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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (June 17, 1892)
fj'Hll'i!ttJiiaiH"Jiiff'i:L,iJi i!1. fH'tvVtbl'IION, l.W 1KK YKAR. St. Hki.kks, Ji nk 17, ISII2. -r- u arm son and reid. ProsMniit Harrisim Wits renonii nnltstl at Miiittfspolis lust Ftiiln.V on tlie first liill..t. This in luce ot Hi? fuel I hut tlie populace of I lie country were clamoring n lottilly fur Blttiiif, in ii grent victory for tin Fiesiilfiit mid slmws ilmt Ins fi iei) Ik were true In him uikI Btooil firm until tliuir cleiirei rv nU wns rt'iiclitjil. A gresi ninny f tli" Aiin.'iieii people were. 1 nnl in thoir dctiinnil fur Blaine, not Utiim llurrison'i tulniinislraiiim lintl nut ln'tin satisfactory, but because of a rn-r-miiihI favoritism which bus Wn in crossing for Blmne since ' hi defeat ij;lil yoirs us". TIih mliiiinistriitiiin of President Harrison lias been pun and able tbronuboiit. partly throuuli the effort and ilii lomacy of Dlaint , but priiH'ipully becante of an aide, mi lividvd cabinet, working in unison toi -the. best interests of thu countrv Rltiine's retiring it secretary of state will not iu the les.4 nffi'ct the .itunl situation in reference to the l'reiduulV success in Xoveniber. Hon. Whi'.eluw Iteiil, editor and proprietor of I he New York Tribune, was nominated by acolaniation fm rice-president. Mr.Reid was appointed under the present admiuistialiou as minister to France, and m-ivimI I lit United States in that capacity until u ehort time ago when he resigned. lli nomination cm ihe naliouul ticket will add strength to it iu the coming con test, and also insure the support of the great majority of the newspapers of the country. i one was more sur prised than Mr. Rid at bis nomina tion, it having come to him unsought or without ait eflort on his pari. The ticket is generally conceded to be a strong one,and no doubt lead the pal ty to success iu Nuvnnlier. THE SECOND TERM PSECEDEST. No matter what interested H,liti ciang may say against a second term in the presidency, the weight of prece dent is ag.iiust them. The Iwlauce is almost even. Look at thu record. In all we have had tweuty lime presidents. Heven of them were re. elected, namely : Washington, Jeifer aon, Madison, Mont's-, J.ickson, Liu coln and Grant. Two were renomi nated and failed of ileciion Martin Van Buren, who was beaten by Har rison, and Cleveland, who beaten by the republican graiiUon of the great whig leader. This give nine presidential renominations, seven of which were approved by (ha people. . .Six presMeuls who lived out their term of office failed to get a reuom iuation. They are the two Adamses. lilk, Pierce, Buchanan and Uaye Three presidents died during 111. ir nrst term, namely, Hurrison, Taylor and Garfield. The four viie presi dents who became presidents I ler, Fillmore, Johusuu ami Arthur w. re all beaten for the regular iiomitiatiuit. The record thus stands: Nine pre i dents renominated and -(even of llirin re-elected ; six presidents and four vice presidents who were set aside by their respective pariie,and tliree pres ident who died or weie killed during their first term. This analysis shows that in the early days of the republic the secoud te'ui w.a the rule of po litical action. Tub peoples' party national con vention will meet at Omaha on July 4ih next, for the purpose of lacing in uominutiou candidates for president and vice president. Here is the golden opportunity for Oregon's governor to distinguish himself, since the de.nh of President I,lk has reni ived the great est obsUc.e to his Pen iioyer is, strictly speaking, a peo, les' party man, and probably expects some thing at the hands of the Om.ilia con vention. Even though his defeat woulJ be certain, it would at the same time prove beneficial to Oregon and tlio Pacific coast, should Peiiuoyer be the nominee of that parly ou the pres idetiliul ticket It wotdd be the best advertisement Oregon ever had. Jl'PGE Mooiib's inajority in the elate is a little over 3003, while the republicans elect Uith cougressmei Hermann in the Fiist district byGOOO, and Ellis iu the Secoud district by 4000. Chanitjerluin, democrat, for at torney gem ral is elected over Wehsl-er by about 203 votes. In this, thu Fifih judicial district, T. A. MeBride, fur cir cuit judge, has about 1700 majotily. For the office of district attorney, Mr. Barrett had no opponent viMiMtiueiiily lie received a very large vole in she district. Judge Miaire received the largest uiiijoiiiy vf aay man ou the ticket hi Columbia contrty. A MSPATCM front Wichita, Kansas, to the Oregouian, aiiiioiiuee that Jerry Simpson has been renominated for congress by acclamatiou by the HX)ple' party. Thb Oregon delegate jo the na tional domocratiti convention which convener at Chicago next Taesd:iy,are all miroutc to that place. Coi.iwiti. L L 'oW, jlresiileril b'f the national farmers' alliance, died in WnAliingtiMi Sal tmluy. By his'death (he people' party have lost their main stay, and most apnlar presidential (Hissihilily. President Polk was one of the most able advocate of the peo ples' party doctrine, and the success of that party will tie greatly impaired by his demise. Probably no other man in thu United Stales could con titil the parly with such reposing con tideuce as could CoKmel P.ilk. THE Minne:iHihsconventiu' choice of ehairman. Governor McKinley, was a deserving compliment to that gentle man. Had he so desired he coul'i have been placed on the presidential ticket instead of Keid. McKinley's ability is rwoguixed ly It e American la-ople irresn-clive of party or jiolities. The demiH'taMu national convention meets in Chicago next Tuesday to nominate candidates for president and vice president At present it Vaks as though CI velum! would be nominated ou the first ballot. WASHINGTON LETTER. From o.r regular corrtspondtnt.) WashiiiKton. Jaaa 10. I irl. The Piesid-nt has given IK) cousi.i eralioti to the tpiesiioti of seltriiiiff a uci-"'siar lo Secretary Blaine, nor is it proltable that he will mil. I the excite ment consequent to the mee ingof the X.itioui.1 is nil ver. His i holee of a sit retary of slate will prob ably dopeuil largi-ty upon ihe ch tceof the ettuvi'iitiim for president. ' There Will be no Wk of ti.igs to dec orate the slree's and buililiog" of Washington during the G- A 11. en ciimpmctit, as the President has a pmved the j-d t resohiti. ii authortz intf the loaii of government Hag foi that purHpse. The senate broke Ihe record in the matter of disiaisiug of general appro priutioii bills when it passed Ihe eon sular ami dit t-miatie bill i bin thiitv miuata-a fnm.lhe lime it w called up by ISeiiaior H;ile. This a most remarkable piece of le(ifl.ilive w ra, as the amendment In the b 11 as passed by the h"ii-e were numerous and iuiHrlaut, and e.teh i.f them hail In In- r ad mid ateeil lo by Hk senate Ihe entire bill emild le uis.-ied Neaily i.ll of these ameudineiils were made I clu ck Hie silly iitteim t of the d-'tiiocrais in the Ik. use to crii lo our Oii-ular and dipKmatic service j-ist at Ihe lime when our iuctesiug for eign nmuuerce makes it advisulde t stienulheii both. Of c uiae there will hti a fiaht i'i enferenee over t"ese ameiidmuis, but ihe proK.b.lii i s are I lnt the senators will lust-t oai them and the house will nave Ut jj've hi. An atinupt is lieiuir made by Soinh- eru democrat to persuade ih Inaise i-oaiioiitec on appropri tiooH to favor- ..lily reaut a b 11 making an an.-ni-priat ion for the relief of the Mi-s s sip. i fl ol sufferers, but theie is little chance of sll 'cesr, us Mr. Holm in. the a litis-rii I of that committee, lias al ready made the committee turn down a sun. bill. Senator Morrill confoiindeil the illti-pn teclioll inemln-ra of the senate cominiltei on liuauce the other day when hi-report tin ihe eff -ct of the tariff laws iihhi trade teliliomt with Canada as u.ider di-tcussiim, by sh w in ill it tlie ta.iistii's pr-aetnel by Senator M. l'hern.n i: a inii.oriiy re airt, claiming to prove thai producer of A oerican f inn prolucl are not Ih-q ti ttd by the .Mi Knil y tatiff l.w. Were llureh.ible and tliterlv Wi.r'h'ess. and to clinch his argtliuelil he quoted recent ut ten urea of L nl Salisbury and Sir Chub s Ttipr in favor of proti-etinu. Th se retort hive not yet toeti atlbiuiited lo ilie senate. In carrying onl tli'ir program of tl itiK the bl.eged third lr.y u throw Ihe election of i re-ldenl into the house, Ihe lienna'ratic ln-es of the hou have la-oine very gracious loWarils die iilliatice presenlalives. They as sistel them iu gHting the resobilinn iniop ed by I he h Use itislracling the Ways mid means committee to teairl the sub-treasury bill, and Stenkr Cii-p has promised dint Ihe eoiiiiutt-l-e oil rulea w II set aside three day for ilcbii'e thereiu, as sim.ii as Ihe ap pr"pri lion bills are all disiswd of. Qilile a niiiner of WashitiKion vet erans will attend ihe twenty-third n iiU.d reunion of thesocitiy of ihenrtiiy of the Paloiuac lo be held at Keiaut !, Peuiislvania, on Wednestfuy and Thutsil iV of next Wee.. Tim Hill caiiviis" for the rlemra-rallc noniinaliiHi seems in In. ve degeueraiel into an anvbody to-beat-Cleveland af fair. Weather and Crop Ballrttrii Our weekly reixirl of the coiiditioli uf the weather and croie for week end ing Jane li. lHVii WKsTKKH UREOoir. Weather The tetoi). r.iluri: ha avaragi d rive degrees a day lie) w the average; there Ii.' heeti hii excess uf ram fall, and an absence of ihe noilliul amount of stlti-liiiie. Ou the after noon nf Ihe 7lh a thunder siorirt (v- cuiu panned by raiu and hail was extier- i -need til the norihern part of the illamette v.illev which did slight dauiatte to aiuall fruit ou thu trees. Monday the(3lh and lialay, the 14th. were ctoiidleas and warmer thuu for neatly three weiks. Crops While the cereal crop is gisal, it is not in a gisal condi lioi, nor doe It offer tlie prospects that Ihe Co p one year ago today did. The rains since Marc SS have been almve he av 'rage, the lemieraltre In low, Tjbed in MHHoas of Homes ntiii tliestt nic'i togetiier Willi it dry ! fall mid winter, and (he h l talking ! suindiine of May 20 to Sii injurtl thu prospeo's for a Isiuntiful yield, Ihe weather ha beeu favorable to Ihe Wheat heading at d In I hu growth of soring groin during the past week. Fruit prosM-cts tin not improve, but ral her deletiorale, each week more reports showing fruit yet falling from the trees. That which remains wib be giNsJ but that will be u small pet (rentage of what the prolific bloom in dicuied. Theie will be less fruit thir year than for several years past. Hup aregmwuig mil' h Imtler and ate mor. healthy, but the w.utlier has beer tavornble lo the development of tin hop lou-e, and that destructive insei'i is making il apiH-aiauce ami llneiil eiiiug gieater damage than was dom last year. The ierry and liny cmpari Ihe only inses that are lip to the avel age. Sirnw'ierrie ar now iu tin height of 'heir season and are ail ou usually large crop. The first crop o. alfalfa ha- been safely secured, and now the clover, wheat, rye, and hay .nip me twing cut, aud they are yield ing heavily ier acre. "kastkiim oremon. Weather Ciad and partly cloudx weHlher'pit viiilul with gcnerolshowen on the IDth. The rainfall varied from Oil of all inch to one-half inch. Croiis Mon rain is itreaiiy needed I'lse wheat prospects were never la-ttei up lo M iv 20ib, whieh could be re pre eiited bv 110 while lio Ihey are down from tiO In 70, rain inside the week would iise Hie prostil 10 pi.ints in Volunteer wheat is about a failure. In Umatilla. Mrow, Slier man, Gilliam, and Wasco cotlutier the wheat was damaged by tie ho! tiiuls of May, ami some field wiil not be worth cutting. Spring grain wa ..lso injured by Ihe fnwta on the 2 i inst. in many localities. In Unioe Wall-.wa and a few interior fountur ihe condi iot s are more encouraging nnd far better. Kxcel) ill prospects .itvvail in the Grand lVmih) valley where fruit and wheat promise large yields. Tlie wheat pmsiecla are- cer tainly gl omy but yet it may become better by the occurrence of aeasonabl rains. l!y lny is U irg" eut xs lduii. two Inns to the acre. The frnsls killed teuiler plants alami Fort Klatnalh oi th- 2nd. Tlie fruit prospect are bctlei than Ihey are in Weatern Oregon Swpet corn will be lipe about The Dalles witniii two we-k. RITBKW. The Coliimhia fell but is now rising a;ain. win!-n of ila tributaries have passed llieir greatest rise and ar" now falling ami will continue lo lull. B. 8. Pagitb. Observer Weather Se-vice. La Grippe bocceHnfalljr Treated. "I have j'ist recovered from a sec mid attuek of the grip this year," says Mr. O. Jones, piilih-her of the Leader. Mxia, Texas. "In the kilter I used Cbatnbet Iain's Cough Remedy, and I think wild considera ble; su.-eess, only ta-ing in bed a little over two days, againat ten day for the first atlaek. The aeeoud attack lam saii-lied would have Ih-4'H eipially as had us the first but for ibe use of this remedy, us 1 had lo go to lied in ab-ntt six In air after Is ing 'struck' with it. While ill the first case I was able to at tend to biisinesi lnt iwo days before getti-g '.loan.'" 50-eunl bottles for sale by Ed win Ho. Real Kst ale Tianafera. , fritted States to t'har es DugKiin, se of s c S. ts ii, r 2 1, 100 acres; pi tent. J. M. ltcil.l c to schoul distiict No. l land in sec 15, t n. r 4 ; 11. ITnit.-d Slain, ti Andrew Anderson. n5 i of sk t!t. 1 3 e, r 2 w . tin acres : j atet.l. Vidted Mates lo W. C. JMiee, ot s c 24. t 7 n. 1 4 w, 100 sens: patent. l ulled 8-te t.. Isaac Tedtr. t,wj of sec II . t i n. r 6 w. 1C0 acres; atetir, I'nit d ftut. to ( aleli K.nun n, m !4 ot sv4 of see . and i H of nw'i and lut 3 of id ii, 3 4 w; iMiei t. I' tilt id MaUM iu V. it. Hinil lkon. lot 2 of sec 5, and lot 1 ai d S i f sic (I. t 7 n, r 4 w, 70 aere; t.ut. ut. (ieurg l.adiliar tu John frrhmidtka, land in s-15. 1 3 n. r i w, 40 sine-: II. II. J. Williams to K.O. JuI.iim n, n?-i of of. c 11. t 5 n, r2 w; BiJ. l'ni:ed States to Berry H. etephens, land Iu I 4 ii, r 1 v, il c I. 317 acres; patent, j 0 e Olsun to A. t-wanioii, sw4 of uk4 of sec 1. 1 5 n, r 2 w, 4) acre; tl.'iO.' j Uiitied Hi a es to Louii Kulin, t of nt-V, ; of sev tl. and t n ot stc 9, 1 0 ii, r 4 ! w. 100 aeres; l aiilit. j V. A. Cil ir to Z. U. Dunn, of rtvi of ; see 2-. 1 6 a, r 4 w, an I uj uf iw of sic . 3J, t5n, rJi; $;.. ; A. J All ' to Ananda A. .lotufon, nv'4 i of nvii uf tc 4, 1 0 n. r 3 w. 4J acres ; tXM. 8FHI.a VALLEV. The people of this vicinity arc about through Willi their spring crops. 1. D- lasfcy left last Thursday to work at Bailey s shingle mili. T. While has made viiluable im pnivenieiits on hi homestead this spring. J. Duponl has HtHitit an acre uf po tatoes l.inicil tin spring. Mr. Miller has made gotal improve ment on ins '.nmiv-steail this year lo clearutg and felu-tiiK the same. He MV hia has Ixi ill alauil a hundred usr of zigzag fence, i leaied IWu acres of laud, and put in oats, barley, and gar d. ii truck. Win. Form is on his bomesteud mak ing improvements. Card of Tbanka. , We return our sincere thanks to the kind friend mil neighbors lor then MMrl'inMl III llliflislA-rtH'r lj mir ru n I - during Uxu sickness of our faioilv ; hImi i i , ... I., lor serviees renuereii hi ine unriiii. slit, and Mrs. j. H. Uhhib. 40 Years the Standard- topservlH: Hrain. We drsir to say tu our cillsetn. that for yiirs wo have Iki-ii selling Dr. King's Nrw ll-euveiy for ln -iiiii.tioii, l)r, Kings New l.l e I'llls, Bia'kltn'a Aniks ,Sv,yt' and Kits trie Hit tvw, and have never lutndlml reiiisdit's that tall a well, or Hint have Riven stteh universal siilNfiietlim. We do ot hesitate to guarantee them cvtry lime, and wo stand re itly lo refund the pitretiast liili-e, if satl-factory rtHii'ti do not follnu ue. These rninid. havs won tlu li fn-at iHiptilar'ty purely on their mvrlU, tf'or sulu by Kitwin Hons, di naiit't HsieklsH's Arstlrsi Kbits. The Hs-l SuUs la tlis world tor Cul, nriilsrs, r, I'ltsr'. Salt Rbsiiia, Kevr Sori-s, Tvllsr Ivinil llauils, t.'lillUliilus, CoriM Slid all skill itrnirtloiia, anil positively eiires I'llss, orao a ivqiiiroit. It Is iriisnuitfeil to irlve perfect atls--t ton. or uiuiicy rvfuailril, 1'rloc ii evtits l?i ox. KiirSiOe Itv Kilwln Rum. VOIt SAI.R. 135 acres, partly hupruJboutslx mile, 'nun Mist. en N'elmloni liver. alaiut4l)acrer -Hitioia liout. uiaut ho lH'. burn, bearing or cuafd of 100 trees. Api-ly lo U. 0. riiAKSON. FUhhawk. Or. jlOliu SAWMILL JOR SALE. Said Sawmil1 is si uawjd on the St. Helens mail, a'lout miles southeast ' tileiitov Wniliiiik'ton enmity. Ore n, .Macliinei j n perfect rum i iK ortler; Knitiiu'ls 45 hor wwer. ten l.v iwai.ty: HoilerftO inches ii hainetvr unit II eel loim; New head b'wki It ili heli: Alse snwduat earrier: Lirurl I tfrcd'ir t)"W en lian-l ior sale. T. rin, .na ic known on . lii-stien to H e utiilet Ijni'il. Would exel a;ie for city or im roved fa iu iiioeeilv. a.o Aitcunoi.n. It. lUboio, Oregon. Model Saloon. 4. S. (1.0X1XCER, Prop'r. ST. 1IELESS, - .." - OREGON Choice Wines, LiQuors and Cigars. Beer 5 Cts. BillanJ ana Pool Table for His Jleeommodatioii cf Patron .CALL AROUND. ST. HELENS HOTEL J. George, Proprietor. ral le" a'.vjy llip'ieil i h tlir h'-t li1j!ef anil deliesc'ei the niarkrt a'!irds. KBAHONAl'LK FOR RB3JUS BOARDERS. II iving been nearly refund -hed. we are repurcl t j;ive satisfaction to all our a: run-, un.l soiic t a share of j oin patronage. ST. HELEN'S OKKtiON, .miTtcr. Culled ftates Lurnl Office, Orsgon rliv, Orcron, May iV imri. CIOMI'I.AINT hnvliHj ht snis.S'l at ilils j nilirs hr "illlmn J. McliiMiiilil hkhIiiI itinie K. Nnl in for sbKntlouliig and fnfl itiK lo mnke . ssttlstnsiii, IniiiMe saisul or coltlrrtiliia on the lnn-1 pri-jr to I'elmmry -ift, sfi, hit Ii9iiie!i'-.'t entry No. H70". d neil )ut IS. twin. tt..iii ihe 1. J. x ml 4. eeiiiiii 2, tiwiilii,H mutt., noire Inn, in !'i n hi Ma county, Oregon. wMi a lew to ilie ani'eltalioi'Of safif entry, ihe tAA fsriie sre lie . tr. Miinimitiet loap -eur ut Ht. Iteteiu, 'ire fcm, ue'ore the rainay cte.-k oa the ff.'ad ilsy ot July. 1J. at liioeloek A. M., lo re-mmu slid furii'sli teirtimrmy nniernliiir mid nMeired abuntfonaieiit. And on tlie testimony then tule in 11 re I henrlnc will I had irl ilii- o:lice on 'And of Antrim'. IWt. at tuo'elot-k A. it. J. T. ACl'KilSON. Keirlmer. i ji I'KI tK I'.iqt'ETi Reeelver. JAPANESE CURB A new ni complete tmttniit, uiiMtiur f ptipiHwHiiei'T oinimriiu in tiiMiie, hj o hi Kox unit , l'.ritltlv t'ure for Kxtr:uil, n rmil, BIIikI mid Hie ilru, HcliinK. hnmtr. HM'ent or Hrcii.lrtry PH. mil nmiiy other lUiM-a-e Aiirl fciniile weitkiifft e: tt U hIhm irreut tnetH U Ihe rentrraf berlih, The hnrt (lirive. y of m me ticaTt'iirc reiMrtii 111 u ora tion with tue kniie umiofcwtary liertifter. 'I bi he iifiv h tt net er tweii kaotvii to full, fliur bttx. ti fort; Kent hy m&W. Why minVr from th U terrible (ItHfdiK) when written Ktiflmntee t trfiett with fi iMei lo reftni'i ih numtty if iil enrc t. tf ni ctuifit for free Hitmt'le. (riinrtmtc fstanirxl hv Wmn a mi 'I a tttfw JL I'.t . Whnlu.uln rihI Retail ImiKuUtit. Ho'. Aitent. FortlauU Or. 1 One Dollar Weekly Buy a iiood ttold watch hy our club sy tein. Our 1 Unt gold-tilli'ii canes are wur ra. ted for 'J) vcars. Fine Klirin and Wul 1I111111 111 ivi-lnnt. tSleiu wi ld ami rel. Ia-ty's or Kent's A.n. fdpial to any $.jO ..s en. lunrure iifreni. winre we nave 11011 , we hell une of the huniiriK ca e Matelie- fir the club tirlee H nnl end 1.'. O. P. hy expre with pr vilegeuf exuuil .u tion before j ayii.g for the rain. Our Bireiit t Durham, N. ('., writes. "Our jea-elem have ooneii-el they don't know how you can iilrnl.h sueh aork for the money." 0u Sfrentut Heuth B.ring-, 8. 1! , wr'tes: "Your ivuichc. tnke at ilirht. Tin gentleman who sol the laM truu-h naid Ihnt he exmnineil Slid jirieed s leMvlem wstehes la l.snesi.ter. thut were no taitter than ou, but the price Our agent at Pennington, Tex., writes: 'Ain In receipt of the wsteh, mid sm pleaded without measure. All who have teen It say it would be cheap Ht $ at." flue jniod reiiubie siti-nt wanted for each place. Write for t arlieiilar. Kmpimk WaTi u f.i., Kew York. ,- Tljo CoIeLratcd French or, 'SSS4 "APHRCDJTINE" TZl Ii Boo Cf A pjaiTtvi ' C'-'ABANTCI tortirasuy for ofn?r.'o!;itiiM.b. or 6a iiaorurot the geoeni'.iveor- farts ot euueraez, b-.-t!;or arUlur i rum lh,.exi ulvi BEfCDE eof SiiinuJauiv., AFTE1 over luJulirruiv, V .enfiii 1 .,( iSrnln pjwer, atcf-!iin. I ear,a dov.a Palualnil; bsck,Sery!nalWinikapaa,llykuir!a,.Vervotta fr tratlou. N.h tiirnal F.-ni -rioua, 1 eorrhirs, l',s tlnew. Wnak Memory, L-vao( Power and Imot). tcney. will' b!f neIeetcl nftea lrsi. to prematura old are ou 1 lii.aoitv. Pries f :ao a bnr, etioxc lorfiVrn, SeDtbrm lo irwlptoi p-lce1 A (il'ARAXTrK Is irlTen for everjr S . Our 'er ro-eln-l. t-irefind tlie nioner If ferminent e.- ia notefleet'd. We be s t' teatlmonlsia f-omo'd sail yoent, of bothaeiea.wbnl.av., heen r'r "am-ullr ee ty ttaoiuo of Aphroillllne. Clrrnlar Iree. Addrcta Tu". "HRO MFDriNS CO. . Fvr aii by SDWIN EOSg, DBoaowr, Ht. Helens. Or. ' gift ip i le miTCHELL, LEUIS & STALER CO- MACHINERY & VEHICLES, NEW MARKET BLOCK - PORTLAND, OREGON. Hart & Sweetland, Proprietor St. Helens Meat Market fresh and Salted Mint; Pnataire, Fkdi Hid Vi'Kelubli'S. MeU by wholesale at special ruti-s. Kxp-esi iiiiii run lo all part of town, diaries rsiisonnlile. -(10 TO JOHN A. BECK, The Watchmaker and Jeweler. r-0ftY0l"K - KLEGANT : : : JKWELRY. Mi Kin! asor'nieiit of Walrhes, Clia'ks, and Jewelry of all descriptions. Onpodto the ioiiuiii I, lVttlm d Oreeon. TbAKGAIN! YOKE OF LOGGING CATTLE. With yoke and i linln, cheap fou cash Or apprvvid sccirrlfy. G. C. L. & M. CO., Mayger, - - Oregon Petition fur Liq-ior IJcenso. KoMi t. herehv (rireii tbii at atenirf lie 1'i.lliilv eoiiri, ol the htite o Oremin. r the tio' ntv of im i t b ' In Id on die It. i ilav oi'Jitlv. A. II. lstr.', the under ii;i. .1 witi an ly li said e. tin :or a liecn-i n pay.d I r in the following pet.d .n, to-wii :" l'o the IIonornbl, CVinniln-hvcrs anil futility Court o: fie Statu of Orei n , !tr foiiioiliis fonoty: We, the timier-dinied leal voters In Seup finnse preefnel. t'l-lmnb.a countv, .-tat of ireni-n. re'nfiillr iti di y.-ne l oi ulel o y t nil Iu i u e einnit d Uif iiiirl, ii. KonV le A Co., in H s; III liotl-, vrnoii in I ma t lepn'irn in -aid oeapiaB.-e pre- hart in le-a qnatiii I th -ii on (Ho i, for a iriiHl id one y .ar, da t.ig rom J ..l.v titli. A. II. I tri: II Prlee, i l.'nnrd, Joan II Oove, John Pries, Jiilin.-rlii.d-kB, l li.H-ft JMh W Csn Udl. Uiillitm T t runk ', .tnlni -iimrenlv.rit. Y. II l.yii'h. L Ol 'endoriT. Uii.ihv II in k Jiii.l. s K num. WMIuui Mr Mum lieorite H Hove, R K Morrl. K. Il MeKny. s A idiuier. S S rkk, J il T.anpkliu. H liliniiiiin Ire, fidifi Mrsr-on. Iiutiate l.sncs. N II MeKay. i f Heaven.. J ll Besvers. X llnllie., Miinsrove Jr., Mtehoel rlteierulil, raiwsm Itnru. li Xeiiin. Nvwm II W Knlshtin. M Ktls-ltliit' Ittitdimljr. W C Kvviwnil. 'lis llelns. J lls'iielniiinn. .1 sturn'ieni. f Ki.tli, It lliirtou. 11 W ill Tle. ( ivhiidika, F II muii. J w id diwr. J I. Iiuai'ina Ju!u VV V stit. c.enrire M Hnin, M W rSfiui-. A It n T II V.ll N Ki.-l. Mnll-ollii M'-Ksv. N ildendortt, T I'lon'ne', John A Johnon 11 Itrliikinaiiu, 0 Ih.iyell. a F slniiiiii-k. mjuin NOT ITU. Cnlteil 8tafe Lsnl Om.'e. O.-ejon f'lly, Slav "JV V! (iOSIPt.Al.NT havlnir beea cntere I at thin i altirm hr Am ia Kcrow.kle usulii! Fieder- lek HuilliiK r al'iin li.nlos lor iui than 'Is inonihHi.rtor la I'senal er I V 11. III. h ne- slea.1 entry Ko, si x, dale I HeeemlsT S, IS ll llirin Ilia we-t W ut .c 1 .. MMltll ' or "W M..C- lion 25, lowiilil.i.1ii'irth. raiue S i'l. iu t' liimbtn einiiitv. o.emu. with a le t tliei-an- cellittl'.iv nlMddeuisv the iitl.l nrlle- sre lie e- lr 'iiai itnneil toitfiiienr ar er. neien. tirer.Mi, In-fore the emini j iter on tbe '.'.id ilny id Julv iw-i i iiiireliiek X M . r i r5!.nd and furitlnti leMiiii'iuy coiieemitnr toifd ullefed sIhiihI ii- lllt'lir. AlKlnnille le llllliHljr iiikii .iiiinimr' a lieiirliiK will be had at IhU otl ce on AuJl at. uwt. J. T. AffElljOK; Peiiater. Jiijs PRIKIt l'.t(V'KT. neeelvcr. M TM K. Ilnlioi fftatea Land Odlee, ()reo City. Orwrnn, Muy , liw.'. (tOMIM.AIsr havlnt been ewe e l at thl. J otfcebr Clark Alb-n aculut i rn-t J. II. ne-m-iun. lor aiHHidoiilna. never nuiile teil- dein eor an luinruve neiil ou mUl Iru-t prior ro Sliin-n rl. IMli liln home tend l-ul. V No. ii.lli. dmel I'e'-euib.'r .2, !, ii.n tlie north U ol aw i.j ami .nuth nf uw aeeliou '.ti.toaii.iilf 7 north, run ca i a-ii.t. In ColuutbU e.uiutv. tl e iu. with a view to the eaiir-ellathni of .ittd entiy. thetflld tnrtleare hereby aii'iiui.iiied tu not ear el t'lat.Kuuie, I ireeoii. I efoie W II. t'mi yera n itary uublji. on the !iul ilav of .lulv. istr.'. at l.iu i'i.M'k A SI , lo resu-.n I mid f.irnldi le tlinuity coiieeriiiiis shIiI alleed iiianiioii iiient. An t ou the timtlmoiiy then iibtnlli.. I " t-eurinx 111 Le bud at oil the .Jud day n Auttud. im!, ut loo clock A. SI. J. T. Afl'KHso.N, Hen ter. !l I'KTKIt I'Atll'KT, Iteeelver. OF COURSE JOD DO. Ct'OH MKINO TIIK CASE. It behooves vr v. ,. In timl 11-0 to. wr fli..i-aljlo l.lue.H to purchuse vour' Invi.-rntur." "THE BANQUET." Keeps constantly ou band the fau.ous Cuban Blossom Cigars. The Pnesl I'ne of V lnc 1 1 inors and to I: found this side i f I'ott . land. And if you widi to eriRjMe in a Kauie of POOL OR BILLIARDS, rhey mo a xil e you that they l ave tin best liil lu in ioH'ii. Kviryti inx new in ut, and your patronage is aolici.eii. "THE BANQUET" Bt II. Un. On-Kon. THWAITES. The Photographer. CABINETS - $2.50 PEU D0ZEX CAKDH, 2.00 I'EU DOZEN. I7 and 109, First Street, Portland 0: Jo in Drink? Sendfpr CATALOGUE, and PRICE LIST FREE!. WE ARE II MANUFACTURERS ALL-WOOL SUITS SACKS AND FROCKS' SIZES Every Suit 88.50 J.M.MOYER&CO. SQCG3SSors to Brownsville Woohn Mills. Retail store, 140 First street, under the Gilman.. UNCLE MYEES THE PORTLAND JEWELER. AND DEAI.KR IN Diamonds, Clocks, Watches, Jewclen, and Optical Goods. Fine Watch and . Jewelry Repairing. Orders from the Country Solicited. 165 First Street. Between Morrison and Yamhill, Portland, Or. cash STortiS! W. J. RJ1UCKLE 1 CO. -DKAi.rns in- General Crockery, Glassware, Quccnsware. LUMBER, SHINGLES, ETC. Produce Taken In Exchange. It Will Pay You to Consult Our Prices. RAINIER. - - - OREGON. 'rpilB "RETAIL MERCHANT is the iioceHuy I Medium oi Trade between the Miuiufiictunr mill tlie CoiiHUiner. lie lmmt protect tlie intercHt ol liin ciiHtoiners y piircliiVBing id the lowest nnd find beHt uuu ketrt, mid by Belling to hi putixnn t the Lowest Possible l'riccs. PROPRIETOR OF THE In krephig thew true principles of trade always in view; often leaves the old track nnd wtrikes "acro8s lots' for liargiiins for his cuntomers. His stock of TXiGoneral Merchandise Is being enlarged hy New Goods Every Day. It Ii .not r-nnvsn'eiit to niinin Uie nisny rllff'rfiiit rt!ali'S kct on sale, a 1 1 from im- ..!-, tlilnn. I.niili-a' Wi'sr GuiiiIi-ikpii's Wssr, ilistl Wi-sr, Vit Wtitr, Umir sii.l Vinl, (iroitriss anil Mvil OihiiIk, Nnl h mid IIunlwur, t 'rm-ki-rv ami llawsre, Orstiits nnd 11-iwnri', I'ow.lcr mill Nliot, lists imij Culm, lioo's slid Hhuss, I'utint Mcilii l.ien, Toilit ArUcl, ilc. yyi1 ! i Mi?'fii tsjiri"! v i 34 TO 64. r warranted. -o- -o- Boots, Shoes, Ladies' Dress Goods, Furnishing Goods,, OLD ST. HELENS STORE, Merchandise