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About The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 12, 1949)
U. Of 0. Library Eugene, Oregon Comj3 , ( WHO DOES WHAT I JOE SENDELIACH, Idleyld Park resort owner, stands beside a sign which he has just erected on the highway north of town at Club 99 with materials and fundi subscribed for the purpose Dy neighboring North Umpqua resort proprietors and well wishers. Those joining in the effort were Circle H Lodge, Mack's Place, Idleyld Park Store and Cabins, Idleyld Park Resort, Johnnies', Royal Coachman Cafe, Red Barn, R. L. Welborne, Denn Whole sale company, Brookside Market, Dale's Cafe and Harris Garage. The lumber was donated by Sid Comfort of the Douglas Lumber company. ' The sign is 1 3x2 1 feet dimension and another just like it is being erected on the Pacific highway south of Roseburg. DRUNKEN DRIVER'S VICTIM "Gone With Wind" Author Near Death From Blow; Husband Has Close Call ATLANTA, Aug. 12. UP) Margaret Mitchell, the little southern lady who made the high courage of a lost cause Into "Gone With the Wind," was nearly killed last night by a speeding car. In the Day's Hews By FRANK JENKINS HERBERT HOOVER, our only living ex-President, is 75. Trib utes from aU over the world pour ed In on him. Two states ARKANSAS and MARYLAND, which' are certainly not rock ribbed Republican strongholds proclaimed August 10 this year as "Hoover Day." Governor Warren of California issued a proclamation in which he said: "Few men anywhere have lived more useful Hves,-and none has lived his life with greater devotion, either at home or abroad." NO man has been worse smeared than Hoover, but, as you see, he has lived through it and has gained the respect of people everywhere. Among other things, he has stuck to his convictions one of which is that in this world we have to work for what we get. Nil KW ARENA BONNE III Is a tribal chieftain in British West Africa's Gold Coast. He arrived In London the other night from Accra, his capital, where he main tains a 56-room capital. One of the first things he heard of was (Continued on Page Four) Logging Mishap Kills Bridegroom Of 22 NEWBERG, Aug. 12. (IP) James Thomas Montague. 22-year-old bridegroom, was killed yesterday in a logging accident. The recently-married New berg man was felling a tree with his father on Parret mountain near here when the tree struck a snag and crashed back on Montague. RENT CONTROL AT ISSUE ALBANY, Aug. 12. (P The ''Albany city council was consider ' ing today whether to recommend removal of rent controls. A petition asking decontrol was presented to the council, but opposed by other local groups. NO SWIM POOL HAZARD Los Angeles Gas Mishap Can't Be Repeated Here. City Manager Points Out There's no danger of the same thing happening here as happened at an outdoor swimming pool in Los Angeles recently, where a clogged chlorine gas line used for purifying water suddenly gushed more gas than the water could absorb, filling the air with noxious fumes. I Twenty-four people were over- been Inserted in the water, come there as a result, and sent Chlorine entering the Roseburg to hospials. 10 of them in ser-J pool mjXed Into the water flow lous condition, the Associated ing through the filter system. Press reported. I The filtered water and chlorine City Manager M. W. Slankard 'hen enter the pool at 24 dif said he had been receiving nu-, ferent places around the pool merous telephone calls and let- walls. te--s on the matter, and today Chlorine gas, as was used at released this explanation of the the Los. Angeles pool, usually en purifying system used at the.ters the water directly and, said Roseburg municipal swimming SiankaM. if back up pressure pool. occurs, it can cause considerable The Roseburg pool uses a liquid discomfort to persons using the chlorinetor pump. If the pump P00'- became clogged or shot a large j If the chlorine line clogged at charge of chlorine Into the filter the Roseburg pool, he explained, system, it would be diluted to only a small amount of chlorine such an extent before entering : liquid could enter the water as the pool, that no one would be I there is a needle valve to reg aware that an added amount had ulate the flow at all time. b7p-Tj (A s Police said the quiet, middle- aged author of the fabulous ro mance of the war between the states was knocked to the pave ment by a drunken taxi-driver and dragged 15 feet. She was taken to city hospital where physicians and nurses said she was too gravely hurt to be moved even for X-rays. She was placed under an oxy gen tent and was given a blood transfusion early today, after her blood pressure fell. Attendants said she responded satisfactorily. Hospital attendants ma'de it plain that Miss Mitchell would need a stout heart as stout as the one she gave Scarlett O'Hara to pull through. Miss Mitchell In private life she's Mrs. John Marsh received a possible skull fracture, Internal injuries, and an injury to her (Continued on Page Two) Hawaii Plans To Outlaw Unions' Dock Interference HONOLULU, Aug. 12. i&y Hawaii' senate today worked on a bill that would outlaw union interference with government op eration of docks crippled by a 104-day strike. The attorney general's office offered amendment clearing up constitutionality of the prosposed law. If it passes the Senate it will be sent to the territorial House of Representatives. Under the proposed law, strikes and picketing against the gov ernment would be outlawed. The bill is the outgrowth of costly CIO International Long shoremen's and Warehousemen's union strike in the islands. The union seeks a pay hike from $1.40 an hour to $1.72 an hour. The legislature earlier author ized the governor to seize the struck dock for government op eration. The proposed law would ban secondary boycotts and union "hot cargo" action against gov ernment operations. The 2.000 striking union mem bers are expected to '.est th? validity of the law. If it is passed, in an early court action. Territorial Governor Stainback has ordered the seizure of facili ties of seven struck stevedoring companies. The Islands govern ment is now employing men to work ships expected here from the gulf coast. West Th Weather Mostly cloudy today, tonight and Saturday. Suacet today 7 JO p. m. Sunrise tomorraw 5:14 a. ns Established 1873 Deep Freezer Gifts Enter 5 MrsJruman Is Named As One Recipient Chief Justice Vinson Among Others On List; Vaughan May Testify By MARVIN L. ARROWSMITH WASHINGTON, Aug. U.-4JP) A report that Mrs. Harry S. Tru man was among notables who received deep freezers from a concern figuring tn the Senat's "five percenter' inquiry today brought this reply from presiden tial Secretary Charles G. Ross: "I have no information what ever about that." Ross was told a news story named Mrs. Truman, along with Chief Justice Vinson, Secretary of the Treasury Snyder, James K. Vardaman, Federal Reserve board governor, and George E. Allen, former RFC member and presidential intimate also re ceived deep freeze units. "I know nothine whatever about that, either,' Ross said when the other names were men tioned. Vinson left a White House cab inet meetine a few minutes later and told reporters that since the senate investigation committee is making an inquiry, "I believe 1 prefer that the matter be de veloped by the committee." I feel I ought not to make anv statement," the chief Justice said. in iNew xorK, Allen flatly de nied he ever received a deep freezer, or even know the name of the concern. I certainly never got one." he said and then quipped, "but I wish I had one now in the middle of this heat wave I'd climb right into it." Senator Explodes The matter of the deep freeze units entered the hearing yester day when a Milwaukee business- fman testified that he shipped one in 1945 to Maj. Gen. Harry H. Vaughan, President Truman's army aide. Mr. Truman told his news con ference later in the day that nothing brought out at the in quiry so far had changed his opinion of Vaughan in the slight est. Well. I'll be damned, was the first reaction of Senator Mc Carthy (R.-Wis.), a member of the investigating group. When today s hearing resumed, McCarthy followed up that com ment with a formal demand tnat Vaughan be called for question ing. McCarthy based his demand chiefly, however, on Vaughan's reported efforts In connection with a race track construction case rather than the deep freeze matter. The name of another Truman aide Presidential Assistant John R. Steelman entered the investi gation today. ine senate committee is iook- ing into the question of whether improper influence has figured in the awarding of government contracts and the administration of federal regulations. The inquiry was toucneo on Dy reports that James V. Hunt, a former army oincer and war as sets administration consultant, had boasted of - friendship with Vaughan and other officials in promising to help land govern ment contracts for a fee. Influence? See Hunt Steelman's name came out in this way: A committee Investigating took the stand and said Dr. Norman Armitage vice president of the (Continued on Page Two) Woman's Dressing Time Issue In Jobless Pay ASTORIA. Aug. The State Unemployment commission probably never expected anytning this, but it's got to decide huv long a woman should spend getting dressed. The case involves Mrs. Dent Burns, who was fired by the Columbia River Packers associa tion cannery and went to get Job less benefits. The cannery had given her an hour and half notice to report to work. That, said Mrs. Burns, wasn't enough time to dress and pet to the Job. Certainly It was, said the can nery, and Mrs. Burns Isn't en titled to Jobless benefits. Commission referee Warren Stephens listened to the argu ments here: said a decision would be announced later. Teamsters' Strike Draws Conciliators PORTLAND. Aug. 12.-(JP) Two federal conciliators took up the attempt today to settle a con trait deadlock betwee- AFL team sters and wholesale grocery and proouce employer. The central issue is the length of the contract. The employers offered a 5-cent pay boost after Aug. 1 jnd an additional 2i cents mi Feb. 1 on a two-year contract. The teamsters wsnt a oneyetr pact Roseburg Annexation HILARITY VS. "DUD" G. O. P. Suffers In Comparison Of Party Feasts WASHINGTON, Aug. 12.-.T Rep. Cotton (R. N.H.) thinks the country would be better off If the democrats were "a little less slap-happy" and the republi cans "a little more alive. He said so in a letter to his constituents. To Illustrate what he meant, he described two Washington functions he attended. One wsss a party given by Rep. Boykin (D. Ala.) honoring House Soeak- er Rayburn (D.-Tex.l. The other was a Republican National com mittee dinner to start the 1930 political campaign. Cotton said the party for Rav burn was a "sumptuous affair" but "I couldn't help but feel that a little less hilarity and a little more dignity" were called for. Of the GOP "kick-off dinner, he said: "They were certainly solemn enough. In fact they had all the ouoyant entnusiasm and confi dence that Lebanon (N.H.) high school would have in kicking off against Notre Dame. "For the main speaker they resurrected Will Havs. chairman of the party in 1920, who droned on about the good old davs. "At about 10:30 we dried our tears and went home." American-Aided Britons Purchase Russian Lumber WASHINGTON. An 19sn A report that the British had boutrht worth nf i. ber in the Soviet Union prompt- rxr. iK-ure) yester day to ask an Investigation by the economic cooperation administra tion. NJnfkTnrf mba ...U1t 1 -. . . . . . ... imouo puuui; ft It'll er. to Paul G. Hoffman, Ihe ECA neao. said: "In View Of th fact that Ih. British economy Is being sub stantially supported by ECA American taxpayers' funds (as is evidenced by our current annual expenditures of Sl.300monm in that country) this purchase is certainly contrary to the intent of Congress in approving the re- rtwprv nrniiram ' ' 1 " The congressman asked Hoff man to determine the facts of the case so that in the future ECA money "will not be used directly or indirectly tn assist th Soviet" 'As you may know." Norblad wrote, "there are excess stocks of lumber In this country, and manv of our mill. In tha p. cific northwest have shut down ior lacK of business. "Certainly the V.CA ua nnt aDDroved bv Cnnpres fnr th purpose of sending funds to bene- unary nations to expend the Soviet rather it was to rebuild and strengthen those countries as a flllwarlr apainet nnacihlA Soviet aggression." Committee 9-2 For Confirming Tom Clark WASHINGTON, Aug. 12. (IP) The Senate Judiciary committee today recommended confirmation of Attorney General Tom C. Clark to be an associate Justice of the supreme court The vote was 9 to 2. The committee also recommen ded 9 to 0 the confirmation of Senator J. Howard McGrath (D. R.I.) to be attorney general, succeeding Clark. Chairman McCarren (D.-Nev.) later told reporters that Senators Donnel (R.-Mo.) and Ferguson (R.Mich.) opposed confirmation of Clark. Both democratic and republi can leaders say the senate will confirm Clark to succeed the late Frank Murphy on the high court. Actress Angela Lansbury, Peter Shaw Wed In London LONDON, Aug. 12-UB Film actress Angela Lansburv and Hol lywood set designer Peter Shaw were married in the Chapel of St. Columba's cnurch today. The ceremony was performed by Dr. F. R. U. Scott of the Church of Scotland, Minister St. Columba's, in the Arty Chelsea borough of London. Angela. 23-year-old dajgl.ter of actress Moyna MacGill, wore the wedding dress she brought with her from Hollywood old rose taf feta and chantilly lace. She wore a headdress of or ange blossoms and roses. Constable, Deputy Sheriff Jobs Must Be Apart, Ruling SALEM. Aug. 12 (-Offices of constable and deputy sheriff are lucrative public offices within the meaning of the Oregon con stitution and, therefore, one in dividual may not hold both at the same time even thcugn both be on a part time basis, attorney General George Neuner has ad vised Benton county District At torney Robert Mix. ROSEBURG, OREGON FRIDAY, AUG. Tito Target Of Another Soviet Swat Note This Time Brands Him "Enemy"; Austrian Issue Cause Of Dispute By EDDIE GILMORE MOSCOW. Aug. 12.-CP) Soviet Russia denounced the Yugoslav government today as an enemy of the Soviet Union and charged that Premier Mar shal Tito's regime more and more is throwing in Its lot with the west. This sweeping Soviet attack, made public by the Moscow radio was contained In a Russian note to Yugoslavia. The note stated that Tito's re gime as early as April, 1947, had been willing to abandon its basic claims tor Austrian territory as compensation for war losses, but wished tu shift the responsibility for the decision to the Soviet government. The note was the fourth In a series of bitter diplomatic ex changes Between Moscow and Bel grade over what the Yugoslavs regarded as Russia's abandonment of Yugoslav territorial claims at the recent Big Four foreign min isters conference in Paris. (Although Tito and the Krem lin have been at odds for more than a year, the note marked the first time that Russia had used the term "enemy" in referring to the Yugoslav government. (Diplomatic observers in Lon don wonoered whether this latest outbreak of name calling signal ed a sharper Soviet policy against the Tito government. (Last week Tito alerted his troops in Yugoslav Macedonia, be tween communist Bulgaria and Albania, and said his Soviet-do. Inatnd neighbors were spreading rumors dTa possible Rod arrrty invasion there. 1 he Yugoslav leader was quoted by his official news agency as dismissing the (Continued on Page Two) Accused Negro Speeded To State Penitentiary GRAY COURT, S. C, Aug. 12. (tP A wiry little Negro wanted In connection with an attempted rape of a white girl was appre hended today and speeded to the state peniteniary a Columbia. 1 he Negro, object ol a wide man hunt near here for the last two days, was seized in a wooded area between this Laurens county farm town and Greenwood, 50 miles south of here. He is Willie Junior Tolbert, 25. The capture occurred so swiftly that few persons knew about it until the Negro was well on the way to Columbia. A mere hand ful of officers were patrolling the search area when he was taken. Bill Directs VA To Renew Hospital Program WASHINGTON, Aug. 12.-(P) Legislation to direct the Vet erans administration to go ahead with construction of 24 hospital projects has been introduced by Rep. Rankin (D.-Miss.). The measure would reinstate a 16.000-bed program canceled by President Truman when he sent his budget to Congress in January. The projects include: A 200-ned hospital: General Medical, Klamath Falls, Ore. COPS FAIL, DOCTOR WINS Quiet Talk Brings Man From Wild Siege After Gas Fails To Budge Him STEILACOOM, Wash., Aug. 12. (JP The quiet, persuasive voice of a Tacoma doctor early today talked a rampaging steelworker out of a house In which a woman had died possibly violently. Fourteen peace officers using tear gas and billy clubs had failed in a three-hour effort to bring him out. The steelworker was John Davis, 43, and the dead woman was identified tentatively as Mrs. Arleen Stone, 47, both of Tacoma. Davis was being held In the Pierce county Jail early today, officer said his condition pro hibited Immediate questioning. Coroner Paul Melllnger said the woman had been brutally mu tilated. Davis' wife told officers this story: Her husband and the woman came to the Davis house, an un- finished residence on a sideroad at l p. m. last nignt. noin were intoxicated. Davis ordered his wife from the house. Watching from a window, Mrs. Davis said she then saw1 the couple "tie on a first rate bingle" ! until the woman appeared to ; pass out on a bed. wnen Mrs. Mone negan to bleed violently from Davis' In timacies, Mrs. Davis said she called the sheriff's office. Deputy Sheriffs Cliff Tolson 12, 1949 Percenter Probe Gen, Omar N. Bradley Named By President Truman As Head Of The Joint Chiefs Of Staff WASHINGTON, Aug. 1 1. (API President Truman- yesf.r dy nominated Can. Omar N. Bradley for promotion to chair man of tha joint chiefs of staff. This would main Bradley tha -.1! L!L..i ! if ' ninsn nignvT refining military ine rresiaem said ne was not ready to announce a successor'to Bradley as army chief of staff. He made public a letter to Gen. Dwlght D, Eisenhower thanking him for serving tem porarily as presiding officer of the Joint chiefs of staff pending enactment of the new unifica tion law. The President told Elsenhower he had "responded like the good soldier you are." He also said he appreciated not only what Eisenhower has done but "all that you will do in the future as a consultant and advisor." Mr. Truman also announced that he will nominate Admiral I,ouis Den Meld for another two- vear term as chief ol naval oper ations. Bradley. 56, the "GI's general" succeeded Elsenhower as army hief of staff last year after having served nearly three year as Veterans administrator. The war in Europe had been over only three months when Mr. Truman called upon Brad ley to take over the VA post. During tne war, he was a corps commander In North Africa and later In Sicily. Then he took the First army across the-Normandy beachhead and when the war ended in Germany he was ir. command of the 12th U. S. Army group tne largest body ol Amer ican soldiers ever to serve under a single field commander. Fire Wrecks Pool Hall; Parrot Screeches Alarm BAKER, Aug. 12 UP) Fire dis covered by a parrot raged through the Circle K Pool hall in the little town of Haines, about 11 miles west of Baker, in the middle of the night last night, wrecked the building and dam aged two neighbor buildings to the extent of $25,000. The parrot, "Polly," had been left in the establishment when Bee Hawks went upstairs for the night. She reported that she heard the bird fussing, investi gated with a gun thinking first of prowlers and discovered the fire. By that time the flames had enveloped the upstairs apartment and Miss Hawks escaped in ner nightdress holding the gun and the parrot cage, M'Arthur Declines Bid To Testify On Arms Bill TOKYO, Aug. 12. (Gener al MacArthur today declined a Senate invitation to return to Washington and testify on th? foreign arms aid bill. The occupation commander In a statement gave these two main reasons: 1. He's needed In Tokyo "dur ing this moment of critical events in the far east." 2. The testimony wanted from him concerns China, "which has never been within the area of my command responsibility." On top of that, MacArthur said that "my specific views with respect to the strategic potentiali ties of the area embracing mv Far East command are fully on file with the department of the army." and Russell Wall attempted to enter the house but were greet ed by a barrage of beer bottles, Iron bars, bricks and various kitchen utensils. Five tear gas shells fired into the house had no effect. Officers Held at Bay Finally after a sharp scuffle the denutles managed to remov the woman's body outside, but were unable to subdue Davis who threatened them with a long iron bar. Five carloads of officers ar rived at this time and Davis bar ricaded himself within the house, shouting obscenities and daring "you S. O. B.'s" to come In. Throughout It all, Davie ap peared amazingly unaffected by (Continued on Page Two) 189-49 OTTIcer, GEN. OMAR N. BRADLEY Advancee to highest rank. Depression Could Follow Steel Pay Boost, Warning By JOE HALL NEW YORK, Aug. 12.-UP) The chairman of the American Management association told pre sidential lact-tinders today that II steelworkers win their pav demands it could plunge the U. S. Into a depression. John M. Hancock, appearing In oenau oi ine steel industry, said that any wage Increases granted tne C1U united Steelworkers is likely to "go through the whole economy ' and would lead - to a national pattern of another round of wage Increases." He said "the issue facing the country and this board is: does America want more Inflation? Can America stand more Infla tion?" If the economy proceeds alonu lines that "will surely cause In flation," Hancock said it would mean "the end of our kind of economy." It means a dteeu sed devalua tion of the currency even if It does not reach the point of creat ing a fear of the value of all money the ultimate result." Philip Murray, president of the steelworks and the CIO, arose and commented: 'Inasmuch as Mr. Hancock's speech is not to be entered as an industry exhibit, I move that it be Identified as Wall street exhibit No. one." The board took no action o.. Murray's proposal. me three-man fact findlnz board before which he appeared was set up by the president to avert a general steelworkers strike last July 16. Its recom mendations, which must be sub mitted to the president by Aue. 30, will not be binding on either side. Last week, the union, In pre senting Its side of the case told the board it wanted a 30 cents an hour "package" Increase. This would include a 12 '4 cent wage boost plus social insurance and pensions. Bomb Wrecks Auto Of U. S. Embassy Official PRAGUE, Czechoslovakia. Aug. 12. JP An American embassy official here reported that a home made-bomb had wrecked his auto mobile early today. Ihe olilclal was Capt. John Chllils, assistant air attache at the embassy, whose home is Lewiston, Me. He said the automobile was un occupied and parked In front of his house at the time of the ex plosio . Nobody was injured but windows of buildings in the vicin ity were shattered by the blast. Suit Over Reedsport Area Crossing Is Dismissed SALEM, Aug. 12.-P Hold ing that the Slate Hoghwav com mission and the Public Utilities commission are both part of the state government organization and cannot sue one another with out consent, Marion county Cir cuit Juilte George Duncan had today dismissed on demurrer a suit brought hy the highway body. Involved was a railroad crossing In the Reedsport area. Woman Fined $150 On Drunken Driving Charge Helen Mae Isakson. 36. Rose burg, received a fine of $150 and a 30-day Jail sentence when she appeared In Justice court today on a drunker driving charge, accord ing to Justice A. J. Geddes. Twenty days of her sentence were suspended. si Sought Plan Revived At Meeting Of Residents Petitions To Circulate; Hearing On Separate Sanitary Plan Dated Another move to annex the West Roseburg area to the city was launched last night, follow. Ing the meeting of an interested group of persons at the Free Methodist church. The annexation committee, headed by O. J. Feldkamp, has no connection with another group which seeks the formation of a sanitary district in West Rose burg, It was explained. Petitions asking the Roseburg city council to set the date for an annexation election will start circulating within a week. At the same time, the committee is mak ing plans to distribute pamph lets explaining the advantages of coming into the city and Inviting questions about present and fu ture property taxes In the area. City recorder William D. Boll man said that if sufficient signa tures on the petitions are ob tained the city council may date eparate elections in West Rose urg and other suburban areas seeking annexation. If suburban residents express a desire to come into the city, then an election may be called In Roseburg to accept such areas. Besides West Roseburg, other areas considering annexation are Millers addition and East Rose burg. Another Election Asked An unofficial sanitary commit tee representing West Roseburg last Friday asked the county court to call an election to form a sanitary district The court set a public hearing ior 10 a. m. Aug. 31. At that time, any objections to forming a sanitary district may be voiced. If there are no reason able objections, then the court will establish the proposed boun daries and call an election. The West Roseburg sanitary committee Is headed by Al Brown. He said that forming a district was found to be "feas ible" in a recent survey by James C. Howland, consulting engineer of Corvallis. That is, property valuations would support the cost ol sewage Installations. It West Roseburg voted to form a sanitary district, It would seek to cooperate with the North Roseburg district In use ot a projected - sewage treatment plant, said Rowe. The proposed plant may be located on the Rose burg Veterans hispltal grounds, More Revenue Foreseen Members of the annexation (Continued on Page Two) Allies Squelch Campaign Elast Of German Foes FRANKFURT. Germany. Aug. 12. UP) The western allies cracked down today on both com munists and resurgent national ists In western Germany's fed eral election campaign. Ihe u. s. military government civil division In Berlin banned a German communist election pamphlet depicting an American army sergeant as a black market eer. British officials in Duesseldorf seized 500,000 copies of a com munist leaflet signed oy seven former nazl b. b. (tllte guard) men. It told Germans to vote for those who work for Ger many's freedom In building a na tional front and attacked the west's administration of Germany as colonial rule. An American military pnvern. ment spokesman lashed out last night at the "pronounced nation alism" displayed in the cam paign. He warned that opinion abroad would not overlook "the sudden forget fulness" by Ger man politicians of American help. The anti-allied campaigning went on unabated, however. Scattered violent Incidents are marking the campaign, which winds up Sunday. Some 31,000, 000 voters are expected to go to the polls that day to choose a west German parliament. In the election, west Germans choose a 400-member parllamnet Ior an 11-state republic In the U. S.. British and French zones. This parliament then will name a president and a prime minister (chancellor I who will organize the government Collision With Train Fatal To Motorist THE DALLES. Aug. 12.- James Harry Mck'ee. whose auto mobile was tossed 80 feet in a collision with a train, died in hospital here yesterday. . His widow, also injured tn the collision Wednesday night, is ex pected to recover. McKee, 37, was a cafe operator here. Lvity Fact Rant By L F. Reizensteln President Truman toys his opinion of Maj. Gen. Harry H. Vaughan, his army aid, has not been changed by testimony brought out in a senate com mittee investigation of five per centers. The general public's opinion probably has not boon changed either.