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About Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 8, 1920)
A Gem Nut Margarine A Makes Them Smile Good Bread tastes better so good they want more, and you can give- it to them. Gem Nut Is economical; saves ma n'flllv on vour trrocerv bill. I Gem Nut is delicious; it is pure; contains only nut ous, rasteuruea mux and salt SWIFT & GO. aaafaetan Dallr la Our Portlaad Plaat WANTED. TOl'NO MAN I'slres board and roon In private family. I'. O. Him VaNTKU Tunteys, large or mall. Boycr Una.. Plume 14 KM. WANTKIr Anv kind of work or odd ! by the hour, man of experience. Urn, Wood, 141 SIm-i 11uii, t(o Kuueh. HohSB 4-F3. I'AMTl'ltK WANTKU phone H'A.VTKLi I aii I y with Home experience would like position us chambermaid. Hi one 3j-U WANT Kit Hy yniuiK man, experi enced, plu e on a rarin. ti. A. Mil In, 0-n. l-t, KuxehuiK. WANTM lioixl piiNtur for horse, will pay Kiri(I rent. Address 4J, 1., care TfeWH-Itev.i'W. H'ANTKl" An experienced atenoifra AihiifSH at unto 1'. U. Box tiUli lor appointment. STKNi JKA H KK W ANTKl Lady be tween 25 and 30 yearn old. with dome bookKeeplUK fXptl It'll! f. Wl'llu iSlell oi;rH;lier, rare of NfWp-Hf view, stat ing expiTlfiu-e und Miliary expected. MAN WANTKU Share proposition; 30 vtm fluent K'trdfii noli, two miles from RoburK. most modern country hi.m in tlie county, bath, toilet, hot na eald water, etc.; a real oppor tunity for (lit) ritfht man. Apply Lawrenre-roi -inn Company, 126 Cans tiw-rplinii 1M9. TIJIHKK I.AM W ANTKI About k.vvu.ituA ft. it. k. tl, and 6.000.01(0 ft. telt 'i.hoti? und telegraph poles, lfo inen liantal.le timber, larar quantities, tin or near water trans p'.uatu.n for fori-ncn market. Give full deatriptlon. particulars, price and om. first letter. C. K. Snider, Mlll Hi'U', Sun Kranrlroo. FOIl RKXT. FOR hKNT-l nf.irniHhed room. In- aiTU!.!!?. .Wlneitjr. Phone 1J2-U. "R hKNT Kiirniwhed room with oth, Kw.tleman preferred. Zl W. FOR .HK.vr-r.irnlBhed rooms. Inquire I' St. or nr:.vr-h-nr,.iv rrr-r- Rn.etyJr5 National Banil 11hKST KtrniM"iM " room wTth PrUllege of bath. 4ol S. Main 8t. 'UK EB.NT-Furni.hia Soiii.a.nSS H. ..hl" . "" l-'P'it room.. B... SEl.LA.KOlS. "n i if'T ,.ro""1" "r '"" H-tT-x",. I.'''''""1- AJ.Ir, w. W.. .r "'JNKV Tti'" T.i, i.-. - - , TlU f.rm u J ', 4,'ypHr rural t:nn ior '2' low ln""i rati. ' f',r?t"LU,.,'n n 1,00,1 F.t,,h,v; K.,!.n'",-,,;,l1." 'lvan.-. T. A. "' ..t ',' K."M ' ''" own., .i'r.,i,,Va..'r ' 1"I"K ac'var- n',"r , '' hl"' l n- k - R'" off,." Ji".","" r""rn ' Nw.- ' .mi ... "h H"l.urir , k7 -.'" i. ?: '.V1, ' N-."k..w i-ni '"' "!' co f ad- r..R ,p MLR. "r- :,'r','' , ,Whl" UKhorn "K away. rhon. T.- , r".ichl.r. NuMaii Ma:. ' AI.K Mr... v. J k..n st ''"'u'e at Sift m...k rr-h Jan 1 ciuty hH-r. lfi J - car Newa- ?"iir.i tttmm (raP jjj- rr. fc Qhoanrjirint nIcU5"" deal s TV CLASSIFIED COLUMN ALL NKW C'LASSIKIKD AUVKIITlNtCMKNTS WII.I, HR FOUND ON LAST PAGE UNDKB II KADI NO "NEW TODAY.' WOOD FOR 8ALIC Inquire at Patter- son A ItlKlfs. l-iilt HA MO 5-paHseiiKer Studebnker. chetip if taken at oiu e. Imiuire tiut tiaat IuKlan Ht. K(H KAI.K )no ot sprout it. iihi (1 3 mon t ha. Karl VoBburgh, 70' .'uller- toti. FX lit WALK 4 Hire piiFebr. d Mlac k M liiorca rooHtt'i'rt, iL'-fid a( h. V. 1 . (iladwell. Ht. I, Kuhi-Ihuk. Foil sa I LTritiio I-'i rd7 "e I f - a t a r 1 1 r, eleotrlc lights, run 000 iiiIIi-h; Hpei iul built ri-piif HenpiT hodv, out nutn top. vtirutim feed; Knap. lniilre 131 Oak KOU SAI.K :alilaKe, any amount, f. o. U. Itllhinl or ih-llver. !. Kb e Hioh. Foil WALK New N'ationul mah r. tfic- t"r, only aliKlitly uxeil. Call at drum! Urll). KOK HA1.K Ujildwln apple $1 I" httx. Mayflower Ham-li, phone Or. II. I'. tltutllonl. 40-1-4. FJll SALK 8-rmim hotie on Mill St.. partly furnlHhed, part term or trade, II Mm. Write J. llltedlfer. Diain, Ol Foil HA'l.K !oodteam of work liorsen" I'.O If taken :U jik e. Iii 'imu at l-i Cbhm fitreet. or :hon- '.'?. FOlt S A laK ThoroiiKhbreil On roe hiw with it pi 6 weeks old. V. I). lleMB, Wilbur, tn-e. Phone 3J-F2. FOR SALE Apples and rlderii7ilvered in town. Phone J It. Mklnner & HohH. Ffrt Sa"i.V; Wilson 77r tVoiii ioiii straw berry plants will deliver In HnaeburK. Fred Oil la i d. FOR SALE ThoroiiKhbred Iuroe brood bow; uiao 3 t'lieHter W hltv li'Mtrit, 1 W'et-kH old. M in. I torn mash, Shanilrook' I .a ne. West HoHt-biii'K-P. O. Box 1143. FOR SAI.E--S. C Rhode Inland rocker el; 1 bull calf, Hereford ami lnr ha in. Phone 33-Fri. Add reus Pine rretit Farm, IMxonvHIe, treKoii. FoTV SALBPoductlvi'KverbeartnK strawberry plants. The kind that bears. $15 pr looo In lots of 6ln up. Hinall orders, 2 per loo. B. M. Mat thewit. IokinK ninxN. Or YX R KaTTB 3 0 iflf t7 " 1 '."tn.'h eTMind hand pipe In good condition. I rents per foot f. o. b. RosebiirK- UoaeburK Plumbing and Heating (" FHl SAI.K 6 "year old middle mare, broke to wrk. UeiM llo.i, & bunds hlcb. trim built, clean limbed, or will trade for heep or milt h K"ntt. Itox 1121. KnpehiirtC. Phono "s - KJ. Ft HI SA 1K IiK Ubaloi-M. six Hi'l-t' Old Trusty s, two lJH-eK MX'ln Ita lian, all In K""d shape. l'ri e e;trh. I want to buy larger ones. O. A. Purkett. Canyon vllle, oretion. FOR SAirKLI '4 aT( "of orelTafd land; 11 acres fn apples, Newtown Pippins and Spltatenbertrs; 1 aere In pears, 8 P.rres In timber; 2 lots In town; price I'.imm.. See F. S. Wilson, Sutherlln, Ore. OM'K Kit KIrH FOR SALH From hinh prod tit Inn strain of birds. While Plymouth Rockn and White leg horns. A m book! lit; orders now for day old chicks. Ktifw for hatching In season. A. H. Hunt, --'i Jackson Ht., Roseburff, Oregon. F'( )K0s" Voii" SAI.ICTouriinf. IS model, A-l shape, three new tires, phuck absorbei S. spkedn meter, Knod looker. :i.,Vllo, nanny Krd bun. Just com pleted, overhauled an. I In A-l condl tlon. You will fall for this one. 1 1 at 6JS H. Stephens. $ ir.o.oO. FOR SAI.K Ranch of 240 acres! also ranch of ?0 acres, or both towether. an they Join, and are (rood stot k ranchen; also aerea fir timber. Panraln if tnkn soon. Innulte of Hprtner & Wilson, tllendale. Ore., or C- R. Strtngftr, Azalea, fir. ITALIAN PKl Nti TIIKKS at J per 1U0 and tip. Three sires to selet from, ped is; reed plants in "Trebla." t h ifreatent com ni en In 1 ranninK st rawborry yet introfl need, sold at $1S per 1000. Other standanl varlo-ti-s at $7 per 1u. We sen al) varle-tl'-e of trees and plants. KuKene turseries. K il Bene, (ireuon. Vtl SALK niic snap. ") a rf beauti fully situated: bst penne sietlon in state; 2u minutes walk to Myrtl 're..k and hlKh m h"-l; 20 miles to Kosfthurir on hlKh way ; 15 nrre 1 -yei.r-ol prunes; 1 aer full bearinir apples, family orchard. 10 acre" In crop, 12 to be planted; new 13500 plastered buntfalow. garage and out buildings: $120; worth personal pr.p rty. For quick sale will sacrifice ever if Mn a for per acre. For part It .ara write O. O. Ravan, box SIS, Myrtl Creek, Oregon. Claims Allowed By County Court (ivneaiU Cuiuily Fluid rJUia .Mill. r, luppliHj Dm. C. W. Grov, Preiu. L. P. Shuw Tulbutt at Slulor, Supl A. K. Sirrul. Truv. t.xo. 2.35 1.00 1U.00 Sch. Suur 20.00 tloacbtirie Unui-rtukiug Co. buriula 84. OU Fickoas JJro... Supl. J. C. Urowu. Sch. Supr. Kxvp , F. M. Hopkins, services . L'uge Lumber ('u., lumber Jeu. Culver, Supl .Seen laiy of Slutu, luwa , A. I iiiilili'Ue, lees, J. C. . W. Culver, Supl rl. J. Dunn, Supl lieu. K. Quint), prisoners' buuid u Way, Serv. Sheriff.... V. M. Hunks, slieriil tl. H. McUowt li, services .o 1.. Truitl, liuullng . . I'ulbutt ft Sluier, services, 34.60 16.70 20.00 a. on 1.80 2.70 17.53 12.110 2.00 2C.40 24.00 5.50 2.60 10.00 inuigeiits 10.00 Agnes M. Pltchforu, services, juvenile J. K. Uill, Alberlina Kerr Nursery .ioebui g liuok Sture, Supl. . Ferkins iililg., rem J. W. Cnx, services T. M. Liuiiliuin, services .... .!. !:. Hill, r. Cur. I114 .u. t;. Kilter, Cur. lmi tiurley W'inkelmuit, curuuer. olius. Jennings, coruner .... urn. A. Uitkei, curuuer .... r'runk ilise, curuuer C A. Uuiley, c.irulier or. Knuti, cut-oner . . . .a. L. Kbb, viewer J. 1. Cliuplliuil, Viewer liUMsell Liulult, plut .jKsiluil llrus., Supl Jiund lirill, iiieuls. Jury .... A. J. Levins, viewer l'lie Tiibunu, l'rig. ruud nut ices 0. 11, liuiiwinklc, reKlslrur. . Mrs. K. 0. Murruy, regislrur 0. V. Ilurruws, r.-gistrur . . .1. C. Sleurns, registrar .... 1. L. Miller, health ulTicer. . ilurtuu '1'huuipsun, Supl., Klec .jeu. K. Qulne, Trunspr. prisullers II. Itiiiiilo, Just, fees Mrs. 11. S. Corvulhu, lees. . . Fisher's Dry Clouds Sture, Supl U. M. Ferber, Serv. Health olfieer W. liuer, servici A. K. Sweiison, slieriff ilarry Sti'urns, rent Kltw. . . i'age Co., rent, fclec. . . . icliuol Uist. No. 21, rent, Klec CltriKlian Church, rent, lllec II. F. lleliard, rent, Klec. ... School iDst. No. 15, rent, lJlec Toin Foe, rent, Klec. ....... vV. W. Wilson, renr, Eluc. .. V. 1). Hess, rent, Elec. Evergreen Grange, rent, Klec School Uist. No. 87, rent, ISl.-c Looking ClasH Grange, rent, Llec Scho.ol Uist. No. 15, rent, Klec It. 11. Manning, rent, KlAc... C. W. Hice, rent, Klec N. T. Jewett, runt, Klec... Mrs. K. L. Settle, rent, Klec. City of Hiiidle. rent, Klec... August Vogelpohl, rent, Klec School Uist. No. 2, rent. Klec Uoseburg Hole), rent, Klec. itoy Catehilig, repairs, Co. Ct .1. (1. liarnes, Frein. L. V. Show Mercy Hospital, Serv J. N. II. .1.1.11. Supl.. feriy.. Mrs. 11. C. Seymour, Sell. Supr. Of A. II. Houser, labor Western l'nion Tel. Co.. Si rv. Klla II. Itrown, Sch. Supr. 16.65 100.00 2V. 9 7.50 12.00 1.10 16.40 60.87 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.60 1.60 6.00 8.00 8.00 6.00 14.00 17.2 22.00 45.80 3.2 .75 1.7 12 60. Bt! .60 , 4.66 13.6 2.10 7.82 14.40 25.25 4.11 6. 0I 6.00 5.00 6.00 5.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 5.00 5.00 6.00 6.Uo 6.0o 6.00 6.00 6.00 5.00 3.00 7.00 19.4 10.00 60.00 D.7 21.00 9.00 .84 Kxp 150.00 II. S. French Transfer Co., freight Weaver Valentine, Supl... Sup! 16.80 20 63 20.63 100.0(1 24.00 32.37 Geo. Kurleston, indemnity .... II. K. Snilkai'T, labor mil materials If. M. YoiuiK, lalsir , (Continui'd on Pae 4.) Neglecting That " Cold or Cough? Why, when Dr. King's New Discovery So Promptly Checks It? LETTING the old cough or cold drag on, or the new one develop aerioiiHly, is folly, especially when at druggists, you can get such a proved and niirccssfiil remedy as Dr. King', New Discovery. For over fifty years, a standard remedy for coughs, colds and grippe. ICases crotir also. Loosens up the phlegm, quiets the croupy cough, stimulates the bowels," thus reliev-in? the congestion. All druggists, M rents, $1.20 a bottle. , For colds andcaughs Dr-Kings New Discovery Wake Up Clear Headed That "tired out feeling" mornings, is due to constipation. You can quickly and easily rid yourself of it by taking Dr. King a fills. They act mildly, stir up the liver and bring a healthy bowel action. Same old price, 25 cents. ePrdtnptl Wont Cripa HOFE INSTEAD OF DESPAIR Inscription Suggested for Portal of British Institution Would Seem Peculiarly Happy. Above the entrance to the prison on Dartmoor, Kiig., which Is now to be done away with, two I.alln words nre cut Into th stone, which may he ren dered "Spure the vunqulshed," and II wsa In this spirit the French prison ers In the Napoleonic wars as well as American prisoners In tho War of 1S12 were received and treated, and In time allowed to live on pnrole tn the neigh boring villages and towns. Stories of these reflned and charm ing hostages have delighted the heart of youthful renders of many genera tions, and tho work done hy them In carving nnd carpentering Is still care fully treasured In tnaiiy a home In Dartmoor to the present day. I.lttl" ruuld they have Imagined that the tine air would make Part moor ns famous a resort as some of the highlands nf Switzerland, and that after having he come a convict prison about till years ago, the place of their Incarceration would he turned Into an Institution for trslntng lads on the Itorstal sys tem. The hoys will have freedom, and will be acquiring a knowledge of farm ing and reclamation work, ns well ns other means of gaining a living and fitting them to become valuable mem bers nf society. The boys will he merely hostages, and nnother legend should be carved over the gateway, this time something more suitable to the occasion, such as "Take hope, nil you who" enter here." Christian Sci ence Monitor. "THRIFT" THAT DOESN'T PAY 8om. Suggestions for the Housekeeper and for Those Who Ar Too Saving. There nre some thrift suggestions Hint do not always pay, remarks a writer In the New York Sun. It doesn't pny, for instance, to wrap the Ice In your Icebox up In newspaper to snve the Ice when by so doing you will keep the rest of the Icebox from being kept cool. You may save your Ice, but you niny lose more thnn the worth of the Ice In meat and vegeta bles thnt have been spoiled. It doesn't pny tn make a cake with out butler or eggs when you have to throw half of the cuke away because no one will ent It. It doesn't pny to do your own hnirie elennlng to snve the expense of n wom an by the day when this menus that you nre not able tn have dinner nt home nt nn expense of rather more than new mnterlnl would cost. It doesn't pny to deal with a grocer who undersells the other grocers a lit tle hecnuse he has no delivery service when you spend nn hour In getting your supplies In order to snve 10 cents. There nre other ways Hint yon can make nn hour's time worth much more than that. It doesn't pny to set so economical a table that your children nnd your husband will have n craving for candy and between meals thnt will cost very much more tl.nn would be needed to set a really bountiful table. Trees Hard to KIM. When a tree Is cut to the ground nnd the root Is left to rot. nil the forces seem to rally round the dor mant tciifhii'Ts contained in the old roots. Suhienuently. strong now shoots grow. In much the snine man nor ns from pollard willows. With the unpllngs nnd pe:iJtIcks, tho case Is the srimo ns with shrubs. hecnuse, purposely or Inadvertently Rome lenflnids nn Iho stein have been hurled under the earth. Altlmuh nnk stnkes nre rnrely found among those which flourish nn der such conditions, yot there Is n case now In a Welsh colliery, where a pliTo of onk timber, supporting the roof, hns developed branches like mini ature trees, which hnvo crown to n length of three or four feet. These are thickly covered with fully oroiiid leaves of pnle green, tipped with pink. They live In titter darkness, nnd present n most peculiar sight wlien revealed by the llht of a passing safety lamp. Measuring Mammoth Cave. An odd method litis heen u d In measuring the height of some of the great chambers In the Mammoth cave The experimenter had little hullo-. te nm do "of a special pattern, with thin ner and nion ehislic rubber than thai of common loy balloons. Then, with five balloons tied In a cluster, nnd en tii Inflated with hydrogen to n dlnm oter of 10 Inches, he bean his at tempts. An ncHylerie Hj-ht revealed the hnl loons v hen they touched the p. The measuring tape was n th:M thread. The Koitiixhi was found to to Just 40 feet hifh. and the Mainrnoth dome lilt fi-.-t h' ituhes. Hut In the vast temple culled florin's dome, wan dering alr-rurreiiM rendered the bal loons unmanageable. Writings Ascribed to Jews. It Is believed today hy many savnnts thnt the old Testament doscripl Ion of Solomon's temple wn written by the Jews after their return from captiv ity, with the memory of the real plendors of I'.ahyloti freh in their minds, says Aristniihcr Mackuy, writ ing In the Atlantic Monthly. It Is possible that the act unl temple was a simple place of worship. If It had been otherwise, it Is hardly poe- hie that no remains of It would he visible today, seeing thnt the temples of Kxjpt, nhh-h are so much older, re- itnaiti, tc iwh) caKt, alinoat la tto, Another Royal Suggestion 3 -Egg Angel Cake and Mocha Layer From the New Royal Cook Book AN Angel cake so good that it fairly melts in your mouth. Instead of eight eggs, it can lie made with three and the yolks of the eggs can he used for a Royal Sunshine cake. Here, too. is a Mocha Layer cake which you will want to try. and clip fo. Juture use. Angel Cake 1 cup miRar 1H cupK Hour 4 t cm .spooi i cream of tartar 3 tua.spoona Koyul Uakintf 1'owder H teaspoon salt hi cupacaUled milk 1 Icuj-poon almond or vanilla extract whiten of $ egg Mix and sift first five tnRrrd irnts four times. Add milk very slowly, while still hot, beating continually; add va nilla; mix well and fold in whites of CRfjs beaten un til liht. Turn into untrreascd an pel cake tin and bake in very slow oven about 45 min utes. Keinove from oven; in vert pan and allow to stand until coltl. Cover top ami sides with either white or chocolate icing. Mocha Layer Cake cup shortening 1 cup sutiur 2 trti I "Bake off Urges New System Taxation SAI.KM, IVc. 8. An nmcndnu'iit (o thi Oregon InhtMilaiie tux law oxloniling Uh powet'H to (ho hold ing of ull fore ik n corporation! whoao iwrcIm com wist wholly or in part part of tho roul nnd pfinotuil property within thin slule. In Huggt'sti'd by Stalo Troanur'r Jloff in a h-tter orwurded to the committoo named by (iovornor Olcolt for the purpose of gathering data on a new nyHteni of luxation and ways und iiumtiH of raising uddittonal revenues tor atute purpose. buch an amendment, Holt declarea, would menu the nd- ht:on of many UioukuihIh of dollurn i veiir to the statu revenues through Iho inheritance tax department from estates which now( escape tho pro vfKlons of the Inheritance tax law measure through this weakness in i he law. As a case In point Hoff points to thn eslato of Jlenry Miller who died in 1!Ht, a resident of Culltonilu fhe appraisement of the M flier es tate showed a gross valuation of t I .OKO.oon including practically all the slock of the Pacific Livestock Company, a California corporal ion with real property to tin.' value ol $ I .i;:h,i,MHI and personal property valued nt 9 1 .L'OO.OOO located In Oregon. Because of the failure of the state law! to include foreign corporal ions no inheritance lax has been received by Oregon from this j.MHi.iMii) Oregon estate. " t'riMiuent Iv n similar condition u;soK regarding the timber lands j SutherlinSanit arum MEMCAL'SURGICAL Write It. I. HAIiL M. D., Hupt. Huttiei-lin. Orvtfoii I'HOFKSSIONAI, CA lt!H II. I' It K I-'.It. Inlin. Koblbarn IIMk. met. K. 1. ottrc iu Flowers. rhon 210. 4 y.t WCaas. 1111. M. II. ri.Tl.KIt Chiropractic 4l.lli:itT Ill l-:V -Optom. trlsi. "Thf liye My Sj bilty." 11M W. t ass Ml. Itinodn.i tt. Tenon I 'I'll Uil.cox fin n. Theory. Mitsl i K Indi-rK ii len. I 0I Wttut Hisi si. riionn i.irt is. MH'Ah M:VS notks. Arundel, piano tnner. mnn 1891 Fires desiioy lives, properly and food. Be careful with Ore. T'einberton Hios enclosed car Jit ney service. Phono t. Itest equipped machine shop for lathe steel and spring woik ut the Kosehuig (iarage. llrliig voijr tires and tubes to the iio.M-l.urg Oarage tor repair ami vul aniing. Dr. Harry K. Morgan, dentist, tele hone 4H!. Office :i 1 5 IVrkiiis build ing. Kxide stfirage buti.rl. at the q for all HoHebu rg makes of cars arage. Goodyear solid tires for trucks, all sires In stock at the Itosehurg age. W rltfl .lack Koach. Drain, for cata llo. ue and prices for the Queen in cuhatois, coal and oil burning brood ers. Avoid disappointment by plac tne your order now for future d- lltrsap RnmnmhAP thfl Olieen Is tha money can buy. urn BAKING POWDER Absolutely Pure Made from CrMtn of Tartar, derived from grape. with Royal and of thn state," Hoff writes, "nnd C. Dairy. when it la recalled that tho foreign Lamm under shelter made illKht eoi poratlotm own a lurge. portion of ly better gains nt tho Kan torn Ore- our timber landn, estimated hlMh tin ninety percent and further that timber Ih oii of the foremost asset h of thin alule It can readily be Keen wherein this law falls to operate w hero a tax would he most equitable." Th committee to which Htnte Treasurer Hoff has addressed his rent in mendal Ions is coin posed ol I. N. Day and C. C. Chapman of Portland and Miss Cornelia Marvin state lihraiiuii of Salem. fa km axi noMi'i roNT.;i7r The nverngn Oregon cow produced nhout 351 pounds nf milk currying IS poundH of fat, In October. The IHIHi rows In testing associations ! uveraged 4t7 pounds milk will. 2 pounds fat. It was tho cows that gave more rnlher than less thnt the general average thnt made the pro fit. The college, extension service will tell you how It Is done. O. A. &0$e HUMC For Infanta, Invalids sndOmwtnrChlldren It be Original Pood-mink for All Ages FIREPLACE FUR NI T U RE Now Don't you need a set of Andirons or a new screen? We have been unable to get but a small part of those ordered for this season, but we had several sets on hand; and invite you to call and inspect them. Prices have not been advanced with us, but have with jobber and manufacturer. Churchill Hardware Company Roselmrg, Oregon. P. S.- T.nill. s ri'iiK'nibiT Hint tli MyMIc Milt Is nn acoiplablo small girt to any hoiisfwirc. Christmas Photos Make Your Gifts Personal Ones PHOTOGRAPHS Will Solve a Lot of Problems Make your appointment as soon as possible CLARK'S- STUDIO fAflll THHPI Hcup strong coffee 2 cups Hour 3 uupouns Royal Baking I'owiUt M teaspoon salt 8 ttabpoona mixed tplcea Cream shortening and sugar until light; add well beaten yolks of eggs; add coffee slowly; add half of Hour sifted with baking powder, salt and spires; mix and add well beaten whites of eggs? add icm:iindrr of flour and mix lirrhilv. Pour into two greuM-d layer cake tins and bake in moderate oven. Spread sweetened whipped cream between layers and cover top with Mocha Icing 1 tablerpoon butter 1 cup con ffct tuner's sugar 1 tublfhpooti cocoa 3 itiul(-sKoi)K stt'ongcolTea M U-ospoui) Halt Cream butter and sugar; add cocoa, colfee and salt and stir until smooth. If too dry. add coffee; ii too moist, add sugar. FREE Hy all means Ret tho new KovhI Cook Hook JlMt out. Coii in Inn them and -ttjoothvr dt-hKhtful, helpful recipe Kr-e for the mm king. Write TOUAV to IttiYAL HAKIM1 POWDER CO. lift Kulom Hii-Mt York fit j be Sure 9f an'Kon tnnniei.t atulfoii Ihun thotut ted In the open. From the standpoint of feed required per 100 pounds of grain, thn sheltered lambs were offered 2.7 per cvnt less hay, nnd actually ate li.2 per cent less hay anil 3.5 per cent less grain, than the open lot sheep. Alfalfa fertilizers with sulphur In certain Kouthnrn and central Oregon soils not only produces a much larger but also a much better and cleaner crop. v Weeds are crowded out hy the additlonul vigor of growth. Garden slugs nn unusually bad In many places this year hecnuse o.' the wet fall." Fanners and Hardeners control them hy spraying their plants with bordeaux, 4-4-UO, and then spreading chopped leaves of lettuce or other greens eaten hy slugg, poisoned with one sixteenth as much calcium arsenate. Lead arsenate Is not dependable for slugs control. for INFAfJTS & INVALIDS adn run Horlick's The Original Avoid Imitations and Substitutes. I Rich Mnh.MttrdOraln Rxtrsrt luPowdtr Mo Coo lung Nourishing UigeUibla if ' 3 '. .1