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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (June 24, 1892)
1 HE OREGON nn VOL. 9. ST. HELENS, OREGON, FRIDAY, JUNE 24, 1892. NO. 26. MIS i THE OREGON MIST laftouu evKiiri'HiAY nonnnu -SV- THE MIST PUBLISHING COMPANY, J. R. BEEQLE, Managar. OFFICIAL COUNTY PAPER. Subscription Mates. On enpy oil year In advance (1 M On copy alx month... 76 Hingis copy , b Advertising Mate. I'rafe.alnnal carda on year,.., (m column on. your 1111 column una year Ouarler column one your On liu'h uiui mouth ....,.,i On Inch three month. .... Ou limb alx mouth I 1! m 76 40 , 2 Local notice., ID rents per llnr for flrat liner tlun; 10 com. per Hue for each iilt'iiii'iu lip tertiou. Legal advertisement., 81.60 per Inch fur Oral Insertion, mill 76 rent, per Inch (or each auba. quant lUMirllun, COLUMBIA COUNTY DIHKCTOUY. (!unlr Officers. JiiiIkii , 0, J. Bwltaer, HI. Helen Clerk K. K. llulck, Hi. Helen. Hhcrlll Win. Meeker, M, Helena Treasurer . W. Cole, Mt, H.lena Hupl. ol Hi'hooli , ....1. (1, Walla, Hcapuiiiae Assaaaor , C. F. Dntin, Rainier Surveyor , .A. H. Utile, Rainier rnmii..i,,n... jlarael Mpeiiccr, Vernonla Cortiralloners J(J w Harnea, Myxr 1)1 '1.. I. J.. - fl I Society nolle. 'MaorilC,-4lt. Helen Lodge, No. 82-Regular fniumuiilcallon. llrat ami llilril Saturday III each mouth al7:80r. H. al Masonic hall. Vlalt Ing number. In good alauillug luvlled to at tend. MoNi.-Italnlr Lodge, No. 21-ntated nieetiinta Saturday on or helura eitrh dill moon at 7;8u r. . al Haaonlc hall, over lllnuelinrtl'ii atom. Vlaltlng nietuber lu good iaudiug In vited to alttuil. Tk Wall. Down river (boat) clou at 8:30 A. at. Up rlvor ( at 4 r. H. 1 ha mall lor Vernonla anil Plttaburg taavoa FL Helena Holiday, Wednesday and Friday at ( a. M, Th mall for Marshland. Clatakatilo and MI.I leaves (jiilnn Monday, Wednewlny and Friday "Vail (railway) north elo a' 10 A. M.l lor Portland at 8 r. at. TrTtler Guide Hirer Heme. Htkai0. W. Shavk- Leaves Mt. Helena lor Portland at II , a. Tnovlay, Thursday and Saturday. I.eavm HI. Helen, for t'latakaiile Monday, Wedua-day and Friday at 11:00 a, a. HTKaaitK Iai.ia Leave SI. Helena for Port laud 7:4 a. a, returning- al :80 t. a. Htka as JoaacH Kai.i.ono U-avcHt. Helena for Portland dully except Monday, al 7 a., a., ar rWtngal Purllaod at 10. HO; returning, leave I'uriieov al 1 r. M.. arriving at 8t. Helena an. PROFESSIONAL. 1) II, II. K. CUFF, lUIYSICIAN and SURGEON. 81. Helena, Oregon. 1) It. 1. K. II ALU PHYSICIAN and SURGEON ClaUikaule, Columbia county, Or. y J. RICE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, 8t. Helms,., OttKaow. Deputy District Attorney for Columbia Co, QIIA8. W. MAYOEIl, NOTARY. PULBLIC and INSURANCE AGENT, Mayger, Oregon. T. A. Mcliaiog. A. 8, Dinaais fJeBHIDU A DRESSER, ATTORNEYS-at-LAW. Oregon City, Oregon, rrumpt attention given land-office business. . LITTLE, SURVEYOR and ' CIVIL ENGINEER, 8t. Helen, Oregon. (Motility aurveyor. I.Hnil tilutllng, knd engineering work proinptly (liinti. W.T. MultNar. J. '. DllAfKH. tURNEY & DRAPER, ATTORNEYS-at-LAW, Oregon City, Oregon. Twelve yearn' experience a Itegiater of the United Htntca lnd Ofllce liere, recOin niemla ua In on apmlalty of nil klntlH of biailnenn before tlie Lain! Otfine or the Cniirl and Involving the Oeneral Laml Office. ROUKENBROUQH i COWINU. ATTORNEY-at-LAW, Oregon City, Oregon. ( l.ale apeclul agent or Oenernl Innd "Ulce. ) Ilometenil, I're-emption, and flif Land applifationa, and other Lnnd OBlt-e liuvlneaa a specialty. Ollloe. aecond floor, Lnnd OIHce Bttildinii. A. H. BLAKESLY, l'roprietor of Oriental : Hotel. ST. HELENS, OREGON. The hoiifi hn l"n ,ul,y refurnished throughout and the best of accom modations will be given. CHARGES REASONABLE. RT AOE run In connection with the hotel connecting with theNorth .... i.,.i He Kailroacl at Millon. Siaga for Tacoma tnt ns 10 p. m. For Portland J0r jat-uau. i i (ruin a j p. " SHERIFF'S SALE Of Land for lnllniuent Taie. XTOTICK IS HKftKnv iiivvw nit it a i y viriiiH oi a wurrunt Ihnucil hy orde of IllO t Olllltv Uinirt. nf I' i. NtaUi of Oi'oifon. ti, tit., ill,.! u...i .., Inched to the ilelini)iient aneaiiiiit rol or lmil, coniuitti.diiig me to collect tli Uxoh den irnateil in mild mil u Huiin.....i and for wiintof iwrional property to tnuke ""III tttXI'K. I IlllVfl lui1,.,1 iiuu, ,..,,1 Tueailuy, July 211, 1HIW, oommenclng at 10 o clock A. M,, I will Dell at public auction in too touri iiouae diHir In Ht. Helena, Co ItlllllliuClllllltV. Hill to of llromin .......I of the following.tluacrilied lota mid parcel ot iiiiki aa may be neceanary to pay the luxuauue uiereon in unlteil Ntiitea gold coin, together with all fcea and coatataaid ia nnu pitrcela of lnnd 1 aliuute in the VU1IIIIY Ol lyOlt llllllM anil NlalA nf fir,.,.,.,. and 'H axauniicd to tlie following pcrMonai tu-wlt; Adoiiia, William, lot. 9, 10, 11 and 12 aec 17 t . . . in 42 Adaina, Kllly, wN' of w'aeelKtBrt 2 ) Ailuina, Ureen, Vernonla oue-tlfth of U blk 2 i in noniiia, llinmjl J. w ;i .ec W t f B; H lfM'4 MU ai t ft r Airman, Thoma. II, iieraonat property Audurnon. A A. land In ec 1 1 7 r A II on 6 m 6 oo 8 wi Ainlerann, Jam.., w'i aec 21 I 6 r 2. ...... . AiiderMin. Oliver, ae'ne and Iota I and iHie mo r a; .w4 nw' aec 4 1 era: nej-i nw' ee ft 1 6 r j ne4 iwA and wH ra Ji neo a t 7 r B. ........... . ... 12 Ml 4 00 Auinimoii, Peter, land In ace 11 17 r 8.. . ... Aiillker, Rudolph. 40 acre, bought of II C itryMiit wcwi nr 2 ,,. ...... , , , Anilrt.HH N A tiurl n K i jso 2 20 AikvMin, Joaeph It, nw'4nti e 10 t4r 4: ii1, n.'j and ne', nwW auc 21 1 4 r 6. . . Adiiin., John, v .w'4 and ' e'4 aac 7 t 2 00 , r w 10 00 Adaina. BO, Columbia City K ot blk 1 and 0: l ol blaCilv. (illtnen ad 1,1k. (W, in, IV) and lU: H of blki (W, 07, u and 00; river fronts blk I Adam., John, Vernonla lot 1 blk IK AliiDwurth. 1 C, n'i "' nn 14 t II r 2: lot z auo ne;4 .w ami ae' nw aec a 1 4 r lj w' ec II t .1 r 2: lot 1 mic 014 r 1 : 200 a"ro. off Perrv'a I I. V, mw ft and a I l,l. ivt nn AlllNWorth. ticurae J. lie..' met: m t ft r 1. . 1'Jlvi a iioemon, uioi, coiunieneiiiK at nw cor or "4 mvt aec ta i o r ft; thence emit nn a line between ec IK and luaine I and r 73 II lllro la; thence mirth 111 rod.; thence w 73 11 lit r d.nuil parallel to ald lea line; thence nontli 1:1 rwl. to place of be Klnnlna ti lit t 6 r ft 63 Andonou, Andrew. nvk aw'4 mm 24 1 4 r2. 2 60 AiKluniuu, Aimle, nwU .u4 eU bwUbih! IU 1 4 r 4 ; ne'i m'4, .ec al 1 1 r , Baleh, Dun lord, part of Clonlnger'i D LU 10 00 nee . id i Hniuer, Lewi. F, aw! wj aee 12 1 7 r a. . . , 27 30 14 77 , itvorao. Me:i aec via m NIcIioIha ; flevU. tteraonal itrooertv 2 00 Hevln, J W. that portion tl( Hunter'. I) I, (! lylnit we.t ol Heer I. land .louah aeca23 and 110 I II r 1 ami 2 S4 Oft Itevl., Mn II J w'i and tir'l ec 18 1 5 r 2, , 24 00 lleeule. John K r. lot 8 ec 13 1 4 r 2 10 a nen.el., jacon r e aeu 10 1 7 r V; wj n. mt- v i r a lice, l Incence, lo't acren Iwught of Krank llendron r2H t M tt Illcrl, John, vlt ', aec 20 1 6 r 2 ... . ... III. hop, Frank. mi aec32tll r2 Hinder, Krnut U, a'j ne.1. and n'i eW .ec tlerkenfeld, Hen, nw' e and nef4 aw' and He'. tie'. and awiy. ne1' aec 91 5 r ft. . niHUchnnl, lfn, John Harris I) L C aw1- wa W and 17' I 7 r 2; aw? and lot. 7 and aec. 1ft and 17 t7r2: llankluu)lni aeca 1$ and 21 1 7 r 2: land near Rainier aec lilt 7 r 2; ', tw'i ee 14 I 4 r 2; lulnlcr tola 3 and 12 blk H, lota 1, 2. 4 and 0 blk 4 lot 1 blk ft, lota 1, 2, , 4 blk 6, I da 1 Ion blk 7, lota 1 to blk ft, lota ft, S, 7 8 blk 10, lota 1, 2, 3, 4 blk II, blk 12, lot.:!. 4. 7. blk l.H. lota 1. 2. 3.4. 5. 10 90 226 3 All 6 88 200 1 m II, 7 blk 14, lot. . 4. ft. 7, B blk 16 73 2ft Hlancburd A Hlime. n'j a1 j aec 11 tSr2... 12 00 Hlack, Kilwarri. nw!4 aee ai t Or 2 8 00 Howi, Hllaa, axl, aec lit lir 4 2 HV nuiirne, 4 K, ue'f and e.a nw.'.. and w!s a and lie1, ami e1, aw4 aai 41 1 7 r2. a'e'i aec 30 t 7 r2 30 Ho, ,ih, Martin, Kaluler, lota 3, 4, 7. S w'i of blk 29 239 Borthwlck, Mr II B. ' ace 21 1 a r2 ; 10 00 Hiiuaer, Lilly A. ae'i aec 8t ft r 2. loltnn- bia City, t'nplea' ad lot 2 blk 2. lot 1 Mr 25 10 Bomwr, K M, ealateof, lota 1, 2, 7, 8 aee 21 I3r 1 4 09 ii'ialea, John w, . aec :o t H r 2 8 So Bonier. John, wLj nw'.i and ae'4j nw' and lin'i aw', aee 9 t Or 6 2 26 Hroth.ra, Waller, ae'i aec 15 1 r 3 1 00 Hmwu, vV in L.ati'i aec 10 1 0 r 3 1 1)0 llrown, Harvey W, a'4 ai,4 and ne'' ae'i and ae' aw'i aec 7t7r4 100 Brown, V C, W4 w'. aec ait ft r 2 1 00 Hrouno MaiiiilacturiiiCo, Kulaler, part of blkaaand 4 21 6ft uriaann, ilenry'i '4 aee 18 1 4 r 4, ae'' ae'i and ne'-. al. aec 13 1 4 r ...... ,. Rrkoaon, Mattle. Hraoual promrty ....... . Bryant, Klia. M, 39 nrrw in aec id 1 7 r 4, 2 21 45 'iMW'i and nwli hoVj aee 21 t 7 r 4 30 (4 Bryant, inner I, 1) L C of H B llatlluia aee, 9. 1(1, 17 t 7f4 63 66, Abble, HryHiilvlHea1, lot S blk 10.. 2 HA Hrynii!, t ora K, iiryanlvine lilt .1 Bryant, t harlea K, ae'i ae'i aee 26 I 7 r 8. .. Hryitnt, Mra L. aatate of, mid '. aoV. awC aee 2t7rS K Brand, K R, eatuteof, eS ae'4 ae 14 t 4 r ft. HA 1 00 1 26 SOU 76 llraunlnK, Henry, iwraonal protierty.. Brailen, Jinlly, Vernonla 2.1 ad lota 1 to 12 blk 23, lota 4 and ft and frae 12 blk 7 Braden, W II, Vernonla, Melllnger'a lat ad lot 10 blk H. lot. 1. 2. 8. S blk 24. Vernonla. 4 34 lal ad lota 1,2, 6 blk 16 2 80 Braden, laabel, Vernonla, Melltwcer' lt ad kit blk 24 65 jjuuiHanlner ami 1. I. Hmltn, aeH uwhi and nwr. ne aec it 1 r 3 no Uumitiirilner, win H, ae'i e 9tsr2 1 00 Heauro. Joaeph. ueraonal nroirty 20 76 Beauro. Charlea, n'; ot K II Bryant D L C w aw'i and tm nmH ace 1 7r4. ... 416 Burke,'i aecl I 0r2 9 00 Burnett, Minnie, I acre of land bouirhtof tieorxe Foater AO Hurrla, Oliver, inv1.' ec 33 16 1 4 1 00 Bvnnii, Nellie, Vernonla, 1 lot 50x100, lot 1, 2,4. ft blk 2 06 Bya,on, (lua II, n'j aw'i aec 23 t 4 r , eU ac'-i aacaa 1 4 r ft; ernonia, AleiitngerH lat ad lot 9 blk 12.12 Iota In blk 2, 12 lota In blk 2ft 0 loi. In blk 24, lota 1, 2, 3 blk 20, lot. 4. 6. blk 21 4 30 48 20 1O0O Aft 66 260 Bohnert, Ijtwrenc peraonul property unrrqw, t;nanea r, ac'-iaeciu 10 r... nakor, Ainert, Venn emonla. lot 3 blk 13 Baker, John, Vernonla, lot 4 blk 13 Ilerdrlv. Chrlatiau. lot 1 aec 6 t 4 r 1 Heuno'tt. Mra Mary. aw1, nw1 and nwU awl-4aecat4r 1 4 Binitnuin, r. vr ana it r, tana in aec -m Hiiu-M t4 r 1 Illnoinlicld, Amanda, lin'iaecHOtft rl Blackford, Mra 8 M, Bryantville. lat ad 1 00 10 00 Iota I, 2 blk 0 66 Hogarth, O W, Columbia City lot 8 blk 2D., 84 Hiiltlinore. J W, Vernonla. lota 1, 7 blk . . . 1 10 llrnwn, V, Vernonia, lot 9 blk 17 66 Bradbury, Clemenla, Inla 1, 2, 8 aec 20 ta r 4 80 Bradbury, FL nwt aeeSil I 8 r 4 10 00 Hrooka. E D, Bryautville. lot2blk 2 Sft Branch, BonJ B, uwW"ec 14 1 ft r 6.. , 10 00 Hrviuit, M vi , ae'4 sec tora iv iw Brown, H W, a' j aw'i aoe 12 1 0 r 2. : 10 09 Abraham, aw'i au W eC 20 t 6 r 2. . 2 60 Buiitwood, Lewla, i ne4 and n( nw)' aecl t7 r4 10 00 Burney. W T, mid H "H "ec ' 1 4 r 2. . . 4. 39 Biiah, H B and Kinma, aU wV and M'4 nw'4 ana w4 noi ami n;j ue; aec a BiickliiBiiaiii.' M'D.'Br'yantv'nie', lot ftbikO 66 Biiokinith tm, Adella, Bryantville lat ad lot l nia ' i o" Ilm kner. Juinea. nw' aec .12 t 8 r 8 10 (0 Burrl., M A, nei aeVaee 2 1 7 r 2. . . . . . . . . 2 69 Bumiturdner, Willi., lots B, 4, 6, 0 and w! awv4 aec 7 t i r , Briiiiro. J B. aw' . .ec 26 t ft r 6 10 00 Bllaa, Aaron, mid )i nlj nei aee 30 1 7rS. aei Rnn a ne.. nuo aaiA aw4 auu una aec 19 1 7 r 6, vM wit aec 24 t r 8, e1,' ao 2ft t 6 r 8 80 00 C.plea, C O. a of C O Caplea D L C aoca 10, 17,0, 21 1 1 r i, uim oi e se4 aee in i 5 r 1, A C Neer's D L 0 aeca 23 and 33 t ft r 1. und 4 e'J ae' and nwfi nw ce 18 1 r 1,21 aero orTaoulh end of a'- of Joaeph Caplea 1) L 0 aec 2 t ft r L Columbia city lota 8, 8, 12 blk 1, lota ;1, U blk 30 Iota 2 to . 12 lilt 44, lot VI dik 4. iota 3, iu Dia sn, lot 12 hi k ft4. Caplea, ad lota 8, 9 blk 2. . . . Al 00 1 2ft Caplea, Mr. L M, iiwi-. neV aac 12tftr2, Columbia City, lola 4. . 7, 8, rn Cnplca, Willie L, nw'4 wVJ aec 84tr2, Columbia City, lot. 7, Hob 1 Carey, Mathew, wVj ayt and H wW aee lllrl 2 70 2 2S 100 Carl Mitaana, aw'i 0 19 t 0 r ft Cameron. John H. awW nwW and aw'i aee ami aw'4 nv.-4 aim n;t .wj aec 4 1 6 r 6, ae'i nw'i and lot 1, 2, 3 see. 81 1 7 r . . Carroll, John F, nt K and w awJi neJi aec 20 1 7r4 i v.-. Chipman, E, ne'i ne'aec 14 1 7 r 4, wj and .e' 4 ae'-i aec Ut7r 4 Clark. Charlea C, aw ae- 28 1 6 r 2 Clement, Pixie. aef. ne'i aec 4 t8 r 1..... Clement, H C, neW aoe 7 r 8. . . . . , 1 95 8 60 1 89 1 75 4 14 Coukley, Jamea. personal property. 62 50 1 4 r 4. Vernonla, lot. 1, 2, a, I, ft b 3. .... 17 00 Collins, E M nw'i m4 and e owX and n,,,,, oJtr 2 1 Co, Jam., 10 acre. ofTBroyle. D L C t4 r 1 7 2ft Cox, Walter B. twH nu aec 12 1 4 r 2 8 40 vireaay, wiiitam, aw aec ft I4r4, Vernotil lol A b n Craft, w , e)4 nti and ne'i tM aec 22 1 i Craft, C F, peraonal property! Curtla, E J, Vernonla lol 4 bl9 .., Cu.liman, E A, noj aee 3210 r 2 Campbell, Hlilney. Vernonla. Mellina-nr'a ft 14 1 66 9 00 lat ail lota 1, 2. X, 4, A, 0 bl 23 1 Oft t araou ana rauiaoii, r A I.uinolit a I) I. c ee 34 t Ar 1. part of Joaunh Canloa' 1) I. C and tide land in front i.c 84 1 5 r 1 10 04 Carlaon, Kd, nw?i urn 14 t r 8 10 00 t.apiea. nyron, lol. a and 6 .00 20 tftri, und W ne'i nc'i aee 18 t ft r 1. ',( aw'i ec 1 1 6 r 8 H 9 C'aiile, Ilez, uud ol Joaeph Caph C.I 6 r 1, und lA Joaeph Canle D i lea' D I. L C, r 1 o no n?i ana 01 neyi nyt aec in 1 o r 1 . Carter, Loulu A, 4 acrea lmei'4 t 4 r 1 189 Cauty, Dennla O, w aec ft t 6 r 2 10 00 Cheney, K N, Vernonla lot 5 bl 6 Dft i;iintii, KichArd, )i ae'A and u'i .e'i aec lftttr 4.. ., 10 00 Cllft, Andy, nwWaec8t0 r ft.,... 10 00 Clement., Joaeph, und nw'-i ne'i and ll' nwVi and awU iiw' aec 3tftr AftO. Columbia Luinburliia Co, Columbia City lot. 4. ft. 0 bl 8. lota 1. 2.8 bl 2 3.1 83 Cllne, Jacob, ne' ne'H aec 23 1 8 r 2 8 00 Cooper, Henry C, ne'i aec 22 1 4 r 6 6 Ol Cook. John, nw!4 and w(4 aec. 16 1 ft r 6 . , . 20 00 Cox, Frank, ej4 iieJ4 and 4 tm)4 and wli ae'4 aec 7 1 6 r ft 10 00 Cole, 1' H, e' .ec 10 1 0 r 8 10 00 .'ll,.Urn. 11 , ll- 1, W V. 1KTC ODIOI 1 UU craudall, Dougla K, lot. 1 and 2 iieo 14 1 8 r 4 Cramer, Annie M, awU ne'i aee 4 1 4 r 2. . . . Craliie, John H, e'i nek and lot 1 and 2 aec 1914 r ft 7 60 8 00 9 60 10 00 Craft, Utile, w'4 ac'4 and eeU aw.'i' aec 5 1 or.; uw;.i ne.' aec ,i,r t. . . Croaa, Mil. M, wU ae'i and e'-4 aw'i tec 22 tftr 4 8 00 Curtla. Cyma O, ne',i aec 8 1 7 r 8 12 00 Oyr, John, n',4 aec 7 1 7 r 5 12 60 i ioiiinxer, Jonn, Ht. Helena.' lot 17 01 w. u av Daiotett, Clarence, e',4 u!i and W ne'i aee4t6r 4 7 25 Dart, Jainaa, part of Joaeph Htounhloa'. D L 0 aec 21 1 4 r 1; Mt Helena of lou 4, 5 bl 10; lot 0 bl 10; lota 18, 19 bll9; of lot 1,2, 8,5. 0,7,8, 14 bl 19 45 97 Daw.on, thomaa, e'4 aw'xi c 11 t 7 r3; ne'i iiwi4 aec 14 1 7 r s; lot 6 tec 1 1 8 r 4. Day wait. UeortteT. lot. 1.2 aec 29 tOrft: 9 60 11 U neV. aec 29 1 1 c 5: .V. Mi .ec 20 1 6 r6 13 84 Maywait, ra e a, e; nw4, low ana o aec 20 1 6 r 6 Davy, K (1 and O A, lot. 1, 2, 3 aec 80 1 8 r 4; S 40 an tine laun in iront 01 tot. 1, z, a, alao all tide land eaat of tide land aolii to F M Warren lying lu front of lota 4, 6, 6 In aeoantsr 4 I 24 10 00 46 Davy, R 0, guardian, peraonrl property. , , . flenalow, Mra F M, pervoual property Dewilde, Benedict, eS"!4c 19 t 7r4; wM nrUiao a) 1 7 r4 Dewtida. Peter, eii nw'i and X lie!-! aec 30t7r 4 11 00 Depimld, Martin 8. ne'i aee 11 1 6 r 8 2 i'. Dorey, D M, nw'i aee 11 1 6 r 3 1 00 Downlug.lleiirletta. Kaluler I (ta Baud 0 blk 13 and liohlna ad to Kaluler blk 2 Dntta, Auguai, ncj aec'22 1 6 r2 and lot 3 80 nia a in itooie , Dafaou, Olaf, perannal proierty 10 1ft ft 6U 1 2,'. 1 76 Duminyer, Joliti, nw aec 1 1 ft r5. , iraper, i.r., lot 'i aec mt a ro. . Dally, John.wS awK aec 26 1 ft r 4; acji aec 27 tftr 4 25 00 Daulela, 0 11, Columbia City lot 9 and 10 blk 21 1 10 Davla, Charlea F, nw'4 ne'i and ne'i ue.'-i and aiv'-i ne'i aee 8 1 7 r 3 7 60 Davla, Itiilua J, aw'i aec 29 1 5 r 5. 10 00 Day. Jnmea. ae'i a IV t 6 r 6 lu 00 Dibblee.John, l liaa North. D C I. lol 1 and 2 aec 1 and 2 1 7 r 3; lot 1 ec 2 1 7 r 8; lota Sand 4 aec 2 t 7 r 8; nw'4 ae' 4 and ne'4 aw'4 aec 18 t 7 r 2; aw'i w aec 12 t 7 r 3; b.ta 1, 2, 8. 4, aec 12 and e', ne', aec 11 1 7 r 3; ei n4 awJi and lota 1 ami 2 aec 2 t 7r3 65 00 Debia, Janie. II. ne'i aec 9 1 6 r 6 10 00 Dixon, Oeorgo. lota 8, ft. 6, 7, 10 and aw'i ne1; we 3 1 7 r 5 10 65 Dlllard, I) I), ne'i aec 36 1 0 r 4 10 09 Diiiarn, w u, iMiumoiauity tot 0 ana a !129..1 70 Dltteuhofer, F and T. ne'i H aec 16 1 ft r 2 20 00 Dil'ingbam, M M, 80x100 feet eaat aide of Atratid at Columbia City..... 84 Dobbin., Joaeph, peraonal protierty 60 00 Druinuioiid, Vt in, ae'i av 35 1 0 r 2 10 00 I'royer. Phillip, ne'.4 ne'i aec 8 1 8 r 2 2 50 Droyvr, W P. ae'4 !i!4 aec 8 t3 r2 2 60 Drake, J U, Columbia City lot. 10,11 aud 12 blk 45 84 Deiuii k, Frank, )4 ne!4aud lou 1 and 2 aect4 rft 11 24 Downing, Frank, peraonal property.. 8 50 IMxon, Daniel, fieraonal protierty oft Kagle, Andrew, nw', aec 1 14 rft 226 Eai-tllck, Alex, Vernonla lot 7 blk It and lol 1 blk 17 99 Edholm, John, cW ne'4 aec 1 1 4 r ft 6 (X) Kllerlaon. Kdwant, aw-i aec 33t8rft. 2 00 Elliott, Andrew, n a'i aec 10 1 5 r 4 Kwill, John II, ne'4 ae4 aud ae'i ne'i ec 9 00 18t7r3 8 71 Engllke, (leorge, land In aec 24 t 4 r 4 2 25 Kngll.n, Ueorgo C, land in aec 21 1 4 r 4. . . . 2 25 Eckeraon, Thomaa.Ht Helena blk 115 and lot 1 blk 01 2 75 Elmnn, John, ae'4 aee 24 1 6 r 8 10 00 nc'i 10 00 F.mery, Joaeph B, nw'4 aec 24 1 7 r 6 10 00 Eapey, Charlea, se'-i aee 30 1 6 r 3..... 10 00 Ewery, John, wl ae! aec 14 1 6r2 6 00 Farrow. John, eatate ol, aw'i "w- and nw !i w!4 aetr v tor FeltH. Chrlatlan. e'4 ne'i and aw'i ne'i ne'i ae'i aec 80 1 ' 2 189 Fltagerlad, Oeo B, e4 ae'i tee 30 1 ft r4 ; wtf Bwli aec 29 t ft r 4 1 25 Fitzgerald, Michael, ft acrea of Me Person D L l, t( r 1 iota ft, ., o, auu ytyt seA aec m Itr 1 10 09 Flak. Jame. F, n'i lot 2 mc 8 1 7 r4: ex cent 18 Ai' w end owned by John Kauover aec 4 1 7 r 4; eW oeH see 27 1 7 r 4 09 29 Flnley. William, e'-j w'4 oc 4) t r 4; e' ne'i ee am 1.1 uu nW-iu,- Mra IT M. NAP PIIV 1 05 Fowler, M F, nit' ne'4 aeo i8 t 7 r 8; Keer City lota 7 aim 8 oik 1. and lot 10. 11 and 12 blk 8; and .driver lot Hot 4 blk. 21, and lot 11 blk 12 6 35 1 84 Fowler, Edward W, Neer City leu S and 6 blk 12 Fowler, C C. 25 acre' bought of Henry Blake aec 86 and 85t7r2 Foater, Garner T. nw'4 aec 20 1 6 r 5; Gil- 1 00 cream ana t n iroan u 1. ti aec is, 14 and 24 t6 r2 19 29 2 25 1 35 1 64 225 Foater, John, land In tec 4 and 9 1 6 r 8 Frant, W H, 1 lot In Clatskanie 50x100 let 3. 4, 0 and 6 dik a; 1 tot in aim annuo.... Frey. Kobert, ae acc 29 t 5r2 Furrow, Waltor, ni m aec 20 1 7 r 2 Feeley, Kate V, ek w'-i and w'4 .e'i .e 3 1 6 r 4 10 00 Feldenheimer, Albert, ae'i aec 8t6 r4 10 00 Feherenbach, Albert, aw)4 .w'4 aec 33 1 4 r 2 2 60 tenier. cnariea. n' ne'i """ wli w'-i and ae1 ne'i auu ae'4 aw aec 00 4 . r t FIllii'Rii, Jacob, ae'4 and a.',' ne4 see 2 1 15 00 0 ra 10 00 6 00 Fisher, L 8, w nc'i aeo 32 1 5 M Field, A 8 and F T Day H' tv: aec 25 1 6 rtic'ie'i ana w;i ne'4 ana "Oi nwM aec 26 1 6 r 4 20 00 84 12 00 2 50 10 00 10 00 12 00 Flaherty, Ed. Columbia City undivided M lot. 4 and 5 blk 28 ? Flel.hner, 8 Hlraeli, aud F A BchlunieaeW ec8t7 r8 , Foer, F. w,'4 .wWaec 16 t4 r5 , Foa, George W, ne'i aec 30 1 5 r 8 , Foaa, Mallnda. nwf-i aec 22 1 A r 5 Fraxer.TL. w!4 aeo 32 1 8 r 8. Friedlander, John, sw''4 aw'4 aec 12 1 7 r 5; a ae4 ami nny mvyi auu nv;. w ; BOC U I l r 5. 12 50 PMnpli. Wm C. nwU wt2 and at coV neW awti acc 8 t o r 4 .' in on Fwllertoii, R F, part ot Cloniugor D L C aec 20 t 4 r 1 17 so Fleckeniicln 4 Mayer, peraonal property. 10 00 Guillen, Jamea 8, a'i ae'4 aec 2 1 6 r 3. 1 75 Oaddi". William, wfj awVi and '4 nw'-i aec 24 1 6r4 : ' Oallowav. Wllliard, ne'i aec 27 t fir 2 10 00 11 00 11 00 a 25 12 00 tieaaelberg, Aron, eV. ne'i see 8 1 6 r6; ne'i ae'4 "''ti awv4 ne aec a t a r o , ertv. EtiKene H. paraonttl nroneriv. Uliaau, M v. aea sec wioij. HHMU, l" T, 0074 wiuia 1 rty. Mr. K E, eatate ol, aU ol Burrs D L C aec 81 and 36 1 6 r 1 and 2 29 04 Glorlaen, Alfred, a nw and njf aw'i aec 19 aud 7 t2r 8 ,.,,,,, . Glenn, J H. praonal prapertv Gore, John M, nw'4 aec 84 1 4 rj Gore, Nancy, nel sec 7 1 5 r 2 9 7ft 8 60 9 00 10 00 27 28 I 44 7ft 1 75 1 fH 1 85 8 00 10 64 8 00 tiore, u a, personal proiienv Gorman, Daniel A, Bryantville lot blk 4. Grlndle. KH.iwWaecSIOra Grlndle, Elmer, se'i sec 8 1 6 r 3 ! . Granain, a c, n'i au auu ut, se'i aec 34 1 7t 3 Guild, Rachel, peraonal property Gam man, 0(1, l aw'i see 10 1 6 r2.... Gait erl. Jamea M. .n'i htKH 7r.q Gay, Nathaniel, i.e'4 awVi aec 10 16 r 2. '" GUtuer, B F, n'i nw'4 aud aW sw'i and nw Mma.ira eev. .ec la tor l; undi vided H of Uaec 19 t 5 r 1; undivided UaWnaac I8t5 rl: undivided U s ol I Harris D L C see 6. 6, 7, and a t 5 r 1; Columbia City Gtltner'a add blk 38, 17 l(it blk 3. loU 19 and 21 blk F, lota 24, 1 auo 4 nia u, uik no. 5 1A Gillner, Mrs Susan, lot 1, 2, 3, 4, and neli aec 29 1 ft r 1 ; 14 28 of ae'i and lou I i aac eiiBniltaoi i ri2ac20tS rl; lolaftai lots 6 and 7 sec 21t5rl and2ac20tft rl; lots 6 and Oaeo 28tftr GUbreath, Burtha A, nwji se!4 "0029 it 7r2 8 00 (lore, C A, tw'4 w; 84 1 4 r 2, se wo 83 t 4 1 : Inla a ana 7 ka iji 4 a 1 a Colling. Q C. neVs ne. nd w nei and nw'i e'f sec 31 i 4 r 5. 10 00 Gorman, William, ' ne'4 and rilf te aad 16 00 nw nc!4oc7t7 r8...: 12 60 tlolilanillh, Max.neid acc34 16 r2, ttt'A ne'i and Iota 4 and 5aec 16 1 8r 2 19 00 tierrow, al lace, rV. aec 8 1 0 r ft , 10 0 Oroaa, A H, und i wl4 aec 12 1 6 r 2 IW 00 unawold, w p. nwvi and ne'i aec 21 tor 8. nw'i and ne'i aec 20 t 6 r 8 40 00 liriiuu, v K, aatate of. e nw'-i and e w!-i ac IKt8r 4 10 00 (leulnaii, Thomna, ne!i aec 34 1 6 r 8 10 00 Hawk li K I ah. nw'i nw'.-i ec 111 t 4 rl. nc'4 nti4 aec 24 1 4 r 2 10 00 Iliiwkina, Albert A. ei nts ac9 1 7 r 4, ti rWt ec I0t7r4..... " 11 00 Hall, Mra Fannie, nw'4 and ae'4 aee 28 1 7 . r 4 10 00 Harvey, w 8, ' and wi wel4 tee 21 1 8r4. 1 89 Harvey. Martin M. eM w!aecl2t5r5. nU nw)accl3t6r5 2 00 Harvey, A E, nwj aec 6 tftr 4 , 2 25 llnyea, 0 write, awl4 and k'A nee 4 1 7 r 4. . . 13 46 llairey. 8 R, ne'4 aec 14 1 6 r 8 126 Hart, Charlea. 80 acre 08 Btouiihton. D L C c 111 t 4 r 1 . 2 42 Harrla, Leonard W, eatale of, awi aec 22 t 7 r 2 15 44 Harrla, W A, Improvement" on land owned by Hnker 8 60 Henacn, t.hrlRt,nwl4 seliand w4 ne4 aec 32 1 7 r 4 6 00 lienaen, Jeaa, eatate of, vl4 ae'-i aec 10 1 7 r 8. n'A ae'i aee 31 1 7 r 4. nU aw'i aac 32 t 7 r 4 10 00 Hill and Rutter, peraonal property ,'. . 1A 26 iioyi, rraua Al, peraonal propeny lioyt, William, 20 acrea kviught of C Hart aec24and25t4r2 8 2.1 6 52 8 75 Howltaon, George, peraonal property llngren, John, n4 w'4 and nwJi aec 2 Lira. 2 25 5 00 47 94 4 76 II udann, Jamoi 0, n.'-i te'4 and lot 8 aec 18 7 r2 Halpeny, William, ee4 aec9 1 6 r 4 Hogar, Phillip, aw'i aec 10 1 6 r 4 Hauaen, H E, Ht Helena lot 18 bl 27 Hattaon, John A, ne e and ie se aeo 23 1 8 r 2 Hurrla, Huttle. nw'4 ec8t6r2 10 00 10 00 84 00 10 00 12 00 12 00 42 10 00 56 Hawthorn, eatate of, ne'i ec ,K) t 8 r 4 llawka, Nelaoii, w'4 aec 20 1 6 r 2 Hiatt, O, Vernonla lot 8 bl 18 Hill, waec 1 t5r4 Ilolluer. Mra, Veinonia lot 3 bl 6 Hoeklleld, Bimon, Vernonia Koae add lot 14 bl M. lot 13 bl 5. .. 1 10 Hall, Edmund, ue ue'4 and se!4 and sw ' J-i ne!4 aec 11 1 6 r 4, n ne(4 and nent U auiflot 1 and aU m'T and ne'-i ae'-i and ae'-i ne'i aec 18 t 6 r 3. wU nw' and e1 , ami a' aw'i aec 12 1 6 r4; a'i ae'i and ind 'ii mvi c 5 1 6 r 8; t nv.'4 and a '4 11 e 14 and w4 mt4 and aec 10 1 0 r 4; ae nwi ana at. ne aec v 1 a r 4; ae.'-. aec 2 aee 0 1 0 r 8; ae'i aec 7 1 6 r 8; ne'i aee 7 1 0 r 8: m'4 aec 28 1 6 r 8; t4 aud nw4 awj aim awi u mc altera; ne;i ana n'i "i ami se,'4 nw)i kh: l 1 6 r 4; n'i Kfi aec 23 1 6 r 4; sM uw'-i aud r'A w!i aee 25 6 r4 219 65 lioehlield at Augu.tine, Vernonia lot 4 bl 6 66 Holm, Andrew, aw'i aec 35 1 6 r 2 10 00 Holman, H M. w!4 neW aec '22 1 4 r 2 6 00 Hyde, Frank P, Colujnuia City, Caplea add lot. 10 and 11 bl 1 140 Ilnllenbeek, 11 O, ne'i aec (0 1 8 r 4 10 00 Hudaon, H X, nw?4 awii and awfi nwi aec 1314 r2 . 600 Hitdelaton, Henry, (Joble lot 3 bl 8 56 Hunter, Oscar E, w' ae'i and aw'i ne'i and ae'4 aa'4 and w?4 aec 33 1 6 r 3; nwJ-2 ne', aud n'i nw'i and !, nw'i aec 3 t a r 8: Keer city 1 ota 11 and 12 bl 22 21 30 Jarvey, D J, lot 5 .ec 2 1 7 r 5. 1 00 Jenny, Oabrill, e', w'4 k'4 gee 20 1 6 r 2. . 2 25 Johnson, Robert, 11,'j aw'i aud ,'. nw'-isec 2t7 r4 20 40 Johnaon. Henry T, ne'i aec 8 1 8 r 5 2 2i Johnaon, Charlea, e'i 'i and n'i ae!i tec o 1 1 r 4; ne,4 ne;-. aec ai 1 7 r z v o Johnaon, Kelaou, uwVi sec 10 1 3 r 2 2 90 Johnaon. Peter, lou 9 and 10 aec 31 1 8 r 4; lou 2 and 8 aec 6 t 7 r 4 2 90 Junta, Amot U, nw'i "ec 82 1 6 r 2 8 (0 Jonea, W E, lot 8 aec 38 1 8 r 4 2 25 Jonea, Jamea C, ne'4 aec 28 1 6 r 5; ClaU- kaulelotOblS 75 Jonea, Clarence H, all that part of D L C of Kobert Htewart on w aide of Beaver creek aec 24 1 8 r 4; lot. 7 aud 8 aec 24 t 8 r 4 8 75 Jonea, Lyman B, el4 aw'4 and nw w4 and e'4 aw'i aec 11 1 7 r 4 2 50 larvi. Conkllng Mtg Truat Co, personal property 27 50 Jonea, John P, mX nw'4 aec 8 1 6 r 5 250 Johnson, John K, n'i nc'i and aeji ne!-i aec 15 1 6 r2 9 00 Johnaon, W J and McLeod, neJi ec36t6rS 10 00 Jungmikel, John, nw'i 8 1 3 r 2 10 00 Jacobaon, J B, ne'i aec 22 1 6 r 5; w,'4 ne!i and e'i uw'i aec 24 t 0 r 5; 3 acrea of land lu aec 16 1 6 r ft 969 Kettering, M I & Co, w'-i ae'i aec 10 1 7 r 8; e'i aw'4 and lota 4, 6 aud 0 aec 17 t 7 r 2; ae; wi, 4 aee w 4 I r i, uiiu ?a ae aw74 aeu aii r a King, W 11, Rainier lot 4 bl 82 King, John, n !i aec 17 1 5 r 2 ... 48 80 4 00 2 2.1 Kb ney, Auron, aw'4 sec86t6r2.. 10 00 Kirer. Geo W. w!i aec 10 1 7 r 8: lot 1 sec 84 18 rS " 8 25 Klxer. Mrs D E. a'i nw'i sec 10 1 7 r 8: n'i w!i sec 8 1 7 r 8 10 00 Kaiillman. W G. nw'i sw'i sec 23 1 7 r 5: l-i se'4 and ne'i n'-i sec 22 1 7 r 5 10 00 Kaurl'iuan, P C, wW ne'i sec. 18 t ft r 8 5 00 Kennedy. John, sw'i sw'i a'i and niv'i mtii sec 21 and 25t7r8 500 Kennedv. M J. sivli and aeAi sec 0 t ft r -1: w4 aud nw'4 sec 19 1 5 r 1 48 00 Knupp, Martin, aw 'i sec 30 1 6 r 8 10 00 Kohler, J 8, e'i nw!i sec 13 1 5 r 8 5 00 Kolatrup. P P, vH seAi and eW sw'-i sec 14 1 5 r 3 10 00 Kruae, Henry C. ne'i nn 'i sec 17 1 8 r 2. . . . 8 00 Kllburg, John, ae4 sec 18 1 7 r8 10 00 King, A N, aw'i and nw'4 and ae'i aec 9 1 7 r 8; frac ue'i and sw'i and se'i sec 4 1 7 r 3 41 40 Lane, Edwaro, se'i aec 30 1 7 r 4 1100 Laws, Andrew T, Bryantville, 1st ad lot 8 bl 4. .. 1 00 Langield, Christian, awji nwW and n;4 awli aec 26 1 7 r4 9 76 1 25 Lee, Cyru C, nW nei and lot 1 aee 15 1 7 r 4; w'i aeV sec 10 t7r4 Lockhand. llieodore. i seM and e'vi aw'-i aec 31 1 7 r ft 9 00 Lengachor, Annie, aw sec 33 1 6 1 2 260 Lengacher, Fred, estate of, ae'4 aec 29 1 6 r 2 830 Lewis, William R, wj neW aud sei nw'4 sec 19 1 4 r 4 7 (25 Lewis. A B, !, ne and se!4 nwJi and ne.'-i aww aec inn; v arnoiua i-o oi ' of 1 lot In bl 2 8 20 6 70 2 90 Ulllck, Richard A, ne!-i sec 11 1 7 r 4 T.IikImIU Clarpmiff O. ni.W SMI 13 t 7 r 4 l.ulsl, John M, awJ4 sec 23 1 6 r 8 2 00 Lindgren, Swan, ne'i, w ael4. lots 2. 4 sec a t e r o; Bryautville lou l, a ot e; nart lots 11. 12 bl 8 .25 35 Lovelace, Robert, aw. '4 ne'i sec 19 1 7 r 2. . . 1 00 Lowmau d; Gallager, peraonal property.... 1 76 Lownian, B W, ne'4 sac 3 1 6 r 8 2 90 Laughrey, Thomas H, n nei, u)4 tin UK 30 1 6 r 6 1 00 Luplen, L D, nw'i soc 3 1 5 r 4; Vernonla, lot9M8 :. 8) Laloud, Thomas, nw'4 nwJ4, s)4 nw, sw' nei sec xt 1 1 r a ivuu Labi ne, W H, se'4 w4 sec 3 t 7 r 3; ne!4 nwViseol0t7r3 600 Lawrence, John E, awli tee 18 1 7 r 5 10 00 Lambert, A W, w'-i aw), see 2 1 6 r 4; ne'4 se'i, se'-i ne'i sec 3 1 8 r 4 10 00 Leveuwoifh, C F, nw'i tec 12 1 7 r 4 12 00 Leganet, .Neiicon, nw'i sec mi t s r 8 to uu Leniahican, Isanc, s;4 seJi, a) aw.'4 aec 84 t ft r 5 10 00 Lent. Ward, Bry antville lots 2, 6, 7 bl 6. . . . 1 80 Ltnilberg, John, ureen s roini tot 7 ot a. . . . i to Lovd. David, ne see 20 1 6 r 5. 10 00 Lockwood, L B, wW H sec 18 t 5 r 4; wj e'i, ei sw"4 see mora aiw Libby, J o8eph, estate of, lot 6 sec 4t4rl; lota 4, 6, aec dti rl; tot 7 aeo mart; iota 1, 2, aec 10 1 4 r 1 24 40 Loring & Thome, se'4 nw 'i sec 11 1 3 r 1 $ LovelT, Sain'l L, ej nwU. nwJi awlf, loU 10. 11 sec 17 t 6 r 5 16 00 80 Lohnian, Elmer, sw )4 sw'4 nw'- sec 26 1 7 r 3 12 60 Loomls, C, Vernonla lot 2 bl 7 56 I.vona, Mrs John, Vernonia lot6 bill...... Maihens, Albert H, eH se'4 sec 22 1 5 r 4. .. Muliom, L A, se'4 sec 2D t 7 r3 Max, P O, sw'-4 set 26 1 8r8 , Mai tin, James E, ae,', sec 28 1 6 r 2. McNntt, Mra Mary J, St. Helens lot 13 bl 18 MeGee, Wm C, teli aeo 24 1 J r 4 MoA'lams, John, se'4 tec 33 1 8 r 3 McCallam, Wm, nw'i see 26 1 8 r 4 MetUure, Willis, ne'4nH sec 7 1 7 r 4 McClnre, Ed P, ne'4 -ec 2 1 6 r 4. MeNutt, K W, 2i5029U feet and 8 acres In 2 76 1 65 64 1 64 11 00 26 11 00 11 00 9 00 8 60 2 2ft Iec4t4r4; Vernouia lots 1, 2, 3, 3 bl 8; lnts 2, 5 bl 9; lots 1. 2, 8 bl 10; lots 1, 2, 8, 4 bl 11; w4 nw'4 sec 19 t 4 r 4: H ne, ae'4 nw'-i sec 24 1 4 r 5; sw.'-i ae'i sec 18 1 4 r it: oart of eli se'i sec8t4 r4... 24 80 McCouley, Mary K, wft H se'4 sec 20 1 8 r ft 206 MCitrew, iuoees, eaiaie 01, vy e, MW74 ae'i. aeW aw'i see 13 t 5r 8 10 00 Molircw, Saucy A, Columbia City, lot 8 bl 24 96 McKay, Malcom, 82 acres on west sldoot HcanDoose craea on ncAavaiiLLiM itr 2 ,, . 19 25 , 12 00 , 2 25 2 90 I Meserve, Sarah, 11 wW aeo 16 1 7 r 8. ...... . Meaerve, Lincoln, tefi tec ft 1 7 r 8... Meserve, W N, se'-i see 20 1 7 r 3 Meher, Peter, ue',i tw& se uw'4 sec 5 00 2 25 Mead, A A, nH's'wW'.'sj, 'n w sec 38 1 4 Ti. Merrill, Norman, e ofj Merrill's D L C t 5 r 1 ; aw'i e4, ae'-i sw'i tec 3 t 6 r 2, e se'i sec 1 1 6 r 2; ne'-i ne 4 aeo 12 1 5 r 2: lot 7, nw'4 nw sec 22 t 7 r 4; e'i ne'i. sw'-i ue!t, nH se!4 see 21 1 1 r fi te'4 t e r n; nei ana uwji ana sw'4 auti aec 13t6r4; ne'i aee 14 1 6 r 4; ae'-4 nw'Jand e'4 aw'i and awi awl aud k-!4 nwV and p";i auu n?4 awk aee iimii; i ae4 aac 6 1 7 r 4; n',4 nli sec 36 1 7 r4; ac!4 sec 14 t 7r6; Columbia City, lot 2 bl 26; jseeri;iiy, in t Mcrrlll, Annie M, a' nwji, nw!i nw'4 Melllnger, William, a'i "e'i aec 12 1 r2; swii ; aec 27 t 5 r 2 1 Vernonla 1-6 of lot 1 1. 1 U. tiulll. ...I 1.1-., o A t. a 4 a a nriiiii,ui n'i via a, o, t, u, u, ,, n, p, 10, II, 12, 13, 14; 12 lota bl 16; 6 lots bl 16; 0 lots bl 17; 12 lots bl 18; blka 19, 22 Melllnger, Charlea, nw'4 aec 22 1 5 r 4; Ver- nnnia nnA.llfth of 'A lot hi '2 Miller, Tboa E, n'4 ie'4 and ne'4 w!4 e" 'Hi tail, vernonia lot a oi iy. . . Hill, Hannah 8, U se'4 14 1 4 r5; Ver nonla lot 2 bl 18..." Mitchell, H 8, v'4 tw'4 and a'4 nw'4 sec 35 1 7 r2 Mlnter, J 8, personal property Moeck, Geo F, lot 1 and nw'i and w'i ne'i see 20 1 7 r 2; M N Nice proerty lot 7 bl 2 66 65 Morgan, H A, m'4 sec 81 t 7 r 3. . , 2 00 Morgan, nr. nasatina, et-4 swti ana WI4 ae !4 aec 14 t 7 r 8 ... 29 90 Morgan, Marshal, vA el4 and sei swi aec 6 1 7 r ft; nw'i sec 8 t 7 r 5; sw'4 swli tea 81 t 8 r 5: lota 1. 2. 8 and 4 aec 6 1 7 r S. ... . A no Morgan,.! L,nw4 aw'i and lot 8 aec 6 1 7 r 5 11 00 Morse, D C, a!i ncji aud lou 4 and 6 aec 15 t7 r4 8 4ft Moulton, Henry, nw sec 85 1 6 r 5 2 25 Murray, John, nw'4 aec 8 1 6 r 8 2 00 Murray. 11 A. nw'i see 18 1 7 r 4 11 00 Aliiagrove, Mrs N A, lot 5 ac5i aeji and ne'4 ae'i nwliand nMe'4sec 10 1 8 r 1; wli w'4 and lota 1, 2, 8 and 4 lea 21 acrea sola Dart aec 14 and 15 t 8 r 1 77 00 UvaM I ....... .,aM...nnl ...4 .- 4 lie. Maxwell, Mrs 1 I., nw'4 sec 23 1 5 r 2; nart ot n4 n uapiea u 1. 1; lot t ot i; tine land In front bl 3, 4 and ft and all tide land In strand; Columbia City 4 of lots 1, 2, 3. 10, 11 and 12 bl 4: of 11 tots bl 5; of lot 10 bl 10:lola 4, 6 and 6 bl 1; lota 7, 8 a nil 9 bl 17; lots 2,3, lfland 11 bl 16;lota 7, 8 and 9 bl 31; lots 2, 3 and 10 bl 30; part of lots .1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 bl 42;lota 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 bl 58; lota 5, 6, 7 and 8 bl 69; bl 57 and 70; lots 1,2, 8, 10 and 11 bl 71: lots 2. 6 and 10 bl 28; lou 3. 4.6 and 7 bl 24 25 60 Martin, Mra A N, 1st ad Clat kanie lou 4 and 5 bl 7 42 60 M uller, Pete-, m'4 sec 26 1 6 r 2 10 00 Aiainer, A, neyA auu sw4 aec lu l o r o. ..... aiw Mathews. Bllla. nw'i sec 10 t 5 r ft 10 00 Majors, A 8, te'4 nw'4 sec 28 1 4 r2 4 00 Aiason, ductus, una se.(4 ana s$ nei se '4 nw'4 lot 4 und undliicc:t7r5: aec 19 17 r5; n!4 neji a'-i wy una y sec c2o t6r3 te r a; ei uiiu ?i aec zo i o r a. . ey, John W, sjj uwj and n 30 00 Maxev. sw'4 tec 22t3r 2.. 100 Maaon, Mrs Mary, Columbia City lota 11 12 bl 21 ' Mann, C A.Columbia Citi part of loUl and 84 1 en . ,.1 .m, , a, 1, CT, V Bllll ,A UI UU. ... X McBean, Mm Annie, w'-i nw'i ec 16 1 4 r 4 600 iz oi m; oi iota z, 7, a, 9 ana 11 bl oft. Mccarty, B,n4 nw'4 aec36t6r 3 5 09 Mcc .y. G W, a'i se'i sec 15 1 6 r 4; nli ne'i see22t6r4 10 00 McCoy, Dennis D, n'i nw'i sec 22 1 6 r 4; W ne'4 sec 21 1 6 r 4. 10 00 McKniitbt. W H. n'i sw'i and n'-i seli sec 25 t 4 rft 10 00 MeHnde, T A, und ', ae'4 and lota 1 and 2 aec m mn; unn ft 101a o ana o aec j 1 1 r 1: und ' n'i ne'i and lota 1, 2 and 8 ace 28 1 5 r 1; e'i se'i see 18 1 5 r 1; Columbia City bis 1, 2. 3, 4. 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, II K. ! iu im tn nn ni . he. J-., ft, JM, If, ir, M, 41. Ai, .1, 4 mill ir, j.iltner'a ad s bl A; Gtltner'a ad t bl 22 30 McNight. Dill, n'4 ne'4 and e4 ne and nr-, wa met' .i lor... McKwan. J. ne'i ne'-i aec 28 t 4 r2 10 00 5 00 Mcltride.M'i nv'4 and nw'4 neVi 2Xt4 r2 .... 5 00 Mee lham, Jamea, seW sec 25 1 8 r 4 10 00 Mend, A A, Vernonia tot 2 bl 5 55 8 45 10 00 Miller, R, Vernonia part nf lot 4 bl 7 Merrill, Roaeoe K, ne!4 sac 22 1 5 r ft Moore, D B, e'4 aeli and e'4 si and sw!4 so? i sec 12 1 7 r ft 15 QD Malcolm, F 8, sw'4 nw aec 22 1 7 rS , 2 50 Montiromerv. Martin. Vernonia lnt 1 bl 1. . .V, Morgan, 8 A, Vernonia lot 6 bl 15 56 Murray, J, Home lots 1 and 2 Bl 4 1 10 Myrick, Joseph, eatateof, 8t Helens 4 lots bl 4; 1 lot bl 8; lota 7 and 10, 2 lots bl 9; lota 7, 11, 18, 17, 18, 20 and 21, 8 lots bl 15; ' lota 12, 13, 14, 15 and 16, 5 lots bl 20; lots 3, 8, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12 and 22, 6 lota bl 28; lota 1 and 3, 2 lots bl 21; lots 2 and 13, 2 lota bl 21 ; lots 2 and 13, 2 lots bl 24; lots 6 and 11, 2 lots bl 13; 11, 12, 15 and 16, 4 lots bl 27; 8 23:2 lots bl 10;lots 1,2 and 7,8 lot. bl 81 ; lota 1, 2, 8, 4, 13. 14, 1ft, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21 and 22, 15 lots bl 42: all bla 87, 94, 98, 99, 100, 86, 103, HI), 117, 118, 126, 112, 132, 133, 184. 120.142, 19 05 McBeth. Win. ne'4 see 7 1 6 r 4 20 00 Kevin, Allen, mprovements on land owned bv Geo Foater, Oobte, lot 8 bl 4 8 65 Nelson, John D, nw?4 sec 25 1 7 r 4 10 00 Nicholas, Annie, personal property 32 60 Nichols, Nathan, aw4 aec 25 1 7 r 4 2 00 Nlckerson, E E, lots 1, 2 and 8 bl 11; 1 acre in aec 5 1 4 r 4 In Vernonia 6 50 Nowles, John W, ne'4 aec 9 1 5 r 2 200 Nessbaiirner, Jacob, wl4 29 1 6 r 2 . 2 90 Napoleon. Lewia, swi sec 17 1 7 r 5. . . . . 10 00 Nelson, Nels II, nolisec 4 1 5r 3 10 00 Nelson, Jacob O, sw?4 ne?i sec 14 1 3 r 2. . . . - 4 00 neppuca, n a, ne-i sw ana n?i sei ana ne i se'4 nee 12 1 7 r 4 12 00 Nelson, John, personal protierty. . ; 25 00 Overturf, Ira, n?4 nw4 sec 31 1 6 r 4; t. sw iaec:t6r4 125 Olders, George, ne'4 nwl4 sec 15 1 5 r 4; sW se?4 and se'4 sw'4 sec 10 1 5 r 4 I 75 OdendoriT, Marlah, personal property 18 60 Olson, Olaf, sw!4 see 29 t 8 r 3 2 25 Orwiu, Kdward, sclisec23t6r5. 3 60 Owlngs Willis F, Bryantville, lot 3, blk 6 1 10 OwingM & Hold rot, Bryautville, part lot 8. blk 11 2 7S Owens C H, n'i sw'i and lots 1 and 3, sec 10 1 7r 4 , 8 00 Ostrom Charles, nx; ne'i and e!4 nwU sec29t8r4 85 O'Oonnal J F, estate of, ett swu aud lou a and 7 sec 8 1 4 r 5 10 00 Olsen Christ, swH sec 7t7r& 10 00 Openhelmer Jamea L. sw! sec 9 1 8 r 4. . . lO 00 Oliver Rose A. nwli ne" sec 2 1 4 r 2 2 90 Oregon Mig Co, personal property 20 00 Oaks P F, und of H Jos Caples D L O, inciuuing oiks ana pans 01 dik uol City, blks 60 and 75; und H Hlg Caplea ad to Col City, blk 6; und H s"4 n4 Jos Caples D1C, Including 2 3 466 and 9. '. 6lots,blk45;lotI24ft07891011blk74; ' uudliof nH, Including kits 4 6 6789 blks 63 and 16; all ot blks 48 aud 46; lots 456 789, 6 lots, blk 30; all of blk 66; lols34587 89, 6 lots, blk 76: part ot lots 2 and 11 and allot lots 1 and 12, blk 72; lots 1 2 3 4 6 6 7 and nH 8, 7 lota, blk A; Iotal2345878910lfl2,121ota, blk 19; lots 1 2 and 9, 8 lots, blk 88; low 7 8 9 10 11 12 13. 7 lots, blk E; lot 12 8 4 6 6 7 8 9 10 11 13, 12 lots, blk 96; lots 10 11 12 18 It 15 18 17 18 19 20 21 23 23, 14 lota, blkO; 12 3 4 25 27 28 2980 8132, 11 lots, blkF; all blks 26 27 29 30 81 32 83 34 85 36 92 93 94 95, 24 (4 lots; all blks 103 110 IU 11211511812143 40 and H 48, 12 lots; frac blks 20 28 87 90 91 98 and B 10 10 O&OKKCo, nwM sw4 nw!i seU and m--4 m-.. U b w , 11 tt 1 it-4 auu wm sw'4 sec 7 t 3 r 2; ne and n!4 nw'4 and se'4 nw!4 and ne aw'4 and n'-i se'i seo 9 t 3 r 2; nw'i ne'i and ne'i nwli see 11 1 3 r 2; sw'4 and a'i geli and ne'i aw'i sec 17 tftr 2; nw'i and ne'i and swV and se'i sec 1 1 3 r 8; neli and nw'i and seX ana aw'i sec 11 1 8 r2; neli and nwH and se'i and aw'i sec 29 1 4 r 2: ne and nwU and se'i and sw'i sec.'l 1 4 r 2; s"4 ewC and neu aw'i seo 33 t 4 r 2; neli aud nwH and seH and sw'4 sec 25 t 4 r 3; neli and nwli and se'i and swli sec 27 1 4 r 3; ne'i and nwli and se'i and sw'i B6c29t4r83 neli and nw'i aec 31, t I r8; ne'i and nw'i and se'i and sw'i BOc38t4r 8; ne'i and nw'i and seli and sw'i set; 85 1 4 r 8 ... .....294 Oil Payne John M, 6 acres In 1 6 r4; aH nw!i and n'i sw'i sec 11 1 7 r 4 626 Palmer W H, se'i sec 8 ti r 4 2 90 Pearson Geo H, sw'4 nwW and nwV awji Kiids'iof sw'i Bec23tftr4 tt Peck Phinetis, eVi nwli, except 6acre8 sold to A Wood, sec 82 tftr 4 3 80 Peoples Freighting Co, 1 lot In Bryant- vine uvaiuu, arc o L I r .; oryamvilie lots I 2 and Dart of it lots 1 2 .blk 11 T nil Perrin Ernest, personal property 3 60 runup aire 0 is, tea ae sec iv 1 7 r 2 . . ' A nn Plnckney Nelson, neji sec 17 1 8 r 2 2 26 ronieroy ni.eti soi una sw'i ten and sex seo to t ar s; naiucr, ton 1 and 2 blk 13 M to Powers Joseph, eH swli sec 3 t Tr 4; nH of nw'i sec 10 1 7 r 4 11 00 Patter Henry, uwli sec 4 tBr !.... . . 1 tK Price Geo. estate of, ne'i seo27t5r4... 760 rrtngie vviiiiam, w4 nwi auu nHaw.. see 11 1 6 blk 4: Vernoiiia. lot 11 hilt 1 a Patterson Marry E, ne'i seVa see 86 1 8 r8 20011 Peterson John, n'i nw'i sec 19 t 7 r 8 6 00 rlttingor w v, ne'i sec 34 t ft r 13 Ml Pe rrln George R , sw li sec 29 1 ft r 3. 10 (XI Perry A Co, w!i aud a H aeli aec 22 t 4 r . .. mi Pearson D O, Vernonla, lota 1 anil 3, blk 2, 1 10 Presoott C II, und H of Joa Caple s D L u, iiiciuaing oiks ana parts or diks Col. City. blkSnnd75; ui.d H of Hig t'uple'a Add to Col, City, blk 6; und 84 11M of Joa Caple'a TI L ('. Includ ing lots 2, 3, 4, 5. 6 and 9. 6 lots, blk 4A; lots 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 blk 74; all of blk 75; uud 14 of n, Includ- : lng lota 4 to 9, 8 lou, blk 16; all of blk 43 4l lou 4 to 9, 6 lota, blk !; lota i to 9. 6 lota blk tl: all of blk 66; pin t of lots 2 and U and lots 1 and 12 blk 73; lou 1 to 7 and n4 of 8, 74 lou blk A; lot 1 to 13. IS lota, blk 19; lots 1 293, 8 lota, blk 88: lota 1 to 12. 12 Iota hlk bl! . . lot 7 to 13, 7 lots, blk K; lou 10 to 23, khs, 01 u; tots i t ii 4 so y( w sg au l i 1 and US, 11 lot, bllt F; all of blka 20 zi 2H au in iti iH in w w M vai 103 110 111 112 115 118 121 48 40 and '4 of 48, 24'4 lou; frac blk 28 28 37 90 91 I, blk B 10 Phil O. aji-Vi. acc 84 1 6 r 2 10 Plllinttii Mary E. aw'i ae!ec25t7 rS.. 8 00 Plowuiun 0 N. eH ne'i tS ... 8 Pogue James K, Col. City, lota 6 and 6. blk 57 f 1 Potter Henry M, w'i tec 81 1 8 r 1 12 00 Punlen Wm C. a'i nw'i and nwhi sw'i and lot 4sec 1 t3r6 10 00 nappanriana Lara, ne'i nw'4 sec 84 t 8 r 8: eViaw'l and aw'i awli aec 24 1 8 r 4 800 A 00 1 Ramsey Mary C, ae'i sec 25 1 7 r 4. 9 8ft 3 16 I ICedilli-k John M. awU awli and lot 3 aoe 15 1 7 r4 S 15 Reeves A L, nw'i sec 34 1 6 r 8 1 Ml Heed V, sw'i sec 2) t6 rJ t 25 Kwlmau John J, nwl. aec 29 1 6 r 4 Rice Dan. e nwU and wlii ne'i aec 27 t7r4 UN) Richardson Geo W. nw'i sec 21 1 7 r 8... 2 00 Kicknian Tobias M, sw'i sec 27 1 7 r 2. . . 6 50 Kldgewar A Harris. 8 acrea in aec 4 t 4 r4 18 TO Rosier 1'etcr. svt ne'i and nc'i nM and e4nwH sec 38 t 7 r 2. 1 75 Homer Michael, nw'i aeu and w'4 ne!, and nwii ne'i aec 32 t 7 r 2; n'i nw'i and sw!i nw'i and nwM and awli sec 83 t7r2 4 00 Rosier Mr Mary Ann, sw'4 aeM tee 29 t in nw'4 ana evi ne'i una awti new ec 82 t 7 r.2 ...... I8 60 nose rJpencer B. e'i ev, sec 5 1 4 r 4; Ver nonla. lota x and a nik 1; vernonla, lot 8 9 10 11 13 blk 5; Vernonla Rose ad. lots to 14 blk 2: Vernonia. Rose ad. lots 10 11 blk 11 Blili Hon w J,nl4 ae and lota so 7 sec 6 t 7 r5 83 78 llolilnson Allln A, w'i sw'i aec6t 4r3; e'i se'i sec 6 1 4 r 8; 8t Helens, lot 4 b 2 9 85 Ruliert Henry C. V, teU. sec 26 1 6 r 4. . . 1 26 Rummer E O, w'-i w'-4 sec U 1 6 r 4 1 25 Rankin John H, sw'4 sec 22 1 5 r5 10 00 Keed H K, ne tee 38 1 4 r 5 10 (M Held A D, Sa.Tesolte'ine14ec5t4r4 6 00 Rhodes John H, wH awli sec 11 (7r3 ... 8 00 King Alex, estate of, swl4 awli sec 20 1 7 rz: nw nw-i ana w'i ney ana se'-i ne'-i and neli sei sec 29t7r2 2100 Ktchardson Jumes,und !4nwi aec 54 and nesesec 18 i 5 r 1. 8 00 Ki ev FHtrlck. aw'i sec at 1 8 r 4 10 00 Klchards Mrs E 8, sw.'i neJ4 and neJi se M. see 14 t 7 r 8. .- TOO Ripperton Sarah nw'i se 10 1 6 r 6.... Kipperton J A Sr.. neji sec 10 t r 5. Rlnehard W B. ne!i sec 9 1 6 r8 Itloeliart Malor. nw V. aeo 9 t a r S ... . . 10 00 . 10 00 HI 00 10 00 Uidgeway Edward, Vernonla 1st ad, iota i g o u o, oik 4; v ernonia ist aa, tot tu, blk 5; Vernonla 1st id, blk 13; Vernonia 1st ad. lota 1 2 3 4 ft 8. blk 18 3 45 Runvon W 8. nwi and aeli and ne'A sec , v r o; ae?4 auu nart ana ney sec t4r5; nw'4 sec 21, 1 4 r 5: nw4ec 21 1 6r6; e'i sw'i and lota8and4sec7tftr 5: sw'i and nwli sec 15 1 5 r 5: eV4 nw'i and lot 1 aud 2 sec 18 1 5 r 5 119 75 Kvman Kichard. sii se'i sec 29 1 4 r4: n'i neMec32t4r4 T 10 00 Kice 8 M, se'i swi and sw te'4 )C 30 Schmidt Emll S, t m ',' and w!4 se sec 10 t j r 6: sw'.. diia w ',i se'i sec 16 t 7r3. 85 86 Schenman Charles, sw1', sw'4 sec 14 1 3 r 2 i I 60 -H-'iioonurer c a, perMonui properly so Si'hwath Carl, nwlisec 19 tftr 4 2 25 Schiller John, tw sec 13 1 5 r5 12ft Severn- James C, ne'4 sec 32 1 8 r 3 1300 Sevems F. e'4 nw'4 And sw'i ae'4 nit'4 se!4 sec 11 1 6 r 4 9 25 Sheriiiarhousen Henry and wire, s of jessie nines if u j, less co acres BOta J B O 8heriuehousen. sees 12 15 18 t 3 r 1 ana 2 81 70 Shunahnn Ernst, personal property Shauuhan Alf red, e'A e'4 sec 12 1 5 r 5 Shearer .Marshal, wj nw4 andse nw'4 and swi neJi sec 4 1 6 r 5 Shearer M alter, se4 sec 29 1 6r8.... .. .... Simmons E C. sc'-i sec 9 1 6 r3. 1 96 4 5 25 8 Ml 2 60 Smith John, ne?4 sec 14 1 4 r 5 Smith Joseph and Sons, 10 acres off A T 1 06 Dobbin's land, t 7 r 2 132 20 Mnyder W L, w4 nw'4 aud seJ4 nw5i aec 14 1 7 r 3 Snyder Conrad, swi see 29t7r3..... Spencer C H, personal property Strucher Lewis, lots 234 and se!i nw!i seH tw'4 sec 5 1 r 4... Stewart J B, Vernonia Rosea ad, lots 1 9 00 1 00 5 70 2 26 ana 2 o lit: vernonia noses aa. lot in o 8; Vernonla Roues ad, lot S bll; Ver- 1 .. 1 1 ,1 1 . . . 1 v, -r 2 96 Stewart James K. seli ne'i and neli aei, eecza, X I r o; irac, aw'i nw'i, sec at, t7r2 8 75 Stratton J W. Bryantville 1st ad. lota 6. 7. 8, b 5 10 25 stehman E, n'4 se'i and sei ne ', sec n,t,ri; sw'i se'i ana swli sec aa t7r.1:nX nwU sec 1 1 6 r 3 34 Stehman C. estate of. w!i sw'i sec 13 1 8 T 2 4 20 Strachen Lottie V, St Helens, lot 8 b 11 .. 2 76 stracnen wm. sw'i sec iz 1 4 r a auu Streben Daniel M, ne'i sec 2 t 7 r4 11 00 Stanwond I, n'-i se'i sec 21 1 53r 2 24 f6 Sundblum Francis, ne !i see 3 1 7 r 2. 2 26 Suonieia Pe er, sH nw'i sec 27 1 8 r 4; e4 ne'i ec at t r z ss Sweatland Walter, personal property.... 8 65 u . t ., 1. .. i u, 11 ,, 1 1 ... lA k la .: ,i t I tfv.1111 ucirua, kw w i, .a. ... Starr JB a FB Meredith, sw'i aw'i sec 16t6r5 260 Scott William, Col City, lot 6 b 21 84 Schuneman C and Johusen & Callahan, s'i ewli and f rao s',4 n !i sec 14 1 8 r 2. . 21 25 Slip Harry, se!i sec. 14 14 r 8 U 00 Shearer Mrs A M, Bryantville 1st ad, lottl and2,bft 56 Shearer Mrs Maud. Bryantville 1st ad. lots 7 and 8 b 6ft Shearer James W, Bryantville 1st ad, eH 1 12 b 3 and 8: Bryantville 1st ad. lot 4. bft - 8 48 Sheelev John B. n'i ne'i and swat ne sec22t6r3 00 Shearer D B, se'i sec 21 1 6 r6 .. 10 0U Slgert Lewis, neli sec 17 1 4 r 4 10 00 Slate L D. n'i ne'i and seK. ne Ii aec 11' t 6 r 4; sw'i nw'i sec 12 1 5 r 4 15 80 Smith J L, Vernonia Rose ad, lot 14, 15, b 5 84 Smith Carrie R, nwli aec 35 tO r 3; nwli neli and n'i nwii sec 3 1 5 r 3: ne'i neVi sec3t6r3 20 00 Smith Annie, Vernonla Rose ad, lot 2 b 8 55 Smith Jane K, ne see 18 t 7 r 5 10 00 Smith S A, sw'i sec 15 1 6 r 4 10 00 Spray S J, se)4 sec 19 1 ft r 1 12 00 Spencer James C, s nwji and lots 3 and 4sec4t3r4 10 00 Spencer Jiwiuh.sli ne'i sec Ilt8r2...... 6 00 Steele James, s8 sec It t 8 r 2; ne!i dec 21 t5r6. 27 50 Strong C A, nw'i sec 17 1 7 r 5 10 00 Sternfels Morris, n nw'4 and sw'i nw!4 secl7t6r4;seHswsec8t6r4. 10 00 Storv George, e'4 nwii and lots 1 and 2 seolSttrft 10 00 Stellman James A, neli sec 7 1 7 r 8 10 00 Sterna Mrs William. Goble. lot 6b 4...... 55 Stoddurd Geo A, neli sec 26 1 6 r 5 10 00 Stott Sam K, swi ae'4 and lots ft and 6 secDion: iols sec a t o r 1: luisoauu Il.sec20t3rl 20 00 Smith J H, e el4 and se'4 ne'4 aec 20 1 7 r 6; sw'i and sw'i nwW see 22 1 7 r 5. . 20 00 Smith J K, nw'i sec 21 1 J r 5 10 00 Smith A M, sei4 and ne'i sec 21 1 7 r 5. ... 20 00 Smith D, swM sec 21 1 7 r 6 10 00 sutler E P, und sw'i seo 20 1 4 r 8 8 25 Sherman E, e'4 ne'-i sec 13 1 6 r 8 6 00 Taylor John 11, sw;i nei anu nw'i se'i sec8t4r4 4 00 Thomas Alphus, wM sec 35 1 6 r 8 2 25 f hornbury A Mullen, 2 lota in Bryant ville. 26x50 and 16x30. Clatskanie. lot 4 b 8 13 60 rimoney Thomas, se'4 sec 27 1 7 r 2 2 40 1 1 1 1 1. ' 1 1 1 , .aura . , t ..r a. n 3 v.11 1 uauu way's D L C seca 23 26 35 t 7 t 2; seV sec22t7r 7 37 00 Tobin Martin, e'4 nw'4 and v neVi sec 2t6r4 226 Townsend Frederick, i-oininenclng 60 rods s of nwli 25 1 4 T 2, thence a 100 rods, thence e 380 rods, thence n 100 rods, thence w 80 rods to place of be ginning, sec 25 1 4 r 2 ,. 1 25 Traylor W K neH sec 31 1 7 r 8 11 00 Turnahan Francis, nwJi swJi and lots 8 nnd4sec24t8r4 2 50 TnllinanS W. personal property 30 00 The Dundee Mtg A Truat Co. peraonul property 121 87 The American Mtg Coot Hootland, per sonal property 77 50 Tomlison Perry. seX sec 28 1 6 r 2 ....... 12 00 Thompson R H, Col. City, lot 8 b 19 '84 Tlram 8, Vernonia, loU 4, 5 b 17 1 10 Troquenne Francis, lot 11 secttSfl.. 6 00 Tutl le W H, Col. City lots 3 and 4 b 47. , . 1 10 Tuttle. estate of, lot2 sec4t3r2 125 The Oregon Mtg Co, personal prop erty 20 00 The Northern Counties Mtg Co, personal property ... 37 60 Tompkins Frank M, n'4 J Miles D L C sec 14 1 18 r 1 2 8 10 00 Upton W W, lou 1 2 and S sec 80 t8r5, n'4 nwli and lots 12 8 7 and 8 sec 31 1 8 r 5; lots 188 and 4 aeo 33 t8r 5; lot 1 2 3 4567sec33t 8r 6; neVi swW and nH nwV and nV( se'4 ami wH nw4 and Iota 2 tottaec34t8r6 49 00 Vanblark-om Joseph, wli ne'4 and se'4 ne'4 and nwW seli sec 4 t 4 r 4; , Vernonia, lots 26 b 1; Vernonia, kits 1 23; Vernonla, lot4 5 b8; Vernonia, lots i 3; Vernonia. lots 6 8 b 12; Verno nla. lots 1 and 2 b 18; Vernonia, lots 4 and 5 b 18; Vernonia lot 8 b 17; Verno nia, lota 12 8; Veruoniu, lots 4 und 6 bl6 30 06 Vanblaricom John W.wVi swl w'4 nw, seottlrt 9 15 VHublarlcvm. irm. p, 6 acres l sec t V. nw'i nen 31 1 ft a a 8 00 Vanvolkenberg W 8, tyt tec 29 1 6 r 6 . II 00 Vanvolkenlierir B F. nerwinHl nnm,i v :ia Vanvolkenlierg J B. e!4 sec 211 1 7 1 i. . . . 10 00 Vlnlng James n ec28t7r8 4 2ft Vlninfr John E, peraonul property 24 28 Vernonia Improvement Co, lot' 3 seo 4 1 4 r4; part of J Vanblarlcom land, sect t4 r4;wi se!4 aec 6 1 4 r 4; ne!i te'4 seo 4 t4r 4 , ,. 6P 00 Voire Joseph, .li ne and ne'4 m'4 and lot2,3,sec3ft r 4 10 00 Warran John, low 1 and 2, aec 6 tTr8; lots 9 anil lu sec 4 1 7 r 5 2 2ft Walker Wm H,eXwJisec 24t 7r8 2 60 Washburn CH R, nwJ4 seo 28 1 7 r 6 IS West Mary, Vernonla, lot 7 b 12 46 Weber W J, ny, nw'4 and te'4 nm and nei w5iec 14tfr4 11 00 Weatherwax John J, Rainier, lot 3 b 10: Rainier, lot 1 b 4: Rainier, nart. 1 1 h a mm Weaver Marion, nwli sec 30 1 6 r 8 I 76 W idger Albert, wte)4 and w neW sec 24 t,5r 4 a nn Whitney B P. 8J acrea bought of A niump, seo zttarg 2 26 Winter W M, swli sec 10 t 6 r 3.... ....... . 2 25 imams r ranmin.e'-i seli and ne seli and nwli ne'-i sec. 13 1 7 r 4 II m Wilson Jared, w'4 nw'4 tec 38 1 7 r 8; awli swli sec 25 t 7 r it: neli see aa 1 1 - A 111 01 Wilson Frank L, w te and eX sw'i seel ttrft ; 2 25 Wilson Mrs DS, personal property....... 4 05 Wilson WM,wJise sec 12 t4r6 8 IB Wlxtrom I O, eji John McNulty's D L C, sec 6, 6, 7, 8, t r 1 ' 29 00 Wilverdlng John D, nwji see 80 1 6 r 2.... 1 75 Wonderly O E. seli sec 17 t 7 t 8 8 All Wonderly Mrs E M, personal property. . . 46 wood run: xnompson H, sejineli sec 21 t7r2 S SK Wood8LB,landlnsec20,30t7r5........ 2 90 rtooas Adelia, e neJi and e'i tw4 neji sec 26 1 7 r4 4 50 W ,.-,,1 is t t 1 , 1 . r i ... ibiuei, , vi iiuiiik, ya un au iu. ., Ware John A, te nw and lots 3 4 6 seo ii 29 Washington Lumber Co, nH ne and n'4 nw?it unu jwi nw?i anu nei nwseu anaseti : i mm aee r. i r n. . . . a,, ibi Watson W W, t'4 teH sec 13 1 7 r 6 ec 13 i ro; wji nei sec z 1 1 ra iu uu Warner Harry, neM sec 6 1 ft r 8 : 10 00 Washburn C F, n aw sec 8 1 1 r 8 6 (III Wand Mrs Nancy, Col City, lot 6 b 22 1 10 fk a r,t... a t iff nn t' n uu J kjj vwi it-, , low UUai.. ............ IU Watts F H, Col City, lot 1 b 2L 56 Wallan J M, 22 acrea off J Fullerton'a land, seo20t4rl 860 Webster Edward, ey, ne sec 8 1 4 r 4; ni ne'i and e'4 neli nw'i sec 35 1 5 r 5 2486 Webster Mrs K, eK eX se'i sec26 1 6r 6. . 2 60 Weeks Bert, swisei aec 22 t 6 r 6; al, ne'i and neli neli sec 27 t8 r5 10 00 Weeks Walter R, w nw and te'4 ne$ ec27t8r6 10 00 West Robert, lot 4 sec 1 1 7 r 5 2 60 West Captain John, lota 4 and 6 sec 31 1 8 r5 6 00 Welgand Mary Ann, te'4 aec 4 1 3 r 2 10 00 Welch J fi, sw'i sec 36 t 7 r 4; Col City, una o anu lot; uoi Jtty, iota 7 ana id 29: Col Cltv. lot 2 h 21 IS IK Whitney Mrs Florence, ne'i sw'i sec 18 t4r2 ?...? 2 60 White Emma G, Col City, lota 3, 10, 11, 12, b2o . 2 20 William B F, s'4 n sec 2 1 4 r 7 10 00 Williams Francis II, Col City, Getbnes' ad, lot 8 b 21 70 Williams Alrnira, Col City, Gethnea' ad, . 19 021 70 Wllbelm Catharina, t'4 te sec 16 1 3 r 2. ft 00 Weeks Thomas, si nw'i sec 26 1 4 r 5. 6 00 Wintn F D, swji ne and lote 1. 2 and part of lots 3 as lays n of a line due e and n of nw cor of J Sloughton'a ULU sec 24 t4 r 2 in an Wllgradt Charles, swi se'4 sec366rft. 260 Wilbur P K, eH nwJi and wJ4 ne'i sec 26 t.4r 5 ..... . in on Wilson Henry ne'4 ne'4 sec 7 1 8 r2; swli see B 1 7 r 2; seJi se4 and ne'4 seli sec 1 1 6 r 3; seJi swJi aud nwi seii sec 5 1 6 r 2 25 im Wilson C R & Co, nw ne'4 sec 7 1 6 r2; frac wl and eli nwV: und nwU ne'4 sec 8 1 6 r 2 19 00 Wilson C B, w nw sec 5 t 6 r 2; te'4 ne'A 17 r 2; ey ne'4 sec 1 t8r 8: ne4 sw and sw)i neJi and nwli te'4 v vv x tt, T.T.-.-, rri: 4 tjv do, ro.. .... A UU , wuson Martha. swi neli and se!-i awli sec6t6r2 tVoods Charlott, Col. City, lot 10 b 26. . . . 5 00 1 10 1 40 5 00 nuous j lj. tjot. uity, lot i d 1 wixKis j a, w'4 seli ! wli soli sec 18 t Sri Wood J H an. nd J G Gore, w!i nwli sec 18 1 7 r 8 10 on Wolf Mrs Alice P, Clatskanie, loU 6 7 b 8 1 10 Wright 8, Col. City, 8 iou b 24 1 25 Younir W A. nw'i sec lilr:t 1 2S Young Phillip. sJ4sisec34t7r3 . 6 (10 Young J F, sei sec 21t6r2 12 00 W. A. MtKKRR. Sheriff and Tax Collector for Columbia county, Oregon. The Boa Hell of ChickamaDga, While 1 was riding over the battlefield of Chickiunauga 1 came to a cabin occupied by negro family, and the man came out and wanted to dispose of some relic from the battlefield. He had ome bullets, piece of hells, two or three old bayonets and a can non ball or two, but the relic of all relic was an old scythe blade, to wnicb a rough wooden handle bad been tied with sheep twine. "What do you call thatr 1 asked. "Dat. sab., la what Oinerai Grant carried in dia yere fout, and I reckon he mowed down about fo' thousand rebels wid it." My friend. Gen. Grant was not in this battle.".-;: . , MHe wasntf ; "No, air. And no general or soldier of anr grade ever carried such a weapon as that," "Dey dtdntf ' "Of course not. Where did you get itr "Picked it up on de field, sab." "It looks as if you made it within a week." "Look yere, sail, war' you in dis tout!" . "No," - "War you widln fifty miles of Itr "No," "Wall, I was right ober to Abuer Jack son's, not ten miles away, an' u 1 dont know what relics are, yon can't iarn me. Good day.sab." 'But no general ever" "Good day, aahl Pussons who Is so werrr. worry partickler had better go 'long an' hunt up their own relics. Chillen, you watch dat white man till be gits beyan'de turnip patch f Detroit Vre Press. Anticipating the BereaTement, Wllkina Had any bereavement in your family, Elijahl Uncle Elijah No, sah; I ain't had b'reave- ment. Whofoh you ask I Willdns 1 noticed you bad a band of crap on your hat, and I did not krow but there might have been a loss in your family. Uncle Elijah No, sah; dat ban' was on de bat when de gen'leman give it to me, an' as I didnt know when 1 mought have 'caaion ter go Inter mawnin' I done lef tt on like it was. America. Can lor Heeltatloa. TU take the rooms," he said, and then Im tinwrously added: "1 forgot to say that weVe got Ave children." Bless your soul, that doesn't matter P re plied the landlord, "I bare eleven." Bine 1 think of it," rejoined the appli cant, "I'll bring my wife around. Bho may (tot like th room." Detroit Free Press. Iroof by Flower. Tf ayAav human - Knill r in .Via. American continent were to"be taken out of existence," said the late Pro-: lessor Asa liray. "and the whole work! of his hands were cleared away, sol that no trace remained, subsequeuti historians could prove that the Cau-j oasian race existed by the flowers that! would be found growing here." Chi-' csro Times. It baa been reckoned that if the whole. ocean were dried up, all the water paaaing away aa vapor, the amount of salt remain ing would be enongh to cover 5,000,000) square miles with a layer one. mile thick. Queen Victoria pays at the rate of 11.92 a mile when she travel by rail, in addition to first class fares for all the party, erv anta included. She has a saloon carriage that cost 830,000, t4r4;