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About The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 12, 1949)
1 Tlit Newa-IUvlew, Roseburg, Ore Frl., Aua. U, 1949g p DuiHig Cdf Mrs. Vera Linch Of Leona Passes Mn. Vert Els Llnch, 25, died at her home at Leona yesterday evening after a long illness. She was born April 21. 1924, and was married Nov. 9, 1947, to Ivan Q. Llnch at Vancouver, Wash. Surviving, besides the widower, are her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John H. Booher, Leona; two chil dren, Donald Ray and Linda Kay, and three sisters, Mrs. Eldon Powell, Mrs. Robert Sanders, and Mrs. Bernard Asker, all ol Drain. Mrs. Llnch was a member of the Presbyterian church. Her fu neral will be conducted by the Rev. Morris H. Roach, Roseburg, at the Drain Christian church Sunday at 2:30 p.m. Interment will take place at the Yoncalla cemetery. Arrangements are In care of Stearns mortuary, Oakland. Cops Fail, Doctor Wins In Effort To End Siege (Continued from Page One) RADIO "HAMS" TO MEET Amateur radio operators In terested in organizing a club will meet at the Naval Reserve ar morv at the fairgrounds at 7:30 tonight, It was announced by Ray Parslow. Persons who are not li censed, yet are interested in radio, are also Invited. Beltone For Better Hearing Good hearing is becoming more and more important not only in the business world but on social occa sions. Beltone is a recog nized leader in its field as thousands will verify. Why not ovoil yourself of this free clinic to prove to your self what octually can be ac complished? Mr. S. C. Mitchell of 305 I. 0. 0. F. Bldg., Eugene, a member of J N. Toft 4 As sociates of Portland - will hold a . . . ? , ; i Free Clinic AT THE " Umpqua Hotel Friday, August 19 Fresh Batteries For All Mokes the tear eas. A short time later, he offered to come out only if Dr. Chrus Reynolds, a Tacoma physician, was called. Dr. Reynolds arrived about 1:15 a, m. and within a few minutes had talked Davis Into putting on his clothes and going down to the county Jail with him. Reynolds said he presumed Davis asked for him because he had treated him three months aeo for a broken arm. Coroner Paul Mellinger said this morning that an autopsy will be performed to determine tne cause or Mrs. stones aeain. He said there is evidence she may have died of natural causes nrougnt on Dy too mucn party ing." Old Offender Sheriff Lee Croft said his rec ords show that Davis has been Jailed five times for assault. The first time was In June, l.JU, at Holmesburg, Penn., where he was booKed an a leionioua assault charge. On assault charges, he has served a total of 2 and one half years imprisonment, been pa roled twice and placed on pro: ballon once. The Jail terms were served In Holmesburg, Philadelphia, Wash ineton. D. C. Ridley Park. Penn.. and Chester, Penh. Davis is 5 feet 9 inches tall and weighs 197 pounds. His arm was broken three months ago when he scuffled with Tacoma police officers who attempted to arrest him for being drunk and disorderly. "Gone With Wind" Author Drunken Driver's Victim (Continued From Page One) right leg. Her face was badly oruisea Police charged the taxi driver 28-year-old Hugh D. Graven with drunken driving, speeding on the wrong side of the street. Her husband, victim of a heart ailment for several years, said he was about a step behind his wife. Otherwise he, too, would have been Injured. Mim Mitchell, 43, started out to be a newspaper feature writer and wound up Dy penning a novel that literally swept the world. "Gone With the Wind," her only book, has been translated Into a down foreign languages and has sold nearly 6,000,000 copies. Head, With Noted Record, To Retire Harry A. Butler, head of South ern Pacific' dining car depart ment In Oregon and six other western states, who has attend ed to the meal time wants of mil lions of the travelers in his 17 years with the railroad, has an nounced he will retire from ac tive service September 1. Butler climaxed his career by performing a near miracle of ca tering during the war years when Southern Pacific served more military meals than any other three railroads in the country. Many times, because of the short age of help, he had to recruit dining car crews from among ex perienced military passengers. Starting with the railroad as a clerk in 1902 and serving in Port land at various times, Butler roe to head the department whose employes number more than 2. 100 men and women, and whose dining cars travel more than 15 million miles a year. Since he be came manager in 1932. an esti mated 185 million meals have been served under his Jurisidc-tlon.- Butler has been responsible for originating Ideas which have be come standard practice on rail roads and in restaurants through out the nation, and even beyond its borders. In 1933 he originated "meals select." the Dractice of serving a complete meal for the price of the entree, oomewhat earlier he Introduced the now fa mous Southern Pacific salad bowl, and casserole, from either of which the passenger is privi leged to take all he can consume. In the White House is a rectie for baked trout requested by President Franklin Roosevelt, after the chief executive had re quested a repeat meal of Butler s creation, "III !. 1' if -'-. J i .. L. Police Department Gets New Motorcycle A three-wheeled Servt-Car motorcycle is scheduled for de livery to the police department, I Chief Calvin H. Balrd said today. I Delivery of the new cycle will be made by Joe's Harley-Davtdson, Roseburg. Chief Baird said the cycle will be radio-equipped in the near future. i The new three-wheeler has a turning radius of about eight feet 'and has a seven cubic feet capac ity Dooy constructed or auto steel, permitting of maximum load of 300 pounds. The clutch pedal op erates tha same as an automobile clutch. Tito Target Of New Soviet Denunciation (Continued From Page One) SPREE DRAWS JAIL Lilian Angeles Graham, 59, Roseburg, was committed to the County Jail In lieu of a $10 fine upon entering a plea of guilty to being drunk in a public place, Justice A. J. Geddcs reported today. CORRECTION An advertisement In yesterday's issue of the Newt-Review for Roseburg Refrigeration read "Estate .Range . . . 469.95." THIS SHOULD HAVE READ: "ESTATE RANGE . . . 369.95. FEED -FEED -FEED FEED QUALITY AND PRICES ARE RI0HT FREE FIELD SERVICE FOR FEED SEED OR REMEDIES PHONE OR CALL Roseburg Feed & Seed Co. DISTRIBUTORS H i Centennial Feeds and Centennial Flour Oak and Spruce Sts. , Phone 374 reports as attempted Intimida tion, but warned he was ready to fight any invader.) mperlallsm Bogey used Referring to the present na ture of Yugoslav-Russian rela tions, the Soviet note said: That certain strong ties bind the Yugoslav government or rhlef persons in the Yugoslav government with the camp of foreign capitalists. 'The Yugoslav government more and more is Joining up with Imperialistic circles (the west) against the U.S.S.R. and is in a bloc with them. 'That the Soviet government can no longer consider the Yugo slav government as an ally." The Russians published a let ter from Yugoslav Foreign Min ister KardelJ dated April 20, 1947, In which he offered variations of the minimum Yugoslav de mands on. Austria. In essence, these reduced Yugoslav's claims to a small piece of territory con taining two electric power sta tions. Blame Dodging Charge The Soviet note charged the Yugoslav government was afraid to bear the responsibility for sac rlflclnp national interests, but wanted Instead to have the Soviet Union play that role. Russia re fused to be cast as a "political swlndlci " the note said. Yugoslavia's communist gov ernment, which was intimately associated with the other com munist regimes of eastern Europe in the Immediate postwar period, was expelled from the Moscow directed Comlnform (Communist International Information bu reau) a little more than a year ago. The Kremlin accused Tito and his followers of nationalistic deviations from orthodox com munism. Russia and the countries in her sphere then put an economic squeeze on Yugoslavia. Fire Leaves Only Bank In Little Montana Town JUDITH GAP. Mont.. Aug. 12 (.It Fire early Thursday de stroyed all buildings In this little central Montana town's business Hlstrirt. except for a bank. Flames swept through six buildings, valued at about $75,-000. SHOW IT TO YOURSELF! Have you ever had the desire to browse around an emptv home without our "sales talk" ringing In your ears? Then drive up to the'lovely home at 380 Terrace Avenue iturn right at the end of the pavement off East I-anel anv time this week. The doors will be open from 9 a. m. to 8:30 p. m. There wiil be no one there to show It to you. Stay 15 minutes or all day If you want to see how it woi.i feel to live there. There are two berirooms plus room In the full basement for you to plan with. There are also two fireplaces and a living and dining room. But. see it for yourself. The owner wants $14,750. though he realizes he probably won't get ihat much and he must sell immediately! When vou have seen It. call us and tell us what you'll give for it. You can prac tlaclly name your own terms. Immediate Possession Payments Less Than Rent for Many Apartments ROSEBURG REALTY & INSURANCE CO. , Umpqua Hotel Lobby Realtors WINNER Competing aqainst some 1,000 other top California-designed styles is this dra matic black velveteen skirt with its appliqued flower trim on the pocket. The skirt was given a Gold Medal award in the Cali fornia Stat Fair's competition. Winning styles will be present ed at a fashion show in the out door theater during the state fair, Sept. I-II at Sacramento. IAP Wirephotol W. Roseburg Annexation Proposal Is Revived (Continued on Page Two) Deep Freezer Gifts Enter 5 Percenter Quiz (Continued From Page One) Deerlng Millikin Research Trust, of Greewich, Conn., had been referred to Hunt as a man who could help him get some research contracts for the trust. Hanagan said that in the fall of 1948 Armitage met with Hunt in Washington and was given a list of names which Hunt said he should check as references. These Included: Steelman. Mat. Gen. Herman Feldman, then deputy quarter master general; iviaj. lien. Alden H. Waitt, chief of the armv chemical corps; Stuart Syming ton, secretary of air; Eugene Zuckert, assistant secretary for air; senaior styles Bridges (K. N. H.), Col. Paul Young, vice president of Air Craft Engine and Parts Corp., and a number of others. Flanagan said Armitage con tacted several of these including Steelman and that Armitage had made a notation that Steelman said Hunt was "O. K." A similar nod of approval, Flanagan said, was noted as com ing from Zukert Money Increase Given Milk Administration PORTLAND, Aug. 12 -OP)-The milk control administration got an $18,150 increase in funds for the current biennium at a meeting here yesterdav. The State Board of Agriculture granted the increase at the re quest of Thomas L. Ohlsen, mlik control administrator. The sum Included $6,000 for purchase of six automobiles from the Agri culture department. Chairman Freck Cockell. Mil waukie. reported that Agriculture Director E. L. Peterson was .-e-moving himself completely from administration of milk control. Peterson asked to be excused from his normal duties as secre tary of the agriculture board when milk control matters are discussed. Two Bandits Sought In Washington-Canada Area OSOYOOS, & C, Aug. 12 (CP I Two armed men are be ing sought by B. C. provincial police and U. S. immigration pa trols through the terrain lying in the southern Interior of the prov ince and the border area of Wash ington state. The men Wednesday held tip traveling salesman, faking $300 and his car, and are believed to be American cattle rustlers. A bicycling craze In the ISOOs brought a demand for better roads. committee said they realize the importance of constructing sewer lines In West Roseburg, but thev feel this may be accomplished more auicklv and at Imi fnmt ht, tuiniiiK inio ine cuy. It was also pointed out that the state returns approximately 37.25 tier twruin tn rho in the form of liquor and gasoline tax revenues. An additional rev enue estimated at $10,000 a year wuum De ooiainea lor tne city In this manner by annexing th? large suburban area population. The annexation committee in cludes, besides Feldkamp, Edward M. Murphy, Paul Davis, R. C. Gile, W. C. Carr, Keith Bryant, Sam K. McGaughey, W. H. "Doc" Carter and Mrs. E. W. Carter. Those who attended an Initial meeting last week to discuss an nexation included Paul Abeel, Carlo A. Falgant, J. W. Williams, Feldkamp, Murphy and Bollman. Juke Box Music Routs Thief; He Leaves Watch SEATTLE, Aug. 12 JPt The "Beer Barrel Polka" routed a burglar from a Sammamish dance resort Wednesday night A juke box served as a musical burglar alarm. The prowler set off the music box while trying to get the mon ey out of It. Neighbors, awakened by the strident strains, called sheriff's officers. They founu a wrist watch on the piano. Officers said it was the burglar's left behind in his hurried departure. CITY COURT CASES Judge Ira B. Riddle reported the disposition of the following mu nicipal court cases today: Walter L. Johnson, 43, trans lent, and Wallace A. Sarty, 35, transient, both received $20 fines on vagrancy charges. The fines were suspended on condition the men leave town. John Henry Smith. 62. Rose burg. guilty to being drunk on a puonc street. DisDosltion of the case Is pending. waiter Christian Jensen, 37, Roseburg, charged with vagrancy. Disposition of the case Is pending. f . POLIO PATIENT DIES EVERETT. Aug. 12 f.V) Sno homish county's sixth infantile paralysis victim this vear dlxl yesterday. He was Fred Clarke, 24.- jrJrl HAPPENED I f TO HOME? IT'S worth more today than ever before. And that's dangerous! Dangerous be cause that new high value calls for MORE insurance protection. You can lose plenty, if YOUR UNDER INSURED! Play safe! Make certain now that you're insured adequately! R. O. YOUNG Phone 417 205 W. Cass St. Roseburg . i -1, As Refreshing as Bohemian " Bohemian Club cjfj E x o r t L r e r B e e r Western Distributing Co., Phone 1294-L Funeral Services Set For Logging Accident Victim Funeral services were an nounced today for Jesper B. Lambert, who was killed Tues day in a logging accident at the K. K. Jones sawmill, about 18 miles east of Myrtle Creek. Lam bert w.i struck by a falling snag as he fought a brush fire. . Serpices will be held at 11 a.m. Saturday in the Chapel of the Roses, at the Roseburg Funeral home, with the Rev. Morris H. Roach officiating. Interment will take place In the Masonic cem etery. Lambert was born Feb. 5, 1918, at Pittsburgh, Okla., and resided in Oregon 14 years. Surviving are his father, Joe C. Lambert, Myrtle Creek; a brother, Alvin Lambert, Chino, Calif.; two sis ters. Mrs. Trixie J. McLeod, Chi no, Calit., and Mrs. Dixie Dun ham, Stuttgart, Ark. Graveside Services For Hammond Infant Held Graveside services were held this morning for David Allan Hammond. Infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Fay Hammond, 1015 W. 1st street, who died yesterday after a brief illness. tntprmpnt took olace at the Mainnir remeterv. with the Rev. Ray Kleinfeld officiating. Ar rangements were by the Roseburg Funeral home. The Weather U. S. Weather Bureau Office Roseburg, Oregon Mostly cleudy today, tonight and Saturday. Highest temp, for any Aug.- 10 Lowest temp, for any Aug. 39 Highest temp, yesterday 7S Lowest temp, last 24 hr... 98 Precipitation last 24 hrs.. 0 Precipitation sine Sept. 1 274 Precipitation since Aug. 1 T Deficiency since Aug. 1 .03 The Chinese have special fans for spring, summer and' autumn. North Douglas County Residents: As newly appointed representative for . RAWLEIGH HEALTH PRODUCTS for this district, I earnestly solicit your patron age and I will be calling on you in the near future. HUGH C. GIVEN 324 E. 2nd Ave. N. Roseburg ttmomwe. q Tortus 0 1 l.. ; I SPECIAL VAlUBKmtemmZ , fathionabh Kroehler erection . . . , 7i fa In fin durable Tapestries In thick-pile Mohair Frieze $1590 ' luxurious large pattern moder Boucle's $790 LIBERAL TERMS! The Smashing Sale You Read About In LIFE and the SATURDAY EVENING POST! Only the dose cooperation of dealers all over the country with the famous Kroehler Mfg. Co. could ever have made this sale possible! Now that it's here, you have to set the glorious styles and colors and fabrics to appreciate the magnificent values! 111 North Jackson Just Phone PERSONALIZED SERVICE FOR THE HOME v