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About Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 8, 1920)
TiJtW TWO BOIEBCRO WKWB - REVIEW lr4 Dally Wmmt iM'ir. fa. W. Blf I- miserly Brt O. HUB.IHTION KATKa Dally, pr yar, by mall... Itaily. i muntba, by mtl By Carrier, par montn .... Tliu Asmjetwled .Preaa la exclualvily entitled to the uae for republication ot all newa dlepatcbea credited to It or nut. otherwise credited In thla paper and also the local mwi puhjlahed here la. All rlichta of repuwicatfun of epe lial dlepatchea herein are atao reaerved. l' .. . . BarAiiii.ritji matter May 11,'lMV, at the poet olllce at Boeebura, Oregon, under the Act of March 1. m Koavburic, Ore., December 8, lao AMERICAN'S IX AMKRICA. Reveral European writers who re cently visited thla country have taken baclc to tneir native wuue belief tliut there 1b no longer an "American" people. One of them. writing In the London National ne vlew, says lo bla fellow-Englishmen: "You must dispossess your mind of the Idea that there la an Ameri can people at all, an we understand people in Europe. To be a 'people" la the doiiiinaut ideal of the Ameri cana, an Ideal which they claim . . . n havfl rea lized. knowing all the while that they have done nothing of the sort, and that their only hope of realizing anything of the kind la to Btop immigration, do away with their preaent obcIhI system, anu men wait Jive centuries for evenlH to develop." Many Americana, particularly In the citlea where the Immigrants chiefly aeille, hold similar views. II Ib commonly accepted aa true that "foreign elements" put Into the melting pot have Just about obliter ated or over balanced the origins' American Block, which " Hrltlsh. A study of ceiiBiis statistics and re ports, however, presents a surprls lug and encouraging refutation of this attitude. William 8. Kosslter, for several years chief clerk of the census, reports that of the 95,000, 000 white people In this country, 65.000,000 are "AmericanB." He In cludes under that name the descend ants of the 4,000,000 who were re corded In the Brat census of 1790. the descendants of the people or Oreat Ilrltaln who have immigrated since, and the descendant of the 3,000,000 Immigrants chiefly IrlBh and German who came before 1850. Mr. Itossiter estimates that of the total population In 1860 only 3,000, 000 were Immigrants or the children of immigrants, while 16,600.000 were the descendants of Americans who had fought the Revolutionary war, the majority of whom were of British stock. Furthermore, the Immigration authoritiea report thai the second largest racial element coming through Kllis Island now Ik llritinh. It Is only Just to add thai of the 40,000.000 whose Amerl canlsm is less than 70 years old, thi majority are InduHlrlous, Intelligent, ambitious, energetic and loyal. Thf "dregs" of other nations are. so fai at least, a- very smnll fraction of out population. " HAKK ROAIM. An organization dedicated to con Btructive work in behalf of publli safety on roads, rattier than to regu latlon and prosecution of trurfic of fenders, 1b the new 8ufe KohiIs Fed eration of Massachusetts. It Ib ni association of civic organization automobile and other clubs, and In dividual citizens. Its immedlntt plan Is to couduct an educational campaign to promote tho safety ot pedestrians and autoniobllisls on th streets and highwaya ot the slate Motor vehicles in Massachusetts now number about 300, 000. Accident) have been numerous in that Btate at In many others. There are luwi regulating speed and requiring com petency in the driver. There are offl cials whose duly it is to enforce thost laws, and they are doing so to thi best of their ability. The Safe Koad Federation believes that there Is large field for further safety work Hie department of education is al ' lowing the campaign to be put inti the schools, realizing thut If til children are reached, their parent will be, too, Chambers of commerce and Blmllar groups are taking tin tin study of highway safety problems In their meetings. The usual publicity methods motion pictures and ad vortlBlng will be employed to shnp public opinion. In addition to In specific safety program, the fedora tlon plans to sluily muny supplement ary problems such as improvement the htghwuya themselves, with III promotion of legislation fur that pur pose, publishing reports and stalls tics concerning highway mutters. conducting Investigations and operating with other stales In regard to trartic rules and practice. Ijiw lessness and carelessness on the part or any pedestrian or driver will be eliminated Just as speedily as th federation's Ideals ran lie mud,, . f fectlve through public opinion anil action. Ihe program of the Safe federation is as sane and wise n nn yet reported. II will he surprising if Its work does not spread soon to oilier states. I am going east on Dec. 17 ami will be In and about Chicago for sev ernl days and will be glad to attend to business matters for any ltosehurg people wuue mere. Call County Sur veyor s orrice between 8 a. m. and C P- in. K. U K. I.INTOTT. Al Kent left last night for Mon rovla. California. In response lo message to the ffert that hli wife is in at nil place. Mr. Kent was near neiiogg at the time the met sage was received, but hurried to inn city at once and caught the iiei train for the south. CASTOR I A Fo Infants turd CUlrfrpii In Use For Ovir 30 Years rocm tub town 3 ViBluil Brother Mrs. W. J. Garner, of Dalian, left this nforning for her home after visit.!; wiiii her brother, H. T lilukly. WVm U I'liueno Mrs. J. J. Dailty, of EuKene, who ba been at u eliding to businoHS mut ters In this city, left thla morning for hef home. Thurwday Evening H4rvlt Archdeacon H. 1). Chambers of the Cplucopal diocese of Oregon will in St. GeoWB church Thurs day evening, Dec. 9, at 7:30 o'clock HtU ;oKi I'lllt rCt ON I Kill) Have JUt rttt-ivafd bit tons of all kinds of fuedu. dairy 1WI. hotc ff.-d. iMtiiltry fveti. all Ht ImHori. ,iit-M. With otir Ion it pxpi-rh-m -tiid Mtudy of fotjitu and k-l"tf Im (oiit li with the itmrket, wt- ft.-l I fiat tli bolltuii on rlcfn of iv-d and Kaln Iihm bfii rKUL'ticd, thut w will have a tl-allt-r loHiktit from now on. I'iicit-foru we Bin now pr-pared to Kivo you I lie vt-ry tiat quality knd iiiiif on hay, Kraln. and fffdii. mi "I potatoes. Alfalfa hay f:iz pir ton. other hay t-i to iho ir ton. I'olatoea $2.ou tr 1U Iba. Ainu foitie atraw. Yours for hunttiASS, Jl ll MrHllsl.lM. lilt. XK1 NKIt (XIKM TO THK FHONT rUU II ih KrientlH aiul elKlilNra of IIIh RxKii'n'e. Every HoReburg resident should read what Mr. Neuner says, and fol low his example. He has Ufled Doan's Kidney Pills and speaks from experi ence. Is there any need to experi ment with Imitations or untried kid ney medicines? Oeo. Neuner, I'.iO MoHher St., ftoseburg. says: "I can recommend Doan's Kidney Pills at a reliable remedy. I used them when niv kid neys troubled me and they promptly relieved nip. My kidneys were out of order and I had a soreness and dull aching across my back that made It bard for me to stoop. My kidneys acted irregularly, too. 1 heard of Doan's Kidney Tills help ing others and used them as directed. They relieved me of the aches and pains and put my kidneys In good condition." Price GOc, at all dealers. Don't simply ank for a kidney remedy get Doan s Kidney Pills the same that Mr. Neuner had. Foster-Mil-burn Co., Mfrs., Buffalo. N. Y. SI Smash- Go Shoe Prices! Every man should avail himself to buy shoes at the prices we are selling tlieiu. For example we" are offering some ot America's best shoes at k $9.95 These shoes are made of Cresco Calf, two full double sob s, either black or tun, an Ideal wet weather sins'. Our Felt Slipper Sale Is of especial Interest now. Children's felt slippers tc. !IH. l.2, Ladies' felt slippers 1.1II. I.U,". I.3 Ladles' Crochet slippers now yH' ROSEBURG BOOTERIE IKVl.V UlU'W Ilring In your repair work and see the difference. I'eikins Itiillillng Ciihn Street itosiiiii iu;, oituco.v I 'TDtnlcitime Vk IUtkct llnll Prtictlca The members of the 1'mpua Post merlciin legion will meet tonight at the high school gymnasium for their firnt banket ball practice of the sea son. The legion plans to place a To California Mrs. Anna J. Kong of Minneapolis who has been spending the past month in Koseburg with her neiee. Mrs. H. J. Deiin. left last night for California when she will spend fine team In the field this season. I some time before returning home. veal toutcnt says fUlusMcoIQIfsorucr' The storm fury of the elements can be success fully combated by the Comforting iiuihIc of u Neuola In your home. This instrument repre sents the zeiulh of musi cal acliievenieiila. It plays all records ami Its tonal iiuulilies will cbarin you is Ihey have cbarnie hunilrtuls of musical critics. We sell on eusy payments. 3onoSioj (JarenrpPerAms.PtviL 3 SA FLOOR LAMPS $12.50 Ilcautif ully finished FLOOR LAMPS wllh two pull chain sockets, full sizo pedeslul complete with 6 ft. of silk cord (with out shades) 1 2.50. SILK S 1 1 A I ) l:S for floor lamps, table lamps and chain drops, $2.50 to J29.D0. . , i. Be Pactical Give Something Electrical In selecting the home gift don't overlook the wonderful values at our store. Table lamps, boudoir lump and muny beautiful gifls in nickel, silver and bronze. . j ' This is an ELECTRICAL SHOP Certified Quality and Specialized Service Guaranteed UHLIG'S Electrical Store I CIFT MERCHANDISE BELL MILLINERY PRACTICAL Clftt REASONABLY PRICED Do your Christinas Shopping at this store and get the benefit of this additional money you spend. Jolly Old Santa Claus extends an invitation to every shopper, commencing Thursday, Friday and Saturday, all holiday gcods will be on display. Hand-Made Giftsand Gift Suggestions Kanry Aprons Kiitiey llmotolr Cap r-'nncy Linen Timel Knnc) llath iiiurl, Kanry elvec linn Kani-jr lliinilki'ri'lih'N Kanry 4'iunUiiltM Ivory Traa loi-y CuiHlleMtiek Lingerie 4'Iiimm lllne lliril I'iim Head iM-klaea iiiy Side t'otiih t 'lillilivn'n rtil-Mra Iiimvt Tim (iift.i for ti e llaby Kid Clove liveer Si'jut f Jnmnee Kttnoluta Iktlll liailN-a tiiltry SlijaMtrM Silk llosi.vy. Mlk Indent ear Silk I inhrvlhts Silk IVllinials it iS. $ $ $ $ $ t 7J Must be turned into Cash REGARDLESS OF LOSS! Our full page ads in Tuesday's and Wednesday's News-Revit explained our reasons for placing our entire stock at your merey At Prices You Will Never Hesitate to Consider. Ten Days of Profitless Prices ! A FEW PRICES FROM A LONG LIST: All regular Ginghams, 25c & 30c All regular Percales 29 All regular Outings 24c All Silk Hose ..Z." 0J All Fancy Figured Salines 7JC A Wonderful Assortment of CHRISTMAS GIFTS Everything reduced over I5X, some things re duced 50. Entire Stock Greatly Reduced TKACTOlt MA K MS KKCOKP 1VS. l-'iinlsoii Plows 40 Ijiyh iintl Xitilx; 1KM Acres. No KihiIih. A FordHon tractor ownod by N. K'tfipua. of Ludilcn, Dickey county. North Dakota, rwntly completed a record run of 40 days, storing only for gasoline and otl. Three operators were assigned to the tractor, each working an eight-hour shift, and thus keeping the tractor In operation 24 hours a day. "Nine hundred acres were plowed without one minute's slop tor repairs,' says the affidavit received by the Ford son company from the Fordson owner. The tractor was purchased during (he Mimnitr of 1920. In the fall Knrpua began his plowing and had already turned 200 acres before he conceived the idea of working the tractor day and night. Klectric headlights were installed, operators were obtained, and with no further special preparations the little Fordson entered upon what turned out to be a record run for endurance. CHIUST.MAS CAX1HKS. A complete line of the famous Davenport candies, made in Spokane. Some in fancy Xinas boxes, some plain boxes, all are high grade, de licious candies none better. Buy a box for a Christmas present. Foutch's Confectionery, Sheridan street. Good Things for Christi NolhlnK quite no lilRlily appreciated as a Christina, or BinUuj; that anniversary or in loving remembrance of norae tperii tut a box of thoHe deliclously ro.kI cliocolaten. We hava them, also a full line of Christmas Mixed CaidiM, J Frulta and Nuts. lie would smile If you would glvo him a box of thost ran J Cigars, 12, 25 and 50 to the box. The Alcove 1 1 8 Jackson Ht. The Place Where SntaClniTl 111 the Circuit Court of Itie Slate of Oregon for Douglas County. In the mutter of the receivership of The J. K. l.use Company, a cor poration. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned receiver has filed his Anal tepnrt In the above entitled court, and the Honorable J. W. Ham ilton, judge of said court, has fixed Friday. December 17, 1H20. at t'-n o'clock a. in., in has chambers In the courthouse at Koseburg, Oregon, as the time and place for hearing oh Jections, if any, to said report. Any and all persons Interested are re quested to file their objections, if any, to said report on or before the above date. W. E. ST. JOHN, Receiver of The J. !'. Lose Company. Only 15 Hut Shopping Days Before Xmas Do II now. We are dally laying away Xma glfu. Ct ! while the getting Is good. Music and musical insiruui ideal gifts. Victrolas $25 to :',ou; IMisons J95 to Jti;"1 and Chenev nhonocraiihs. rnrkaril Dlanos, hers r Schulz, Hamilton. Ellington. Howard. Lyon Healf iu player piSnoa. Victor and Edison n oords. Violins, H" Guitars, Saxophones, Mouth Harps, Sheet Music. Music Ht1 fact everything in music. Nothing more appropriiu W t' than music or musical instruments. SHOP KAKI.V. OTT'S MUSIC STORE KOSKHl'IKi, OltDtiOV. THE UNIVERSAL CAR Here is one oi me Ho useful of all closed cari Specifically so when not more than two or three are to be accommodated wvtfi reliable car sen-ice. The Ford Coupe is a rmgMT cosy car, in that it is abso lutely water-tight, it same time with its sluM elate glass windows you can have an open car, to all intents and purposes, in a couple o So it doesn't make any difference what the weather may he, rai fort summer or winter, in the Ford Coupe you have an enclosed caro and service. What more do you want? salesmen- It has proven particularly a valuable car for trave I in physicians, engineers, architects, and others who have nuic work all the year around. We have never been able to fully m ities0f mauds for the Ford Coupe, but with the increased producing W Ihe factory we are now able to make reasonably prompt de,l.'e")ur aft urge you to leave your order with as little delay as possible inent is limited. C. A. LOCKWOOD MOTOR CO., Koseburg, Oregon- Always bears BELL MILLINERY, 855 Uie Big nature