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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (July 29, 1892)
E.OREGON MIST ST. HELENS; OREGON, FRIDAY, JULY 29, 1892. NO. 31.. VOL. 9. THE OREGON MIST. IltCEU BVBUV IBIDAV MOfHNO THE MIST PDBLISHIHQ COMPANY J. R. BEEOLE, Manager. OFFICIAL COUNTY PAPER. . Bueacrlallou Hal... On. eopy on year in aiivauc. II M On copy .I" nioiiltia 70 olugle uopjf '. , Advertising Biltii Frofe.alonal onrdt on year I W One eolmnn oue year M Half oulumn una year ? tjuarlar column oue year 'JJ One Inch one month v On lui'li three month. .. Ou. Inch ill mouth. 8 Local notice., IS cent, per line (r flr.t liner lion; 1(1 cunt, per Hue lor each ubeo,ueiii lu- "I""' ... ... Legal alvertls.meiit, f 1.50 per Inch for lint Insertion, ami 76 esuU per lucii (or each ule qiientluaerllon. COLUMBIA COUNTY DlKECTOllY. C.uiilr Olllcera. Jadca Dean Ulatichard, Italnler Clera ..... R- Hoick, H . Helen. HiierllT . A. Maulr. at. Helena Trea.ur r K. U. Wharton, llulutubla Ulty Bunt, of aohools T. 1. :ieeUiu. Vertiouia Amur W. H. Kyer. Kalular Surveyor A. U. Utile. Ha uler .......A. D. uini is. u. fet tno mover, Varuoul Cominliiimtri. fa. VV. liaruee, Mayxar.. Society Malic... at.MMio.-8t. Helen, Lodgs, Mo. W-Reuier ConiwiiuloalloiM tlrnl and third Saturday 111 each month at 7 :MI. at. atMaaonlo hall. VLtt I uk UMiuhera In ood .laudiug Invited to at- '"liunomo.-Ralnler Lodge, No. l-8tetel meetlni.i4alurilayonorlMlor.eauh full moon at 1:W r. M. at Masonic hall, over Ulauchard'. tor. Vliltlug members Id (ood .lauding In vited to attend, ' ' 1'ka mall. Down river (boat) loae, at 1:80 a. H. Up river (iKiat) clo.e. at r. a. The nail lor Vernoula and Pittsburg leevoi St. Helen. Monday, Weduetday aud rrlday at Th.'mall for Mar.hland, Clatskaute and Mlat leave. Ituluu Monday, Wednesday aud Friday "Mil, (railway) north clo. ' 10 . for Portland at S r. u. Traveler.' Uulaa Klr.r Haal.e. DTii.iiO. W. gHivaa-Uavee St. Helen; for Portland at Jl A. U. Tuesday, Thursday and Haturday. Iavee HI. Helen, for t.laukaule Monday, Wednesday aud Friday at :00 A, a., Htiuiii UALOA-Uave, St. Helen, lor Port land 1:t a. a, returning at HO r. a. HTRAaae JoairH Klixooo Leave St. Helen, for Portlaud dally except Sunday, at 7 a. a., ar riving at Portland at 10 0; returnlug, leave Portlauv at 1 r. a., arriving at Hi. Uel.u, at,. PROFESSIONAL. JjB. H. R. CL1KK. rnysiciAN and surgeon. St. Helen,, Oregon. yyx, ). B. HALL, PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. Clatskuule, Columbia county, Or. jyR, W. C. BELT, PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. Rainier, Oregon. 1. RICK, ATTORN EY- AT-L AW, St. Helens, ' Orkoon. Deputy Dltrlct Attorney for Columbia Co. T. A. McBridi. A. S. Dkimcr. f cBttlDE a DRESSER, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW. Oregon City, Oregon. Frompt attention given land-office bnilneu. B. LITTLE, SURVEYOR and ' CIVIL ENGINEER, I St. Helena, Oregon. n.u.unii T.utirf anTvevliiflr. town S! tatting, nd engineering work promptly lone. W. T. HORHST. J. W. Ds.rsa. jjURKBY 4 DRAPER, ATTORNEYS-at-LAW, OregW City, Oregon. Twelve vear,' experience aa Regleter of the United States Lund Office !", recoiii mend, u. In on, specialty of all kinds or business before the Land Offlce or the Courts and involring the General Land Office. TyROCKKNBROUGH COWING, ATTORNEY-at-LAW, Oregon City, Oregon. I Lata peelnl agent of General land office. ) r .....1 l..untlnm unit TlmhHr Land applications, and other Land Office business a specialty, uuioo, " w' . Land Office Building. , A. H. BLAKESLY, . Proprietor of Oriental : Hotel. ST. HELENS, OREGON. The house ha, been fully refurnished throughout and the best of accom modation, will be given. CHARGES REASONABLE. STAGE run In connection with the hotel connecting with th. North- u.iu. un(l...1 at Milmn. Hlir. for Taaoma train, 10 p. to. For Portland train at t p. m. lMni(l paou3id3 pn uaiItuoo t iq 'Vlfpi JO Xp 'jiioq Xu i papunodutoa XIij;ijbd uoidjoj j ,uu0(Xq,l Oiiufi tni(i ,idio-ib41jI u puno; A"iniin 8uphXja puy oia 'eiaAoti a3N 'AaajJoixoajKOO 'AaaNouvis 'siYDiKano 'saiouav 'saooo AONva xanox 'eaxiomaw 'saooo ivoiid"o 'soaaa zuru NI H3'IV3a ) "IfN 'wnil ifq pojjg Ajunoo 9tj; uiojj sjapjQ 3U01S ODdO MUCKLE Manufacturer, of LUMBER -ARB DBALEBS IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE. ST. HELENS, OR. Joseph Kellogg & Co.'s River Steamers, r' . -...,- r: f.r T'. rtl 1r r - - " "aagT Joseph Kellogg and Northwest. FOR COWLITZ RIVER. NORTHWEST Leaves KELSO MondayWednesday, and Friday at 5 am. Leaves PORTLAND Tuesday, Thurs day, and Saturday at 6 a. m. JOSEPH KELLOGG Leaves RAINIER at 5 a. ra. daily, Sunday excepted, arriving at Portland at 10:30 a. in. Returning leaves Portland at 1 p. m., arriving at 6 p. m Don't Buy Your Drugs -ANYWHERE BUT AT A REGULAR DRUG I STORE. YOW WILL FIND THE Freshest, Purest, and Best of Everything AT THE Clatskanie DR J. E. HALL, Proprietor. CLATSKANIE LINE.- STEAMER G. W. SHAVER. J. W. SHAVER, Master. Pnrt.ln.nd at Alder St. dock Monday. Wednesday. Friday tnuf-hiriff at Sauvies Island. St. Helens.Colurabia City, Kalama, Neer City, Rainier, Cedar Landing, Mt Coffin, Bradbury, Stella, Uak roint, turning Tuesday, Thursday, and 'alal1''aftRtrfa,' l rade Murk. with Sliavlng, by rendering Its tiitnre trruwiii an iiii. r m I"""'""","- Price of Qoeivi Antl-linlrtn. ,1. per bottle, sent In astel.v mall nr bp I ; r ' it-Z iealed Irom observation). Send money or .tamps by leiier w lb full J '""''l I ' ' ''l id poiirtPii'Je.lrlctlycoiindentlal. This advertisement I. honest ami ilrnlfrht l'v.;' '.'If'OT ,,0.n contain.. W. Invite yoo to dal with n snd yon will '"''SrYo YSS c" a nditMlay. AdrtresQUHN OHiMIOAL OO.. 174 nc street 9Z'iJ.lll SN313H 'IS l BROS., Drug: Store and au mtermeaiaie points, re &aturaay. HEW DISCOVERY byHSCIDOII Id rainpouniliiiK a dilution a part wk aoeWemly itullli-d on the Hand anil on YvAHhhi. tttl"rwarU It wm disw-ov i-rcd thut iom lmlr ah com. itlcittly r-m"Vt't, We at once ut thi. womlt-rfnl tiropttratltin. nntlie luarktKivl poHieet Ott ttemaiMl that e ar now Imroiliiolnf It thriiUKiiout tlic twn-lo uutler tlie nitme ul tjuen'N Allti-llairlue. IT IS PERFECTLY HARMLESS AMD ' - SO mmruasi vnikuvanvseiit ... ,h. hair over and apply thi mix hire-for a ft-w mlnutt-R. anrl t'.ie hir 'dluriini It by maalo without Hit' lltlilt pain or Injury win n nnllPd or ever BlUrwtird. It lannlllcv any othw pmiarallnn ever nard t.'ra purp."f. Tbonaanils of l.AM V s y bo have been annoyed with hn'r onlhelr FACK, KKCK ! AItl14 attest It. mwlta. I1KN 'I 'l.rcni t.rt wnu uonut ii.irei-nin- mm. ... ...... .. , ndapriceb'M boon in lliieen'a Ant I-IIhIi Inc which dime awi.T PACIFIC COAST. Outbreak of Anthrax Los Angeles, Cal. Near WM. B. FLEMING INDICTED. Saint Teresa Performing Miracu lous Cures Brewery for Phoenix. A. T. Duval A Son of GrenlUe, France, pro pose to erect a brewery at Phoenix, A. X. Horse theivea operating in Southern Arizona have robbed over twenty ranch- A , windier with $2 bills raicetltotlO it working Paget Sound torn with tome ,ucces. There have been landed in Victoria already 20,635 sealskin. The animals were caught between California and Alaska. San Diego has decided to celebrate the 350th anniversary of the discovery of San Diego Bay, which occurs September 28 next. An outbreak of anthrax ha occurred six miles south of Los Angeles on adairy where forty cows are kept. Fourteen have already died. Additional pumps will at once be used on the Ban Pedro wreck in front of Vic toria, B. C, and it is believed the vea cel will soon be off the rocks. There are fifty-five hop houses in Pnlk conntv. Or. Each house is good fnr handling nine acres of hops. At this rate the total acreage wonld be 495 acres. Saint Teresa is still at Nogales. A. T., performing miraculous cures. The etories that she had been shot by the Governor of S)nora never had any foun dation. - The Bradsi.odt Commeroial Agency maorta 12 failures in the Pacific Coast mates and Territories for the past week as compared with 17 for the correspond ing weex oi ism. Tr. ia stated at San Diezo that J. Mal colm Forbes, the Boston capitalist who was recently married ana toox np nis residence at Coronado, is the purchaser of the Pacific Beach railroad. W Ilium B. Fleming, who shot and killed Samuel Pritchard at Silver City, Idaho, last April, and who was acquitted hv the Coroner's jury, has been indicted by the grand jury. It is suppose! there was malice in the killing. Tt. la now asserted that the man killed bv lightning in Montana, and who wa Slla to nave vmu mo wuuty Greenwood murderer, was not the cnl- nrir.. Sheriff Mckenzie savs tne pnoio- r i , . . v. . L Mnn U a trapn aoea nuk euuw mo- uiu u. suw or tne crime. An analvsis of a battle of whisky brought to Portland from the Warm ! Hnrlno-a Indian reservation has been I made and found to contain a lot of fusel oil, chloroform and ether. A half-breed took two Bottles oi inia scan 10 me reser vation. The content of one of them was drunk by three Indians, all of whom died. . ISL. TIT T, n, r .1,. est frnit and nursery firm in California, has decided to wind np its business. The assets are ample to meet all de mands. The company has brancnes in Los Angeles, Riverside, Fresno, and agencies in all the principal Eastern cities, some sixty in number, besides large nursery interest, in r lonaa. A gentleman just in from the Bo- aanza mine at ureennorn Mountain, near Baker City, Or., say that rubies have been discovered near there which ra worthy of mention. They have the appearance of the genuine article in color, and to all appearance are rabies. He said they were aoonc me sue oi peas and have the octangular shape of that stone. He has secured over luu ot the gems. There is a bit of history connected with the rjoatnffice of Rickreall. Or.. commonlv known aa Dixie by the older inhabitants of Polk county. The post office was established back in the tlx ties. The first name suggested was "Dixie." But at that time tne war leei- ing was at a high pitch, and Colonel Nesmith, aa godfather of the new office, advised dropping of the "South-down"- aoanaing iiue ami buubuiuviuk mo name "La Creole," after the beautiful atream on which it lies. An error was made in spelling the word by its sound in Washington, and the office went officially upon record a "Rickreall" and has remained that way ever since. James 0. Mason, formerly postmaster at Tillamook, who wat indicted by the United States grand Jury for having forged the name of Johnson Erickeon to a money order and collected $13 thereon, was arraigned in the United States Dis trict Court at Portland the other day, and entered a plea of guilty. United State Attorney Mays recommended that a fine of 500 be imposed, in de fault thereof the criminal to be sentenced to a term of imprisonment. Uonnsel for Mason said the money conld be raised, w sentence was deferred and prisoner remanded to jail. Mason stood well in the community until this crime was charged against him, and some now think that he pleaded guilty to screen mm, of his family who committed the crime. He made good the amount of the order some time ago. The report that the Great Northern railroad has let a contract to D. C Shenard for the construction of a rail road from Butte through Boise to San Francisco la unfounded. H. C. llenrv. of Shepard, Henry A Co., said the other dav that he was sure there wa no truth in it, for the Great Northern had not even made a reconnoissance, much less a survey, over the route in question. The Union Pacific made a survey some years ago, but has done nothing further, Such a road would run through a niin inir district in Montana, and a good ir rigable country in Southern Idaho, though but slightly developed. But on striking Eastern Oregon it would enter a desert ss hopeless as Sahara. It wonld enter good country again around Klam ath Lake, in Southwestern Oregon, and from there would run through sood country in California. It would be 1,200 miles or more long, and would be as great an undertaking as the present Paeifio stenttoti oi tne ureat worinern. WORLD'S FAIR NOTES. An Exhibit of Bells to be Made by a Large Manufacturing Concern In This Country. The Woman' Pharmaceutical Associ ation of Illinois is planning to conduct a model pharmacy in the Illinois Dtuiaing at the World' Fair. Janan has aoDlled for tnace in the World's Fair mine and mining building for a mineral exhibit. It will include a fine collection of the celebrated Japan ese alloys and bronze preparations. One of the novel exhibit in machin ery hall at the World's Fair will be a paper mm. it win De in active opera tion, and will show ell the processes of paper-making from the pulp to the fin ished card, which will be in the form of a World's Fair souvenir. A schooner It now being fitted ont at Halifax to go to the Arctic regions to get ten or twelve Esquimau families, fifty or sixty persons in ail, for exhibition at the World's Fair. Dogs, fishing implements, utensils and everything necessary to show Esquimau life will also be pro cured. The American Ostrich Company has sent to Chicago for exhibition at the World's Fair thirty birds from its ostrich farm at Fall Brook, San Diego county, Cal. The ostriches have been sent on thus early in order that they may be come thoroughly acclimated by the time the fair opent and appear at their best. An exhibit of belli will be made at the World's Fair by a large mannfeatur ing concern in this country, and the firm is planning to display it in a reproduc tion of the Tzar Kolokol (king of bells), the famon, broken bell of Moscow, which is 22 feet in diameter and 21 feet 3 inches high, weighs 443,772 pounds and ia used aa a chapel. Kentucky will make at the World' Fair an exhibit of tobacco in all its forms, from the seed up to the matured and manufactured leaf. There will be exhibits of different varieties of plants in various stages of growth and illustra tions of the manner of shipping and handling the weed from the time the seed is pnt in the ground until the prod uce goes into the chewer or smoker's mouth. A large portion of the agricultural ex hibit which Illinois will make at the World's Fair will be selected from the exhibits msde at the State Fair at Peoria the coming fall. In order to encourage the farmers to make especially fine ex hibits of farm, orchard and garden prod- .1.. I 1 f 1 1 .... 1 . n acta tne ovaie xxmru ut Agriuuttuiv, which baa in charge the preparation of the State's World's Fair exhibit, has of- fered a number of cash prizes aggregat ing $6,600. The New York World's Fair Commis sioners have been trying to find a model of Fnlton's steamboat, the Clermont, to be included in the State exhibit at Chi cago. So far, however, they have been unable to discover one, and they have asked the Maritime Exchange to help them ont. Thev have made many in quiries, but have been able to get only some statistics as to the vessel's dimen sions. None of the New York shipping men appear to know if any model of the old steamboat survive the eighty year since the vessel was used. PERSONAL MENTION. Prof. Koch Seriously HI and Forbidden t Labor Prince Bismarck to Make a Tour Mme. Parren. nhinnmv Ml. Ttanew will aoon sail for Rflmnt fnr hia annual outing. The date oi his departure has not been fixed. Prince Bismarck in an address to stu dents of the University of Jena the other day intimated that he would make a tour oi tne uerman cities. Prof. Koch of Berlin is seriously ill, tt la reDorted. and forbidden to labor for a long period. It is thought that the bacillus of overwork ha done the mis chief. . Urns Callirca Parren ia editor of a avMklv woman' oarjer. nubliahed in Athens for the past five years, and has made it widely Influential among virecian woman. Of all the Confederate Brigadiers sur viving and in public life General W al- thal oi Mississippi, recently re-eit-ctmi Senator, is said to be the most pictur esque. He is tall and slender, with a mane Ot DiaCK nair Iiutl IS atriaiug in appearance. Hugh O Donnell, leader of the Home- j stead workmen, it represented by all the I newspaper portraits of him to be a hand- i some, tastefully attired young man, who would be sure to secure more than an average share of interest from any group of summer girls. The Blanche K. Bruce, who is running for the office of Auditor on the Repub lican State ticket In Kansas is not the gentleman who was for a time in the United States Senate and also Register of the Treasury, but nephew of the colored statesman. Mr. Howell tells an interviewer that he makes at the outside from $10,000 to $15,0011 a year by hia pen. Mr. Howells aays also, and most people will believe him, that his work is the product of painstaking effort and never of the fine frenzy of inspiration. , Mrs. Delia 8. Parnell, the mother of the late Charles Stewart Parnell. is again at her home in Burlington, up the Dela ware. She is accompanied to Ironsides, her estate, by Miss Delia Dickinson, her J-randdaughter, but will return to Ire and early in September. George William Curtis, whose serious illness is elioiting sympathetic words from almost every quarter, lost his for tune and incurred a debt of $60,000 in trying to establish Putnam's Magazine, and spent the best years of hia life in paying off the debt, which he discharged to the last dollar. The wife of General Bldwell, Prohibi tion candidate for President, ia a daugh ter of Joseph G. 0. Kennedy, who was Superintendent of the census of I860 and was assassinated in July, 1887, by a half-erased train d, who imagined that Mr. Kennedy had cheated him in real estate transaction. Dr. J. B. Cranfill, nominee for Vice President on the Prohibition ticket, wat brought up as a cowboy, studied medi cine and practiced three years, and be fore he became editor and owner of a denominational paper was noted for the facility with which he raised money for missionary purposes. II he can ba in dued to look with favor on a barrel of any kind, this latter trait may enable him to keep th tampalgn spigot roasting. EASTERN ITEMS. Syrian Leper Allowed to Land at New York City. GOLDEN, COL., IN DANGER. The Harry Edwards Entomological Collection Kentuckian's Strange Will. Eleven deaths have resulted from the riots at Homestead, Fa. New York banks have $19,207,000 in excess of the legal requirements. A Tennessee convict is pronounced by the penitentiary physicians to be of both sexes. New York business men are greatly worried over the lack of warehouse fa cilities. The manufacturers of Fall Elver. Mass., have just increased wages percent. There 1 quite a rush of people into the Southern States who have a lew thousand dollars to invest. ' General Georse F. Alford of Dallas. Tex., ia about to go to Europe to induce larmera to settle in tnat btate. it u!i nuu l.l aoon nno in oyi JlUUaUail K 1UIU IfMU f AW.Wf w ww square feet cf Chicago land recently the largest price ever paia in tnat city. By a cnt of the Rio Grande river it was shortened about two miles, and 900 acres of Mexican land are now on tne American side. Golden, a suburb of Denver, contain ing 8,000 people, ii in danger of being wept away dt a grana lanasuae iroa Table Mountain. The railroads are finding it necessary to make cheap exenmin - ites in order to supply harvest to uentrai ana western Kansas. A Buffalo dear mute has recently been attacked by St. Vitus' dance, jn his arms and fingers. He is learning to make signs with his feet. Bv order of the Commissioners of the District of Columbia all the theaters in Washington must be fitted throughout with electric lights. The story of concessions by the Mexi can government to an American com- Giny to build a railroad from El Paso to azatlan is again repeated. The Revenue Department has decided that the bi-chlorlde of sold institute which claim to cure inebriety are liable to the government for the retail liquor tax. An attempt has been made to burn the State women's prison and reform school for girls at Indianapolis. Three fire were started at the same time, but were extinguished. A student of Johns Hopkins Univer sity is said to have discovered the key to the hieroglyphics that will unlock the mysteries in Hiltite inscriptions, hith erto wnoiiy nnxnown. The New York, New Haven and Hart ford road proposes to run an electric train between New York and New Ha ven and make the dittance -seventy-four mile, in sixty minutes. For a second time since the passage of the silver law of 1890 50 per cent, of the customs revenues at New York during the first ten days of July wat paid in the new treasury notes issued under tnat taw, Over 400 damage suits hare been filed against the Little Rock and Fort Smith and Missouri Pacific railroads for viola tion of an Arkansas law fixing passenger rates, and the court ia deciding about fifteen cases a day against the companies. A huge bowlder and beside it a flag staff fiftv feet high have been erected in Franklin. N. H.. to mark the snot where Daniel Webster was born. The birth spot wa originally in the town of Salisbury, bnt it now included in the territory of Franklin. The father of Alice Mitchell, who killed Freda Warde last January at Mem phis, testified that Alice's mother was insane and the girl had manifested sim ilar peculiarities. She speaks of Freda as if she were living now. and takes no interest in her own triaL Father Bay. a Catholic priest In Chi cago, shot and killed Barney Moron, a burglar, who had entered tne priest's house one night last week. Moran fired twice at the Driest, missing him. Coroner's jury decided that Father Bay was not to De Diamea or censurea. The strangest thing of this generation in the way of will-making is reported from Kentucky. One of the richest men of the State died a few days ago. and cut hi ton off with $100 each because of their liking fast horses. His widow and daughter divide a fortune of $5,000,000. A Syrian woman, badly afflioted with leprosy, wat allowed to land at New York, having passed inspection at quar antine. It is said the inspection it too careless, and there ia fear that unless it is made more rigid the danger of im porting cholera infection will be very great. The Haskell multiohanre gun has again been tested at Reading, Pa., for penetra tion into iron plates. The projectile nenetrated the best range iron six inches. which Is three plates more than any gun ever penetrated before. The projectile was found to be aa perfect aa when it came from tne iatne. By' the will of Cyrus W. Field the Metropolitan Museum of Art at New York will come into possession of the medals and insigniat received in connec tion with the laving of the Atlantio ca bles and letters and document relating to the enterprise from the inception of the scheme to its aecompiianmenc. The American Museum of Natural History at New York haa secured the Harry Edwards entomological collection, which well known in San Francisco. The collection includes over 250.000 in sects of all kinds from all parts of the globe, and ia very rich in the lepldoptera of North America, especially th butter flies of the Facino Coast. When the deficiency bill was under consideration in the Senate Perkins of Kansas asked unanimous consent to have stricken from it the item of $5,000 for the widow of Senator Plumb of Kansas, and read a letter from Plumb's ton stat ing that the item wat inserted without hit mother'! knowledge and against what th believed would have been hit father's wish. No objections being made, tt Item wa eiissinataa. NATIONAL CAPITAL No Proclamation to be Issued Opening the Colvllle Indian Reservation for Some Time. Secretary Elklns haa formally ap proved the proposition for the construc tion of two free bridge across the Will amette river at Portland, Or., according to the plant of the local engineers. The House Committee on Indian Af- fairs has favorably reported Senator Dolph's bill granting to the Bine Mount ain irrigation uompany a rignt oi way for reservoirs and a canal through th Umatilla Indian reservation in Oregon. Thar ! milt an Interesting wrangle over the bill now pending in the House for pensioning soldiers who fought in the Indian wart. .Representative mown ui Washington and Senator Mitchell of Or egon are insisting that, while pensioning those soldiers who fonght in the Indian wars of a comparatively recent period, ahn In the early In dian ware in Oregon and Washington should also receive their reward. Itia on this proposition that the two Houses are now in disagreement, but it is hoped that the early Indian fighters who are ttill living will be included. ft,- n!ll h!h naaamf tha HotIM to enforce reciprocal commercial relation between the United States and Canada provides that when the President shall be satisfied that the passage through any canal or lock connected with navigation on the St. Lawrence river, the Great Lake or the waterwayt connecting tne ni mnw voaaala nf tha United States. or of cargoes or of passengers in transit to any part oi tne u niiea nwiee, i. pro hibited, or niade difficult or burdemome by the imposition of tolls or otherwise, . . . . . II 1 a. 1 I ........ 1 1 tm Wuicn ne snail aeem to uu njciwtiii; unjust and unreasonable, he shall have .n.iutml tha ritht of naaaage through the St. Mary'a Falls canal so far aa It relates to veaseta ownmi uj iuv jects of any government discriminating against the United States. Senator Pettlgrew will very toon re port a bill of great importance to every html district and UUUU.J, . " -- - State where there are Indians who have taken lands in allotment under the pres ent laws. So toon a Indiana take the In -llntm-Titji thanr heram. citizens and are allowed to vote, but they are not obliged to pay any taxes, xnis out pro poses tnat tne government anau pay vue taxes for the Indian to the same amount ' .J -1 um. vatM thm whltA nftft- pie situated alongside of the Indians, the ODject Demg tnat, aa me gorsruiiioaa ay the Indians shall be taxed, the gov -.-mMt'.liAntrl nrnvida for the navment - of taxe in State where Indians are lo cated and where they receive tne Dene fit of taxation and civilization. . It mimm 1llr a vary aflnrible thing, and will perhaps be favorably considered in the senate. Vnrthar Invftatlntion into the nroDosal to issue a proclamation opening the Col yille Indian reservation leads to the con clusion that no such proclamation will nntil aftA tha land, have been rarveyed and the Indians have secured tneir allotments, lue reaeou ior tuia course of action is to prevent the end- . .... .. . 1.3-1- I - -II leg, litigation wniun is aim w juuuw, especially if white settlers go in and make selections wmcn alter survey tue Indians desire. Under the law the Iu- rli.n Aan nnaf fna whita mill frlim hia claim, and if a white man i fortunate enough to secure a valuable mineral tract, a person wanting tne lana oouiu easily induce the Indian to oust him and cause a great deal of trouble and ex pense. So it is probable that the $35, 000 appropriation for surveying the land will be immediately expended and tha fnrliana Mnn-stjul tj taWj. allntmAnta. after which the proclamation opening tne tana to tne wmte vettior. wiu um issued. , EDUCATIONAL. The Oldest College In North America- Ohio Wesleyan University Prussian Education. Kentucky haa a colored State Teach ers' Association. Brooklyn ia to launch a manual train ing school, the rote in its favor being 20 to 10. . During the last year 1.800 girls were graduated from the Boston Cooking School. The largest and finest technical school in the world i to be erected at Manches ter, England. Of the claat of 1892 at Cornell Univer sity 118 favored a protective tariff, and 48 opposed it. The Presbyterian are about to estab lish a college in Salt Lake City, and have purchased a site of 100 acres. There are seventeen young men In the graduating class at Harvard who failed to get their degrees this year. One-third of the students abroad, it is said, die prematurely from the effects of bad habit acquired in college. Daring the last year there graduated from the medical colleges of the United State about 5,000 young doctors. More than one-third of the teachers ot the United State are men 124,029 men and 227,302 women S5.5 per cent Ohio Weslevan University ha bad this year an enrollment of 1,217 students, exceeding the number of the last school year by 133. England, with 91 universities, haa 2,723 more professors and 61,814 more students than the 360 universities of the United States. The revenues of Oxford and Cambridge represent a capital of about $75,000,000. The University of Leipsic is worth near ly $20,000,000. In almost all the manufacturing towns of Europe during the laat half century scnools nave been opened lor appren tices in the Industrial art. . The oldest college in North America was founded in 1631 the College of St. Ildefonso in the City of Mexico. The next oldest is Laval College, Quebec Out ot a class of 119 girls, the largest Wellesley College haa ever graduated, 38 girls have health as good a, when they entered, 26 better and 14 not as good. Prussian education ia more thorough than that of any other country. Every child is In school from 6 to 14 years of age. Parents must obey tha law, pay a fine or go to prison. On June 18 the School Board of St, Paul, Minn., abolished the distinction of sex in the matter of salaries, and will hereafter pay the women th sains as, mm for 4olng tha mum week. ?