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About Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 8, 1920)
iilTEVENS SAYS f SHE HAD HER DOUBTS Never Recover. I ,, . hua restored my "I had tried o many different f ..TSe way Tanlac nu I treatmen,s Bnd medicines, and had itli ii i"'l,l " riv to'tell every- peut bo much money wlllmut Betttnn ?.d h upr,u"' nd medicine." relief, that I had by doubta aboui Ldr about s 0r 3920 ever finding anything to help me. I Hid Mrs. a. . J jg An-I read about Tanlac In the papers and ttb Harvard Bounaru. (dwlded to try It myself. I am now Cal'. . ,.n v,ars my stomach feeling Just a new woman. I started . f or at leasl J BeVeral improving with the Orst few dose tad troubled ' . beeI1 poor. i Bd now I can eat anything I want rar uiy "''u ' "from indigestion . without even a sign of Indigestion or uffered ''"'.,'.,.,, o( f0ds would trouble with my stomach. I sleep ,d fifn the I'M un iiiy R1()lllarh, . llke a chlld every night and feel tine save fas "' pri8ll up ai the time. That worn out feeling ,hicn . caU9e guch a has left nie and I have been built up breath I could hardly until m H"""1? , weak and ner- ure. T .... mp go 1 COUIUII ei ? , ,;. I just had that tired - nut feeling a the time. I iosi irt n every, hing and for days J me was unable to do my house-rk niv housework is now a pleas I ureuiu - I K . w . . I her-ime so weak ana ner- ure. iuuiuu uun vn " ! . il.e l.'asl ll'lle noise would blessing to me and I will always tons tnai u .'!,!. eet a good praise and recommeend It to every one." Tanlac Is sold In Roseburg by W. F. Chapman: In Hlxonvllle by Thos. Halfield and by leading druggists everywhere. ff is si:hm us "Tin: UIIHKHKK HM" AT KK- V1VAI. IN "" AKMOIIY. ! Jrry Je'er struck twelve last night h bia wrmon In the old armory, on U,h ' Withered Hand." He said in part: (A withered hand Is no better than .dead hand: there Is nothing you a do with it. You may be the iwatut genius the world ever saw, m If vour hands are withered you (nuld in' greatly handicapped In the upresslon of that genius. Most Ihmirs yeu see are the expression of bought, but if we had our hands to lurm and shape that thought, the world would never know what was In our minds. Thousands of things man would li!:e to do, but he could not take bold of any of them. ImportAiico of the Kami, "The hand Is the most useful mem ber of the human body. No matter what you -bid it do, It will do It. whether you tell it to do right or wrong. Your hand will double up into a war club and strike your best friend or grasp another hand In a friendly 'how-do-you-do?' If yon tell It to do it. it will hold the pistol or the knife to slay the best friend In the world. It will rock the cradle of a sleeping babe. The ship on which Columbus sailed and found a new world was built by the hand. It 17 S?sirWJ Da M flj Ik'l 1.1 rr 1 . ,1 - For that Xmas Bicycle for the kids See JAMES, 324 N: Jackson Street built the battleships, " submarines, laid the first cable, builds skyscrap' er, railroads, your own 'Horn Sweet Home. The hand wrote me uiuie, the Declaration of Independence. think the Lord was watching over Thomas Jefferson when he did that 1nb. The hand made the telescope that cause tba eye to go leaping from star to star, from planet to planet, and tells us to the minute when the eclipse, of the sun will tuke nlace a thousand years hence. It is the hand that touches the keys to set the type that sets in shape your thoughts upon paper. t'lirUl'a I'rouoeiltloii. "Jesus walked into the church one day and saw a man sitting by, whose rlKht hnnd was withered, and com manded the man to stand and stretch forth Unit dead hand. Jesus even put propositions to dead people. A lady said to me once: I do not believe ill propositions.' I said, 'Are you married lady?' and she replied that she was. 'Then,' I said, 'a proposi tion was either put to you by your husbojid and you said 'yes,' or you made one to him and he said 'yes. She looked guilty. A few nights af terwards, I saw her accept the proposition. "That man accepted tho proposi tlon made by Christ, and his arm was made as whole as tho other. "David withered up his hand by committing murder. We wither up ours by hatred, malice, etc. The planet Mars Is 35.5U0.0U0 miles from the earth, and we have many people who are interested in carrying on a conversation with the natives of that plunet, who will not speak to their next door neighbor. The crowd last night was nlmosl as large as that of Sunday night. Mrs. Jeter Is giving daily Hible reading at 3 p. in., and her young people's service at 7:15 are gather ing crowds of the young. Mr. Jeter Is painting and cartoon ing every night. His subject tonight will be, "The Devil." Mr. Jeter says he will be full of his subject. ..JKKTIXCS WKMi ATTKMKI. The farm bureau meeting at Per due yesterday was well attended and great Interest was shown in the pro gram for the future, doorge A Mansfield, president of the state bu reau was present and made a short talk. A meeting was held at Car den Valley today. The Annual Farm Bureau meeting will be held In this city on January 8, and will be an nil day affair. Arrangements are being mnde for a bamiuet at noon. George Mansfield will be present and will make the principal address of the day. si;it u i:s at (U.idk. There will be services at the GliOe church Sunday. December 12th. at 11a. in., also at 2 p. m. in the after noon. Tho pastor will speak at both services. J. H. Dickson. Back to Pre-War Prices With our new Price Schedule now in effect. This store is responding to the universal demand LOWER PRICES. The DOWNWARD REVISION is in keeping with the present Day Market and in many instances amounts 50 of the former' price. AH garments have been repriced to conform to this downward revision. We invite you to come in and get our re vised prices before you make your purchases. These Prices are ourEvery-day Prices-Not aSale Unexcelled Values Found ,in These Prices at Less Than Half the Former Price . Make Your Selection at Once Fancy Cloth Coats $12.50, $18.50, $22.50, $24.?5 $29.50 AH Ladies Suits, Tricotines and Fancy Mixtures $16.50, $19.75, $24.75, $29.75, up to $47.50 One Piece Dresses in Blue Serge, Jersey and Silk A Beautiful Assortment. All come under our new schedule of downward revision, Get Yours Now Union Made Overalls and Jumpers $1.79 Work. Shirts 98c if kyji (S LA V. - I- Nation t'uie JwstiTiTfiott ;.. BLEND B RA N D "Blend's Mah Friend" BSF FLOUR.: U U AV U vi ;r ... Nil That same Fisfvr quality which distinguishes BUnd Flour Is duplicated in Fisher's Rolled Oats, Fisher's Pancake Flour and Fisher's QranuLited Wheat Berries. Your dealer will supply you gladly. fofo Blend Flour for every purpose. To make a flour which is just as good for cakes and pies as for bread, choicest eastern hard wheat and the choicest of western wheats must be brought together in proper pro portions, and those proportions remain uniform. The western wheats and the eastern hard wheat must be tempered separately and then ground in separate mills. We have mills where our hard wheat is ground ; mills where our western wheats are ground. The flours from these two distinct grindings must then be scientifically blended. For that purpose we have equipment which we believe to be superior to that of any other flouring mills in the country. Fisher's Blend Flour is the product of this scientific milling. Manufactured In Ann rira's Fin est Flouring Mills. MNPfflV!VSI l-'lullk A. li-ll. lVHt'!i;ll!lllK I ilti ,.SiihI llity Jit I'niill Kntiituule Savings & Loan Assn.. of Attorney Carl W'imlji-rly left this Portland, Orr-Roti, is atsaln at th" niul iiinic ror Tiruln to attend to btinl Umpqua Hotel. For Interview, call nes mallet's lor Ihe day and to visit or phone I with relatives. Children Cry fcr Fletcher's TV?? Ihe Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been In use for over thirty years, has borne tne signature of ,y and has been made tinder his per- s snal supervision since its infancy. Ww7W Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-goort " ure but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTOR I A , Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing SyTups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has been In constant use for the relief of Constipation, Matulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea ; allaying Fevcrishness arising therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural filetp. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of Th I'nlvi'rs.'il Killer mrvlc' h(h tion la locuhMl at cnr. Oak and Host. Come mill Invs1 inuto this IjIUt he fun1 you have nny more tin trouble and huvt' to buy uny more inner tubes. XOTH'i:. All thoKC knowing tlmniselvefl In debted to Mr. and Mrn. K. (. or luce Murray, pleusn conic forward and Heltle itnd WiVP trmibbv MH8. K1IODA MUHHAY, Cutnan Valley, Oregon. For your Xmas dneoraUons and also wedding decorations, or nny floral work, cull phono 24 9-J. We're on tho job. w In Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought iyBCTi.rf,JUigg NOTtf'N OF HAIJ-: OP (loVKRNMKNT Tl M It Kit. I fii i ni I . JaixI Offlre. Wfi.hfliK(')n. I. C, O.-tet-.T 2. l!t-'. Notice in hi'nl.y Kfvrn t hit t nutjjift to the conilltlntiH ninl litnitiiilon of th Ai'i of .lun . I I :ty Stat.. and June 4. Hun ( 1 SiiM . 7:'.h. aii'l the In Ht r 'iif'tiotm of ih- Si'- rotarv of tho ln-ti-rlor of St-Dtt-mlMT IS. 1 1 1 7. and Jim 22. 1920. the timl-ir on tlio followlliK Inndn will t Bold Ie lit, 130. at 10 o'clock A. M., lit ptitillc aiii'tinn Bt the t'nltfil States lnml offue nt Koni-burK. ( iri'tmn, to the hiKln'St biOder Ht not h'Hit than th ap'".i viihie b ahown by thin notice. to b Miit.Je. t to th approval of tho K--ri;iry of tho In tfiiur. Thn pun Iihhi- prh-e, with an luhlltlonal mini of one-firth ut on pr fcnt thrrt'of, belli coniinlHHhniH al lowed. muMt he li f)f It'-il at tltne of t-ale, monoy to b n-tuttietl if nl la Tint iipliroveti. other wine p;it-nt will lnfu for Ihe timber which must be reinoVi-.l within ten ye.irs . Iliu will he re. l ived from citlzena of the t'nileil Slat-. a iHtiotiR of mil h riti.t'n.H urn! i or poiutioria nrKatil-il uii-l-T the lawn of ihe I'nltn! Si at en or any state, ti rrl totv or dlMtrh-t thereof only. Upon ap plication of a il'i;il!h-l ptirehuner, the timber on nnv b-yal nubillvlplori will be offereil aepril.ltely before bt-ltlR lll'Ull eil In anv ofT.-r of a laifr unit. T i2 S.. II. B W-, Pee. I. I.'.t I. tlr M. pill- m , i.ot 2, ur m . pine m . y-:i SK, tlr t-.O M. pine .r.i M. SV N K . tlr 30O A!., f-lne " M, t e1ar 2i II . Lot .1. Mr M . nine 2u M . Lot 4, tlr 776 M , HK'i NW'i, 22S Al . pine r.o M.. rednr 2ti M . HV N XV . fir f.'H, M, pln If. Al , ic.lir 2'i il . .m. nr.' hr 1d',u M-, pltie 1" At. NXVV SK'.t 11 r Attn i f.,i... At. cellar 1'0 M Sl-!ii KI1U ilr "" Al . Pine 10" M SXV HKU. tlr ') M. Plu' I'1 ' reib.r f,0 At. NK'- SXV. tlr Z'.-'t At. if. M. nlnr tit it. NXX'V SXV !Jr Al.' Mlie At. re.lHT K M.. 'i mv U fir .Tim M. i.nie 7' At r.o Al . cellar 3 Al . SVc. lr., Kl r Mr f.'.2 M. r.ine III At.. SK'i VKU, IT..' Al . pine 1 Al : ri"t-e of tbe nr or ci"lar to be B'.l'l f..r le-s than $!. per M . urn) none ff the pin to be S'M for I'M! ihun t Kn At: H-e 11. NK N'HU Hr Klin M i.liif 2 'I M. Cellar 16 . emir 10 M.. BK NK-4. fir 40 M . pine !0 M.. re.lnr lfi M . HXV NK'4. Ur bwt .VI , pine :iU M.. cetlar 10 M., NK'4 NV',, rtr 300 M.. NXX'Vi NW'i, fir ffou At , NV 14. fir 4f0 Al., pine 25 At., H' "4 NXV'4. "r M-. Nl'14 'i. Ilr 4oo M.. pin f0 M., cedar 16 M.. N'4 SK'4, Ilr 3i0 Al., pine 80 At., ceilar 10 Al., UK' rtk'i, fir 32i M.. pine GU Al., cellar lo M , HW "4 iK. tlr 30 M., plno 7(1 Al.. cedar 10 Al . Nfcl HW14, Mr 3ot) M.. pine 16 M.. 8K KV, Hr 275 Al pine 25 M., HV4 H XV "4 , fir 500 M.. pine At., ce.lar 10 Al.. Hetl. 23. SW V, HKS, Mr r-60 M., HK4 HW14. flr 420 M., Hec. 27. HKU NK, flr 640 M.. NK'4 Ilr 42U Al. pine 40 Al., SW tSKH. I" SCO AT. KK4 flr 375 M-, pine 60 Al . H'4 Si: "4. rlr 40 Al., pine 40 Al.. none of the Ilr to be noli! for leas than $1.26 per Al.. none of the pine to be sM for lejift than $2.60 per Al.. and none of the ce.lar to be aohi for Unit than $l.0 per Al. T. 37 S.. It. 7 V., Sue. a. SK'4 SV'4, flr 425 M.. pine 60 Al., T. 3l S., It H IV.. Hec. 3. NWli NKU. 'lr 1!0 Al., pine 2X0 At., oak 15 Al.. NW14 NW . nr !a At., pine z.u m.. nr,i n or 75 Al , pine 25 Al.. NK'4 W . tlr 75 Al.. pine :uo Ai.; none of the Ilr to be uoi.l for Ii-hh than SI. 00 uer At., none of the pine to be Bold for leaa than $:(.0 per AI . anil none of the oak lo be Bold for li'HB than ' cenia per an. i. It .1 K.. Sec. 1, HK'4 SV, pine lu eil ilr 430 AI.. white nr zo m.; none oi the pine to he auld for li-aa than $2,115 per M., none of the red flr to he Bold for lend than $1.60 per At., anil none of the white tlr to ne ttoia lor ieaa iiian $l.0ft per AI. CI.AV TIJ.AIAN. Coin iHUloner, uenerai iann uuica. NOTK'K OP FAfF5 OF OOVKItSMKST Tl M lieiural lnil mice. Wanhlnif tan. I. C, Sept. r?. 1930. Notice In hereby Biven tnai auoji-ci iu the conditiona a)iI limitations of the Act of June . 1M1S (:'9 Stat.. 21K). and Ihe liifftructioim of the Setrct-it'y of tbe tnu-rlor of Sentember Ki. 1917. tne timber on the followlnjs lamti will lie 1.1 Jan. 10, ij2. at 10 o clocK a. m. publie auction at the ITniteil StaleM Lit n I Office at Koxehurir, Ot efon. to ttie hlKhet MUiifr at not una man i n :ippralaeJ value, aa ilu'Wii by thia not Ice nale to he nubject to the ap- provnl of the Secretary er tne interior. I lie purciiaee price, wmi u min.ii.n iiiii of one-fifth of ona per ent there of, hi'lntf rornmlfiii'ns uitoweii, muni t.e ilepoMteil at liuie of r. money tu lie M-luriifcd If aale la not approveil, .(tlierwlBe patent will l:iie for thn Umber hfh niunt be removed within ten yearn. Blda will be r elved from Itlaim of the t'nlted tjtaten. ansocla linnv uf H in h citl.ena ami corporations m K t, z eil under the lawa of the l.'nlted "Jtntes or any state, territory or illatrlct thereof only. t'pun application r-r m (ualllle.) pnr ti.ier. tbe tlaiber on njr eKl Biih.livlslon will be offered aepar itulv befote tx'inK 111 lu.Ud In any of fer of a Inner unit. T. 15 H.. It. 1 V., S. r. 3 1 NF.;4 SK' t, flr 14fi'l Al.. rednr 30 M . NV'4 SK'. Ilr 1800 Al., MK'4 SK'4. flr nr.O At.. V'i Sit 4 n t "40 Al., mi Al . NK'4 SXV4. flr 12?0 At., cedar 20 M . Lot 1. Ilr 11.0 M . SK1 HW'i Hr ir.iio At . Iot 4. ftr 1800 M.. none of the ilr or cedar to be aold for leaa than 12 uo per At. (Signed) CLAY TA I J MAN. Commlaaionar, UenertU La4 al., tiwk tiH, tlr iuu M. pin M