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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 15, 1892)
The Secret Is wholly in using Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder. The only pure Cream Tarter Powder sold on the market. Other brands contain either ammonia, alum or some other adulterant Ammonia or alum powders dry out, make the dough too porous, leaving a bitter taste, etc. , . tNo agency has assisted so much toward perfection in cookery as Price's Cream Baking Powder. Its ingredients are simple and so blended as to exist in exact chemical pro portions, so after use there is never any excess of either left in the food. Hence there can be no impurities whatever left in the finished food. No bitter taste, no taint of ammonia, but food raised with Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder partakes of the natural sweet flavor of the flour and keeps moist and fresh for days."; This powder possesses qualitiea peculiar to it alone. No other makes such delicious pastry. No other contains the white of eggs. ' A man who has preettced medicine (or forty man ought to Snow tail from tugai -, read what ... toi rx. O I Januarr 10. 1SST. Mean. T. 1. Chenov A Co. Ui-iitlemen: I have bran in the general practice of medicine for moat forty yearn, aua noma say toat hi r i Hoe ettcl ei perienee nave uever swu ixcj i iM that f xnnM unttt'iihe with aa mnen confi dence of success aa 1 can Hall'e Catarrh Cure, manufactured by you. Han preaorlbed it a groat many times, and lta effect Is wonderful, and would aay in eonclaston that I have yet to nA m of r:.tarrh that It would not cure. If they wouldtakeltaecotdlnirtodireeUona. Yours traly, . , v.i , i i. uuiBi'ia, . orttr. -Jl.", Summit street. We will give tlOO for any cane of Catarrh that Can Dot DBGUNuwlin nairst.auirrav.ura. laavu Internally, r. J. ciifcMSl ou.Trore)., Bold by Druggists; tm. There an too many people In toe world who aa their neat eftsja to mate cue o. Syrup" Here is an incident from the South Mississippi, writtenin April.iSgo, st after the Grippe had visited that country. " I am a farmer, one of those who hare to rise early and work late. At the beginning of last Winter I was on a trip to the City of Vicksburg, Miss., where I got well drenched in a shower of rain. I went home and was soon after seized with a dry. hacking cough. This grew worse every day, until I had to seek reliet. I consul tea JJr. lxon who has since died, and he told me to get a bottle of Boschee's German Syrup, Meantime my cough grew worse and worse and then the Grippe came along and I caught that also very severely. My condition tnen "compelled me to do something. ; I fot two botttesof German Syrup. I egan using them, and before taking much of the second bottle, I was entirely clear of the Cough that had hung to me so long, the Grippe, and all its bad effects. . I felt tip-top and have felt that way ever, since." Peter J. Bxials, Jr., Cayuga, Hines Co., Miss. . Vile- cod-liver oil has lost its vileness in Scott's Iimul- sion and gained a good de?l in efficiency. It is broken up into tiny drops which are covered with glycerine, just as quinine in pills is coated with sugar or gelatine. You do not get the taste at all. The hypophosphites of lime and soda add their tonic effect to that of the half-digested cod-liver oil. Let us send you a book on Careful living free. . . Sorr A Bowirc,ChBistl, luSourb th Aveaoa, . N : York. Wur di tigsirt keep Scott's EmuHnon of cod-liver oil ail dVufeguu everywhere do. ft. Is the only 'H'3F Absolutely fe Water Proof Coat! UBaranteru w- . rr. . MrtT to Peel, Break or Stick. 4ai VJ I to Leak it the Seams. Ttamera two wart roa eeatell the arenalne) alick.r : Ute Pith it rand trade mark and a Soft Wool en Coliar. Hold Brerywhere, or lent tree lor pries. ;. A. J. TOWER, namrir. Bostow. Mas. Oerftfctrlel Brauaal is better titan aay w.Ue m seal auuu asseat the ftaa ttaajm. I CURE FITS ! When I mf ears X do im4 meam nm to ptop that for ft Uam tt than tw tbeat ratawn nio. I mean m rdicjUcum- I lure made thQd-Muattf FITS, Pl laEP-T or FALLING BICKNKSS Jif-lou( study, I Traarrmd mj rvnedjr to core tbe wont ourae. BeewM otbecs fesv fulod i no reason for not now ncmring mmrm. Send a aaom tut a treaiw aod m Free Bottle of tiWeid. Gir xpzM and Poet OAo. Vu O. ROOT, M. C 19? Ht.t N. T. Portland, Oregon. A, P. Armstreor. PrtD. a actaool : flAflTAL Bua Oolleue. fialero. Oiem aaasa eounes ei etudy. satoe rates or tutuea. Basiness, Shorthand, AaTin soMioa tikrouafaout tbe year, students admit M at anj tinM, Cauioaoa (ran aitoer aahoel, free Jt;Cltstrearknowli4ff f leadina remmtr for all tb f Cures In, i ion. nnatoral dwuharree and a vrti ttrleate dlssaaes of men. i f m H eenaia core for tbe doMfl . "a tAtina iissi ease nannllat !i VWMH. I j vrswt; Wr " prescribe it and feel eats iTfct!Cl"l'Vl In recommeBUj( It W ' Bc,Hi,o.e all t.. "German TOWERslj J3 IMPROVED p J V; ShckerlgagS M of Fine Pastry. Rest Branawlek sopei-atlUoae. A Portland UAj says that her hirvd (irl invariably pats a pi a in her mouth when peeling onions, and when asked the reason, said it wat to prevent her eye from watering. It is a practice be lievad in among the people in New Brunswick, where is her home, and her mother, how advanced inage. thoroughly believes in all sorts of signs and super stitions. On New Year's morning she will on no account allow any of her large family of children to take any article oot of the house until they have first brought something in. a stick of wood or any object, no matter how valueless. The Idea is that if the new year is thus begun it will be prosperous and more will come into the house than will go out This woman would not, of course, think of beginning any task on Friday. It would be a long and arduous one if she did. - Neither would she take a broom with her while moving the household goods from one place to another. Old brooms would be left - behind and new ones bought A cat also would be left behind while the goods were being moved. It would, however, be safe to return and bring the cat alone. To dream of passing through dirty water or that a train of cars passed the house is warning of approaching death in the family. An even number would never be al lowed to sit down to a wedding dinner, and at a marriage tbe carpet would be taken up and the direction of the boards ascertained, so that the happy couple could be so placed that a crack should not run between them during the cere mony, for otherwise subsequent dissen sion and separation may be expected. Portland Transcript A Parrot's Conoeit. My aunt had a parrot that had been taught to sing the Brat stansa of "There Is a Happy Land," and Polly was very proud of her voice. ,; One day a neigh bor brought over her canary to be kept while she was away from home. No sooner would the canary commence sing ing than Polly would bristle her feathers and cry out: "You dont sing right! yon don't sing right! Hear Polly singl" Then Polly would execute "There Is a Happy Land" to the best of her ability. One evening my uncle, who is some what deaf, was telling me that there was a concert in the town hall, and be should like to go, but did not think he could hear. Whereupon the parrot shrieked: "Pollyll singl PollyH make you hear!" The gentleman turned courteously to her. "Thank you, Pollyl III stay at home and hear your he said. She danced about her cage in delight "Beautiful Pollyl Polly can singf she kept saying softly to herself, with a pride in her ac complishment that was amusing to see. Wide Awake. Salt If amine Among She Chinese. A wonderful example of patience la the Chinese is afforded by a consular re port dealing with tbe manufacture of salt in central China. Holes about six inches in diameter are bored in the rock by means of a primitive form of iron drill, and sometimes a period of forty years elapses before the eoveted brine is reached, so that the work is carried on from one generation to another. During this time the boring, as may be imag ined, goes down to an immense depth. , When brine is found it is drawn np in bamboo tubes by a rope working over a large drum turned by bullocks. Tbe brine is evaporated in iron caldrons, the heat being supplied by natural gas, which is generally found in the vicinity of the salt wells. Hoar Ha gold 1st Goods. "Have yon got any buff trimming to go with this stun? asked a flashily dressed woman of an assistant in a large draper's near Regent street the other day. "1 think so, miss," answered the polite young man, taking do wn a piece of goods and spreading it on the counter. "Buffi Do you call that buffT ex claimed the woman. "That's too dark for a buff." "But, miss, that is" "It's too dark! I can see it is." "Why, of course it's dark, madam," persisted tbe man. "It's blind man's buffthe new shade, you see." He sold tbe goods. London Tit-Bits. A Boot itnel Shoe) Museum. One section of tbe great historical col lection at Dresden is literally a museum of boots and shoes, being. It is believed, unequaled in tbe world as a repository for the footwear of celebrities. Among the things of Interest shown are a paii of shoes worn by Martin Luther at the Diet of Worms, and the toilet slippers of tbe great Maria Theresa. In a sealed case are shown tbe boots worn by Na poleon at the battle of Dresden, and the jack boots of Peter the Great 8t Louis Republic. ' A Candid Critic. "Miss DoddJeton," said a young man, "did yon read tbe poem that I sent your" "Tea," replied the young lady, rather lan guidly. - "How did yon like itr "I had only one fault to find with it" . "What wat tfaatP "It was a little bit too long there wars just about two verses too many." And tbe youtn sat down in toe corner and sadly remembered that there were only two verm to tbe composition. Uercnsnt Trav A SEVCN YEARS' CONTEST. the Strang History of lite fight tot Mr. Wearer's Wealth. Tbe seven years' war over tbe estate of Dr. Murtin Weaver, of liermantown (Phil adelphia), baa ended In a oompromiae. The widow takus a life tnwrret In fau.Utlu, and at ber death It gtwa to tlie Muthodtst board of foreitta mtasioua. Hur suipduuifliter, Beanie Weaver Hft-ll(ichnian, get a life interest in (SOtflUO that's nil there, la left aud if all tuts legitimate heirs they get tt Id fee; if not, tt goos to the Prvahytertan board of foreign miioiKiiia. The facts are so atraiiKe aud involved that no roiuam-ist les daring than a Zola would risk putting them in a novel, in l&M Dr. weaver executed a deed of trust of all hie property ta a school teaohcr named Kmille J. Kineraon, she to have it durlnit her life and pay a year to his daugh ter Bessie, then sixteen years old. His relatives rum aa one, man and tried to prove the old doctor craay. They habeas cor pused Bessie out of the Kosise . PKS9IH WEAVER borne, to which she had been consigned, but she returned soon after of her own will. A jury decided that the doctor was Insane and a commis sioner decided that be was not, and so the cam went to the supreme court. The doctor then married Miss Emerson and Bessie ran off with Willie Heft, son of s wealthy hotel keeper. His parents brought suit to set aside the marriage on the ground that Willie was insane, but failed. In 1888, however, he- got a divorce on the ground of adultery, and last Janu ary Bessie married Harry M. Bachtnan. They separated last October, aud now Mr. Bachnian wants a divorce. In 1S88 Or. Weaver died, having made a will leaving bts daughter but a small annuity, the property to go to his wife for life and then to the missionaries. .;'(; The next fall the friends of Bessie brought suit to set aside the will on grounds of in sanity in the testator. The Orphans' court ruled tbat the ease might go to a jury, and the trial was well under way when Bessie's attorney announced that she was tbe moth er of a child.: So tbe older widow surrend ered half the property, and now the courts may have to decide whether Bessie's child is a Bach man in law, and, therefore, heir in fee simple to her 150,000. A MILLION A YEAR. Lotterr and Prize Scheme Vend to Sell Alum sad Asnmoala Baking Powders. ' A New York concern, manufacturers jf an ammonia baking powder, boasts tbat its yearly pro tits are over a million dollars. While, perhaps, none of the makers of. alum powders individually can show so large earnings, yet their profits sre enorjaoos. A business so profitable will always attract to itself those whose greed will cause them to utterly disregard the ef fect their traffic may have upon the oealtb or lite of others, u - Alum baking powders are introduced largely by gifts, prizes and lottery schemes. A piece of glassware or china, a child's wagon, sled, a pewter spoon or some other article of attractive appear ance, but of small intrinsic vaine or cost, is given with each purchase or a num ber is attached to the can which en titles the customer to a similarly num bered article or to a prize of sjme kind. It is in some such way as this that the trade in avium and ammonia powuers, which has now attained such giant pro portions and their consumption by tbe public which has reached an extent which is truly alarming. - " ". t The highest authorities of all countries condemn tbe use ot alum IB oreau with out reserve. In America the most dis tinguished physicians, chemists and hygienists have declared that the traffic in alum baking powders snouia oe sup pressed by law. In England and France where the subject of pure food, and its effect upon the system, baa been more fully considered and made the subject of extended experiments bv the scient ists, so serious a matter is the use of aium in oreao or oiner looa consioereu to be, that most stringent laws bave been enacted to prevent it. These laws are rigidly enforced, and the tale of alum baking powders would not be permitted for an hour. Any one who attempted to make them for nse in food, or at tempted to use them for raising bread, biscuit r cake, would suffer severe pen alties. .:,:';..,..'..;' The HI effects upon the system of food raised by alum baking powders are tbe more dangerous because of their insid ious character. It would be less dan gerous to the community were it fatal at once, for -then such food would be avoided; but their deleterious action, because imperceptible at first, is no less certain. . The puckering effect which alum has when taken in the mouth is familiar to everyone. Physicians say this same ef fect is produced by it upon the delicate coats of the stomach and intestines. What housewife would take home to her family a can of alum or ammonia baking powder if she knew it? Bucb powders not only undermine the system, but it is pointed out that ammonia taken into the system in even infinites imal doses day after day, imparts to the complexion a sallow and blotched ap pearance. It is safe to discard sll baking powder sold with a prize or gift. " What a misnomer sre the words "Ab solutely Pure," as applied to baking powders. Two of the largest selling brands, one made from alum, tbe otb r containing ammonia, and both of these dragged baking powders have stamped upon their labels and circulars these words, absolutely pure; as matter of fact they are beolutely Poor," as shown by official examinations. A race's Modesty. Arago, the great French scientist, was never seen with a decoration on his breast He valued honors slightly. One evening Leverrier, tbe astronomer, called on him on bis way to dine with minis ter. He expressed a wish to appear, decorated with an order, to which he was entitled, having received the official notice of tbe honor, although be had not as yet the decoration itself. "Open that drawer," said Arago, "and take whatever you want." In that drawer were all the crosses and ribbons which kings and emperors confer. -: ; While Arago wished above everything to promulgate science and to make his researches useful, be did not attempt to identify himself forever with his dis coveries by writing books. He had no time for writing, but contented himself. with noting the results of his work in the record of the bureau of longitude, or an nouncing it verbally to tbe academy. Youth's Companion. A Warm Day. Mother rm afraid you'll catch eol' If you sit in that draft Little Boy But, mamma, Pll catel hot if I don't. Good News. Li O f "-L - "I A BUSINESS IN ALLIGATORS, The Chief DlrTfreneea Itvtwoen That ' Beast and the Big Crocodile. - To gain one's daily bread by means of alligators must be at all times a fairly precarious method of exietenoe, aud yet the colored man of Florida does manage to pick up tunny an honest penny by means of the American saurian. The taxidermist finds, too, in the alligator his opportunity: and though a ten toot 'gator never can be very desirable, even when stuffed, little 'gators properly pre pared and mounted are in good demand, audr are brought home iu quantity by the northern tourist. We aotid not fiud fault with uature, and tx hr- with having slighted us in the jwocodiUmna If in India there is the gavial, iu Egypt there is the croco dile, and in America the alligator and the cayman. It can hardly be questioned but that we have on this continent both the crocodile and the alligator. The main point of difference, according to Mr. Hornaday, between the crocodile and the alligator is as fallows; "A croco dile is distinguished by a triangular head, of which the snout Is the apex, a narrow muzzle and canine teeth in the lower jaw, which pass freely upward in the notches in the side of the upper: whereas tbe alligator (also cayman or sacare) has a broad, fiat muxxle, and the canine teeth of the lower jaw fit into sockets in the under surface of the upper jaw." . ; The business of collecting the skins of alligators has already somewhat dimin ished the quautity of these saurians in certain parts of Florida, but they are still to be found in large numbers fur ther inland. It is barely snpposable that alligators ever will become extinct iu Florida while those vast interior lakes and swamps exist A visit paid by a naturalist to Florida was convincing that alligators were still very abundant To kill an alligator, however, is by no means as difficult as to secure him. . The 'gators bask in the sun on the long stretches of sand, but they are never quite asleep. , They always seem to be on their guard, and repose never very far from the water, with their heads pointing in the direction of flight i ' Gathering eggs requires some skill, be cause the saurian mother has a cldver way of hiding her trail. Sometimes a many as forty eggs are found in a nest few inches below the leveL It is not the invariable habit of the mother to pack into the- nest decayed vegetable matter in order to add to the heat Gen erally the warmth of the sun is suffi cient ' The eggs have a slight musky Savor, and an experiment once made with an omelette of alligator eggs suffices. To eat 'gator is unknown, and endeavors in this direction have never been repeated. Mr. Hornaday tells, however, of having eaten the South American variety, where the feed was fish, and declares "that the flesh was white, tender,' free from all disagreeable musky odors and toothsome as the nicest roast veal." It is with a due consideration of the size of the alligatairaa to whether you will take a seat on hint or not. His jaws are not so much to be dreaded as a lash of his tail. . ;' , , "Ky, massal you no wan tee free' 'gatoi dis moruinT is about the cry of the vender of baby alligators in Jacksonville as he plunges his hand into a bucket swung on one arm and hauls ont a little, ngly, ' squirming, snapping monster. These little 'gators may have been found by their owner just emerging frm their nests, or he may have secured them as eggs and hatched tbem out himself. The infant saurians show their natural in stinct early and will bite at once. An alligator is a queer pet, and to tame an adult seems to be quite impos sibl. If intelligence is proportioned to bulk of brain that of the alligator Is es pecially small. In dissecting a large sized alligator tbe brain substance will barely fill an egg cup. , We are not to look upon a 'gator as capable of any attach ments. When young (after having had some of their teeth drawn) they are oc casionally seen aboot honsos.- ' Clad to Travel In Neglige. During a very hot night three Austrian cavalry officers were on a train which sped from Perth to Vienna. As tbey had a compartment for themselves tbey sought to travel as comfortably as pos sible.1 First coats and vests disappeared, then collars and cuffs and so on until nothing remained on their bodies except night clothing. It was so sultry they remained awake all night When the train stopped at one station one of tbe party remarked tbat it wonlt be a good idea to have something to drink, and be hastily threw an Overcoat over his body and ran to the bar of the station house. Whether the bartender was too sleepy or the officer too slow, to the despair of tbe latter and his comrades the train set in motion when be was at the door of tbe restaurant. The two other officers had first a hearty laugh and then pitied him for tbe condition he wak in. But their comrade was hot of the anxious kind As soon as he discovered that the train was in motion be ran quickly after it and was lucky enough to reach the steps of the last car, on which he re mained until the next station was reached. When be made his appearance among bis comrades they were much astonished, and one of them said: "Why, when we saw you left behind we threw your gar ments out of the window m the hope that you would get them!" Nothing could be done but telegraph to tbe other station to bave some one pick up the garments and forward them by tbe next train. New York Recorder. A Half a Chaoce Man, Row many men have succeeded in life to whom not a single circumstance was kind? How often we bear people say of some worthless fellow, "Ah, well, he never bad half a chance!" But there are plenty of boys who have come to the front in life's battle, who never had even a quarter of a chance. Take Thomas Bull, the sculptor, for instance. : He was but twelve years old when bis father died. The poor widow Thomas' mother, young herself, and far from strong had five young chit dren. There was no more school for Thomas after his father's death. He must go to work and help to support the rest , He got a place in a grocery store, where they gave him a dollar a week. Not much, that but What a difference it made to the poor little family! From the time he was twelve young Boll had always to work for tbe others nntil they were all grown up. He bad little instruction,, even In his art, and be never had that little nntil after he bad earned the money to pay for it ; But he succeeded. Youth's Com panion. ' Mr. Baa's Library. flothsm bonis ta of a host of literary coimutoseura, who spend fortunes with liberality in the struggle to secure the gems of literary workmanship. The ap pearance of any particular treasure from the printing pros brings them for ward In animated rivalry for Its posses sion. At the present time Mr. Robert lioe, the printing press builder, owns the finest private library tn New York. It is iu his city home at tt East Thirty sixth street, and is the delight of all Ids friouds. The library ts a spacious apart ment finished in mahogany, with gal lery nearly fifty foot in depth, aud it is estimated that over 8,000 volumes of unique Interest are stored on the shelves. Mr. Hoe's cultivated taste as a collect or is proved by the comprehensive scons of this magnltlceut collection, It is rich In old manuscripts, contains some of the rarest of nuasals aud choice exam pies .of the Gutteuherg press and a varied group of incunabula, or specimens of the press es Of the first century of proas work. Mr. floe has gathered together also some of the most exquisite Specimens of the bookbinder's art sparing no money to secure the prises that his literary enthu sinam craved possession of. New York Sun. rRIOHTrHL SHirWHICKS. fltauuou ships strike and founder, the Here wind and imitmtaiiioua waves swesp noble mar iners' hear ot oak " to uhlpwiw k anil to death, yet that doi not prevent the lubberllesl lamlsuiSu front rlaking his lite tin the atortnv Atlautio la the role ot tourist or tontmeivlal trawler. Hut, It he "hull ivih his deali nation tafely, he will searrely haveeeeanrd some of the qualms uf m-aaU-kuvas. tinlea he takes with hint fliutettvr's stomach Haters, that liiliuttahle ! elite for nausea. Bed water on Ions true Is a threat to the vuyiur, but Ihte may be deprived In a rat measure of ttsrilMinlerinaatrVc-tauimu the sttunaeh, bowels and liver bf the Hltu-ra. AkIii the preludlital eflVets ol malaria, lied diet, fatiKUe and eiooaure It la also ellW afloat. It areas, moteover, rheumatism snd Sidney roinolaiMis. Don't travel on sea or laud with out It. , - There la no reason why a spendlhrl't should throw his niouey away, tie will lose tt soon enough, i tub PRooKKsa or rum ckkturk Leans atrav from superstition and blind idolatry of isms and It's allopathic in cluded. It leans (wruni universal, sll -deter-nittiing law; towards facts, not fs notes. It leans toward immutable principle and In vulnerable truth, and away from superan nuated authority, organised ignorance and dyed-in-the-wool prajudioe, . Blind empir icism in medicine has, with other fossilised bivalves, had its dav. Yes. there are plenty of 'belated oralis," but being horn of dark ness aud fear twin sisters of Intellectual infancy they cannot much longer with stand lb civilising influence of advancing science. Tbey are slowly but surely "dy ing Kgypt, dying," before the " searob light " of investigation. The advancing thinker wonders bow it was poenlbi for that monstrosity the medical science ( T) extant now to have survived to this late day I But where was the reform to come from T It is not only pases to sttetapt re form, it is outright dangerous. It requires a boldness akin to recklessness. Legion is the name who have tried; thy have left their bleaching bones as a warning. An at tempt at reforniing theology brands you s "heretic:" in politics you are charged with every infamy under the sun, and in medi cine every duck intellect " quacks " at you and you are accused of having no diplima when your diploma is on ills in the court house under the very eyes of the slander ers. All this is caused by besotted ignor ance, and sine books are sent free of charge to every applicant and we pay tbe postage, there is no excuse for Ignorance when it costs nothing to be informed. People who berate the Histogenetto system of medi cine are either intellectual pariahs incapa ble of counting live in auoeeaeiua or under standing any 2x4 problem, or they are mental sluggards and cannot screw them selves up to the point of information by reading ui and forming a conclusion.- In either case their opinions are as valuable as that ol the rugut souna oysters. ; Dr. Jordan's office Is at ths residence of ex-Mayor Yesler, Third and James streets, Seattle. Wash. Consultations ana prescriptions absolute- as. nd for free book explaining ths Hlsto- genetic system. CsoTtcm. The Histogenetio Medicines are sold in but one agency In eacn town, The label around the bottle bears tbe fol lowing InsonDtiont "Dr. J. JCiigeue Jor dan. Histogenetio Medicine." Kveryother device is a irsuu. . Copyright iw Ths end of woman' peculiar troubles' and ailments come with Dr. Pierce's Favorite ' Prawription.. It cores them. 1' or all the functional de rangements, painful ' disortlf rs, and chronic weaknesses that afflict wo mankind, it's a certain remedy.' It's an :; invigorating," rt'Ktorative tonic, soothmtr cordial and bracinjr nerv hie- purely vegetable, non-alcoholic, and perfectly harmlcHS. , In the cure of periodical pains, prolapsus and other displacements, bearing -down sensations, and all " female complaints ".f and irretru- larittes, w Favorito Prescription ,r is the only medicine that's guaranteed. If it doesn't cive satisfaction in ev ery case, you have your money back. Tou pay only for tbe good you get." Can you ask more? The easiest way is the best. Reg ulate the liver, stomach, and bowels with Dr. Pierce'" Pleasant Pellets. They cleanse and 1 renovate " the system 'thoroughly and naturally, .Sick Headache, Constipation, Inili gestnoiv and Bilious t Attacks, are prevented, relieved, and cured. MORPHIN HABIT 1 lVxilf tree SURE CURE Paclfle M'Kllcins Co.. nag Clar m San rranelsoa WALL PAPER, 10 cents per double roll Bend :Vnt stamp toy samples. ' W:HF1KU MOKtiAN, -IM Third atreet, Purtlanl, Or ' Old Oold and stiver Bought; asnd tour ola OtS-: snd Stirer tj nail to the old mi rallaMe bones of S Ooleman, 41 Third tweet, San graaelsssg I will sand bi wtura aiali the etah. aeewluw Q eater, a the eoionol s not allsfsotorr will return gold. Gor.sur.iPT.ou. I haps a p.-sUivs tmamAf tern the abote Assess t by Its saw thoesaads of asset of the sraeat kind and of Img sUsdrrw have been wired. Indeed so stmns; Is mr faith iaitaeifieser, tlut I w J) nwndTWOMoTTUtfl mas. vftb tVaXUAnXB TKBAT1MK on Urn lmu to anr enl. ferae a bo will send niethav abrpeseaaad I'. O. address, T. A. eioeam, M. V., 183 J" earl HU, M. V. A tlTTtl 1BA.VMV LK4VKMKTH T VYHOLK LUMP. A disease In one part of th hotly will eventually till thewbul body wllh disease. Kverv year or two some nitrt of the system grows weak, and begins tu 'decay. Huoh part should he removed at onoe ami new matter lie allowed to take Its plavs, There's .... .......1 la ..... ... It 1, , i.m iu-Hi,n 'a sunlpel. 1'urge itway ths old, tllntissed and worn-out parts wit tt nH,nias rue i nn. Then ths new body will take uaru of ttstdt. tiurtnglsM every woman should loolt twice before she "leaita." . "Hmm'i P michial ifVoMiw" will relieve BroutiliUis, Asthma and t hroat i'lavasus. Ths new Prvsltltuit of t'hlll must bear In lulnil that no Muutt e tricks will be tolerated by I'lli'U' sata. , - i The niHMifaoturers of Star Plug otiewlng tobacco have made Ht. Louis the greatest tobaooo market In ths world by furnishing the nnntttinier a h.t!er tohaeoo than Is nro- dueed liy other niauulitnturers and always tonkina- tnn tntitfa ot mar ittiistxteen-oiiiioe pounds. It pays to study the Intenwls of tno consumer, as na ts uio 4 unite tua we Jury." '',"'.. :i " ' -' Dae luamellne store Pol lent so dost, as snail TivQsstiBA for breakfast. Both ths method and results when Syrup of Fitrs is taken: it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and act cently yt promptly on th Kidneys, Liver and Bowel. clMtnsM th syt- 'era efleetual!y, dispyls colds, bead- ones ana levers ana cn res hahttuv. xnistipatioii permanently. Per twits in SOoand ft bottle by all druggist CALIFORNIA FI0 SYRUP CO. I fKAHCISOO, 041, umtfiut, xt. .'.., , f row. SHILOH'S CONSUr.lPTIOIl CURE. The snccen of ibis Crest Cough Cars tt without a parallel in the history of medicine. All draggtsti are authorised to sell It on a pos itive guarantee, a test that no other cure can ate. eeluliy stand. That it may become known, the Proprietors, at an enorrmras expense, art placing s Sample Bottle Free into every home in the United Stales snd Canada. If yon bare a Cough, Sore Throat, or Bronchitis, use it, fot U will cars you, , If your child has the Croup, ot Whooping Conch, use it promptly, sod relwf li sure. If you dread that iruailioen disease Conramrrtion, ee it. Ask your l)nitt?it ft SIIUjUII'S CUKE, Price locts., ;o cu. and tl 00. If jreur Lane are sore of Ilack lama, ass bbiloh's forous natter, rnce 25 cu. wmmm To Remark TKl- mi pAmu 15TKe Proper Caper Don't cheat youraelf out of a good ernoka by taking a poor Imitation for the genuine Seal of Worth Carolina Plug Cut Tobacco. UNLOAD YOUR LIVER. 'ff.UULi' . i -wlIxiatf sV.'Wm. Hoore's Revealed Remedy YCHimitrrrt mum, Keo Cvott s V Biumo Bum A rElMB.0(U.ViiS m ltJSL'tl "frr ( iu4 aui4 Mutt hXy . ei'w tsj tHsiwMRi bote, W" Wtvipwt " e 1 1 matt in. i, tihw, ntfOT, lVILS0!rSi2O PLANT. TREE O I l'J Pa sea. nam fine Kearoel.... CI..J. f""" "S i lia ttr. rtiiisiiiiBi DBLHIUst tie iw sr ts BDfinH. rit Buy Tear Om Goods if Year U1flS.CE THRESHERS. THE BEST IN AMERICA. 1 1 Belttns TsSi H WnSnhiaih.!00?"! "Jff ni "tMnss, tlantmoa; ii(.rato, Marine Worn BlM'tmnith WrtJl. dIn,M "V- 5h,ro,'. ool and Farm Bells, Knxlnetand ri".l, ol QT lnl&Ji i.' "i'lJF1' r'. "f"ni snd KtprM. Waaona, lU lwsl arrwaool roruano. iMalen, write 4 priot tor fluUisr luiumiattou oi 0u or mdtvm . in n dot. LAWRKNM. KANB.,AUf.9,'8a, George Patterson foil from a second-story window, strik' lug a fuiice. I found him using 8T.JAC009 OIL. He used It freely all over his bruises, I saw Mm next morntng at work. All the spots . rapidly disappeared, leaving neither pain, scar nor swelling. C. K. NEUMANN, M. D. "ALt RtCMTl T. JACOBS Oil. DIO IT," Oportsman, Attention I If yott wantloshnnt aeeurateiy.oua'l fall la tight your su 11 with the wields tea LYMAN OICHT8, Mailt- In tit any rirto, YVep mailt, t! Ivor Head rront Midil, fl; ivory Hunting front bight, 60 Wilts, ro-iit by mH on iwelplot oriret, I. T. RUBSOi, 13 First Stmt, Pirttui, Or. Homt tor new Illustrated Catalogue. Carefnl Motters, We must have room, w must keep busy. We BUM bars mmiejr-and quh-k, tti! aiul this hieetit httiKhu-r, Iom. rmlio-lioti. mmtIIW. gsln tuour pairoueatut erery thing hot r,nt. titnnr etilveaj hut .took must be put Iu order lot stuck takins right sway, Wofer: JO Hat. ftaMt dry peaehea. 00 II. white sugai ....,. I W w iiai, wtiite urcotomi tx-aoa. ..,....... I at l,iw eewtog aii'l darning uewfls. ,.,. U II. aago or tapi-x-a ..,, S eans tattle epr'rola, flne...,.M ,..u. eans table plonia, sraiwa or apple.,., I pair hutlva'Sne lwHiiir ..,.... too I lit I ( I 1M I t 1 mir UilMie' nitettiot,l ties,.. t palls MteM-a' nine aamlala . ,.,.,..,... I Mir 11I1 laeo eurtalns,.. .,,..,..., S Christina, r-aiiily. Bile.l laillna' flue linen Millars or enlfs nil thts. aetirtu huttttua Ittr family owe.,., . I IV 1 1 00 oo I 00 tmutllterrhte's lor men, women, ekiUlreit. 1 00 .V lint. VrviK-b piuttea, ixl, it l.r"...,.. 1 HI U yds. hatntsnrae eashmers, MS In, wlile...,.,. I Is) send for lull list t bargain of all kinds 10 Smith's Cash Store, 4IS-4I8 fSUSI tin MM rSANCltCO, CSU Ksmeaua . aaeres tmfi ASTHMATIO ISi.ttamMUa M H cohko to ' cunto. I muppM,, . r. FRAZB1 AXLE K1EASE 'SJrj 3tCjO soot ran; tm "miu a4 M)an Uaaret.teta.eMM . wej ntmf sue vntMa: aim tiwt. laroaalaa-ios -af. mtt r.n. fmtl Onmer: Sarrtia LOW arlml a,tl. fW Cbtf ry Maa.riUHt MWk St't.llalsM.SWOf Tran. Srstta, ra,e.,t. naeaYTsa. yfr-FwHMUil t;OUt IMswAiNWUMUf. PIA10S0RGA1S. mm i EiiFEB, 71 MorrlMn StrMt, lartlitj( Or. ox not. uimrnra inn ettiWTO I t now lacaia, Kt-. tfrea v entry . low rnt-tni, W. SHHKVK, ISS steamy Ut. ,Moa nwcleuo. III. TnT'I' III kit iiTHjllffTe? .MtSBSsateaeaeeeaaaiw Klertrlelt. thus armlled. maohea the diutu and remnVKSIt. A newlnvenllnn. latest .nil neat of all. Thla Klmtrle Kelt dim ntaeeaaa that nmltaina. avl. 00m enre, stii-n an lilieumatl.m, Nemnta lNtiliiy XlOtiay Illnt'ltMMt rnu-.hi. HilmvI, .nrfHM.i.1 1 t,M eaaea. A milrl stream of Uaoower tttruesh theaitveir siitnwirv-Klmrtc l'it-tiovr (all., v. r antore anS orlteo. Tt Mlartt Mnutt. a.w,iana. Or. UH. vJ. Inventor. THREE DOSES WILL MAKE YOU FEEL BETTER. .! CATALOGUE. LIVE STCEX IJIL tee. rail of n wtul di) inatraeiiv ..- lillIlllMliMlt . nnm i Dsalsr C::s tl Gmj It:. cms aid soid hgc:s, tandOhapMtlnthWH(t. Carts. SIS t'p. Wipa, 111 C?. 1l erl .y-Assia. rr 1 1- . -I, a. I Ta sseaAsMiSMltu , r Jt V & F. . U. No. 600 eler. .