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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 1, 1892)
THE OREGON MIST. hL'lWCBIPTtOJlt 11.30 PER YlEAtt. Et, Helerb, JAnriRY 1, 1892. YOLUMt 0, NUMBER I. Willi ill! Smuu The Mist begins the ninth year of it continuous publica- tlon. This it volume, nino, number one, commencing on New Yeara day, 1892. Thb Mist wm established in 1883 and ha been published once week ever nince that time. A tut the paper has wet with (air degree of success and has been Instrumental of a (real deal of good toward the up building of Colunniia county, and ha t all timea advocated such measure a woulj tend to ad.ance the common welfare of its people, consequently it haa met with favor and a liberal pat' ronage from the people which it haa looked to for support. True, the pres ent editor has had control of the paper only about five months, but during that time we have the pleasure to state that the business has been on the increase steadily, and as fast a our limited resources and ability will permit we propose to Improve th paper. Whether or not Thk Mist lia been instrumental in the progress of Columbia county we leave it for our readers to determine. V The population of the connty in creased from 20J2 in 1880 to 5191 in 1890, an increate of 3149, beiug 154.11 percent. There are but two counti te la the state whose percentage is larger than this Multnomah. 197 per cent.. and Tillamook, 203 per cent. This, to My the least, is highly gratifying, and Thb MisT points with pride to the figures quoted The year 1891 has been one of pros perity to the county, and a. large in crease of population as well as an in crease in taxable wealth has been re corded in our favor. To our patron who have aided the paper financially and otherwise during these years we wish to extend our thanks, and trust that we may merit tlie cood will and liberal support of all. . . We do not claim that Th Mwr alone is responsible for the county'. iapid progress, but we do claim that it lias been largely because of the effort of the paper in that direction. As for Ibe new year, indications point to one of great progress in farm ing, lumbering, road building, railroad construction! etc., which is, to some extent, afready in progress. Before the close of 1892 we earnestly belie v that a railroad the entire length of the county, and to Astoria, will be com pleted. With this road greater pros perity is assured to our people than ever before. : As for ourselves, personally, we have no apology to make. The paper speaks for itself. If you think it worthy of your patronage we will gladly receive it ; and wishing all onr readers a happy New Year, we remain your humble servant. degrees below sew of Nebraska, Kan- J nit, and the Dakotaa. Of court, f he could not be Induced to stay If months, he would get over his di'gust, become a genuine wobfoot, and fight any proposition to have better rouilt because of "taxes." , There is no use trying to dodge taxes, I nor to really reduce thorn. It cannot be done. Taxes are en re at death, Instead of continually contending against them, It would be much better to try and discover some better plan of raising the money to pay them with than going twice or thrice over a bad road to market when once over a good road would serve the same purpose. W. J. CASH STORli.! -DKALKRS lt- Thb rumors of a 'grow thicker and thicker all the time. The United States is making all possible haste in preparing hei navy and army for act ion against Chili, and the latter country seems equally determined not to apologue for the killing of the t'uited States steamer Baltimore's bailors in Valparaiso, Chili. A con' diet witlUhat country seems inevitable and promises to be a warmly contested one, at least for a little while. WASHINGTON LETTER. BO ADS AND TAXATION. The Boseburg Plaindealer sums up the road and tax question in tbs fol lowing I Our correspondent, instead of trying to better his condition by improving his surroundings at an in crease of tax and an increase in the valuation of paoperty, and by increas ing facilities for getting full loads to market, seeks ratharto economise by -reducing the expenses and keeping the country in a state of statu qua as it was In the beginning, is now and ever shall be mad without end, etc. Economy is & good thing and nothing under the tun stands more in need of economy than the administration of our laws and the expenditure of pub lie money, on roads, court houses, or . for other purposes. But tbero is such tiling as being to economical. It isn't the amount of the taxes that makes life a burden to the farmer and laborer, so much as it is the lack of cash to pay them. A man can much easier pay one hundred dollars a year taxes, if he has the hundred dollars, tlian be can fifty dollars, if be is in a chronic state of bankrapsy, by reason of being unsble to get his produce (if he had any) to market on account of bad roads. No country can ever ex pect to prosper until it bat developed enough enterprise and energy to make roads passable at all seasons of the year. Let us have good roads. Of course they should be as economically constructed as possible, but by all means let ns have good roads. It is the very poor est economy to make too tripa to mar ket, consuming an entire day each time, when if there were reasonably good roads the same quantity of pro duce could be hauled to market at one load, and the trip made in half a day. This lack of transportation facilities is almost the only draw-back to Oregon and is just what is keeping her from marching at the head of the procession in almost every branch of industry. It is one of the principal reasons why there is to little money in the country to pay taxes with. A stranger comes to Oregon from theblixserd East He wants to locate, and a live real estate man catches him, inveigles him into a mud wagon and starts out to show him a fins piece of property a few miles from town. Before three miles have j been traveled the stranger is homesick eutl longs for (lie frozen plaint and 40 ! From Our Regular Corrttpandnt.) Washisotos, D. C, Dee. 25, Wl Secretary Blaine says, and he cer tainly knows, that notwithstanding tne numerous startling aud alarming ru mors prevalent there are no new dev elopments in tne Chilian difficulty, It is believed that the eynopxis of the report made of the investigation by the Chilian authorities of the attack upon the sailors of tne Baltimore, which was cabled to a number of American news papers Wednesday, is correct, but notb- iojr can be done untill the official re port m received by tne state depart ment, and if it comes bv mail, which is probably owing to its length, it may be several weeks before it gets liere. rhe indications now are that Chill will .Incline to apolopti, and if she does the probabilities favor serious trouble, possibly war. il Speaker unsp bad been intent upon widening the breach in the dem ocratic party in the House be could not have done it better than he did in. his committee nsfignments. x lie snub administered to Mr. Mills and his strongest supporters is so plain that even be who runs may read. The Crisp gang, which include all of be worat elements in the democratic party are in absolute control of every important committee of the house, which by the wsy, is a mighty good thing for the republcan party, ss it is certain that Mills and his friends will take any occasion after the reaserablinc of congress to show their resentment, and it is equally certain that the re publican representatives will take the trouble to pour any oil upon the troubled democratic waters. Its a democratic rjw, and members of that party wilt be allowed to fight it out It is said that certain democratic senators have approached Senators Quay and Cameron, of Pennsylvania, with a propositionto exchange votes against the confirmation of George Dallas, the Pennsylvania, democrat recently nominated for judge of the new circuit court, for votes against i he confirmation of the nomination of Judge Woods, of Indiana, to the similar position. It is extremely doubtful whether any republican seuator would take part ia any suchbargain, and j our correspondent pieJicU that all of the nominations which the president has up to this time made to the bench of the circuit court will be confirmed. although it ia probable that Senators Voorhees and Turpin, of Indiana, may succeed in getting all of the democrats to vote against Judjre Woods. Senator Stanford s bill for the erec tion of an addition to the White house, wLich was before congress st the last session, has been again introduced, and the senator has hopes of its getting through this time. The new bill only differs from the old one in saying that the addition may be built from the plans proposed by Mrs. Harrison, or from those prepared by others, ss a commission composed of the secre taries of state, the treasury and of war, may decide. No one at all familiar with the present White house denies the pressing necessity for the addition. Much interest ia expressed here as to who will succeed Senator Plumb, whose sudden death last Sunday gave Washington a shock from which it has not yet entire recovered, and many prominent republicans have expressed the wish that the governor of Kansas would appoint Mr. Ingalls to rill the unexpired term. Those who express this wish mean no disparagement of the other gentlemen who have been mentioned in that connection ; they simply recognize the great usefulness to the party of a man of ex-Senator Ingalls experience, at this time, when General merchandise, Crockery, Boots, Shoes, Glassware, Ladies Dress Goods, Queensware. ( Furnishing Goods LUMBER, SHINGLES, ETC. Produce Taken In Exchange. It Will Pay You to Consult Our Prices. RAINIER, - - OREGON. the majority in the senate it inch a slim one. Secretary Elkiut, whese nomination has been unanimously confirmed by the senate, arrived iu Washington yesterday. The announcement of the sudden death of Hon. 3. A. J. CresswWl, ol Maryland, who was iKwImaetrr general during the whole of the first and a part of the seeoud term ol f resident Grant, which occurred at Elkton, Maryland, on Wednesday, is deeply regretted here, where he had many warm personal friends. Senator Sherman, lust before the adjournment of congress to January 6, introduced the bill, which was unani mously reported from the foreign af fairs committee at the last session, providing for the guarantee of f 100,- 000,000 of the bonds of thoNicaraugua Canal Company. Senator Hausbrough introduced a bill authorizing the postmaster general to extend, when practicable, the free delivery system to rural or farming communities and to expend such por tion of the amount that may hereafter be appropriated for compensation of poelmasUrs and for star route trans portation as may be necessary to carry out thia act DEEDS RECORDED. The following deeds were recorded in the office of the county clerk daring the month of Dereniher, ISO! I V uited State to 8 M Rcnstedt. stf nwl, !isw). sec 6,1Tb, r3w: patent. United State to 8 M Kenatedt, lots S. 4. see 0, t 7 n. r S w : patent. Hntan M llrvant to the city of Clatakanie, lot blk 1. Clatikanie; tHW. II L Calvin and wife to T 8 Coir In. we'4, te'A swX. ec "WW n"H aud nv of n w or. aec , t J n, r a w ; sj.'iw. H I. Colvin and wife to W B Col in. und i of H se or. sec 2 and n'i na qr see 11, t 7n, rSw;$2ti00. w a rolYin sua wit to h i. ioivio, nnt H of qr of w qr. see W. t 7n, r 5 w.fguO. United States to D W Williams, nw qr, see 8, t 6 ii, r 2 w ; Jiat-nt. W A Meeker, suenn, lo niiuira iionev man. nU donation land claim of U A t'lon- I liter and Susan R I'loninjrer. In an 6, I 3 n, r 1 w. and sec 1. 1 3 n, i 8 ; f-J3nii. Ellen T Payne to N H Lane, n sw qr, see27,t4n. r2w;ttli. T II North t David Wilcox, M qr. see 18, tn.r4 w:Sli'0. U X tisble to Carl Stuernier, 13 acres of land ort" tlie west side of ne qr, see 18, t n. r3w. tax). United State, to 11 8 Henderson, sw qr, sec 31. tan, raw; patent. United States to N t 7 n. 1 3 : pstent. United Btutes to N P Larwen, se qr, sec 31 t A n. r 3 sr. United States to A Bergbotn. lots 1 and t and cH ne qr. sec 6, 1 7 n, r 3 w. Lucy A Keynard lo B Oildner, land in see 3, tp3 n. r t w; 1 100. (State of Oregon to Olof WsUanen, se qr, see 2. lot 1. sec 82. t 8 n. r 4 w. D U Cants to C 11 Wheeler, sw qr, sec 5, t Sn, r 2 w; United States to P S Kearney, lota 1, 2, : P Larsea. nw qr. sec S, Li. t n. r4 w. W F Hewitt and wife to Henrv Hewitt. ne ur, r se qr, sec 11), 1 5 n, r 3 w, quit claim j fiiSO. United States to William Clark, m nw qr, tW se qr, sec 1, t S n. r S w. United States to W H Clifford. m ne qr, w4 se qr, see 19, 1 5 n, r 3 w. . United State to J W Owiiin, t sw qr, t'A nw qr, mc l'J, t Sn, r 3 w. United State to J A CrandeJl e.'i ne qr, t nw qr sec 19. 1 5 n, r 3 w. United States lo A Knnpps, e'A ss qr, t)4 Be qr, sec 13, t5 n, r4 w. I nited States to 0 A Cedsr, i ne qr, se qr. sec 21, 1 5 n, r 4 w. United States to Daniel Clifford, ss qr, wU ne qr, sec Is. 1 5 n, r 4 w. United States to James Cook, t SS qr, sw qr se qr. sec 11, 1 3 n. r 4 w. United States to J H Peters, lot 1, sec 4, t6 n, t'A se qr, sw qr seqr, sec 83, 1 7n. S sr. A il Kmerson and wife to V V A Croune. e!4 of e'A ot e qr, see 3(1, 1 5 n, r 2 w; f IW. H Hewitt I, Henry Hewitt. t'A ne qr. e we qr. see 24, t'A se qr. t'A ne qr, sec 13, tan, r4w;S2M0O. Charles Mayeer to J W Huffman, frac tions of land;flU9. W Dsridwm toj W Haffinsn, land in sec30.isn.rSw; 14. A H Blakedey to C W Btakesley. kits 11, 12, blk 12. St. Hslcn, quitclaim; II. C W Blakelev to J nines and Charles Muckl. tide land, St. Helens: . U W Hlakesley lo th city ol St. Helens, lot II. blk 11. St. Helens: '). State of Oregon to CKpecbt, tide land in secW. tn, rlw;17 m. C Specht and wife to W O Allen, tide land in see IU. 1 0n, rl w, quitclaim; l. United States to E C Hanson, t'A nw qr, lots 1. 2. sec 7. t S n . r 5 w. United States to W A Jones, sw qr, sec 8, ton, row. United States to i F Jones, nw qr ne or, t'A nt qr, sec 7. sw qr nw qr. sec . t 6 n, r aw. United States to P M Chrlrtenaon, t'A sw qr. iocs s. , sec w. 1 9 n, i o United States tod P Blair, neqr, sec 18, tln.rlw. State of Oregon toJ Homta, lot 10. sec 32, 11111,14V, Stitu of Orcfnn to I; Klennienen, seqr nw qr, sec xv, nw qr, iota, arc ,i it. r w. State of Oreson to N B Ilendrlckron. lot 1. ceoS. M 1.5. aeett. tn 7 n. r 4 w. United States to II A OUerg. ueqr, sea S- ton,r:v, United State to A Holm, sw or. sec V. t v n, r x w. O. A t . Railroad Company to Matlld Plump, H ns qr, nw qr se qr, see 17, 1 3 n, rl;t. . United Ststes to Henry Bnl,eH sw qr. nw qr ss qr, sw qr ne qr, see sw, 1 1 n, r o w, United Ststes to II A Its or. cS nw ur, 1'iN 1. 2. sec at), t 7 n. r 8 w. United Slate to 8 I. Lovell, ti nw qr. raw, Hot Griddle Cake Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder possesses a peculiar merit not approached by that of any other baking powder. It produces the hot buckwheat, Indian or wheat cakes, hot biscuit, doughnuts, waffles or muffins. Any of these tasteful things may be eaten when hot with impunity by persons of the most delicate digestive organs. Dr. Price's Cream Bak ing Powder leavens without firmentation or decomposition. In its preparation none but the purest of cream of tartar, so da, etc. is used, and in such exact equivalents as to always guarantee a perfectly neutral result, thereby giving the natu ral and sweet flavor peculiar to buckwheat and other flour that may be used, the natural flavor so much desired and ap predated by alL The oldest patrons of Dr. Prices powder tell the story, that they can never get the same results from any V other leavening agent, that their griddle cakes, biscuits, etc. are never so light and never taste so sweet or so good as when raised with Dr. Prices Cream Baking Powder. . BW qr sw qr. lots 10. II. seo 17. t H II Kiniiia V Ui We to J B Ortul aud wife, nw qr. .rcSl.tftn. rSw $10. Vernonia Improvement Company to C C Chipman, lot 0. blk 4. Vertioma: iY UenrmMeriill toO W Me Bride and P A Mihwv, part of the tieortfe Merrill donation claim in sec a, I a n. r I w ; si. iieonre Merrill to fl W Mc Bride and F A Moore, part of the George Merrill land claim; SUK " DWStrebln to school dlstrkt No. land in sac 34. t7 ll. r4 w. United States to C K Maklnster, se qr, sec a. i v n, r x w. A Neer and wife to whool dixtrict No. StI, lots 7 to 12 inclusive, blk 2, Neer City. School Report. The following ia a report of schm-1 district No. 2, (St. Helens.) for tin month ending December S3, 189 : Days attendance. 939; days abenl, 35; times tardy, 25: pupils enrolled, 49; daily aver mo attendance, 47. Pupils in the first grade who were not absent during the month, are: Robert George, Frank Moore, Arthur Moore, Tom Muckle, Newton Siindby, Albert Henshaw, Mary Burke, Tillit- M tickle, Eugene Whitney and NrllU Decker Second grade not absent Cbarlit Cooper, John Cooper, Eugene Ulnkv ley, Fred Wstkins, Frank Watts, DaUy Watkiiis, Amy George. Mary Ullmort-, Maud Decker and May Whitney. Third, grade not absent Maud Watts, Mabel Way. Percy U.rge, Lottie Cooper, Grace Miles and Lulu George. r mirth grade not absent (Mrs Way, teacher) Pearl Decker, Winuii Way, Anna George, krence Georgi', Glen Walki.ia, Mavia Dufoar, Alfred Sundbv, Nellie Cooper. IVrtsiiis who visitetl the school are: Elmer Whitney, 8. A. Miles, Cleors Searcy and Ed Watts. C. II. Jokes, Teacher. HKUHK.V. E. Wingert, our real estate agent, has sold his claim at Keubeu to a Mr. Gildner, of Pot Hand. L. Archibald ia around again after, nursing a felon for a week. T. t;. rnwler purchased the horse that was rallied her last week. Get yoor plowing done this fall and be in time for an early spring. Grape root bitters in the drink around here. There is talk of a new doctor Reuben. naming is ail tne go here, a gum of chance on a good road cart will take place next week. The C. K. I. ft . Co.'s miJI has sn order for 1,000,000 feet of lumber, We should have two supervisors in this district ftom the looks of the pub lic highways. - Hovutt. scArrooisK. Tbe recent heavy winds have pros trated mnch timber hereabouts, W. T. While, jr., ia back again, after a year's work at the Fort Stevens jetty. Miss Eva Bonser spent the holidays at home. She ta leaching' near Km titer. Misses May West and Maggie Mc- Kenzie are borne from school for a few days' visit. Mrs. T. C. Watts and family, of HI, Helens, spent a few days visiting menus Here, The generosity of Scsppoose people was put to a lest last Sunday, when they raised over 1330 to clear the church of debt. Our church- is now one of the best in tbe county, and mt are proud to have it paid for. J. L. Armstrong is erecting a dwell ing on storo street.. lie will devote his time to rock culling, etc. Another ball is on the boards for New Years. Verily Bcappoose is edu caving the toe to the detriment of the upper story, bnt letter-go. Gus Atsbv bas moved on the Bies- msn place on Bcappoose creek. Tbe clay found near Hoi ton spiings proves to be something extraordinary Rumor says that extensive .works will be built in the spring A til C001ir-MAniCirnIVJlAIrVlfT 140 FIKST STREET -140 t'NDEft THE OILMAN HOME. J.M.MOYER&CO Ara now prsnared o offer their Renowned All-Wool (lnnd st a (Iresl Itnlni tlon fn.m former nitres. In connection with our All WVol rhrtlilng tn.m tlis Allwiiy Woolrn Mills we have svcurstl f rum tlis most tirciuiueiit Un.U'in and ForelKti Mills all lb Latest UshIkiis. Wu warrant all uhr goods ss lloiurst ami Uellabie. . A Millions rntaSt, A friend In need Is a friend indeed , and not less than one million people have found just such a friend it Dr. King's New Dis covery for consumption, coughs and colds. If you have never used Ibis great cough medicine, one trial wilt convince you that it bas wonderful curative powers in all dis- i of throat, chest and lungs. Each butt's is guaranteed to do all that is claimed or money will be refunded. Trial bottles fres at Edwin Boss' drug store. Large bottles fiOc and $1. Baeklaa's Arnica swive. Tbs Beat Salvs Ia the wsrM for Cats. Bruins, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Khsuro, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Haadm, Cktlblalni, Corns and all Hkln Eruptions, ana pontireljr cures Piles, r so pay required. It la guarantied to sirs perfect sstls- faction, or monsy refunded, Price 29 cents per box. For Sale Br Kdwla Rom. Ii!. IOO0. Psrk nmr Tweext ulK..,, Htrtie! WonttKi NmIi. ,., Klrlpvd I'lievlvi NitIK , Xeottih t'hrvlol Nulu, Hmwa IMald SuM Mirttleil Cheviot Sulis, M, lrr t'heek litt. 'aiicy hvlm Sulta... . Drown Tweed Sulla.. ....., Lat No. tOIO. Union t'herlot Nulla. ,.. I'lalil Canlmaro Suit I incjr ;almpiT Hulls. , ttrawu 1'wred Suit. riMr Herrliis ll"tis Suits.... Wluiir Y suits. Kray fweed Hiilt,..,.. i.t toro. Rrown f'hork dtilta....u.. " l'hr'k I'aulinere heavy Hulls rittllwl t'a'ol mere heavy aulia dray I'lievlot. heavy, Sulla,... Ilniwa Cheviot, hc.ivjr Mlilln... Heavy Illiie Tw-wl nulla. Nlx'k ami White Mixed t'aa- slnisr Suln... Lwt Nw, tOSO. . Itrown StrtosHt Wofies Suits Hlark Ulasousl rtulm. ............ HUrk t'orkM'rew Hulta - Heavy Mil Mrlton Nulls Ilravy ChiH'k ('tiuf w Hulls ranry Wlda Wale Wuratrd Hulls Hrowa I'lald WuatMl Sulla Daik Brows Cheviot Hulls..., !. n. 9040. Fancy Check ('atalmeiw stilts Striped fawlmriw heavy suits liars i.ray i:naTttrt mifa. Drab Tased velunr Bulih nulla , Faia'y Caaalmeia nilla. ranrv wornea aunt .,,. Ilk MIxH Cawlmere Milla Hake I'liwi CaMlmare suits Uiuwa Taead tin ... . I.t PtsH tOOO. Nslural Oray CaMlnier. ao dys aulta..,. Itmwn Cheviot Heotrh aulla.H liart Hrowa Twwd nulla Hark Oray Tweed, tt-ouurs food, ullw. Park lllue. wiuar put, ulu, lllark Worll aulla.. Tan Tweed, SMMincs foeds. Hit XXX Muls Tavvd lulls.......... At $ 8 CO At 10 00 At 12 00 At IS CO At 14 CO At 15 00 l.wl No. tOOO. Rlsrk Wlda Wale Hulta ... nine Wlile M ala Hulls .,... Hrowa Mallnu Hulta..,, Fancy t:hek Chavlul "illU..-. Iark tlray Wmmed sulta Hlnek t'urkteraw aulla , Ulavk lilasunsl nulla. - ., Lot Na. SOIO. Park Brown Twsed iilta Heavy blue Piccadilly iuln. ftriMi Faucy Wurxiail aulta.., Kua Heavy Hark Oray Uaa- aluieia nul( I'lalil Wuratad, asat palaru aulta...... , ., ,, llrnkts Plaid WuMted aulta, Hllk Mlssd Woralad aulla Nat. soao. Hlaek Wide Wats suits Kaney Uhliieord aulta Fine I'raW kensy null a..,. Fine Wurilrd Herae , Hark Oray Womtml aull., Heavy Hill Heaver aulu Mlk Mltod Ciimere nil.., Faney I'lald Worried aulla.... Hmall t'hn'k Wonted eulla... I'lalil llruwu Mrliou aulla Cslra Heavy XX Caaaliiiera anil. NO. SOOO. Dark tlray vsluur Knf. Canal- niere aulta .w .M rtu Hlark Worried (Hrk) aulta Hlaek Chr-vlot OOO aulla Ihtik Htimn Melton aulta. .. iHo k Fanry W urala.1 aulta.,.,, Faucv Katila snaka aulla,.,,,, Knsllah Herrliis Hone aulla.., .Neat Hark Cheeked Worried aulla. Fancy I'latd W'uraliHl aulla. ... Straight HtrlW Wonrted aulta. a sirs iftieiity t orsaeraw tuus Kw. t IOO. XXX X vsl.Hir Hlark Cheviot aulu . Falra Heavy Wide Hal aulta Fanry hhIihhI Woratrd aulla, Hound Wide Wale, entrsk..,.. Ilesry Wlilu Cord aulla, Hlark I'lald Wuralid, HiUai rut. aulta. UerrliikHous Slrl Wuralid aulla -.......... orab Keraev aulta....u M Hlale Kraey iilta,...., .......... Heal Rniwn ulti Hlue 1 hilars, Wale (aiain aulla Hnakel aulla..,.. Heavy lilaaonal aulla ttark Oray Wuralv.1 alilla.... At $16 00 At 17 CO At 18 00 At 20 00 At 22 50 J. M. MO YE It & CO., Successors to RrownsvllleWoilen Mdls, 140 FIRST STREET, CORNER ALDKR, PORTLAND. 8I11ICTLY ONK I'lttCK. NO DlCVIaTIOJf. Portland Seed Co., (F. W. MILLER, Mgr.. DRALKHN IH SEEDS, TREES, Fertilizers, Ecs Supplies, Spraying Apparatus azrsl Material, Poultry Supplies, Etc., Etc. 171 PccnnJ Bl. 1'ortlantJ, Oregon. Buml lor Catalogue;. novlO-ftm THR TKAIaTKH ; Is now nmtrtnx rsiftilar rotinil tt )a (roiu OAK POINT TO PORTLAND Daily lixccpt Wednesdays, U.viso OSK I'OINT... " HTKI.I.A ....... " ll.MMKlt KAl.AMA 8T. ItKI.KNS... Aasivi.tul'OUTI.ANH.,.. ..,,,,4:41) A, M. ., . .6.00 ' .... .:! " ., ., ,7:ii " ,. , asaj , ... .110 RETURNING r . ifioTi ivi Ashivs bTlCI.I,.V...... ..lio P. U. ...Tl4A W. E. NEWSOM. C. II. HART, : Proprietor St. Helens Meat Market f'rreiian.l Hailed Meats. Fanaaar. Fku ami vigfliililss). Meala he wbolssala at special rates. Kxroea wamii run to all marts of town. ami cliantes teawdiubla, . TIIE, RETAIL MERCHANT is the Medium of Trade between the Mi.nuf;u:turvr and the Consumer. He intint protect the iutcrvttt of liia cuptoiitera by purchasing id the lowevt and and best market, and by selling to his patrons at the Lowest Powiblo Prices. THE UODEL SALOOH. . J. 8. CL0MN(JE, I'ropV. T. HELENS, . . . OREOOJf. Choice Wines, Licucrs and Cigars. Beer 5 Cts. W . AtlL. JiUPALuSLj.J BiH-rd .nd Pool for (lit plaoommoJadoa oi PtCroat PROPRIETOR OF THE OLD ST. HELENS STORE, In keeping theoe true principles of trade always in view ; often leares the old track and striken "across lots" for Bargains for his customers. His stock of R3rGeneral Merchandise Is being enlarged by New Goods Every Day. It Is not convenient to name the manv different articles kept on sale, s-1 le from lrv 0MHla,l..tliltir. I.Hulea' Wear (leiitlrmen's Wear, Head Wear. Kimi Wear, r'lour ant) frail, tlrwerlaa sntl I'an noil liooila, Nulls uml llardwsrw, t rm kerT ami l la-aware. OrsnlUi and 1 inware, I'owder and Hliot, Hats and Uaps, Uuu's and ttliuaw, I'atrnt Moiliriiies, TolU t Article, tte. CALL AROUND. )o You Drin i? OF COURSE !0D DO. UNCLE MYERS, THE PORTLAND JEWELER. liirORTEK AND DKAI.ER IN Diamonds, Clocks, Watches, Jewelsnr, and Optica! Gcsds. Fine Watch and Jewelry Kepairinc. Orders from the Country Solicited. 165 First Street. Between Elordson ond Yamhill. Portland, Cr. CO D O O O o z Ll Q Z o z I H O O HUCKLE BROS, Dealers in all Kinds of Lumber, Latlt Pickets. Faints. Oils, Glassware, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps. Dry Goods and Groceries, FEED AND HAY. General :-: merchandise. MCKLE BROS, ST. HELENS, OREGON. Q m z m r m o x z D CO rn a . m H O SVl'If nFlNO THK CASK. U Iwnnoves jr. u lo Und Ida mit rielrablu lac lo purcUaae Tour Invigoratur." . 'THE BANQUET." Ksens eonslantly on hsnd llio faiMuns Cuban Blossom Cigars. Tbs nneal line of litaa I tiitmrs and Llgnra ti lis fonnd Una aide of fort land. And il n wlah to ' ngsftt In a nams ol I POOL OR BILLIARDS, They ran asur run that thsv hare the heat table In town. Krerytliing new ami neat, snd your toalroiiaie is raaDeetluJv euiivilad. ' ' "THE BANQUET" St. Itetens, Ortfon. V ranNvmrTion cvuku. I.JI..J.J.. I . , 1... Imvlun lisil plared In his InimlM liy an Kj.t inota niiMiionary, me loriniimoi a sliniuu vsui-talils reitieily ror tlis aml v and r maiient enrs ul consntiintl n. liMiiehllllx. eaiarrlt, aathnia and nil Inront and Inn ( iceilona, also a iMiMlllvs and rark si rurs lor nervous tMdlltv and all nervmia rom. nlalnta, after iiavliiB tested its wonderful enrntlve wwers In llionaiida of i-R.ea, lis. felt it Ills duty to make It known to Ida auf ferinir fellow. Anuatcd bv thla motive ami a ilef Ire to relieve Imnitin sutrerinit I will send free of rharRi', to all whodealre It, tills r iiir, in Herman, French or KiiicIImIi. with (nil tllViTllnna fnriirffsnnif BiitlnaiiiK. Hent by tall hy siUlresHliiv with slanii, : naming una piixr. v. A. .ovit, . n I-owcrs' worn, Iti.aliestrr, . i, SOrWtlM AMriMt Aaaaav for - - -w 'r - w 4 m v4 Colar9HTt, Ms. Maws baraaa forssonrlnc sabinta Is Aaertas. TaT patant takan oot k t. la beoiwM aafors Utt p&l a ulca al.aa frM tt uuc la Uis uaaasri wurid.. Spi PosMsasas,H raila, ttouad- wsr.Msw DAVIES, The Photographer, Firsl and Taylor Sired. PORTLAND - - OHFiiOS Work and prires that oannot he tealw TUUAITCQ I i ntni iuwi The Photographer. CABINKTS IJ.50 PER DOZKX. fAiniu . (W I'KR DOZEN- j 107 and 109, Fimt Street, rortlaO'J 0t.