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About The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 20, 1949)
10 The News-Review, Row burg, Ore. Sot., Aug. 20, 1949 Melrose By MRS. NETTIE WOODRUFF Bates Lacsing company moved Its logging equipment 'A'rdn en- day from Callahan Iran district t o Wol t e crk . The company has been hauling logs from the lormer place lor several weeks, and has completed logging there. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Cane of Garden Valley were last ween visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Wood. Melrose people attending the Kansas picnic Sunday at Ump- Sua park were Mr. and Mrs. T. . Busenbark and daughter, Mrs. Margaret Reece, Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Buaenbark, Mr. and Mr. Ralph Cory and Miss Valcne and Mixs Sandra Rowel. Mr. and Mrs. Loyd Ryther and son from Eureka, Kan., spont last week visiting with the former's father, Fred Ryther, of Callahan Trail, This Is the first time they have seen his father for 15 years, i Mr. and Mrs. Baxter Moore j and son of Tillamook and the former's aunt from Indiana vis ited the first of the week with Mr. and Mrs. O. O. Mathews. They also visited the old home of Mr. Moore in West Melrose, where he resided when a child and attended Elgarose school. He Is a son or Mrs. May Moore and the late Ben Moore. The party had been on a trip through th? Redwood forests. Crater lake and to the coast, and upon lravlng Melrose, tney went to Myrtle creek to visit Mr. M o o r e's mother. Mrs. Soloman and daughter of Lookingglass and the former s mother, Mrs. Pearl Durant of Rom burg were business visitors at Melrose Wednesday afternoon. MOOSE DANCE TONIGHT The Roseburg Moose lodge will hold its first dance tonight at the new hall, located at 3211 South Stephens St. Ed Kenny and his trio win play. All Moose mem bers and their guests are invited to attend, announced Robert L. Rains, secretary. ON VACATION Clayton Konzack, Glide High school teacher, is enroute to Butte, Mont., to Join his wife and daugh ters, Sharon and Diane, who are vaationing there. The .family plans to return Sept. 1. RETURN FROM SOUTH Mr. and Mrs. Ren Hammond, Glide, returned Thursday from Willows, Calif., where Hammond was called because of hit uncle's death. LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE Of FINAL SETTLEMENT Tha administrator of the estate of CLINTON ORLANDO PLUMB, deceased hereby gives notice that tha County i Court of Douglaa County, Oregon has fixed August 32, 1949. at 10 30 o clock A M. aa the time, and tha Count Court Room tn the Court House at Roaeburg. Douglaa County, Oregon, us the place, for hearing objections, tf any there be, to tha final account of tha administrator. Dated this 22nd day nf July, 1949 R. L. WHIPPLE, Administrator of the Estate of CI INTON ORLAN DO PLUMB, deceased. SUMMONS IN THE Jt PTI( I. S rol'BT Or THE STATE Or OR Mi ON FOE THE PKKR CRfcKK DISTRICT or poriti.A cui'ntv WTTXIAM SATTLER and FREIDA I 8ATTLKR. Plaintiffs, vs. JOHN CHAMBERS and JANE DOE CHAM BERS. Defendants To: John H. Chambers and Jan Doe Chambers: IN THE NAME OP THE STATE Or OREGON You and each of you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint of the plaintiff filed against you In tha above entitled court on or before four 14 weeks from the 6th day of August. 1040, that being tha data of the first publication of this summons, and If ynu fail to so appear and answer said complaint, J plaintiffs for want thereof will apply o tha court for Judgment against ynu for the sum of Wii 00, and for their coats and dtsbursementa Incurred here in This summons It served upon ynu by publication by order of A. J. Geddes, JusUce of tha Peace, made on tha 4th day of August, 1040. WILLIAM D. GREENE J. Attorney for Plaintiff P. O. Box 308 Roaeburg. Oregon. NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the the Estate of Ellen B. Hutton, deceased, now pending In tha County Court of Douglas County, Oregon, are hereby notified to present the same, verified as required by law, to Paul E. Geddes, Attorney at Law, TJ. S National Rank Building, Roaeburg, Oregon. within alx months from the dale hereof. Dated and first published this 90th day of July. 1048 RICHARD 1. HITTON Executor of the Etat nf Ellen B. JHutton, deceased """NOTICE OP FINAL SETTLEMENT Notice) la hereby given that the un dersigned, administrator of the estate of rrleda W. Lund, deceased, has filed In the County Court of Douglas County, Oregon, his final account as such ad mimstrator, and that tha Court has fixed Tuesday, the eth aay nf Septem ber, 1940. at i0 o clock A. M and the County Courtroom In the Court House ' at Roseburg. Oregon, as the time and I piac tor Hearing objections ir any, to aald final account and tha closing of his as taut. O. V. WIMRERLY Administrator of the Estate of rrieoa w. Lund. D ceased. NOTICE TO CRt.niTORS All persons having claims against the state of William Common, deceased, now pending In the County Court of Dougtaa county, uregon. are hereby not i ilea to present tne same, properly veruiea, io me unoersignra administra trix at Route 3, Box 22$. Roseburg, Oregon, or to R L Whipple, hrr at torney. U. S Nations) Bank Building, Roaeburg, Oregon, within six month from data of this notice, which li Aug. 13, 1949 OTTII.1E COMMON Administratrix nf the Estate oi v imam . otnmon NOTICE OP PINAL SETTLEMENT Notice hereby is given that Tuesday SBtmbr S. 1949. at 10 0O a m in tha County Court Room In the Court House in Koeeourg. imugias lount; Oreeron. have been fixed as the tin and place for hearing objections. If any. to tne rinai account niea oy me un der signed In the County Court ol Douglaa County. Oregon CLYDE L DITBE1.L. Administrator of the Eitate of Elisabeth Ann mitwi Deceased. SUMMONS IN THE Jt'STICI COI RT Or THE STATE or ORCtiOV rOR THE PEER CREEK DIKTRICT Or OOt'tiLAS t'OCNTY FRITZ FaVDER. Plaintiff, vt JKWTX R SOLOMON. Defendant TO: Jewel R Solomon IN THE NAME OP THE STATE Of OREGON You are herooy required to appear and answer tha complaint o the plaintiff filed against you tn the above entitled court oa or before four 14- weeks from the Sth day of August. J04S. that being tha data of the first publication of this summons and tf you fall to to appear and erggVer said complaint, plaintiff for wan. thereof will apply to tha court for iudiment Against you for the ium of 8213 in together with Interest tnereon at six per rni nmr annum from Seotember 1 . 1047, to date, and for his cost and disbursements Incurred herein This summon Is served upon you by publica tion by order of A J. Geddes. Justice of the Peace, mad on tha 4th day of August. lM9 WILLIAM D GREEN Jr. At torn tor Plaintiff P O Box an Roaeburg, Oiegon. kotkk or sai.k or NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN That under and pursuant to an order of tha County Court of the But of Ore gon for Douglaa County duly mart and entered of record, in the matlei of the esiat of Nil Nickelson. deceaaed. authorizing tha undersigned, ai admint- irainx 01 saia eaiaie, to mm ina ri property nreinaiir oeecrioa, now therefor. I, Ella Nlckelaon, administratrix M tha estate of Nils Nick 1 1 ton, deceased will, at the office of George Luoma, U a. National Bank Buildin. Rose- burg, Douglas County, Oregon, on and iiier ma jiin aay 01 Auauat. is, oner for sale, for cash In hand, subject to confirmation by tha court, the follow ing described real property belonging to Mia iiiaie, iu-wii. An undivided one-half Hi) Interest In and to tha following real property situated In Douglaa County, Stat nf Oregon, to-w it : Beginning at a point on the North right-of-way of tha Pacific Highway U. a M. from which point the ' corner between Sections 10 and IS, Township 3A South Range West of Willamette Meridian, bears North 47 M West. lOS feet Tnenca South 41' 58' West. 2IW 3 feet along the North right-of-way of said Highway. Thence North 63 3d' West, 41R8 feet; thence North 41' M Eat, ZMt feet; thence South 60 34' Eat, 414 0 feet to tha place of beginning, containing 2 3 acres, mora or less, In Section 13. Town ship 36 South. Range 8 West of Willamette Meridian, Douglaa Coun ty, Oregon. EI. LA NICKELSON. Administratrix of the Estate of Nils Nlckelson, Deceased. IN THE CIRCUIT COt'RT Of THE STATE OF OREGON IN AND I OR DOLOLA9 COL NTV CAKE NO. Ileal NOTICE Or SHKRIf Tl SALE ON EXLCLIION P L Kt'MMER. Plaintiff vs STAN LEY E E1SENM ANN, Defendant. NOTICE IS HEREBY '.IV F.N that y virtue of a writ of execution issued out of the c ircult cou rt of i he 8 ta ta or Oregon for Douglaa County on the 8th day of Auaust. 1V40. based upon a Judgment duly given and entered In said court on the aih day or November, 1047, and as amended on tha Sth day of August. IMS. in favr or r l Kum mer, plaintiff, against tfnley E. Euen mann. defendant. In -he sum of 2. 810 44 and the further sum of S50.M costs and disbursements, to me directed and delivered on the 8th Jay of Auaust, 1048, I have levied upon the following aeacrioeo real property ot ia aeiena ent, to-wit: Southwest one-quarter '.I of Sec tion Eighteen dfli Township Thirty 30i South Range rive 9i West of Willamette Meridian nd that part of Southeast quarter f "J id Section 18 lying West of tha South Umpqua River, the foregoing described lands containing two hundred llnety i20Oi acres more or less, all lying and being In Douglas County, Oregon. And that I will, at 10.0U o clock A. M., on tha 10th day of September. 1940, at tha Courthouse front door In Rose burg. Douglas County. Oregon, offer for sale and sell, at public auction for cash In hand, all of the right, title and Interest which said defendant had In and to to said real property on the Sth day of November, 1047, or at any time thereafter, and til of the right, title and Interest which said defendant had In and to said real property on the 22nd day of Octuner. 1047, being the data of attachment of aald real properly In said case, or at any time thereafter, and said property will be so sold subject to the rlor lien of a mortgage to B. W. Strong for SI .000.00. dated October 15, ivtt, recorded In Volume Si. Page A21, of Touglas County (Oregon! Mortgage Records, which mort gage Is now being foreclosed upon In that certain case entitled F. L, Kummer vs Stanley E. Etsenmann, et al., now pending In the Circuit Court of the Stale of Orwon in and for Doualas County. Oregon, and further Identified as Case No. 1 1 VV) and subject to i prior lien of Douglas County. Oregon. based upon real property taxes dating back to 1028 and totalling over $1 .300.00. mora or less. Dated and find posted .nd published August Sth. 1049. O T. CARTER. Sheriff: By Eunice Hintth. Deputy Sheriff of Douglaa County, Oregon. NOTICE TO CREDITORS AM persona having claims against the Estate of Thomas L Wharton, de ceased, now pending In the County Court Of Douglaa County. Oregon, are hereby notified to present the same properly verified to the undersigned i ei executor ana executrix at tna law qi- fires of Orcutt. Long Ar Neunrr. in Roseburg, Douglas County, Oregon, within six months from tha Sth day of August, 1949 G V. W1MFFRLY JANE WHARTON Executor and Execuirtx the Ei late of Thomas Wharton, Deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the estate of Amy Crlteser, Deceased now pending In tha County Court of Douglas County. Oregon are hereby notified to present the same, verified as required by law, to tha undersigned al tha office of Geddes At relker. At tcrneyt, Roseburg, Oregon, within tlx months from the date hereof. Dated and first published thl Sth day oi August, 1049 D C. LIVINGSTON Administrator of the Estate of Amy Crlteser, Deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS ALL persons having claims against the Estate of Michael Thomas l-eahv, deceased, now pending In the County Court of Douglas County, Oregon, are hereby notified to present tha same, verified as required by law, tn the undersigned at tha office of Geddes A relker. Attorneys, Roaeburg. Oregon, within tlx months from the data here of Dated and first published this With aay oi JUiy. iv. ai nnaeourg, uregon L L POWERS Administrator nf tha Estate of Michael Thomas Leahy Deceased. IN THE roi'NTT COIRT Or THE STATE Of ORMiOM IrOR D(l iiLAR COt NTV CITATION In the Matter of the Adoption of TERENCE riSHCR and TERESA USH ER. To Almond Fisher and all ether per sons interested. You are hereby cited to be and ap pear In the County Court room of the State of Oregon for the County of Douglas in the court Mouse in tne City of Roaeburg, Oregon at tha hour of 10 00 o clock A M. on the 3t)b day nf September, 1940. then and thei to show cause, if any, whv the petition oi uanici LMvia vveaineriorn ann .ain erlne Rae Weather ford, husband and wife, for the adoption of Terence Fisher and leresaa risner. your cnuoren should not be granied Given under my hand and seal In the County Court of the State of Oregon In and for the County of Douglas, thu 19lh day of August. 1949. D N BlSrNRARK. Countv Judge. ATTEST ROY AGEE. County Clark M. Larson. Demit v. Dated and flrsi published this 30th aay oi August, iimu. IN THE COIN TV COIRT Ot THE STATE Or ORt.tON IOR Dt)t til. AS CO IN TV CITATION In the Matter of the Adoption RONALD III' ANE GASH To: Carl Norman Wilson and Lucille Frances Wilson You are hereby cited to he and ap pear in the County Court room of the iaie or uregon for the I ounty of Douglas In the Court House In the Citv of Ronehurg. Oregon at the hour of lioo o'clock A M on the 2th day of September, 1040. then and there to show raute. If n . why the petition of Owen Arthur Standlah for the adoption of n una in wuaiie (.ass, your minor cniid. should not he granted. Given under mv hand and sil In the County Court of the State of Ore gon tn and for the County of Douglaa, this 19th day of August. 1949 11 71 HI SFNBARK, Countv Judge. ATTEST ROY AGEE. County Clerk. M. I -arson. Deputy Dated and flral nuKII.K4 hla arHn day of August, 140. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that the under signed has hn appointed executor of the Lt Win .nd Testament of Mane rilnt McCali. deceased AH persona hav ing claims aiainat her estate are noti fied to present the same verified as re quired tiy law to the undersigned executor at the office of Dexter Rica I'mpqua Savings A Loan Ruildtng, Roae burg. Douglas County. Oregon, within Six months I mm the date of this notice DATED August a. t Mt C L BI.ODt;rTT. Executor of tha l-sit Will and Testa ment of Man riint Mc CalL Deceased. IN THE CIECt'IT TOCRT Or THE STATE OP ORt.tON FOR DOUGLAS COt NTT Case Ne. 1391 SUMMONS LEOLA DeVORE. Plaintiff. Vi GEORGE H. KING, at al. Defendants. To tha above named defendant, George K. King and Jane Doe King, nis wne. IN THE NAME OP THE STATE OP OREGON: You hereby are required to appear and answer tha complaint filed against you in tha above entitled court and cause within four 4 weeks from tha data of the first publication of this summons, which la August 8. 1949. and If you fall ma to SDoear and answer, for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to tha court for the relief orminarQ nvrein, a succinct laiemem oi which la as follows; That you be required to pay to tha Clerk of this Court within fifteen tJSt days from the data of tne decree to be entered herein, or within such other time as the Court may allow, the sum of $18.00000 together with Interest thereon a' the rate of Four Par Cent 4'.i per annum from June 11. 1948 until paid toaether with plaintiff's coats and dis bursements herein, together with such sum as the Court may adjudge reasona ble as attorney s fees, said sums to be paid to the plaintiff upon delivery bv 4ier to aald Clerk of a deed to the following described real property, lo TOWN8HIP 31 S. RANGE B W M., Douglaa County, Oregon; lection Iff; 8 W. quarter and tha East half oi ina . . quarter. Section 31: South one-half of tha N, W Suarter; N. E. quarter of the W. quarter: West one-half of the N. E. quarter; and 'he South East quarter of tha N. E. quar ter: and tha South half. Section 28: North one-half of the North one-half; South one. ha If of the N E. one quarter; excepting therefrom approximately four acres, mora or less In the b s corner of tha N. E. Quar ter of said section 38, hereto fore sold. Together with anv and all other lands of the plaintiff located In said sections 18, 21 and 28 That in the event of your failure so to do, you and each of you, and all persons claiming under you be forever barred and foreclosed of all right, title na interest wnicn you may nave or Claim In and to aald real nrniurlv and that your contract with plaintiff utr inf purmasa oi said property dated June 15, 1946 be foreclosed and can celled, and that plaintiff retain all sumi of money heretofore paid on aald contract, and that plaintiff be put in hi innwHion oi aia property. ' PAtTj E GEDDES PAUL E. GEDDES Attorney for Plaintiff Pnetofflce address: Rose- ourg, uregon. SUMMONS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT Or THE STATE OE OH Mi ON rOR DOUGLAS COUNTY DOUGLAS COUNTY. OREGON, a Body Politic and Corporate. Plaintiff, vs MAIIKL C. LA I UD. MARGUERITE J LA1HD. MARY VEHNITA NKUHAlS and ROBERT NEUHAUS. her husband; ELDA R EICKMEYER and HERMAN D EIC'KMKYER. her husband: J. H Mc C LOS KEY and SARAH A. McCLOHKEY his wife: Also all oher persons or parties unknown claiming any right title, estate. Hen or Interest In the real estate described In tha complaint herein. Defendants. TO: Marguerite J. Laird. Mary Vernl'a Neuhaus. Robert Neuhaus, Elda B Elckmeyer, and Herman D. Elck myer; Also, all other persons or Fartiea unkown claiming any right. I tie, estate, lien or Interest In the real estate described In the complaint herein, Defendanta; IN THE NAME OP THE STATE Or OREGON You and each of are herehy required to appear and answer the complaint of plaintiff filed against you In the above entitled court and cause, on or before four t4 weeks from the 23rd day of July, 1049. that being the date of the first publication of this summons, and if you fall to so appear and answer said complaint, plaintiff for want thereof will apply to the court for the relief demanded In said complaint, a succinct statement of which Is aa follows: That It be decreed that plaintiff Is tha owner in fee and In possession of tha following described real prop arty: Government IxiU 1. 1. S. S. g, T, the 8' of the NE', the 8E' of the NW', and the ES of tha 8W'. and the RE', of Section 8, Town ship 30 South. Range 0 West. Willa mette Meridian. In Douglas County, Oregon, subject tn the rights of A. J. Siandley, E P. Standley and O. C. Standley. under a contract to pur. rhae said premises made and en tered Into OB thai Slat lv n August, 104T, and that the right of possession and inie to Mm premises oe forever quieted In plaintiff, and that It be further u-vicu ma i any riaim or the defend ants, or either nf them in n t. said premises or any part thereof. Is without foundation In law or In equity and that the plaintiff is tha nwner in fee of said premises and of the whole thereof, free from anv and all claim or Interest of said defendants, or either of them, of anv kind or nature what, soever and that said defendants and all persons claiming by, through or under them or either of them be for- evrr resirainea and enjoined from as serting any rlfht. title or Interest l.i or to said premises or any cart there of, and for such other and further rrnri as io me court shall appear equitable. This summons la served upon you bv publication once each week for four iincniiivi weens in tne Rose bur I News-Review, a nwmiiwr nt Circulation aa nroulHri hv llshed and issued In Roaeburg, Douglas County. Oregon, by order of tha Honor ahle Carl E Wtmberly. Judge of ihe fl..v. rmiuea court made on tna I9th ROBERT O DAVIS ORCUTT. LONG at NEUNER niinrnevs lor fiaintlff Postoffico address: Roaeburg, Oregon. IN THE COCNTY CO' RT Or THE STATE or Ostr.tiON EOR DOl'GLAS tOl NTT NOTIf'R Or t.F OF REAL PROPERTY In the Matter nf the Guardianship of m n aunnoiitiiw, an incompe tent person PURSUANT to an order of the above rn ii nra coun maoe na entered on August S. 1049. directing the under signed to sell tha real rfioperty herein after described; THEREFORE, I. DUDLEY C WAL TON, as such guardian, at the law otiir or UAV1S WALTON, 218 II, S. Natl. Bank Bldg . rt-'eburg. Oregon, ii mu sHirr aep(emner id, !, will offer for sale and sell at nrivit. ui( either for cash or upon such terms as the court might approve. In a sum not less than the apprnl-ed value there- oi. ana suntect to confirmation by said "'. w (uiwwing aetcnoea reai prop erly, to-wlt: Lots 8 and II. Block 33. River side Addition tn the t'ity of Roae burg. Don a las Countv. Oreaon. Dated and first nnhllahArf this aay oi August. ia m'UI.EV C WALTON Guardian of the Estate of J A .MFS H SORNREKGER, an incompetent person. NOTICE Or PINAL SETTLEMENT Notice is herehv given that the under signed Administrator of Ihe Estate of ipac McDonald, deceased, has filed bis final account In the Countv Court of Douglas County, Oregon, and said court nas nxea iuesa. September 1.1th 1949. at 1000 A. M In tha forenoon rn the County Courtroom In the Court house In Roaeburg. Don las County, Oreaon, as the time and Place for hear ing ob)ecttons. If any there be, to said nnai account ana tor tna settlement thereof. CHARLES BROWN. Ad- mimstrator of the Estate of Isaac McDonald, De ceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice Is herehv et ven that hv nrder of the County- Court for Douglas Coun ty . Oregon, the undersigned was ap- Klmed administrator of the estate of faette Oscar Galea, deceased. All persons having claims aaalnst said estate are herby notified to present the same verified as by law required, to the erstamed at the I -aw Office of Fred N Rernau. United State National Bank Ride . Roaeburi. Oreaon. within six months from August 8. IH9 n A Hill. If IWAB tiATFfl Administrator of tha Estate of La fa etta Oscar Gate. Deceased NOTICE OE FINAL SETTLEMENT Notice ta hereby given that the under signed administrator of the estate of Roy Dunn v In. deceased, has filed hi final account In the County Court of ihe State of Oreron for Doualas County and said court has appointrd Tuesday, the th day of August, 1940. at U00 o clock In the forenoon of said day In the County Court Room In the Court House in Roaeburg, Douglaa County, Oregon, as the time and place for hear in ahlstetions. tf anv. to said account and the settlement thereof. Dated Jul; w. iw OTIS Dl NNAVIN. Admini strator nf the Estat of Roy DunnaviA, Deceased. SUMMONS No 12.-M8 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OP THE STATE Or OREGON FOR DOUGLAS COUNTY H1LDRETH OBERMAN, Plaintiff, ATHOL W KING" If living, and the unknown heirs of At hoi W King. If deceased: RALPH L, KING and HELEN KING, his wife: ZEPHYR PEARL BOYCE and ALTON BOYCE. her husband; The unknown heirs of ELIZABETH EDNA STANRRA. da ceased; IRENE SATTERPIELD. a widow: HARRY MARLAND HA LI. IN and JANE DOE 11ALLIN. his wife; GWENDOLYN HAU-IN BLOOM and ARTHUR MELV1N BLOOM, her hus band: REAS A HALLIN and MAR GARET HAIXIN, his wife; The un known heirs of LYDIA BHOOKS LEABO, deceased: Also, all other per sons or parties unknown claiming anv right, title, estate, lien or Interest In tne reai estate described in the com plaint herein, Defendanta. TO: Athol W King: The unknown heirs of Athol W. King. If deceased: Ralph i nine; ana neien (ing. nil Wilt Zeohyr Pearl Bovca and Alton Rnvee her husband: The unknown heirs of Eiizaoetn Edna Stanbra. deceased Harry Mmrluntl Hallin and Jane Doe Hallln, his wife; The unknown heirs oi L,ydia Brooks Lea bo. deceased: also, all other persons or parties unknown claiming any right, title, estate, lien or interest In the reai estat de scribed In tha complaint herein, De fendants. IN THE NAME Of THE STATE Or OHEGON you and each of you are here by required to appear and answer the complaint of plaintiff filed against you In tna above entitled court and mum on or before four i4j weeks from the 20th day of August, 1940. that being the date of the first publication of this summons, and If you fail to so appear and answer said complaint plaintiff, for want thereof, will apply to the court for the relief demanded In aald pnmnlnni a succinct statement of which la as fol lows: inai u do decreed that plaintiff la the owner In fe ami in imuMiinn of the following described real proper- V, Hl-Wll, Beginning at tha northeast corner Of the land deeded by A. W. Brown. Administrator of the Estate of Alex ander Brown, deceased, to Wm. H. Brown, said deed dated December 3. 1880. and recorded June 20th. 1890, on Pages 24g and 340. Volume 2-i, of tha Records of Douglas Coun ty Oregon: thence South 1" ,W East 1 87 chains: thence south 80 30' West SIM chains; thence North 1' 10' West I 87 chains: thence North 80 SO' East 9 06 chains to tha place of beginning, containing one acre, and being a part of the above named trart which was deeded by A. P Brown, Administrator, to Wm. H. Brown. Vol. XI. Pages 348 and 349. Said tract being located In tha City of Oakland. Douglaa County, Oregon. and that the right of possession and title to said premises bo forever quieted In plaintiff, and that it be further de. creed that any claims of tha defendant or tuner oi mem in or to said orem sea or any part thereof, ( without foundation In law or in equity, and that plaintiff Is tha owner In fee of said premises ann or tne wnnie thereof free from any and all claims and in. lerest of said defendanta or either of them of any kind or nature whatao- And that said defendants and all np. sons claiming by, through or under them or either of them be fnrvr r. strained and enjoined from assarting any right, title or Interest In or to aald premises or any part thereof, and cn outer ana runner relief, as to tn coun snail appear equitable. This summons Is served unon vmi hv publication once each week for four successive weeks In the Roseburg News- nrvivw. a newspaper or. general circu lation as ornvlded bv sLatute nuhli.h.ri and issued In Roseburg. Douglas Coun ty. Oregon, by order of the Honorable Carl E. Wlmberlv, Judge of the above entitled court mad on tha 17th day of Augiut. 1949. ORCUTT. LONG at NEUNER, Attorneys for Plaintiff. Postnfflca address: Roseburg. Oregon. NOTICE OE HEARING nrroRr the county court Or DO TOLAS COUNTY. OREGON. IOR THE KMT AB1. IK II Ml. NT or THE W EST RDM HI RQ SANITARY DISTRICT Notice I hereby given to alt per ns Interested that a notltinn for ih establishment of a sanitary district has been filed in the office of the Counly Clerk for Douglaa County, Oregon: that mm name oi said proposed district Is the WEST RORKHURG SANITARY DIS TRICT, and the boundaries of tha sam ara as follows, to-wit: Beginning at point where tha city limits of tha City of Roseburg, Douglas County, Oregon, intersects the center line of the South Ump qua River In Section Thirteen 13l Township Twenty-seven i27i South. Range Six West of tha Will amette Meridian. Thence following said center line nf the said South Umpqua River downstream to a point due North of the East property line of tha George M. Brown Heirs property In Section Fourteen 14i Township Twenty-seven i27 South, Range Six I8i West of the Willamette Meridian. Thence South to the South or left bank of tha said South Ump qua River. Thence continuing South along tha East line of the said George M. Brown Heirs property to It Inter section with the North Right-of-way line of the Melrose County Road. Number Thirteen 13. Thence across the said Melrose County Road to the Intersection of the South Rtghtof-way line and the West property line of the Her chal D. and Vera M. Scott property as recorded In Volume 107. Page 41, Deeds of Douglas County. Ore gon, on file In the office of the ! Douglas County Clerk at Roaeburg. Oregon. Thence South along th West line nf the said HerscheT D. and Vera M. Scott property to the South boundary of said properly. Thence continuing South on th projection of said West property line of the said Scott propertv to the intersection with the South right-or-way line of the County Koad Number On Hundred Thirteen '11.1. known aa the old Military Road in Section Twenty-three 2.T Town hip Twentv-seven t27t South. Rani Six -s. West of ut Willamette Meridian. Thence following the South Right of-way of said Countv Road in a Easterly and North East-rly direc tion to its intersection w. the city limits of the City of Roseburg, of Douglaa County. Oregon, In Sec tion Twenty-four 4. Township Twenty-even .27- South. Range Site- Weat of the Willamette Meridian Thence along the said city limits In a Northeastery direction through Sections Thirteen (13. and Twentv foi,r J3'i Township Twentv-seven 27 South. Ranie Six West of the Willamette leridian, to it In tersection with the center-line of the Umpqua River, the place of be ginning That said petition will be presented to the County Court for hearing at ten erlock A M. on the 3lst dav of August. 1949. In the County Court Room at tha Court House., in Rnburg. Oregon All persons interested may appear and he heard. Dated and first published th Sth day of August. ii4fl D N BtSENBARK County Judge NOTICE OP Pt'RI ir RAI.E .slr..rt:-"ON'M- rrRTY to SAT1SEV WAREHOUSEMEN'S LIEN Th Flegel Transfer At Storage Com pany, nf Roseburg. Douglas Countv, Ore gon, herehy notifies the puhhc and Parties herein particularly named that all of Ihe personal property herein after described win he sold at public auction to satisfy all valid claim of said warehousemen againat said person al property. Due and proper notice has been aent by registered mall to all of th parties herein particularly named, as bv law provided Since said parties have not called for said personal propertv. the property will be sold al public auction at the warehouse of th Flegel Transfer A Stnrgae Company, 900 East 3rd Street. Roseburg. Oreaon. on Saturday after noon at X o clock. August 27. 1949 Thi notice is published one a week Oste of first publication, August S. IMS Data ot last publication, August SO, 1949. 1 Th follow In Mrwial MMS stored for J M Bevans will be sold at the hereinbefore named public aue- -1 rrisi ana content. 2 The follow In torutntl nmnr4 stored for Miurtr Langfeldt will be sold at the hereinbefore named public auction; one piano, one oil heater. NOTICE OP riSAL SETTLEMENT Nottc la herehv i1vm that tha un. deriined Administrator of th Eataie of Samuel S Knepley, deceased, has tiled Its final account In the Countv Court of Douglas County. Oregon, and said court has fixed Tuesday, Septem ber 10. 149, at 10 00 o'clock a nv tn the forenoon In the County Courtroom in the Courthouse In Roseburg. Douglas Cnun'v. Oregon, as the time and place for ring objection. If anv there be. to aid final account and for th settle- ent thereof THE UNITED STATES NA TIONAL RNK OF PORT LAND .OREGON' Admini strator of the Estate of Samuel S Knepley, Deceased. The Smallest, Tractors W Will Not Bo Undersold RECONDITIONED TRACTORS S Caterpillar R4 Bare at $2375, S Caterpillar D4 Bare at Jl W 1 Ctterpillar D8 ri at 520. 3 Caterpillar D7 Bare at 73.) S Ca'erpillar DS Bare at 02V). 1 International TD6 Bare at 2350 1 International T9 Bare at 2771 3 International TD9 Bare at 3 International TDM ........ Bare at STt. t International TDtS Bara at 6M0. 4 Allls Chalmers HD7 . Bara at 4V) I Allls Chalmers HD10 . Bara at 99V). 3 Allte Chalmers HD14 - Bare at 7390. Reconditioned Shovels & Cranes 1 Browning Mobile Crana 1 yd Bara $14 VW 3 Bucyrus Erie 1SB Shovels Bara 7.973 3 Osgood 't yd Shovel . Bara 3.3.V) 3 Insley K13 Back hoe Bara 3 9VJ. 5 Insley K10 Shovel Bare 4.973 1 Hyster Porklift 7'i T. Bare 3,730 3 TD9 front Loader ...,...Bart 8,330. "As Is" Tractors & Shovels 13 Caterpillar R4 8 Caterpillar D4 20 Caterpillar D8 13 International T9 .. 38 Internationa) TDS . 3 Inley K10 Crane 9 Unit Cranaa Bare at SI. 779. ... Bara at 3..T73. Bara at 8.975. . Bara at 1.43. Bare at 1.973. . Bare at 3.279 .. Bare at 3.373. Blades, Drums. Parte and other attach ment in stock for all above equip ment. COME AND GET EM ! I I Pacific Tractor t Equipment Corp. 1800 West 7th Avenue., Eugene. Oregon Phon 4-8363 Evenings 3-38 IP Business Opportunities FOR SALE New pumice atone store, sic 34x10 Living quarter In back. Shelves and gondolas It la In very good location 3 miles south of Myrtle i-reca oa ni way w see owner Frank Grensky next to Melody Mountain uarn. rnone luwo Myrtle Creek. 34 STOOL CAFE, excellent location on Hiway Rt. Good year round business. Living quarters, good equipment. All inventory and furniture. Must see to appreciate. 12800. terms. Roadside "is. usiiana, ure. FOR SALE General store and livprn service station, modern living quar ters. A Suing business, grosses S9.0PU year, pox ij, uiiiarQ. TRADE Lease for 5 years, or sell. 24 space modern trailer park. Lots more space, wen -graveled, living quarters, l't rnisWriteews-RevlewBox 972. IS UNIT MOTEL. Owner, phon 1423. SUMMONS No, 13383 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR DOUGLAS DOUGLAS COUNTY. OREGON, a Body rouuc ana corporate, Plaintiff, BLANCHE HISAW: SOPHIE STORTS FRANK McSPERRITT; ORPHIE Mc- Dr-r.MKW r; niNKT McSPERRITT: AMANDA KEATON; LAURA SNOW RAY McSPERRITT; IRENE CROSS The unknown heir of A. J. A. Mc SPERRITT. deceased: CYNTHIA R GERMOND. VERNEL CFRMOND: LU CILLE CERMOND WERTZ and EARL LERRY WERTZ. her husband: DOR OTHY GERMOND DENT and FRED, ner nusoand: 1NGA MERRILL; W. R. MERRILL and CHARLOTTE J. MERRILL, his wife; RHODA M. RY- CHARD and W A RYCHARD, her Munuanu: auL w ta InUrE and E. L. WESTROPE. her hurband: Also, ail Other Der inns or narti uni claiming any right, title, estate, lien or interest in tne real estat de scribed In th complaint herein. De fendants. TO: Blanche HHaw, Sophl 8 tort a, Frank McSperrltt, Orphi McSperrltt, Henrv McSparritt. Amanda Keaton. Laura muw. nay me ape mil, Irene Cross: The unknown heir of A. J. A Mc Sperrltt. deceased: Inga Merrill; W n Mernu, charlotte J. Merrill, and Also, all other persona or parties un known claiming any right, title, es tate. Hen or Interest In th r..l ... state described In th complaint here in. Defendants: IN THE name nr rws itit a wnUii y(iu ana eacn or you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint of plaintiff filed against you In the above entitled court and iu iwil! j weior rour 141 weeks fron ?"n y ot August. 1 049, that being the date of the first publication of this summon, and if vou fail tn u nd n"wr complaint plaintiff for w.c.ryi win appiy io tne court for the relief demanded In aald com plaint, a succinct statement of which 1 as follows: That It be decreed that plaintiff It it, , T mna in Possession of towlt" described real property. TRACT . An undivided one-half of the NVi ' of Section 22 Township 35 ?ut; 1 West. Willamette TRACT Dou'" nty. Oregon. The 'SWi'a of Section , Town ship 3.1 South. Range 1 West. Wil lamette Meridian, in Douglas Coun ty. Oregon. TRACT 3. n.L?t 3 and 4. and the S' of the S'i , of Section 4. Township -S?tn 1 ' W'Hamtte Meridian, in Douglaa County, Or- Th"acT 4 Lot 3. and the SW'4 of the NE. of Section 4, Township 37 South ? "lE. , WV!" W'1"-""". Meridia! In Douglas County, Oregon. Each of um . i I"1 ,h Plinllll for tn. pur- mu"!,.1?,1.."" r','h' i' ""'on nd In plaintiff and that .. k. . othlV JnL C"T of lh d.f.nd.nt. f of thtm In or to uld prm l.. or any part th-r-of, I. without KiTnl'f "V".,,1" r "" plain iff la the ownrr In fre of .aid t''" no of th. whole thrrrof. tiii ZmhV V" "' 'l,lm" 'ntrr..t of fhV. 73 a', "i"" hv.r. and that uld drfrndanta and all prnons and .nriniH7' ,or,vr "'traln-d flVf. .M '"V "l'n any riant or Iny Mr.'.'" ' ""' nl.-, Ind rnrR?.. ,h.r'- ,nd 'or ,u''" 'n" ISn.iVt.T!." 10 lh " " Tht, aummon, 1, KrvM upon vou hv puhhc.tlon one. wklor foS ,4 ewp-Reviw, a newspaper nf eenersl l .heUda,.'n- WW' bTgutut? pub-' llthed and Issued in Roseburg Dnuelas IIOBrpT O DA CIS. "cl'TT. LONG NEl'NM. Attorn... fr PI,nUff. Pnatofflr. addrvu: Honour, Orvfon. or.IStTtt! or ortrco ro DOI tiLA (OIMI fvndail OUVU AlIRTSON. .T?.Jr? 1"v" Albarlaoa. th. ahov, nam-d drf.ndant ORKCON. you ar hrrrbv rvoutrvd to app-ar and iium th. cotnolalntftlJS aiain.t vou In th. ahov. .ntitl-d dat. of lh. f,rl publication of thl, .ummona. If rw f. , . 7 . th.rrof. plaintiff will nn tor tn. rvti.r d- mandvd hr!n. a aurrlnrt of wnif-n i, a, louow. that a d-cr. of dlvorc b -ntrrvd dlmaolvtn, th. bond, of matrimony hmtofor. and now tattng Krlmn you and th plaintiff and mantln, to h-r nn-h th.r and t'!:"" ' " ma, equnaote This summons Is served upon you by publtcailon In the Roee burg New. .tl?.w:. hwfaoer of general circulation published In Douglas Countv Oregon pursuant to an order of the Honorable Carl E. Wlmberlv. Judg of satd Court, made and entered on the 3th day of July. 14 Dated and flrt puMihel tht 3t dav of July. 14 GEDDFS AND FELICE R Carl M Palser Attorneys foe Plaintiff V S National Bank Building Rose bur g. Oregoet Cheapest Workers in Town Want Ads Autos Lockwood's USED CARS Best Buys Anywhere 1948 FORD TUDOR SDN Do yourself justice, drtv bom this beauty lor only 91745 00 1948 DODGE FOR DOR SDN. Run lust 11.000 miles. Pulty equipped, not a scratch 194 FORD TUDOR SDN Carefree drlvinc ta this on Immaculate , 1295 1947 FORD FORDOR SDN One you II be proud to drive. Com in and see It today. 118400 laHS WILLYS STATION WAGON miles Equipped with overdrive, heater and many other. 1343 00 194 CHEV. TUDOR SDN. Get rid of that old car now, aaa ua about trade today llfl 1948 FORD TUDOR 3DN. Extra nice. 37,000 mil. Today's beat buy at - , ; 1043 CHEV TUDOR SDN. Mechanically sound. Not loaded with extra, but comfortable- SB 1943 PLYMOUT Pordor Sedan something to look at. not pip In tha motor 1B41 FORD FORDOR SDN. Equipped with radio and heater Long trip will cost lea In this on. .... 1841 FORD COUPE New motor, clutch, battery, a fine car any way you look at it 1041 NASH FORDOR SDN New paint and seat cover. If its cheap transportation you want look this on over. 1941 DODGE Custom Pordor. run lust 58.000 mile. Looks like new insid and out. Nw Urea. 140 FORD TUDOR SEDAN, radio and heater, clean a pin, . . 1B36 PLYMOUTH SEDAN. motor extra good. tire, body and upholstery good condition 291 Open Sunday From 9 To 3 Trucks And Pickups IMS FORD TRUCK with U -Drive Body g24rH 00 lft 47 INTERNATIONAL Pickup 1095 00 lf 43 G. M C. Chassis and cab. 785 00 1043 TORD Lumber truck Tag and Roles lf5 00 1841 FORD DUMP TRUCK . 805 00 1840 INTERNATIONAL PICKUP 373.00 You Pay Less For Used Cars At L0CKW00D MOTORS Easy Terms Better Buys At Barcus TRUCKS 1848 Che, lumber truck, 1848 motor, Thornton dual drive, new tlrea. Lumber rolls with log bunks attached. Ideal for lumber or short logs 3150 International log truck and trailer. A steal at 19SO is" stucie baker pickup, excel lent .na 1937 International truck and flat bed. semi-trailer, eood condition, good tires 795 1934 l' T Chev Ha toed, com letelv overhauled. A good truck for 300 Car Bargains 1947 Bulck tuper eonvartlbl,, a real bargain 103 1043 Pontlac Knht m. 1075 1IM1 Chryalrr roup, new paint. r:ondltloned motor , i7 1937 Na.h,, coach . 1H BANK TMUS OPEN EVENINGS Come Out for Your Demonstration Ride In the New Golden Anniversary Packard BARCUS SALES t SERVICE Your Packard Dealer Hwy w N at Garden Vallry Boa J Roseburg Used Car Center Oak and Rose FINE USED CARS Reason hi seiesfcst flUll" awit. Chevrolet Buick Poaua Cadillac trade-in For Sale 1943 MERCURY, low preeeur tire. IS inert wheel, verv good condition Best offer take. Across from A a H Mill.Dillard.Selbv "l 947 Buick Convertible" Roadmaater. new air cushion tire, life guard tube, all extra. Perfect Coo dition. Take older car In trad. Vr Guffev. Bam 12. Rac Track. ORIGINAITOWNER must sell 1M0 Old. moone t tub Coupe. Good, clean car hvdra -matte drtv. 1st reasonable offer accepted. Phon 43 -R S, MORI MONTY for your car Cash on Roto. Plysnouvk. Pboo 40A 114 N nose hi 41 4-DOOR Pt.YMdt-tl. RAN Mak Autos Dependable Used Car Buys 1947 DODGE SEDAN Look and run Ilk a new car f 1944 PLYMOUTH SEDAN Nice and clean. 184S STUDE. CONV. CPE. Here's a nifty hack with very few mile. Cheapies 1934 CHEVROLET Sedan 1937 CHRYSLER Sedan Trucks 1948 I't TON DODGE Vary good condition. 1939 PORD 1H TON Tirca, motor and OK. 1948 'i TON DODGE PKUP. 8:80 Urea, 4-speed trana. "Si" Dillard Motor Co. VSED CAR LOT North Stephana Street USED CARS Prices Lowered lt4 WILLYS JEEPSTER Practically new. radio Down prlca pmt neaur ...I17M WOO 1949 DODGE-CtTSTOM DELUXE SEDAN Vary toed. We ffuaran. ta thl, IM1 HUDSON SUPER- COUPE Tlrea food, paint good, mechanically ve.y good T2S 1M1 FORD COUPE Thl, ta good transporta tion 70S 1940 HI'DSON SEDAN t SUPER SIX OS 1840 HUDSON COUPE New air rtdo tlrea, good BtOtOT 72S 14 DESOTO SEDAN New paint, aeat cover, - S7S lf40 PONT! AC SEDAN New tires, very clean 80S M3t HUDSON SEDAN SUPER SIX Very good mechanically 615 IBM HUDSON SEDAN I7S More Car For Your $ At Roseburg Hudson Co. HUDSON DEALER 701 a. Stephena Pick-Ups Vi 1 Ton Now's Tha Time To Buy A Dodge Pickup Save With .... Low Operating Cost , Low Maintenance Costa . Low Initial Coat . . . Immediate Delivery "Si" Dillard Motor Co. "Your Dodge Dealer" COME IN AND LOOK OVER our new ana usea Hariey Davidson Motorcvcle. 9300 and up Immediate delivery on the 1949 Hydra Glide. 1 3 down. 13 months to pa Harlev Davidson 12 9M down 30 weekly Joe a Harlev Davidson. S mile So Hwy M Roseburg. Oreg. "41 CHEVROLET 4-door. R aV ft. excellent famllv car. good mechanical condition. Com and toon ii over. Blakely SL 9793. Ph. 636-J. 133 WILL TRADE EQUITY in 49 J ee otter f.Mu mileage, or sen. Best otter p A MrKiscn. P. O. Box 334, Oakland Oregon. EOt ' 1TY for sal In 1949 Studebaker t hampton 9-paenger coupe, onlv 4.0U0 miles. 700, Jo Bailey. Safewav Meat Market 1947 PLYMOtmi SPECIAL deluxe coupe R m H. A-l condition Vic Straub No. Roaeburg Motor Court, phone 19-4-1. EOR SALE M Chev. Coach. eal- beamed lights, heater. I12&. 1509 Poat St. Ph. IJ9-R 1943 RArLEY-DAVTDSON motorcycle. Becker. Idleyld Rt.. Box 341 fOR SALE 1937 ord coup. "95. radio 1UIO Bail! 3t WANTED Lat model car far ch.a?3 SPlne 190 BUICK SPECIAL four door sedan tews O k land Te x aco StntJon fORTALt OR TRADfrrt9 Harlev" Davison motorcycle, a i. gao. Ml flint Autos Studebaker KEEL'S Quality Used Car Lot LABOR DAY IS NEAR. COME IN AND SELECT YOUR CAR NOW EE ABLE TO ENJOY YOUR TRIP WITH ONE OP KEEL I RELIABLE CARS. 49 Mercury 4-door aedan. with radio) it heater. Good clean upholstery, nice new paint. Dark green. Vary good mechanically. Low mileage. 44 Plymouth 4-door aedan. with heater. A good clean car In top condition thru out. Low mileage. 41 Bulck Super 4 dr. Sedan radio, heat er it defroster. A real reliable car that you can drive with comfort. Good paint and smooth thru out. 41 Bulck Special 4 dr. aedan. Radio, heater and defroster. Good looking and clean. The motor has lea than on year of use sine put In new, 41 De Soto 4 dr. Sedan. Fluid Drive. Excellent Insid and out and me chanically. 41 Plymouth Coupe. New paint and good car. 41 Chevrolet 3 dr. Radio and heater. Very good mechanically. A real bar gain. 39 Pord dr. D. L. radio and heater. A honey of a car. Another real bar gain. 49 Chevrolet pickup. Extra good. 49 Studebaker pickup. Like new. THESE CARS ARC PRICED TO SELL Shop evening. For your convenience open until 9 p. m. Keel's STUDEBAKER QUALITY Used Car Lot Next to Rnw Hotel S. Stephen! Phonea IIS 1443-J See The New Chrysler The finer Automobile classed as one ol the best. Ask about the spit fir . motor, tee and feel Its real perform ance, 9 powerful design, whisper soft motor, reapomlv and economical. Drive all day and never shirt a gear, a very Beautiful car Inside and nut, ' compare thi car, rid In it and driv Rose Motor Co. Plymouth So & Lan Roaeburg, Oregon Chrysler Why Walk? "29 Chv Sedan . '37 Stude Coup '40 Pontiac Conv. "39 Na&h Coach "37 Ford 60 Coach . 41 Chev. Club Co. "44 Jeep Today's Best Buys Riverside Motor Co. WILLYS DEALER 1 1640 N. Stephena Ph. 450-11 Trucks SAVE $3000 On this brand new Diamond T. truck, 901 model. 190 H. P. engine. 306 inch W. B 10:00x20 "-ply all traction UrBi. Budd wheels. Timken SW-3010 PA Tandem Axle unit S speed trans mission, plus auxiliary transmission. If you need a truck for log hai.l Ing. look thl one over. It' a buy. Our loas la your gain. Parmenter Ponfiac Co. Dealer 937 Pearl St. Eugen. Oregon NEW AND USED trucks Loggtng trucks, gravel trucks, flatbed and lumber truck. We have a oew or good used bufg1 X0Ur JOb" CaU li8'Y' RoM t i94s International pickup- i 1946 International pickup. 1 cngl axle piling trailer Tor information Phone 4J2 129 2nd A v South FOR SALE p; -ton 1M9 In let-rational truck, combination stovk rack Excei- len tcond 1 1 i on. Ed Deal. 1 13 N T lint. AXLE SHAFTS for all make of trucks! Ray's Truck Shop. SOU N Stephen. Phone 4W-J-4 Machinery For Sale EOR SALE TD 19 Int tractor, com piete.y armored for logging. Isaacson cable blade, Carco winch. 750 hour. .u. n u i ah (.nairners tractor. Uaacson cable blade, Carco winch. 97.0IW h D 14 Allls Chalmers, Carco wtnch, 9R.000. Loading donkev. Wash lngton drum. t swing boom. Mer cury motor, completely equipped. Karl MMnly. Tiller. Ore. FOR SALE DISSTON Power Saw. Ph. l X -3. Ar lea Al Backman. VAN DORN VALVE r facer cabinet M. , Of f '-e Nrthj Rfmehu $sJit Dogs 'OR SALE Punbml German Shei- nerfl; AKC rrcistered male Pomeran. 'n Alv Corkera and Terrlen. Para- Oi Pet Shop. 5bLDEM and Golden White Cocker pup. ,10 eh R. C Taylor. Glide. Orelon. 1 mile, up Cavltt Creek. Jacob's Kennel'i Ph. 73-6-J GRA-RO COCKER KENtfELl frnone CM or 4M-Y Rrf and Md. pupnwa .all row, srod rrf. 1 4.V down 125. down 300. down 300. down 1M. down 2.V). down 250. down