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About Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 8, 1920)
WFnXBSOAY. PKCKMBBR B. Il MMm a. - : PACiF! KUI B , - r II vossosaec WON NAME BY INGENUITY l New Capital Necessary Expansion and improvement require a telephone company to con stantly borrow money. Current earnings, of course, take care of current ( xpenscs, and they should be sufficient to pay a fair return on the invest ment. Money can only be obtained from one source; from the investing pub lic; those who have surplus money to invest. The investor demands .security, convertability the ability to change his investment at will with out loss and an assurance of a reasonable and continued rate of return. Will he will you will a bank, trust or insurance company invest money in an enterprise which is unable to meet these requirements? Today in Oregon we are operating at a deficit. Our property in this state is yielding no return to its owners. Without a return on present capital how can we expect to attract new capital? Our ability to borrow depends upon our revenues and our revenues depend upon our rates. We are asking the Public Service Commission of Oregon to consider the inadequacy of our present revenues and to approve schedules of rates which will guarantee permanency, extension and improvement of the ser- The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company Soolul dance nt Wini'hi rtlc r Friday, Ii'C. 1U. Mimic by Oil 'a oicIms- ItKST'I.TS? our want ads get them. Sheet Metal Work; OK ALL KINDS J. H. SINNIGER 110 OAK RTRKKT IMIONK 42 notici; OI. TKA 'II Kits' NATION. KXAMl- KKSIll.TS? our wnnt wis Ret them. B, V All sorts of Bale. Successfully conduct. '(1. for arrangements see H. V. IlADAIIAKJIt 630 N. IMno 8t. Our All-Wool Tailored-To -Measure Clothes are a happy combination of flrst clitHtt quality ami reanouable prices. Now Is the time to practice truo economy. Come In today. We can Kh.iw yi.u smiie very attrac tive prices on l-';''l Suits. IMPERIAL CLEANERS IYM0N L SPtNClR, PROPRItTOR f Our Way ,au- Auto Will Call, l'lione 1177. Notice is hereby Riven that the County of Douglua. OrvKn, will hold the regular examinations of appli cants for Stale Certllliates at the high school huildliiK in Hom-burg, as follows: Commencing Wednesday, December 10, 1U20, at nine o'clock a. in., and continuing until Saturday, December 18. 1920. at 4 o'clock p. in. Wednesday Forenoon. II. S. History, Writln, Music, Drawing. Wednesday AfteniiMin. I'liyslology. Heading, Manual Training. Composition, Domestic .Science, Methods in Heading, course of Study for Drawing. Methods In Arithmetic. TlitimUiy Forenoon. Arithmetic, History of Kducation, Psychology. Mothods In Geography Merhanical Drawing, Uomestlc Art Course of Study for Domestic Art. Thursday Afternoon, (laminar, Urography. Slenogrnphy, American Literature, l'hysirs, 'lype wrillnK, Methods In Language, Thesis for 1'rimiiry Cerlltlcate. Friday ort'iiooii. Theory and rractleo, Orthogrnphy (Spelling), l'hyslcal Geography, Kng lish Literature, Chemistry. J-'riikty Afternoon. School Law, Ueology, Algulira, Civil Government. Saturday Forenoon. Geometry, llotany. Saturday Afternoon. General History, Bookkeeping. O. C. IIIIOWN, dw County School Supt. Humorous Description of How Phrsss Wis Man of Gotham Had IU Origin. The phrase, "wise men of Gotham," came Into being In most peculiar manner. Gotham was a small town In Nottingham, far from the usual com merce of old England's highways. King i.iiin at the head of a goodly company, decided one day to so Journey that lie would pass through the town, m tnoae days the passage .of a royal retinue through a village meant numerous hardships for the cltliens. The king's mania demanded food for man and beast, and generally forgot to pay for It. In addition, horseshoers. car penters and other tradesmen were called upon to do various work with out any return. The citizens therefore devised a scheme to turn their king from his path. When his mniestv mine within a mile or so of the hamlet he met vari ous cltliens engaged In the most out landish pursuits. One was attempting to drown an eel, another attempting to drng the reflection of an early evening moon from a pond with the aid of a rope, another was building a fence around a cuckoo that had lit on a bush, and a fourth was attempt ing to sharpen a sword ob a bit of choese. The king decided nt onre that the tIIIiil' was a Catherine place of nind- men. and ordered tlie route changed, and his troops and gentlemen passed around the supposed haunt of lunatics. From this came the local proverb: "More fools pass through Gotham than remain In it." & Christmas Suggestions For that friend who owns an Automobile. HER DAUGHTER AND HIS SON. BY IDAH McCLONE GIBSON Mlt. HAl-HKY'S I'LANH. Robes Spotlights Auto Clocks Motometers Luggage Carriers Mirrors 3t DR. NERBAS DENTIST Masonic Bldg. Roseburg, Ore. PHONE 488 ALL VtfORK GUARANTEED. We sell Christmas cards, and honks. Subscriptions for mugazines llclted. Fiction Library. .AIMS ALIXIIVKD 11V OKChlMltKIt COURT. (Continued from Page 3.) Rice a- lllce. Ins., C. II 15.60 J. II. Wright, ltd. Indlg 20.00 It. H. Fryer, Serv. Sheriff ... 10.00 F. C. Schulte, Serv. Sheriff... 75.00 J. .K Sterling, Del. lial boxes 3.00 Curtis Calkins. Clk. Assess... 66.00 John I). Itecse, rent, Klec 5.00 Clark's Studio. Sheriff 4.00 Hamilton Drug Co., Supl 11.82 E. H. Lenox, express Etc.. . . 4.53 Duds for Men, Supl 23.40 Mrs. Walter Langford, Serv. 15.00 Mrs. H. A. Moore, Serv 15.00 Russell L. F. I.intott, Serv... 58.00 Mrs. Ikidson, Cor. Inq 5.00 J. L. Campbell, coroner 1.00 i'erley Wlnkelman, coroner .. 1.00 John Hanks, coroner 1.00 W. J. Tynan, Wit., coroner .. 1.50 Kd Wilson, Wit., coroner 1.50 M. K. Hitter, coroner Inq 40.05 Tel 4 Tel Co., Serv 77.89 I.. 11. Smirk, Serv 800 W. S. Howard. Serv 8.00 F. C. Frenr, (lov. Cor. Ren 6.00 Logsdon llros., Supl 14.00 Walter Fisher, hire of team.. 12.00 J. 1. Chapman, Surv 23.25 R. M. Kherle, Registrar. . . . . . 2.75 V. V. Hurst, registrar 2.25 Mrs. Fannie O. Little, registrar 6.75 Dr. ("has. nilllngton. registrar 3.75 Judd McMillin. Supl 38.75 A. I). Chamberlain, Serv. Cor. 10.00 F. I.. Calkins, Exp 19.69 Stearns Chenowelh. Supl.. 34 45 F. W. nillanl. Just, fees 6 20 Dr. lioht. I. Hall. Just, fees 2 40 n. F. Chllson, Exp. Ct. Hse... 10.7 Roseburg Dumb. Heat. Co. services 2.40 Darker. Surv 8.00 FOOD AT 18 CENTS A DAY Laborer's Allowance Was Indeed Mars Pittance During the Sev enteenth Century. In the early part of the seventeenth century the maximum wages a carpen ter, stone mason or plasterer was al lowed to demand was J00 a year. Blacksmiths and shoemakers were permitted to earn up to $50 a year. Tiillnra were limited to SW a year. If they worked by the day and supplied thctr own meat and drink, stone ma sons and carpenters were allowed to demand as much as tS4 cents a day ; If the master supplied the meat and drink, the maximum daily wage was only 30 cents. Women servants were graded In three classes, the maximum wages be ing fM. 13 and $10 a year, respec tively, for the first, second and third classes. These yearly rates, of course, were In addition to food and drink. A woman worker In the fields was per mitted to demand up to 12 cents a day and food and drink, or 24 cents a day If she provided her own nourishment. From these figures It would seem as If 18 cents for men and 12 cents for women was deemed sufficient to cover the daily cost of food and drink. Even after allowing for the difference In monev's purchasing power then and now. It Is obvious that the laborer of that epoch was willing to live on mucn less than la his descendant of today. Lee Meriwether In the Missouri His torical Itevlew. I felt a Utile conscience-stricken as I looked at the exquisitely Jewel ed watch that Mr. Halsey had sent me, for I knew that I had rather neglected him. I had been so busy with my new work that I had thought! of nothing else. It sur prised me, too, to find that in oils Interesting occupation I had alBO for gotten much of my grief over Ken neth's marriage as the months rolled swiftly bye. I have sometimes wondered why we always think of work an a curse. I have found it the healer of wounds, the solace of grief, the only consoler of loneliness. Work and Time even up all things. On an Impulse I went to the phone and called up Ken's father at his home. "I have called you, dear Mr. Halsey." I said, "to tell you how thoughtful It la for you to remem ber my birthday. I did not think that anyone but myself knew it, or at least remembered It. I know I have rather neglected you oi laie, anil you are heaping coals oi lire upon my head; with mis loveiy present." "nh n,v Heur child. I knew that you were trying to learn a new busl- o- uess and I reanzea exactly wni mm meant long hours and concentrated thought. So I did not worry you. But I thought that possibly today von mieht take a little holiday with mo. If you had not phoned I was going to call you and ask you to go to luncheon wltn me. "I shall be delighted to go, Mr. Halsey. I have just finished writing an advertising campaign for Tire Covers 4 Chains Tires Inner Tubes Side Windshields Twin Shock-Absorbers J. 0. Newland & Son Dodge Brothers Service Station Home grown English walnuts, 30c lb. E. C. Weber, Iioseburg. lit. 2, or leave orders with O. W. Young & Son, 114 Cass St. o Persons cutting evergreens on our property In Edenbower will be prosecuted. Mrs. E. M. Moore, Llllie L. Moore. : LODGE DIRECTORY. Auto repairing, springs made oxy welding. Spaugll Hohl, and Stephens streets. , and Oak Logan Tips, Spring Delivery The are not sprout plants. Joint dams or sprangle tip plants. They first-class tips. Also have straw oerry plants and all kinds fruit trees. Better book your order now. H. L. KI.LIS Three miles west of lloseburg. Hotel DoiiKlas. rent 64 00 6.00 5.00 5.00 I.IMIIKII Of all dimensions, nt reasonable rates while it lasls. '-i hloek North of West Hid Store. lL'Gi Tmpqua Avenue. 1'hone 335 H. Loganberry Plants If you wnnt l:uiU Unit will tfivw write W. L. BENTLEY Woodhtirn, Oregon, IU !1. Mrs. K. A. Lnhey. rent. Elec. Mrs. Ed Haines, rent, Elec... IV C. Tlollenbnugh. rent, Elec. School Dlst. No. 16, rent. Klec Mrs. Roy Orlggs, rent, Elec... city of Drnin. rent, Elec 1. W. Tollinnn, rent, Elec... I. O. O. F.. Elkton. rent. Elec. (lardlner Hotel, rent, Elec. .. Mrs. n. Faulkner, rent, Elec. !oo. F. Miller, rent. Elec Mrs. H. I'. Conn. rent. Elec... I. O. O. F. Lodce, rent, Elec. C. E. Alklns, rent. Elec Srhool Hist. No. 49, rent, Elec kmos O. linker, rent, Elec. .. I! ten Cnley, rent, Elec Srhool Dist. No. 36. rent. Elec. Mrs. J I. Roarh. rent. Elec .. lleard. rent, Elec ... Howard, rent, Elec. ... (To Ho Continued.) I.Vt KI M TICKETS B00 5.00 6 on r,.oo K 00 BOO 6.00 5.00 5.00 500 B 00 5.00 B00 1000 BOO B00 2 00 6 00 May be secured at Chapman's Drug Store, beginning today. Reservations may ho made for the balance of the season or for the next attraction only. Albert Llndquest. celebrated American tenor, will sing at the h Ischoel Thursday evening. Pec. This number alone Is worth the price or a season ticket. DR. R. P- BRADFOROANO WIFE Licensed Chiropractic Physicians Oirltw 4MI I'erkliK. 111.1. Am new booking orders for day- old chirks for 1921 delivery from high producing Tancred strain Watt Leghorn, thoroughbred Rhode Island Red chirks. O. A. C. Marred Rocks Farl Vosburg, 703 Fullerton St Kosehurg, Federal cord and fabric the Roseburg Oarage, In Addressing the Stranger. Every locnllty In America has more or less detlnltety uenneu mcanainea the resident call strangers when ad dressing them. In Philadelphia, for Instance, strangers are addressed as "Muck." A l'hllndelphlan wishing to usk the time from some one he didn't know would say: "Whnt time is it, Mackr Out In Seattle the common name for a stranger Is "Ho." This Is prob ably due to the Influence of the L W. W. Lumber lacks, mine workers anil "blanket stiffs" all go by the familiar name of "Ho." The extensive use of this term hns gradually been adopted by the more polite strata of society In that section, and Is now considered good form. In Denver they have the breezy western "Wit." In Chicago It Is "Jack;" In the army "Buddy." In Louisville It Is "Colonel," of course. In Iloston It Is "Neighbor," while In New York one Ilroadwaylte Insists It Is "lkey." Pianos Require Fine Wood. There la no other Industry for which a greater variety of fine timber la re quired, and none In which the timber must be seasoned more carefully than piano building. The varieties include Canadlnn spruce. American oak and whltewood, Honduras mahogany and best English beech. Sounding boards are made of Swiss pine, the "Allies exeelsa." which Is nothing but the fa miliar Christmas tree. All this tim ber has to be seasoned In a special heating chamber, where It Is subjected for days together to a powerful draft of dry air. It was not until more than half of the Eighteenth century had passed that the piano became popular. Haby Apparel House and they are delighted with It. I think I've earn ed the holiday. I guess I am going to make a go of the advertising business." "That was a foregone conclusion Ann And now I want you to be come mv private secretary and handle the advertising of my real estate and bond business. That sounds like a pretty hard proposi tion, doesn't it? But, I am sure, Ann you can handle ine worn. "All right, we will talk over, I said, but I had a little sinking of the heart, because I did not want to disappoint Jimmie Callahan. He was nlannine on a lot oi new wora ior me. However, when Mr. Halsey came and we wont out to luncheon, 1 found that hlB plan included Jlmmle too "You see, Ann," he said, "since Kenneth went away It has left me with a great part of my business entirelv ution my own hands. I think I told you I had Intended let ting Kenneth take over the west side factory, but he has been gone nearly a year, and while I have been navlne him a salary as manager, have had no" help from him at all and must make other plans until I know what he Is going to do. 1 shall have to have someone to man age at least my real estate and bond business: tnat win give me lime enough to handle the factory. I think I can make this attractive enough to interest Jimmie. You, of course, will handle my personal business. What do you think of it? I think It is perfectly splendid, Mr. Halsey! It will mean that Jim mie can grow In a position like that does It not? It certainly does, my dear. I shall be very happy to help that boy along, and I want you to understand that I have always considered you my daughter ever since your me Iher died." The upshot of the matter was that I got Jimmie on the phone, and be fore the afternoon was over Jimmie had become the manager of Mr. Hal sey'g bond and real estate business and I was his private secretary. You are a good, quick worker, Ann," said Jimmie when we had a moment alone. "I feel that I owe you all I ran make of myself In this job." It was not until Mr. Halsey and had gone out for a long ride, after negotiations were closed, that he told me how worried he was over Ken. "You know, my dear, he should be home now. He was only to stay few weeks at Palm Beach, and he has been gone several months. This morning I received a letter from him saying that orace was very anxious to take a trip to Bermuda, and that possibly they would not be home for some time longer.. " 'I am negotiation. Ken wrote, ior the old Harkinson home, as Orace thinks she will want to enter tain quite a little next year. I wish, dad, you would have your brokers see If they can get a little better price than I have been quoted. I drew a long breath as I remem bered that the Harkinson place had been on the market for two years It was much an expensive property few people cared to consider It. truly, orace Intended to cut a great splurge with Ken's money. Tomorrow Mr. Iliusi-y s Fears. C O. O. UMlim Kavajnpnrnt Ne. a. Meets In Odd Fellows' Temple every Thursday evening. Visiting breuiren always welcome. JOHN RKESH. C. P. FOSTER BUTNER. H. V. OLIVER JOHNSON, R. 8. JAMKS EWART. F. a tCAULtfiS ItoseDura Aerie- meets In Moose nail on jacKson pi. on -nu uiiu 4th Monday evenings or each month at 8 o'clock. Visiting- brethren in o-nnri atanrilno- alwava welcome. A. J. WULF, W. P. F. GOODMAN. Secretary. KKItillTS (IP PYTIIIAM Alpha LodKe No. 47, meets every w eanesu&y even ing, cor. Jackson and Cuss Sta. Visit ors always welcome. HOY u. luunu, is. u. CHA8 .F. HOPKlfNS, M. F. E. E. WIMBERLY. K. R S. KbHKKAH evening. VLIting mtreUi I1"" standing r. Invltei " KP- N 0 aa ii. it. k. i. a i i u - held at th, hi7V2 month. " "a. i. sr., rsiiriiriii Lt4u I. at S ke8 hill. N. jTSriV Saturday evening of nc iS . O. meets "aiuiuaj evening of nt Visiting brethren r. ., come. " ,"' L.YMON L. 8PENCER, s b A. J. OEDDES. Rm V1 J. B. BA1LKY. Fit 8iT HOSKIIt H. I.ODGH NO, lL FuJ Brother boo of Malnleaaaiv af in Knialox Mad Rallwar ftkvM LJ rrn Aniuaieu witt. tb A. F of Meets at Muone hall th lint KtL fourth Sat. nigliti and third 9qjwJ, J. P. (SMITH .PretlfW W J. MKREDlTH, Rtcfttn GEO. MAG IVER. Fit t$. NKIUIIHUKS OK WOUDCHAFT Ulaa Circle No. 4V. meets on znu ana ui Monday evenings. Visiting neighbors Invited te attena. KDITli CIII'KCMIIjU IN. T1L.LIK I. JOHNSON. Clerk. O. P. ELKS. Roeebars; Loam ISo. Sl'O Holds regular communications at the Elks' Temple on each Thursday of every month. All members re quested to attend regularly, and all visiting brothers are cordially In vited to attend. A. J. T.TI.BURN. B. R. IRA B. R1DIH-E. Secy. HOIIDMKN OF TUB WORLD Camp No. 125. meets in Odd Fellows' nan in Roseburg every 1st and 3rd Monday evenings. Visiting neighbors al ways welcome. O. H. PTCKEN8, C. C. M. M. MILIAR. Clerk. BATTERIES! Chevrolet Cars $25.00 and 111.11 Buick Cars. . .130.00 sad ilH For Other Ctrl Pikes on AppllctUot, MOTOR SHOP GARAGE Agency Buick and Chevrolet 441 N. Jackson St. BoMOfrg. LOYAL OHOUH OV MOOSB Roseburg Lodge No. 1037 nieuts Eirtu anu third Tuesday evenings of each month at 8 o'clock In the Moose hall. All visiting brothers are invited to attend. C. W. CLOAK E. Dictator. H. O. PAKOETER. Secretary. O. B. 8 Ronebarg Chapter No, 8 Holds their regular meeting on me lit and 3r ThumdAva In each month. are respectfully Invited to attend. LLUnA AiWfAnrVin, all FR'EE JOH:;SON. Secy. A. F. A A. N .Uarel Lodge No. IS. Regular communications 2nd and 4tn Wednesday each month at Masonic Temple, lloseburg. Ore. Visitors wel come. W. F. HARRIS. Fcy. A A. WII-DKR. W. M. W. B. A. O. T. M. Rom banc Review 11 holde rnguldr reviews on sec ond and fourth Thursday afternoons in Maccabee hall. Sisters of other reviews vinltlng In eu city are cor dially invited te attend our reviews. Maccabee hH en Cass street. LOUISE LOCKE. Com. JES8IK RAPP. Col. Buy Better Buch and the Best Breeding Ewes for Less Money. BUY SHEEP WHEN 1HEY ARE LOW. HUT IS I B! If you ar. Interned la o7 t .Ither (two. or rtgnt.r.1 th. followtns breed;: Hamnshlre. Hhrop.hlrt, Lincoln, Jos ney, Cotnwold, Bamboolett., t Writ. u. quick what you wnl. OREGON LIVESTOCK COM. CO. Box 51. North Portland. Ord Heinline-Moore CONSERVATORY K.wolM.unioi No. l nt lor laaehar.. or .T ' of ramie. . Tt oid -rrofr.uiT.Scna ol flu" BODS. Tor io(onann PHOIE WO rf UNIVERSAL Farm Lighting Plants 20-Light Plant, 120 Amp. Hour Battery, 75-Light Plant 165 44 " F. O. B. Roseburg Let us show you the Universal. J. F. BARKER & CO, IMPLEMENTS . .. . ... j n.Ll,nH AntOfflODl' p m licneii aim uobi""" o 2I!Byi!!!iI5' , $585 In His "Ain Countris." As boy Sir James Barrle was th dflalr of his teachers. In fact he was marked down by them, according to an English weekly, as the lailest lad In his school. Dumfries academy. Tills was remembered against hliu when, after achieving fame and for tune, he returned for a while to his native Tiling of Klrrlerjulr the "Thrums" of his books. "I'ulr James!" they exclaimed, shak ing their heads dolefully. "I'ulr James! lie was aye that delicate, and aye that lasyt No wonder he had to tak te wrltln' bulks tor a Ul'. DO YOU KXOW THIS IS SOY Friends! it you watt You'll be too late To buy at Fiction Library, So buy today, Without delay. Christmas cards and books we carry. VOSBVIUiH BROS. Wish to announce that they hsve tne agency ior the foiiowlnr incu bators and brooders'. Queen, Jubilee. !t. Helens, Master, and Buckeye In cubators: the Kresky, Newton, Char ters and American Colony brooders. 227 N. Jackson. Roseburg. Phone 35. WE SELL Edison MAZDA LAMPS Douglas County Light andWatofo