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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 15, 1892)
OREGON MIST. SCBUCRiFTIOX, Sl.M I'ER YKAR. St. ITblimK) Jikuarv 14, 1892. Th Lte Senator Dumb, of Kmi U quoted ax laying : "I believe in the local newspaper. They are the lend ere, the makers of the public senti meat They are nearer to the people than any other papers. Their editors ,. mingle with tin peoplo, and con ectoueior unconsciously reflect the iewa of their reader. By my private letters from all parts of the state, and by reading the local papers, I can tell just what the people of Knots are thinking and talking about I can feel the pule of tbe people and Uke their temperature. I am amated, too at the excellence of the county papers. The majority of them are carefully edited. They not only print the news of the neighborhood, but have opiuions Which I God it worth my while to read and reflect upon. I get no better re turn for any of the money which I speed than for that which I pay out for the local newspapers of my state." ill te. ch crocheting in connection with the public school. MWs Ktuma Cox also wiu icacn pan try cooking. Thk first case to be tried for viola tion of tbe new fish law, which pro vide for the punishment of person taking salmon from the Columbia river who are not eititena of the state, having declared their intention of be coming such one year prior to their taking such fish, waa tried before Jus tice R. J. Burnett at (table on January 7th. John Woods, a aubject of tbe queen of England, on complaint of ; aome other fishermen, was arrested. charged with the violation of the fish 4 law, he not being a citwen of the state of Oregon, and was fined f 5 and cost. This i only a commencement Foi tbe first year thi new law ia in force there Will be a great number of arrest made , lor violation of the law a tbe larger portion of the fishermen are not citi tens of the United States, and also are ignorant of such a law having been passed. A great mauy who are famil Mr with the law, hot who hare not been citizens the required time to be entitled to fish will endeavor to defy tbe authorities and fish anyway. Tbe proper thing for the fishermen those who hsve a right to fish is to make n example of everyone they catch Unlawfully taking salmon and see to it that he is punished accordingly. Unless this is done the law will be vio lated continually. " SPRING VAliliKY, We are getting very Hue wrathcr for thl season of the year. Snow Is about all cone ana tne weather looks mors like sprin, man winter, Mr. J. Dnpont has hail irrent success in hunting Mils season. He has succeeded in killing several Bus dVcr. J. Delusky has built a hour en hh ranch thi winter, and is now rouvinn- his fatal! into It. The wind storm that vMted ns week Mowed many trees across the count road besides doing a great deal of other damns j. uonneu is nuking great improvement! on hU homestead this winter, in fencing wu cKno twit. t.auiwii umnr lumber for a new frsme bonse which he intends putllns no next spring;. . Mr. Agon is building a new house on hi claim, which is to be 18x30. two trW J. White is still clearina- land. He In tenda putting In a large crop next spring. ine round road, which runs throned valley, wm be surveyed very shortly wnen that is completed it will reliove many poor bnrtbened man's team. In stead of climbing Banker Bill the old way wtae me new, which ia far better. THE MUSICIANS' GUIDE. Kvery mnle teacher, student or ..l- .. . - - - . lover should have thi. nlnm. t...-j "J,Ry vaiaaoie musical information, with full deacnotion of nr.. in run - - - - of musio aud miuic books. biographical sketches of over ISO composers, with por traits and Other illuaintio,.a A l. . -!.... selection of new vocal and Instrumental ren-le and other attractive featnnM lTrw.n receipt of eight 2 cent stamps, to prepay C"-a-. - iu men tree, a copy or The usiclsns' ftnide. ! . ..,i. ... Brainard'a f oskal World, rnntadiinv w f .A worth of new music and intemfW mtt THK 8. BRAINAB1V8 SONS C.X., Chicago, III CASH STORE ! fin 3 lfff B cy. -DIALERS IN- General Merchandise, Crockery, Glassware Queens ware. I Boots, Shoes, Ladies' Dress Goods, Furnishing Goods, LUMBER, SHINGLES, ETC. Produce Taken In Exchange. It Will Pay You to Consult Our Prices. KAINIER, -. . . OREGON. SAWMILL FOR SALE Said Sawmill is situated nr. the St Ifalana road, about miles southeast of Olencoe, " iiiiKWJii nxinip. ureeiin. . at in perfect running order: Kntine ia avhoive " oy twauty; uouer 00 inches in diameter and 14 leet lone- Naa, ha.. h ...... ici)j auo sawausi earner; Lare lot of cedar nuw oa hand for sal. Trmi signed proved farm property. A. V. AKUHBULD. Hlllsboro. Oregon. ' POKTLAND MARKETS. Thwrealay Jam. 14. raoDDct,' raetr, are. WKKAT Vallev. II 82W Walla I Mtol T percental. Fi.Ol!K-Stai.derd, fS; Walla Walla. Vw vPt1" i snpernne, J per barrel. OATS New. 4041) per bushel. HAY 111 f IS per ton. MlLLSrUrFS-hran, HWMOi shorts, 7-j ..T t? "KP'icaiion w tne under- ea,,-,! . i... . i,c,i', C1.'T' noura eacbange for city or ini- K, rton t' "" ""y, BUTTER O renin fane ArMmv erA Oo: fancy dairy, Mc; fair togiKMl, Sftif7t4( pound ' alrn, xaJle per utia.KSK-oregon, ISI4H; Sastsm.! aix ooons mabkto in 1'i.AtN yi(nynww 14:0 ITXnST STJREET 140 UNDER THE GILMAK HOUSE. from former urlcea. In nnnmnliou wilk Albany Woolen Mills we haveesrured from KorrlKii'Mitis all lue Utest Dlgus, KaUabln. le)N. tOOO. our All Wool th most pmiiilnent Clothing fruni Hie tauter and We warrant all unr goods as livntstand Portland Seed (Jo, (f. W. MILLKR, Mgr.,j J. M.. MOYER & CO. SEEDS TREES Are now prepared to offer their Renowned All-Wool floods at a flreat Reduutlon , , -kJ Fertlliicrs, m m:hi Sprajlng Apparatus in Material, Poultry . SoFpIicvEtc, Eta 171 flecond St, Portland, Oregon Send for Catalogue. novJO Iat TUB TEANK Is now making regular reeind liipe front OAK POINT TO POSTUr. Daily Except Wednesdays, A. H. BLAKESLY, Proprietor of Oriental : Hotel. ST. HELKS84 OREGON. Tbe home has been fnllv nfDml.Kt uuwigrami ana ine Dest or accom modations will be ivea. CHARGES REASONABLE. STAGE run la connection with the hotel connectina with the Vnnk. ern Paeidc Kailroad at Mil inn for Tacoma tralnt 10 p. m. For Portland vnun u 3 p. m. NUe se Credltorm. notice u hereby riven that the nnder- pointed administratri of the estats of" Wil- umm a xrain. oeceaned . br tha nl court of tbe stata of Ureson for Pnlumhi. county, and that letters have beea duly is- j peraona oaring claims ucCTresea are nereoy required 14e per pound. K003-.12(He per dosen. POULTRY t iiirlirn a. at M In av Mi. ducks. s W to m 0i geese, U per dusea turkrys. 14c per nonnd. VKOETABLEH 47a,hhaM ml ft) I 60 per eenlal :onkna. MKSMI nap .T to present them with the necessary vouchers P5utMS Mgt0c per sack ; toaaatoas. 40 te rrom me aaie nersor to vvi.K,',."!- . , Dark tlnr Twai aiu SlrliMHl WonUal ulta. Slrlpml Cbavlnl 8ulu......,. Scotah Cheviot aalia... Brows Plett4 Suit. ...,, Mottled Uh.vloi Bulla. rmt t'heek dulta. ,... funer- Chevhrt iln...... Brown Tweed Suits, . Let N. SOIO. Rmwa Cheviot Suit .,.., Meld Tajialmare flulta.. Pnn Cwlmere uUs.m. Bniwe Twm.1 flulta Fancy Herring Buns NultSu.., Valour raited diiita. .. Uray Jweed SulUk. .....,. Let H: SOSv. Browa rheek Sulla Chk Camlmare henry Suits Stilped Cemlmere hrniy suits Or Chevht. heavy. Bull..... Brown t'hevlut, hvy 8ults. Heavy Blue Tweed Holts. Hiac. and While Mlied Cas- siatare auiis... .! h. oao. mwa Stiined Wnniee Bulla Hlaek Diaeonal aulla. Blaek Corkscrew Halts- Heavy Blue Mrltnn Sulla Heevv Chark Oaaaluira Knlta fancy Wide Wale Worsted olte. Brown field Wonrted Suits-.-btk Browa Cheviot Suits... !( WW. tOOa . Paney Check Caaatmere aulla IttrliNid I'awrlmer heavy suits m orey i.a.viui ralla... At $ 8 60 At 10 00 At 32 00 At 13 60 velear fialah within six month the said administratrix at her home near ocappoosc, votumota county, Oregon . ..MRX "Jul"?. ayninauiini oi us estate of wtllfana n. craim, arceased. dlliS THWAITES, The PHotographer. CABINETS - $150 PER DOZEN CABD8. . $100 PER DOZEK. lTS-Apples.TS to 1 per box STsrui esocaajsa, COFFK-Cota Rira, 21c; -Rio. SOes ilvadnr. 21c: Mocha. Mr. Java m.. a .' SUOAK-Quiden C. 4V.r: aural! 41.,. grannlated. 5Jc. BKANS Small whites, SWci pink. 3c; bayoa. 4c: butter. lin... a ... ponnd. ' "-17J " per pound. SALT LireriMiAl. Bis M t.. sis u. i. U to $11 per ton in carload lots. ' o.ivur avaautru, in barrels, 41 to lie: Dar Drab Tweed una ..... Paney Carilme s tntls.. raoev woraiee tulle Silk tilled Caantere enitoZ. Baakat Cheek CaMlwere suits Browa Tweed anlla. . .... Lat Kw. MAO. Matural Oray Caeslawra, ae dye suits .. Browa t.'bevtot Meotee sulu.. Uar. Browa Tweed sella Dark Oray Tweed. Xl-oance sooiia, eulta. .. park Bine, aquare eui, aalu. Black WoMad mlu Tsa Tweed, M-ouuee fnada, XXX Mi Iwcvd'lU'.:Z. Z At 14 60 At 16 00 Let Ne. (COO. Blaek Wlds Wsls Hulls. hlus Wide WJa Mulls.-...., Brawn Meltoa Hulla PauoyC'hek(;hevM sulls..n. Iark Uray Wonted anlla-..-.. Iilaek Cnrkarrew suits Black Dlasonal sulu., ...,.. Let BOTO. Park Bmwu Tweeit sulu Heavy II lav I'lrvsiillly aulla... Kirle Fancy Wiiriind aulla... Sstra Heavy Dark Uray Cae- aimer aulla. flalrt Wonted, neat batera suits...... Broken field WovalaH aulla .. Silk MUed Wanted sails. Lel Ke. BoaO. Blank Wide Wale euiu Paiiey Whlunord alu . Pine llrab Kurfev aMiia Fine Wonted Merea. Iark Uray Wuratml suit iiearv hi ua naaver aulla..., itltk Mlied CaMiinars aults. Faany i-iaitt woraletl aulta..., Small Ohei k Wonled ull Plain B:ewa Mvlloo suite ..... Bstre Heavy XX Caaalinsrs Let M. BOVO. " Dark Orsy vslour Kug. Caasl. mere suits .. Fine Blaek Worsted (HoskaJ suits Black cheviot ot) suits....- lleib Snaa a..!.. llark Fanav Wi,raxl .mIim' Paney Halite buake sulut!i'n Kneliah llarriha H... M.ti Neat Dark Cheeked Wonted suits. Pansy Plaid Wonted anlu. Z 8iral(ht Siriie Wunteil aulla. vtuaiiii t,oraaenwauiia L ejaa, BltM. XXXX vsJetu Black lsvtot sulla Ktra UaaVf Whle Walaaulla Panry striped Woratedsalu, Hound wide wi. eira.JT! Heavv Waia rnnl ai.ll. Blaek Plaid Worsted, muara em, shim... ........rr. erring Boa Strips Woretad i a aulu ... . .. At DrebKereav aulta """"" Slate Kaney aulla. , ,.. seal Brows sulla . Blue Thibet, Wale aMra stills Baakat Wvnted aulla....... llaAva 1. 1. ..... -1 ...... tar Ciray Worsted salisTZ At $10 00 At 17 60 At 18 00 At .20 00 LtuviM OAK POIKT. BTKI.LA KAINIEU,.., K ALA MA ... MT. HEI.KNa I Aaaivissl'OKTI.ANU. ' RETURNINO Lsavss POUTLAKD , Aaaiva BTXLLA ............ ...: A. ... . .:! .0 ..ft) ve 22 60 1ST Siul Irttl Pint EIm ..! m. IW to Mk;ner (allon: 2 fflt ul- in n. ku , . Wf. rllfnrv.1. l k. .' "ir .. per keg per ganon ; t 70 jiiv,& ia 74 per cental. Tea msat aisirr. BEKF-TJve. !e; dressed. B to 8c MUTTON Live, shoared 3Kc; dressed. HOQS-Uve 4toSc; , VRAL 4 to ft. rtr nntitiil 8H0KKD UEATm ANii T. i nn era nam. ia to isc; other vartetira. I2c: larn .w.... n ... n t i n . ... . . . . . . I v..,...i, h njc; oreasiavt ia to lac; smoked bacon. 11 to Iiae. "THE MIST" Job Department is J. M. MOYER & CO., ueeeaors to Brownsville Wovleu Mtlls, HO FIRST STREET, CORNER ALDER, PORTLAND. SlItlCTlaY ONU PIIIC1. NO UJDVIATIOM. ' bacon, APIARY GliEAMNGBj. Spring is coming, at least the sew has been shining. Mr. Lowman Is talking of starting np his saw mill soon. That ia right, son. the country needs lumber, and by th present appearance is going to use plenty of it. Our grocer has returned with a fine in voice of goods, and intends returning for another supply. Tlw vary best of goods for a minimum price is his motto. There is oo telling what Dave will do. ; Chan Wilson has, of late, been reoeving large bills for lumber, and intends starting op soon, l oan knows a trick or two. Oaeof them is making fine lumber, which equaled by few and exceled by none. That ha may feather his nest with the fat of the land, is the wishes of Apiary's "Chin mnstc." - 'Oh ! where is my Billy, can anyone fell, He is ap at Bcappoose, I know very well, . ' Cris-Udsic. MORMAIj NOTES. School it progressing finely since tbe holi day, the students being refreshed and the number increased by about twenty five Tbe enrollment ia now SIS. Those who remained in Monmouth were entertained by various amusements during tne Holidays, the most prominentof which were a Christmas tree, a Leap-Year party by the ladies, and a students' reunion on '. the evening of the return. La flrippe bss been entertaining some of uw stuaenis tee past week. One of the students, Mis Mecne, was on board the Telephone when she was wrecked and was obliged to return to ber home in Astoiia The library room has been moved to (be third story of tbe building, neeessated on aceoont of room The Monmouth Board of Trade ha been reorganized with a large membership. A lot has been purchased for a Baptist ' enures. . - WaiiurB.Ploana ; . fcCHOOk-HOtSK NOTES. BY THK PCPILB. Aipnonc uaioar. a pupil in the primary departanent; is prevented from attending Bcoooi this week because of having injured . hi hand with a rusty nail All hope for , dis speeay recovery. ' t Crocheting is the rage at school with the fiirls St intermissions, and sometimes during s in ay buursi u5iPoi7der: Used in Millions nf Home 40 Years t! Stancfarrl 128 THIRD STREET, PORTLAND, OREGON. OPP. LADD & TILTON'S BANK. Ton are respectfully Invited to call at the office of the ODEGOIJ nOElBSgSAD CO. - And examine our list of Properties , the finest and best of which is Hawthorne's First Addition to Portland, LOT8 50X100 FT. EAST SIDE. PRICE8 i700 TO $850 EACH. LIBERAL. TERMS Parties who deairs to vialt and """"'"PJ'ud ' agent aad team ready at any ttlAJttM I 1 seres. Improve far7 mlU. south of Port- CLIFTON HILL COLONY. rM..h. .ia.':. .v.. ' IL ', w"'1" 8Ato- Wasa, Annstas. tan.' . j"TT ... XV"" ijoineaieaa voeanany" has secured forus iw nratiass homesteads, requiring Utile, If sny elesrins. tables, m well as to the production of every "rt food and wall located soil, well adapted to grain and Ives? I tSAm aL,Ky;,FTiK ' and IrtllU that can he r.. i i".u. I lor.'i!L mal I on reeet IZzll? !f " ? "M Production of every variety of (rain and lrlu ibilr,h.Vm- Vn Y2u. eityolrortnuMt W.eordialiTcoa..n rMJXZnS" (Blgnsd, fl. A. Csrrs.SMT st, Portland. " W. ij Kots, 2 Osk St., Portland. W. J. Bates, cor. rrontand Hal' ata,, Portland. a H. CniDsow, S74 Pourtb St., Portland. O. P. Cooa. cor. Fourth and 1 ate.. . Portland. h Si BLacawsn, cor. 4th end J eta. x. Portland M. W. Kiscaio, a Porter at. Portland. t. Putacs, sor. Third aud Aah au., Portland. ' Bpeclaaeas t'avaes. a tt m t v. M. ... u. ti.iuru, stvw vatsei. WIS., waa troubled with Nenrslrfa aad Rheumatism, 01a oraniKca waa aisordered. hi Live w aneciea 10 an aurmlng degree, appetite fell away, and he was terribly reduced In neso ana strength. Three bottles of Elec tric Bitters cured him. : enwara Ulitpherd, Harriabnnr. IN., had a running sore on his leg. of elrht veara' standing. Used three bottles of "Klectrir outers and seven boxes of Uueklin's Aral. ea Salve, and his leg is sound snd w.ll I John Bpeaker, Oatawba. 0 , bad five large eoree on nis leg, doctor said he wa. incurable. One bbttla Elertrie Bitters and 1 one box Bdcklen' Arnica Salve cured him I entirely. Bold at Edwin Bow' Drue Store, JacklOB Arwics anive. The Beet Salve la the world for Cuts. Ink. Bores, Ulcers, Bait Rhanm. Fever Berea. Taller. I Chapped Hands. Chilblains, Corns and all akin eruptions, and positively eoree Piles, or ao pay I '"" cuaranteea to. elve serfaet aaiia. I 'o"on, or money refunded. Pries 2 eents per I For Bale Bv Kdarin RAO- CABpiDTS. All in want of Dul'im..... 1..-. i.. made by Mrs. J. W. Tinkham, Oillton, Go- tuiiiuia county, uregon. . ' 8m8 Tfca Wratd French tTaro. ArHKUUlTiN t " SkSZ I I BOLD 0 A poatnvi OUAWANTEC to cure any tons olaervoiM dlavaae or any disorder of the ceneratlvaar. ansoiaiUMraaK, whether ariam" IromtheexceMh-e naeof fuimuUn. lfmlnT ,(l,..k7?Al.!-a . tJon,oTerlnYur,iT.uoaStSaT SSSFme -Watch ... , pramaiura THE RETAIL MERCHANT in the nccewary Medium of Trade between the Manufivctun.T and the CoiiBumer. He rauBt protect the intercut of his cuetouiers by purchasing io the lowest and and best markets, and by Belling to bis patrons at the Lowest IWible Prices. W. E. NEWSOM. C. R. IIAIlTa PmjirietOr - St. Helens Meat Market Fresh and Ballad llaata .... im... and vegruble Meats by wholesale (t speeiaJ rates. Cxareas waeon run t mil . I s..d chanres riasonable. r THE IIODEL SAL0011. i. 8. CLONING EH, ProiY. HT. HELENS, . . . 0KEC0K. PROPRIETOR OP THE OLD ST. HELENS STORE, ' In keeping these true principles of trade always in view ; often leaves theold track and strikes "across lots" for Bargains for hiscitotomers. Ills stock of fcSGenoral Merchandise Is being enlarged by New Goods Every Day. M U ?t.eoT?ll,,' Bsme the many different articles kept on sale. a-U from l)ry 0ds,a..thlng. Ladies' Wear Gentlemen's Wear. Head IV, ear. Foot Wear, Klour and Fred, Ororer e and Can n''I0.!,od" Hall and Hardware. Crotkery and Glawwar. Uranite Patent IS edidnes, Toilet Articles, te. - Choice Wines. Lienors and Cigars. to5Ctj. Bilkrd aad Pool TafcU for (ht pomraoJa(ioa of Pafrwf CALL AROUND. ' 0 Hi UxXCLEMVERS, . to cure a THE PORTLAND JEWELKE. Dia IMFORTtR AJfD DEALER IK Tbsrs are sow slaty setUers la th eoleny sad elaims snomrb for U to It mors famine. , -. aad obtain fuU partlcuiara. Call rivs, 10 and ta-aer tracts W are elaoloeatiaf a ealony about a ret miles from fort Angeles. .. mimi iMi wen. Aleoaeolonyat HllUboro. Or. On 1 and aera traeia ai Sim . siaa . ' t aers farm ( miles from St. Baisns, sll good land, creek running tbron(h the canter, splsadld springs, new room Was, smsll (sraea, frolt treea; 8 per sera. " - . e .... .',.i- We nevefnelarsvjetand mar vmii,hitMta,fi,.,al ,t.. ........ a . It6 -.Hija?2a. . we nave 200 t-acre tracts near PORT AM0ELK8, WARS. ery liberal terms. . Annua . ' ' iti. 1 1 orit-w - ii' " 7-. M.rviTioa Hismooer II fu "!' en re Is not afTaeud. We bit a toomandaof testimonials from I ywnt? of both aezes,whohsve been permsnentlyenr by tneuasof ApbrodlUne, CliSlarliii Iim THE APHRO MEDICINE CO Weslara Bmaeh. - i Box 7. PewrLuB. n. For sale by EDWIJf BOSS, Dscooibt, St. Helen, Or. f HOT1CB. S. Land OOes, Oreeon City. Or, .. ' - Jaooarv 1. MM. (tmpisint havinf been entered at ibis Office So:?a:v.rnEiih.-VTe.iXV" onds, GlocZis. Watches, hmkti, and Opiicsl Gccds. and J ewelrv ReTjairincv. Orders from the Country Solicited. 165 First Street. Between Morrison ond yarnhin. Portland, Or. I rial Ellaha T. Pa.1 .,... .yman bis donation claim notincatlon No iii??.,.n I week. The teamsters had commenced , trespass on the school grounds, so the boys rarVMl lltam nnt ha I . 1 .L. "j 'mi "a iu(. .i, .ud way. ompiatnt was made to Mr. Peacher to hare them removed, but tbe logs still adorn our iront yard. Eugene Biakesley waa absent from school last week On account of having run a nail fa his foot. Newton 8undby was absent Monday siianigoB loosing ior a cow. sis Tenme Way Is organist for the acbooL 8hs plays for tbe singing in the morning and for marching atintermlssions: n eigomey caienaar clock was pur- ebassa lor the asbool-bouse with the money that remained of tbe organ fund. , Johnnie Unnston Is seriously ill with la grippe, and is unable to attend school, yet ti nope ae may soon be able to return to tie post, -' i Mis Cla BearcT slarted to school last week. t Theelassiu decimal fractions consist ei th following member : Ma Whitney, wary tiuraere, rred Watkin, Frank Watts, Ocorgs Emerson, Amy George. Daisy Wat Itins, Charlie and John Cooper. MUm Vox, Pecker, Burke and Biskcsjey .1 . . . . . iriiexy. acre; 8.200 acres ia s bodr aaai u,. Tawi .... , ,t!?J . 'rJT? r. eoiony- wpsr turolah " " . ' J HiaiN I. OH. I a view to claim, the said appear at Convera, n inn. teeuaiony Four Homesteads, . - 160 Acres Each, $130 Each. .t l.lmad Nnw. It lu CTaai. 10. e U sw W and ZvT" e n. ranse w. In rolnm Ma eVtuni. "I..- lP7 to the eaneellailon of aM ' W,"D n..i. . reapon .. lumian wiiceraine aaM .7, . ??P?lhearln wil? Li ktestin.ony ,." sub- V at Wo'ekrr Z lou enlc oa APPJCUKOJf, Refrlatar. fUitot B. V. BIFKCH, Beeaiver. WtH!f seres nndsr snltl. v - ' .T.::.m'jr''f rvrrnina vtnuiDie ior a nraaiaaa dme. Call aad g st. r'u'"7' wa;ons and everything farm,t(W. Terms, 2,0ae eub, balance on tl full nartlnuiajw. tU acres nns elssred land-near Koeebor, Oregon, nearly all lavel, doited with haasUfol eat waerasre. epenoia inui and fraln farm. One 10-aers tract, aear Port Anfalaa. J par acre, eaab. Special I- ADartTlaformlna am a. wlrfl Ik. vt.i... a... . - . . .. . ' . -. " ----- ..- nwiaa mm uvaiaiaviBiaai. Haiasaa. aatMi... Tnsindacemsnts offered vu moma or uecemoer. u be absent three or four month.. m.amortaimrmVmXlVJi Jr ?out tbe bardabliM than endured. The SSZTZISX. ffatf JlftKr.?.VM Vw r.ttror.i, , vi n. ucuHLat, H. rLAUc. Cart of our office, Oregon Homestead Co. tH&V One Dollar Weekly Buys a good gold watch by our club sys- mio. iur ia-aara. goiq-niiea esses sre wsr ranted for 20 years. Kins Elfrin and Wsl- tnam mtverreot. Biem wind and set. Lsdy's or gent's sis. Equal to any f30 waicn. .jo secure agents where w bars none, we aell one of tbe hunting cae wsicnes tor inecino price szg and send O. O. D. bv express with privilegeof eaamins- uon oetors paying tor tne same. -Our agent at Durham, V. C, write ! "Oar jeweler have contested they doa't know now joa can lurnias auco wora ior IBS moasy. Qur agen at Heath Upflngs, 8. C, writes: "Tour watchee take st alght, tbe gentleman whofotthelaat watch said Ibat he examined and priced a Jeweler e watches in Lancaater, that were ao batter than years, but trie pries Our agent at Pennington, Its., writes: "Am in recelnt of the watch, and am niaaaad I without meaau re. All who have aaan It ... ft would bs cheap at tto." One enod reliable event wantorl for aei-h I plac. Write for particulars. curiae WATca vo., yew York. CO Q O O O o 21 if z X H O -J o BIUCKLE BROS., Dealers in all Kinds of Luipi'J.nltel'idi' i Paints, Oils, Glassware, Boots Shoes, Hats and Caps. and Dry Goods and Groceries,' FEED AND HAY. General:-: Merchandise. LIUCKLE BROS, ST. HELENS, OREGON. Q m 2 m rr m o 2.- CO rn m i o OF COURSE 00 DO. IClVlin BEISrt THK CAflK It'Li. I O yu to nnil the irnatt de-lraule alaea ia purcha, vour invlg.ater." THE BANQUET." Kseps conatsnUy an haod the las Cuban Blossom Cigars. The finest lin nf Wins Llquers aad Cigars tii tie found tMssideef !' land. Aud If yea Uk Is iaire in a gams of POOL OR BILLIARDS, STi'I? V"ur JhM bsst table lu town. Everything new and Mllclled ,Ur ,U0B to tfail "THE BANQTOTH 8t. nlen. OresxiB. cNavnrTivj wmmm. An old pbyslciMfi retired from pracMre, , ! Placed In hi hand by aa Kasl India iniasloiiarv . the tnrn,i. Ar . vegetsbls remedy for the speedy aad per nianentcnreof consnmpU n, branchial, catarrh, asthma and all taroat and lungs feclions, also iipoiUv and rarieal ear for nervonsdsbiilty and all nervous eose- pianiH. auer saving tested it wenderfal fl'Jf P?"tn ln ""ands ef eases, kss felt it his duty to make It known te his sef faring fellows. Actgati J by this mollv and a (1m re to re lev hnman snfTering 1 will send free of chare, in .11 ia SllV? ,B. Pr"'. French or CnglUh. wilb flilfdlrertlnna fu. .- Bent by mail by addreeslTig with slam! naming inis psper. yf. A. Novas, aw rowers' Block, Bceheatflr, K.T. w a -ra. vrM-v Mintitit aarfrn ...... . sy aataattat paaer m ska tatraua. hat MaaS ld. maa ationl4 be ari II.; Ma , rtai.isassa,at DAVIES, Th Photographer, First and Taylor Street. POBTLAND - , - ; . OEJEOOIf Work and price that csnaot be beatea. SWI.bJ . h SchiwIi'OariT.t Rut. Ouail, lulan. (MSSSBj auaa cnunH. uf atudr, run a( lauiea. ' ItnafBAaa. Mhnifth nd. as-la anaiiie,..ut Uia vi rr. Hit ,? Ts' Z M at aur lime, bauuumie Ats. eltha. SayrA,aa i