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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 5, 1892)
United Mitn ind Conntf Official Paper St. Hilkvi. AooustC, 1892. LOCAL AND GENERAL. Edwin Eos spent Sunday in Rainier. Wm. Meeker and wife visited the metropolis Tueadty. T. A. Clonlnger, dairyman, of SoP' pouaa, wai in town Wednoaday. Bquira Blakealey paid a viait to Cor- Valid, Benton county, thia week, Clark Quick ' viaited Portland and Oregon City Friday and Saturday. Mr. and Mrt. E. H. Flagg, oi Salem were in the oily Monday laat. Dennia Ferry, of Portland wai viait- Inn bia parenta here Sunday. Buperinlenden t Clneton ,o( Vernonia wai in the county aeat Sunday and Monday. ' , The ateamer Dallea City paaaed down the river with an esouraion on Sun day laat. J. II. Decker haa ornamented hie barber ihop with a new chair ; one the hinge type with ouahion bottom. ol Professor C. H. Jonea itopped off a few tninutee at St. Helena Wednedayl while on hie way to attend the teaoh era' inatitute at Clatakanie. Joi. Norton'i orew of quarrymen are now working at La Centnr, Waah In the quarry at that plaoe, and will return to St. Helena in about three Week. We learn that Dr. Blanohard, of Oilllon la aerioualy ill. Also that Thoma Uoloe, of the aame place, came near breaking hia leg laat Saturday while doing aome hauling. Tweutr-one atreet-oar oonduotora were arreeted in Portland laat week, tbe offenae being that they were mak Ing more money than tbe company, having, it la aald, been "knocking down" from one to five dollara per day each. ' Will Parker, brother of Mra. Edwin Merrill, of Deer Island, waa drowned io Beed'a mill pond at Cedar creek Wuh.. Monday. Mr. and Mra. Merrill left on the Dixon Tueaday, via Caplee to attend the funeral. The oounty court oould do a good act by offering a bounty on the aoalna if grey equirrela, a they are very de- tructlv to the grain crop. Mr. M 8aion aya they have deatroyed about one-fourth of hia grain llua aeaaon Xand many othera make tbe aame com plaint. Monday night in Portland the whole- aale bouaea of Whittier, Fuller 4 Co. and Wadhama ft Co. were partially burned causing a loaa of about 1280,. 000. The inauranoe only oovera about one-half thia aum. Steamboat ratea on the Columbia are again cheap. The Attorlan ia car- rylng paaaengera round trip between Portland and Aatoria for tl. The Shaver and Dixon have a 50 cent rate between Portland and way, and a corresponding cut haa been made by tbe Telephone and Union Pa- eino, in ether word it ia oheaper to . travel on the river than to eUy at home. Many yean' praotioe have given C A. Snow ft Co., aolleitor, of patenta at Washington, D. C, nnaurpaaaed aufr eeaa in obtainint; patent in all olaaaea of Invention. They make a apecialty of rejected eaaea, and have aecared al lowanoe of many patenta that had been nraviuualv reiected. Their advertise- r- ment In another coin mn, will be of in tereat to inventor, patentee, manufac ture. and all who hae to do with patenta. While the democrat made a trifling gain In the senate, they loat in the bouts, and they will have but two rep resentative in the new state board of equalisation, whioh convenea at Salem in December next. The atate board of equalitetion ia oom posed of the follow ing members, by judicial diatriota: Flrat, Dunlap, dem.; Seoond, Wood cock, rep. ; Third, Gibson, rep. ; Fourth, Lownadale, rep. j Fifth, Wingate, rep. ; Sixth, Hunter, dem. ; Seventh, Luckey, rp. ' . -"' Tbe regular ouatonfary growl about the aidewalka ia being beard in St. Helena, and we don't wonder at it. They are pretty bad; the nail etiok up just far enough to oatch some uu wary pedestrian, whose thought are soaring above the common plane of idewalka. We have noticed a good many little aooidenta which have caused the unfortunate to utter tome very bad oatha, meanwhile we hope the proper authorities will give aome leisure time to this and grant a much needed relief. Mr. George Merrill olaima that he is not looking tor an offloe, and that he ia not a people's party man; yet he told the editor of this paper aome time ' ago that only for tbe faot that be wanted to visit the world' fair next year, and ahould he have been unfor tunate enough to have been eleoled, thereby preventing bia attendance at the fair, he would have been a candi date on the people's party tioket for county judge at the late eleotion. We presume by thia that he bad the reina of tbe party in hia hands, aa be oould in no otber way have controlled the nomination for judge. Consistency, where art thou? As has been given out a formal or ganication of an Odd Fellow' lodge was perfected In St. Helens last Sat urday night. The omoers of the grand lodge were present and conducted the ceremony In a rery impressive man ner, In the evening the ateamer Cricket brought a party of forty-two of the fraternity down from Portland to take part in this proceeding, which arrived at 9 o'clock. Immediately alter their arrival businesa oommenoed at the newly furnished Odd Fellows' hall, and a lodge of twenty-four oharter member was Instituted. After the organization waa completed the newly made member and the visitors repaired to the Oriental hotel, where an excel lent supper had been prepared for the occasion, and partook of the' good thing of the land. The visitor rep resented nearly every lodge in Port land and a number of them made very enoouraging speeches during the even ing. All aeemed well pleaaed with the future outlook for St Helen lodge No. 117, and at 2 1 80 o'clook in the morning took their departure for home, carrying with them the thanks of the St. Helens members for their atten dance and aasistano in planting such a noble Institution In our midst TJie new lodge haa a splendid ball, nicoly fitted up, and the future for it look extremely bright. The regular meet ing night is on Saturday of each week. The little ateamer Cricket, owned by Chief of Police Spencer of Portland, brought a jolly orowd of exoursionists down from thatcity last Sunday, where they enjoyed themselves during the day in a way moat befitting. They spent most of the day at the grove near "Nigger" creek, and about 4 o'clock in the evening they came in to the ball ground, where they established a temporary oroquet and baseball gound. Two nine were chosen with an equal number of ladies, and "play ball" waa called by the umpire, while a number of othera engaged in croquet In the ball game nine inning were played, and the score was 22 to 20 very good for the ladies, as some of them seemed to have played the game before. At 7 : 30 the crowd boarded the ateamer and were off for Portland. Among the orowd was a sister and nephew of Mrs. C. L. Colburn of this plaoo. The following clipping from the Mc Minnville Begiater ia self explanatory: "We have been looking for the man who could surpaaa Bill Nye in exag geration. Here it is : 'A farmer in Marion county says be baa a anake whioh awallowed an eighKlay clock in Auguat, 1887. Until the clock run dowu its striking was regular and its tioking could be heard. A short time ago the farmer found aome eggs that had been deposited in a bole by tbe reptile and on breaking them open found that eaoh contained an open faced watch in fi rat-class running order. He (old the watobe at a big profit and has now given the make a post auger in the hope that it will produo enough corkscrew to enable blm to tart a wboleaale drugstore.' " Mr. Bolt Havird, of Enterprise, Co lumbia oounty, has been in the oity tbi week for the purpose of investigat ing a olaim against the estate of bis stepfather, Mr. C. Stehman, deceased It appears that when Havird was quite young, some thirty odd years ago, his father died and Stehman married the widow. It alao appears that Steh man borrowed the money from tbe Havird estate, and there ia nothing to show that he returned it Now, that Stehman ia dead and has no further use for tbe money, Havird intend to tee if it oannot be made a claim againat his estate, presumably with a view to protecting it against other claims. Sa lem Democrat Attorney W. B. Dillard, well known to the people of .Columbia county, re turned to St. Helens last Saturday af ter an absence of aeveral years. He spent tome time in Virginia, after j . - . . whioh be. came to Southern California. but said he found no plaoe he liked ao well as old Webfoot. Mr. Dillard tulks of permanently locating here and con tinuing tbe practice of law. Accom panying him it Mr. Goodthlrej an at torney of Southern California. St. Helena it becoming quite a re. tort for recreation seekers, a number of excursions having visited us this summer. Tbit ia one of the most pleasant points on the river for those desiring a few hours' rest from city life, end if our pionio grounds were fixed up and a platform built for dano; ing purpoaet, we oould no doubt ae- oure a large number of excursions aa it is just a nioe ride from Portland. An entertainment will be given in the church at Scappoote by the Ladies' Aid Society on Tuesday evening, Au gutt 9th. Admission free. The pro gramme will be literary and musical, followed by ioe oream at 15 cents per dish. Tbe church quilt will be raffled at that time, and a large attendance it expeoted. Mrt. Bubet, of tbit plaoe', left laat Friday for San Franoitoo, where the it visiting relativet. Sheriff Massie paid Clatakanie a busineaa trip Wedneaday. V There will be a tooial danoeinScap psoae next Friday. When you are in need of blank notebooks, oall at Tui MllT offloe. Price, 60 cent.. . . . Brigadier-General H. B. Compson, of the Oregon National Guard, was in St. Helens yesterday, and in company with Mr. A. H. Blaketloy .visited Camp Gibbon, a mile out of town, on a trip of inspection. The general ha visited and inspected every company in the state, and say that in most case tbey are in very good condition, yet some are badly in need of clothing, appar atus, etc The object of hia visit to Camp Gibbon wo to select a suitable plaoe for the encampment next year, at which time the entire militia force of the state will go into camp together. The Bear Chase. A report reached town Tueaday evening that there were two large brown bear in a canyon juat back of town about a mile. Immediately a posse of "tbe braves were organized, consisting of etc. seventeen, all to gether armed with guna, clubs.knives (to soalp with), and at once atarted in purauit of the large game, accompan ied by (omething leaa than a dozen of St Helen' large oanine population. whioh were never known to shirk their duty while on the trail (to the station). At Houlton a guide waa aeoured and the would-be oaptort proceeded to the spot where tbe beasts had laat been seen. . No sooner had that place been reached than tbe dogs took the scent and were off in a jiffy down tbe gulch, through the tbick brush, over logs, cloaely followed by Kendall and other of the bravest. From the noise made by the dogs and amid the shouts made by the men to eaoh other of "All is well," the chaae was fairly on. After some time a wild cat waa sighted on the higher ground by one who did not venture into the jungle, but fearing it might attraot the attention of tbe dog be did not shoot A little later another of the conseva- tive onet discovered a bear about mid way of a tall fir, and the pursuers were at onoe summoned to the spot of obser vation, where "Make ready, take aim, and firel" waa In order. The echo of the shot had not died out before some one rushed headlong dowa the em' bankment to the foot of the tree to take tbe scalp and dreas the wounds, but beheld tbe bear did not drop. The gunner being satisfied that be bored the bear through to daylight concluded that he had made a mistake; but juat at tbia point another saw (?) a bear jump out of a tree (in fact bears were jumping in all directions) closely fol lowed by a aeoond one, and made across toward Germany Hill oemetery, and the doga again gave chase. Tbey did not go far,however,unlil darkneas came on, and they returned to the hunters for fear of getting lost out in that thickly inhabited country of bears, cougars, wildcats, and aection men After a little rest and speculation as to who was the biggest sucker, the crowd returned borne having had some of the most violent exercise tbey had enjoyed for some time, and to geteven on the "bear" they made "beer" suffer on their return to town. While at Big Island, Va., laat April, I waa taken with a very sovere attack of diarrhoea. I never bad it worse in my life. I tried aeveral old-time remi- dies, auch aa blackberry wine, pare- gorio and laudanum without getting any relief. My attention waa then called to Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhosa Remedy by Mr. B. C Tinsley, who had been handling it there, and in l9s than five minutes after taking a small dose I was entirely relieved. O. G. Bubfobd, Harris Creek, Amherst Co., Va. For tale by Edwin Boss, druggist RECENT CUBES BY DR. DARRIN Mr. Editor Dear tir: - For about four weekt previous to calling on Dr. Darrln, I waa taken with dizzinett, se vere paina in my head and through' out my whole system, in faot I was so bad I had to be led and watched, as I waa unable to walk alone. I consulted and waa treated by Dr. Darrin by eleo trioity and medioine two weeks, and I am now perfectly oured of theaame. MISS MABY A. PIERCE, Harrington Point, Wash., near Astoria. DEAFNESS OURED. I have been totally deal in one ear for a number of year, and nearly to in the other. I waa treated by Dr. Darrin with eleotrioity a few timet and I can bear now about aa well aa ever, Will be pleaaed to answer all questions at the Hotel Northern, Astoria, Or. W. H. HUNTER. Drs. Darrin can be found at 270 Washington street, Portland ; The Review Building, Spokane, Wash., and Hotel Northern, Astoria, Or, Office boura, 10 a. m. to 6 p. ; evenings, 7 to 8 ; Sundayt, 10 to 12. All curable chronio diseases, lots of manhood, blood taints, syphilis, gleet, gonorhaeo, strioture, spermatorrhoea, seminal weakness or loss of desire of sexual power, in man or woman, oatarrn ana aeainess are confidentially and successfully treated. Cure of private diseases guaranteed. Circulars and question blanks sent free. Most oases . oan reoeive home treatment after a visit to the dootor't office. Consultation free. Log scales for sale at the Mist office at 60 oents eaoh. ' ' ' : V. WANTED. To rent s small bouse on farm with re- speotable family. Would pay rant with tewing and washing for family. Have lour ohUdrsn. boy 18 can make himself useful on farm. Address., Mas. Bibtha A K, ; Hunter, Oregon. ORHOOir LAW MAKERS. There Will Be Thirty-nine Republi can In the House end Six teen In the Senate. Tbe return are now all in the handa of the ceoretary of state and from them the exact composition of the next leg islature ia learned. The republicana will have a majority of twenty over all on joint ballot, the democrats, peo ples, oitizens and democratic-peoples having a total of thirty-five. The republican have a majority of eventeen in the house and two in the senate. The senate it composed of 16 repub licans, 12 iemooratt, 1 peoples, 1 citi zen, 1 democrat-peoples; total, 30. Tbe house is composed of 39 repub licans, 18 democrats, and 8 peoples; total, 60. The democrats have made a gain In the forthcoming legislature of three gaining four in the aenate and losing one in the house. The republicans lose nine two in the house and seven in the senate. Beckloy,thedemooratio peoplet senator from Douglas, will add one more to the gain of derooeraoy. The oom position of the next legisla ture ia here given accurately : SENATORS. Alley, B F, rep, Lane. Bancroft, F A, rep, Multnomah. Beckley, Henry, dem-peo, Douglas. Blackman, Henry, dem, Morrow. Butler, N L, dem, Polk. Cameron, Theodore, rep, Jackson. Cogswell, C A, dem, Lake. Crosno, C B, rep, Benton. Cross, Harvey E, rep, Clackamas. Denny, O N, rep, Multnomah. Dodson, O M, rep, Baker. Fulton, C W, rep, Clatsop. Gate, P P, rep, Yamhill. Hayes, G E, rep, Clackamas. Hirsoh, Edward, rep, Marion. Huston, 8 B, dem, Washington. Looney, J B, rep, Marion. Matlock, W F, dem, Umatilla. Maxwell, J W, rep, Tillamook. McAlister, D A, dem, Union. McGinn, H E, rep, Multnomah. Myers, J, dem. Linn. Raley, J H, dem, Umatilla. Smith, John A, dem, Sherman. Steiver, W W, rep, Gilliam. Vanderberg, W 8, peo, Josephine. Veatoh, R M, dem, Lane. Weatherford, J K, dem, Linn. Willia, P L, rep, Multnomah. Woodward, C H, citizen-dem,- Mult nomah. . RBPRK8ENTATIVR8. Baughman, D C, rep, Lane. Belnap, E H, rep, Beaton. Bishop, W R, rep, Multnomah. Blevens, A, dem, Linn. Brown, J N, rep, Morrow. Brown, O C, rep, Douglaa. Bolts, Eouglaa, rep, Umatilla. Buxon, Henry, rep, Washington. Campbell, J E, dem, Clatsop. Chandler, E N, rep, Waaoo, Cooper, P, rep, Douglas. Coon, T R, rep, Wasco. Cornelius, B P, rep, Washington. Curran, Geo, dem, Clackamas. Daly, Barnard, dem, Lake. Day, T G, peo, Josephine. Duncan, C H, rep, Baker. Durham, D A, rep, Washington. Elmore, W P, dem, Linn. Ford, Tilmon, rep, Marion. Geer, Joel P, rep, Clackamas. Geer, T T, rep, Marion. Gill, John, citizen-dem, Multnomah. Goodrich, L J, rep, Gilliam. -Gullixson, H F, rep, Multnomah. Hauok, J J, dem, Jackson. Hobbs. J W, rep. Yamhill. Inman, R D, citizen dem, Multno mah. Jeffreys, S T, dem, Benton. Keady, W P, rep, Multnomah. King, W R, dem, Malheur. Lampaon, H W, rep, Yamhill. Lawton, A 8, rep, Clackamas. Layman, Samuel, rep, Marion. . Maloney, H 8, dem, Yamhill. Manley, A B, rep, Multnomah. Mays, Polk, rep, Wallowa. MoEwen, J S, peo, Coos. Merrill, Norman, rep, Columbia. Merritt, J W, rep, Jackson. Miller, M A, dem, Linn. Myers, Geo T, rep, Multnomah. Myer, G W, dem, Polk. Nichols, B F, rep, Crook. Nickell, Charles, dem, Jackson. North up, H A, rep, Multnomah. Ormsby, 8 B, rep, Marion. Paxton, O F, rep, Multnomah. Richardson, O D, rep, Harney. Russell, L N, rep, Union. Sheridan, R 8, dem, Douglas. Staats, John O, dem, Polk. Stone, Jeremiah, dem, Umatilla. Tone, M, dem, Umatilla Trullinger, J C, rep, Clatsop. Upton, J H. peo, Curry. Wilkinson, C K, dem, Lane. Wilkina, Jasper, rep, Lane. Wright, J A, rep, Union. Wright, John G, rep, Marion. "Two years ago two of my family. a young man and a girl, had very se vere and dangerous attacks of bloody flux." says John Cook, of filot.Vermii ion county, Ills. "The dootor here was unable, after a week's time, to check or relieve either ciise. I then began using Chamberlain s Colio, Cholera and Di arrhoea Remedy. Improvement was been very soon and my children arose in a few day from what I feared would be their deathbed. It 1 a grand, good medioine." For sale by Edwin Ross, druggist MRS. C. L COLBURN, IsA AND DRESSMAKER, ST. HELENS, OREGON, If you have flies on you, get some Ross' of the Tanglefoot fly paper at arugstore. -, I bave no hesitancy in recommend ing Chamberlain's Colio, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy to the public, as I do to my friends and patrons. I used it myself after other well known reme dies had failed, and it oured me in a few minutes. I recommend it can didly and cheerfully upon its merit, not from a financial standpoint, be cause I have other in stock on wbicb I make a larger profit, but because Chamberlain' i the best remedy I know of for bowel complaint. There is no doubt about it, it doe the work. James Foboy, druggist, McVey town. Penn. For sale by Edwin Bos, drug gist (insurance Cwre. We authorize oar advertised druggist to ell Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption, CooKhs and Colds, upon this condition. If you are afflicted with a cough, cold or any lung, throat or chest trouble, and will use this remedy as directed, giving it a fair trial, and experience no benefit, you may retarn the bottle and have your money refunded. We could not make this offsr did we not know that Dr. King's New Discover could be relied on. It never dis appoints. Trial bottles free at Edwin Boss' drag store. Large size 60e and SI. NOTICE. My wife, Mary Howard, having left my bed and board without just cause or provo cation, I will not be responsible for any debts contracted by her. H. O. Howabd. Dated this 26th day of July, 1892. J28a Teacher's ExsusslBmtloa. Notice is hereby riven that for the Dur of maktns an examination of all person who may offer themselves aa candidate for teachers of the schools of this county, the County School Superintendent thereof will hold a publio examlna:lon at Clatakanie, beginning at 1 o'clock P. M., Wednesday, me una oay oi August, itnw. T. I. CLKETON. County School Superintendent, Colombia 1oanty , ureson. Dated this 29th day of July. 1892 AamlsUtrtars Bale of Healcwtaue. Notice is hereby given that In pursuance of an order tftfce County Court of Colum bia county .Oregon, made on the 6th day of July, 1892, in the matter of the estate of H. 8. Mitchell, deceased. The undersigned administrator will sell at publio auction to the highest bidder for cash and subject to sale bv the said Court en Saturday the 8rd day of September, A. D. 1182, at one o'clock S. m. at the courthouse door at St. Helens, i said county and state, all the right, title and interest that the said estate has by oper ation of law or otherwise acquired other than or In addition to that of the said H. H. Mitchell at the time of hia death in and to all that certain lot, piece, or parcel of land 1 ins and beina in aaid county and state. and described as follows, towit: The west half of the southwest quarter and the south half of tbe northwest quarter of section No. 35, township 7 north of range 2 west of the Willamette Meridian, and containing ac cording to United Utates government but rev. 160 acres of land. A. KEVIN. Administrator of the estate of H. 8. Mitchell, deceased. j29a28 A4snlaleumters aale at Bsalestata. Notice is hereby given that in pusuance of an order of tbe County Court of Colum bia county, Oregon, made on the 8th day of July, A. L itsuz, in tne matter oi tne estate of John Farrow, deceased, the understated administrator of the said estate will sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash ana suDicct to connriuauon oy tne saia Court, on Saturday, the srd day of Septem ber, A. D. 1892, at one o'clock p. m.. at the courthouse door in St. Helens, in said state and county, all the right, title and interest that the saia estate naa oy operation oi law or otherwise acquired other than or in ad dition to that of the said John Farrow, at the time of his death in and to all that cer tain lot, piece, or parcel of land situate ly in and bein in said county and state, and described as follows , towit : Tbe northwest quarter of the southwest quarter and the southwest quarter of the northwest quar ter of section No. 2, in township No. 6 north of range No. 2 west of the Willamette Me ridian, and containing according to the United States government survey, 80 acres OI land. jl. pitvin. Administrator of the estate of John Far row, deceased. j29a28 Net Ice ta CreaUtara. Notice is hereby given by the undersigned administrator of the estate of Charles Jas per, deceased, to the creditors of, and all persons having claims against the said de ceased, to exhibit them with the necessary vouchers within six months after tbe first publication of this notice, to the said ad- minis&rator at nu omn in o. anew, iumbis county, etate of uregon. D. I. 8WITZKE, Administrator of the estate of Charles Jasper, deceased. afis2 Sheriff's Sale. STATE OF OREGON, I County of coiumnta. ) Bv virtue of an execution and order of aala. iaaned out of the Circuit Court, of tha State of Oregon, for tbe County of Colum bia, to me directed, in favor or, jonn x. McKee and against John H. Edmunds, for the sum of 3W.t dollars, luugment, witn Interaar at tha rata of a ner cent, ner an num from the 20th day of May. 1892. and the further sum of $37.60 dollars, costs and accruing costs, commanding me to make aale of the following-described real property, to-wii: x ne souuiwest quarter ui btcuuu o in township 7 north, range 5 west Willam ette Meridian, embracing 168 acres, more or less; together with the tenements, hered itaments and appurtenances thereunto belonsins or in anywise appertaining-: all being situated in Columbia county. State of Oregon. I duly levied upon said premises on the lUli day of July, ism. Now , in pursuance of said execution, I will, on tbe 20th day of August. 1892 , at the Courthouse door, in said county and state, sell at publio auction all the right, title, claim and interest in and to the above de scribed real property of the said John H. Edmunds, to the highest bidder tberefor for cash, to satisfy aaid execution, interest and costs. v. A. MAeaiii, I6al2 Sheriff of Columbia County. Or. One Dollar Weekly Buy a Rood gold watch by our club sys tem. Our 14-karat gold-filled cases are war ranted for 20 years. Fin Klein and W&l tbam m tveicent. Stem wind and set. Lady's or Rent's sise. Equal to any 60 watch. To secure agents where we have none, we sell one oi tne nunung case watches for tha olub price S28 ana send (J. n. D. bv exnreaa with nrivilanof examina tion before paying for (he same. Our agent at Durham, K, O., writes . "Oar Jewelers hare confessed they don't know how jou can tarnish such work for the money." Our agent at Heath Springs, B. O. , write : "Yonr watohes take at sight Th. gentleman who got the laat watch said that hs examined and priced a Jeweler s watches in Lancaster, that wars do better than roots, bat the prio wss4&," Our agent at Pennington, Tex., 'write : "Am in receipt ofth watch, and am pleased without measure. All who have seen It Bar it would be oheap at MO." One aood reliable agent wanted for each place. Writs lor particulars. juinaa nins vo., new irx. Notice far TaMleatloa. Land OAo at Oregon City, Oregon, JuW 2. IBM. N OT1CK Is hereby given that th following named settler has fllod noUoe of his Inten tion to make flnal proof In support of his olaim, Sid that said proof will be made before the ounty Clerk of Coluoabla county, at Bt Helens, Oregon, on August 19, 18W, rls: jam kb Mcdonald, Homestead entry No. 8076, for the nK of nwW. seKofnwKud ae of swji of see , t n, r Tt w. He names the following wlUiessea to prove his eontinuous residence upon jtad cultivation of, said land under section 2901 . . ; Cleatman Monroe, Samuel Leonard, Jacob Felbar and Jesss R. eulllTsni All of Esuben, Columbia oounty, Oregon. J. T, APPBMOH, Jisaif, mugwvar. WHEELER & WILSON NEW No. o, HIGH ARM. Tbe only perfect family machine, waa awarded the only grand prize at the Fans LARGEST STOOK For particulars call on or address th ASTORIA AGENCY, A.G.SPEXARTH, The Largest General Jewelry House IN THE CITY. MAIN OFFICE: 1 368 Market Street. S. P., California. EVERDING & FARRELL, Front Street. Portlands Or. DEALERS IN Guano, $20.00 Per Ton, A CHEAP FERTILIZER. Land Plaster $2.25 Per Barrel. -Also a Fine Line of- GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS NEW STORE. NEW GOODS. STILL IN THE LEAD! I now have on hand one of the Largest Sup plies of GENERAL MERCHANDISE Found in Columbia County, which I am selling cheap W. j.Tdietz, RAINIER, OOP. SPECIAL SALS OF CHILDREN'S CLOTHING Will be continued for a few day longer. Parent, come and be convinced that tbia ia a genuine sale. WAY'S UNDERWEAR Still Go at 450 Per Suit. Retailed at Other Store in the City at 17.50 Per Suit. King Clothiers of . Me csrart Mrrtasi ! F. R. CHOWN, HARDWARE -AND- 212 First and 9 Salmon Street PORTLAND Farmers' and Merchants' INSURANCE COMPANY, -Albany, Or. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL, SECURED CAPITAL, PAID CAPITAL, - FARM PROPERTY A SPECIALTY. All Losses Promptly and For particulars apply at the office He tie few rsHsttta. Land OSoe at Oregon City, Oregon, Jul utx NOTICE is hereby gtren that the following named settler haa Bled notiea of hia Inten tion to make flnal proof In support of his claim, ana thai saia prooi win oe meae oetore tne Register and Reoelver of tha IT. B. land offloe at Oregon City, Oregon, on August U, IN. Tis: ' DBA" BLANCHABD, Homestead entry No. WM, for the swU of neW, KolnwK. BK ol K and uw&of aeWof seo a, 1 7 , t w. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence opon, and cultivation of, said land, Tit: T. H. Woodruff, C. W. Mosaer, J. W. Green and Oeo. P. Meeeki all of Saloier P. O . Columbia county. Otegoa. J t. AFFKR40N, Ji&al. . Register, Exposition in AT LOWEST PRICES. OREGON. the Northwest. ! )tr ta, aerttssl. - - - - 4500,000 .... 247,500 - - - - 74,250 Satisfactorily Adjusted. f Moore A dole, or Th Mist offloe. 'MOTIVE. To the heirs at law of Thomas 1. (heehap, da U. . Land Offloe, Oregon City, Or., June K, 1SML CAOMPLAINT haTln keen entered at thia J olllc by Kmery BlckneU against the heirs of Thomas t. eeehan, deceased, for abaodon Ing his homestead entry N o. 770, dated May 29, IMS, upon the e neH and uH seH, m tows ship aorth, ranie I west, la Columbia oounty, Oregon, witn a view to the cancellation of said entry, the said patties are hereby summoned ia appear at St. Helens, Oregon, before County Clerk, X. X. Quick, on the loth day ol August, USi, at 1 o'clock A, at., to respeod and fornUle testimony conoernlng said alleged aJiandoo ment; and oa the testimony then submitted hearing will be bad atthlaotfneoo Sstee swkTum. J.T- 4riu '. Ileal legist