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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 5, 1892)
E OREGON MIST. VOL. 9. ST. HELENS, OREGON, FRIDAY, AUGUST 5, 1892. NO. 32. J! 1 . A I 1 5 I VS. r, t. 4.. V, THE OREGON MIST HtiiEu even v t-HiDAT mohnino THE MIST PUBLISHING COMPANY, J. R. BEEGLE, Manager. OFFICIAL COUNTY PAPER ubscriplian. Hal... On. eopy one year In advance II M Oik copy tlx mouth. 7. i n. le oup v. .. ....,...,..... Adr.rileuig Hate. Profeaalonal oarda on. v..r .... I IS Oiio column out year , Vlt Hull column on. year.,....,... , 76 Quarter column ou. year 40 On. Inch ou. mouth t Ou. luitb three muiitlit I Ou. Inch tit mouth. Local nntlc.., per line (of tint (user- lion ; iu coiiK per nu. lor ikd aunteiiueiu hi ..rtlnn. Legal advertliomentt, 11.10 per fur Ant ina.rinn, ami 7. oeuu per men tor eacu auu tiiviii.iuwriiwn . , . ,. COLUMBIA COUNTY DlltECTOKY. Cattily Olflocr. Judge Dun Bl.uch.rili it.lnler Ch-ra K. K. Quick, H . Helen. .'I.rin ..... A. NMIK ' IIVIO' . Tr...ur r K. M. Wbartou, Columbia City 'l.t. i.f school. T. 1. tNeetoti, Voruoui. Amw ..W. H. Kyiwr, R.ludr Surveyor A. U. Lliilu, It a ul.r Comm'a.1, ...... J :.:.n ". Vuoul (( w n.ruu, ueyger. eciety "telle.. Mamnic, St. Helena Lodge, No. H-RegUlar comiunuioalloni anil third Saturday In ach month et7;HQ-. a. at Meaouio hall. Vlll inn m.uiber. lu good standing luvlt.d to at land. Mimhio -Ralnl.r Lodge, No. lBtated meeting! Aatuntay on or before each lull moon at 1M , at. at UmuiiIc ball, ov.r Ulauchard'. HVIB. V laitlllg (MVLUUVra IU UUV AMkUUllig ' vlled to atund, Th. mall. Dawn rlv.r (boat) clow, at :M a, H. . tin rlv.r I boetl vlnaea at 4 f. M. 1 h. lull lor V.riiaiila aud Flttnburi leave. St. li.l.ut Monday, aud Friday at (A.M. Th. mall lor Hanhland, Claukanl. and MIM leave yuluu Monday, weaneaaey ana rnaay At I'i tt Mall, (railway) north oloa. a' 10 A, lor Porll.ud at I r. M. Tr.y.l.l.' KlT.r Hewttea. Htni0. W. gHavxa-Leave. At. Helena lor I'ortland at II a. at. Tuewlay, ihunday ana Nnturday. l.v-a Ml. Helen, for C'letakaiile M.tnday, Wediieaday and Friday at : 00 a, at. RT.iMta 1 s a Lb a Leave. Ht Helena for Port land I i a. at, rtturulng at l:M r. . Ht.amr. Joasm K Xl.(.ooo Leave. 8t. Helena for I'ortlaud dally except Sunday, at? a. at., ar riving at I'ortlaud at I0.SV; rvlurnlug, leave Portlanr at 1 r. at., arriving at at. Ueleua at .. PROFESSIONAL. jjh. ii. r. curr, niYStCIAN and SURGEON. St. Helem, Oregon, jy. 1. I. HALL, PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. Clatskatile, Columbia county, Or. JR. W. C, BELT. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. Rainier, Oregon. t. ricb, ' ' ." : f ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, St. IIrlrms, Orroov. Deputy District Attorney for Columbtt Co. T. A. McUiidi. ' A. S. Drimib. JCBRID A DRESSER, ATTORNEYS-at-LAW. Orcon City , Oregon . . rrorapt attention given land-offlce bu.loeis B. LITTLE, SURVEYOR and CIVIL ENGINEER, St. Helena, Oregon. Comity surreyor. Lund surveying, town platting, ana engineering worx promptly aone. W.T. BoanxV. J. W. Dxarxa. JOURNEY A DRAPER, - ATTORNEYS-at-LAW, Oregon City, Oregon. Twelve yiar.' erpurlenre ai Register of the United htate. Land Office here, recom mends us In aits specialty of all kind of Duniiiess oernr. me L,ana umo. or in. C'nurti and involving the General Land Office. JJROCKKNBROUOH At COW1NO, . ATTORNEY-at-LAW, Oregon City, Oregon. ( i.ate special agent of General lnnd nfflc. ) Humeitend, Pre-emption, and Timber Land applications, and other Land OfBc business a specialty. Office, second floor, Lnnd (Jfflc:. Building. A. H. BLAKESLY, Proprietor of- t , Oriental : Hotel. ST. HELENS, OREGON: Tli. house has ' been fully refurnUhed throughout and th. bmt of accoaa-. m modallona will be lve. ' ; CHARGES REASONABLE. . STAGE run In connection with the liotrl connecting with the North ern Pacitlo Kailroad at Mil ion. Stag, for Tacoxua trains 10 p. m. For Portland train at t p. m. ST. HELENS Prescriptions A Specialty. EDWIN' HOSS, DRUGGIST. f . DEALER IM PURE DRUGS, OPTICAL GOODS, MEDICINES, TOILET FANCY GOODS, (ARTICLES, CHEMICALS, STATIONERY, CONFECTIONERY, NEW NOVELS, ETC. 'WI1SJ21 PBEFUMEB And .very tiling uiuolly found In Fimt-CIn. Drugstore. l'hyjlclnni' rmcrlptlotn carefully compounded at any hour, day or night, by a conieteqt and Experienced Druggist. MUCKLE BROS., Manufacturers of LUMBER AD GENERAL MERCHANDISE. ST. HELENS, OR. Joseph Kellogg & Joseph Kellogg FOR COWLITZ RIVER. NORTHWEST Leaves and Friday at: 5 am. Leaves doy, and Saturday at 6 a." m. JOSEPH KELLOGG daily, Sunday excepted, arriving Keturning leaves Portland at 1 Don't Buy ANYWHERE BUT DRUQ- j -YOW WILL Freshest, Purest, and AT Clatskanie Drug Store- DR. J. E. HALL, . Proprietor. CLATSKANIE LINE.- STEAMER G. W. SHAVER. J. W. SHAVER, Master. Leaves Portland at Alder St. dock Monday, Wednesday, Friday for Clatskanie, touching at Sauvies Island, St. Helens, Columbia Uty, Jtalama, Neer City, Rainier, uedar Landing, Alt. Uotfcn, uraarjury, Stella, uaK-romt, ana au miermeaiate points, re turning Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. 4 f Sm find a prloeicas ooon Tj'utA Mark. with Hhavhif , Prie.Of QlMMI1. Antl.H.lrtMkSI MPholtla. pnna..o..trwtiTeHinirntiai. Thinade.rtmemeni is one inugui ram. . T-a oontaln.. We Invlt. yon to df.1 with n and yon will find .verythlng a. wprwrned. Cut this out and nd Kwiay. Addraa. QUHN CMIMIOAt CO.. 174 Wnce, ClhoiNM ATI, O. Vra ei; jreiitr your latter at any Pmt OIHl'. to Inaun It. aa(. delivery. Jtrwhl iy fOO for any es. tfalluM iK.hi..! Inlni hut nui' Kverv b.ittl. cviaraut.ed. -Te ladlM who latmtfae. mn .ratBia eiauaaalfattteia seat with eret. DRUG STORE. Orders from the Country filled by Return Mail, DIALXBS IK Co.'s River Steamers, and Northwest. KELSO Monday, Wednesday, PORTLAND Tuesday, Thurs. Leaves RAINI15R at 6 i. nl at Portland at 10:30 a. m p. m., arriving at 6 p. m You r Drugs AT A REGULAR- STORE, FIND THE- Best of Everything THE - 3E17 DISCOVERY by ACCIDENT In eompoundlnx a aolutlon a pan w. aocltltitlr apiiird on th band and on wanulnc alierward It M dlacovc-rea Hint the was com .plctelv rem'ivwt. W. al onoe put till. onderlul preparation, on the markitt and aosraet ha. been the demand tlml wear, now Introducing; It throughout Ui. world under the nam. i( tjueen'a Antl-UxUrlu. IT 18 PCRFECTLY HARMLESS AND g tinrut an I vniau can vil IT, 1 tM the hair over and applr th. inlxiure f or a few nilnuue. and th. nalr'dln.ppeanaaK brmaflo without th. allxlitxtpainorlnjury when npiillrd or vw attarward. It l.unllke.tiyotli.rpr.paratlon.v.ruiFd fnra Ilk. purpose. Thounand. ot LA II II S who have been annoyed with natron tholr FACK. NECK and AltMS alteat It. merlta, UBNTI.KM KN who do not apprerlatea beard or balron their neck. r, by rendering It. futur. growth an utierlmpoHiblilir. atni In ufatv mailing hoxe. po.t.. Vflld br u. (aecuwlv tamp, bv leiier with full tMn-m written pl.lnly. Corrw- in nuws'i nii.n.inne woicn uw. .uj tnr mia. . nmiiMor '""-""';r; tm taliuv Oasualaatw te ! PACIFIC COAST. Political Composition of the Oregon Legislature., GRASSHOPPERS IN SWARMS. Japanese Driven Out of Nampa and Caldwell, Idaho War on Dives, Etc. Portland and San Bernardino hava lo xugurated war on dives and dance- houses. The Utah Liberals have decided to nominate candidate for delegate to Uonzress. Loa Angelea Is having an epidemic of Dnrgiaries. (several expert crooKa are Delievea to De at wore. The Sacramento Federated Trade has began a crnsade to compel the Chinese to move ooteuie toe city nmita. The Umatilla reservation li overran with large black crlcketa, which are proving destructive to the grain fields. Grasshoppers. In swarms have appeared in Williamson Valley, sixteen mile north of Prescott, A. T., and all vegeta tion IS sullerlng. The fruit men of California were faever in better hnmor than at present. . The rise in prices for fruit has made adelight- lul change in auairs. The Interstate) Commerce Commis sioners will soon be in San Francisco to look into the alleged discriminations on Missouri river and Pacinc Coast rates. One hundred and fifty JaDs have been ran oat of Nampa and Caldwell. Idaho. and there will probably be a farther up rising againBt mem on tne uregon cuiort une. ... The Temescal tin mine has been closed to the public owing to the late pub lished reports of its standing. No one will be allowed on the premises except employes. ., ; Rev. J. A. Smith,' the absconding evangelist, has returned to Santa Cniz from Seattle in company of the Sheriff. Bail was set at 2,000, in lieu of which he is in jail. He acknowledges his guilt. The Wolfley Canal Company, in Mari copa county, A. T., is working 600 men, and the monster enterprise will be com pleted by November 1. . The ditch is over 60 miles in length and is now near- ing completion. The San Luis and San Joanain Rail road Company has been incorporated, with a capital stock of f 100,000, to con struct a railroad northward from. Ban Lais Obispo to El Mora, a distance of about ten miles. . va - s At PlKEuix, A. T., fonr member of the Philharmonic Band (Mexican) have been arrested on a charge of maintain ing a nuisance, in playing their instru ments between the hours of 10 and 12 A. M. and late at night. During the last two weeks over 15,000 head of beef cattle have been brought from the mountains to Maricopa county, A. T., to fatten on the Alfalfa fields in the valley preparatory to shipment to California and Eastern markets. Judge Van Vleet has decided to re-' sign bis position as Snperior Judge at Sacramento, to take effect within the next few month. The Judge proposes to resume the practice of his profession and will locate in San Francisco. " Rooms at Tacoma have been rented through third parties, presumably for Twin Wo, of Portland, for the nse of A mercantile house. This is the first de cisive move to establish Chinese mer chants in connection with the Northern Pacific Oriental Steamship Line. The weeds on the monitor Monadnock, which vessel has been lying for a vear near the ferry-gate entrance to the Hare Island dock vard. were found to he from three to twelve Inches in length, and it reauired considerable labor to iret them off the hall. - Articles of Incorporation of the Gran ite and Greenhorn Consolidated Minion nd Milling Company of Granite, Grant county, Or., were filed in the office of the Secretary of State by A. J. Tabor, Joseph N.. Ditmars and C. N. Miller: capital stock, $1,250,000. Dun's Commercial Aiencv has advices from every wheat-growing county in Oregon, showing that Oregon's wheat crop for isz win be 2,800,000 bushels less than in 1891. The yield In the State of Washington will, it is stated, be considerably diminished. . The political composition of the Ore gon Legislature is as follows: House SO Republicans, 18 Democrats, S Peoples' party. Senate 16 Republicans, 11 Dem ocrats, 1 Democrat and Prohibitionist, 1 .peoples' party ana l citizens'. The Democrats gain four in the Senate and lose one in the House over the last Leg- I I . f mi . ii. I. I I . laiaburo. iu. Xbepuuiirans tose nine, oi which seven are in the Senate and two in the House. The whaling schooner BlakelV of San Francisco was wreckod at Middle ton Island, Alaska, on June ''4. She is al most a total loss. While roandinir Mid- dleton blend to allow some of the crew to go ashore -and hunt for wild gsese the vessel struck - hidden rock not marked on the charts, three miU a .south east of the island. She ran ashore and boaohed. Her hull was mattered, but the sails, furniture, instruments and provisions wore saved. A Virginia (Nev.) dispatch eava: A number of members of the local compa nies of tho Nevada National Guard have decided to resign on account of the pun ishment recently inflicted on Private lams at Pittsburg, bv order of Lieuten ant-Colonel Streator. A large majority -i ran ineiuuers oi tne local manna be long to labor anions, and their resigna tions aro likely to result in the disband ment of two out of the three comnaniea in this county. The i j Angeles Board of County Supervisors has passed an ordinance wh'ch has for its purpose the Drotection of number of birds and animals which are now undergoing in that county a very rapid extermination. The animals and birds are the seal, the sealion, mountain gray squirrel, golden oriole, mocking bird, and the California road runner and meadow lark. It is also crime to rob the nests or destroy the egg of any of the birds. Fines and im prisonment are the penalties for viola lion of th ordinance. PERSONAL MENTION. Mr. Moody Will Not Return to America In Time to Conduct His General Conference Etc Some famous men's letters do not need to be burned. One of the "Iron Duke" of Wellington ha never yet been read. Princess Louise and President Harri son's wife are said to be the only ladies who have ever been permitted to enter the cloister of the Monastery of Santa caroara. Tom Carter, Chairman of the Repub lican National Committee, was once a book agent in Illinois, and has sold cop ies of the Footprint of Time" to ljuincy people. Mr. Moody will not return to America in time to conduct his general conference at Northfield this year, and Dr. A. J. Gordon of Boston will have charge of the meetings in nis sDsence. William T. Adams, better known as "Oliver Optic," has written altogether more man iw books lor ooys, and he is now busy at work with another. Mr. Adams is 70, but well enough preserved to last lor thirty years to come. Some New England newspapers speak of Miss Ruth Burnett, who is a nosta- Unt for admission into one of the Cath olic sisterhoods, as a niece of James Rus sell Lowell. The Boston Herald eats them right by declaring her sister of the poet' son-ln-iaw. . , Josephine Werner, a New York confi dence woman with the expressive alias of " Weeping Caroline," has been sen tenced to five years' imprisonment for obtaining money uoder false pretenses. For thirty years she has bled the char itable by way of her tear ducts and false stories, , - General Kirby Smith's children all have " Kirby " in their names, and there are a great many ft them. The Aldrich collection oi autographs in les Moines, Ii., has lost been enriched by General Smith's last official order in the Confed erate service, commanding an aide at New Orleans to turn over some funds to General Canby, the Federal commander there. -j . The first year that Mr. Niklsch. the leader of the Boston symphony orches tra, was in tnis country ne was exceed ingly lonesome witoout bis wile, and, though idolized by many a winsome maid and matron in the modern Athens. " his heart was true to Poll." The sec ond year he visited Germtnv during bis vacatiun, .uu uruupiih uia wiie ami cnii dren to America, Last year they both went to the Fatherland, bat this season they are to spend in this country. Prof. Garner, who has gone to Africa to study the language of the gorilla and the chimpanxee, says he will not return to this country until he has secured suf ficient phonographic records of the speech of these two great types of mon key life to be able to settle definitely the subject of monkey language. He has so i . i n .j , : 1 1 . lavr iu twelve yvarn eiuuy ueu KDie to produce three sounds in toe monkey lan guage which are Intelligible to monkeys. They were sounds expressive of a desire for looi, for drink and of terror. EDUCATIONAL. Seventy Schools for the Deaf and Dumb In the United States University of Michigan Old Yale. Chicnzo schools will cost t5.noA.0R4 for 1892. The new fourth clua at Woof Pnint nas icuo members. Fortv-thrtM pjwfrfcnl atiotnuAM waa graduated from Cornell this year. The TTnlvfVMlitv of Nntm Tlama VaIm Dame, Ind., has just completed its forty eighth year. The total gifts to Yale during the last year have been sflOO.OOO- whlla Harvard received but $600,000. Yale TTniVAraif.v baa inaf. mIaKmIa her one hundred and ninety-first birth day. . Old age is honorable. The pupils of the Doylestown (Pa.) nnhlin ahnAla havA ahtinl .1 4HO .uA:M credit in the national bank. , fiver 19 000 vnlnmoa tt VA Imam mAAA to the library of Columbia College : . I-: .1. l .1 i wivuiu me uure twelve mouius. The eommAnnAmnnt of tha TTntwAraitw of Miphiaan Wan Kalrl .Tuna 91 Qiv knn- dred and eighty-nine student were grmiuateu.- t . Philadelphia n&va school taanhara A9rt. for a first year, increasing $30 a year for five years, when the maximum of $570 1 reached. There are now seventy schools for the deaf and dumb in the United States, and there is also a college for them located at Washington, D. 0. .. At the recent commencement exer cises of the Ohio Wesleyan University, Delaware, O., a class of precisely 100 was graduated In tho various courses. The American Society for the Exten sion of University Teaching has decided to establish a university extension sem inary for the training of lecturer and organizer. , The University of Pennsylvania has this year 1,764 students, which makes it fourth in the list of great educational in stitutions. The three greater are Yale, Harvard and Michigan Universities. Cheese-making in Canada has enor mously improved within recent years as a result oi the method of instruction which has been promoted by the govern ment in sending competent instructors among the cheesemakers. The National Educations!) Association recently in session at Saratoga, resolved to hold no meeting in 1893, but instead to take part in the World's Educational Congress to be held in Chicago during the Columbian Exposition. $he Pennsylvania College, with the Ohio and. Ann Arbor Dental Colleges, are the only ones that admit women to study dentistry. Madame Hirschfeldt, who was dentist to the family of the late Emperor William, was graduated from the first-named Institution. Tha fthln TTnlira'ralt- a.k the unique distinction of being the old- mi luuHiuuuu oi coiiegiate rank in the Northwest territory and of antedating ail similar institutions in that region by nearly a quarter of a century. One of its Presidents was Dr. W. H. McGnfley whose eerie of school readers have been in extensive nse for more than a genera tion. Its recent commencement r'nomA the most ncnemfnl year of its history both numerically and financially. EASTERN ITEMS. Estimate of the Wheat Yield for This Year. ALSO THE CORN YIELD. Philadelphia Making Great Prog ress in the Way of New Buildings Etc. Cattle in Lyon county, Tex., ore suf fering from Texas fever. A Chicago dispatch says the whisky trust is in danger of disruption. ThovSalvation Army slam workers in New York say the slums of that city are a bod as those in London. Cruiser No. 12, denominated hitherto as the Pirate, is to be named the Colom bia by order ef Secretary Tracy. Dr. F,' L. Sim, a noted specialist on nervond diseases, ha declared Alice Mitchell, who shot Freda Ward at Mem phi, insane. 1 General Weaver was presented at Den ver with a silver pen, with which to sign the free-coinage bill when he Is elected President of the United States. Local capitalists, acting with an out side syndicate, Lave made offer for the purchase of some of the street railway! of New Orleans so a to consolidate them Oil. , : The people of Louisiana have resolved not to be drowned out again, and the general levee system is to be raised three feet above the height of the recent nood. The United State exported last yeat 225,000,000 baskets of wheat, its largest export, and Eastern grain men are of the opinion that next year will be still larger. . The Secretary of Stat is advised of the denunciation by Salvador of the treaty concluded in December. 1870. The treaty will, however, continue tiu May u next. , The Canadians on the oaestion of ca nal reprisals threaten to return blow for blow, and II the Americans want to fight, they can have as much of that article as they want. The most conservative estimates nnt the wheat yield thH year at 650.000.000 bushels and thep i yield at 1.700.000.- uuu. inis i a, ..ting on trom 18a l on notn cereals, y A watch company in Canton. O.. Is suing the American watch trust for dam ages resulting from a boycott instituted by the trust to force the company into tue organization. Assistant Superintendent of the Coast and Geodetfo Surrey Davidson will be detailed to assist Colonel Mendell in pre paring a plan for a system of sewerage for San Francisco. Of a total of 896 convicts In the Kan sas penitentiary bat nineteen are fe males, showing that women possess only a little more than 2 per cent, of 'the cassedness found in men. Commissioner of Internal Revenue Maeon in his report for the fiscal vear ended June 30 says: "The total collec tions of internal revenue were $163,867.- 643, an increase of $7,822,128 over the previous year. - The newest innovation in cars is the " whale back " freieht car. made of steel and said to be superior to the ordinary square-built car. It 1 claimed that in collision they yill be able to withstand on enormous push. A sensation has been created at Den ver by the arrest of J. H. Cross and J. McDaniele, who are charged with the robbery of President Moffatt of the First National Bank, which created such a sensation there years ago. , It is expected that tha cable roaut nn Third avenue, New York, will be in op eration by next November. The road will be divided Into three sections, with a separate cable for each section and & different speed for each cable. A New York woman has been making a good thing by having her teeth pulled by barbers and then informing on them. The fine for the unauthorized and irreg ular pulling of a tooth by any tonsarlai practitioner in mat city is $60. At one time there were t3. 000.000.000 of United State bonds out. payable in gold money or it equivalent. These Lave been redeemed, except about $500. 000,000, and moat oi these are held against national bank currency. A spark from a locomotive set flra in the Standard Oil Company's warehouse at Ludlow, Ky. Thirty-thousand bar rels of oil, turpentine and benxine were destroyed beside mnch railroad prop erty. The losses will reach $76,000. The sending of the cruiser Glonnnl by Italy to take Dart in th Na York Columbus celebration has caused the passage of very warm and friendly ex pression oi international good-will be tween the President and King Hamb rt. A syndicate of canitalinte Km chased Columbus R. Cummin gs' stock in tne union national Bank ot Chicago. The price paid was 180, the transaction involving over $1,000,000. Five mem bers of the syndicate ore President of other Chicago banks. vu.v " um.v WW. .1 UlltVS UI lIlnmlnaiAfi atraala Hnrinn Ik. , n . 1 vvw iuu aunuuiuai festivities. There will not be less than fifty arches and over 75,000 electric lamps and gas jets in each night' display. The electric-light companies are putting in engines and dynamo especially for the occasion. At PlnnlnnaH laafc vaat M.K. Ing of leading capitalist to discuss a nronoRition to nmnit. a ataamAkU between NewOrleans and South Ameri can ports. The sum of $4,000,000 ha already been anhanrihaH and ono ono J 1 ,VUV,IAJV 1 anken from Pini.innaM mrni AikMii.. that will be benefited by the direct trade : ., 1. c, . 1- a i winiu ouutu American porta. A letter ha rwan vaaoIvaA K Medill of the Chicago 7Vi6und from the aianjui. u jnores, expressing disap proval of the way he has been treated in the Tnhttn and aaklnn if V f oiim sumed the responsibility. Mr. Medill is oo year ot age. . ne look on the letter as a challenge, bat say he is willing to meet the M.rnnln in a tnt..(nn ' . ring in Jackson Park with glove. mus- ur aaytning BBitaoie. in zvioun arwwte vim xaattw B timorously. WORLD'S FAIR NOTES. Washington State Building Will Show to Some Extent the Forest Re sources of the State. The World' Fair directory has ex pended np to date approximately $7,260, 000. The famed "Six Nations: in New York State will be well represented in the Indian exhibit at the World's Fair. It is proposed to hold World's Fairs in Berlin in 18D8 and in Paris in 1900, but definite action ha not yet been taken by the nations concerned. In Denmark's exhibit at the World' Fair will be a fine array ot porcelain ware and a notable art display, including reproductions of many of the Thoswald sen sculptures. Several Amaxons of the King of Da homey will probably be seen in the Da homey village, which will be established at the World's Fair. Sixty or seventy natives and their manner of living will be shown. An effort is being made to nave th cotton mills of Georgia make a fine ex hibit at the World's Fair. It is believed that such exhibit would greatly stimu late the investment of capital in cotton mills in the South. The authorities of Harvard University have applied to Chief Pea body of tha department of liberal arts of the World' Fair for 7,000 square feet for a thorough ly representative educational exhibit from that historic institution. The offi cer of the university say they are pre pared not only to fill, but to splendidly and representatively fill every foot oi space which can be granted to them. The Washington State building at th World' Fair will show to some extent tha forest resources of the State. The founda tion alone will contain 171 logs, some of them 120 feet long and forty-two inches in diameter at the small end. The su perstructure of the building will contain besides heavy timber fine finished woods, showing the grain and structure of th woods, and a complete exhibit of.ship building materiaL Director-General Davis has announced that he will probably create a bureau of athletic in the department of liberal arts of the World' Fair and appoint some well-known promoter of athletic sport a chief. Colonel Davis has a plan also for securing a forty-acre camp groand one mile south of Jackson Park. On this street, if the plan is followed, will be a wheel course and a big grand stand. It will be suitable for military reunions and for the tents of the soldiers. There will be in the liberal arts build ing of the World's Fair a library of works on charities and penal institu tions. It will consist in the main of the report that have been issued by puhlio officials and public and private institu tions of either a charitable or penal na ture. To make the collection complete Chief Peabody of the department of lib eral art asks that all charitable and pe nological officials, institutions and socie ties send to him at once their last public report . ' NATIONAL CAPITAL. Immigrants From France Prohibited From Landing on the Atlantic Coast as a rrecauuon. Tk. TI.U VIII .v. .Jll- ..I "u uuwn una im mid auiuiamvu v New Mexico will not b called nn nntil next session. As A precautionary measure asainst the introduction of cholera Secretory Tracy has directed the Collectors of Cus toms along the Atlantic seaboard to pro hibit the landing of immigrant from franco, ... . . The presiding officer oi the Senate bos laid before that body a message from the President of the United States, with the accompanying paper,' relative to the Sracticabilityot laying a cable between alifornia and the Hawaiian Islands. RAnrntarv Trai-v of tha Kan Tlanarf mant In a letter states that the result of the survey show that a practicable route can be easily selected. The report of the hydrographio office of the bureau of navigation states that the survey show that the laying of the cable on almost any line between California and the Ha- waiian Island is practicable. A line about 300 miles wide was developed be tween (California and Hawaii, and the results as shown by the report seem to indicate the most favorable route to be a rhomb line between Monterey Bay, Col., and Honolulu. Senator Allen' bill granting about twenty-eight acre of the Fort Walla Walla military reservation to the city of Walla Walla for a public park has passed ihe Senate. The bill allows the city of Walla Walla the nse of the triangular portion of the reservation on the north corner, which is separated from the m tin body of the reserve by the county high way and the Oregon railway and naviga tion track, for a public park. It pro vides, however, that before beginning to use any of the land the city shall present to the Secretary of War detailed plans for the improvement, and it shall re ceive his approval ; also that the United States reserves to itself the title in the tract and the right to resume possession and occupy any portion of it whenever in the judgment of the Pres:dent the pablic interest may require it without any claim for compensation to the city far the improvements made or for dam- age which the government may inflict, , Representative Wilson has introduced a bill granting the Northern Pacific right of way through the Puyallap In dian reservation, which has recently been favorably reported by the Commit-. tee on Indian Affairs. The bill proposes to ratify and confirm an agreement be tween the Pnyallup Indian and the Northern Pacific, made in 1876, which grants right of way through the reserva tion for the Cascade branch of the Northern Pacific There has been a number of bills introduced before for rights of way through the Pnyallup reser vation, but all have been postponed or hungup, awaiting some action which will forever settle the Puyallap Indian difficulties. Perhaps this bill will be treated in the same way, although it is now represented that the Northern Pa cific needs the granted right of way and ' the station ground, and there is really no reason wny some outsnouianot pass. Of course the various railroad oompanie generally fl;bt each other on bills of this character, each desiring to secure th best lands on the water front. It Is probable, however, that this bill will be bang np antu some action is taken next winter on th pending Puyallup uu i& . th banal. 1