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About The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 27, 1949)
livery Pay Is Result Day Oh'' The Mews - Review Want M s CLASSIFIED RATES 1 day per word I dm t dae - 4 dale " " t daye " - 3c I . Ac , be i l mo Z.SOQ Phone 100 Real Estate HOMES FOR FAMILY LIVING Located In a fine, mode rat neighborhood, this horn repre sent! more for the dollar than most in this price class. Two bedrooms, full dining room, big living room. Beautiful "mission finuh" plastered walls, auto mane gas wall furnaces. Attarh ea garafe. completely fenced in back erd covered with lawn, lots of shrubs. W750. Approxi mately 12150 down. Brand new home, Just being completed. 14x30 living rooms, one bedroom almost that large and another moderate size bed room. Two closets in one bed room, two linen closets, lots of kitchen butltins. Especially pret ty bath. Fireplace. Garage. Street will st-rtly be paved HOxloo lot. SK4.V) Very easy terms can be arranged. If you want big. rambling ranch style home, this is it. Located on a hill, it overlooks town and has beautiful windows to absorb It all. Three bedrooms, huge living room, full dlnmg room and a rosy den. In addi tion to the many fine buillins In the kitchen, there is an auto matic dish washer and laundry. Partial basement and piped oil furnace. 'Largest oil bill for one month in last ear's freei ing weather to amply heat this 1500 square foot home was only SIS. i Within easy walking dis tance of the business district. 13,750. FHA terms. ( ROSEBURG REALTY A INSURANCE CO. Umpqua Hotel Lobby . Realtors CORNER LOT in restricted area. On city bus line. Water and Elec. Only 7nnno with very small down pa mcnt. 1 B. R. MODERN HOME, just com pleted. Fireplace, utility room. Garage with cone floor. 4 A. good soli a'l tillable. Close to school and stoie See this at $TO.o no with down. Especially good for State G. L 25 A. adjoining Oakland rtty limits 17 cult. Large older type house, plus 3 room rental Good barn. Water and Elec. For quick sale this mav be had for 11500.00 down. $4000.00 full price. 3 B R MOD. HOME Lot 95x200 Wired for range. New plumbing A real buy at (4O00.O0. Only liooooo down. CAFE AND TAVERN on Hwy 90. in ex tra favorable location Lot lOOxloo. Price Includes bldg. with 2 B R. mod. living quarters. 4 additional rental sleeping rooms. All equipment in cluded. Approx. $5000 on gross monthly Income. This will stand close investi gation. $18,000.00. $5000.00 down. 30 A. of which 12 la cult. 11 ml. out. 1 B. F home, semi -modern Good barn Other blrtgs. Tractor and ma chinery. 2 stoves and other tools lncl. I1VX100 or less down. $3500.00 full price. William A. Oerding Realtor Insurer Loans Phone 213 124 West Cast St. WONDERFUL PLACE FOR CHILDREN Nice clean 2 B R. home. Inside St out, close to bus, school, stores, attached garage; elec. heat, big lot with lawn, shrubs. Terms. $7050. - T.IMBER 2 Million of O. G Fir. Little River f area. Cash deal WHH) V ACRES OF BEST BOTTOM LAND Excellent for truck gardening, with river frontage. Lovely 3 B R. home. with fireplace. A-l construction, nicely arranged. Terms. $15,750, OLDER 3 B R. HOME Right on bus line, nice kitchen At dinette. Big lot with good toil. Terms. $6000. EXCELLENT RESIDENTIAL HOME 4 B R. 2 baths, gas panel heat, at tached garage, city sewer, pavement. On big lot, lawn, shrubs, flowers. Price greatly reduced for quick sale. Good terms. $14,500. Earl & Gladys Wiley Realtors ROSE HOTEL BLDG. PH. 72S-R Oregon Vet Special MOVE IN with very little cash down and your G. I. loan. Brand new, 2 bedrooms, living room with hard wood floors, kitchen wired for range, electric water heater, double trays, bath with tub. garage, paved drive and paved walks, metal eaves and downspouts, nice large yard ready for planting, oak shade tree. Rose School district, full price only i5on ana a wonderful deal for the right party. Roy O. Young, Realtor Sn W. Cas Street Phone 417 WE JUST LISTED a 3 bedroom modern home right here tn town. Living room and dining room. Nice kitrhen. Plus a 3 room modern apt. that should rent for $50 00 per mo. City sewer. Only $5850 00. Terms to suit. P S apt. is rented now. But home is vacant Move right In. Valley Real Estate Agency Realtor 115 W. Casa St. Phone 868 Here's A Buy Three bdm . cltv home. 3 min walk to l town, school, s;ores; wired 220, city nmn 4 on sewer, large level lot. hru. trees, 50 ft. nice river frontage. Sacri fice. $5800 . $2000. down, or 6.on . gl.ioo. down. Vacant, Immediate pos session. ,W0 N Pine. WhenTt V ReaXEitate In" MyrtunreekT and South Douglas Co. SEE Winston & Wynter REALTOR MYRTLECREEK. ORE PHONE 845 ; FINE 560 ACRE STOCK RANCH with lots of water and gres inn .acres tinaoie, grain in. reneed ana rross fenced: handle over aoo ahrep 4-bed-j room, modern home, fireplace, 2 barn. ! sheep shed, two-car garage, fruit 12 ! miles Roeourg on county road 922. I Son . terms. Stock and equipment reas- enable. Pt 1. Box 221. Surveys Maps Plans PERCY C. ARMSTRONG Civil Engineer 11 So Main St Ph. 317-R-X Attractive TERMShite-stucco." 2- bedroom, living room, dining room, kitchen. uttlit, full bath uptairs un finished bath down Approximately 1 acre Full price l79SO See U W. Herford. Box 105-A. Melrose Rr Back of Solnn't Hatchery, corner Walnut Lane jind Elm St HOUSE UNDER CONSTRUCTION and furniture with 1 -acre of ground for sale or trade for trailer house Will the people who inquired at Edward s Auto Court pleae inquire again You were directed to the wrong houe. Robert Johnon Trade For Older Home Large, new .V bed room home, attecned garage, near Vet s Hospital ; excellent con t ruct ion . lar ge lot , prefer W eat Roeburg Ph rJtl-J-4 f TWIN 8-ROOM" bungalows-!Ka"rdwv1 floors, all modern Double cement d'lvev-iv and garage Lot DOxlOO tt., Irdustnal part of town Worth 41. nno Full price 1..VW). T.V rah. balance terms. Call 624-J, tS no answer call 458-Y LUTEAL SM'BDIVISTON 10 acres m Thrived stree. city water ard elec Next to new irv-f tn enerket. ix blocks fwi hit ol mile E of Bank Bldg., Sutherlin. See a F. Sconce. Real Estate LOCATION Minutes from down town Roseburg. in another world from the hustle and bus tle of industrial and business activity Na turally beautiful roll'ng terrain has been divided Into large lot by con loured streets paved for perma nence and cleanli ness, with each lo affordina a view Cloverdale Park is Roseburg a largest and most beautl ful suburb. CONSTRUCTION FOUNDATION, continuous con crete FLOOR JOISTS, on 16" centers. I'xR". PLIB graded. No. 1 and belter CEILING JOISTS on 16" cener, 3- I g PLIB rade d. number or better WALL STUD DINGS, on 1 centere 2" x 4" PLIB graded. No. 3 or better. DOUBLE WALL construction, papered or painted Inside wall. Revnolds Alumi num foil insulation, wood sheeting, building paper, siding PLUMBING AND WIRING according to code. CEILING INSULATION of Kimsul In bills WINDOW GLASS area exceeds FHA re quirements. WINDOW VENTILATION ditto. ATTIC VENTS louvered FOUNDATION VENTS screened. INSPECTIONS MENTS WATER HEAT ER, Rheem 40 gal electric. FURNACE, 70, 000 BTU oil forced air, auto matic, spun glass fllttred. WINDOW SCREENS Ryloctt aluminum. DOOR SCREENS, front and rear. WINDOWS, Lockwood, "non-stick, float ing Hash", weather stripped. DOOR BELL, front and rear. DOOR LIGHT, front and rear. GUTTERS DOWNSPOUTS, aluminum. BATH TUB. Briggs, "non-skid." SHOWERS in every batn. FIREPLACES, genuine "Heatilator". LAWNS, planted and tended to first cutting. FINANCE The most flexible f I -nanclng plans ever offered to Roue burg home buvers. FHA financ ing on low interest, low down nav- ment. Ions: term schedules, or CON TRACT financing for as little as $VKl down, or NO DOWNPAYMENT special arrangement. "Live in Cloverdale Park" Drive out now or phone for transport tatmn. It doesn't cost a dim to look. FIES AND CLUTE REALTY Exclusive Agents Phone 1568 Open 10 a. m. p. m Clover da la Of flea Open Daily Including Sunday ABSOLUTELY A "BEST BUY In new uhurhan home with 1 acre tn real nice district, 2 bedrooms, living room, kitchen, full bath. Inside utility room, hardwood floors, lots of closets, built to sell for a lot more money hut priced now at $6825 with only $W) down to Oregon Vet. liberal terms to others. This is a real buy. 3-BEDROOM OLDER HOME in City with every modern convenience, separate rental building, material for new garage, vacant 1st of month, $7ixv. $1500 down, balance $50 per month. 2-BEDROOM HOME WESTSIDE and the neate little apartment in separate building. 10x115 lot with large garden spot, garage, not new but only about A ear old and excellent condition, $fi7V) with $2500 down, rent will pay balance. GOOD SMALL FARM of 58 acres on live creek 10 miles nut, small modern home wUh ba'h. wired for 220, num erous outbuildings, plenty of fruit, $5850, $2500 down. HOMESITES 2 acre" in fine walnjts nrar river 2100 cash; 4 acres with river frontage in new water district. $4000; acre lire lot $550; 9 acre tract $1800; many others. Roy 0. Young, Realtor 209 W CASS ST. PHONE 41T Special FOR SALE New t-bedroom house, large lot. pa ed street, city sewer, stucco and plaster, hardwood floors, gal floor furnace, utility room, laundrv traa. hot water heater, inlaid linoleum on kitchen and bathroom, lots of builtins and closet spare. Shown by appoint ment. Call l.VW-R-1 Leo Pratt. Sutherlin 4-room, modem houe. full bath. 3 full lots, in heart of Sutherlin $.vw). I down. See Lehmsn Real Estate. 414 N Jackson Ph 7J2-J. ACRE Mir. WANTED Small farm, nuf- I buildings, chicken house, water, el'c tricitv Apptox. soon $5on down. S0 I per month. V. M. Lee, 1031 Military Always Have It Surveyed Jim Daugherty. the engineer. Ph. 387 -R FOR SALE Two " bedroom! mod en home well located, on mis line. lOOxlsg) ft , nice lawn Mr equity and balance $31 U month. 16 Miller Lane. Ott East Douglas 2 BEDROOM House andha If "acre! rs mile off old hithwav on Happv Valley road Will take ued Car or pickup. Hugh L Pntcha:d FOR I.E or t- "He. income properd in Grants Pass Trae gond home as pirt pament Box SB. c o NewsRe- lew FOR SALE Improved lot with small starter houe and ail utilities in 17M ?h 101-J or !-K-l Call room 02. 2Jfl N Stephens fOR"TALE 12 ci'v" losaacr1f1''e-Tf taken at one. 414 L 2nd. Ave. K i Ph. urj-j. BY .J5lfVV Inspectors SfuSt' Inspectors srW jfSjsSdS ' tneri I lL7Vifcq contractor m I A L.I Inspectora Hvaraps ' "ot" Law 1 JJjf J"1 l M. Inspectors pendently. g APPOINT- Real Estate Here's Tough Competition WHERE ELSE CAN YOU FIND mod ern new home with 2-bedrooms, rom fortable living room, kitchen, bain with tub A shower, laundry roo.n. cement found . Insulated walls, SOxJO garage at workshop, axtra lot and a prlca tag marked $4750, $2300 down? THE FURNITURE IS INCLUDED with this attractive home, l' years old, 4 nice rooms at bath, utility, attached girage, oil floor furnace, Venetian blinds, hardwood floors. 50 gal. elec. water heater, eaves troughs, plaster, stucco, enclosed yard with new lawn it paved drive, located on a street of new homes at the bus line. The owner is leaving state and will sacr flee for $60M, $1300 dn., baL EE, 4 InL WE HAVE A BEAUTIFITL WESTS1UE HOME that Is well worth your u ve ligation. It Is nearly new and located In a very desirable district. All modern conveniences are installed Including wall to wall carpeting. Insu lation etc. The yard Is a large one with nice lawn in front and back trees and shrubs See this on soon. Price $9700. $1000 dn. $n400 BUYS A BRAND NEW J bedroom home in a very choice residential auc tion with a half acre of river eull mllea south of Roseburg. ACRES OF FINE TILLAB1.E LAND with another brand new l.jme This lovely plare Is quite large and com pletely finished In every detail See us soon for full Information. Price $8600, $2000 dn. $0750 CASH buys a thriving GROCERY BUSINESS netting about $A00 i,er month. Approximately $5000 stock and all fixtures Included, cheap rent, no good will money required. Please do not phone on this one. Hayden H. DeCamp Realtor 74S So. Stephens Street Phone 17J-L M ac M GARAGE building and living quarters on paved highway, 13 miles north of White Salmon. Washington, at B Z Corners. Private water sys tem. Will sell or trade for Roseburg Home. Ask for Mack at Keel Motor Co FOR SALE or will trade. 3 cabins on five acres 2 7 miles E. of Sutherlin, for house in Sutherlin. Would con sider renting to responsible party. Vir ginia B. Clay born. Route 1. Box 204, Sutherlin, Oregon. FOR SALE by owner. 3 bedroom house, wired for range, on lot 50x100. Ph. llltiH-L or Inquire 545 West St., Riv erside Addition.Virg1l Lee. 18 TT COVERED WAGON house" 'trail er and building lot. On rtv water system $100. down. Ph. 13B4-R. LOTS FOR SALE. City water and lights avaueoie. uiw aown payments, Eugene Ridenour, Phone 7 30-J -4. Help Wanted Pruner$ Wanted At Sutherlin NO TRANSPORTATION Ph. na-F-U aftr 9 p m. tvcnlngk Ewgn. Broi . Garden V,lly Wanted Experienced Lube Man With References KEEL MOTOR CO. 443 N. Jackson Wanted 1st Class Body Man Good opportunity for right man Ted's Auto Body Service Corner Melrose Sk Lookingglasa Rnad MAKE EXTRA CHRISTMAS mnneye4i-y taking orders for C St D guaranteed robes, ties, lingerie and hosiery. Kit free Start now. Write Box 73, News Review. WANTEDWeil-groomed man 11 to4'. with car: or will consider ladv. Give name, phone and full address in first letter. Write News-Review Bjtx M WANTED Party with donkey to vaf3 and load 25.000 ft. per day. Inquire 2nd house past Collins St Son Ga rage. New oil road between Riddle and Canyonville. EXPECTANT MOTHER wishes young girl or middle aged woman to stay in her home. Room and board free. Phone 16AS-J-1 MANUFACTURER wants man exper". ienced in selling Service Station Deal ers. 3404 E. Union. Seattle, 22, Wash ington. HOUSEKEEPER FOR-fModerl)ftonie1 Ph 3fi2, or write P. o. Box 391, Sutherlin. WANTED WomantoBsisrvtthhmtse work and care for invalid In rural home. Ph. 4on WANTEbLady"foTgeneralofficeand stenographic work. Coen Supply Com pany. WANTETJ Someone to plowlS-acres. Melrose Road, Box 134-D. Timber Sawmilh Wanted Second Growth Logs CONTACT WILBUR LITMBER CO WANT PEELED DOUGLAS fir poles He livsred to our yard at Green. 30' to 65 . Contact ut before cutting Pugct Timber Co. of Oregon. P. O. Box 4t, Roxehurg Ph. l.CW Sever alhundredh6i'Snd ft7"of poles and piling at 5 centa per ft. 10 mllea from Roaeburg, miles on highway and 1 mile of gravel road to timber. Also about lon.000 ft. 8 ft logs. Idleyld Star Rl.. PO. Box 153. ONE lSl PER day capacttyaawmilT. 3 miles West of Brockway Store, on 42 Highway. Known as P St N Lum ber Co WANT TfffiPY nnuelaa rtrfT MriA piling stumpage Puget Timber Co. I of Oreton. P. O. Box 4. Rnaahur Ph. i .tap. fOR SALE " Sawmill or any part G M.C diesel edger and other units. Roy Denny. B-15't Winchester. flMBER WANTEDT"to 5 million-feet. News- Logging Equipment rOR SALE HD-10 wtth drum and blade, or will hire on winter Job Jack Russell. P. O. Box 14, Canyonville, Oregon FOR SALE DT 1 International trector A-l condition RX 2O0 Skagit yarder A-l corclition K5 International dump tiwk. Ph 31$-J-S evenings. Financial F. H. A. UMPQUA REALTY 112 N Renhens Ph lvit.1 Across from Pnst Office on Highway M WANT TO BORROW 1V on new 4-1 rooms and bath. Write News-Review i RaT4 Lost Found i WHX THE PARTY who trk 2 puppies from Laurence Fruit Stand on Car- j oen vauey noao. pieaae return hem - 1 Piacii wi'h white ring the other Australian Shepherd C. C. Lauran'-e. LOT Blue Sheeffer nn wtth nemai l lettered m It Elstlle Martin, Newt- I Review office Reward. They'll Do It Every IRBINE AMPERE IS A Bk3 ENGINEER' L HE INSTALLS GENERATORS AND OTHER SUCH GEAR" Rentals BRAND NEW HOMES FOR RENT Automatic oil furnace, large alee trie water heater, houses fully in aula ted, windows weather-stripped, large lota, paved streets, sewer, attractive district. S bedroom house at $70 per month 3 bedroom at 75. fireplace 12 extra. Phona 1537 or ISM. 403 W. Cass St TIES AND CLirTE REALTY Board and Room 117 50 PER WEEK S meals and luneh packed. No Sunday meals. Men only. 114 W. 2nd Ave. N. Ph. Ml-Y-J Myrtle Grove Motel All modern kitchenettes Dally, week ly, monthly. On the river, 14 miles south on 09 Ph.l.l4. "FOR RENT POLISHER. WAXER and scrubber All in ona tool. Light enough any child can handla Finger-tip control. F & W Floor Covering Co. 327 S Stephens Phone 14H-E Rent A Singer Electrle portable sewing machlno for use in your own home SINGER SEWING CENTER 204 N Jsrkson Ph T23 Basement UNDER LOCAL store In center of Rose, bur? Ideal for storaae. Allev entrance Contact Manager Joe Richards Men's atore IN S t f TH E R O NSma 1 1 , furnishedTtouse, Ideal for coupe. J mile E. of bank building on Central Ave. See evenings or Saturday. O. F. Sconce. lROOM. housekeeping apt. with pri vate shower, light and gas meters. By the week, close In No drinkers wanted. 112 Brockway St. Mrs. Payne. SLEEPING ROOM 10 minutes walk. Pri vate entrance and bath. Large loung ing room. Men only. Ph. 12-R. 1109 Corey. FORRE NT New 3 - room a pt. W e furnish new gas refrigerator and range, water and garbage disposal. 70Todd Bldg. Co..phnne3o2. ONE TRAILER HOUSE, sleeps two. Ru tane rooking and heat. All facilities. Reasnnahla. Modern camp. Harts Trail er Court REFINISH your own floors, easily dmte with our high speed floor sender In expensive. Montgomery Ward at Co. Phone 95. FOR RENT 10x20' tent, completely winterised, stove Installed. Apply Of fice, Lone Rock Cottages, Glide, Ore gon. Weekly or monthly rates. FOR RENT RunkThouses, "close toNofth I'mpqua Highway construction. Apply Office, Lone Rock Cottages, Glide. Oregon. Nightly or weekly rates. ff'RNISHFD CABINS, HO and 112 per week Pacific Cablna, J', miles N. on Ofl. Ph. A03-J-2. CABIN FOR RENT Lights, water, some furniture. Inquire Richfield Service Station. Riddle NEW g-ROOM HOrSEfor rentTgsr den space. Ph. 1610-J-l evenings or mornings. f RUCKS and-trailers-fnrren! Move yourself. Thompson Signal Service. Stephens at Washington Phone 7S3 tRUCKS-FORRENT You drive"!- long or short trips. Bee Hive truck rental, 7MI South Stephens. Phone 143A-I- WARM SLEEPING- rooms, with orwTtlT out private bath. 100 Spruce, West Washington ffOt'SE-FOR RENTES' ""miles south. Highway 09, turn left General Wild ing Works. ROOM FOR rent to young man Private entrance and bath. 1045 Military, phone tifig-J. fOR RENT Fumfined-cabin for man. Mil Mill. Also room with twin beds. Ph 1M7-Y-X. 2 BEDROOM HOttSEfor rent, $90 "per monlh Call 810 R 3 5-ROOM. MODERN house near Wilbur. Ph 12A1-R. SLEEPING ROOMS, close In. for men Ph 14A7-L. WARM SLEEPING room wlth-kttchen privileges. 4!0 N.Pine. HOUSES' FOR rent, Winston; Mary Pole. tARGE SLEEP fN a room. 737 W.'Lene. Pn 405-L 1 SINGLE and 1 double room, Mllltarv. llM SLE EP I N G ROOM for gentleman. 439 Fowler SITTING ROftS and jovtfy bVdroom. Ladv.Phone J3-L ROOMS FOR-RENT "wtthand without kitchen privileges Soft Fowler 1 g-ROOM HOUSE, "modern: S "miles out j Wrlte Box A4 News-Review 1 HOUSEKEEPING room. 1 sleeping room (Wi N. Jackson : ROOM ANDfldARD to TfliahTa party. Phone 2W-Y in. GARAGE FOR RENt 2K Pttrer 3-ROOM, furnished apt. Ph! 1590-X" APT FOR rent. 1T2S "Jackson. ROOMS FOR RENT. 4A Purer. SLEEPING ROOM 120.1 NJarkson ROOMS. 133 N. Flint Ph. 223 L Fuel Save On Your Fuel Bill Seasoned oak and laurel wood for ftre- boater or rookstove. 1 truck load containing 3 full tiers will last .1 times longer than slab or fir. and eoeta only SIR per loael Prompt de livery. Call 402 J. 1 fEEH?rTCORE mill ends, planer end.! ftrepiat-o or,d Double loads prompt delivery Claude Willey At I, Box ' r " PLANER ENDS, double loads pro i d 'tvery. 112 and up. Cla ude Wi; rompt liej. Phne i-Jl f OR SAtE-llsfiw sawduVLpUner, eon Fuel C I I ends. Phona Jo7 Johnson Time i IfUT WHAT 11 DRIVE TRYIN5 TO Loans LOANS UP TO $300 On your Signature. Furniture or Livestock UP TO $500 On your ktitomohiia "paid for or not. Loans man's quickly, privately for any worthwhile purpose such as: Unexpected expenses Medical and Dental bills Consolidate debts fj ne-unancing When you borrow get yotif monev from the Company that makes it convenient to borrow snd convenient to repsy Lower payments now available up to 20 months lo repay. CALKINS FINANCE CO. SOT PACIFIC BUILDING Phona 4M M-S3T Stale Lie. 1-264 MONEY in S23 $30 179 linn $200 $300 UP TO $300 Borrow on your salary All steadily em- flod men and wemen .nay qualify oday for a salary loan up to $.100 whether you're in a new Job or an old Borrow on your rar or fumllura. Your furniture or automobile make excel lent security at Iocal Loan paid for or not Up to $300 on your furniture up to $300 on your car. Special "Pay Pay" Loans, $10. $23. IV) inanea tiu "fay way ' or longer. Pav only for the actual number of days you keep the money. $23 costs IHc for one week. No other charges Phona for your Loan LOCAL LOAN CO. Leo Sevy. Mgr. 333 No Jackson Phone U73 Lie. S 275: M-233 Roseburg FEDERAL LAND BANK LOANS on farms are made for 20 to 40 years, 4- int., liberal pre-payment privt leges. Refinance your farm obliga tions now. Roseburg National Farm Loan Association. 203 Medical Arts Building. Fruits and Vegetables FOR SALE Large, healthy Marshall strawberry plants; origins! plants cer tified. $12 per thounand; will have tn get them this week, as we .ire working patch. See them at Kellogg hridge on Sutherlin Elklon Highway No 38, or write Franklin Haines. Oak land. Oregon. DELICIOUS AND-OrtTev apples! $1 00 to 12 30 per box. Bring containers. 1 mile Went of Lookingglasa Store. Marsh Ranch, Phone 27 T-l Closed Sunday FOR SALE Frenh" crop valnuts 10 lbs and up. delivered. XV lb J R. Henslee, Box 10J-C, Melrose Rt. Ph. &13-R-2. ffLBERt"y-grVne7"lVih '"rnlie F. of Bank Ridg on Central Ave., Sutherlin O. F Sconce SPITZENBERG apples.- Bring contain ers C H C la pool. Rt 2, Box 25-A. Garden Valley. strawbeAry Plants C h clav- pool, Rt 2, Box 2A3-A, Garden Val- fOR SATE- Walnuts. 2V per lb No sale on Saturday. J. C. Zoeter, Look ingglasa Route. FOR SALE - Mrs Wood"! delicious HOME MADE PIES at Fairhaven Market FOR SATTFTRtock pumpkin VV f. Bonehrake, Melroae Rt . Box LiM 6RAPFS. manv kinds." U-pick Dale Zel" ler. Rroefcwav Strawberry PLANtsTRorkhii'sTT?! Rjby E. 31ood. Rt 2. Box 174-E Farm Equipment FARM IMPLEMENTS for sale. John Deere Linnman era w ler tractor 2 years old. with .1-1 plow Price 112V). Also 14-ft. trartor trailer' all imple ments tn good shape Spring tootn harrow. Ph 103 J 1. ask for H. K. Einrh PARMAlX A TRACTOR. J-rlow and I' disc. Teed 1 year good shape Round Prairie. 3 miles 8. Dillard. Hee Gordon Woodward FOR "BALE CHEAP One 2 -bottom 1 plow, and a ' moat naw Masoey Harris tractor, model 20 Must selL Call 14A4-R-X or 14ft.-t I lay, Grain, Feed FOR SALE About 4 tons of rhep hog feed E. It renn, Melrose Rt. vn. VI F 11 HAY, 1ST sod 2NDrutt(ng clean Alfalfs. ivi a ion rnone Ji n-l or wri-e M'Irnee Hou'e. Box WO CHEAT SOLD li'W per hundred walght Frank Grub be. Route 2, Box 22A l By Jimmy Hatlo CO VOJ THINK CAN HIM BERSERK ? SET HIS U6HTER TO VORtf Work Wanted Rsbg. Sanitation Service Septic Tanks Cleaned Tanks opened free, prompt service, rea sonable rates. No mileage charge Phona 12P4.Y 74 Short St J Ed mono". Prop. Oliver's Septic Tank Service Modern Vacuum Equipment ROUTE 1, BOX TI PHONE 4HI-R-3 Carpenter Work REMODELING CEMENT FINISHING By hour or contract: Ph. I6I4-J-3 ALL BUlEfifttd "construction, new and old. remodeling, 10 down, no Job too large or too smsn ah up masonry construction, flagstone and brick; barbecues and patio a specialty. Mag netite floors and drainboards Phona LMMi-R-1. contractor, A. B. Snow. XT FULLY QUALIFIED accountanOias room for few clients on monthly lee basis. All laxes and and of year wirk included Afternoons Room 20A Douglas County Bank Building. Phona 801-R. J. W Williams. HlrtH SCHOOLGRAbliAflTneeds em ployment Chance lo lea.-n trade or misinesa preferable; anything consto- ered. Call Sutherlin 4321, ask lor Tom. WANTED -Work for bT withB)ade and arum. Piling, short or small logs; dirt moving Fred O. Lange, Box UT Camas Valley. RELIABLE LADY with car will take care of children evenings In your own home. Ph (WM-R before 10 a. in. WORK WANTED Garden and tawn work: rotary tillage, fertilizing and planting Call 137.VJ-3 CURTAINS and lace' tabfeclnths-laun dered and stretched Also ironing, hoiuework bv ihe heir Call BBS L. BASEMENTS AND back yards Cleaned Light pickup and delivery C. A Deal. Phone 1SRH-J-3 Roa, burg. Alterations, dressmaking am types Mrs Don W Garrison, 124 N Kane. Ph 172ft-J TYPING Form letters," addressing, sten cil cutting Mildred Sours, SIR Gar den Valley Road. Call after 3 p. m. CUSTOM KILLING, rutting, wrapping. and processing at your home. Call 42.'i-L. ask for John DRESSMAKING AND ALTERATIONS, machine or bound buttonhole Mrs. Thomasnn, 244 S Pine. Ph. ;W2 R-X WORK WANTEO-Bonkkeeping, billing. tplng. Part time. Phl4S4-R WII.LCAREFOR your child days. In quire 21$ South Jtose. WANTED -Laundrv to do In my home. Will caH foj and dNver.Ph. 14JM-L. 6RDERS for hooked rugs and baby sitting Phone in4-J-X WASHING AND lHONlNCiln my home Ph MIA-R-2 f RAILER TOW7N6" Ph " 330 - R - jfl 'Soursoit ;ardenValley Road WANTF.D-Iro'ntng in mv home Ml Fowler St Phone 3.H-JX Cogging job for cat gnd trucks, rh. 1.11 L Wanted Will Pay Cash WE SHY used furniture, all tvpea. Call at 4M No. Jackson Pnone 1M3-J. The Bargain House Wanted P.KRP. VEAL AND PORK Fred Boyer Phona S22 F-S or IMfl-S or wrtto Route 1, Roseburg WANTEDTO " RITNT Bv newfywwls, apt. or small bouse, furnished or un- unfurntshed Ph. Rosa Hotel room 313. Hugh Shupe. WANTED Jurist, all kinds; copper hraas, aluminum, lead, rags, batteries. Rnhs Salvage Yard. 233g N Stephens. Phone IW-J 3 WANTED-RmtPsawmitr"to rut'2 n-il- llnn fer of tlmoer on propertv; winter show. Write News-Review box mi WANTED furniture, sewing machine and tools Anthlng of value Private oart.v Phone 8.VVR-.1. GOOD, uerrt piano Wtlfbuv or trifle In on a Spinel. Kimball Piano Parlor, WANTED TO BtTY-All kinds oCfiiinf tiir Iet us bid on your houne of fur niture Ca 11 801-R at.V9N. Jarksnn St. WANTED "Pasture frr several milk goals Box 71, rare of News-Review. WANTED r'arm rommr'rrial fertlllztr apreader PhT or l-V.WR-4 WANTED TO BUV-Hldes. Roseburg Mfat Co . phone 21 WANTED TO rent, doubls garage, hona 14B3 R Notice NO HI'NTINO or treepasslnf on our property outh of the North Umpqua .nd v;., m "v .'" .'? if h Umpqti Miia River T,a snarxs. jonn Marks. Ora W'ker. Ware Bros WE "WILL "Prosecuie anyone found hunting or 1 repassing on our pnp ertv on Roberta Mountain Road. Merle H Doe ring and J Carl Doer Ing r WILL-WOT" be reeponsTRle for any dehta other then my own. Jar Bar ton NO HI'NTING or trespawtng on our propertv Nortn ano oi Newton , Creek Road Ware Bros POSITIVELY no trespaistng on the Kohihaarn 55 Ranch. fcdard G. Khl hagen ! ''lfd NO HUNTING or trespassing. John E. , ''QUICK MEAT wood rang. 327 Fuller Lee. Loo tngfleis ) ' ffO HUNTING ar trespassing I Valley Ranch. Rohr and Mi on Happy arstars. Thurt., Oct. 27, 1 949-Th Newt For SaleMiscellaneous EASY IRONER. used as demon strator Was $178 $a sow -.. $ M M USFD WEST! NO HOUSE range, while porcelain. 2 unlta and deep well cooker excellent con dition tt.00 MAGIC CHEF gaa range, whtto porcelain, lamp and automatie timer, large storage space, used S months 123.00 WESTERN HOLLY gaa and wood combination range, vary good condition . 12S.S3 t'SFD WE STTNG HOUSE range, stainless steel and white porce lain, good condition 4$ 30 S Ctt FT FRIGID A IKE re frigerator used months. 4- year guaraatoa 224-1S FRIGID AIRE refrigerator, row motor, 4-ear guarantee, CU. ft capacity, all porcelain 1M LARGE FROQAL oil heater, used 2 months , BEAUTIFUL FROG AX, aU heater used t year , M CV STOMA IRE burner oil heatar, 10 NEW KITCHEN CRAFT atnk wtth 2 cabinets, beautiful rusomired top. In length: was $2M.T5, eow ONE AUTOMATIC Ot'AKFR oil furnace. 73.000 BTU output New. Waa $JC U. now $M.T. Umpqua Valley Appliance ISO W. Oak Phono 121 SPARTAN M' M1 W M' The l!f time trailer Hu a bndr w, toll.v, will Uit 90 . r. or mortt. no ary rot Kit u ir ir jj' Columbia ir 14 SO S3' - 23 The West's Fastest felltra and Other Trailers of Quality Also used trailers, trade-lag accepted. Bank contracts. Contracts to J years on Spartons, Earl E. Smith N W. Lareest a1er Eugene. Ore Phona Springfield 221 a atiies oouin on , nu , box . Eugene. S Compact vacuum claanara cnmplata wun atiarnmanta. inaaa macninn ar, prarllrally naw, bMn In uaa only about S montha. Will accapt blda. 1 Sinvar alactrie Iron. 1 Motorola pnrtabl, hatl.rv or alaclrte radio. Good condition. S20. Inqulra at SOT Paclfla Bids., or ph. 4S. New 2-Bedroom House Hardwood floor., t, am Int. 1.4000. rull prlco tarma if daalrad. Suiter's Bldg. Supply 1720 Walnut St Ph. I2DT-I Dresses, Blouses, Slacks Skirts My prices sava 11 to Vs! Rose Schombel Calkins Rnad "ftx IM-O Ph. 139-J-8 Always open until p. m. WllXACCEPf 40 "loss on Rparton Manor trailer bouse, complete with panelray gas heater and gas apt, size range; also four foot Prigldaiis, and twin sinks; 1 bed daveno and 1 full sized bed. The price? Only 2A0. with 11250. down. Call 15-R -5 or mm-j. River Loam Delivered ooon row gardens and lawns Wa hava an abundant aupply. Paul Catey. S.1T W Moihar Phono 1 1T-V Christmas is gettTng cTost Why not (at har a navi' cleaner A amall down payment .'ill hold for Christma, delivery; torma ye,. Atao hava ,nma naw inu uted rleaner.. Ph 14U-R for appolntmant. or homo demonalrallon FULLER BRUSH MAN PHONE 615-Y-X fbO"t'rBLE ' P.e"D, " roll swings. ' Inner sprtng mattress, all for US Call Mo R I, or see at L. W Harford, Box 105-A. Mrlrose Rt. Bark of Bhinn s Hatchery on corner Walnut Lane and Elnl Rt FOR SAI.C Hoover vacuum sweeper, gfln.1. gas range, like new. (SO; gas tank regulator and copper tubing, T7. SO. Call 414-J 4 F6R SaT.E OR"TRADE-40"gaiCoinris hot water heater; want large circu lating wood heater. 427 S. Pipe, ph. WiVJ. APARTMENT SIZE white enamTcook , atova, excellent condition, with roils and some pipe. Priced reasonably. 20 FuMerton. FOR SALE lycallvmade"crocheted anij knitted bedspreads. Purchase on la v away plan for Christmas gifts. The Clover. Melrose Rnad Ph 444-J 4 FdR SALE tfsed oil heaters, trash burn ers and washing machine fmp'iua Valley Appliance. 120 W Oak. Ph. 1218 fwoTreVERAOe refrigerators, one 30 cu ft Suitable for restaurant or tavera Inquire at Idle Hour Tavern .VUt N J ark son NEW AND USED furniture; gas and wood stoves and heaters wood stove repairing a specialty Call 1.127-R Al t Furniture Center. All Wlnchester 'St. BEAIJTTFUtTCANARiES. tlO and'up. Hlllcrest Aviaries. Melmee Rt , Rose burg. Ore. Cleveland Hill Road. FOR SALEI40 EasjrSpindrter. bany crib with mattress, two fiber rugs. Phone 11.12-JX 2fl' VAGABOND trailed sVWV per month 2H montha pavs It nut Excellent con dition. Write News Review Box 72. Vou wiirhe pleased If you shop at fHE BIRLC BOOK CENTER lireL 115 W. Oak LAR(iElrVOOf5clrc.ifatlng heater7"l40. Clifford Westlund. Route 2. Box 175-C, Kasey Rnad. Phone 54-J-L HOt'St MOVInS. foundation, leveling. 14 yea? experience P Sa B Towing. 74.7 Stephens Phono 82d. 1B4!, 24 rt; INDIAlTtraller house C7V i "o',v:'hvu:i,.i".n:,o sth place on wit u LARGE CEDAR fence posts for sale Rosenurg sningre ls n umpqua no Phone 127.1-J CHEST "OF" DRAW-rRSTmaple; platform rorker, ph. 1224 It. office desk. ph. JU7-Y ELECTR l?STOVfTn g-od"-condition". with work Uhle to match. All white. See at ion.1 ITnlon Ave 50 GAL STEEL BARRELS. II 23 apiece Located Cloverdale Park. Inquire 411 i Aiameoa tan imwiy a. 2 WOOL COATS alee 14 red1 raincoat - , with bood, sua 12. MOO each. 2 GAS HEATER for Ml. 124S Utrtpqtai I Ave. - Review, Roseburg, Ore. 13 For Sale Miscellaneous Let's Trade THAT OLD nut-of-use piano In on 8 new raaio-pnonograpn combination or a new apinet piano. Liberal aUowaneo and convenient tar ma. Bob's Music Shop Ph. 80S NewandUsed Merchandise NKW 3M watt. US volt AC oowtr lie ht pl.nt. rop, itart.r II WU NEW WOO wait, lit volt, AC pow.r hjht plant, autematlr tir oooled. MIS. ' USED 30n0 watt. 11A-S30 volt AC powar light plant, rtmou eoDtrol, wiur cnolwl S.tM. r USED lnno watt, lis volt AC powtr hfht plant, remota oontml $Ji VBtDS ft. Mau chain aaw, rady u.a, tlvs. NKW 4 ft Mall rhaln aaw. 1443. l'SF:r 4 tt. Mall chain aw. ns. t'KF.D 01 volt DC waldar outfit eonv plata, 4.U. Montgomery Ward & Co. SIS N. Jackaoa Phona M Kiln Dried Pine MS. par M Home Builders Lumber Co. Highway n. North h isu-S Save $100 On now 130 Baaa Accordion. 0 tronka cnmhlnatlnna. 2 ba,a combination, aithar black or whlta prl flnun, beautiful CUdaton caaa, kiathar bound. CONVENIENT TERM! Bob'i Music Shop Ph. SOS fOR SAll rVllldalra" S cu ft A-l con- ditlon.lS0. 1A40 Walnut St. AIRWAY SArWlzSR vacuum. Caih'oV t.rrit,. Phono1414-lt: f"OR 8ATe Elactroluir vacuTTrnf Ira nf , . Al condition. 373 R J. 5M Baracr. FOR SALE Quak.r oirum.r: W..t- Inghouia ,lrctrlc ovrn. Phona 0431-4. fOR SALE Practically naw fa,-watar h.atar. SM S4 Mill, or Ph. 1MT-Y-X. Snr.y Rl'SSIAN Karakul fur coat. la IJ-14. Ph. 4B4 iMAI-iThlllLDINC for aala Laninn BrS Inqulra Sit Alam.da. Call MM-J-l, Livestock Schricker's Auction I MILES NORTH OT ROSrSURO ON SALES EVERY MONDAY LIVESTOCK AT 1 P. 11 rurnltura at T CONSIGNORS MAY EXPECT A PAW MARKET PRICE AT THIS AUCTION. SCHRICKER It SONS. AUCTIONEER! Bring Your Livestock WHERE thay brlnr In tha moat monaf. Sala avary Friday. Llvaatock 11 o'clock, rurnltura T p. la. Roseburg Auction Phona 191 WANTEI t la mhT yearlings and oanner awes. Write or calT Jamee t. wwii, Mvnie creen, Oregon, pb. 4, DarriU W. Ray. Rt. S, Box 3W-B, Rosehurg. Oregon. Pb, 80S-R-1 BROWN'SWISS miflTVowT LT0;nTl7er springer. wnite roner canary singer. SIS; yellow singer 10. L. Q, Hall. Mllo. Oregon. GOOD CHESTER BOATofsaieTT months old; 950. M. M. Good. Upper Olalla. WANTED To buy fat and feeder lamSa ana a tew gooo ewes nonr ana Ms ra ters. Happy Valley Ranch, ph. 17-f-l. fOR SALE Whlta Fare grain feoTcalvee. 20c per pound. miles E. of 8 ulnar lln at bridge. W. A Thomas. Wanted ah kinds of livestock- k. u. Cox. Call f0-J-4 FOR SALEGtiernaey 9 gaL cow. High buttrr-fat. Ph. 12A1-R. BtfLL SERVlce-ArUiicin Insemlnft tlon. Pb. 1300. Poultry Baby Chicks Hampa Bads. Crosses. Every week tn the year. Beat ol breeding. PuUorura passed. Hatching Eggs Wanted Year around market. City agent, Douglas Co. Flour Mill Carr's Hatchery Lookingglasa Rt. Ph. lg-P - N H RED HENS, pullrts. fryers. Mrs. E G. Pollock. Rt. 1, Box 220, Julia Hatfield Ranch. FOR SALt N H. chicks, day old and" started. 16c and up. Ponton Hatchery Ph l fO RS A Lffryers5""m'ifesJ out hdalrosa Highway Howard Ransom. MU4coVYDUCKSforsale. Ivan Swift, Lookingglasa Route. FOR SALE Dreed fat hns Wilfde- llver. Ph.lS75R-2. FRYERST32C a pound. Fill "your .octterC McCully. 4 mllea east of Dixon vtl la. . Rabbits WITH RABBIT MEAT. A MEALS COMPLETE. U V R B A fOR SALE 20New""F.ealand'does; prleo is right In groups of five. Mrs. C. a. Bowman, Winston Section. Dogs BEAUTIFUL CREAT DANE. Ilmll,. lovaa children, for aala or trada. Ph. l.KW-R-S Jacob's Kennel't Ph. 73-6-J CA hA"tf6'1CETnCENNtLS Phona Kl or 453-Y Rec and ped. pupplea. all color. Stud aervlce. Pl'T'PlrartrSlVE"AAY. 5 waefca oil UK SMaln Ph JIV. BOSTON SCREwTaCL lemila puppy. S2A. I3S 8 Main. For Trade WILL TRADE 40 acres on Callahan Road 12 miles from town, for Jeep. Inquire Charles Clark, Freds Trailer Park, let cabin. Garden Vallay Road. fOR SALE OR TRADE Harley foe power saw. Eldon Crow, Roeeburf r'e . . Personal WANTED TO FIND Direct voice of trumpet medium. Box 254. Sutherlin. Oregon. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS ilia or rnone iw-l or : Instruction Baton Twirling CLASSES starting Tuesday. No, t. Also private and rlass lessons f tap Rtg'vter on Thunga .thodon School of Daivco Aria, i tj4. Main SL Ph. I43S-4.