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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (May 13, 1892)
THE OREGON MIST. UuitMl XUte ill bmx Oflklil Nasr Bt. Uslsju.. May , MM, tasrs LOCAL AND GENERAL. District court cnvsae neat Men Wsuled Girt t 4 tfgtat ttatiaewwk, Call el Oils eta. ApecleJaete ot fM telle! soap at Hose' drug etre MM Editor Paris, el Ilia Hehalem Jour nal, bald v a Jr last Friday. Mra. W. M. UasMIs, of Qoble, paid Tm urn pieaaant eeii Tuesday. Mrs. W. 1L Dolman returned from 8iklm lat Sunday, wher ah bad beau on a Uit for lb pact fortnight. Tba amilina eountenance of Mr. W. A Young, peoples' party candidal lr cltvol superintendent, Waa on our slrerte last Friday. Cltariea huckm M having a oaw coat of paint put on- bis retida Ml ekr jT V ltch, vbtav ompltd, will grsatly w Its appserauce. Quite a number of St. Ileleitsitss ' want ta Asiorle oa tba Mascot Wed. nsaday to attand tha centennial cals brauoii and raport a grand affair. lira. J. R. Beetle, ir., and dauglitar, Anna, left last Saturday for Cottage CKova and Salem, wbtra thay expect to iait with relativee for a fww weeks. lie now raaidane baing aractad by r. K. Cui, ta assuming ennskierabie proportional aad when cmpltd trill II L K ba an ornamanl to that portion of ihJf-'A. of cftr. ifof I Uucbla Bro. ara having a saw j.uiou.tba old Ooad Templars' ball, , and tba lunar part of tba upper tiory repaired, aftar which tba Old Fellows wiil occupy it lor their rotating. According to tha Astoria Herald, the aaliuow. psak ao far this yaar liaa W far below that of former aaaaoua. Sal mon ara vary acarca at Ihla tima, and fishermen ara beeomiaf greatly V couragad. ' If r. A. 8. Draaaar, of Oregon City, will ba praaant aad addraaa tha Har riioa Club tbla (Friday) avaniiig on tba political Iseuee. tat very body turn out and baar him. You may leara aomeihing that will do you good. Tba following taacbara war preaant aA tba publia examination tbia week : Kill Fannie Rnrk, Reuben. Or.; Kai A. McOuIre Oillion; Gertrude E. Badger, Cletekeate; Jessie Downs, Sv. Johns', Ruth B. Bsdcer, Woodland; Mr. Charles Ilray, Chilton. Board of eismlneit, 8uperintandut Watta, A. B, Littla and Mra. N. E. Dolman. W.J. Rica baa returned from an ex- tensive tour ol the Nehalera and date kenie eouatry, wbiob ha visited in be half of tba republican party, and he raporta good andieneaa at every point, except ana, and while tba republican bra not "loud moulhed" and boiiteroui, ha aaya they ara feeling good ; ara well aatiified with their couoiry,ibai party, and tba ticket. Ha predicta for tha republican ticket, tbi yea, aw over, vlu-lminc Hialoritvae etreat many ot the betlr Mass os democrats, who do not sudors sirarchy and tyrsny, a nropoard by tha "aurahaada," have ex pressed their Intentions of atayina; by the frea inatiiution of tbia country, and doing their duty in perpetuating ita pesoelulass and napptmss, aua prosperity 5 therefor, they will help to avppreee tba riotoua excitement being railed by the paaplaa' party, by voting again! lb cundidalaa of that party in this connty. -. Wbatth Mlnnaaot Btata Athori - tiea Know A boat Then. St. PaaU Minn ., Pfcmaer Preea. If" there li a - doubt in anybody' rnind aa ta tba equality of th . varioua . baking powder of tha market, it will ha eettled by tba evidence given upon tMeawbJaet "V a Btata official of Mihneaota. Tb Dairy and Food CommiMioa and tha HUM Chemirt. ara tha bigbMt official authorities upon aioh subjeeU in this state, and their evidence will ba accepted aa dtiintur ted and uaprajudiced. It ia their buiinvu to aiamina tha quality of tba s different food product, and to uh pre tha sale of those found impure aad unwholasom, and all wilt admit that thay hava performed tbeir duties without (ear or favor. ."At a raoant axamination by a legis lative committee to determine tha qualities of thf various baking powders aiild in Minnesota, BUI Cbemiel and Analyst to ths Food and Dairy Com ' sntMioner, Dr. Charles W. Drew, gave tba following evidence: Qnes. Dr. Draw, I aa by the report of tba Dairy and Food Comnjusioo of this State that In making analyses of the various baking powder of the country yon report as a result of your work that the Royal Buklng Powder oontalos and f Wee off in baking a greater per cent, of esrbonie aeid ga (leavening fas) Ihsn any other baking powder made; is that true! Ana. Yes, 8ir; that is k fact. ,Quss. Doctor, yon also found from ..Mrfment that tbe. Royal Baking ppwder will keep longer and retain it onalltiaa bbttar than any other powder made, did yonnotT i n. Y Sir s I think it does. Ques. Wow, tba two most desirable qualities in naamg powuer ..nm.tnl eauhonla acid caa it eon- tina aiul fflvaa off and tha length of " time tt will keep, are they notT ImuYm Mr. ' Quee. Then th Royal Baking Pow-ar.-noaessaina these aualitie. la the hart twkwdac mala. la it notf - ' Ani-Well. that would be the ' natural eonclnslon.' Ques-Well, that la tba fact, la it ... nntf - Ana. Yss, I think it la. Ieonaider it on of tba bast baking powdera made. ''"-''""... .Alienator, Bfire It rst Urtrodnclion. Kleetrle Bit, tare hM caund" raplnly In papular lavor, trata now It I clearly In the lead ameae; vara medkal tonlcei and alteratives-eon. UiHInftnathlns wbkrb permii! use a a VevaraVe or lnunlcaDt, ith i rawgnhwd ai the eesa and parnt medicine for aU U-neats-of stomach, liver and kidney. It win kMriaah. indieeallon. eon- atlpattin,.aod delve malaibv frmn the iy-ar- gatiatMUoix s"""t 7uJ,b,,,?h hMlUrar iha move will ne rclnnded rnce aly Mpeabatttao tWd cyMSeev Ran Estate TMtaafev. OW Baker to Cbii()t Baker,, Und Id H4 a, n W i,ooo. William Leurlal to Lncul P Uaaun, t. giwa,viri, J. a. mj a700. I oun a Murpay to L B Wwon, wW eea ze, M n r S w. 120 aerei : tHO: bertlechbrldf ta L P Uatvu, X ( hi a, r a w, am aem ; , ;eo . , W H B LeomU le MartUi J Ubuealii. aaU H of aX, etK.ef iwK. aad let of aee Ul, 1 7 a, r 6 , S aere; ajeoo. 0 D Xiy i It i Bbtrwln, nU ol mtu. ol Ma w, 1 7 a, at w, (Oecrei i alio uii of ee m, 1 7 B, r W.JO ten. In. ClaUop Co: IWO. l. r Haxan to A T Blue, aM of oli of ate 30. MM and iWof n.u, and mU of iwV and lot 4 of mu 19, t o a, r 6 w, 40 acrei ; altu nn ol or mo H,.t 7 a, r 6 w, 80 aarei bi ClatMpOoj fl,0. . 1. 1 Haran et at to D A Blodgett, nU and HOI ne)i and MM at iwH, lot 6, mo IS; UonXof nKofM0 30. t7n, r S w, 401 arm; (010. Dean Blaticbard to Bienor Symoni, luU t and 4. bin U, in Kalnlir; 1300. Unite iotutM to l'ikOlllls. loU It and 12ofoSl.indnwWof nwH.. and lot nu7oft,iii " United t)tt to 1 So. I7n,r!w,10i hd 7 of tee S3,.t I n, r 4 w, 167 10-100; feter Holler, iw ; ftf we acrei; patent. Vemonls fiiiprorenitnl Co to A Blck- man, latl blk 91, addition to , Veruonls; a IS Oicar Akin to Juhn M Crem, m)i o( ut 3. t S n, r S w, 10 aorsi; 11.100, United BtataittO P Cliebtelln, nww of mc34. t8 n, rs w,. 180 acret; patent. L C Kinney to Sarah K Uigliton, i of MJiof Meld,t7n,r w, SO scrn; $4.00. Suit claim deed. J L Klnary to Sarah K Lalghton, H of Me U, 1 7 n. r 4 w, 10 aerw; $4 00. Ui.ltetl fltatet to Dennl O Cantryt tmH of Me 8, 1 4 n, r 2 w. 100 acrwa j patent. m J enirwin to u r smi, ni oi ne4 oi mc SO, uK and of ae'. mM ut iwjf, lot 4 of mo 19, 1 7 n. rt w. 401 anrei; also nM of MX of ms M, 1 7 n, r w, SO acre in CUc top Co; f2,6W. Henry Blake to Mary L Blske, lot 1 and z,blkl,Meer City; t. liary h Ulake to U.nry Blake, lot Ublk- Vttt City: 125. JlaryL Blake and ho.beiid to H M Fowler et al; neol nX see J. Hi. r I w, 40 scrw; loto and 2, blk I, Nr City, llanry Blake to Laton Blake, t K of mH of mc 44, and lota S and S In Me 88, 1 7 n, r 4 w; oMof MMofMe2,t6n,rIw, 20 acres; lots 4, 4, . , to, 11, and 12, blk t, Stt City ; $1. - Btate of Oregon to K R Qulck.arX of o ot m 21, snd ivK of nwX of mc22, t n, r 2 w, so acres; 1 160. UalUd Slate to Anns Lengaeber. ewj of see 83. tn, r 2 w, ISO acre; patent United BtatM te i H Klmetida, iK of ee , 1 7 n. r 4 w, 144 11-100 acrm; patent. United 8latM ta Joeepb Oatrom, H ot wW of Me 29; mX of nX of m 80. and m-X of n of mo 31, 1 1 n, r 4 w. 160 acret; patent C 0 Capias to Bamual Kinder, land In mc 17. 1 1 n r I w. uit el lm deed ; 81. OACBRCotoJB OUtner. aU of see 19, ttn.rtwj 12.441.84. - OAC RKtiJBOillner.nXof sec 18. t 4n. rtw:360. K C Csnspbell to Walter J BorrrU . ( true- tee J, K ef m 9, 1 8 n, r I w. 40 acre 81.000. Jacob George to I Btanarood , wX ol aw Uof MeS.t4B, rlw,44aerei; 1624. B Kinder ta Emily L Yvaraaln,. 10 70-100 aern In mc 17. t8 nrr I w. B Kinder to W H Dolmae, 18 44-100 acw In mc 17 14 a, r I w. Kinder to Btella D Butler, 11 40-100 acre in sees 14 snd 17, t 4 n. r 1 w. . H lluckls and J If uckle, jr to A F Bird enbrook, 20 avres in sm 84, 1 4 n, r 2 w. Aufuat Frank toS K North, nwfc of sm At8n.r2w.l48 41 10M acres, bond Inr deed; 21.00. United State to C Tlnwraon, swX of sec 2, 1 6 a, r 4 w. 100 scrM-, patent Martin Albrecht to CK Allen, MX of sec 7,tSn,r2w; 210. United Btatas to K Bodentroni. nX ot e 19, t7a rSw.lOOaorei; patent. K J Uartie to Viola & Mills,, lot 4, blk 9, Vetsonia; $100. ' - r A Moore to D J Bwltier and 0 W Cole, alt: of lot 17. blk to, at Heb-n; 100i . r A Moor to It J Bwiuer ana a w coie, all tide land la front of lot 17, blk 10, Bt UcwB; 800. . Louit 0 Clark to Th Oreat Northern Coal Co, t ol Beg, H of wX. snd wW ef MUof ee22, sndwqrotac23, e) of awar.audnearof aM,tt n,r4 w, 4W cm; 8'0.00. Veraonia Improvement Co to H A Web ber, lota 4. 7. snd , blk 83. ted addition to Vernenla; 19St URWicktnhamtoJRllvrr, W of ne qr et mc 21. 1 7 n, r 3 w, 80 scree 8874. United Btatoi ta rrans Mfseiton. iwqr of M or of lee 29. and vW of n qr, snd lot 2. mc82. 1 8 n.r 4 w, M4 SO-lOOaer; patent United States to h Jolma, Iota 8 ana a ee 32, 1 8 a. aad lot 1, and ne qr of nw qr of im 4. 1 7 n. r 4 w, 144 aeri; patent. United BtatM to Rachel Welck. IK ol wqr.Mqrof . lot 1, of M 10, t n, r 4 w. 184 96-100 acres; parent. United States to Adolph Ssndiin, eK ol nw qr, snd lote I and 2. see 19, 1 6 n. r 4 m, 158 m 100 acres; patent W A linker (ahertn to ' Messrs Akin, BeHlngACo, nwqrof iec29,t4n,r 8 w; biilTi deed. ' W W West Mir Wiattttck. lot 2 blk 8, la town of tcanroM;8100. v Unltsd BtatM to J B Dosn, "H al as qr f are 24, 1 7 n, r 8 w, snd vH of sw qr sm to. t n. r 2 w. 140 00-100 acrls; patent. 0 K Fowler to U H Whitntarah, nw qr of nwarotto20.t4n,r2w,40cree; 8300. United States to David Whim. s oi aw qr, and lota It and 13 of sec 14, t fa, r a w, 128 48-100 acrM; patent Kx Sheriff TC Watts snd Bhstlff W A Meeker to 8 A Milee, iw qr of qr, and m qrof iw qr of m 18, snd nM of nw qr ot mc 22.t8a.rlw. 160 acrM, heriff'e deed; 881184; Sheriff W A Meeker toS A Miles, M qr of aee 3t. t a, r S w, 180 acrM, slieriff s deed; il,800. , linWHtatMtoJ P Compton, ne qr of ii a . a w. KM arm : patent H 0 Brnwn te Jacob e'urrer, aw qr of ae .r i ii. r 9 w 4(i aeraa: toOO. H United State Waller J Smith, w qrof eae 23. 1 6 n, r 4 w, 109 acres; pim. - United 8-ntM to WilHam Kenake, of n qr of mc 27, and w of nw qr of aeo 28, tfl n, r w, iw acbool Report. District Hn. 44, for month ending May 6th. I8W: - .. wmhr oi davs taueht, Z0; pupil enrolled, 9; total number of day at tendance, 154 ; total number day abM.nt.Sf; average ddily attanduni e, 8 nnmbHr neiiher abearnf nor tardy, a. iil aardinei. 0: ntrmberi of visitors, A W. A. Yacar XeMber, ft BohaoHiowie Hoses. . ' Edna Eastabrook began, school- last Monday. Row Konkla is abMnt'. from, school on account of licbneae. 1 Arthur Moare having flniahed Brith. melio, ha aommeuced to study alge bra, We expect to get eicureton rates on some of the river boats, for the picnic to be held here Juue 11. All who are intermted in tinging, will leM meet at tha church- next Monday evening, for the purpose of practicing soiia for the picnic. Mrs. Qaddis, teacher of the Reuben acbool, and MiM Badger, prtniury teacher iu the ClHtikanie school, were viiitora at school last Tueaday after noon. Teachrrs who csn assist in our school picnic, will plasie send us the title of the exercises that they can fur nish, aa soon as tMMiihle, aa ' we wish to have prograi.unei printed. iena Blakesley, Eitgene Blakasley, and Waits, and Frank Walts at tended th celebration at Astoria last Wedneaday. W, who could not go to Astoria, will have a chance to the . war ships Baltimore and Charlsiton by going to Pottlaud But urday. This is the best sssson of the for school, but teachers And It H dimcult time to keep pupil interested in their work ; especially when they have been attending school during must of the fall and winter months without nuu'h real. Now, when every thing uut-doorsi is so beautiful and pleaaant, and so much more attractive thun Ilia school room, tha teacher must una exertion to kuep Hie school up and in good working order. Pr- rents should ssit the teacher by see ing that their children are regularly at ehool. Wa ara fully convinced that many casea of tardiiiessasand absences were uiuevMary in the acbool laet month. "All work and no til.iy makes Jack stupid boy," ao thought the teacbt-r la at Friday afternoon, and hence all the pupils in both departments ir resnective of ae or site were mar shalled out to the picnic ground, and there turned looae to revel m the beau ties of nature. Binning waa tha only exerciae of the hour, and the giila ee- tiecially. to say nothing ot tha boy. quit out sang the songbird of the woods. All went as merr' a a- mar riaiee bell, with tha exception of one little incident by which a small boy was brought to grief. There was Tiai ble evidence that he had been chewing tobacco, though he stoutly denied it, but the teacher svsrebed hi pocket, and brougi-t forth a plug of Climax nearly as large as the boy mmeel!. We think the small boys of St. Helens chnol can "out-jfeneral" anythiug In the exrewive ute of tnbacou. Wa mtlat not forget to mention the game of black man, in which all Joined ao heartily, after which the "climax" hav ing been reaehed, the crowd disrereed, feeling that an occaaionnl hour ol rec reation is not altogether unprofitable. SCHOOL BIPOBT. Thefollowine report ia taken from the echool' rKiler for month ending May 6th. MOT: Dave attendance. 796 ; day abeent, 56; times tardy, 30; pupil enrolled, 43; daily average attendance, 40. Number enrolled in first grade, 11 ; number of days absent, 16. In Ibis grade, Arthur Moore, Tom Muckle and Mary Butke were not absent during the month. Number enrolled in the second grade, 10; number of days abMnt, 9. In this grade, Charlie Cooper, Uay Whitney, Maud Decker, Eugene Blakealey, Frank Watta, Fred Wel kins, Daiay Watkins, aud Amy George were not absent Number enrolled ia third grade, 7 ; number of days absent, 12. In thu end. Percy (Jeorge, Lulu Ueorge. and Oraca Milea were not abeent. Number enrolled in the fonrth grade, (Mra. Way, leacher) 16; number of daya abeent, 19. In thin grade, Effie Btrachan, Willie Btracban, Mabel Way, Anna Ueorge, Florence ueorge, Nellie C oper, Parl Decker, Eugene Miles, (Hen Watkirs, aud Mary Do four were not abMnt QUEST KTXB ABSWMBD. L Answered by Modjeeka Tink- ham, Arthur Moore, Robert George, aud Tom Muckle. The Manmmuth cave ia the largest in the world. It ia irr Kentucky, ami was discovered by a hunter named HUtcbins in IbW. in this cave are found many beautiful and curioira thing. There are said to be 32 kind of fish in the wa'ers of this cave, all of which are without eves. 8mall animate, snd a great many insects are found there all- of which are blind. .: 1 Answered by Aithur Moore. The term "Uncle 8am" originated in the war of 1812. Pruviniona for the American army were stamped "U. 8 M bv an inspector, tbey ' called Uncle Sam ; ao the name became associated with tba United States government a. Answered by Lixxie CKinwra. The first schooner in Oregon was built on a small island, about four miles above Portland, in 1741. It was about 40 tons burden, and the name of th man who bnilt it was Felix Hathaway. 4. Answered by Eugene Blakesley, Tom Muckle, and Fred Watkins. The circulation of the blond waadiscovered by Willism Harvey. In 1016. He Was born in England, April 1st, 1578, and died June 3rd, 1657. Hi view in re gard to the circulation were not made puMie until ids. -5. Answered by Arthur Moore. No rountry haa adopted free-trade abao lulely. Tnrkey, Portugal, Greece, and England ara called free-trade countrie. In consequence of the free-trade doc trine the Brat three are gradually aw- eppearing from among the nation. Th iiidulrie of England ara viaibly declining, end her people are begin ning to regard iree-traae aa a great mistake.. ; mw vnwnmn. , 1. Who was the youngest president of tbe United 8lateT 1 What presi denta died on the fourth of July t 3. What ia tha oldeat town rn Uregon, and by whom settled T 4. Where I the largest cave In uregon, arm wneo discoveredf 0. What are the tan larg est cities in th Dntid-8Ui8 tu order of rank! WW riicetl CASH STOKE 1 W. J. RHUGECLE &z GO, DBALXSS General M Crockery, Glassware, -Queensware. LUMBER, SHINGLES, ETC. Produce Taken In Exchange. It Will Pay You RAINIER, - - Ti FIE RETAIL MERCHANT is the necesary K I Ul!n nfTmil L.ln 1UCUIU1U V v i. v. .. and the Consumer. He must protect the interest of his customers by purchasing ir the lowest and. and best markets, and by selling to his patrons at the Lowest Possible Prices. PROPRIETOR OF THE OLD ST. HELENS STORE, In keeping these true principles of trade always in view ; often leaves the old track and strikes "across lots" for Bargains for his customers. His stock of CcGeneral Merchandise Is being enlarged by New Goods Every Day. It la not convenient to name the msny different srtlcles kepfe on aale. ani le from Dr Oo..da, Clothing : hxdin' Wear Gentlemen Wear. Head Wear, Kobt Wear, yiour and FceU, Grocer e and tan ed Goodn, Main and Hardware, I mckerv and Olanwar. Oranlta and Tinware, Powder and Bliot, Hata and Cap, Boo'a aud 81iues fitant UediriiiM, Toilet Articles, etc. GENTLEMEN We have just received the correct style in Stiff Hats for the Spring of '92. $ T 50 tO $500 PRICES FROM $ 1 .00 10 $5-00 V.' SEE WINDOW DISPLAY. 'F4aMOTJS'' King Clothiers of the Northwest. Bias Cevaer. ISIarrlaaai sad SeceneT Streeta. FarSlaadU MUCKLE Manufacturer of LUMBER ASD tKALSBS GENERAL MERCHANDISE. ST. HELENS, OR. F. R. CHOWN, . ' 1 BaTaBBBBaVal m WaamaWtW I-iA. O WA F?. HI -AND - . S T O V IE S. ' 212 First and 9 Salmon Street PORH.ANB ST. HELENS Prescriptions A Specialty. KDWIIST ROSS, DRUGGIST. : i 1 OBAtlR IK . PUBE DRUGS. - OPTICAL GOODS, MEDICINES, TOILET FANCY GOODS, ARTICLES, CHEMICALS, ' STATIONERY, CONFECTIONERY, NEW NOVELS, ETC: - PERFUMED- Awieverjrthlna; aeuelle-foaiHl in a Fintdaa Drugstore. Phyaloiaae FreacTlptlona osreftrUy eoaapaeokded at aa?. kow iij. eex nhfe..bjc s ceiwptir wtpf BiapwrUwjed Drngstrt. .. ' ta- ere h a ad i se , Bootf, Shoes, Ladies' Dress Goods, Furnishing Goods, to consult our Prices. - OREGON. - oan tVia ManilflU-tlir(r BROS., DRUG STORE. Orders from the Country filled by Return MaiL PIANOS and ORGANS Hallett & Davis and New ball Organs. I invit inspection, Ii. V IJOOREe 105 Wasltinctoii tM JS.2P". I Portland, Oregon. I WHEELER & WILSON NEW No. 9. high arm: , The only perfect family machini was awarded the only grand! pnze ai tne ran LARGEST STOCK For narticolsrs eall'ea-ar address-tba- ASTORIA AGENCY, A.G. SPEXARTH, The Largest General Jewelry House IN THE CITY. MAIN OFFICE: 1363 MarketStreeUF, California. EVERDING & FARRELL, Front 8treeti Portland. Or. 4 DEALER8 IN ' Guana, $20.00 Per Ton, A CHEAP FERTILIZER. Land Plaster $2.25 Per Barrel. Also a Fine Lin of GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS Joseph Kelloss & Joseph Kellogg FOR COWLITZ RI VElt. NORTHWEST Leave. KELSO Monday, Wednesday; and Friday at 6 am. Leaves day, and Saturday at 6 a. m. JOSEPH KELLOGG Leave RAINIER- at 5 it. m. daily, Sunday excepted, arriving at Portland at lOTO- a. m.. Returning leaves Portland at 1 p. m., arriving-at 6' p. nv Farmers and Ilerchants' INSURANCE COMPANY, Albany, Or. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL, - - - - 1500,000 SECURED CAPITAL, - . - - 247,500 PAID CAPITAL, . . - 74,250 FARM PROPERTY A SPECIALTY. . All Losses Promptly and Satisfactorily Adjusted. For particular! apple at th ottle f Moor A Cof, or Tor Mot offlo. CLATSKANIE LINE.- STEAIIER G. W SHAVER j; W, SHAVER, Maater. Leaves Portland from Alder-street dock Monday, via West, port, Skamokawa, and Cathlamet, Wednesday and Friday for , Clatskaniej touching at Bauvies Island, St. Helens, Columbia City, Kalama, Neer City, Rainier, Cedar Landing, Mt CofEar Bradbury, Stella, Oak Point, and all intermediate points, re turning Tuesday, Thursday, and- Saturday; Don't Buy Vour Druc ANYWHERE BUT AT A EEGTTLAE - i DRUG : STOIRH3. rfOWWILt FIN0THB - Freshest, Purest, and Best of Everything ; Clatskanie Drug Stored DR J. E". HALLy Prayrietor. Scale Kimball Pianos and Kim and defy competition! Mestloa thl. izpoBiuon in, ioo; AT LOWEST PRICES. Co.'s River Steamers, and Northwest PORTLAND Tueaday, Thurtv