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About The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 20, 1949)
Classified fids Pack The Wallop Thai Jars Loose CLASSIFIED RATES I day ptr wore I daya " S daya - - 4 days Real Estate Listings You Should Check Before Buying RIVERSIDE ADDITION Nice little four room two bedroom horn. Haa partial hardwood floors kitchen la nice very comfortable front room a generally nlra little place. Ha concrete foundation. Quick possession. Price HO 50 with around 11200 dn. EAST ROSEBURG IN NICE DISTRICT Two bedroom home in very nice dlt trlct, haa Urae front room with hard wood thruout one larae bedroom down, one up nice bath with tub ana snower neat kitcnen witn iou of precious builtins utility with ho water heater garage and two room a pi witn oa in connecting off ga rage: suitable for a oeach of an in come on the fide. Owner leaving, says eel). Asking $8930, but la open to any gooa oner, isoi approx. one acre. EAST ROSEBURG Two bedroome full bath wired for range nice living room garden apot lawn. Believe it or not, 55750. full price wun t'au aown. Dandy older type home recently done over irom item 10 iiem. inree ca- room new full bath lath and pla ter thruout lovely kitchen with Ken tile floors. Utility In basement. Ask ing etbuu wun verms. DANDY FOR STATE G. I. Two bedroome hardwood thruout ful bath automatic heat dining room and front room combined larce with attached garage 90400 with ver reasonable terms. FAIR ACRES Modern little four room house with full Da in two Dearooms nice Kitcnen -one acre land cement foundation half basement full price 84000 with avuu.uu an. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES A clean-cut little business 'right here In Roseburg that did according to owners report $34,000 last year whim shows a large percentage of profit. Small overhead and requires but 5000. if you are looking for money maker vou are missing some thing unless you look this over. App. oniy. MYRTLE CREEK VICINITY Owner reports and will substantiate 8800.00 to SI. 000. month net Income. Store aervlce station living quarters toxJB garage ouuaing rented sev en cabins full to capacity grocery stock three hundred feet on 99. Own er has other interests. 127,000 take' all or make offer. WE HAVE A NICE GROCERY for aale on 99, close in. MOTELS TAVERNS GROCERY STORES RESTAURANTS HIGH . . WAY CAFES SEE Lehman Real Estate 414 No. Jackson Down To Earth Prices 193 FEET ON 8, JACKSON Large older 3-bedroom home, double garage, fruit and shade trees, excellent loca tion for apartments or new home. The price is now only $fl40o. $4000 down. $6300 BUYS THE BEST PRICED HOME in norm HoaeDurg, 4 large rooms ana bath, utility, extra large separate ga rage, lot 70x100. This la a late model home In one of the better convenient districts. Good financing is offered. MODERN 2-BEDROOM HOME on Win chester St New garage, space for 3rd bedroom, S extra lots. Owner leaving cuy win sen lor euuu CHARMING CONVENIENT IM MACULATE This vacant city home Is Just like new with 2 bedrooms, bath and shower, large comfortable living room, ii tea xucnen. uuuiy, gas .ur nace. Venetian blinds Price S7S0Q Liberal terms at ArV 'Merest. ATTRACTIVE FURNISHED HOME in West Roseburg consisting of 5 nice rooms ana Dam. eiec. neattng, at tached garage, beautiful velvety lawn In front and back. The "wner haa cut to $9100, $ 19.10 down. NICE BUILDING SITE nn the N. Umo- qua river 276 feet jf frontage, eooo teet or mmoer inciuaea. trice wu 200 down. SEVERAL SPECIALS ON RANCHES. Hayden H. De Camp, Realtor 749 S. Stephen St Phone 173-L. Restaurant & Confectionery Well located in nice town and doing fine business. Owner is asking only the cost of equipment $11,700. Hand led for about 84000. down. The place seats 40, and cater to better c)a. 5 yr. lease. Your chance to take over a business that can soon py for Itself. 100 Acre Rancho Sparkling new home with a view that can be exceeded oily from an air plane. Just a' couple of miles out by good road. Secluded setting with very little traffic. The hill land is open grass and scattered timber best suited for hiking and scenerv. You can look the house over with a magnifying glass without finding a blemish Beautiful hardwood floor, lots of glass, plenty of storage spare. The bright kitchen, nook, dining and living rooms overlook the Umpqita valley Has fireplace, tabulation, doub le garage. $14,000. down. PETE SERAFIN, MANAGER C. S. Briggs & Co. Realtor 113 W. Cass Phone Complete Plans RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL BUILDING CONTRACTING L. K. Cornwell SIS U. S. Bank Bldg. Ph. 583 FOR SALE BY OWNER Nice Uttle home, furnished, gas heat, range, new refrigerator, good washing machine, etc. nO0 down: 2 rental unit will make pa v menu. Immediate possession. 3J2NorthPine St FOR SALE BY OWNERSNew. I-W room home. Curry Etale Very reason able. Terms. Guiley St Christian 1 iiS J -I .or 159 1 J-3 LARGE LOTS: light, water, bus line. Calkins Road near Edenbower school Inqu.reRt.2. Box 163 BEST LOCATION In Roseburg for new business: cloae In. SI 6. (WO., terms. Box 979. e o News-Review. SACRIFICE- 4 bedroom, older rmue soundly constructed. Larre lot 96500 110 Chestnut St- Ph. 14J8-R. Real Estate LIVE LISTINGS WHY PAY RENT Only 9700 down pay ment for dandy, one bedroom home all modern. Large landscaped lot. shade and fruit trees. A real buy at 93950., baL SAO. a mo WELL-IMPROVED, newer I bedroom home in Edenbower district Nice lawn, shrubs and young trees. Yard enclosed by picket fence Covered pa tio. Bedroom sets, range, dinette set ana rugs inciuaea at izwo. fun price. tc.wu. or less aown. MAKE AN OFFER Out of state owner anxious to sell desirable S room home In good suburban district Has large bedrooms, real nice 'iving room witn fireplace, dinette, modem kitchen and attached garage. Nearry one-half acre oi tana. Asking price e,aau. liberal terms. NEAR HIGH AND GRADE SCHOOLS L-omiortaoie 4 room, 3 hedroom borne, concrete foundation, oak floors. rage. Gas range and o.: heater. Full price 85,300., 91200. down. 3 BEDROOMS Less than one year old, locaiea on mm west siae. Transpor tation at door. All plastered, oak hard wood floors, floor fui nace and fuel tank. Garage attacneu. Large free soil lot Full price $7395., 91400. down payment. NORTH ROSEBURG Juit out of the cuy nmiis ana centrany located new er, S room home and larse de tached earn a 70x100 i t nOlr-t rn Priced for quick sale at 96350. Good verms, immediate po session. ELEVEN ACRES near Melrose Level uuaoie, ana iencea uomrortabie one bedroom home, newly redecorated insiae. tsam at snower. utility trays, good pressure system. Has barn, sa rage, and other buoldlngs, 95750. full price, a.uuu aown. ELG AROSE Two 10 acre tracts. One nas j room house for 41900. and terms The other a two oom cabin for auuo.. 9000. down. STANLEY E. SHORT Phon, 1092-R 114 W Lana St STOP THROWING AWAY RENT MONEY! Buy One of Roseburg's Most Beautiful Homes On Easy Terms In Cloverdale Park 148.78 t 185.88 A MONTH covers taxes. insurance, interest and principal. You can pay as uiuo as aouu uu aown There Is no need to give away your niuney as rem or live in crowded conditions you can buy one of Rose burg's finest home on these easy terms. Read These Features Hillside view lota Fully insulated Large closets Floored atlcs Big view windows Oversize lots Fireplaces Weathers tripped Tiled floors 14 different plans Oil heat FHA Inspected r ma approved There are still a few of the fifty homes Dcing oiierea 10 veterans witn no down Day men t Visit Cloverdale Park and tee these exceptionally fine homes today or to night Open dally from 10 a. m. to 9 p. m. Fies & Clute Realty 405 West Casa Phone 1569 or 1537 Special RANCH VALUE I ACRES OF CHOICE BOTTOM GROUND about 18 minutes drive from the center of Roseouig, completely modern 3-bedroom houae. large barn, several good chicken St brooder hous es, nice trout stream runs through the property: It is completely fenced and cross fenced with woven wire. The crop now conv.ts of wheat, barley, alfalfa, berries, family orch ard and a beautiful .meated garden, some stock and equipment are in cluded All of this nav be purchased for the price of a good city home. ONLY 915,500, liberal term. HAYDEN H. DECAMP, Realtor 749 S. Stephen Street Phone 173-L PROPERTY FOR SALE. 25 acres, one 10-room house, one 3-room houe. barn 36x46, 5 blocks from school, city water, well 100 ft. deep, spring In center of 20 acres Good term-, reasons hie price- Buildings within city limits Mike Miller, Box 224, Oakland. Oregon Ph 232. FOR SALE IfTacres. large hmjse!-elec-trie range, water heatrr, oil heater, family orchard Nice barn and other outbuilding down or will trade for 2 bedroom home In town Phone 922-R-l. Surveys Maps Plans Percy C Armstrong iivii engineer 911 So Main St. Ph. S17-RX WILL TAKE late model car as down payment on new J -bedroom houe plastered, hardwood floors, attached garage, large lot. or 91500. down. Phone 2-R-2. FOR SALE Small house, combination train burner gas rane. gas water heater, coal room heater Linoleum In cluded. Two blocks fr-rtn court bouse Inquire a 1035 W 1st street fOR SALE Modern 2 bedroom home, pumice stone. Electric water heater and Venetian blind. M. E. Taylor E 4th Sutherlin. ACRE.GE Ten acre or lea Small house, lota nf water Good soil Lewi Meehan. Lonktngglaea Rt , on block before Happy Valley bridge. Real Estate JVST THREE BLOCKS FROM OUR OFFICE This U definitely an older type home, but It 1 of sound con struction and the location la very close to the business dis trict. Three bedrooms, hard wood floors, plastered walls, basement, oil furnace. We will be happy to show It to you. 911300. Term. This lovely modern home t lo cated among the better homes In Roseburg. It Includes two nce size bedrooms and plenty of room In the upstair for two more bedrnnms and a hth Good big living room, very nice kitchen Attached garage. 912. 750 with terms. Less for cash. THRIVING MOTEL NOW AVAILABLE This Is definitely one of Rose burg's best motels. It has 14 units plus a two bedroom home. Very modern, the best In furnl , ture. 965.000. Terms. THIS BELONGS TO A COMPETITOR One of the toughest properties a REALTOR can sell is hi own. One of our fine competit ors wants to sell his home so he can buy a large one. He Is not asking a top price It is a good buy. Six room home, very neat and clean, one acre of land. Peach, apple, cherry and wal nut trees. Chicken house. Al most in the city limits, citv water. ONLY 9HSO0. (And he won t knock off the commit mission if you go to him direct.) Terms. ROSEBURG REALTY & INSURANCE CO, unipqua noiei jODDy Realtors New 2 Bedroom, Modern Home, Close In Large lot, 55 ft. frontage, pavement and ewer, hardwood floors, large break ing noon, gas rurnace. Move right in. Price, 97500.. part terms. Chas. Kyes "tvci , niinwiy ana uougias. 3 BEDROOM HOME within walking dis tance to center of town; nice condi tion; real term 90500. full price. A REAL INVESTMENT. Nice 2 bed. room home and faraae with a 3 rm cottage: all modern cottage rents for kj.w pr mo. sjuuu.uu. will nan 41. Bal. like rent. 2 BEDROOM HOUSE with 13 acre. A reai country noma: garage and work nop 1HX.W. uiose in on calkins Rd. llttOO 000 dn. Easy term on bat. A NEW 3 BEDROOM HOME with . rune j' acre grouna. run once oniv 94HO0.00. A real buy; will trade for w car. ALMOST NEW 2 bedrooms. Living room. umi. (iu.t uu., uaiii ana garage. '1 acre close to Umpqua Plywood. Have to see to appreciate. 91000.00. dn. Bal. on m. a. loan. LOOKING FOR A FINE small ranch. 39 (.re, nice nouse ana Darn; lots water. 16 acres under cultivation. 989O0 00. full price. Owner says get an offer. WE HAVE A CASH BUYER for un improved grazing land 100 to 300 acres. Williamson Real Estate Phone 1049-R 1444 N. Stephen 9'i ACRES, 3 mile E. of Sutherlin. ah cultivated. 4 room house, elect., city water; also well with clec. pump; new barn. Garage 20x30, 1 t acres Irrigated. Stores mar and good road. 910,500. 97000.00 down. RIDDLE JUNCTION. 3 new home. I 4- room moaern, 1 3-room, 4' 3 acrs good land. 225 ft.. H. W. frontage, see us for a good deal, or contact Dr. Fowler, Myrtle Creek, Oreg. WE HAVE some fine stock ranches, also ouiiness locationa. Geo. W. Dimmiclc Agency Realtor Real Estate Insurance 129 N. Jackson St Ph, 484 Complete Plans RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL BUILDING CONTRACTING L. K. Cornwell 215 U. S. Bank Bldg. Ph. 583 26 ACRES. LARGE 3 room house, sleep- puiwi, uuuiy room, loot aug well, new pressure pump, range, re frigerator, ironer. washer, radio, all electric. Buz saw, tractor, chickei's. rabbits, cow and garden tools. 1 ? miles from Roseburg, $5,100, liberal terms, n. men room. Melrose Route Box 194. When Its Real Estate in Myrtle Creek and South Douglas Co. Winston & Wynter Realtor MYRTLE CREEK, Ore. PHONE 645 FOR SALE New, two-bedroom, ranch siyie nome in good suburban district. Hardwood floors and tile throughout Would consider trade on farm prop erty. $2K)0. down will handle, in quire evenings 120 S. Parrott St. Ph. 215-J. 20 Acres, A Fine Home Nice 5-room house with flreDlaee. new barn, 2-car garage, sandy loam soil, large living creek. Just 10 miles out Price $7.vxj., part terms CHAS KYES. BROKER HIGHWAY AND DOUGLAS FOR SALE BY OWNER Nearly newT- i-iinn)iii nome, plastered, hardwood floori, automatic oil furnace, redeco rated: living room, dining alcove, utili ty, garage, large lot. fine school Good terms. 64b Alameda Ave. Ph 887 -J -3 For Sale Or Rent With option to buy bedroom new nome, strictly modern. See E. B. Oldfield M2 Eden Lane Ph. 88-J 1 UU YOU NEED 3-bedrooms. ample stor age room. Ideal neighborhood for children. Would you like a full base ment, 2-car garage, picture window fireplace. hardword floors, automatic oil furnace? Price Call B2.i.n4 PROOM. MODERN HOUSE, school bus " uunr. invpim year-arouna drive ways, fruit, berries and nuts. 2 are See to appreciate Tint red house west of 99 on old Winston-Looking glaM road, vicinity of Winston. OUTSTANDING VALUE. West aide 2 Dearooms. aiiacned garage. utiMty with tubs, hot water heater, ranee wired, car port, cement walks and drive Nice lawn, large lot, fence. 718 Neho HOME FOR SALE 4-foom house. 2 big iois. river frontage, city ga and elec tricity, S blocks from post of fire Reas onably priced, and terms. Ph. 548-J. or call at 821 W. Lane INC?ME PROPERTY for sate 3 bedroom nouse. easement and fireplace, cabin on place, income tlllS month 1 block north of Benson School. 1123 .Ird SL Always Have It Surveyed Jim Daugherty, the engineer Ph. 3V7-R FOR SALE Modern. 3-room house 4 blocks East of Nellsen s Market nn Wars tees St down, 350. per month. Howard Capo fOR SALE3.000 cash T? acres, old hnuve, fond well, e acres primes, salable timber. Write Mrs. O Miller. Riddle, Oreg. Ph. Riddle 524 Real Estate 36 ACRES, electricity and water in house, 94200. terms. H. McBroom. Melrose Rt Box 104. I COTS FOR SALE. City A-ater and llghti available. Lod down iuymm Eugene niaenour. rnone 7JU-J-3. MODERN TWO-BEDROOM home eom- pielely furnished, very reasonable. Owner leaving Oregon. R. C. Poultun Con w toe k Road, west Sutherliri; LOTS FOR SALE in Winston. Eaty terma. A F. Suksdorf, Winston, Ore gon. CARGE X6TSTlttTi4bT"9550 "' 950 down Graveled street, water and lights. itesirictea autrict. rn. bu-r-i. S ACRES NEAR Green School house and plywood mill. Easy term, phone X I4J A FOR SALE Choice Eulldlna lots. mile from town on Calkins road. Call iiMi, ak lor Dean. Livestock Schricker Auction Monday, August 22 8 mile north of Roseburg; 4 miles south of Sutherlin. Cattle Milk cow bulls veal stock heifers and baby calves. Hogs Fat hogs, shoats and weaner pig tat bug are in good demand. Sh eep Already consigned 40 head of good zeeaer iamo also 40 neaa 01 ewe Horses Always a saddle horse or some work norse at tnis auction. Each week finds our sales growing. More & more buyers attending these sales. This week anyone having feed er lambs or sheep of any kind, wt believe would do well to bring them In also. All kinds of cattle are selling a little better than a month age. Bring your stock in Sunday or Mon day as you come. Sale starts at 1 o'clock. If you have a large bunch of livestock to haul call Deady Sta Hon. NOTICE There will be NO furnltuie sal Monday evening, LETS ALL GO TO THE RACES V. H. Schricker & Sons Auctioneers E. TELKAMP, RINGMAN Bring Your Livestock WHERE they tiring in the most money Sale everv Kridav Livestock 12 o'clock, furniture T p. m. Koseburg Auction Phone 101 WILL SELL 4 of our registered Here- iora, s year om cows. Reasonably priced. Also have five excellent regls- icrcu du 1 1 rai ves ror sa le. Marry u . Boyle, Camas Valley, Oregon. WANT TO TRADE two 3 and 4 year oia ewes ior leeaer lamos. Howard MtckelMcn. Route 1, Box 31 ilVa miles So. i, Sutherlin. FOR SALE Purebred Corrledale Ram tamos, rrom gooa stock, write or see Merle Sanders, Melrose Rt., Box 223. Roseburg. FOR SALE Saddle pony, 4 years old. acinic. j-t mues n oi noseourg on 09, turn E. at Log Cabin Grocery. Z. E Whittemore, Rt. 2, Box 395 E-ll PUREBRED YEARLING Hereford bull. yearling Durham bull, Box 136, Mel row, $150 BUYS a very gentle milk cow. Mike Gomes, l1 miles from Highway 42 on OlalLi Road. FOR SALE Registered yearling Rom- ntrjr rams, rnone w-f -itj. virgu bmiin, Roseburg. WANTED FATAND FEEDER lambs and yearlingii. W A. Blackert. Myrtle Creek, Phone 282. FOR SALE Good milk cow. 100. Cecil nursers, racirose i., aax aM-B. TWO ROMNEY bucks for sale; regis tered, pn. 27-r-i3. FOR SALE 100 head yearling ewes- Robert E. Rice. Dillard. Oreann. WANTED AU kinds" of livestock H M Cox Call 990-J-4 Poultry Baby Chicks Hamps, Reds, Croxses. Every week In the year Best of breeding Pullorum passed Hatching Eggs Wanted Year around market. City agent. Douglas Co Flour Mill Carr's Hatchery Look I ngg lass Rt. Phone 1S-F-3 NOW AVAILABLE We are receiving applications ior mem re rump at our noseourg Drancn. located at 640 Shirrt Street. For information and applica tion blank, see Mr. L. D Bloom at the branch or write Pacfic Coopera tive Poultry Producers, 308 S E Anh Street, Portland 14. Oregon. This cooperative ft owned by and now serves over 3500 Oregon producers and Is open to membership for produrers of poultry, turkeys and all other live stock. Membership fee, 31.00 No con tractual obligations or other cash invesiment requirea. FOR SALE Colored fryers, 40r a pound. Rt. 1. Box 178. Maurice Weber. Call evenings. FOR SAL E Fryers, live " and dTeTsed. Nirklasons, Tenmile. DP ESSE D FRYERS and henn. 45c lb D B. Boone, Rifle Range Road. Rabbits Eating Is A Habit Make It A Rabbit S. O. R. B. A. FOR SALE -Breeding stock, beef tvpe N Z While. While Flemish Giant American Dutch and Silver Martin rabbits. Belding's Rahbltry. Rt. 1, Box 1018, Grants Pass, Oregon. Fuel WOOD Fireplace and furnace. Old growth fir bloc peeler core, small round core mill ends, planing end, oak and laurel. Special price on plan er ends for short time See this wood 1 mile East on Douglas St Rt I. Box 4.1 Prompt delivery Claude WiHey. Phone I5-J.lor MJ-JO FOR SAfE- Slab wood, sawdust. ptnr rndi Phnne Kr7 Johnson t'nM Co Notice CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank each and everyone of our friends for their many kind nesses during our recent lots Mr. and Mrs Albert F Hsmmond .TWILL NOT be responsible for bill contracted by envone other than any aelf. L. R Oling bouse. Rentals For Sale Or Rent With option to buy 4-bedroom new awne, sinctiy moaern. See E. B. Oldfield 1 tdftl Ln Ph. IW J1 TOR KENT New Clark Floor Sander tn POLISHER Denn-Gerretsen Co. w Q SI Phone 1M FOR RENT POLISHER. WAXKR and M-rubber All In on, tool Light enough any child ..n .i.itui. iiiiaur-un control. F & W Floor Covering Co M7 8- Stephen Phone 1479-R Rent A Singer Electric portable sewing machine for u in your own noma 4 N Jackson Ph. T23 Fo:; RENT 1 modern .apt.; one itan- ninaern am.; oy weeK or montn. mile south of Winston on 9S. J. K. RtFINlSH your own floors, easily done wun our nign soeea noor sander in expensive. Montgomery Ward as Co. rutin !o TOR RF NT Spaces for trailers with no children. Edenbower Tra:ler Court, 4 nine west on uarnvn vai.y Road. LARGE SLEEPING ROOM. Will rent single or uouDie. t J7 w. Lane, Ph. 405-L 50 ACRE FARM. 10 mile out, good road. Modern house, 70. month. Write on myrtle ereex. CLEAN SLEEPING room with private niuainc in town, em weett or JU monih. M3 S. Pine. TRAILER HOUSE for rent by week or momn. Ai-i-asi-A Trailer rark North tw. ROOM WITH twin heds. 1' of Benson School. 1125 4JW-R-X. : blocks north p. 3rd., Ph. TRUCKS TOR RENT You drive. lonl or short inns Bee Hive truck rental 716 South Steohens Phone U.tti.J TRUCKS and trailers for rent, move juurwn inompfion signal Service Stephen, at Washington Phone 705 ROOM AND BOARD on bu line, near Benson School and ford Mill Call iMJl - T . CABIN, 35. per month. Box 136, Mef- FOR RENT 3-room apt., partly furnlth- SLEEP1NG ROOM" AT 1 06 ' Spruce St. at in 1001 01 a-tnuiRton. SLEEPING ROOM for gentleman, ref- trnnci requirea. J'none 4(1 J-J . ROOMS FOR RENT 1 with twin bed. Phone1337-VX. ROOMS VOH RENT, with and without kitchen privileRca.508Powler (FDR!VE"tRUCK rental Winston Trait- erCourt, Winston Phone APARTMENT for rent. 132 So. Jackson. ROOM FOR RENT. Phone 1 41)3-J. " Fruits and Vegetables Canning Tomatoes 31.2S U-Pick 8 miles south of Roseburg. Turn left on Winston Road, south of Winston Bridge. - Also cantaloupe, squash, sweet corn James Garden Canning Tomatoes 31.30 bu. Your container 2' miles from city limits on Dixonvflle Hoaa. CHARLES NEAVOLL PLUMS AND PEACHES, U-pick. Im proved Elbert a and Hale, some Craw ford and Rochester. $1.00 bu. and up. Rover Fruit Market, 8 miles S. on Highway 99. Ph. 22-F-13. CANNING PEACHES for sale. 31 50 bushel. Turn left at Myrtlewnod Trea sure House, Winston; take 1st turn to right, then 1st turn to left, 2nd street to rig n tw . u. us mage. GRAVENSTEIN APPLES Peaches for canning, sweet corn, tomatoes, melons ana oiner fruit and vegetables at the Kruse Stand. 1 mile west on Mel ro'e Road. Closed Saturday. IMPROVED ELBERTaS "for canning at suKjaon r run siana, rginning sif urday, August 20, A. F. Suksdorf, Winston. Oregon. CUCUMBERS FOR PICKLES. Pick them fresh and tender. Harry Wesley, low er Garden Valley Road. Bring con tainers LOCKER AND CANNING corn now ready; alo pears and cantaloupe. Biv emdale. Curry Estate, Rt. 2, Box 213 Clarence Mabley. CRAWFORD CANNING peaches. Bench land grown. Bring vour own boxes. You pick or we pick. 3 miles W. of Sulherlin. Allen Tuthlll. OR SALE Hartlctt" Dears. SI bushe' you ptrk. Walter Singleton place, on CANNING rEARS. hand picked. Phont 1H(U-K-, w. m. Uenton, liarden val ley. PEARS. 50c bushel, you pick, hring con tainers, n. Li. Man news, uaracn val ley Rt. 2, Box 2.5H-A- FOR SALE - "Bartlett and"Tomice pears. 75c box. You pick: no Saturday sales. J. CZoeler, Lookingnlass. HALE PEACHES ready Aiig. 22" at Kruse Stand, 1 mile wet on Mel rone Road. FOR SALE-1in"ning-pears. 75c" per-box Bring own containers. W. Common CurryRoad. SWEET CORNTor sale. Jack Futrelf. HI 1, Box 248-K; 3 miles east of Kel ly's Korner. fOH SALE CarinTng pears. Bring-rorT- talners. Henry Booth. Ht. 2. Box 2H7 Next to Garden Valley school FOR SALE Canning pears. 41 00 "box. Bring containers. E. L. Wntson, Rt. 1, Box 5.1, Roseburg. Oregon. FOR SALE Sweet corn, canni7igtonTa- toes and cantaloupes. C. H. Ciavpool. Route 2. Box 2(13-A, Gardenallev. GOOD BARTLETT PEARS for cannlnT 31 00 a box. Bring containers. Ewens Bro . OardenValley. Jhone 32-F-U GRAVENSTEIN APPLES and Crawford Reaches for sale at the Fern green ouse. FOR SALE- B canal corn" cTiciirrTbert. tomatoes and melons. A. J. Rice, Dil lard C A N N fNCFPE AC I f FSR I pe now" lfa ire Flbertan and Improved EMerta C. I Fullerton,BrockwayPhone 2-F-3 FOR SALE Corn for canning-lt hoiine on right. Lower Garden Valley Road. Phone 31-F-rtl. FOR SALE -Improved Flberfa pea'cheT $2 00 per bushel, you pick W D Hess. Rt 2. TVix2(Hi. GHTdrn Valley. Sahtlett pears h b Soti4 block west Fairhaven Market on MH- roe Roadnrtng boxes. Phone j44-J 4. TOMATOES. INDIANA rannerv fsnrv" 20 lb. flats. 1 00; .10 b lugs, 41 23 LlndhloomDlxonvllte. phone 1H-F-3 FOR SALE-GravenKtein arplesJG" DeDoblelaere, Route 2. Curry Road FOR SALE- Cufiimbers and tomatoes'. FayYoung. Garden Valley. 6bOD WINDFALL PEARS."S0e fcusheT You pirkHarrv W n-iton fiCKLINQ CUCUMBERS Carl Bowers. Calkins Road, phone 92S-J-3. Lost Found FOUND On Highway fw, N, 10 ft roller chain Owner may claim by d-f-rlbing sire and pavlnr for ad Sullivan it Son Planing Mill, High yW. N. LOST Worn ana feuTova writwa(rh Finder please Contact Cecelia Lee. U fl National Bana. Reward RED HOUND dog strayed to our plare" C W. Keely name on collar. Owner may have by paying for ad. Ph Cecil Schulxe, 5 T 12. Help Wanted Wanted Experienced Studebaker Mechanic KEEL MOTOR CO. 443 N. Jackson FOR A BIG EXTRA INCOME SELL CHRISTMAS CARDS Experience unnecessary. Si-Card "Lead er Assortment sells Itself at II. Up to lot)', profit! PLASTIC Cardi. Gift Wraps, Everyday, etc. Christmas varus wun namr BO tor 11 up. lnv printed Moral Notes. Nankins, Gel ''Leader" on approval. FHEE Imprint Milium, aiviari, uici bantae. Uept. 42. Lo Angeles 55. Calif. t WANTED Head Waitress Hotel Coffee Shop and dining room. Steady position Apply to Management Hotel Umpqua IF YOU ARE A STENOGRAPHER PHONE 51 Fountain Girl NIGHT SHIFT THE DRIVE INN 1 mMa ao on Hlway n WANTED' Man For Janitor Work Full ttma employment Hotel Umpqua Wanted Auto Mechanics Service Salesman J-qCKWOODMOrOHS CAR HOP WANTED THE DRIVE INN . ONE MILE SO. ON H1WAY M EXPERIENCED STENpG RAPHE Rn7at sienay position, ex cellent salary. Sawmill office expert ence essential. Apply Young Bay Lumber Co., Inc. Office. WANTED Edgerman, "and trim saw man ror mill at Tenmite. Call eve-,.,!nB-,0r Sal unlay and Sunday. Hirt Lbr. Co., a5 E. Roberts St. WILL SHAKE iny home with coupleln -"v niiusrworK ana care or lwuciindrpn- Wage included. Phone 2Jn-R-3 after 8 p. m. WANTED Experienced female booTT keeper. Call S. D. Stephens, 11M-J between 8:30 and 500. WANTED-TD 9 or D 4 with biadeTnd tuum 10 vara i million it. 2nd growth Inquire 8:t3 Moaner St. GREEN CHAIN grader ndmarkTr Lall Natron Station before S, 7.t204 Snrlnafield alter 7 n m rYAHUER ENGINEER. 4 miles E on norm umpqua Road. Decker Logging WAITRESS WANTED; experienced? B &, i-n. in, butncriin. WANTED- Experienced lady fry cook Dillard Steak House, Dillard. Oregon. WANTED-Checker. New Method Clean ert.217E. Douglas. WANTED RELTABLK babTterin"vT cinily ofCounlry Club.JPhone 20-F-3 WANTED Truck to haul 'logsT'aho'rt haul. Ph. 15-J-4 G. I. CARPENTER wanted to finish" his own home. Phone 172-YX. Wanted Wanted To Rent Local business wants 2 or 3 operator bedroom home. References ex changed. Phone 173-Y. Wanted Bt.tT, VflAL AND PORK Fred Boyer Phona tn-K-3. or 4H9-R-9 or writ, Koute 1. Roaehurc WANT TO HEAR from capahla mn who want, to o to Nevada Arizona and who will drive hnuaa-car for mala and transportation. Leavln, Rppt. 1 or Jnd. Mr. A Mr.. John wm ,o,. aieirosa KL, Rose bura. Will PayCash WE BUY used furniture, all tvpea Call at 444 No Jackson. Phone 15H3-J. The Bargain House WANTED TO RENT A tWo-beoWn furnished house or apartment In or near Rnebiir Ph li'i.i Mmvm u.. wife and high school boy. Best if 2 ADULTS AND Cllii;Dd"T5f bedroom house or apt. bv Sept Ut HmTYVd l Umpqu D'rv- Phone WA NTEDentleaaddleTTo7sV ?orehTit dren. Donna Sundberg. Melrose Rt Box 1 ft;. WANTED Narrow rim style. Inquire 124 W. S p. m bath tub," 'old Douglas after WANTED Furniture, vwlng machine and tools Anything af value Private party Phone JU-H-.T WANTED -FAT HOCSan4 use"d"furhT ture Call WKl-J-4 mornings and eve nings. CALLAr for a fair bid on youT?ur- niture Al s Furniture Center, B14 Wln- chenter8tPhone Ut27-R WANTED TO BtlY-AllHi'irdTVrruffT-ture Let us bid on your house of fur niture Call B0.'t-R at AOfl IM Jlr.n st WANT TO "BUY u-ied Jr. elze bicycle" Write Box Oakland. VET AND WirE want furnishedodern home ur ant Phone 7.Y1-J. Wanted to BUYHidei RosV&urg Meat cr nhone 2R0 Huildinz Materials Building Materials AND PLUMBING SUPPLIES Galv. Pine ifimc: 4" I4',c: 1" 21c: 1'a" 2ftc 1 1," Mi-c- 2" ally 4' Soil pipe 00c ft. Certain Teed Gypsum Board: H" 3 4c per Sq. Ft. t -4 Be. 1 in one thirk hut Shingles fim Sq , imp tnu. oiuncia si !. ?f Hexneon a tn in S'agnered Edge Roll g.t s So lb. roll Roofing 2 10 So lb. Roll Roofing 2W So W lb. Roll Roofing 2 95 Sq. Special prices nn complete line of 1'iumoers supplies. Cement II 30c Back. DENN WHOLESALE CO. North Umpqua Road Ona Mil from n of Jac-on Ht. Speed Mmlt 25 mile, per Hr. To End oi City Limit, Ph. eW-JX-1 461-R.J TOUR CREDIT'O O. K WITH IS ALL MATERIAL To build, remodel, repair; nothing down, easy trma. Call Mr. Holiapple, Roseburg 57-Y FOR SALE No! 4 'lumber,"' by carrfer loads, tW.l per load. Winchester Lum ber Co. Winchester, Oregon. Sot., Aug. 20, 1949-The Newi-Review, Roseburg, Ore. 11 For Sale Miscellaneous SPARTAN 34 - 36' - 30' - 34- The life time trailer a body we believe will last years or mora. No dry rot Kit ia- i- u- - as- as- Columbia 14' 30 -22 23 The West's Fastest Sellers and Other Trailers of Quality Also used trailers, trade-ins accepted Bank contracts. Contract to 3 years on Spartans. Earl E. Smith N W. Laraest Dealer Eugene Ore Phone Springfield 3631 a miiea aouia on tw hi. e, sox XI. Eugene 1948 24-Ft, Pen American Trailer House TOR SALE OR TRADE. Butane cooking, oil heat, hot water heater, electric refrigerator, sleeps 4. very clean inside ana oui. fice across from Club 90 Mack Hughes. River Loam Delivered GOOD FOR GARDENS AND LAWNS We have an abundant supply. Paul Casey 33T W. Mosher Phone 1 IT-V House Trailer 18 FT COVERED WAGON, completely equipped, electric brakes. Can be seen at house in the rear of General Welding Works, Hlway 09, 3 miles DOORS AND WINDOWS complete, ready to set In your rough opening Army bunk beds, 2 beds and iprings for only 37, A real buy in electric and gas water healers. Save time and money at suiter a Bldg. supply, 1 block south of new Riverside School. Vi " Electric Drill Roseburg Hudson Co. mm t02 S. Stephens rASf SERVlCR-riNE WORK. Will pickup and deliver Ed's Laundry N Umpqua Road at Ivan St Phone 1H07-J FOR SALE OR TRADE 1047 "Factor v bullt aluminum trailer house. Bu tane cook stove, heater, sleeps four, built-lns, 31.000. See 3'( miles from Riddle past Harbor Plant. Mrs. Ralph JohnMon. Flower Sale FUCHSIAS, Tuberous Begonias, Hoya and ferns. Muit unload stock, as am hioying.Ph. 3119-J. 4aaW.poiiglasSt. FOR SALE Practically new G. E. re frigerator, 92.V). gas range, 9110. twin Hollywood beds complete with inner spring mattress and box springs, al most new. tuo. Reduced price If bought together. Phona 1 TOO-J -4. TOR SALESchwtnn World ImpeTTal bicycle, knee action, front wheel brake, excellent condition, new rub . ber. new basket Included. Reasonable. 742 Mill. FOR SALEGai heater, 50 BtOTtoaKT er, electric train, salmon pole, Jr 22 rifle single shot, combination radio - phonograph, records included 412FloedSt. FOR SALE 1M7 Whirlabout trailer house, exceptionally clean con dition. Has been pulled ony 200 miles. Can be seen at Sutherlin Airport. FOR SALE R cXVTctor Console type mo in, nice manogany veneer finish. Good buy at 30. Ph. 97S-L, or see at 1:10 nil Hakely. ' Fuller Brushes Don L R ider, P.O. Box t2. FOR SALE -18 Ft. furnished trailer house, lo. canh. Basinette like new blue quilled plastic lining. 12. Ph. 8S.VR-S. FOR SALE -1948 23-ft! Extern-built house trailer. Ref., hot water healer awning. Some terms. New Moon irauer inn. nignway m, No. Used Garden Tractor TERMS PHONE S04-J-S "47 22-FT. COLUMBIA hou tralieT; Bulane range, oil circulating heat, electric brakes. Towed lens than 100 miles. Reasonable. 720 Short St. fWO BEVERAGE refrigerators. ona3n i-u i. aunaoie ror restaurant Hardwood Flooring Phone 102-R -3 FOR SALT! - Used wcxxTTanges. Ice boxes, electric ranges, electric wash ers. Umpqua Valley Appliance. 1J FORISALE-l gas rlirulatlneMtTi stove, pipe, excellent condition. New meinoa leaner. FOR SALE-FrencrTaoor. 3 xfl B". Hard" ware and Venetian blind Included, .0. Call ;iHH-L. FOR SALE We ley upright piano. Iiofl" Good condillon. Write V. R. PoweM Tiller Oregon. MAGIC CHEF gas ramnTlightly used Also trash burner. 1116 Fairhaven CAS RANGE and taTl dit Ion. Priced to sell. 1252-J. Call after PHESSURElCbOKER" at. Vkfn- ii. nr m we, iu. fnone HM-L eve' nlngs. rOR SALE -Ail while-MontagDucKesB ' 'my. n gooa conaiuon. AM Cummins. FOR SALE Locker meat, goodXngus "!'' or whole unit C. J Hodges. 25" WHITE NEW ZEALANDahbtuT7nd hutches for sale. O D Hubbard. Aus tin Jtoad Phone 1.1J16-R-4 ?OUR STANLEY'dealer'rJalSesTriRob erts, 210 Court St Phone B-'tO-Y De livery on orders jf$a 00 or more. NO 4T0MBER, 2xi to 2xl2rRLTfl2 50 P?r M In carrfer load lota Crenshaw t - 3 mli" south of Roseburg FOR SALE 3 cubic ft Serve I kerosene 57i f 4 r" ""d 3 mn 1 Phon CAHG ECK DAR ('ence poeti for"" sale Roseburg Shingle Co.. N Umpqua Rd Phone 1273-J fo;(7 FORD" VB sedandHivery Reasona able Also 2B0 gal butane Unk 318 K 2nd Ave N Phone 1W15-L. rJ?n 8ALE-3ono gH. water UnkTprice 10. R L. Preston, Green FOR SALE Bathtub nd lavatory. Good Wllhlir riMInn condition. M. l-ee, FOR SALE Welch baby buggy In good condition.1.r Phone IjhL FOR SALE Wood ranfe. enHSZrjattZ and hot water tank. OB E. Lane Son PRUNE lugs for sale. ZV each.AT niiKuori. winsion, Oregon. WILL"CARrT for children" byweekor mojnth icertlfiedPhone BB3-Y BtlY CHRISTIAN SUPPLIES at the Blhle Book Center IIS W Oak APARTMENT SIZE gas rangeriike new Call in:i:i-Y. FOR SALE-Horse trailer7L. M" Me- aiirey, lenrnue. urea on. DAVENO for sale. 2553 N. Stephens Personal SPENCER CORSETlEItE Mrs Enlo uurcn Phone 304 A'LCOIIoTCSrTONVWOUtrTo"! Ilia or Phone 15O0-L or 506-J For Trade TRADE ISrtB CHiTV Sedall for fomj a4ek- up .i mues sou in uiiiara. nay more Gardens. Loans MONEY tun t25 sm rrs ii r 200 ajoO UP TO t500 - Borrow on your salary All steadily em f i loved men and women may qualify oday for a salary loan up to 1300. whether you're tn a new job or an old one Borrow on your car or furniture, Vour furniture or automobile make excel lent security at Local Loan paid for up to on your car- Special "Pay Day" Loans, 910, t2S, S loaned till "Pay Day" or longer Pay only for the actual number of days yeu keep the money. $28 costa IRe for one week, , No other chaxgea. Phone for your Loaa LOCAL LOAN CO. Leo Sevy, Mgr. XU No Jackson Phone 1173 Lie. S-275: M-333 ftoatburg LOANS UP TO $300 On your signature. Furniture ar Livestock UP TO $500 On your automobile (paid for, or not. Loans made quickly, orivately for any worthwhile purpose such aa Unexpected expenses Medical and Dental billa Vacation expenses Consolidate debia Re-financing When you borrow get your money from the Company that makes tt convenient lo borrow and convenient to repay Lower payments now available up to 20 months to repay. CALKINS FINANCE CO. 206 Douglas County Stat Bank Bldg Phone 4Ml. M-TT7 State Lie - 8-364 Timber Sawmills MEN WANTED to be part of and to neip organize piywooa ana oiner qualified employees into 100 co operative group to take over ply wood plant In Oregon. I2A00. per working share. In answer please state ability to get members. Bog 977, News lie view. Wanted Immediately ANY SIZE tracts of old growth and Iood second growth. See c S Briggg : Co JU W. Casa. Phone B14. PARTY WANTED to take colddekin contract. Furnish own machine. Ap- Proxlmately to 100.000 ft. dav. Call aul Hull, Andrua St Hult, Dillard. Ph. 313-J-I, Roseburg. WANT" P E ELEDDou g iasFlr poles ancf Elling delivered to our Roseburg yard. I ml ted sizes Contact ue before cut ting Puget Timber Co. of Oregon, P O Box 4(1. Rosebure. Phona lito WANTEDTOBUY Douglas Flrpole iu Minna iiumuiit. i-ugei nmsff Co of Oregon P O Box 44, Rose burg Phone 1330 FOR SALE Sawmill or any' part G.MC diesel edger and other unita. RovDennv. 835'V Winchester COGS WANTED Top prices! frucfi scales. Andrus and Hult, Dillard. Logging Equipment TD 14 International equipped with Isaac son nyarauuc oncer, arum, and top. Priced to sell. See at Howard Coooer Corp. V. Long Lumber Co., 1140 Un ion Ave. Ph. 833-J. D4 CAT serial number 7 -J -4172" witn Hyster drum and La Plant Choat, hy draulic dozer See at Tyee Lumber Co., Sutherlin Ore., or phone 1202 Suther lin FOR SALE! bT IB International tractor, A-l condition BX 200 Skagit yarder. A-l condition K3 International dump truck,ph 51B-J-5 evenings. fO 9 CAT, fully equipped for logging S4250. See next to Del Rey Cafe, Wi richest er.Oregon. Phone 319-R-4 fOH SALECheap. TD International with blade and drum. Walter Nehrlng. Route 1, Box 40-A. Work Wanted Rsbg. Sanitation Service SEPTIC tank cleaned, no extra charge) for drain lines. No charge for open ing tank Prompt service. No mile age charge, reasonable rates, special rates for commercial tank. l4lhortSt Ph 1204-Y P.O. Box 1WS ALL BUILDING construction, new and old. remodeling, 10 down, no Job too large or too small All type masonry construction, flag tone and brick; barbecues and patios a specialty Mag neite floors and drain boards Phone) 1W)-R-I, contractor, A. R. Snow. ARRANGE FOR YOUR fall plowing now. 20 to 1000 acres, contract or by the hour. Good equipment Ph. 805-J-3. Oliver's ARE OUT OF TOWN for short time. Septic tanksand draln tield. EXPERIENCED PLANER set-up man declres location near Roseburg or Eugene. Write Star RL, Box S3. Ash land. Oregon. WANTED FALLING and bucking con tract. T. V. Hatfield, Glide, Oregon, mile west IdleyldJ BASEMENTS AND back yards cleaned. Light pickup and delivery. C. A. Deal.Phone I58S-J-3. Roseburg. fLOOR COVER INO Complete sales and Initalla lions. Free estimates. Modern FloorCovertng Phone 348. HOUSE MOVING. foundatfohTTevellng, 14 years experience P at B Towing, 743 8 Stephens. Phone 928. ALTERATIONS! " DRESSMAKING. All tvpes Mrs. Don W Garrison, 1005 Madrone St Phone B02-L. WILL CARE for children or do houte work in exchnnge for houne or apart ment News-Relew. Box 960. WANTED--Ironing In my home. 331 Fowler St. LATE MODEL tTfTat for hire, drum and dozer. Call l-L WASHING AND IRONING In my home. Phone 1818-R-2. n &OY. 15, wants work. Call 5JM. Financial F.H.A. LOANS UMPQUA REALTY Across from Post Office on Htrnway 112 N Stephens Ph 151V J Miscellaneous FOR SALE Well drill machine, mount ed nn Chevrolet truck. Will take lale model car or pickup on trade. Writ Box f7fl. News-Review, FOR "iNVAClDS and" elderly-folks. 14 hmir nurvtng care. 219 W. 4th Street Phone 1429 -H. Pa