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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 1, 1892)
Buckwheat Cakes. The old way of setting to raise over night by the nse of yeast, while the cakes were light yet there was always a well founded suspicion that buckwheat cakes made in that manner were indigestible and unwholesome, because of the chemical action that takes place, so alters the flour from its original character, that the souring or decomposing process continues in the stomach, followed by dyspepsia and kindred troubles. ; The new way does away with all fermentation, souring etc, and places upon the table smoking hot buckwheat cakes in 12 minutes or less. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder is the element that superseded the old methods. Buck wheat and all griddle cakes made with Or. Price's Powder are not only exceedingly light and delicious, but can bo enjoyed by dyspeptics and invalids with impunity. Dr. Prices Cream is the only baking powder c&ntaioing the whites of There Is no particular harm In rldtnr. hobby u you aj not mko up me wnote roaa witn it. SOMETHING rH TH. MW TEAK. The world-renowned iioeM of Hob tetter's Btomaou llitu-r, and their comitf tied popularity for over a turn of a reiitury jm a etouiaehic is aoaroely mora wonderful than toe welcome that greet me annual apriearaooe ot Hoetetter. Al manac. Thla valuable medical live Use ta pub- iieneu oy i ne Hosteller tompanr, tituinurg, ra. . under their own immediate aunervlaion. em ploying; aixty hands in Hint deiatrtnient. They are rauolng about eleven mouths in the year on thla work, and the Uaue of name for iMftt will be mora than lu,iuo.i)UO, printed in the English. Uer- . nan, rreiirn. Welsh, Norwegian, Swedish, Hol land, Bohemian ana Spanish lanfrnagee. Refer to a copy of It lor valuable and Interesting: read ing concerning oeaito, and numerous tcstlino nialaaa to the efficacy of Hostetter'e Stomach Bitters, amusement, varied information, astro aomical calculation, and chronological Item., etc., which ran be depended on for correctness. Ihe Almanac for lsWcan beobtained free of cost from druggist, and general country deaien In all pans 01 tne country. Too can't teU anything about a man by hla loatrjstoue. STIMCLATC TH K BLOOD, BsAKDarra'a Pills are the great blood purifier. They are a purgative and blood tonic, they act equally on the bowels, the . kidneys, and the akin, thus cleansing the system by the natural outlet of the body they may be called the pureative sudorific ana diuretic meaictne. iney stimulate the blood so as to enable nature to throw off all morbid humors, and cure disease no matter by what name it may be called One or two or them taken every night will Drove an infallible remedy. Bxkpbxth's Pilu are pnrely vegetable, aosoiuteiy Harmless ana sate to taie ai anv time. - . Sold in every drug and medicine store. either plain or sugar coated. People wan blow their own horns dn not al- wav. lomub good maul for other people. lyrup" ForThroat and Lungs " I have been ill for Hemorrhage "about five years, "have had the best Five Years, "medical advice, "and I took, the first "dose in some doubt. " This result " ed in a few hours easy sleep. There " was no further hemorrhage till next " day, when I had a slight attack " which stopped almost immediate- " ly. By the third day all trace of blood bad disappeared and I bad "recovered much strength. The "fourth day I sat up in bed and ate " my dinner, the first solid food for two months. ; Since that time I "have gradually gotten better and " am now able to move about the " house. My death was daily ex pec ted and my recovery has been "a great surprise to my friends and "the doctor. There can be no doubt "about the effect of German Syrup, "as I had an attack just previous to "its use. The only relief was after " the first dose," J.R. Lough head, Adelaide, Australia. 0 Tower?? 'Haaj Improved FLICKER is Guaranteed .TWa. AT"' SScken have beside the FiitiBn ni TtADtHAil on every Colt SoftWoolei? rcjf Watch Out! Collar. SasS to A X TOWER. MFR. BOSTON. MASS Otatofa I INDIAN DEPREDATION I PENSION I PATENfaT" DtNP I HOMFSTfaVP poTAT CLAI MS "German Tke,KXAMlMKK"BtKKAi; of CLAIMS usds. rmm DiaacTioaT ow Ban Francisco Examiner. If yon have a elalm of any description wbataoavcr against the United riuuee Government and wtah U speedily adjudicated, addreaa . JOHM WIODIEBCBN Manager, eis r street, jr. w. . , WaahlftsrtA. I. O. FIELD 8FMINAYY. lea laf lwj Telegraph Ave., " Oakland, Caufosnia. Aa laglllk and French Keardlna- School for Girls. Student prepared lor the Universities and Xaauirn Colleges. - Hpriug term begins January i, irws. hrh. w. d. n tuk, rnucipai. Ample grounds lor outdoor exercise. ftlrOtstheaeknowleArer leading wbimIt for all tt( aanatoral dief-bargee eal prlvaladiii-aipeo men. eartalneure forthedebill tating waaynaas peuiiiai so women. t' I praaeri be It and feel sab WIT fa. in recommaadlnf It k Ti,e 9 an autiaraea. A. A B'tflrH, lf.,UfCTUK,SA nwiri by DraaKtata. f ythirae In 1 'lTOl)iVB.1 I i mmm awSMffS, Unri i Tm Evim , (awtawil W. I. W. V, No. 4218. F. S. U. No. 488 Metala More Ceatljr Thaa Gold. The rarest metal and It in so rare that recent discoveries have thrown doubt on Its elemental character is dtdymiutu, and its present market price. If one nmj thns term the quotation or an article that never appears on the market, ta 4300 per pound. The next costliest metal is barium, an ele ment belonirlDK to the alkaline earth uroup; its value la A'Tid. Beryllium or KlMCinuni, a metallic substance found in the beautiful beryl, is quoted at ftSTS. Yttrium, a rare metal of the boron-aluminium group, so called because first noticed at Ytterby, in Sweden, Is stated to be worth at present 450 per pound. iobium, or eolumMum. a name sugges tive of the American origin of the metal, it having been first discovered in Connecticut, is valued today at 400 per ponnd. the price of rhodium, an extremely hard and brittle substance, which owes tea name to the rose red color of certei n of ka sol utions. is also 400 per pound. Vanadium, deriv ing ita title from one of the appellations of the Scandinavian goddess, r reya, and at one time considered the rarest of me tallic elements, has been reduced In price to 13T5 per pound, at which value there will no doubt be many eager buyers. Irid ium, a very heavy metal of the platinum group, so named from the iridescence of some of its solutions, and well known In connection with its use for the points of gold pens, may be bought today at approx imately 140 per pound. - Osmium, another metallic element of the platinom group, is hard, infusible and the heaviest snbstance known. Ita present value is 125 per pound. Palladium, a sil ver white, fusible metal used in the manu facture of certain parts of timepieces and occasionally applied in dentistry, fat worth 100 per pound. The present price of platinum, the better known tin white. ductile, but very infusible metal, is on a par with that of gold, via., about 70 per ponnd. Iron. . ; A Ubel o Sweet Wosaaa. Have you ever seen thisf She cornea to the door of the elevator just as it is ready to ascend and asks the conductor, "Is Mr. Wbatyoumaycallhim's office in this buildingr" The conductor ays It is. "Is he in?" The answer of the conductor depends on circumstances, of course. "Which floor is his office oof" The answer is given. " You don't know if be is in?" The answer in given. "Well, I guese I'll go up and see. Which door did yon say he is on t" The conductor says the office is on the fourth floor. He says It dis tinctly." The elevator starts. Reaching the first landing the conductor calls out, "First floor!" The woman who held the elevator at the start crowds to the door and aaks, Is this where I get off?" The conductor tells her that she is to get off at the fourth landing. The elevator starts again and reaches the second landing and It is an nounced. The woman makes another rash to get ont and is restrained by the con ductor, who takes her gently by the arm. Isn't this the fourth floor? she asks. The conductor says he will let her know in time. The third landing is made, and the same woman rushes again to the door of the car and aska the same question she asked at the other landings. At last, when he reaches the fourth floor she is away back in the car, and the conductor has to hold the car an extra part of a minute for her to get ont. This sort of thing is being done a thousand times a day in this city and in other large cites. Chicago Tribune. Slxa of Propellers. "The small site of the screw," says Boilermaker, "is not dne to the perception of any inventor of ita greater effect aa com pared with a larger one, but purely to acci dent. When 1 first engaged in the ma chinery business screws for steamers were made as large as possible, it being tbs theory that the greater the diameter the higher the speed. A vessel was placed on Lake Erie with screw so large that It was deemed best to cast each blade in two parte and then weld them together. During a storm all these blades of the propeller broke at the welding, reducing the diame ter by more than two-thirds. To the surprise of the captain the vessel hot forward at a speed such as bad never been attained before. Engineers then ex perimented with smaller propellers, and discovered that they were much more ef fective than large ones Had it not been for that accident we might have gone on using large blade screws to the present day." Exchange. ; The Lizard's Lave of Maale. When in Switzerland two years ago I made tbe aeaoaintance of some lizards liv ing in tbe crevice of one of the sun'y walls of our garden. . As I had somewhere beard that hzards have a good ear for music, I resolved to prove the fact. So one after noon, armed with a small musical box, 1 wended my steps to their tomato covered home. Before I bad finished the first tune considerable audience had collected an audience it -vas a pleasure to play to, for the lizards were far more attentive than most human beings. Out peered bead after head, a little on one aide, in a listening attitude. I gave my little friends a musical entertainment (varied by whistling) nearly every day, and before long they got much bolder and I wonld venture right oat of their holes, and f lie motionless on the broad ledge of the wall, their bright black eyes half closed as a rule, but opening now and then to give me a lazy wink of enjoyment. Cor. London Spectator - Patrick sod the Moaqnlto Het, Tbe electric netting suggests tbe story of Patrick's experience with an ordinary mos quito canopy. He fonnd one in a room that be waa to sleep in one night, and after studying it for a time made np bis mind how it was to be used. This was the way be related his experience the next day; - "it's aa illegant thing I found in roe room lasht noigbt. There was a kyoind of -a, fishing nit for minnows over me bed. I mau a bole through it wld me knife, an ivery moskater in the room wint- into the nit throngfe the bole. Thin I shtopped up the bole wid me hat, an sblept da the flare all noight, comfortable loike, wid niver a boita at aiil" YouUi'a Companion. 1 "AMONO TH8 LIUC8." Three jrar aim, oa thla asm inlw itmus, W Moated Kllj- on our holiday 1 Do you remember, love? 1 In my draem. You In rour old, tmpaaaloned, wllirul way I The nmalows were aa rich la Ho wen aa now, Aa full of perfume waa the summer air. The holy light of kite f aa on your brow Al aoul waa rottered tu (W ItauJ tUwiuUr, Then, aa we glided throuKu the lUiea free, You taught a lire to come, a Ion to bo I Three years an I whUpeml I nilcht long To float with you toward a dlaiant land. Making our Ur one melody of son. Keeling our heart beat, sitting hand la hand, Somehow wa parted, and the night crept down, Kulding our arena la auntie of reimt. You to your cottage went, 1 to the town. Your voice waa laughter, but my ayes were wek Might tacked the Oelde, and ahul eaua roay " . ' grove. . You taught aw patieneev and I whispered lore! Once more upon the river where we met, Uliding onoe more upon Ita ailver thread. Of stream, that parts our rapture (root regret. And atntngol blmht the living to the dead. Vy prayer la answered; God baa granted ue. So good he at, hla beat created thing. Tue worthleaa lore la dying; I can tae All that was beautiful, but baae, take whig I 1 Oh, bold nw cliwo! and, lookiug In your eyes, Let me behold heaven's blue of paradlael Clement Boott In Ouoa a Week. BONO. Oh, love, com oa the sea gin sands Where the strong sea clings with crystal lor the ebon ptutons of night are stayed; And, in her tresses of gold arrayed. She waits with me oa the deaert ahors Till thou ahalt coma out, fair Eleanor, Oo the sea girt sanda Oh, love, come out "oeath the twinkling skies, And gam far down through my burning eyes. And see where toe wtnga of waiting love. With un bright plumce Use the purple dove. Are beating the ban of the aecret door Of my heart for thee, sweet Eleanora, 'Neath the twinkling akiea Oh. love, oome out by the aleeplng eea. Be worshiped by the stars and me. 1 have a aecret here to tell Thy heart already knows It well; But thou ahalt bear Ita melody He-echoed by the waves tor thee. By the ileeping sea. W.J. ADULTERANTS IN BAKING POW- DER. Ammonla and Alans Are the Principal Adulterants Ueed. To prove the presence of ammonia In baking powder, a very simple, bnt quite satisfactory teat may be made by anyone over bia own cooking-stove. Take tables poonlul of tbe powder to be tested and dissolve it in a taoie- apoooful of water, place the solution over the fire and stir it while beating. Then introduce your nose into the cup. The resemblance to a bottle of aqua ammonia will, in many instances, be verv imnrcseive. To detect tbe pres ence of alum would require a more crit ical analysis. rroMDty the most nearly periect bak ing powder would be that composed ot pure cream ol tartar, bicarbonate of soda and starch. Tbe starch ia a food, tbe other two ingredients when united chemically in the doogh, would liberate carbonic acid gas and leave no objec tionable residue. We might appropriately introduce here some remarks on dyspepsia and outline what, in oar opinion, consti tutes one of its prominent causes. Tbe extensive bold which disorders of I tbe stomach have secured upon the people of America has become proverb- isl ; so much so, that dyspepsia has been lesignated ly some ss the American IHttau. It may be met with all over onr great country, in almost every boose hold, and ia becoming more prevalent day by day. It is a disease of civiliza tion, and largely of modern civilization. Tbe etiological factors which might enter into a treatise on tbe subject are numerous, bat tbe actual eflocta of many often very indefinite. No one, in fact, has yet sat gfactorilv accounted for i be great prevalence of dyspepsia in America." . But while numerically these causes may be great, it ia at tbe same time true, that those exerting any significant influence are comparatively few. With out attempting to mention them ail, there is one particularly which haa been slowly, insidnously, yet none the less dangerously, exerting its influence, and to which the attention ot tbe medical profession has not yet been carefully drawn. We refer t the constant Intro duction through the food, into tbe stomach, of ammonia. If any one will take the pains to study tbe modern history of dyspepsia, he will soon discover that its march of progress has been contemporaneous with tbe introduction and nse of baking powders. The consumption of this ar ticle bas become enormous. No pantry to-day is witl.out it. Not every brand however ia impure. There are one or two worthy exceptions, bat many of ibem are contaminated, and the most deleterious substance to be fouad in any is ammonia. This ammonia introduced into the dough is not all set free by heating, According to Prof. Hilnard. University of California, "The ammonia may not assume the gaseous state further than does tbe wateriiself, of which it slightly lowers tbe boiling joint; wben present in large proportion, tue ammonia gat itself will aid in the inflation of the dough. A biscuit hastily baked may have lost only from ten to twenty per cent, ot the total amount introduced the carbonic gas contained in tbe bread cells gradually diffuses and is replaced I . ' . . 1 1 . L I i t . oy air in me course oi time, wniie tue ammonia remains in absorption or so lution in the water of the bread, recoin bined into carbonate." So much for the presence of ammonia in some of the popular brands of bak'n powders now on the market, and for its retention in the bread. Now, what are some of its effects 7 Bartholow, classing it among the agents that increase waste, savs : Ihe long-continued ass ol am monia impairs digestion cy neutralizing the gastric juice. Increased waste of tissue is also one result of its adminis tration, manifested by pallor, emaciation and feebleness When introduced into tbe blood in sufficient quantity, it dam ages the structure of the red blood glo bules, and in this way also effects tbe nutrition ot the body, besides the action which it has in common with the other artl les, of increasing the rate of waste or retrograde metamorphosis." This question regarding the effect of am monia upon the buman economy la one upon which authorities do not differ. and the individual experience of every physician is in accord with the asset tion il authorities. Ihe agent la a drug, not a food ; an excrement, not a nutri ruent. Tbe amount received by tbe sys tem through this means, while not great at sny particular time and not suf ficient to prove injurious, become both great and deleterious by being contin uous. Physicians owe it to their pa tients and to the people generally to in form themselves regarding this matter. and without fear or favor unqualifiedly to condemn injurious preparations ; and the various boards of health through- nut the State, in dealing w ith the ques tion -f f tod adulterations, would do the people a great service to look well to the brands of baking powders containing ammonia and other In tu nous Ingre dients. San Francisco Pacific Medical JonxnaL . FOR YOU A BACHELOR FRICN03. What Tonne; Weanen May Ulve to Man . for Christmas or tllrthday Ulfle. Girls who have been the recipients of numerous attentions from their men friends are no longer called upon to suf fer the uncertainties that formerly beeet them when the tiuie nomee to testify appreciation with small souvenirs pre sented at Chrintiiias or on birthdays. It used to be a serious matter to think np suitable gifts for a man. If one hap pened to achieve popularity with the fair sex his ingenuity was severely taxed to know what disposition to make of the scores of shaving sets, slippers, uiouchoir rases and pen wipers that threatened to deluge him. . Some years ago, after the death of a famous physician," his wife, in looking over his effects, counted thirty odd em broidered smoking cans sent by his femi nine admirers, ttgether with unlimited use lees needlework her husband had never even removed from their original wrappings. With much tact the lady gave the entire lot to a fancy charity bazar going on in the town at the' time. But men have changed, and their ne cessities are tenfold more complex than of old. For instance, the bachelors, those who live in apartments, they are grateful for almost any little trifle that adds to the luxury or their menage. Nearly all of them do a bit of perfuno- tory housekeeping, and give afternoon teas in their chambers during the season. Ia the glass corner cupboards fitted into the wall they are therefore happy to add dainty teacups and decorated plntes to their carefully selected stock of china. Silk tea cosies, embroidered doylies, di van pillows and prettily outlined tray cloths are among the inexpensive pres ents a young woman may give with pro priety. If the friendship is of long standing, or the obligations on her side are many and heavy, a piece of silver may be war ranted. Then her selection of gifts is vastly extended. She may choose a fat repousse cream jug, a hammered silver sugar bowl, an engraved dish for bon bons or tea leaves; or, again, from tbe miscellaneous counter where silver Ink stands, loving cups, picture frame and candlesticks are sold, a choice bit of Doulton or a cut crystal flower bowl is admissible under the circumstances named, but the lady should always make sure that her offering It suggestive of the daintiness of ita feminine douor. Costliness is no longer prohibited in an exchange of gifts, but etiquette that dic tates in such matters la quite aa strin gent a to the style of presents men and women give each other. It is not a bad idea for those women who have been entertained on yachts to bear in mind the keen appreciation with which the captain receive pretty trifle Intended to add to the interior beauty of his boat. An embroidered deck cushion. a gay Afghan, a silk and lace shade to temper the cabin lamps, are all useful and acceptable. But possibly tbe newest and moat flat teringly individual of tricks a belle can bestow ia the pocket or toilet table glove mender. It is a round heavy silver ring, two inches and a half in diameter, hav ing the man's full name and the date of its presentation engraved on ita polished surface. Two dozen or more strands of vari-colored sewing silks are then looped over the nng and plaited in a gay braid. Next, a pair or tiny scissors are depend ent from the silver bar by lengths of nar row blue ribbon. A big bow of very much wider ribbon, or the same shade. has one loop cunningly fashioned into a miniature button bag, the other fumUh- ed with a pocket for the silver thimble. while both ends are utilized aa needle case. Nothing could be more complete, and never will the bachelor bless his woman friend so fervently a when, in tearing hurry, the little mender bob np to supply bis impatient needs. New York Sun. - Killing tbe Maori Worn am. Hitherto we have been tcld that tbe vices introduced by white men are de populating the South Sea islands, bnt now it appears that white women are responsible for the rapid depopulation of New Zealand. When female mission aries went among the Maori they in sisted that the Maori women should wear clothing. The latter could not be In duced to overcome their prejudice against skirts, bnt discovering that tbe missionary women wore corsets they decided that tbe latter was a garment not wholly devoid of merit. ; The result is that every Maori woman now goes about her daily work neatly clad in a corset laced as tightly as 'the united efforts of half a dozen stalwart warriors can lace it Being unaccus tomed to tight lacing the women are dying off with great rapidity, and the repentant female missionaries now re gret that they ever asked their dusky sisters to consider the question of cloth ing. Paris Herald. . " A Fair Chicken Caaeier. , A society sister of the quill Is Miss Bessie Marbnry, who when in town lives with her father at No. 76 Irving place, and when ont of town either at their country house at Oyster Bay or at Lenox. At Oyster Bay Miss Marbnry raises her quills by means of an incubator and a fowl run. in new York ah wields them, pockets the resulting cash and spends it in Lenox. On any question of chicken raising when Miss Marbury is about the fanner of Oyster Bay and neighborhood are not "in if This charming young woman has written some of the cleverest skit on society that have been produced in recent year. New York Journal. . . ; Miss Weir's Kew Position. ' Miss Irene Weir is director of the new art school of the free academy at Nor wich, Conn. ' Miss Weir is a graduate of the Springfield (Mass.) high school, and obtained her art education at the Yale art school. She directed the study of drawing in the publio schools of Pough- keepsie, N. Y., with much success, and thence was called to be superintendent of drawing' in the New Haven public schools. Woman's Journal. If the baby ha cherry cheeks, get her yellow bonnet: if the lilies bloom in her face, select arose tint to fan them away. The small, sallow face may be relieved by a brown braid or brown muslin bat, brightened with a cluster of field flowers. The Countess of Aberdeen, who con tributed so. much to the popularity of her husband's viceroyalty of Ireland during the last administration of Mr. Gladstone, Is to become editor of a new penny monthly magazine for women and mothers. - H6W Rf RAIf4 "Do you kw aha said whea !h skies weft lilua. And we walked Cher the sunlit river a-llntanedi And I told and retold her my htve was true. Whlla she listened and smiled and smiled and listened. "Do you km mar" she whtaiered when days wars drear, And her eyes searched nilna with a paUeal yeanilna. And I kissed her. ranawlns the words so dear, While she listened and smiled as If slowly learn- ..... "Do you love met" alia sake I whea w sal at rest By the stream Mahadowed with auiuuia wry, tlr cheek had lieen laid aa In paaua on my braea But she raised it to ask for Ilia sweet old story And I said, I will tell her til tale again- I will swear hy the earth and stars above met And I told her Mis uttermost time should prove The fervor and faith of my narfeet love: Aud I vowed It and pledged II that nauxht should move- While she listened and milled la niy face, and thaa .-.-.., She whispered ones wore, "Do you truly lor ater i -John Boyle O'Hallly Looks Reasonable, A Cincinnati policeman who clubbed a citizen without apimrent good reason explains to a reporter that th coat of running the deiiarUnent was inoreased so rapidly that he conscientiously felt obliged to exhibit an increase of energy. The citizen happened to be nearest hi energy."--Detroit Free Press, THI rHOOkMI or TH tlKNttJRI Ians on-ny from superstition and itf from superstition and blind idolatry of isms and los allopathic in eluded. It leans Itttmrrf universal, all-deter ii,,,ii,Si ,eiw , v,,fi,in isuip, MO isiwicn, ftfc leans toward Immutable principles ami in vulnerable truth, and away from suueran- nuated authority, organised ignoranoe and dyed-ln-llie-wool prejudice. Illind empir icism in uieuiciue nas, witn otner lueeiiiaeu bivalves, had ita day. Yes, there are plenty of "belated oralis," but being burn of dark ness snd fear twin siaters of Intellectual infancy they cannot much lonirer with stand the civilising inrliienoe of advancing science. They are slowly but surely "dy- before the ' search light " of Investigation. The advancing thinker wonders how it waa possible fur that monstrosity the medical science ( f ) eitant now to have survived to this late day 1 But where was the reform to conic irom t it is not only pass to attempt re- form, it is outright dangerous. dangerous. It requires a boldness akin to recklranueaa. Lemon is the name who hsve tried; they have left their .bleaching bones as a warning. An at tempt at reforming theology brands you a heretic ;" m politics you are chanted with every infamy under the sun. and in medi cine every duck intellect "quacks " al you and you are accused of having no diploma wnen your uipioma is on me in trie court house under the very eyes of the slander ers. All this Is caused by besotted ignor anoe, and since books are sent free of charge to every applicant and we pay tbe pontage, there ia no excuse for ignorance when it costs nothing to be informed. People who berate the HUtOKenetio svsteni of medi cine ere either intellectual pariahs incapa ble of counting live in succession or under standing any 2x4 problem, or they are mental sluggards and cannot screw them selves up to the point of information by reading ud and forming a conclusion. In either case their opinions are as valuable as mat oi me ruget sound oysters. Dr. Jordan's office Is at th residence oi si-Mayor Yesler. Third and James streets, Seattle, Wash. Consultation and Draawrintions abaolnta- 'r6emi for free book Siplainins th Histo- genetio system. Cacviom. Th Histogenesis Medicine ere sold in bnt one agency in each town. The label around tbs bottle bear the fol lowing inscription: "Dr. J. Cugen Jor dan. Hiatowenetlo Medicine, " Every other device Is a fraud. Da laejnellne Move relish I no dost, a entail Tav OsaaBA for breakfaat. " Every 'one tuffert from Catarrh in the Head. Those who don't have it suffer from those who do. It' a disease you cant keep to yourself. Here are tome of the symptoms : Headache, obstruction of nose, dis charges falling into throat, some times profuse, watery, and acrid, at others, thick, tenacious, mucous, purulent, bloody, putrid, and offen sive; eyes weak, ringing in ear, deafness : offensive breath i amell and taste impaired, and general de bility. But only a few of these likely to be present at once. The cure for it for Catarrh it self, and all the troubles that oome from it a perfect and permanent cure, is Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy. Tim vrnr-ar. rtruuta vir.1,1 n it miM 1 soothing, cleansing and healing prouerties. A record of 25 vcars Iiaa nrnvorl that tn if. n.J.,,. ewea- . . w avasv ui'tJl lUlrVlB -and they're willing to nrn1r if prOV9 It tO yOU.;! , , ,i . They do it in thi way; If they can't cure your Catarrh, no matter how bad your case, or of how lonir iy; If they standing, they'll ( pay you $500 in cash. Can you have better proof of ai. i i: : .a . .A wa sivauug jjower wi a meuioina l . Taking butter from milk was known in the earliest times. It was left for our time to make a milk of cod liver oil. Milk, the emulsion of hut ter, is an easier, food than butter. Scott's Emulsion of cod-liver oil is an e'asier food than cod liver oil. It is rest for digestion. It stimulates, helps, restores, digestion; and, at the same time, sup plies the body, a kind of nourishment it can get in no other way. Scorr ft. Bowhs. Chsnass, i ja South' ilk Avenue, Your drugntu keeps Scott's EouiMoe ofcod Uv ff ed ail druggisu everywhere do, i, :.: .: (.-, ' al ooooooooooo UlS fiilaVI I CCT All 101 TUB IUADI Al Osa ria-a ttiw nvnarVi - mTfrriirmrf O O TITTY LIVER PIXLsO OtiavanllthevirtneesHT the lsvrsrer ones f A ciuatlly efTnetlvat pnrely veaetnltle. Q ji,iaiMssftBOWBin snis awrtser. OOOOOOOOOOO A msM who hsi praeilpwl wsdtolh tot frt vsi "oushl U kuuw salt Itow uili rvscl wuet - T,1,,0,0.,Jitni-if)'l.IN'. Messrs, F J.tllieiiev 4 t'u.-lleiitleinni; 1 h"" been III the seueral l.ractliW "r "i! fortv years, and woilf y Oial In H h'X I'? line ami iwriewe haw never warn a iirei llou lliat I could ureserllw Willi , ,"'' '",!'' denee ol siireesi . I can Hull's aisrrh C no. tnanufsrlunKt by you. Have iri;acill"l II f sreat many lma, and Its ellwl Is wonderful, and would my In iwirlusioii that 1 ham el ' s...i . u t-uiai ii.ul it wmilil not runs if tlv would takeliai'mntltia to dlrtKilima, Yo in truly, I'. 1- (KillHI I'll, M. I iimi,h -ji.M4iiiuiilt iitrrel, We will slve 1109 for any nut of V'Harrh that eauiiot Iw vurwl with Hnll'stui rrnrne. tms' Internally, V.l t'tlKNKV A ! ,, rro TullHIUttli gW bold by KriWk-lsU! fte. ' The tramn la the man who has tried nearly all me walks oi iitu. "'wtw's HrnrhM TVopW re wiiloly known an an admirable remedy fur Kroti iliitis, lloitrneuesa, ('tingli and Throat truulilrs. Hold only In boxes. When s Rlrl nianiua a man to reform hlut the devil doesn't wurry. ltovomieataf Intloa show that most tobacco ohewer throughout th United States pre fer Star Plug, and when one consilium that it la uot only the beet chew, hut the most economical, every plug being a fvill sixteen- ounce pound. It Is not triio. vonsiiiiinrs who study their own interest will tans nothing but Star Plug. ' OJVU BlVJOYa Both tbs method and result wnen Syrup of Fig U taken; it 1 pleasant tou reirasuiug to U10 taste, aim Acta rant T V wnr. Vtautmtttl, sm vl, ETLImawb -. J j-i u,ii,j v,l Mil awfuuvj ) uiver and Dowels, cleanse the sy- em etlectually, dtspeli colds, beail che and lbver and ciirea habituM ntlltttion permanently. For tale a fjOoand tl bottle by all druggist. CALIFORNIA HQ SYRUP CO. tauwHU, nr. rw tan, .r. SIIILOII'S coNsur.iPTion CURE. Th sncxea of this Crest Conch Care It without parallel in Ihe history of rratdkine. All drarvisis an authorised to sell it oa pos itive (ruarsntrc, atrvt that no other curt can wc ceashilly stand. That it may become known, the PmprieUics, at art enormous expense, si placing a Sample Bottle Free into every horn In th Vniled Stales snd Canada, if yon hav a Cough. Sore Throat, or Bronchitis, ue It, for It will car you. If your child has lbs Croup, or Whooping Coaith, tue U promptly, and relief Is sure. If you dread that inudioss dues Consumption, use it. Ask your Dracitiat for as bhilob's roroM flatter, Price $ cut. UMV CCVCDCUDEo to tm curid. illl I rtfLri We want the nasas end ad dress of every suRerer In the 0. NCTMrlB U.S. sod Canada. Address. .. sod Canada. Address, larsM layavM 1 ' m nw i iiisin i. 0 rJTnsMta,rri in four days no my KlxtneOirseia a-- ana Mpaeiaiuee. MX' pen ansae. Haaipie free. Br.Rrtacmi r twnt tvniflt and citih MORPHIN HABIT I JVsiks lee, SURE CURE Paclna Udlolne Co.. Bx8 Clay Ml.. Haa Vranclaee, FRAZER AXLE BestlnthsWorldll Eet the Csnuias!! Sold Evurywhsrel' YOUNO MENI The) Spooiflo A No. I. fores, without lull, all ease of ai-i Isaej mid .ileet, uo tnnller of bw Ion stuiidliig, ivpvenls stricture, It h.-1-nfati In. ,niiil r'-meiie. tireswiK-neveryuuiut alae has fulled. Hold hy all lrwtt,ts. JMaiiHfaeturersl Tlia A.rk -liueiihelt MMllein frle. .oO. tk.BanJoae.Usl. . imsotrsisfiic? 6 AMT TRPP 1KII r 1 LRU Is intL V ljf"?,.?"a?".' ail r riijabllf f J, iiim ui ina uhibi ra iai fl s &nrdea, fleseer and Held Heeds, irrnlt and Ornamental Tr. Itaaea, fflcwerlns I'lamsaad Hulbs. TkaraaakbraaTl.aiail aad aauburuas S"t illft ?l S' enl frae,o" Mlieiil..n. Address, mentlotilna this imoer, wail. W IkoVif f ifWirwibUIIArll vf4 CmcHtertM Bhoi'SH, Red Cost Diamond Bkd A rEnuxnoNMi rvvius m , . MojiaisiaAaeassjuis. TS.1, Safe, .i.ri,ifc,M, V J-astes. ul D.. ii,l. far OUsie-i assfMt n-oosS Av4 is K-4 sm eM smsIiu w SSSM mM vlo, Ct. MMmis. Tskaaoaikselilaa. IrtWi iMuuHm mmM Im, V All pill. Is sMMkwa tw pli.t i.i.p.,. le,eTsulamUU. naM a au I ssl V I" u pUSO'S KEMUDY btJH CA I'A KKU.-Hest. tasi-- est to ns. Cheapest. lUlli'f is immediate. A care Is certain, For Old in the Hoa.1 it lis no equal. It is an Ointment, nf which ' to ths nostrils. Price fiOc. mail. Address: . T. Bur Tear Own Goods if Your inviifflr Tiinrfiitrnfi i fiU! AAUL I niiLdnCnd, THE: BEST INS AMERICA. cnemlcalFlre Rnirlnea and Rittneiiiahera, Fli Msejilnery, Fnmrai ol all kinds, Bras. Oood., Belting and Hose, Wrenches, Lubricating Olli si i sums, unuu oH)d.. Hr : a mfwmBm aas.11 a i-im,' nySisar nnnea, Ullinnautll Oils. Church. Hf-hnol and V.m, niaossmiui isniis anu kLT9 B"3Fi?' rJiirrlas, Mnrin. and Xtpreaa Waexina, the larirnat aaaorunoD' itt Oarts In rorUand. -s, wi.esiurimoan. a or l t. t2::n. ha a M::a ?!rs:t. r:mi:'3. CI :HELPLES8.; J Chicago, HI. in WAS confined to be J j could not ( walk from lame. back ; suffered ! I months; doctors did J not help ; a bottles or j , a ST. JACOBS OIL cured mc. No return in 5 years. Francis Maurer. "HI RIGHT I 1ST JACOBS OIL Mi, . . O i ' aaaaaaaaa.aa. m EST and 8AFE8TOII, Manufactured. 12 U if a- z Give This Oil a Trial, YOU WILL USS NO OTHER. We must have room. We must keep busy, VY. must have moneyand eulek,. too! and this means slatntbter, hits, tedorMiiMis, sarflfh-e, f sin to nut Mlron and evemlilnv, tint r.'tll to w selvesi but eMiee must be out la order lor sloes Mains right away. Heorhrr; V) Itw. (oral dry lami-hi'a,.,..,. ...,.,.,... .$l 00 ... t oo .. 1 1 ... I 1 . 1 09 1 III ... I l I on ... 1 ... i ... I ! ... I to - l i ina. wruie eussi, ...,...,... u n. wniie ut eoiorwu nt-aiie , LouisrwIuK aud darning neudlea. ...... ,. : ft , snsn or taidoea . a eans bible ai,rtt-ote, flite,. a eaus bible lums, grafies or at' ulna.... t pair laoiee nita uieiiipr, ........ ,,,... I jialr itilaiwe' Hue OsfYml ties 9 wlrs misaea' nice aeivteia ....... t iwli nlee Uee i-iirulii.. .., a. I la. I uilo 40 lailltV Sue linen roliaraor euifk .... Ao do, assorted buttons for family nse. I on aft haudkerrhlets fur men, women, ealldren. t On IIhi. f wnrit ptuiiee, good, not larre,, ........ I u M yds. handsome cashmere, :s lu, wide 1 isl Mend tor full Hal f barsains of all kinds to eis-41 rsom ii., ia mancisco, et. HOYT Want an event In ever liiKluu and Idaho to soi & cb. town In Oregon, WmIi PIANOS and ORGANS On eommlasloa. No auirk or ran! t I natated. Music uwhera preferred. Hpeelal rates on all ooda, Wnte tor partleulaia, PUKTLARW. OR. J. MoCRAKCN ft CO., PBAUtKM IN Raeae Harfeef Hew, Ptftlani CsaisM, C st ain sale and ulaa Pltauir. Hair, fire Brisk sad fir. LANS ftallal. ' M Korth rront Streat, or. V, , rttrtlsiMt. or. son, A. P. Armatrntif, frln. Branch Hrliwl : Osei-rsl. Siw. t,t,a.a,, asiein Oregon, asm frmtnMS of study, ssnm ratss of tuttloa, HusinPHS, Shorthand, 7)reler'a4-, Vaswtas,aV RmgiUk lUfrtmtmtt ' a"ln sepsinn uiowsliimi tbs year, siudrnm ailmit. lea al any uma, Caialrua fruwi aitbvr school, frss. PIAN0S0RGAtlS. ' WINTER t HARPER. . Morrison Street, Portland, Or. BOX BOH. 0 CATALOGUE. UVE STOCK publlslied, lea.irtllaw all kinds emi or nserai sua instnietivf I snare Bleed i -trees, HKiftll frulis, I kotee Water Fewla, Keslslerad ICSVII.LE, PA sr. assaeeaas saaalarails, Al Di ussUu. sr asl SS CHISMISTXa OhSMICAL CO,, M4Ua Sassra. 1'HIIUAUr.LI'Ula, fa. aamall nartli le ia nnnliiul If Hold by drtsifKista or sent by Haxeltinb, Warren, Pa. Dealer tte Kst Carry ta. ,;...... ....... -..-.i. rmi im add KUiu WAUvaa, Ohaapaat In th World. Carts, $15 Bp. . :c:s, 13 Up. Hose snd Department RunnllM., Bte.ara Unndrv oaIii lpe and rtttlnn, Hammk Insiilmtor., Ilarin Wor Church, Hchool and Kana Bella. Kna-lnaaand Bliers, and nttlm turuiar lulormaUon oail oi I on or address