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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 1, 1892)
THE OREGON MIST. I'Bltrd Ktulri ind County Official Paper! St. Hkikw, January 1, 18SJ2. LOCAL AND GENERAL, linnet court will bo itf elon nt Monday ni Tueway. Thk MiHTOontalm 11 the important county new a full linn of rubber ood t N. A l'erry'i, Houltoii. Mr. fi. it. Jonca. of Lower Denver, wa caller al tli 'e Tuostlny lust. Blank note ami receipt book at Mil ofllce for nilo chei. , Mr. Chiirfoe Muckle U having now fence built around hi residence. The latent novel anil other choice reading matter nt the drug store. The dunce at the Oriental hotel flat urduy night was a very pleasant affair. Kdwin Koa be a flue assortmentof French candle. Clothing, first elms and best quality at Terry'. Honlton. Paul Itaupach, of Reuben, lias been ' appointed executor of the eatata of Thereula Kuuttach, deceased, Oaoitr Aiken, of Bunker hill nude final pnwf on his homestead Wrdnee. dHy. Witneases, 8. 8. Way and J, W. Campbell, Captain Lammit Is having a new fence constructed around hi realdenee, which add greatly to Hie appearance of the property. A number of St. Helens boy at tended the ball at Houlton Friday niKht lat and reiwrt having a splen did time. Jasper Graham of Rainier made Una) tmmf on hi homestead entry Mondity with C. 8. R. V.libi:ru and William HolmeaaawituiHHMsa. Day, tlie Cowlitx county mnrderci wa denied a new trial by Judge Bloom field. There la but one. alternative for thi cold blooded murderer, and that it to hang. :. ,... JliKik conaiatingof Piekena' "Utile a'aul," Orimm'a "Fairy Talea.'-R.ihin-on Cruaoe," "Gulliver' Travel." AVhiiW l'ooin, Kct., at the drug aioio, cheap. A neweohnol district, Ni 48,lia twoi! etbliihel adjoining the Kainiur ilietricU Also tlistilct No. 49, ueai Iiuxton, On the HHUboroaud Veruouia Tond. . We are informed that an effort will tie made to change the nam of the Houlton postoilee. Juat what the new iiatnsprtiooeed la we are uot able to ay at present. ; , W. J. Mucklo & Co. will refund the money for any article f jewelry sold .y them, which do uot wear five vcara they have flue assortment of jewelry ou hand and no mistake. Our friend the lliiiHboro Indepen dent baa turned an elaborately illu-tra-ted New Year edition which reflect a great deal of credit upon it manage uuml and the town and couuly In which It i published. Tlie democrat of Oregon will hold a convent inn in Portland on January 8 and 9, for the purpose of organising a a'ate aoeivty ol democratic club. On the evening of the fill Ihe banquet of the Tauimany society will beheld in A i ion hail. Democrata from all over tho tte are invited.. Dr. Hall, of Clnti-kanio ha our thank h r a neatly enveloped packafff f hi holiday unt'ting. "A friend in need i a friend Indeed," corl plaster. This i (omethiug that will (tick to you ahethcr you stick to It or not. Wa are glad to place the Pacific Builder on our exchange list. It i imblished at Portland iu the intereit of (be builder' exchange and ia splendid effort on the part of it pub lisher. Ws announce the marriage in th !hritian church, in San Joee, Cal., or December 30, of M i Helena H'Jl luau aud Jude H. Grant of Sacra mento. The bride ia well known in Col umbia county, having roeided heia for jumnv ycanand ha many friend all over the tnte. The groom i Judge of the tiieiior court for the diirict of Hucramento and was at one lime a resident Of Portlaitd. Thk MiT ex tend congratulation to Judge and Mr. Grant. Their future home will In- in Woodland, near Sacramento, Cal. The Northern TacKlo Railroad com- Jiany are constructing a depot at foullon 18x24 feet., Houltou, ha lung Until in wed of thi structure and iU citizen seem jubilant over tho advent of a new building for the ac aiuMMiiodatiou of the traveling public. We have recoivod a Copy of the pro gramme of the Christmas cantata, at Clatskaoie, and from the amount of artistic work diaplayed on the same tho cantata should havo been a sue rca. lintweeu t he effort of our friend, tho Chief, and Dr. J. E. Hall Hie pro jtnwmtie ia very coinplote. Thanks. Commence the new yoar by sub scribing for Thk Miht. It contain all the imoortant local a well a official new of the county. You cannot af ford to be without the paper from the louuty seat, a it la impossible for any other to furnish report of the antoiat b'tmineu of the county. County court meets ou Wednesday next. A large amount of business will coma up at tlii term. Tho road super viwira aud clerk and judge of election will lie apiKMiiiod aud tho adjustment of taxes will be gone through with. There will be a great deal more busi ness for tho county court to attend to than iu aty term for a long time. The wedding of Hon. Marshall funning, private secretary of Postmaster-General Wanamaker, and Mr. Isabel McBride Palmer, daughter of JudKO John R. MoBrideand niece of 0. W. and T. A. MuBride, took place in San Francisco on Christmas day. Mr. and Mr. Canting and family are spending a few day in St. Helen, the guest of Mr. Cushing' aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mr. Wm. H. Dolman, after which they leave for their future home In Washington, Ii, C; What' the matter with the superin tendent of street that he doea not fix some of the many dangerous holes in the sidewalk. There i no lea than half doxen broken plank within radius of two blocks from the court- house north and west. These holes are caused by horse and cattle being allowed to roam at large at night, and the city council siiouid pus an onlln ance compelling stock to be kept tip at night. During the day there i travel enough to keep them off the luewnlk. Did anybody notice that since the county court caused an abstract of all the land in the county lo b made in order that it might be aeed and tnxe collected thereon the owner who have avoided paying tax on thi land are now rushing their patent from the government in to the county clerk' ollice to be recorded. See th list of deed recorded ; in another column. Non -resident can no longer avoid paying their taxes. The wife of one of our moat promin ent farmer got mad lat Saturday, be cause her husband refused to buy a pair of Ear Drops of W. J. Muckle A Co., md on her arrival home, baoke every ilieh in tho house and kicked the cat plumb up the chimney. She done rght. CLATBKANIB NEWS. Christmas day wa a merry one in leed in thi town. Snow covered the ground in the morning and led were brought into use, furnishing plenty of aniuseinanl for botli children and adult, while the battle with enow. ball made the town ring with shouts and laughter, indicating more sport than had been enjoyed this winter. When th day ended tlie snow soon disappeared, but it made day long to be remembered. Mr. and Mrs. W.C. King snd son, Everett, came over from Apiary to en- Joy the Christmas festivities Willi Grandpa and Grandma Jones, who seemed very ttlnd to have them there. They returned Monday, Mirae Fannie and Abide Bryant reached home from Centralia on Fri day's boat, and will spend a week visit ing parents and friend. Their kiater, Maud, is also bore, having reached town in time for the Christina Eve. exercise. Mr. snd Mr. Harri and family came in on the steamer Wednesday, a tor an elmenoe of about a month. Mr. and Mr. Phil Stout, of Pea View, are gueete of Mr. and Mr. Myei at the Central, and Mr. and Mr. C. A. Himiiel. George Tii benor i down from Port land (pending a few daye with parent aud friend. A new barber is now in town doing huliie in the txtstoflle room. He is a valuable acquisition to the town and a clever gentleman. E. O. Spurgeon is looking over his old tranipingground,afUr an absence of a year. W. A. Edgerton and Ed Page spent moat of laat week in Portland laying in a cnpply of goode. The Conycre establishment had quite a large Christmaa trade and made many of the little people happj. TUB CAKTATA AND TRRB. Not for many a year, if indeed, ever before, bus our town witnessed a elaborate and satisfactory a Chri.tmas entertainment aa the one held in Con vers lull ou Thursday evening last. Preparations had been going on for some time, with a view of giving a Christmaa cantata called "Santa ilau," written by W. H. Doane, and a committee ehoaeii for the purpose, also provided a Christmaa tree and had the hall gracefully festooned with ever green wreathe extending along each entire side of the halt, while in front and back could be seen in alibiing letter, "Merry Christmaa" and "Wel come," Additional platform room waa provided in order to give the cantata in front of the Christmaa tree. At 7:30 p. ni. the ball waa crowded and stand ing room waa at a premium. E. W. Conyera, aa chairman, called the meet ing to order anJ announced prayer by Rev. Coate, after which Mr. E. C. Blackford at the organ, started the prologue, aud soon the curtains were drswn aside, revealing a chorus of about forty person, who at once ang j tlie opening clmru, "Happy Greet ing," promptly followed by tbq differ ent solo, duet and chorusea in the cantata. Thn musio throughout wa sprightly and wa Interaperaed here and there by dialogue part aa the Frost King and Santa Clan were in troduced. In rendering theae part the palm waa, by universal consent, carried off by Mabel Blackford, who, in the character of "Mirth," displayed wonderful ability for one so young, and brought down the house, curpria ing and d -lighting the entire audience. The character of Love, Joy, Peace and Hoie looked charming hi their white robes, while the goddess of dreams and the th ee fairies in white, with their wiugo, looked like creature from some other p'anet who had atopped iu to give sest and variety to the enter tainment. All the characters did well, and the way the music was rendered surprised while it pleased all who listened. At the conclusion of the cantata the curtain wa drawn back of the performer revealing a beautifully trimmed and well lighted Christina tree laden with ornamenta and pres ents. While thi waa being admired, package of confectionery were passed through the audience, after which the present were taken from and around the tree to be given out to th persons whose name they bore. At about 10 p. ra. the exercise were conoluded and the audience dispersed to talk of the entertainment and see what Santa had been kind enough to bring them. STEWARD CHEEK. Mr. Kemp has ued Bonaon Bro for f 100 damage, in juetioe Lee' court. Mr Kemp claim thafcthe log which Mr. Don son wa running down Beaver eloiigu tore away om of his meadow land. The reault of the trial i. wiLwl with interest by farmer and loggere, both on the Beaver and the Clatskanie. Fisk and Johnson are putting ome Cue piling into the slough from Mr. Anderson's place; Every one ecmcd to be happy at -OPENING ANNOUNCEMENT! JT. BE. Groceries AND Provisions. FRENCH CANDIES, CHEWING Alo general assortment of NOTIONS the Christmas tree entertainment. The tree looked very pretty and the dull and toys which it contained pleased the children amaaeingly. One of the newly married couples received a baby and clothe complete, and Mr. C. J. wa the proud recipient of a large po tato (elected perhaps from Mr. Kemp's immense crop. There were many use ful and some valuable present received. The recitation were good, especially one by Mis Ethel Butter, entitled "Which one shell we drown." At tlie close of the exercises and distribution of present Mr, Young spoke a few minutes and announced that on the next day, Christmas, there would be served a Christmaa dinner free for everybody, at the school house, ac cordingly the next day, though a little stormy, there gathered, about noon, nearly one hundred sheet. The children washed each others faces in the snow, while the old folks prepared dinner. Everything paased off pleas antly and it was near 4 o'clock be fore the hungry were foil and the con gregation dispersed to their several houses. ' v'::- Mr. Fditor if you will allow ns space in your valuable paper we shall try to answer thequestiona of ''A Member" of the I. O. G. T. lodge oext week. Num-Skuix. HAINIEIl. Christma haa come and gone and with it many pleasant remembrances. The exercise at the hall were well attended aud were quite entertaining The programme waa Hue. Borne ojion ing remark ami a abort prayer by Rev. Butiman; next a cantata, and last hut not Wait, the unloading of the Christmas tree of its beautiful and varied assortment of. fruit, all of the children within pronouncing Santa Claua a very liberal old man. Tliere will be a sociul dance New Year's Eve., at Masonic hall, to see the old year out and the new one in. Farewell, 1891 f Will and Frank Pomeroy are borne from Corvallia for the holidays. Rupert Dibblce ia enjoying hi Va cation at home. Miasea Carrie and Ethel Dibble are spending Ihe holidays in Portland. 8cbol will begin ou Monday alter New Yeara. Heveral of otir people attended the I. O. O. F. ball at Maryaville, and re port a grand affair. We Just had enough anowon Christ m morniug to poil a green Christ ma and to give the children a merry game of anow balL It ia needles to say they availed themaelve of the op portunity. A the wires are down on account of the torm and newa very limited The Mist will have to await better weather for a very readable letter. ' We desire to say to our citizens, that for years w liavo been selling Dr. King' Now Discovery lor Consumption, Dr. King's New Life Pills, Bucklen's Amica 8alve and Electric Blitrra. and have never handled remedies that sell as well, or that have givan such universal satisfaction. We do uot hesitate to guarantee them every time, and we stand ready lo refund the purchase price, if satisfactory result do not follow their us. These remedlea have won their (treat popularity purely on their merits. For sale by Edwin Rom, dmg(dt ' .. M0T1CE. All persona indebted to me will kindly rail and aettla up, as I ant anxious to bal ance my book. Unsettled accounts will be placed in tlie handa of a collector Jan uary lot. HARRY It. CLIFF. M. D. . Dissolution of Partnership. Node Is hereby given that H. P. Wat kins lias retired from the firm of W. J. Muckle A Co.. doing business at Rainier, Oregon. All debts due said firm , will be navable to, and all debt due from said hrim wiUbepaidby jgFCKLK A CO. Rahikr, Or., Nov. 17. 1811. dllja ThBCelBlratedFreQcHare, la Solo o a . poaiTiva aUARANTEl to cure anr form otnorvoiM a I or any dlionluof th f cocmUv or- gam oi iiuoriwx, whether ariilux f ruin tboexoeu! ve waof StimuUata, AFTER TMboeoo or opium, or ihrouftnyotiuuui mai tlon, over Induljp'iic, it ,uch Lomo( J Power. Waketiilnm. Bearlui down Paint I back, Seminal Weak nwi, llymai la. Karroo Prca- tratloa. Nocturnal Kmlulooa, 1-e.ioarrhora. bla- eineatjWeas Moinory, ixmoi rower ana impo tency. whlrb If neuleoteil often lead to prematura old aire ami Inutility. Price i.uo a box, t boxes for 16.(10. Kent br mall on raeelnt of nrlee A WRITTEN OUAKANTEK Is Rivra for very I S.00 order reoetred. to refund the money If a formation euro la not eneeted. We hv thouundaof Mtlmonlala from old and voting, of both km, who have beea per'naneatly rurra btbeuMof Anhrodltlne. Cirrnlarfree. AddrcM THE APHRO MEDICINE CO. W!tru Branch. Box W. Poan an, tm. For sale by EDWIN KOSS, Druggist, St. Helens. Or. Natloa Croaitora. Notice Is hereby given that the county court of Columbia county, Oregon, aitting In probate, did on tbe 28ra day.ol December, 1111. appoint me executor of the will in the CPtatoof Thereat Raupaeh, deueaMd. 'AH perxona having claims against oaid estate will present, them to mo at tbe ofllce of Moore A Cole, in Ht. Helena. Columbia eountv, Oregon, on or before rlt moatha from ihe flt hereof, duly verified, secur ing to law. PAUL RAUI'ACH; Executor. Dated December 1 1801. i BEFORE SWGJEES, -DEALER IN- A 0KNKRAI. ASSORTMENT OF Chewing and Smoking Tobacco. A Fine line of , AND NUTS too numeroti to mention. CALL AND SEE US St. Helens, - - - r MR. GODFREY'S GOOD LUCK. tie is Not Afraid of Advertising Doctors. He Had Rheamatlsm and Was Cared by One With Electricity. ' (Orefonian, Deo. 28, 1891.) That the Dra. Darrin have effected extraordinary cures after all efforts else, where have failed, i a fact opported by the itroneeat evidence. Their cure. moreover, are rapid and peimanenl, Mr. (iodfrey ia a contractor and builder, and ha lived ia Portland the past aix teen yeara. Hi word can be relied on aa a man of truth and veracity. Read his comments on Dr. Darrin : AX OPBH CARD. To the Public: I hold it to be the duty of every man to tell the truth, though some are ashamed to say they have been to an advertising doctor. I, for one, am not. For years I have been a subject of severe rheumatism Not long go I wa taken down o I could scarcely walk or move, and sleep waa out of the question. I wa helped to Dr. Darrin'a office, where his great Electric cure wa applied. A few treatment has ao far cured me that I am out in all kind of weather. I now sleep well, and feel like a new man. 1 reside at the corner of Sixteenth and R streets, East Portland, and can be referred to in person or by letter. F. W. GODFREY. LISTEN TO Da. DARRIM'S OFFER. Dr. Darrin continue to treat all classes, the rich and poor alike, free of charge, at 70 J Washington street, Port land Or., from 10 to 11 A. M. daily. Tho-e willing to pay, from 11 A. M. to 5 P. M. ; evenings, 7 to 8; Sunday, 10 to 12 A. M., at one-half hi former price. He gives free and confidential examination to all at the office or by letter, lie treats all curable chronic, acute aud private diseases, with elec tricity and medicine. The cure of private diseatea, such aa secret errors of youth, irregularities in women, or female troubles, ini potency, stricture, aud other disease of a delicate nature, guaranteed and never published. The cure of deafness, catarrh, bronchitis, consumption, dyspepsia, skin diseases, liver, kidney and pile a specially. Surgical operations scientifically and successfully performed if necessary. Out-ol town patients treated with un failing success through correspon dence; one visit desirable, but not necessary. Medicine sent safely and free from observation to any part of the country. Write for symptom blank aud circular. One Dollar Weekly IJnys a good gold watch by our elub sys tem. Our U-karut gold-tilled caaea are war ranted for '10 years. Kine Klgin and Wal iham mtvcirent. Stem wind and xet. Lady's or gent's aiie. Kauai to any S50 watch. To secure agents where we bave none, we sell one of the bunting cae watches for the club price 128 ami send U. O. D. by express with privilrgeof examina tion before paying for the same. Our agent at Durham, N. C, writes : "Our jewelers hare confessed they don't know how you emu furuth tuth work for the money." Our agent at Heath Spring, 8. U., write: "Your watches lake at sight. The gentleman who got the last watch said that he examined and priced a tewelcr a watches In Lancaster, that wen no batter than yours, but the price was Its." ...... Our agent at Pennington, Tex., writes: "Am In receipt of the watch, and am pleased without measure. All who have seen It say it would be cheap at 144." .. One good reliable agent wanted for each place. Write for particulars. Kmpibs Watcm IX, New York. PiutUa, Orasva, A. P. Armstran. Prig. SCU4MN t UAPITAS. BUS. UUia.KUa, MUCH, VJ. ' ef stadr. ssbm nus of tuition. Business, Shoirthasd, H-ls smsKmi Ihrauihout Um j sr. Str JBV fij a MasnrUm tauOafiu fra'. (tha - k ra Administrator's Sale. ' Notice is hercbv a-iven that nnrenant to an order of the county court of the State of Ore con for Columbia county, made on the JOth day of July, Ai D. 18U1, the under .dined administrator of tbe eft to of K. L. Kr. deceased, will sell at nublio auction. to I lie highest bidder for cash in hand, or for one-half co.h and the balance on a credit of one year, the same to be aeenred by mortgage upon the land sold, at the court house, door in the town of tit. Helen, Co lumbia eountv, Oregon, on Tuesday, tbe 9Klh day of January, A. V. 1802. at the hour of 2 o'clock P. M. of said day, tho following described real Jiroperty belonging to the estate of N. L. Berg, deceased, to-wit: The southwest Mot section 4 m township 6 north, range 5 west, and also the southeast W of section 4, in township 6 north, range 5 west, situate in Columbiacounty, Oregon, and containing three hundred and twer ty acres, more or leas, according W IJoltcc States survey. A. M. I1KRO. Administrator of said cs ate. St, Helens, Oregon, Dec. 3, 1831 . d4jl Key West- AJ1D- , Domestic Cigars. GUM, OF ALL KINDS. AND ASK OUR PRICES. Oregon. PORTLAND 3IAEKET8. Tbaraelars Dee. SI. raoDi'ta, raeiv, rrc. WHBAT Valley. It W: Walla Walla, II S5 to tt VJ'i per cental. KLOlUt-Standard, 5; Walla Walla, f I AO; graham, 14; superfine, $3 per barrel. O ATM New, 40($ 13c per bushel. II A Y- f ItfarlA per ton. UILIXTUFV Bran, MtV); sl.orta, SkZ : chop feed, 1(0U per ton, barley , J0 iK?rto:i. BUTTER Oreson fam-v creamery. 37(2 40c; fancy dairy, Klc; fair logiHxl, Sttr.-7i' ouiiimoii, vxgta'ic ; J Kastern, ZafSlc per nound t;tlEE.lE-Oregon, imuc; Eastern. lie per pound. Ki iO-8232Uc per dozen. POULTRY-4Jld-kcns. S3 00 to M 50: ducks, V all to so fw; geese, iz per dozen : turkevs. 14c ner nound d. v H t A iri i-aooape , nominal. SI (All oOner cental imilons.SOcWsl percental. potatoes. 4Ofe00c per sack ; tomatoes, 40 to hilp tir lylY. FUi:iT8-Apples, 75 to 1 25 per box . st aii,s uaoreuim. COFFEE Costa Bira. 21c; Ilio. 20c; Salvador. 21c; Mocha. 0c; Java. 2'c; Ar bui kif's, 100-imnnd esses. 21 He per wund. att'OAB poiden C,4e; extra C, 4c; graiialated, fc. BKAN.) Small whites, SWc; pink. 3c; bayos. 4c; butter, 3c; ilmas, 4c per pound. ' HOSEY 17J to Me per pound. SALT LiTcrHXl,l4 WtollftSO; stock 111 to $12 per ton in carload kits. SYHUP-Kastern, in barrels, 42to4Ae; to ado per gallon ; 2 25 U) 12 SO per keg ; California, iu barrels, 30c per gallon ; 1 75 per keg. KICK IS 73 per cental. TBI KIAT N1IIIT. BEEF Live. ie ; dresses!. to Be. MUTTON Live, sheared Zz ; dressed , 7c. HOGS-Mve. 4Jto.'ic; dressed, 6c V KAL I to i)c iier pound. SMOKED MEATS AN l LA RD East era ham. 12 to 13c; other vat it-tips. 12Kc; lard, compound, 10c; pure, I'm to 13c; Oregon, 10 to breakfast hacon, 13 to lie; sin iked bacon, 11 to llc. DEAFNESS, ITS CAUSE3 AND CURE. Scientifically treated by aa anrist of world wide renutation. Deafness eradicated and entirely cured, of from 20 to 30 yeara' stand ing, atler all other treatments nave failed. How toe difficulty is reached and the cause removed fullv explained in circulars, with atUiiavita ami testimonials of cures from prominent people, mailed free. DR. A. FONTAINE. Tacoma, Wash. THE MUSICIANS' GUIDE. Everv mnic teacher, student or music lover should have this volnuw. It contains 212 page of valuable musical information. with lull description ol over 10.000 piet-ex of music aud music books, biographical sketches of over ISO composers, with por traits and oilier illustration.. Also a choice selection of new vocal and im-truiueiit'd tnuic and other attractive features. Upon receipt of eight 2-cent stamps, to prepay postage, we will mail free, a copy of 1 lie Musicians' Guide, also a sample copy of Brainard's Musical World, containing S2.00 wortli of new music and interesting reading matter. Auurcss TUB S. BRAINARD'S SOX8 CO.. - Chicago, 111. NeHiew Crextttwa. Notice Is hereby given that the under signed. Mary liraim, has been duly np minted administratrix of the estate of VYil ium It Ilraim, deceased , by tbe eountv court of the state of Oregon for Columbia county, and that letters have beea duly is sued lo her. All persons having claims against said deceased are hereby required to present them with the necessary voucher within six months from the date hereof to the said administratrix at her home near Scappoose, Columbia eonntv, Oregon MAKY HKAI.vr. Administratrix of the estate ef William R. Hraini. deceased. dlljS Dated Deo. 10, 1801. NOTICB FOB rt,Bl,ICATIOSJ. Land Office at Oregon City, Or.t Dec. 21, 1KB1. Kotice la hereby given that the fol'owing namad settler has flled notice of his Intention to make final proof in support of his claim and that said proof will be made before the County Clerk of Columbiacounty, at at. Helena, Oro- (OB, on reoruarr i, IK92, vis: FRANKLIN B. GILTNER. Ilomestead entrv No. S072. (or the nV of sec S9.tp4n.rtw. He names tlx tallowing wit nesses to prove nis continuous resioence upon and eultlvallon of said land, vis: John Thomp son, J. W. Campbell, William Hoas and A. II. Deardoff: all of 8cappoose P. O., Columbia county, Oregon. J. T. APrERSOX, JlfS Keslsler. NOTICE rB rsjBl.lCAriO.1. Iand Offlce at Oreeon Cltv. Oreron. Dee. . lftfll. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has flled notice of his Intention to make final proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will he autde before the County Clerk of Columbia county, at St. Helens, Oregon, on January ja.iiwz, vw: UENHY POTTER. Ilnmestead entrv No. 6S03. for if of see. 4. tp t n, r 2 west. He names the following wlt- nessestn prove his continuous residence upon, and eultivatiou of, said land, vis: Uustave H. Siereks, Frank M.Tompkins. Julius Ziesmann and Alexander T. Creecy: all el Kcappoose, Co lumbia county, Oregon. . T, AFi":isu.. dUjlS Kegister. NOTICE f OB PUBLICATION. Land Offlce at Oreeon Cltv. Oresjon Doc. 1. 191. Notice Is herehy given that the (ollnwlng named settler has Hied notice of his intention to make Hual proof la support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the county clerk of Columbia county, at St Helens, Oregon, on January , vis: . CHARLES C. CLARK. Homestead entry No. 6506. for the sw 4 of sec. 28. tpSn. ri west. He names the following witnesses to prove Bis continuous resilience upon, ana cultivation , sam lami, via: A. Cusbman. F. Bishop, O. C. Jacquish and R. R, Foster; all of Reuben P. O.. Columbia county, Oregon. dltii J. T. APPKRSON, Resistor. NOTICIB rOB PI UblCATle.H. Land Office at Oreeon Citv. Or.. Dee. S. 1W1. Notice Is hereby given that the following named settler has flled notice ol his intention to make gnat proof In sutiiiort of his claim, ami that said proof will be made before the County t;ierK ot t roiuinoia county, at si. ucieus. ur., ou January , imrj, vu: MART1S B TltPPOt.D. Hnmestaod entrv No. 7150, for tho ne of see. 11. ttitn. r ( west. He names the follow Ins witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, nan cultivation of, said land, vis: R. Rclrhardt, Elmer K. Grindle, I. P. Yonn ' and William C. King; all of Apiary. Columbia county, Oregon. J. T. APPKRSON. dlljl Kegister. - NOTICE, My son. William E. Bonner, having left home without my consent. I will not tie re sponsible lor any dents lie mav contract. Ml KAItAH 1,. nONNKR... Scappoosc, Or. Dec. 10, XSSI. dl3-Sm King Clothiers of the Northwest. Blue Csrner, IHsrrUaai aael aeeond atreeta. rortland. . YOUR CHOICE OP ANY tSiiiit on? Overcoat IN THE HOUSE TAILOR-MADE (Jjj C AA TAILORIIADE TRASH. V 1 Ui V V OLD STOCK. Boys' Suits and Overcoats, Ages 14 to 19 Years F. R. CHOWN, ; IMPORTER OF - - MANUFACTURERS OF - Sheet-Iron, Tin WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. 212 First and cor. Salmon Street PORTLAND- All OufsSeedsAreTested Our (jroJogucTellj K5t 11 T. L. Posson & Son. Portland. Or, W THIRD STREET, OPP. LADD & Yon are respectfully Invited to call at the office ot the 0RE60IJ And examine our list of Properties , the finest and best o( which ia Hawthorne's First Addition to Portland, EAST SIDE. LOTS 50X100 FT. PRICES S700 TO $850 EACH. TERMS LIBERAL. Parties who desire to visit and examine this property vtill Dad ooratent and team ready at any time free of expense. We slso nftr 10 ?a-acra tracts betonetna to the Hawthorne estate at HiLLsnoao, Wanhiuston oouniy, 14 miles west of f'orliaod, oue hours ride bj' rail, three times daily. CLXFTOlsr HILX. COLOISTY. Whitb Balhom. Wash, Augiwtao, ThU t.tnMrrlfv that ttMi "(Inmn Homestead ComnaBV" has seenred for us rood and well loesU'd homesteads, roqiilrinr little, if any clearing, with arst-elass soil, well adapted to ((rain ami ve tables, as well as to the production of every variety of grain anil fmitslhiU can be grown in lull tornla, Oregon and Washinirton, and we have located thereon. Said homesteads are situated tia the Washington side of the Columbia river, convenient to the landing of a dally line of steamers, and opposite to IIoodRlvrrststlon, ou the line of th Union I'aciBc railway, 65 miles east of the city ot Portland. W cordially xeearameud our friends and others to join our colony, r ; (Signed, There are now sixty settlers ia -the eoloaiy an, claims enough for 10 to IS more families. ' ad abtain lull partloulara, - We are also locating a colony about three miles eiu Alao a colony at Illllsbom, Or. on 1 M aera farm miles from at. Helena, all good spriugs, new iwmsiouse, anuwi We have thelarvHrt and mot valuable trartaof h. We receive none for subdivision or sale that we cannot have nndori-ed by tlie leading i-n-denla of the district in which aaoh lauds are situated. W e reeeiveoone except such as hare sa absolute perfect title. We har 200 6-aero tracts near PORT ANOfXKS, WABII., an elevant tract for cutony- .' per acre; a,ie acres in a body near the above, as per acre. Very liberal terms. Four Homesteads, AcEach, $130 Each. We have for sale a beautiful fruit farm of a ISO acres, 80 acres under fenrw. fa acres under milt" vation. Price 11.600. Terms 1.200 cash, balance on time. With household furniture horses, rattle, bogs, poultry, wagons aud every thing suitable tor a ftri-clea faruk, fiSUO. Tertna, 12.000 cash, balance ou Uuo. Call and get full particulars. 115 acres una cleared land near Roebnrg. Oregon, nearly all level, dotted with beantifal ea trees. A per sere. Hpendid fruit and grain larm. On 10-acre tract, near Port Angeles, U per acre. taah. ' , Special !- A party ts forming here to visit the YJnlteel ftveitee att ralsnaklat. Haw lit AwerU-n, during the mouth of December, to beabseatthreeor four month. Ihe inducements uily.eil are far superior to those ot California in taw, without the hanlsblps then eudnrnd. The mines of CailHasiaiiat exceed in ririuie anvever discovered in raxliSairaiiax or veiitii. The climate isjust thesameas in t'sililaransi, the farming lands raualiig in priifrum f Centstofl per acre. Produce, any kind of fruit, grapes and graiu gn.wu iu Cailiornia sua ' Oregon, in addition o eoffea, cocoa aud all Ihe tropical fruits. .::. AMOTIIEK PJtBTT In forming to visit Sam Ttlrerw and he af Csuaaila, Laiwer Caltfornln (n Dersmbe., to spend the winter. axlirlng the mines auo examining the f Miniry with a vlw ol locating a colony of firat-elasslarinets and trut raisers. For full lufonaall b.saud jteont stamp ia MR. GEORGE E. Oregon fiomesfiTCo. HardwarE Table and Pocket Cutlery Dairy and Household Goods. Cooking and , Heating Stoves. and Copper Ware, - (rOr) PORTLAND, OREGON. ) i B DLL , lv 1 (I TILTON'S BANK. GO. 41 acres, Improved term miles sooth of Port land, nvarClscVaaiM. L'lackamHS station, H. P. some timber; price fifie per acre, easy terms. K. k.. aooo nouse. innnaii lenceo. enoo waiei. 8. A. Cares. 4MTst.. Portland. W. J. Kola, JS Oak St., Portland. ' ; W. 1. Batks. cor. Kmnt and Hull sts.. Portland. Cnaa. H. CitiDimN, 'ill Fourth st., Portland. U. T. Cook. vnr. Fourth and i sts.. K. I'urtUnd. C. B. Blackwkli.. eur, 4th aud i sis. K. Ponlaiid. M. W. Kincaid. SM Porter rt., Pnrtlaud. ". ftmctL, tot. Third and Ash sts., rortland. Call from Port Angeles. Five. 10 anil 50 acre tracts per avrv. , and 30-acre tracts at f 1M and 1115 per acre. land, ereek running taroMgh the center, splendid gamen, iruH tares; sm per acre. landln the states of Oresroas and TVaafclno PLACE, Can ofouroftico, 1284 THIRD ST