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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 15, 1892)
THE OREGON MIST. Uaited Mate, tad Cooolr OMelil Fsper. St. Hitivi, Jamuamv 15, 1SD2. LOCAL AND GENERAL. . flamuel 8. Bands made proof on hie claim Wednesday. A. full line of rubber foode it N. A Perry's, Houlton. Mr. James Thorn, of Oregon City, wee visitor in St Helena on Tuesday Mat. . , BUnk note and receipt books at thli ontoe lor aaie cheap, Mr. N. A. Perry, at Houlton, ha added a large slock of hardware to hii general (tore. The latest novels and other choice reading matter at tbr drug atore. The ateamer T. J. Potter ia on the AetorU route tu place of the Thomaon, the Utter ateamer being tiaed at tow boat.' Clothing, first claia and beat quality : at Perry 'a. Houlton. J Chester Mm well hat been appoint ed to position in tlie bt. Helens telegraph office to tuoceed John Mao lonald. Buy your drnge at a regular drug atore. Edwin Kote keepa the beat, Moere k Cole are In Portland thia week looking after legal matters, in connection with the Taylor land can. Mine Anna Beegle, of Hillsboro, now occupies a position in Tmb Mist - once. Freecnt your beet girl with one of . those) handsome Brooches, at W. J, Muckle Co.'s. A printed Ave year guarantee given with each article. Hhould you fall into W. J. Muckle at Co. 'a you are liable to "fall out" with nice piece of jewelry in your poeket fur your sweet Dean. Our Beaver valley correspondent will please sign their name to their communications to this paper, not for publication, but ao that we may know who it Is from. We learn that Mrs Link, of Neer City, alipped off chair, and falling broke ber right leg Jat below the knee. Dr. 81ms, of Kalame, was summoned and eat the injured member. Mrs. Link is 82 yeare of age. The government outfit, which haa been at work at Walker's island, passed up Tuesday evening, presumably on Iter war to Portland to ascsne the Irecie-up which seems to be cloae at liand. . Carico valley ia aoon to nave a post office. Mr. Bauereine will be the post master and the name of the office will be Paris. The paper arc expected from Washington aoon. ',-.. The county court, in its lust session, created two new voting precunei, and 4-hant-ed the boundaries of most of the old ones. We will publish them aeit woek. ; The latest exchange that has come to this office is the Astoria Bunday Herald, imblished by our friend, C. J Curtis. Mr. Curtis ia a well known newspaper man and the Herald is a neat and wolt salted paper to Astoria. H ureas to lb Mrs. J. R. Beeale, accompanied by iier sister. Miss Eva Arulibuld, started for Ban Diego, Cel. Wat Monday, where I he former goes, hoping to benefit her health, after an illness oi several weeas. They will probably remain there until the rainy season ia over. The teamsters who are hauling rock should not trespass on the school Itruunds, thereby causing a great deal of annoyance to the school. Th, aireet is wide enough .without cutting vn the school yard .for hauling pur- nnace. There is no occasion for all the fault foujd because the teacher wiahee to protect the school property A grand old time Oregon winter, thia. The choc-choc, of the the tim- bermeo'a axes ia heard not. No skim of ice yet covers the clear bosom of Columbia's green waters. Mr. Dolman till makee it lively, dealing out gen oral merchandise, cheap and low and ao we ga.-i;i.:,.4,;:.,,,::v...;.;.,-V-; The following fishing license have been issued this weeks E. Edwards, W. P. Fowler, Edward Davorao, Ed ward Ellis, William Boot, Frank Uageley, John Malllnen, William Van over, August Laraen, J. F. Boston, T. II. Mitchell, John Blacketer, L. O. Baxter, W. . Hedgea, Charles Bodine, Mils Jackson. Edward Davnran and Wirt. 8cott were brought up to St. Helens from Columbia. City Wednesday, on a warrsat sworn out by J. 1). Birdeall, charged with assault and battery. The case will come off to-day at S, o'clock. A grand ball will be given in the Matonio hall, Rainier, on Friday eve ning, February 19. If you want to nioy a least be aura and make ft a point to be present. - : The regular quarterly meeting of the M. E. church will be held in St. Helena, commencing tomorrow (Satur day) afternoon, conducted by Bev. Coats and Eev. Dr. Stratton. This will be the beginning of a series of re vival meetings, and on behalf of the pastor and the church we hopa to see a large attendance. , v Many years practice have given C A. Snow A Co., Solicitors of Patents, at Washington, D. C, unsurpassed success in obtaining patents for all classes of Inventions. They make a apecialty of rejected oases, and have secured allowance of many patent that had been previously rejected. Their advertisement in another ool iHi, will be of interest to inventors petenteee, manufacturers, and all who have to do with patents. The Keeley Institute for the elate of Oregon baa been permanently es tablished at Forest drove. The ob jects of the institute are for the pur pose of treating persons who are afflicted With liquor, Opium and tobacco habits.' That this can be ac complished no one who has followed the history of the institution closely will doubt. Already there are a num ber of pationte being treated at the Orove. The principal perquisite of tiia nattsnt ia a desire to be cured. uulosa this is the case he might Juntas well not enter the institution. On the last day of the old yew there M a very pretty wedding at the Hotel Vcmlnma. In Han Jrwn fullf, 11.. I bride beine- Mis Helena lfolmen nf B. Helena, end the froora Judge Hud on (Irani, o( Wools nd California. i ne marriage ceremony wu mTir ., : .' ""H"" " tne Christian Church, of Ban Jose. Those ,...v.. ., hi. uW.m,uj were aire. Holnian, Hon. Oeo. W. McBride, of St. Helens, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Hoi- man, of Ban Franu sco. Dr. Kmllw T. Yeargain. Mrs. L. A. Wood, of Ran Jose, Mr. John Woods, and the Misses v..,n, u, n.uouianci. Alter tne cere - moiiy Judge and Mr. Grant took tha train lor thjlr home in Woodland. BEAVER VALLET. Christmas snd Wsw Ysars was entoyad the highest extent by ths Besverltes. Tbere was several shooting matches liven for the boys. Johnis Johusoa save one on the 23d and II. K. nelson andj.ll. Hndiion march- ed off with ths turkeys. B. 0, Hudson gave one new Year's day, but it remains to be told who got ths turkeys. : Ira Parchsr gave a social party at his honas X'maa svening. There waa a large attendanee and all sesmsd to have a very pleasant time, vspecislly at ths supper table. The music was furnished by the Wagner brothers. Prsd Wailiborti is home from Washing ton visiting hit many friends snd relatives, Mr. Wanner moved bis family down en Mill streot last week. 8. K. Hndson and R. P. Burns and Y. Beneer attended ths farmers' alliance eon vention at Enterprise last week. Kiull Relimtrit the . social hop at bis fins rasidsnce New Ysar's n . vvwv.v m Eve. Everybody went; soms en horse- back, soros foot back, some with waaont and sleighs, snd last but not least came the ox team. After thev all had ml tha mud acraDsdoffthsv commenced danelna. At 12 o'clock thsyaU rsiired to the dining- room, where a bountiful sapper wss sprssd and hrra tha all (orrnt Lhlr tmnhlat tnr a while, and dreamed they were In Jara- - diss, nntll ths fiddle called them back to ths ball. They danced nntil 0 o'eloek next day and tben they ssemed loth to de part The tnotlc wss furnished by Mr, Winchester snd son. Mies Fannie Meserve is home from school Waiting with her parents. Ira Parcbsr is erecting a fine barn on his placs, It seems ss If the young ladies and young .i ..v.-.?, horees for Bamum's circus. How is It. AUT Mr. Ives' smiling countenance was seen In ths vntlsy lsst week. We are Informed tba't he was looking op ths shingle business. Mrs. Ulchard gave her friend a New Years dinner at her boose. U Ksowaae 1 Know. STEWARD CREEK. The following correspond ) late for publication last w lence arrived too week.) In answer to a member of Stswsrd creek lodge, we, will ssy first, that ws made no motion to discontinue said lodge. Ws said ws felt like making such a motion. If the members of the I. 0. Q. T. lodse should get up a big supper or dinner snd Invite o to a seat near ths center of the first table where we could reach both ways, ws would be jnst as spt to say hi ths coarse ot hslf an hour or ae after accepting said seat thai "ws feel like making a motion to discon tinue ths Fermars Alliance and all join the Good Templars" as to say what we did. See? .r:V..:.-.; The Alliance mart be a pleassnt place to go, else why did so manny attend on a cer tain night in preference to ths 1. 0. 0. T. meeting? As to whether the Alllanoa is a bens tit in acommunity it perhaps remains to be settled yet, as tha oricanlsatloa is young la this county. Yst we don't know whether Mr. M. means financially, morally, Intellectually or physically, Mr. M. asks why ths night of meeting has not been changed. Not being a member of said lodge, ws cannot answsr the question, but ws are Informed that no each change has been made. Mr. U. says to go and enjoy ourselves, that he or they are not selfesh. Do yon mean that we would be cut off from the 1. O 0. T. lodge, should we join the Alliance? He alio says hs likes to read oar Items and wishes as sacoess, for which compliments ws tender our hearty thanks and would ssy. don't bs alarmsd about our being called away, as ws are here to stay. Any one wh rsada "a members" article can see that he has nothing against us as a eorrsepondent, but la simply kicking against tha Farmers' Alliance. We did not start out for arguments of sny kind, hat lust to give the news. Therefore If "A Member" writes again we shall turn nim over to soms champion of the Farmers' Alliance eanse In this county, who will undoubtedly answer all his questions satisfactorily. - ' NuM-BaPLL. OAPPOOSB. V7'.'',." ,: seesaw Cold weather Is with us. Buelnsss of all kinds la dull hereabouts. A mssqnerads ball is the latest talked of . La Orlupe has come to stay. Bsveral severs eases are noted.. v.;'- The White-Sleroks land contest case has. for ths third time, been decided in favor of white. Tax Mist Is constantly gaining friends among our psopls The wide range of cor- resnondencs is duly appreciated. Your Deer Island correspondent is ngoi when hs advocates the appointment of a good road subervisor to succeed himself year by year. This must be done if good roads are to bs obtained. A second bosrd of appraisers hava been appointed by the court to examine tne piece of road passing to the west of Bcap- pooie station. Thia road ia entirely super- fluous and should be condemned, being of no special good to snyone, and of great In- Jury to Mr. Watte' land claim, MIST, There was a social dinner given by Mrs. Nettie F. Courier, of Deep creek vslley, on January 1, at 6 o'clock p. m. An slegsnt dinner wu served, alter wnicn tne evening was spent with social games by ths young folks, and tbs mote sedate Indulged In a lively game ot whbk AU had a Jolly time and when, at a lata hour, they started for their aeverai homea, were In a good humor to begin the new year. : -. '- : Ioo. Card ot thanka. Tn (Via, frfonda and neighbors, who o kindly assisted us during the illness and death of our nusoaoa ana im. we wisli to return our most grawnui thanks, and will hold in long remem k.Ma thota who labored ao incess antly during all of his suffering to con tribute towara nis conn". Mrs. B. H. Walm aud Family, COUWTY COURT. Proceedings of the Janaery Terns, (Continued from last week.) election were appointed i Bcappoose precinct, Chairman, Harry west; fudges, 11. C. Lainbr son, Adam stump; dorks, W. D. Price, J. C. Johnsons po"" plce, sh v. nn - 8 ' iinLn-nh.i.m.n i n c....... judges, C. N. Gable, C.'s. Emerson; 1 clerks, U. W. Blakesley, F. M. Miles; oolinar nlana. ftrtiitft Kit iiaui Apiary .-Chairman. D. M. Dorsey ! judges, J. P. Young, J. R. Headly : clerks, C. Monroe, W. E. King; poling Place. VorseVs store. to Bherman-Chairman. Perry Usher : judges, II, C. Gore, C. W, Emerson ; clerks. Peter Smith. James Gatens: poling place, at the school house, near tne center of aection 10, tp it, r Z w. Deer Inland. -Henry Woodham; Nudges, J. H. Archibald, K. K. Foster; clerks, li Foster William Link ; poll- ing place, R. R. Foster's hall, Reuben. Ruinier. Chairman, C. W. Mosier; judges, John Dibblee, G. F. Moeck; clerks, W. H. ferry, J, 11. Elwell : poll- ing place, City Hall. Beaver Falls. J. - W. Meserve; - Judges, J. B.Kinearson.C. B. R. Wash- born; clerks, A. Croker.Emil Schmidt; polling place, at the residence of Dr. J. W. Meserve. Oak Point. Chairman, H. Tingle; - 1 judges, C. E. Uioe, E. R. Crie; clerks, Walter Jones. John Quit-ley: colling I Dlsce. at the residence of John Quit- ley- i r ' . . UintsRanie. Uhatrman, vy. H. uon- ycrs; Judges, Bloat Bryant, Adam Uarri clerks, B. Jones, Dan Rice ; poll- log place, city bait Marshland. Chairman, W. W. Elliott judges, J. 8. Morgan, C. M Orahain ; clerks, A. 8. Graham, W. B I IOlvln. I . m t s.. m wm w M nenaiem wnairman, u. r. xinu- gren ; judgee, John Wilson, son : clerks, 0. Wilson, D. Erie Jen- W. free man ; polling place, at the school house near the residence of John Wil son Auburn. Chairman, Judson Weed; judges, R. leesmen, T. J. Brink; clerks, W. A. Harris, T. B. Venalow; polling place, council rooms, It ia ordered bv tha court that the following named oersons be and thev 4r nwoy anpoinieo. roan supervisors oi tne several roan districts, in ana for tha Countv of Columbia, and State of Oregon, for tha year 1892, aa fol- lows: Adam Stump, supervisor of road district No. 1; Harry Weat, 2; M Saxon, 8; Joaiah Konkle, 4; A. F McDonald, 6; E. F. Galloway, 6; C. W. Mosier, 7 ; W. O. King, 8 ; R. S. Payne. 9; John Reddick, 10; O. M. Graham, 11 ; Lon Vanvolkinburg, 12; A. J. Orwis. 13; I. W. Petrick. 14 ; Jamee Adams, 15; Peter Walter, 16; G. W. Kyser, 17 ; Thoe. Mills, 18; John Kirkwood, IV; Jesse Hendricks, 20 ; J. Vesey.21. BILL ALLOWED. Muckle Bros., Iron furnished for bridge, road district 12 I 15 89 F. A. Bmith, lumber, dul 12 8. Seulssr, building bridges, diet. 4 1 00 785 14 40 SI 45 8 00 L F Bsussr, lumbar furnished, Am. e J ft Watts, lumber furnished, dht. a........ . Msrtin White, bringing E. Peter son, inssns, to Bt. Helens Nicholas, BevliA Bevis, lumber fur nished, dit. 7 78 8 R Usgey, for work on roads In diiL e ..... .... 86 00 1 H O Howard, lumber furnihed 7 oo dint. 4 L F Banter, lumber furnished diet. 8......... 112 80 Q C J squish, repairing and build ing bridges, diet. . ......... 132 96 Moore A Cols, services examining B 00 Peterson, insane........ R 8 Payne, labor performed in diet. 17 ..... 42 281 Barr Bros., lumber furnished disk 9 660 Meston A Dygert, blenk record books, (court house.).... S3 00 1 H C Lsmberson, viewer on West road 280 Muckle Bros., lumber furnished diet. g. 88 48 28 00 Lane Bros., lumber famished diet. IS Lane Bros., lumber furnlehed diet. U 28 00 Lane Bros., lumber furnished disk 18..... 18 21 J B Doan, Justice of the Pesee, feee. 8tste ot Oregon vs. J K Bourns 8 88 J H Doan, ConeUble, fees. State of Oregon vs. J K Bourne 8 98 JohnBtehmsn, witness feee........ 1 80 L Butts, 1 9u Chancy Wilton, H 1 90 I 80 1 80 180 Bert Wilson, " J FParkss, " ....... Mrs J F Parker, ' " T C Watte, recorder's fees, State vs. Frank Peterson ............... 4 28 Jackson Peacher, marshal fees.... 8 70 I Muckls Bros., lumber furnished disk 8 86 Q F Llndgren, nails snd frelgh t,disk IS 7 80 21 SS A H Blakesley, boarding prisoners Muckle Bros,, supplies furnished paupers 22 00 Muckle Bros, lumber turnishsd disk 4.................. 13 03 1 A B Little, feee aa county surveyor John Hendrtckson, support of Mln- w Anderson ..w j R Wstta, lumber furnished disk 1 q Mayger A Co. supplies for disk 9 75 oo ml w I gj 50 1 an ja 1 i R Bsegls, county printing E E Quick, fees as county clerk. 97 K l H Bloom, attendance on grand jury M Burlingame, " . " ' Meston A Dygert, assessmsntsbseta J 0 Watte, teaoher's examination AB Little, ' ' T H North, supplies for N R Mo- Collough B I Plummer, bounty on scalps.,., B Denslow, " " .... W E Lewis, " " ... B Blrkenfeld, " .... W R Holms, " " .... OA Merrill, " " .... MlltonMason, " " .... H C Lambsrson. " ... . WCKlng. ; " - " lamel Bpsnoer, " ' .. 0 H Wheeler, attendance on grand jury....... A M A W K Tichenor, lumber for diak 10,..; W A Meeker, fees aa sheriff 1 Spencer, fees aa commission Stool S 20 St 00 s 00 00 80 oo 18 001 8 00 1 00 8 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 tool 8 00 18 00 181 TO 44 25 24 40 t 60 it to U W Barnes , do. W 8 Hewitt, rebate of tax, 1889 D A Blodgett IIASKOT AU.OWSD. John Barqnist. 179 sills Laid ovaa roe this. John Baxter............... 100 J Benser , 6 12 John Peterson ... 126 Antone Peterson. 4 25 Frank Mslmbsrs; a 62 Thomas FrdegHl 10 12 In the Matter of the organisation of road dietricts No. 20 and Zl. It ordered that road district No. 20 and Zl be organised with Boundaries, ai follows; Koad Dist. Ho. 20 to com prise the following sections and t wn shios i In T 0 Is, K Z W, Bees. 0. 18. 19, 20, 21, ZZ, 27, ZS, Z, 30, T 0 N R 3 W, Beet. 1, 2, 11, 12, 13, 14, 23, 24, 25 and 28. Road Dial. No. 21 to comprise the following sections: T 7 N. R 6 W, Bees. 6, 6, 7, 8, 17, 18, 19, 20 snd W of Beo 21. and W of Bee 10, and SW i of Sec . W NW i. of Bee , and BK of BW t of Bee v, and W t of w of Bee 4. in tne matter or ine appointment of stock inspector of Columbia county, Oregon. It ie therefore now ordered by the court that Isaac Bumgardner be snd he is hereby appointed stock Inspector of Columbia county, for the period of one year, in tne matter ot tne resignation oi Martin BurlinKsme, Justice of the Peace of Union precinct : It ie there fore now ordered by the court that the said resignation be and the same ia hereby accepted. -. . . ..... In the matter of the estaoiisnmenl, a propoeea county rona, ocKmnme; a stase maea it, anno nortn sine or J. G. Adams' clearing, on the East bank of the Nehalem river in Sec 3, IT4N.R4W; thence in a southerly I direction on most practical- route to. and terminating at a stake marked R, where the present traveled road, known ae the Green Mountain road, crosses South line of Bee 8, T 8 Si. a lw, A. x. Auami presents to uie I court the petition of nimseii and twenty-seven othera, praying for the I establishment of a con nty road, com mencing as above described. It ia therefore now ordered by the court that G. J. Solomon, D. F. Baker and Alex Sword meet at the reaidence of T. L. Adams on the 9tb day of Feb- ruary, 1892. of a proposed county road, beginning at the eec poet between sec. 20 and 26, T 8 N, R S W, the same being on the line of the Mist and Bock Ureek road ; thence in a westerly course to and terminating at a stake marked R, located on the county line between Columbia and Clatsop counties, 10 rds. N of BW cor. ot Sec. 30, T 6 N, R 5 W. D. W. Freeman presents to the court the petition of himeelf and twenty-four othera praying for the establishment of a county road, be ginning aa . above described. It is therefore now ordered oy tne court that John Wilson, A. Vanvolkinburg and Martin Harvey, three disinterested householders, be aad they are hereby appointed viewers, to meet at the residence of C. B. Fisher, on the 23rd day of February, 1892. In the matter of rebate of tax of W. H. Hewit for the year 1890. Now on this dsy comes 8. 8. King, agent of W. H. Hewit, end claims a rebate of tax for the said W. H. Hewitt in the sum of $18.30 for the year 1890, and the court being fully advised m the matter. It is therefore now ordered and adjudged by the court that the said W. H. Hewit ie entitled to a re bate in the sum of 818.30; and it is further ordered by the court that the clerk draw a warrant on the county treasurer in lavor oi tne earn w. xt. ... . mto oa ttewit, 101 tue sum oi exo.ou. in the matter oi preparing a jury 1 1 ,or lne yea aov, aor vuiumuu . . . . , fona a..- ! .. i: . county, uregon. now, on ima mo 7th day Of January, 1892, the connly court selected irom ine iaei pnweeuuiK assessment roll of Columbia county, Oregon, the namea of two hundred citixens, known (or supposed) to be qualified aa jurore, selecting the same from different parte of the county aa far aa practicable, and it ia ordered by the court that tlie clorx prepare a list thereof containing the Christian names and surnames of each person ; and it is further ordered by the court that the olerk endorse and certify said list in the manner prescribed by law, and file the same in the office of county Clerk within ten days hereof. In the matter 'of rebate of taxes of D. A. Blodeetkfor the year 1890. Now on this day comes Chas. D. Crandell. agent of D. A. Blodgett, and claims a rebate of tax for the said D. A. Blo4- gtttt, in the sum of 163.51 for the' year low, and the conrt being tuny ao vised in the matter. It is inereiore now ordered and adjudged by the conrt that the said D. A. Blodgett is entitled to a rebate in the sum of $2.64 ; and it is further ordered by the oou rt that the clerk draw a warrant on the county treasurer in favor of D. A. Blodgett for the sum of 82 04. In the matter of the transcript and coat bill, State of Oregon vs. Ludwick Stripling: Now, on this day comes W. W, West, justice of the peace of Bcappoose preoinet, Columbia county, Oregon, and files with the clerk a transcript and cost bill in the above en tinea matter, n piring vj tne court was aaia transcript aim oust bill IS irregular ana not propeuy certi- n . T . ; . 1 t - , A nea to. ' It is - tnereiurv now vnnreu i. i , . i - . , i . : .i ana sajuagea oy wo court ui transcript and cost bill be refered back . wmr ... r. a . : . - .1 of said precinct, lor correction. In the matter of the appointment of a justice of the peace tor' Union precinct, Columbia county, - uregon. It is therefore now ordered by the court that A. H. Blakesley be and he is hereby .appointed jnstice ot the peace in and for Union precinct, Col- umbia county, Ore iron, to serve nntil the next ensuing election. In the matter of the change oi the several - road districts of Columbia county, Oregon. It is therefore ordered by the court that the follow-' ing changes be made in the boundaries of the following road districts : 1 Boundaries of read district No, 3 contains sections 15, 18, 17, 18, 19, SO, tl, 23, 17, 88. 29, 80, T 4 N, K I W, sees 13, 24, 25, T 4 N, JK 2 W. Boundaries of road district No. 4, T 4 N, R 1 W, sees 3, 4, 6, . 7, 8. 9, 10, T 4 N, R 2 W.secs 1, 2, 3. 4. 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16. 17, 18, T 4 N. snd work on roads and bridges OPENING ANNOUNCEMENT!- Groceries AND Provisions. A Fine line of FRENCH CANDIES, CHEWING AND NUTS Also a general assortment of NOTIONS R 3 W, sees 1, 2. 11. 12, 13, 14, T 5 N, S 1W. see 81. Rl of sea 32.81 of 33 81 of 34, T 6 N, R 2 W, sees 31, 32, 33, 34, 35,36, T 5 N,R 3 W, sees 35 and 36. Boundaries of road distriat No. 0, T 6 N, R 1 W, sees 4, 6, 6, 7, 8,18, 17, 16. 19. 20, 21, 30, 29, 28, Nl of 32, Hi of 33,Niof 34.T6N.R2 W, sees I. 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10. 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 16 17, 23, 24,25, 26, T 6 N, R 3 W, sees 18, 19, 30. 31. Boundaries of road district No. 13, t 6 n, r 4 w, seca 2. 3.4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16.17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 84, 36, 36, t 5 n, r 4 w, seca 6 and 6, t 5 n, r 5 w, sees 1. 2, 3, t 6 n, 6 w, seca 2. 3. 10, 11. 12. 13. 14. 15, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 34, 35, 36, 1 7 n,5 w, sees 25, 28, 30, 3o. Boundaries of road district No. 10, 1 6 n, 3 w, sees 6, 7, 1 6 n, 4 w, sees 1 and 12, t 7 n, 3 w, seo 31, s of 30, 1 7 n, 4 w, sec 5, el of 8, sees 7, 8, 9, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27. 28, 29, 30, 31. 32. 33, 34, 35, 36. - Boundaries of road district No. 11, 7 n, 4 w, wl of sec 6, 1 7 n,5 w, sees , S, 3. el of 4. el of nw4olsec4,elof sw of section 4, el of sec 9, nr4 of nwl of seo 9, eece 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, el of seo 16, eg of seo 21, sees 22. 23 and 24. PITTSBURG. Ws are now having a few days ot (rood weather so ranch needed. We were soaked through from the continued rains ot De cember. . i, Messrs. Briggs, Wilkinson and Prlngle have been boating wheat from Mr. Solo mon's for the milt company the last few days. Some of the people of Pittsburg And it easier to get their flour here than ts hsul it over the mountains. Mr. K. O. Darling and Miss Altla Mat thews-returned from the a'Hance conven tion Friday last. They report a hardship crossing the mountain. 1. W. Detrick, being appointed snper- viaor. Is going to warn a crew of men to open the St. Helens road. Tbst's right. It should have been done some time ago. 1 beg to inform tha people of Vernonia, through the columns ot Ths Misf that tbere was no such thing as the boys ( wonlJ be hoodlums) going to Vernonia to break up their literary. The person, whoever it is, is circulating a falsehood. There is not better behaved set of young men in the county than at this place. Mr. Somebody had better "cheese his racket, our advice. Charles Hart, of St. Helens, nassed this place last Saturday on bia way to Vernonia. Professor Cheeten snd Mis Bertha Oilla- haa were visitors at this placs last Sunday. Messrs. reck and Prinale returned from the Lower Nehalem Saturday last, where they nave oeeu to take a scow loaa ot mm. ber. Uro. CAPT. PARKER'S EXPERIENCE Captain Fnxkw, a Prominent Citi zen of Astoria Talis. He Testifies to the Efficacy of Elec tricity for the Care of Catarrh. (Oregonian Jan. II, 1892. -Astoria, Or., Jan. 7, 1892. Db. Dabrik Dear Sir: The treat ment you gave me for chronic catarrh from the effects of La Grippe, . two years ago, has proved successful.: I sm perfectly and permanently cared, and can commend your Electrio end medicat treatment foi all similar troub les. Refer to me. i , H. B. PARKER. AKOTHKB CUBE or HSABT TROUBLE. Mr. Editor: Bay to the public that Dr. Damn baa cured meof palpitation of the heart and trembling sensation of the stomach. I live at 189 8outh Firat street, Portland. WM. LAMBERT. Dr. Dsrrin continues to. treat all classes, the rich and poor alike, free of charge, at 70 Washington atreet, Portland, Or., from 1U to 11 A. M. daily. Those willing to pay, from 11 A.M. to A P. M.; evenings, 7 too; Sundays, 10 to 12 A. M., at one-half his former prioea. He gives free and confidential examinations to all at the office or by letter. He treats all cura ble, chronic, acute and private diseasee with electricity and medicine when re quired. The cure of private diseases, such as errors of youth, iinpotency, stricture, Hydrocele, Varocele, and other diseases of a delicate nature, guaranteed and never published. Write for circular and question list. Haw Try; Tata. It wQl cost yon nothing and will sorely do yoa good, if you bitve a rough, oold , or any trouble with throat, chest or lungs. Dr. King's New Pisoovery for consumption, coughs and eolda is guaranteed to give re lief, or money will bs paid bark. Sufferer from La Grippe found it Just the thin and under ks nse had a spesdy ami perfect re covery. Try a sample bottle at our ex pense and learn for yourself just how good a thing U Is, Trial bottles free at Edwin Ron' drug store. Largs sise 50c and J I. -DEALER IN- A OIXIXtL ASSORTMIWT Or Chewing and Smoking Tobacco. too numerous to mention. CALL AND SEE US St. Helens, - King Clothiers of the Northwest atlwe Caraer, a-rlsea mm Straata. rartiaaaU - YOUR CHOICE OF ANY Suit orQyercoat IN THE HOUSE TAILOR-MADE $15.00 -NO TRASH. Boys' Suits and Overcoats, Ages 14 to 19 Years All Our Seeds AreTested . j&iaioue ieii) 0 0 IttV'r ir4l iry.rtf.;tfl Ie ot , I sea" U Wt yuJs AtV H 7FDrl M I.slii na lib Vwm gw- w ml I -aft F.L-Posson & Son. Portland. Or. F. R. CHOWN, IMPORTER OF -4 MANUFACTURERS OF - Sheet-Iron, Tin and Copper Ware, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. 2 1 2 First anil cor. Salmon Street POHTLAITD- . Ntica Craalltara. . Notice is hereby riven that the eunntv court of Columbia county, Oregon, sittinc n probate, did on the 23rd day of December, 1881. appoint me executor of the will in the eetate of Thereait Baupaeb, deceased. Jtll persons having claims against said estate will present them to me at the office of Moors A Cole, in 8t Helens. Columbia county, Oregon, on or before six months irom tne dale nereoi, amy Tended, accor ding to law. PAUL RAUPACH, - - jcxecutor. ; Dated December 83, 1891. jljgt MOTICB FOB rUSJblCATlOlf. Land OIBee at Oregon City, Or., Dee. S. 1881. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler ha Sled notice of his Intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said Drool will be made before thaConntv Clerk of Columbia county, at St. Helens. Or., en January V, 1892, tIt: MARTIN 8- MPPOLD, Homeatead entry No, 7150, for ths ne W of see. 11, tpn, r S weat. Bo name the fol low loir witnene to proie his contiguous reaidence upon, and cultivation of, said land, viz: R. Keicnarat, timer s. tmnaie. J. r. lonn r ana William C. Kins; all of Apiary, Columbia county, Oregon. . J, I. APPER80N, qiijie Kegiater. DEAFNESS. ITS CAUSES AND CUBE, Scientifically treated by an anrlst of world wide reputation. Deafness eradicated and entirely cored, of front SO to 30 year ' stand ing, after all other treatments Lave failed. Uow tbe difficulty is reached snd the cause removed fnltv evnlaJnMi in Aimulara with affidavits aad testimonials of ceres front prominent people, mailed free. DR. A. FONTAINE, Tacoma, Wash. NOTICE reft rUBXICATIOI. Land OtBes at Oregon City, Or., Dee. St, MSI. Notice ia hereby civen that the fol'owtnfr named settler has tied notice of his intention to make Inel proof In support of his claim and tnatsata prooi win oe maae Derore ine uounty Clerk of Columbia county, at St. Helena, Ore ion, on February 18, 1SW, vli: Homestead entry No. SOTS, for the nw! of see. SO, tptn.rtw. He names the fallowing wit nesses to prove his. continuous reaidence neon and cultivation of aatd land, vis: John Thomp son, J. W. Campbell, William Boss and A. M. SeardofT; all of goappouie P. O., Columbia oounty, Oregon. J. I. APPERSON, jjlie jieguier. 1SOTICB. My son, Wiltlsm E. Bonner, hevlne; left borne without my consent, I will not bs re sponsible for any debts he may contract. MRS. 8ARAU L. BONNER. Scsppoose, Or., Dec. 10. 1891. dl8-3ia Key Yest : a DID Domestic Cigars. GUM, OF ALL KINDS. AND ASK OUR PIUOE3. OregonY TAILOR-HADE no V,-V OLD STOCK. -r HardwarE Table and Pocket Cutlery Dairy and Household Goods. Cooking and Heating Stoves. . No-rscic Fust rfta.iCATten. Land Office at Oregee city, Orwywa, Dee. t, 1SS1. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has lied notice ei ata Intention la make final proof in support el kU ataiaa, and Skat aald proof will be made before the Connty Clerk of Colombia county, at St. iieleoa, Oregon, on January as, 1891, via: Homestead entry No. for aw X f see. , tp S n, r 2 west. He names the follewlag wit aeases to prove bis continuous reaidence apea, and cultivation of, said land. la: OoKave II. tUereka, Frank M. Tompkins, Julius Zlaemana and Alexander T.Cseecy: all Cf Ueapoooee, Co lumbia county, Oregon, i. T. AFIMUbON. dlljlS Register. PIOTICK lK PUBXICATtS)!. Land OITIce at Croroo CHy, Oregon Dee. 1, 1S9I. Notice ia hereby given that the following named settler haa Hied notice of hie Intention to make final proof In support ot Ms claim, aad that aald proof will be made hefosa the county clerk of Columbia county, eXhtt. Helena. Oregon, ca Janaary 28. 1WK1, vis: ' . """ CHARLES C. CLARK, Homeetead entry No. S0, for the sw of see. 38, tpSn, r 1 west. He names the futlowlaa witneeses te prove his eonUnnons remdenea npon, and cultivation f, said land, via: E. A. Cnshman. P, Bishop, O. CJaceaiah and ft. R. Foster; all of Reuben P. O., Cm amble county. Oregon, dlljlt J. T. APPBIWON. Rurlster. Notiee te Cretiwn. Notice ia hereby ffivea that the wndsr signed, Emma Lrneacber, baa beea duly appointed adininistratrix of the estate of Frederick Lengachsr, deceased, by the county court of the state of Oregon for Columbia connty. A II persons having, claims against said deceased are teerebr required to present theas, trader oath, with the necessary Touchers, within stx months from the date hereof to the saU adminis tratrix, at her home, near Hunter, in Co lumbia county , Oregon. KMMA LSNOACIIEK. Administratrix of tha estate of.PredV erlrk Lencachsr, deceased. : 18iS Dated Jan. 7.1892. noTicft ro rsjsjii cATii. Land Office at Oregon City, Or., January a, ISM. Notice la hereby given that the followtng. earned settler haa Bled notice of his InltiiM to make Snal proof In support of hit claim, and that said proof will be made before the kn'itr and Receiver of the United Ptatea Lend Ctoce, at Oregon City, Oregon, on - ,n '3 vU: J08KPH CBEPB, . Pre-emption D. 8. No, nm, for ths 8V k efeee. M,tpSn, rw. He nanuH ths follow. wit nesses to prove his continuous ret'inc tins, and cultivation of mid land, vis.- fiilitti V iter, James Ricknwn, William Roberta al huht Service; all of Dixie, WosbingUin eoobty , Ore gon. . Georee B. Zimmermen, Who nrt hnmeir)iad entry No. 7 Ml, is hereby attK y iw, , j m appear end show eeuee why Ji.ioak keafe's entry of said tract shoulrt not he a'lowad, J1M1S J. T. Ai t t.oij.-,, h eWtsv f jrr 7 i 11 won wcoK