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About The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 22, 1949)
mm MIS umn wire tnu mm Woods Fires Give Fighters Busy Weekend Canyonville Blaze Laid To Incendiary; Lumber Plant At Tyee Erased Three fires, one of them re portedly of incendiary origin, Kept smoke eaters from the Douglas Forest Protective asso ciation busy over the weekend, according to Dispatcher U. F. Mc Laughlin. A pump truck and 27 men were dispatched to the incendiary blaze at Canyonville which endangered that area's water shed before be ing brought under control. Mc Laughlin said the fire apparently was set in several places and cov ered an area of 30 acres before being checked. Another small fire, possibly caused by the same firebug who set tne canyonvine iires, was checked near Deer Park inn, Mc Laughlin reported. He said little damage resulted. A "cat" and loadinp donkey belonging fb the operator. M .D. Sutherlin, burnea up on me rvor den Lumber company property at Doe Hollow, McLaughlin said. The fire started from gasoline with which Sutherlin was clean ing the cat and spread rapidly to the donkey wnen a sparK set it ablaze. A pumper from the S. Douglas station was dispatcheu to put out the blaze but the equipment had already suffered extensive damage before the crew arrived. Earlv Monday morning, the Tyee Lumber and Timber com pany plant burned to the ground, suffering a "total loss", accord ing to McLaughlin. He said the blaze, starting under the head saw, had too much of a head start for the pumper crew which was sent to quell the fire. All the fires have been brought under control. Forest Fires Battled In Six Western States; Oregon Dispatches Help (By the Associated Press) Hundreds of fire fighters bat tled flames In national forest ar ras of six western states today. At least six major fires were still out of control, three in th? the Payette National forest of central Idaho and three In Yel lowstone National park in Wyo ming. Four crewmen were hospital ized, one in California and three in Idaho. More than 300 lightn in, .--caused fires, most of them cm, ill, cov ered an estimated 33,001 acres of timber and grass lands in the drought-stricken forests. Some 500 men have been sent (Continued on Page Two) In the Day's News By FRANK JENKINS A REPORT from the census bu reau in Washington tells us that U. S. population is growing at the rate of 200,000 a month and may reach 150 million by Novem ber 1. On July 1, the report adds, our estimated population was j 149.215,000. Thn eenens hnrpan pstimatps .... . -i - ,ui .. i that in Aprilof this year there j were 38,o3i,000 families In the j United States, as compared with 32,166,000 families in 1940. If the estimate is accurate, we have been adding families at the rate i of nearly a million a year. DO you remember the Gloomy Gussers In the census bureau a dozen years or so ago who were telling us that our population was ! vic,p.d bv an armv court-martial already near its Deak and was i ln Germar,v in 194-' on a rape aireaay near its peak ana asicharge He was sentencod to ,jfe soon due to begin to fall? imprisonment but the term later Boy! What a picture they : was reduced to 20 years. Still la- ' ter an army clemency board cut (Continued on Page Four) the sentence to ten years. POLIO ON THE INCREASE Nation's Cases For Year Hiked Last Week To 15.000; Larger Cities Worst Hit 'By the Associated Pressi The number of new cases of infantile paralysis took a sharp upward turn last week, boosting the nation's total of victims for the month to more than 8.000. It brought the total for the year to 15.500, compared with only 8.430 cases reported by the national office of vital statistics through Aug. 13 of 1948, a near record year. Last year's 27,680 total was exceeded only by the 30,000 in the 1916 record year. In an Associated Press survey. North Dakota reported the dis- ... . ... ., ease at an epidemic stage there ; last week and said the state urg ently needed more nurses. A few more heaviily populated states, including Pennslvanic, Illinois and Wisconsin, do not ex iiect to reach the peak of new cases until next month, while j four states perhaps five , rtady have more than 1,000. t Some southern states. wher on-set of the disease usually starts earlier, have had a gradual de dine, while Maine and Minnesota held about steadv. and Arizona ' showed an increa N t'evada with only 18 cases this I ir, again is having a light ' ear, The Weather Cloudy this morning becom ing partly cloudy this afternoon and Tuesday. Sunset today 7:05 p. m. Sunrise tomorrow 5:27 a. m. Established 1873 Truman Full Sum For Arms Aid NO CheaD PriCe I For Peace, He Tells Critics Speech At V.F.W. Meet Blames Soviet Tactics For Defense Program By ERNEST B. VACCARO MIAMI, Fla., Aug. 22. P) President Truman pleaded today for fast approval of the full $1,- 450,000.000 arms aid program as "part of the price of peace." He indirectly told critics of the plan In Congress without calling any names that peace with free-j dom and Justice 'can not be oougnl cneaply in a world made i sioie, in order tnat tne district uneasy by "Soviet pressure." I may go ahead with construction And he described the goal as I P'ans-previ-r.tion of aggression. "We are not arming ourselves mm mm and our friends to start a f ight witr anybodv," the president said. "Wc are building our defenses i, that we won t have to fight. I He spoke before the Golden! Jubilee convention of the Veterans of Foreign Wars after an 822 mile flight here from Washington 14 k J I hUs-i PL,anrndenre-,he Whi eAUiO MlStiapS The president blamed Russian tactics in the United Nations and Three hiehwav ai,i,.ntc ,Mnh elsewhere for the need to arm sent seven persons to hospitals oc friendly nations "to resist aggrcs- Curred over the weekend, accord- Slon. inp In Rnuihliro Statu Polio Kat Russia, the president declared, "has blocked every effort to es- i tablish an effective international from fear of aggression ror that reason, he went on, we have to Join other friendly nationc in forming regional de fense pacts." ine president condemned com munism for its "false" claim that it satisfied "the universal desire for a better lite." Instead, he said. It "lures men by false promises back to tyran ny and slavery." No Reference to China The president made no refer- ence to the plight of communist controlled China. A new Ameri can policy concerning that coun- (Continued on Page Two? Con Hitch-Hikes To Re-Enter Pen LEAVENWORTH, Kan., Aug. 22. OP) A war veteran, con victed of rape, hitch-hiked half way across the nation to return to federal penitentiary yesterday. Frederick W. Wade, a 33-vear- old former army private, reported voluntarily at tne Lavenwortn prison. He hitch hiked from his Tacoma, Wash., home. Wade' waJ r'eca!icd from the penitentiary on a wit of habeas corpus May 20, 1947, after he had begun serving a year sentence. Last April the United States Supreme Court upheld an appeals court decision which reversed the ruling under which Wade had been released. Wade returned to prison in ac cordance wilh the supreme court's act ion. 1 he former soldier was con "Lnuh ."oVX". a' , 22 cases last year occurred dur ! ing the fall and winter months. The survey showed that some large cities, notably Boston and New York, have been hard hit. while Philadelphia and Chicago and ininoj. Generally smaller communities and rural areas ap peared to be faring best. New York Passes Texas New York went into top place among the list of states in the letest survey. It reported 1.83' ca,'. j p,' Txnf which had 1.418. Illinois is th'rd with 1.120. (Continued on Page Two) Asks Approval Of N.Roseburg Votes t i b i. Tuesday On Bonds For Sanitary Unit Residents of the North Rose burg Sanitary district were re minded this morning of the elec tion tomorrow, in which they are to pass on a proposed $225, 000 bond issue. The polling place, said Clar ence Landis, chairman of the dis trict board, will be at the Riv erside school, on the Garden Val ley road, from 8 a. m. to 8 p. m. If the bond issue is approved, proceeds from the sale of the bonds will be used lor the con- i struct ion of sewer lines and a treatment plant. I Landis said there are several 1 prospective buyers for the bonds, which will be advertised for sale i as soon after the election as pos- I f Msfsf,PtlakllVsrl I flUslJI I flllZcflJ " " l,""iV l I f In H?Ttt lit : II I UQIl.ll Ul Lyle Harrell nick Clemer Inhntnn Portland was ci,ed for reckless driving " """;wnen .us car negotiated a curve on the wrong side of the highway and sideswiped a car driven by Jesse Carl Staton. Snrinefield. Sgt. Harrell said. The accident oc curred at 8:30 p. m. Sunday, a quarter of a mile west of Drain on highway 38. According to state police, the Johnson car continued on down the wrong side of the highway over 200 feet before running Into the ditch. Johnson received lacerations and a burned hand, and a passen ger in his car, Guy E. Rose, Dorena, reportedly received injur ies to ribs and neck. Staton received an injured back and Leanord Staton, a pas senger, received cuts and bruises, it was announced. The injured were taken to a Drain doctor's of fice by the Drain ambulance. Goldie R. Housworth, Yoncalla, was thrown 40 feet when struck by a car operated by Grover Cleveland Sparks, Oakland, Sat urday at a p. m. on ntgnway 99 near Yoncalla, Sgt. Harrell re ported. Leg Reported Broken Sgt. Harrell said Housworth, observed in an allegedly intoxi cated condition shortly before the accident, was walking down the middle of the highway when (Continued on Page Two) Two Trusties Escape From Oregon Prison SALEM, Aug. 22. (P) With out clue as direction taken, a pair of trusties who escaped Sunday afternoon from the Oregon State penitentiary annex southeast of Salem are sought today in a state wide manhunt. Both men are from this area: George, serving 10 years on a rape charge, was sent up from Marion county: Bonney, a forme Salem resident, was serving two years for burglary in Yamhill county. George is described as five feet, eight inches in height, weight 144 pounds, blue eyes and brown hair. Bonney, medium weight, has dark hair and dark eyes. Both were dressed in overalls and Jumpers when last seen at the annex. Portland Hotel Man Drowns Off Cannon Beach CANNON BEACH. Aug. 22 (P The body of Samuel Rice, 55. Benson hotel catering man ager for many years, was re covered from the surf yesterdav after he was drowned in a rip tide. Rice and a companion were swept to sea during the after noon, William Markham. Arch Cape, managed to reach shore. Electric Saw Slash Brings Death To Victim OREGON CITY, Aug. 22.-J.P) Ermal Gile. 46. accidentally slashed himself with an elm-tri." saw on his farm near Boring 5--i ana .:., against a lor vesterdav. and died a few mi n- j rner rang- of $35.50 and $42.50; utes later from loss of blood, boys' suits starting at $16.95 and He touched the circular blade I Juniors' suits at 113.95; againt as he was trying to Jerk the j a former price of $24.50. saw loose from a board in which The reductions were made ef It had stuck. The blade severed ' fective today In the chain's 44 an artery in his groin. j; stores In New York, New Jersey, Gile was employed as a lumber Massachusetts, Illinois, Pcnnsyl company truck driver. vania and Rhode Island. ROSEBURG, OREGON MONDAY, AUG. 22, 1949 German Reds Back Tito In Soviet Clash Russian Note Threatens Yugoslavs As Split In Communism Increases 'By the Associated Press' Premier Marshal Tito of Yugo slavia drew surprise support from a group oi uerman communists today. This sign of the growing split in the ranks of world com munism came as Yugoslavia's war of words with Russia reached a new pitch of intensity. A Russian note to Belgrade at the weekend threatened to take "effective measures" to protect Soviet citizens in Yugoslavia. Re plying, the Yugoslav communist newspaper Borda accused the Kremlin of using those citizens as spies. British newspapers quickly noted the similarity between the stern tone of the Soviet note and the language used by Hitler be fore he sent the German army into action a decade ago. They said the Russian note sounded like the worst threat of war since 1939. The concern of the Kremlin It self over its relations with Tito apparently was reflected in the Soviet press and radio, which de voted much space and time lo foreign reactions to the Soviet note. Half of Pravda's foreign news page was taken up with dis patches from abroad on the sub- ject. Sample headlines in the official Soviet Communist party newspaper were: "Tito's clique conducting secret negotiations wltn Vatican. "Traitorous deal of the Tito clique with Greek monarchist Fascists (nationalists)." Tito has been feuding with the Kremlin for more than a year. His government was thrown out of the Moscow-directed Comin- form (Communist International Information Bureau I for nation alistic deviations from what Rus sia regards a orthodox commu nism. One of the Kremlin's fears is that Tito's show of national in dependence will spread to other eastern European countries in the Soviet sphere and to communist parties elsewhere. This fear is shown by Moscow's insistence (Continued on Page Two) Fishing Boat, 2 Aboard, Missing Off Oregon Coast NEWPORT, Ore., Aug. 22. (Pi Coastguard and commercial fishing craft were on the lookout today for a Newport fishing boat missing since Wednesday with two men aboard. The wife of Eimo Maenpaa, who owns the 32-foot Linda Jean, re ported her husband went out Wednesday morning. She ex pected her husband back that evening. Also aboard were crew man L. A. Rolph. Both men are 'rom Newport. A coast guard plane from As toria aided the cutter Bonham yesterday in a sweep along the Oregon coast from the Umpqua to the Columbia river mouth. Theater-Bound Party Injured In Truck Crash BAKER. Aug. 22.-.T)-A trip to the movies ended disastrously last night when a pickup truck carrying six persons left the winding road on Dooley mountain for an undetermined reason and caused one man to lose his rigut hand and five others to be hos pitalized. Floyd Lee Potter, Vale, wno lost his hand and received a skull fracture was the most e. 1 verely injured of the group, who Plnl last Ilscal ypar were Idaho Power company ere I Receipts from taxes and other workers stationed at Unitv. They j sources so far this fiscal year had left Unity to attend the ! ,olal and are about movie in Baker i Eastern Haberdashery Chain Slashes Prices NEW YORK, Aug. 22. IJ? Price reductions on ils entire line of men's and boys' clothing and furnishings were announced today by Howard Stores Corp., manufacturer and retailer of Howard clothes. . New prices on men s suits are if3"'; '0 ' 1 ' I s v f- J-w - 1 ' ill J . i 3, 7 1 1 1 . - i 1 1 1 t t . r vr v. 1 1 f ill I I. v mm i i m r jm i i L & if L HOME FOR STRAY DOCS Temporary shelter for dogs picked up while running at large on city streets will be provided in the city's new pound, above, at the sewage disposal plant. The pound includes six kennels and wire-enclosed exercise cages. Lower picture shows Earl Woodruff, 710 E. Douglas street, who was to have been dog control officer, tending the rote garden at the plant. Woodruff said he resigned Saturday because he didn't want to add dog catching to his other duties, because for one thing he "didn't want to get into trouble" wih owners of dogs. (Staff pictures. I Public Debt Goes Over $255 Billion WASHINGTON, Aug. 22. I.T) The public debt, rising as the government overspends ils in come, has climbed above $255.000,. 000,000 for the first time since Feb-uarv. 1918. treasury dala snowed today tne debt totalled $255,076,24H,00) on August 18 and was on ils way up. The government already is $1, 674,7,0O0 in the red for the 1950 fiscal year, which began July 1, and apparently Is headed deeper into the hole for the full year as whole. ln rounded ficures. eovernment spending so far this fiscal year1 amount lo S5.341.0O0.O0O, or about j WHO.UHO.OUI) more man at this sl WJW.wi neiow last year. Disputants In Hawaii's Strike Given U. S. Bid WASHINGTON, Aug. 22. (.V) 1 Roseburg, to discuss harvesting The government totiay asked op-land marketing problems, accord posing sides In the Hawaiian I inn to J. Roland Parker, county rim-U strike In make a nr.w .if. agricultural agent. lort to settle their disnute and! it thrs fails to come to Washing j ton or New York for mediallo-i I talks. ' Cyrus S. Thing, director of the, U. S. Conciliation service, sent a cable to Honolulu requesting the new attempt at a settlement of the crippling 114-day-old strike. Ching told the striking union and Hawaiian stevedoring nego tiating committee that he would he happy to meet with them in 5- to discuss the Issues. T -T ,- : A 11 . I'.iv i ; :A 1 . t 5 "2 r inn. i Pair 0n Antelope Hunt Die In Auto s Plunge SALEM, Aug. 22.- (.P) - A Port- land couple who had gone ante lope hunting were found dead today in the wreckage of their car. which had plunged off the North Sanliam highway into a 200-foot canyon. They were Roscoe T. Pierce 33, and his wife, Anna, 33. Tiiey have two small children: Sandra, 7, find Bradley, 2. Pierce, a partner with his fa ther In the Northwest Hardwood Floor company here, had left Portland with his wife Friday lor a weekend of antelope hunt ing. The two were expected back i todav. Their wrecked car was found at 3 a. m. today in the canyon east oi Inanna. it was not Imme diately determined when the car had gone off the highway. Prune Growers To Meet To Discuss Problems Prune growers will meet Wednesday Aug. 24. at 1:30 p. m. at the Knights of Pythias hall in California prune growers have completed . setting up a prune marketing agreement lo assist in ! stabilizing the prune market, rje - tails oi wnich will be explainea to local growers. Setting of wage rates for har- vesling and drying operations will be considered at the meeting also, said Parker, and all prune growers are invited to he present. Harvesting of prunes In Douglas muntv I. omened tn start about 1 Sent. 5. 197-49 - .jT.4M,i New Pound For Dogs, Also New Dog Collector Stray dogs picked up while "running at large" In the city will be kept In a new six-kennel dog pound, which goes into serv ice at the sewage disposal plant today. The pound was built for use in a dog control program an nounced by City Manager M. W. Slankard. The city will Issue county dog licenses at the city hall for 80 per cent of the county's fee, and an employe 01 tne sewage plant will be designated as dog control officer with the responsibility of picking up dogs running at large, Dogs will be Impounded for a period of five days before they are disposed of, said Slankard. Owners of all licensed dogs ( picKed up win te notuied. 1 uwiiris ui (jugs inuRi pay a maintenance fee of 50 cents per day before their dogs are re - leased from the pound. Persons who wish to claim unlicensed dogs must pay the maintenance ree plus the regular dog license fee. These will be $2 for male dogs and spayed females, and $3 tor lemale dogs. Libert Naas, superinlendent of the sewage disposal plant, will be In direct charge of impound ing the dogs. A part time em. ploye of the plant will be charged with collecting the animals. Slankard said that a citv-owned panel truck, used by the building Inspector, will also be used by the dog control officer to trans port the animals he picks up. Earl Woodruff, 710 E. Douglas street, resigned Saturday as sew age plant assistant because he didn't want to add dog control to nis other duties. Peace Justice Powers Restricted On Sunday SALEM, Aug. 22. (P) Be cause Sunday is a legal holiday, a Justice of the peace may not accept a plea of guilty nor im pose a sentence on that day, but may transact Judicial business only within the powers of a mag istrate, Attorney General Neuner today advised Hugh C. Gearin, Curry county district attorney. "Failure of a defendant In a criminal action to interpose a timely objection to Judicial pro. ceedings on Sunday does not constitute a waiver of this objec tion," he further held. But, al though a sentence pronounced on a legal holiday is void, the bench warrant upon which he was ar rested holds and the subject may again he arraigned for Judgment on a Judicial day, the attorney general said. Shotgun Blast Kills Girl Witness In Rape Case JOHN DAY, Ore., Aug. 22. T Fourteen-year-old Helen Tennison, who had neen a wit ness In a rape case last week, died in her home Satuiday night of a shotgun wound. Sheriff Oliver Calhoun said the Tennison family had moved here from Burns, where the girl was chief prosecution witness In a rape arraignment. The accused man was held for the grand Jury. Grant county Coroner J. Carl Drlskell said the girl was alone in the house. Her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Klenard Tennison, and j younger brother had left to see a circus performance. The parents j found the girl and a .410 caliber ! shotgun at h"r side. HARRY LAUDER ILL STRATHAVEN, Scotland, Aug. 22. Sir Harry Lauder, the famed Scottish comedian, was re- 1 ported critically ill today at his : home near Stralhavrn. ! Sir Harrv celebrated his 79th Sir Harry celebrated his 79th I birthday Aug, 4. Shocks Felt From Alaska To Portland Store Windows, Water Mains, Power Lines Art Broken; Boats Loosed 'By th Associated Press) A sharp series of earthquakes rocke.. a wide area of the Pacific northwest last night for about five minutes. No major damage occurred and no casualties were reported. The violent shaking appeared to center in northern British Colum bia, primarily in the Skeena river valley, but tremors were felt throughout a wide area from Prince Rupert, B. C, east to Jas per, Aha., and from Petersburg, Alaska, south to Portland, Ore. Store windows were smashed and cars rolled crazily on streets at Prince Rupert and at Terrace, B. C, 90 miles east. A two-foot wave swept along the waterfront at Ketchikan, Alaska, moments after the shock. Dishes were knocked from shelves and pic tures from walls at Petersburg. Ten houseboats were torn from th?ir moorings in Seattle's Lake Union. Power lines and water mains were broken in some parts of the city. The Queen Charlotte Islands, 500 miles northwest of Vancouver, B. C, reported "the heaviest shocks in the lslai.J's history." Chimneys tumbled, buildings swayed and windows shattered. Homes rocked on foundations and some communications poles snapped. . At Portland, Ore., an amateur seismologist, F. William Geitz, re corded the primary shock at 9:04 p. m. As many as eight shocks were reported by the northern British Columbia communities. Panto Empties Theater William Baker, publisher of the Ketchikan Daily Chronicle, aid in a telephone interview that the gangplank oi the 5. s. Prince) George almost went out from un derneath him as he stepped from the ship. Theater patrons rushed from tne building in panic, but re turned shortly. Baker said the initial shock was followed five minute later by a lesser one. It was the first shock ever felt by the southeastern Alaska city, ac cording to longtime residents. . A Tacoma woman said the wa ter sloshed -from her. swimming (Continued on Page Two) Ladies, Vets Will s sse , , KA TAniflht 1 TL " w"'"- At Horse Races Tonight Is Ladies Night at the county fairgrounds! Tonight and Tuesday night all women will be admitted free of charge to the horse races, as guests of the Umpqua Jockey club, which Is presenting the meeting. Also guests of the club tonight will be approximately 70 disabled veterans from the veterans hos pital, who will watch the races from the box seats In the grand stand. The races start at a new post time tonight, and the rst of the meeting, 8:00 p. m., Instead of 7:30 p. m. Several extra events are sched uled in conjunction with the ra ces this week. The main one, of course. Is the Douglas County fair, the first in 37 years, which will be held three days this week, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. Resides the night horse racing there will be prize exhibits and a rodeo each afternoon. Tuesday night at the races a matched race between a thorough bred and a quarter horse over a quarter-mile course is scheduled, to end arguments currently rag ing around town over which Is the faster animal over a short course. Wednesday night the Rosebursj Marathon, a mile and a half-race, the longest of the meeting, will be run with thoroughbred horses to he named tomorrow. Saturday night's attendance of 5100 brought the total for the first four days of the meeting to 13.000 spectators. Drunken Driver Is Fined; Second Driver Accused Clarence Ray Mabley, 48, Rose burg, pleaded guilty in municipal court this morning to drunken driving, reported Judge Ira B. Riddle. Mabley was fined $100 and giv en a 30-day suspended sentence, In addition to having his oper ator's license suspended for one year. Police Chief Calvin H. Balrd reported today the arrest of Jack Bruce O'Hair. 29, Roseburg, cited Aug. 20 for driving under the influence of intoxicating liquor. O'Hair was lodged In the coun ty Jail, pending plea to th charge. Livlty Ft Rant By L F. Reizenstetn The court's upholding, ef new license fee and business tax in Portland will work a sever hardship on many ef its eitiiens. ' wn0 need surplus funds to buck I4L. w: j i. l,n" " r-r dot races. 1