl. raraaurravtaiiwariaailIN wortli. ITS. Oil 1 I rv,r aaorr4iiwarteuir IISNf urK rirsei'rrtMir,n'toaitr bini wmm T MINI wnnl . iTlC IIS rl. .- ' in r aouitwl auwr Ui.U Can You Sola Any of Them? I A KAMK MADKrAVIt.lAll 1IY (1IIKAT SPVKHTIS I f o"ry wi-aas Axbuiiu wily UauI 4 rTlAHMlKO OTTAt.ITT WnW POSSffairp. JIT WfK. tiuf ati'itAt.nt Til aimuuiioa am; orrsji wiiiitiuvitorJ. was wot cowtinrarn nrsittARiS T Tlllf tXlMVKN- i iNNttAi'olJs "Atiynjl. .H.Rl'll.i'l'U'iS. Tlua 111 a aumuTi uriua AltS. aKnvKn to pkwat Mass o. aLaiNa roa TUS i rasauiiAjiui in mm. . , THATWHICll VOU OAW SW-CBlTOTIIIt AMOUNT , orvkutoi. that wnint wonrit Know now .to wa to I BiiiTUl auvairrauK hia aton ass. Kxuau. is. fvxmi'irs tits arwr HwirovHipij; ahu jfifiia I Icwf HmlTloli oiNNWIMJ WITH Tllit UOVKiilil kT ANII rHTtn-riON Of TIIS MltKldS OK HOVIUJt SAtlOHS. , MI M 1. 1'- THAT WHIlW rLKASKSOR SATmrtMl Titait ANII Wllliil. If AHTIirrtOAixt KWW-i, fitAtrts Viii ATTKNTiorf ANirkxi'irita kui , aUHAtloH of Lovtita of ins iojui1H,'U. 1-llOHAIH.r tXSSIIKHKI Of OltKATKH OIINNS I it'KM'K AXO UIIR WIUUHT AFTKH T THE IIII.R. UUI NOHII.ITY 1 UAH - uam, H usrt.iHo amkkh;ah. aiM " ito a iwie I are WHH U f1lwU wort. ln4ml to hu l paid In oaah h VERY DAY any ' 1 answof la found to ba oorroot. ' Im hisIim la turn r4m9 ml ita isaktrJ ..Bk.j kxk t'!r. 9 nU Waa wluuetarl mi, JaM m yrm vrtum bsHwrni jmnrmU mid J we will 1 Wfire tmr rrr mm w Me ibe mrnmt mil mmi tit ib 1 wra ie 1 will m urn turn ud caiutofc HMMtbl Vila rowora vms m imsiwbi , tAdWe I AM A ' rM M a, vi.vtiwu ajliis rpo w spin at trmrUriiT mt ntiiutan, 1 I tmm wairslfa HlrtsMl 11 m ril 1 tnhr up Uit VtVJ UI u Wont-KMtiltsatat dptMtitotf with Mr. C. I'. HM ITI1. Hutlitsu4Mi. of 0m Jrrtsrjr City Pn I)sNi(tiDni, m n4rr ot,to bo oMutl I iwr II, MO, lu Um jwowmcoof wliAMvni, mtim ihlHvnn- J iMllIl Tho xmjpf Uui will m irlml Ifij full In iho January immwm oi our ft-yr rmfmr. tl that all w bo ha ve not rtcH w4 rtwnJarirtHjrn,'t 1 cnnwMi will know wnrln th faltr!. Tlitf ntotliiMl of Drulfss'Uua 1st tJuo lu ftil wmi'vrnnl. i a utio ui ait rvmrvrnni, a a u a lairir resaia eiri tmnt lap rnter. PvmnrtAre ni whim rot fawim iri THtiia NiTttenut, and bo wlaa and ! jreurl wit ( otftcai SiMriM'an Wlera and awka all rrmtUanM4 payitblfi ui the Tnamnt ot Um Amerlcaa lab. A Ushiaf vos aa luiwwa i Our Wonderful Remedy ! I DR. GRANT'S Kidney and Liver Core. A positive anrclBc for all KMneyTroulitea am h a. (RIGHT'S DI8IASI, DIAICIES, SILIOUSNESt, SICH HA0CHI, 0, To the sKed It la ,Mrilcu larly adapted. To try It one la to recomiuead It. A PKKI'AKKD BV Tha 0. W. R. Manufacturing Co., Portland, Oregon. FOB SALE BV ALL DBHUOISTS. r.mBSK. cmis Will ent Dry or Otren Bonea, Meat, Urlatln and all. llnun Cut BONKH will doubts tlie nnnilKT of esse will make them mure (ur. tlla will vnrry the hi'ns eaMy tlirnush the molting perliid and put tkom In eonilltlnn tn lay whi-n rsr.s romffliind the highest prke sii'l will dnvelofe your ch'nks taster than any other food, Feel flreen B"ne and Us Uraaaemoue to kill the lice, n 1 )ou will make fifty titr eca more nrolt. H Head for Catalogue and lLa Prloes. rmunri mvnm coqft. petaluda, cal MORPHINE HABIT I looks fras SURE CURE FaolSo atedlolDe Ooh SSS Cfcay Stn Saa Vranslaas, Pianos and Organs. WINTER t HARPER, 71 Morrison trt, Perttand, Bos SOS. ' Or. l!aii!ui?iyr 1 In tlma ,1 bv dmaalala. T l aiswa;f!!assyyr-yi' ""' 'J -- -'-ii.mis mil'- i t S"YOUNQ MtiiT"'"'! I Th Specific A No. I. H mrm, without tall, Ml esses ol anMrt kam uni Ulaws, no mailer of liuta lunf uin,tl". Prevenu strlnlura, It nelnaaii In u-rnul remeiiy. Cures when evaqrUuuf elas basdillrd. Hold bjr all DruMku, , , ' Maim'uitnreru Tna A. HoVxwn hal. Mm! tela I s.,te.SSa. Co.. San Jose, Cat Jl fi 1