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About Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 8, 1920)
W Fl KSIA V, !! :T KMI.KKJ? JLggg. ..rvarnnnnMnwH RKVTCW PAOFIH - ., , ' ordek voin bo.yks. As our mill 1 now about ruady to start, wo are ready to tuke orders for boi.s and cat-. Wo ex,, ot ... inauufucture everything In the oex and cittto line that la needed ln-re. Send us your Inquiries. J1ANSKIELI.-OALSTLR UOX A.M CRATE Co., North Roseburg. Have a few packed boxes of Creen tnir. llellflower, l'ewauko, - 111 Tl Wlneoap, Delicious and other uii. variath'S of cm,,- at 11.25 to $2.00 iU. full at Oreon Orowcsra Tvi,iir Cornoration, . Washington street and S. P. tracks, or phone 60 v.,,b trees and inlstl" tie from Kosebura; Produee Co., 501 N. Jackson 8t. mono in. lU'erultUig Offlwr llrr llulph I arr. roruunu officer, arrived In Kosuuurg niKht from Portland on his regular monthly trip to aouthoru Orflfon. Ho Will DC 111 . .. Mr Curr is recruinug " iunilc and Pacific fleets, which are preparing for long cruises, and ad vUes anyone desirous of entering he navy and taking iue at once, so they may receWe the neoesaary training. , i , nut all my second band watches, am offering some extra good values. A. a. u7. t roim,..i MARKETS. PORTLAND, Dec. 8. Quotations k... ,ir.,n,.,i ir, iil.EO and $12 today. Cattle and sheep weak, but ter and pkcs steady. j & CITY NEWS Notice Nobles Ellm Shr'.ne Club will meet Friday ,.irnlnff Dec. 10lb al 7:30. Election of iriror. for 1821 and other Important business. CUY IS LACK. Preo LIBERTY THEATER IlOSimR9 JLEADINQ WOTOI'LAY HOVSK. "WHERE EVERYBODY GOES" THE STAIW OK THK WOKLI IN OIK ATTRACTIONS LAST TIME TODAY! Winchell Smith's Surging Drama of Wall Street and Social intrigue. "The Saphead" CO-STARRING William H. Crane, Dean of the American stage, and Buster Keaton Written and produced under the personal supervis ion of Winchell Smith, supported by a noteworthy cast of Cinema Favorites. IN CONJUNCTION WITH . Fox Sunshine Comedies Farmyard Follies A Thousand Laughs to the Minute. THURSDAY FRIDAY Mis. John Fergun came to Koseuurg today troin her home at i.-,iA..h..u.,i. fr, unnnil n few hours slioiiplg ami vIsitlwK with Irlomls. V. E. St. John, receiver of tne J. I Luse estate, today filed his final report In the circuit court. The matters pertaining to the afalrs of ihn nwlutM IIHVH Bll Ueea amusi. The freshman clasi of the local hlr.ll iXhool la preparing an ""' r.,..r,uii,,ti,.nt fur KrillilV IliKllt when Ihey will entertain tne .emui clam with a reception. A novelty ...... ..m... i in ha iivii and an in to the senior class, i no roceimuu is to lie held In tne ymnasium ui the high school wnicn win db v tractlvely decorated lor the occas Ion. Tim Daughter of Isabella held a rnni mM and dance at the Mac h..n Uui ntht A Inrice num iiwm . .. . . .. wr.. iter of the members and tneir menus were uresent and had a most enjoy able time. Cards were played for a ..V...P, iima nnl ilnnrinff was Indulg ed lit Until midnight. A dalty lunch was served. Miss Viola wiueii was the lucky winner of the first prize at cards for the ladies and 1'uter Ualff for the men. Cora Moore re ceived the consolation arlie. These Booial affairs of the D. of I. are be- i.nntilii nnn r rprn? uuiiiiiif. cj I " . " nised social events lor the winter montns. IHuanr i ,i. n. u i -- The baiaar siiou.oreu uj iu dies of the Christian church tit the Tone Shou today proveu io great success. Mauy beautiful gins were on display its JU a " taule or cakes, sniaus a"1' ' 1 ,nhn....k r HUIIU v uas luuua. niiiiuunu ...... . large they were practlcully sold out oy noon. R06HRT0N- COLE lie uuti fiinio in the war, lie Kim honors In the riiiK. Seo how he v im tht i:ir! in n million ilolhir ntlniction. Shi ( ; i :i i i ; ; i :s c a ur k t i i : u unr belli nml chninpion of Kumr, In Till: MAX" A lloU-rlMon-Ciil" Sllier Siwlnl l'nxtiu-tlon. The most innifnetlr linn in tin1 world. In an nlvtorlilim ilviuiui of high HK-lely. Gaumont News of World Events. Greater Feature Comedies Ford Educational. PRICES OF ADMISSION: Matinee Daily 2:15 p. m.; Eivnings 7:15 and 9 p. m. Children Matinee 10c, Evenings 15c. Adults 25 cents. ti- a.- a T r n Mtilmi1. Roa'ebiirg. Oregon, U hour ending 6 PreoipMnHou la forhrai md Huadredlba Lowt'Ot t;itipcraiurt iusi nifcti.i ... rret-.ipitution, asl , ""urn .-- Ti.Ial prfi-lp. HiiH-t? nrm i "i' ' Norinul prix-lp. for tl'i niunih.... b.29 TotI prmip. trom bepu 1, 120, to 1te 1 3-67 Avtk proip .from Sept. I. 1877 Total t-XPi'M trom Sept. 1. Jl'JO 4.01 AvutaK prwlpltutuui for 43 wet B.liHunH ti'pt. to May, in.1.! ai.'m Forecast to 8 D. m. fur south wettrD On-tfon: . TonlKht nnd Thurmifly proimiiiy ruin, W1L.L1AM KKLU Obtierver. Mr- and Mr. &Mi Misner, who huvM 1ki:u Hviug at Hie Muyiiard mill iuar Urown Jtritig. vflivrP lr- MIh nor van o.iilyt'U, huvo inovd. i Azalea and will mulit', HuUr limue thcro for ih FrstiH. Mr. MIhiut vill continue iu th employ or May Diird 4 JenkH, who are Batting t thi-i rsHwinill nt Azalfa. UMPQUA POST NO. 16 of the American Legion Presents THE GREAT Shirley Saxaphone Sextet An extraordinary musical treat, to be followed by a Jitney Dance at the Armory December 9 Music Furnished by These Peerless Musicians. Admission, 50c Armory Dec. 9 1 i TUESDAY: , i STttart . S t VEDNESDAV J I MATINEE EVENING t J : I - a If you love to lauirh -vu i mist I Douglas McLean and Doris M; in -to. ay "What's Your Husband Doing? il a ijiim in i mm iiinni ocr i4-nMAH , .uie3 ever made. It',n t about jealous wives and husbands, and it's? solid laugh from start to finish, IF YOU CAN'T LAUGH, DON'T COME Century Comedy and Pathe Newi Utln Evening TIITR8DAY FRIDAY Matlnw-i, Wm. S. Hart in The Cradle of Courage mi NKW.TOlMY. FOli j!AI,i:-St-winir iii.i. hint'. kltr-hn cal'TUvt. 2-lmlf oilBluVf l'llune 60. I sttirhave" a f'W jrooil unredufmr-d 'uiitclii-N. Wry roacxiiiblo U clone th.-iti iit.A. Huey. F()ltIii:NT Furnished S-rnosi houso. iiitidfrn i.nvi-iiii-n'n. RHriie. close In. I'.h.ihi mo. 1 1, r t N ww-ltevl w. Fi Hi SA I..K i'hrixtmai walnuu "0 i-.-iitM l h. in lit-lH. MtH or tv.-r. Mm. K(H: SM.i; I r.' I'ord Ifiuriimf with Niartt'i. A-l niiiiitin. rtaniiHlU. f A. WANT Kl Hn llnl,:!! fur .Hi'lffy mit. hml: iit.t,' Ig-.-Ht. hIz.- 3?'A. H ir-l iv' w.-iirht Ali-lriilf wm- 1 nritrih'l. 1'iH-i'IIf.l iur mitt. IV'.r- BHin. l(i-y's 'til Sh'-p. V.'ANTKf) -Hv slnitiT l'"V. Innky and wiM'1'i! to wtirk, ;nlcytih'nt of a.nV StKi)y tub dr I rod, Fartn wink H.-i .-f.tiLblr. V. A . NVu'.;.:mV1-V-. FOK S.l,i:-Un(i cow. (iut- to i ' V' h. --li:Uf-h-'i'd Holsl-'n; on- tu- T- r V. I f il t In. iffiuli- Ifo'.jtcln v-ir- liiiif li.'lf.-r. T.-lford, lit. X, TIosa- buitf (ll:!t.y Vulltiyf. I MAJESTIC THEATER TODAY-TOMORROW-FRIDAY A GEYSER OF GIGGLES Guaranteed to Cure Any Grouch There are three things in life You are born, you get married and you die. So, after you are married, there is nothing left for to do ;; but die. SO, - SALE i on 1 TR.ADE r. mi. liousi lot 75:;1S0 frpl : fiin' gnnli'ii land; biuiiu.-; fruit ti-.'f!.: lmnl surfar' roit'l: iwar oily ndioiil: i:lco miiuirba'i l:li:;jrrty. l'ri.-o $10'!, rotno 'i'l.i.M' fur mnr.i vuiualil ii .(.loupe clnsor in. Wiil laic poml v:'c:inl lnt well lniitoil an !!:.: ( ( x.'Iiiimk-'. V.'lint tinrr yon? I'ity pnip Tty to $400(1 to I'xWinniMi for ranrli. Severn! (liMii-iilili' liuiiica for salo on t'Tina. G.W. YOUNG AND SON ltoal Kstjito uml liiMirnnre. 1KI Cuss St. I'lionp 417. ".Vr. Huoy is pivparing to go to his Optical CollB 1U' i; rom.i: to tnki a post-jrrnduato cimiso in llio latest mfthtnl. of o oxainiiitimi ami rUim fit tin?. II-' will bo gmo months - when ho loturns ho will bo hoiit r pn paroil to Rive ou mora officioai .pt:r:tl sor v ico. T!ino In liiinnMalo r. vii of opt wiil work shouU! cull on him nt onco." Mil. I. C. WKLL. A.S. HUEY o Opiiuiietrist. 000 I I Including Tax ' J J I) JP A III A- -- ' III - . . " . ... . . ' Prospective Brides . '- '(, ,:r -' " "' '. and Bridegroorrs COMEDY CO CKXAXD urged jZjTrr- O to see this Picture. IjM F3TVE ' SVI5 nv, It's a HT" It'll,makeyour turn I IB .f III Knsi-hurg, Oro.