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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (May 13, 1892)
TH E OREGON M 1ST. UBBCmPTrtS 1.M PER YEAR. Sf. IlBunu, Mat' 13, 1692. "Yo produce, make, save and five unto m and wo will "reform Peo ple' Party." Magnanimous in theory, but-full of direful result in practice BxufeTB a we believe, iWnk m we think, do m we bid yon ; or we will break yon op, we will1 boycott you and rutn you. The Peoples' Party; Ix every community ia-tlitr county where we find a organization of the iwoplee' party.- w find where they have aategonirtd, personally, ail bnsi nets men who dare to think for then. rive and to differ with them; and they threaten "boycott," and boldly aaaert that they will rain the party dar ing l think contrary to what they preach.' " . ' It took the republican party twenty- five year to build op our paper money . eyitem and pat it on a par with any monef, in' the confidence of the world, thereby doing away with the desire to have the "gold coin" clause in notes ; but St only took the "calamity bowl era" siity days to ehake the con fidence of the world in our paper money, thereby Making tbe lonner in sert thw "gold coin" rlanae. Tag peoples' party 'are in favor of taking from those who work and econ omise and therefor prosper, and di vide their lands, (above what they oed for personal use), among those who Dave none. Tbia doctrine i good far the man who has nothing and the lazy, good-for-nothing fellow, who wiH not work ; lor he that worketh shall divide, and therefor the people who do not' want to work will sorely be-happy. But who will work then? What encouragement for toiling and afingf he Jo Waldmp, the peoples' party orator, snob in St. Ileiene Monday. night ou tho political'ieanerof'theday Although.lhere had been no formal notice given of his-eoming. he had fair-sixeJ audience. In bia speech declartd that the great question be fore the American, people was the question of finance, and not tariff; that the country should have more money in circulation; that bank note and treasury notes hmld be mad legal tend r for all debts, without any exception clause being placud upou them. He severely censured Senator J olio Sherman for hia action in re tard lo Kit silver bill; in fact he had not a good word for ei her of the old parlies since 1S61. Mr. Wldro up to a few months ago was ' demo crat, one of the most rabid. It the democratic party has been so corrupt all this time, lie, too, must have been guilty in proportion. How strange it it' to see a man of intelligence turn squarely around and tell the world that "I hare be-n a boodlor, robber and debaucher of tbe public peace and prosperity all these year. Now, you people ought to know better than to goon in this way." "Oh I certainly, I told you so." . This is not because Brother Waldiop has experienced change of heart. Oil not it is because the political collections are larger than thus of the pulpit. t WAXT a money no one els wants, then I can keep it." Jo Waldrop.for the peoples' party.. Such utterly re dieulou utterances, coming from on lew wis might produce ia tbe heart sorrow and sympathy; but coming . iron a man of such knowledge and ability they mutt convince as of in linearity and unscrupulous deceit. What good is money if no on want X - Ton cannot make very good clothing" of it; if yon try to eat it you will find it will not "digest" well, and feed it to your stock and yon will find iC don't ' fatten." It must be "sweet comfort" to loan your neighbor your money when he needs it, and then after be takes and use it to see how be will quit his work Or business to go to the village store there to Join tbe "loafers," and then, to show bis appreciation (?) of the favor; hear him call you a thief, a robber, monty-Ioaner, a usurer and ' all the bad things of the "infernal regions," and then to "cap the climax" of his appreciation, (?) see him join ihe party which proposes "to abolish lb laws for tb collection of all debu Bcrwftef contracted." Last week Mr. Gu4 Wickstrom im ported from Portland, about -forty-five Clt ueee to cut cord wood. Mr. Wick strom owns and operate a wood flume about two mile out from St. Helena, on the Portland road. ' Theee Chinese have ben contracted with to cut wood, which ia to be marketed through this flam. Our readers will remember that the employer is a very staunch people' party man. It w 11 also b remembered that the peoples' party have a great deal to say about helping the American workiogmen, and protecting them 'against foreign contract labor. Her ia an example of inconsistency. Mr. Wicktra could get all the white men to cut hia wood he wants. There is scarcely a lay but what a number of men come to St. Helens in search of w.rk, and would be willing to cut Wood, or accept any kind of employment they could get; indeed, they are very much in need of work, a great many of whom have families to support. If our peo pW party friends are such reformers and friends of the laboring rlasree they should repudiate this actiou of one of their number. CO0NTT COURT.' Proceedings of the May Terns los Mm. Hobart, who has been stump ing the county in behalf of the peo pies' party, U quoted as advising the people la p recent speech at Vernonia, that they should stop working; that tb rich should be compelled to dis burse their wealth among Ike masses ; thst tBey should stop Work at once, apd dfmand (bat tb wealth of tbe country support them. What is this but anarchy and tyrany? It is noth ing short of -both. It is lime all good citizens were becoming awakened to the necessity of protecting tbeir prop erly against such- intrusion- upon tbeir rights as American citizens. Give uuto a man when he earns not and yon encourage laziness and idleness, and do a great work in Ihe line of making, a pauper. "We will enable you to borrow money at 1 per cent, and we will make the mooy loaner pay bis taxes on that loan, thereby be will have to bear the burden of taxation," Joe Waldrop, for the peoples' party. Where will the man who loans come in? Who will Joaof Where will yon borrow As moat of our enterprises are carried on, on borrowed Capital, and as it is the enterprises that make labor and business and markets; if . there is no loaner, where will the enterprises be; if no enterprises, where will b the work ; if no work, where tbe markets? Think of such vain imaginary doc trines. Is a man uttering and preach ing such sincere? - The republican and democratic parties have boll always said,"lo he or she who worketh and saveth and there fore bath, keep what you honestly make; we protect yon in your per sonal and property rights, therefore, go ye and work, economize and man age and you shall be rewarded.' Such principles as these must build up a great and prosperous country and fill our town and communities with an intelligent, happy and good people. But tb anarchist says: "Go ye; labor. toil, save and manage that you may make something more than you actual ly need, and give that excess to me and my life, for w mast live and Ibis world's blessings are just as much for os si you, and a we bar no time lor work or do any ordinary thing, divide; that we may be able- o keep up ibis bciaierous, tkreateniog 'reform move-ir-eci.'" L ReaolatloB of Respect. Resolutions adopted by B.iyview Alliance No. 72, in regular session, May 7,1892: Wbebeai. The grim and unrelenting- messenger of death has summoned from ear midst and from the scenes of earth our esteemed eiater. May Beegle. who demise occurred May 1, 1892. therefore be it Resolved; That we extend to her be reared relatives oar heartfelt sympathy, tru-ting that our mutnsl loss is her eternal tain, and that the bitter pangs of mortal grief may be alleviated by tlie confident hope of meeting her acain on the golden shore of that celestial world, where there is ao parting from loved ones, no sundering of tender ties, no sickness, pain or' death, bat where the frail barks of humanity may safely anchor in tbe harbor of eternal real and peace, far beyond the surging storm- tossed biiiowsof life. Resolved. Tbat as a tribute of respect to our departed sister, tbe members of this body show some token of nir urnir.g for the period of thirty days, and that a copy of these resolutions be sent to tbe bereaved family. also acopy toTai Oacooa Uirr for publication. Geo. Autanoas, Secretary, In memory of sister Lilly May Beegle, member of the Bayview At lianre, who died May 1, 1892 "To live in hearts we leave behind Is not to die. Death, the sad and ailent boatman lias bourn one we loved to the other . snore, Her gay laugh and gentle presence . Will be felt and scan no mure. like the epeni'ig nms tbat is eat down Before it slieds it sweet perfume, We, with meek submiudon how In these hoars oi deepest gloom. ' No more will we hoar her gentle voice,' 'or gaze upon b.r brw. And her sweet tm lt and gentle word, n aiieai wiu us BOW We laid ber away in her springtime. Bat her soul m at rest with her God And tbe 11 wer she l.-ved so tenderly ouait iuossom ana Dioora mia tue sod.- Farewell , loved one, yon are at rest, . You will never know ou-ht pain. Ho mofe by earthly cares distressed. NO ao distracting thoughts again. Bonn we. too, shall cross the silent river, wrw wmcn our toraa nave gone. Face to face we then shall meet tlism Jiever wore to walk alone. BT 0Er THE MSMBEBS, Read at tha weeklv iuecti:ie. ftatuniaw May 7. 18U2. ' " About fifty eoel miners were killed By mn explosion in tb mine at ftoelyu, Wash., las Tuesday. In the matter of the admission of Stephen Way to ciiiaeosliip. Ordered by tbe court that the taut Btepheu Way be aud be is hereby admitted a citizen of the United Stales. : In Ihe matter of building a county oriitge across Milton creek at or near Houllon station, in Columbia county Oregon. Ordered that bids be adver tised (or and that the partita bidding thereon give plans, specifications ami iiaiiraius for the ooustruotmn of said bridge, said bids to be sealed aud handed in to this court at the Julv term thereof. . In the matter of the application for 4 county road beginning at a slake on tbe Harris road, where said road runs through the southwest quarter ol section 9, t S n, r 2 wi si ; thence in a southwesterly course and lermiimtiii.' at a stako situated on the Hendricks rotd aboul 50 yards west of a small bridge over a small crrek tributary In Milton creek on the northwest quarter of section 27, t 5 n, r 1 west. Viewers A. r. Usher, E. II. Qirty, C. L. 01-on ; surveyor, A. B. Little; to meet at be ginning of said road June 20; 1892 In the matter of tb rebate of lax of A. J. Orwijr for the year 1891. Ordered by the Couit tbat the clerk draw a warrant on tbe county treasurer in the sum of $4 60 iu favor of A.J Orwig. In the matter of the viewer reoort on tn.i relocation of the 81. Helens and Nebalem road, petitioned for by H. A. CorlitMt. Laid over for lb term. In ihe mutter of Hie - viewers report on the u. v. Brinaon road beginning on the county line between Columbia and Washington counties at a slake marked "K ' on the east Side of Beaver creek aboul 64 rls eaat of the south west corner of section- 5, of t 3 n, r 4 thence down Beaver creek on the most practical loute; thence in a northerly course to and terminating at a stake marked "R" near the residence of J. K Brinson in sec 7, t 4 u, r 4 . Ordered that M. R. Emmons, E. N. Ridgway and S. Q. Schoonover be-and iney are Hereby appointed appraisers lo asaess damages, if any,- claimed by W. H. Hesa, on said' proposed road nd that they mak their report in writing to this court on or before the 1st Monday in July, 1892. In the matter of the assessment of John M. Cres. Now on this day conies John M. Cress and aik the court in cancel the assessment of a mortgage wrongfully asseveed to him id it appearing to the satisfaction of the court that a mo-tirui'e had been assessed to the said John M. Crevs. which he did not own and never had owned ; ordered that the said mortgage lie sim-ken iroin the assessment roll. In the matter of the reig nation of F. Dtian, County assessor. Ordered that said resignation be, and the same la hereby accepted. In the matter of the appointment of County aaaessor for Columbia county. Oregon. Ordered by the court that urtson Weed be and is hereby ap pointed County assessor for Columbia county, Oregon, lo fill out the unex pired term of said assessor, caused by the resignation oi u. r. xioan, upon niing me required bond. In the matter of a duplieate county warrant ot the tiewit Investment Co. Now on this day come 8. S. King. ecretary oi the Hewit Investment Co. and asks the court to issue a duplicate county warrant in the sum of $18, and presents to' the court his afB.lavit con cerning the same, and it appearing to the ci.urt tbat no bond accompanies said affidavit. It is ordered ' that the said S. S. King give a bond in- double the amount i t order that said dupli cate rxay issue. In the matter of the rebate of tax in the ertaie of George Price, deceased. Ordered by the court that this matter be, and the same is hereby laid over for the term. In the matter of the application for a county road. Beginning at a point in lite south boundary line of Columbia county, where said boundary intersects the weal bank of the Columbia river. on San vies Inland; theni-e in a north erly course to, and terminating at or near what is known as Warrior Kork. Viewers ; John Popvjoy, Allen Robin son, and Frank Miles; A. B. Little, sur veyor. Meet ai the residence of J. W. Guild, June 29, 1892. In the matter of the transcript and cost bill, Slate of Oregon vs. Alexander Bonner. Now on this day comes J. B. Duncan, justice of .hj peace in and for 8t-appoose precinct, and files a transcript and cost bill in the above entitled matter, and it sppenring to the court that the cost bill in said transcript does not show the names of . t. : j . , t ' i no uaiiin rnuu-a w Kiai lees in said case. It ia ordered that said trans enpt and cost bin be referred to said justice for correction. In the matter of the application for a comity road petitioned for by A. Alley and others. It appearing to the court that the bond required be law in such cases, made aud provided does not comply with the statute, and is in sufficient. It ia ordered by the court that said petition lie not granted. In the ma ler of the establishment of a county road beginning at m irt marked "A on the . Kaiuier and Beaver Valley road, irfl 7 n, r 2 w. near the quarter reel ion corner of sec tions 17 and 20; thence in a northerly course to and terminating near the northwest corner of the donation land claim of John Henrici at low water mark in said town and range. View- era appointed, Ellis King, J. R. Head lee and Marion Fowler: surveyor. B. Little ; to meot at Kettering's store stay ou, 19VZ. In the matter of the establishment of a county mad. Beginning on the socalled Clatskanie public road about g nine cast of the uwf, cor of sec 55, tin, rew. at a sfak marked "A nam 0 Irk USES Baking roivder: Uiiod ia 2IIssj cf 22czr3-- Years tho Standard- thence running in a sottiheasterly tli reetiou to, and terminating l a stake marked "G" at or near the townvliii nn in reo aa, i i n, ra w. it also ap- lieartng to the cotirl by the sffl.Uv of Oliver Anderson, and oath of R. Quick, that said notices bad been posted as required by law an follows, town : One on a stake marked "A" at the beginning of said proposed, an one st a stake niarkod "D, near tbe center of said road, and on on a stake marked "0" near the terminus of (aid road, and on on the court bouse dooi in the town ol St. Helena. Viewers Christ Johnson A. J. Alley, and Ed Page; A. B Little, surveyor. Meet ai the residence uf Widow Stralton, June In the matter of the application for a couuty roiid as follnwai Coniinenc ing at the west end of Umatilla street in the City of Vernouia.; tbenco west erly through seelions 6 and 6, of t 4 n r 4 w, to and' terminating at a slake marked B,H near the ae corner of the swi of sec 12, 1 4 n, r 5 w. Viewers taxi Adiinis; M. Mellinger, and John Vanldarioom; A. B, Little, surveyor Uect at the residence of . Jouu Van blaricom. June 10, 1892. Iu the matter of the application for a change in the comity road lieirinuinii st the quarter post between sections 25 and 26; I 0 n, r a w ; thence south on the section line betaaeu said sections to the comer ot sections 25 and 26, 35 and 86; t 6 n, r 5 w. Viewers appoint ed, John Wallace, Oliver Wilson and John Jones; surveyor, A. B Little; to meet at the resideuce of C. B. Fuller May 25, 1S92. In the matter of the application for a county road beginning at a stake marked "R" about 40 rod northeait of the half on the east line ot section 12, t 4 n, r 5 west ; thence running in a northerly direction' to and terminat ing at the county road from Vernonia up Rock creek, at the northeast corner of section 3b, ton, r 5 w. Viewers appointed, 8 B. Rose, J. C. Coulter and Wm. Creasy ; surveyor, A. B Little ; to meet at Ihe residence of T. 0. Peuslow Juno 14. 1892. In the matter of the establishment of a proposed county roud. Regiiiiiing at a stake marked "R" on the center line, forty-onn rods sooth of the center of sec 29, 1 6 n, r 4 w; . thence west U a stake marked "B," one hundred and thiriy rods from the center of said sec tion 29. A sufficient bond bavins been nied wiin the county clerk in the sum of $100 to cover all expense in case default is made in otH-nmir said road. Ordered and adiudxetl bv be Court that Andrew Anderson, Isaac Smith and Oliver Burris, three di-in- terested householders, be and thev are hereby a ppwu ted viewers of said proposed road, and that A. B. Little, a I -ll.-t L - . . raiiiiui surveyor, oe aiiu is neretiy ap pointed to survey the Mini, Meet at the reeidenreof J. M. Peterson on the 16th day of May, 1892, aud failing to meet on that day, thou within five days thereafter, and after being duly worn, view, lay out, survey and mark out said proposed road, aud make a re port of the same to this conn in writ ing on orbelomlh firsv Wednesday in July. Iu the matter of the application of Unn A. Wood to sell spirituous vinous and malt niiors in less quantities than one gallon, in Peer Island pre cinct. Ordered by tb Court tbat said license be granted. In the matter of the application of Allen Nevin to sell spirit tioua, vinous, and malt liquors' in Idas quantities than one gallon, in Deer Ii-land pre cinct. Ordered hy the court that said license be granted. In the matter of Ihe application of R. R. Fiwter A Co. to sell spiiittinua, vinous, and milt liquors in less quan tities than on gallon, in Deer precinct. Ordered by the court thut said license be granted. In the mutter of the viewers' report on ihe Judaoii Weed road, bnuiiining at a stake marked "R" near Ihe al bunk of the Nehulem river, and abooi 90 rods soui h of the nw corner of Ihe nwj of sec 13; t 4 n, r 6 w ; thence up the Nehaleni river lo, and terminutiint at tbe sw J, corner ot sec 2, 1 3 n, r 4 w. Ordered by the court that said read be opened. In the matter of the viewers' report on the D mn road, beginning at a stake marked "A" in the county road lend ing from Rainier in Beaver valley on tbe section line of sections 19 and 20, where said line crosses said road, I 7 n, r 2 w ; thence in a soutiiwesierly course to nud terminating at a stake marked "B" on what is called the En lei prise road in sec 3, t 0 n, r 3 w. Ordered by tbe court that said road be opened. In Ihe matter of tbe viewers' report on ihe W . M. Wilson road, beginning at a stake marked "R" on Ihe comity road leaning from Vernonia to Foreci UroVe; thence due north on the line between the lauds of A. B. Lewis and Peter Walter; thence up tho Nehalem rrver to and terminating at a stnk marked "u" about 60 rods east of the sw corner of sec 18, t 4 n, r 4 w. Or d red hy the court that said road' be oiiened. - s' -. hi the matU-r of the report of W'. A Meeker, sheriff of delinquent tax for year 1891. Ordered and adjudged hi the court thai thy report of the her iff of delinquent tax for 1891 b and Ihe same is hereby accepted. BILLS ALLOWED. Doan, C F. coon ty ssesor, ...... . $165 00 Oilmore, Mrs, Washing windows and scrubbing floor of courthouse , 2 60 Powell, A H, boarding and lodging l! a Boles, pauper ' " 70 00 8inis. Dr. L M, inquest' on body of WACatto. s. .. S 00 Lsmont, George, bnildlng sidewalk - In front of conrthoase (80 Edjtsrton, W A. powder, fits and caps. R D So 11 12 00 Bryant A Conway lonber furnished K D No. 10 , 84 65 Barr Bros, lumber, R 0 No. 9 ... ... 83 65 Kdgsrton, W A, powder, fuse ami caps. R D No. 9 17 00 Aii'ilne O B, viewer on toad survey No. 73 and 74.... .. 6 40 Solars C, . " 8 40 Furrow, Walter, " ........ 6 20 Heaillee. J K.chatomsn, ' 8 80 Hacksaderg, J H, " 6 ft) Rlber, niarksr, " . .,. 8 60 Oill, J 1C, election supplies, eta ..... ' 10 so Ol:i,JK,lnk ,;"..,.',',.. 1 Olass A Pradbomme, two county - warrant books,. . ...... 20 00 OlsasA Pradbomme, supplies, ste- 17 65 Orwig, A i, lumber and work on brldf s, B D No. .'., ..... 76 60 Bean V. Jtfstlo of tn peace, feet, . fe'tktevs. S COrahsmi.i. .......... I SO llitdM F, witness, ' ....... S 10 Hliikl,P. ,-'' -t. " ....... a 10 Iliegle.J It. county printing U100 Ueuucti, T A. supnort-Msry M Rum msrsudcMH... U 00 Flttabnrg Mill Co. lumber and labor- . for RU No. IS . 4t00 XIcNull Bros, supullss tarnished It rs MoOauley .:..,.,'....'.,. .. 00 Newtb. 0 H, medical st sndanct en Tales, pauper , 47 00 vloinms, Ckss, nails It D No. 10 ... . I 74 .Solomon, J T, viewsr rvad survey No. 70. 71, 72 ....u. W40 Webster. K,' " 10 2 Adams, J If,. " " ....... 17 ab I) itison, II C, chainwan: 17 00 Weed. Judson. ' " ............ 10 CO Vaiihlaricom, L,. " 7 2ti Hrinsun. K U, marktr .' ' It 40 lewis.J D, fliigman . .... ........ 17 8b Ms-t n A Uygerti record book .... - 28 80 Wibon, W M, flour fur psupsr 00 Vonh'aritom, J W, for delivering... 1 6t tienisr. J . work, RD No. 13 t 60 Little, A B, fee ss surveyor ...... , lit SO Hiatt, 0 P. building booths and bal lot boxes .. 62 60 LluU, A B, survtyor, tablUhiMg corners ... .... 1703 Howard, II 0, planking for road dis trict No. 4 60 00 Quirk, K K clerk's fees 189 40 Tredgegill. T, work, R 0 No. IS .... 10 00 Boiler, John, 8 00 Muhiiberg, K, , ' g jo Peterson. John, - , (26 Pettrson, Anton, " " . . . . 6 25 Rereroii. cliat, bounty on scalps.. 4 00 H.ilter. em. " " .. 00 Uidawn. J H, " . .. 2 00 I'ensiow. n, , ., moo Parker, FM, ., 2 00 larksr II. . .. Boo Washburn. A. " .. 12 00 Konkle, J, viewer on CorllM read .. 2 40 Mi lard. J 8. .. .. M Uable, CJ, " " 2 20 ua -ger. u v. raainman, " ... I 10 Riddlev. W L. ' ... 2 10 Onrli-m H A, msrktr, 2 10 Uaplsi, C P. bounty on scalps . 2 00 i onveri, rr - , , i w Malcom. Fred, ' g 00 Aaron, Auilill, ' 200 Muekle Bros, sanmles. N D MrCov. IB GO aiu:kie ro, himoer lor wslk In front of ronrlhoiiH . . . . . 20 00 NucKlt) uroi iron noiu it o No. 13 . 9 00 Darneii . O W, enmmlmi.iiiers fees . an I snirlntendeni of hridns ... 63 CO Unencer, Israel, commissioner ... SO 00 luersrr, w A.rees sberllT 183 60 neeser. w A, del nqoent and copy sheriiSi roll lfln m iteeker. W A, ritllnquent and copy of aherifrs roll ....... . Slam Orwig, A J , rebats of tax for 1891 . 60 atiLi mo ovta roa rai tssm. Freeman, Geo. bounty on scalps ... Hdlier.SC. " ... Bi.n, Dr. I. M. medical atteBdaoce at inqnct of Cntto . Georire. a H. making Coffin and box fur Indian Or i, A i, bounty ori scalps . . . ... 400 8 00 15 00 10 00 8 00 CbATNKANlK. Mrs. I. Bsuntlrardnar and eh;ldai !!,. log in town tbis week. Mr. Ruth Youne la In (own vtalttna lp j it.n . ... . - uouKnwr, an.v. XI. un. W. H. Convert, wbils ecnsl leralilv Inie. ted in polities, has a kind of sad aiid lone ly Inok, which is sreo nled lor be bit being wiuowar. mrm. uuivih uaina 111 ,jratf..n City. ' Ths polltlral meetine brnueht' on its a umb-jr of our neighbors to town Momlav. aiiinx wltnm w noticed 0- W. Bsrnss. llsrol i Hyven-on. Mr. Pryi, and Mar tin White, of Heaver, and A. 8. Orahsm. nf Marshland. Also Mr. and Mrs. Abel, f ine mini mil sir. and Mr. N Merrill, w A Younjr, Mr. Gandyks and msnv others. A copious shower of rain at tbe rfoae of tl.a meeting kept soma of them front giOng horns umil niprnins. proving to ths hoief. keepers that it is an 1.1 wiini that blows no body good. , Capl. Nichols ha added a new ease nf ox to the ixxtoffiu euuhnnent. whieh ia qniv an improvement. Ths namlier ol lock bo-- is In. r i-s l. and and will add somen bat to the revenue of ths office. A very s iioyable enterta'nment cams off t eaturaay evetumr In t'onvera' Lull which was advertised a- a muied and p-lliig conte-l. The dtcorat'ng was under are i.f Mi S flora Cnnvers and reflected crerift on her srtUii., :t. The rs 1 1 lillr whcb l kiiidtv loaned bv Mm.Z. rta witverv beautiful. Mr.' Fahri'ina. sm! Mr. anl Mrs. K. C. Bl -i-kforrf l-h guitar and or run. rend -n-d the orcbstrai uiu-lc placing together m nltfy Ths ngnig was nna .Mrs. Minn ana Mr. on endi rend a eoo'l selection, and ths mi ider of tlis rera-niue was well ra-i. dered. 0i'i to the lae hmr. whan the' pr.giaihine was CniDb.-d, ths spelling was ueivrrwtt w anuiner occa-ion. . One of tlie i ite- stine fetitures of th ws;-k wa the pniitical meet ng s-n Monday even ni. It had lie n vnnvuneed as ere- puwican rally, with W. J. R(je as 1 1 prin dp. I sneaker, bnt after Mr. Ilks came I tnlnt riiseusrion was agreed on bsiweeu Mr, Iticeand Mr. Hntton. who repronenis the leo ie psny. A .are . crowd gathered and after Minis mnsie by tbe orcltertrs without any waiting for nrganitatnn. Dr. Hail introduced W.J. Kcas ths rai.olHI- csnHisk. r. Mr. Hire, In. a-nest yet very ueanuni miinner sou aim rerv ready nt rranee. rti cuwed tbe uoliti. al i-.ue of tha day. advising those presi-nt to standby the cranu mil puriy and its principle. He held the attention of tbe audience forto nours, wnsn negavs way to Mr. Hntton who for an hour tried lo nonvinca tha neo. pis that "there's somethinc rotten In Dan iKsrk." and drmovrats and renuhllraiia ar fv-uii-,iuic jur ii. anu ua pei).ics party expect to be ths alt to ssve the nutlon. He held the audience very well ai'O. notwlth land! if ths latenen of the hour. It had been sianged Mr. Rice should have ten minutes for ths t toaihsf spesch but the suuience tnonvnt iMy iiad enough and Mr. ''leu dlJ n..t attempt tb asy much mors The meeting adjourned about 11:16 with rns audienee gene'&lly rii a good hunmr. MARE IIANUFiCTDRERS t, ":M'BJ? . .... ALL-WOOL SUITS SACKS AND FROCKS! 8IZE8 34 TO 54. - $8.50 Every Suit warranted : J. M. MOYER&CO. ' : . " Soccsssors to Brownsiille Woolen Hills - Retail store, 140 First street; under the Gilman. X XCLE MY EES, " ' ' ' I - 1 . THE PORTLAND JEWELE1V IMrORTItlt kVti DRALXR In' ," ? ' ' ondsi;ldcIio. Watches, Jewtltn, end Oflltsl fiooitj.,.' ... V. Fine Watch and Jewelry1' ! RepaJxiag, Orders from the Country Solicited. 1 65 First Street. Between Marrfsaa -arid -Yamhill.-Portland, Or. V ieu oiscovEny tj flcci::;jT Is asmpaaostnt aaoloUM a Van was hmmm mim -ana oa V,aMln alierwanl II mm ueStnA X. a.lTww 5 i.i.i h ii , ii i an mail ' -- a.. ... w sasua? ji iimiHn ifh sroria waas ism aaaas w ttwaew'a Aa si isrsarsviLi Maentlll 6N6 v eiajPLi ART CHI4.QCAN OSsTrT. lay tswaas sm as astey Um aMnm tar a fva SMafc a im sysHX m rrm mlSmmmt Mheaaaa7UMsa In. ft ilk ! . TkaaiaaiLaiiiVnkk.kM. Nl Qaatav Aim H I a "y--TJ""s sf LwSbISS -- -,, ,1 natWIr V A r K. I. vi a ..4 aaiiaa --- - tZTll ... - yniLaairwHHHIlfaMMttMWUIIWIIaew Wllkkatt alas Iroca otwruiMl. r"" "ysetir eoaaaMrtial ssetaslass kaa la SMn'i Aatt-Wawtwawasek IM aval """"S. I. wmr Mm i ar a maw ana MraiUfirkf4 la rrwr ' "S. ST reaStelfie IM Islam tnraia ka nf ia misnli; - ssai la stlasr aMOUna wm ihishi at k asisaasenl ar mpm ay Mw wltk Ian aaeMw wsso.a slflaly. Cam rartiaraitat la kiaaaS ana Mri4alnritt la resay wis representntlves nf each psrty tldnkine iheir stue siicm. nnrning lirfs being sstlstled, yna know, and nothing like hearing both uvui a iueaMvil. f ... (iwaranteed Care. W arjtb'irixe otir advert'sed druggist to sell Ir. King's iw Discovery lor" Con amptii n, t oughs and Colds, upon this condition. If you are afni. ted with s rough, cold or any lung, throat or cheat trouble, and will use this remedy si directed, giving it a fair trial,- and exiierience lie Benefit you may return the bottle and have your money refunded. We could net make this offer did we not know that Pr. King's New Discovery i mild be relied on. It never' di. appoints. Trial boti us freest Edwin Uo drug ktore. Largo efze 50e and ft. noticc roa rini.icsTie.ii Land Offies st Orsron City. Or.. Kirch It. I'M. Nntlca la herabv aivan that tha fnliAwlnv MBfnau vsi ivr a niea ninicv oi nia intenuon to make Anal proof in support of bis rlsim, sod that laid rfkoof will be made hafnra tha Count Clerk of Columbia euauty, at St. Hslsas. Or., oa mg if law, VI. GOTTLIEB ANURER, ' HaWKaail autre No. SH7I. fur (ha la U a lion Hi. tpo, r 3w. Ua namsi ths (.illowioa itnesw to prors his eoutlnnaus rtsidsucs upon, and cultivation of, said laud, vlss Enos o. joins, b. a. uuanrrsB. rrank liinbop, rl. C. Brown: ail of geuban F. O., Columhla county, v,ivu. i, A. arf AHrnin, nwaus Kefiatar, Treaaorer Notloe. County TrsSsnrer's Office, ' I HI. Helens. Or.. Mav 13. UM. ! State of Oregon, Columbia County:.. ' Notice Is herslir riven tbat all unnald county warrants which have been presented and endorsed "not paid for want of funds'' from Msv 4. 1881 up to July 14. 1801. both dates In'iiiaire, will be paid upon presents tinn at this office.: Interest on said war. rants will not be allowed after the data of this notice. O. W. COLE. Oco?y Treasurer,' tS Oatikaiaaai OIHHATI. O. Vaw fay SAs fmr assy aat -IrEBIilJ".,,,siwiai . ZiiaL SX! srttaaiitt oa raulaad. , , n MM IM. Wuft M SVRItM mt Qwmml At anal israma at ia Bra Lata aoatia ataast wis aairas REPUBLICAN STATE TICKET. Tor Presidential Electors, J. F. CAPLE8, of Portland. 11. B. MILLER, of Orant'a Paaa. 1). M. DUlflfE, of Portland. O. M. IRWIN, of Union. For Supreme luit'ge, F. A. MOORE,' St. llulens1. . , t Attorney-Oenersl, L. K. WEBSTER, jMcksooville. . DISTBICT. For Conj rensmen, DINGER HERMANN. (1st district.) W. R. ELLIS, (Sod district) ' For Circuit Judge,' T. A. McBRIDHT, Otegnw' City. For District Attorney,--' W. N. BARRETT ot Hlllsboro. For Joint 8onairir, r. W. MAXWELL, of Tillamook. Board of Kquslitstlon, 0. WINOATE.of A'storia. For Representative, , NORMAN MERRILL. ' For Sheriff, ' C; W, BLAKESLEY. 1 For Clerk, ' E. E. QUICK. For Corn miisioner, ISRAEL SPENCER." For County Judge, DEAN BLANCIIARD. For Treasurer, E.M.WHARTON. For Assessor, 'GEORGE MAYGER. For Surveyor, ' A. B. LITTLE. For School Superintendent, T. J. CLEETON. For Coroner, n. f. qviyr. Sealed. Bids.'" ' ivotlre l hereby g Wen tbat seated Mis Will lie received by the codnty court of Co. ItiBsMa county, Oregoa. Bp ti lOo'elwek A. J , On ths nth day of July, 18W. -for tbe const union of bridge aerots Milton oresk at Wilion on the NnrtUtm I'acitio Kt:f6ad . the bidder 10 farniab plans, tore Ineations, ttrsin, disgiam- and all material f..r Uire construction ot ssld bridge, iBarh Mdder shall dlt with bis bid f per Cent. , of Ihe amount ol saclt bid, whira shall be forfeited to ths county In ease ts award is mads to him snd hs fails, aegweta or ra. fuse f..r tlie period of twi days atter saeb sward Is mads, lo enter Into a eontrartaad file his bund in ihe manner required bv and to tbe satMaetioa of the said- board of. county eo.itmlHtoiMrs, provided.. alweee that ii.1'1 Ix.srd may, inltsdiscrsaon, reject any and all bids. . y order of tbe board et eounur commlwioMers. St. Helens, Or,; i. BWITZKR, uon May S, im. Oouutv Jadae. Ill I3J 10 rsoricat worn rvaiii caTfw.n. Und pmcest Oresaa City, Or., Uarah SO, last, Noilcs is bsrahv elvau that !. inii.s. namad-MttUr bai died aotlt e af his IniaioJoa to make final proof Is support ef his tlaia,aadliat aid proof will ha mads befors ths sauaty eisrk of Columbia couutjr, at ib liclsos, Otsgoa. oa mmj 19, twi, vim Irs jr. wtivii Prs-ematlon D. S. No. lltfl. fer Ihi nU m4 mtt. IS. tp t B. r 1 W. Ha uaiafa Ola tollaaiusa mil. assees toprnrs hit continuous restdsaoa opoa . sndeultlvsllna etsald land, vis: 1. W, Heaaell, , C. w, Hlahssls. J aula Ifeudrlcki. snd U. 9. Pore, all of HI. iltlao. Columbia sonat. Ore. son. j. t. A'fPKitarvtt . as all' KsciaMr' notice ro rvBLIciTlON. Und 0oe st Orsgoa City, Or.. April II, 1W. Notlesls hsrsby alvta that. Ike fel'owlac namad Millar has fllad aotles mt his lateadow to maks anal proof In support sf kls slalat sad thstsatd pmof will bemads bsfare the County Clerk of Columbia eounty, at at. Hslsas. Ore gon, oa stay 1. IsM, li: T EDWlk p. McKAY, ' ' -Prs-saiptloa p. I. No. im. for lbs is W Of ess. tlnu , 1 1 n, 1 2 w. Il name lbs -ieliowlug witnesses to prose hts eoalluliaus reaideare upon, and Cultivation of ssld lead, els: U. West, 1). Freeman. Osoris Kaimer sad II. While: aU of acappoossP, 0., Columbia county, Oragoa. sMi2 ; I T, APlJfKkOM. KstUtsr. . NOTICE IOB rVBltlCATIOls, j , Und OMoest Oroiton City, Or..' April II. 'im.. Notice is hersbe alvan thai tha lallnaslna. named ntilsr hai Died noiles of hia Imsotloa to make final proof lo support nf hia elsla. snd that laid nroof will ba mull hafnra tha Mmlf elerk of Columbia county, at Mt. Usisas, Orsga on May II, 1W2, els: . . J7. JOUN O. Rorssitaad an Irs V. SSaS. fartha aa U n aaa- tlool, tla, rl w. He names lbs following to- prove bis eoutloueus reside r v euitwaooa ol saM lanri. unsar see- p. i 0. it a nen, and tlonssoi, R. P. OnlvW. Hanra aiarrka. Stephen Haiass, Julias Znsmsnai sU Dooaa. Columbia anantv. Orsama Psatamla BaMiai. who mada ara-amnttea XL t. No. saw, Is bsrsby pselally nottlsd (a anpsat, and show eanae why the entry of Joha O.-. Tnmpktaa shoald nor be alinwad, ' -attnvff . it & AftlkmilA tttlw