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About Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 7, 1920)
IWMieWlHT -' I' , e. yjH rv Tacoma Man Declares Tanlac Was a Blessing To Himself and Wife CHRISTMAS OIFT SEASON is rapidly approaching. It is a good idea to buy your gifts early, while the stocks are complete. The new patterns and designs in Jewelry are very peutiful this season, and we would suggest you buy early, as t'he choicest numbers are very limited. A small deposit will reserve any article until wanted. SI fi f U BUBAR BROS., :: Gifts That Last. $ . : 5! "Tanlnc has Droved a blessing to both niv wllo and myself." eaid A. J Davis, of aiosi Suulb Nineteenth street, Tucoma. Wash., foreman for Ihe 1'UK.ft Sound Kleetrlc Co. "Kor four years I had suffered from litdiKestion und also bad rheu matism In my slfoitluVrs and ankles. My appetite was very poor and no mutter what I ute, I was sure to sillier fiiim It. After every meal my food beKan to sour and ferment almost at onro. had a disagreeable buriiitiK feeling In my stomach, would bloat up with gas until 1 could hardly breathe and have a pe culiar pressing sensation around uiy heart. "I often had severe headaches, and at times became so dizzy i had to catch hold of something to Bteady mysi If. 1 had lots of trouble In Ret ting around and was never free from pain on account of the rheumatism. My kidneys worried mo a great deal, and 1 suffered from Intense pains in ihe small of my back nearly all the time. "My nerves were In such bad shape 1 could not sleep well and would ie awake the greater part of every niRltt. 1 lost weluht and felt tired nnd worn out all tlio time. "Since taking Tanlac I have a flno appetite, eat anything I want and everything agrees Willi me per fectly. Tiio rheumatism has loft mo entirely. I never bare a headache or get dizzy any more; my nerves are In such good condition, I always get a good night's sleep. I have also gained several pounds In weight and that tired, worn out feeling la all Eone. "My wife also wai In a badly run down condition, bad no appetite and was extremely nervous. She began taking Tanlac, too, and today the Improvement In her condition Is simply wonderful. - Her appetite has returned. Bhe has regained her lost strength and ber nerves are In tine shape. . o AROUND THE TOWN Mrs. W. W. McDonald left yester day afternoon for Oakland, where she will visit with relatives for short time. Miss Magdalene Spear, who has been visiting here with Miss Thora Chadwlck, left last night for her home In Kiddle. Mrs. Kllia Paris, of Lone Hock spent yesterday In Roseburg attend Ing to business matters, leaving last night for Green where she will visit with her daughter, Mrs. s. U. froul, for a short tlmo. Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Fitzpatrlck, of the Weston schools, are 'Spending short time In this city owing to the serious Itinera of Mrs. Fitzpatrlck's nephew, the Infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Kdwln Thornton. Mrs. M. S. SSIgler, who has been visiting here at the home of Mrs. 11 1). Kiddle, left last night for Los Angeles, where she will make an ex tended sojourn. U the Circuit Court of the State of On-pin fur Douglas County. lithe matter of tne receivership of :Tht J. F. Luso Company, a cor :piratiun. iK .iice is hereby given that the od.-rsigneil receiver lias filed his ml lepurt ia the above entitled Marl, ami the Honorable J. W. Ham ilton, ju.lce of said court, lias fixed MJay, December 17, l!t20, at ten rtlurk a- in., in lias chambers in the Mrihouse at Itoseburg, Oregon, as tat time and place for hearing ob HtiioM. if any, to said report. Any si all percuns interested are re trsted to file their objections, if ur, lo naiil report on or before the ikgtt! date. a W. E. ST. JOHN, Revivor of The J. F. l.use Company. idveriise lu the .News-Review. WILL HOIJI It ZAAK. The Indies of the Christian church win hold u baxaur at fancy nrl.clca i g for Chris! mas, in connt-clion with d I Q sale of home-cookod liWieacios, ami I K tamalt s nxt Wednesday, Dec. 8, at j y Hit? old lU'VifW OUUUiiig on Jack Hon stivt't. A nict n.ssortiih-nt of Christ man poodn will Ih tin display. Only 15 More Shopping Days Before Xmas. The Daughters of Isabella cordial ly invite their friends lo he present at n card parly, followed by a social dance held at the Maccaboe hall Tuesday evening, Dec, "th, nt 8 o'clock. Kefreshments served. Ad mission 25c. For your Xmas decorations and also wedding decorations, or any floral work, call phono 249-J. We're on the job. Do it now. We am dally laying away Xmas gifts. Get yours while the gelling Is good. Music and musical instruments mako Ideal gifts. Victrolas $25 to :!00; Kdisons $95 to $4r.O; Sonora nnd Cheney phonographs, Packard pianos, Ivors & Pond, Schulr., Hamilton, Ellington , Howard, Lyon & Healy pianos and player pianos. Victor and Edison records. Violins, Mandolins, Culture, Saxophones, Mouth Harps. Sheet Music, Music Hulls, In fact everything In music. Nothing more appropriate for gifts than muiiic or musical instruments. SHOP EARLY. OTT'S MUSIC STORE ItOSICill'lUi, OIJKOOX. 1 Back to Pre-War Prices slore is The present With our new Price Schedule now in effect. This responding to the universal demand LOWER PRICES DOWNWARD REVISION is in keeping with the Day Market and in many instances amounts 50 of the former price. All garments have been repriced to conform to this downward revision. We. invite you to come in and get our re vised prices before you make your purchases. These Prices are ourEvery-day Prices-Not a Sale Unexcelled Values Found ,in These Prices at Less Than Half the Former Trice Tluke Youv Selection at Once DIDNT CARE WHAT HAPPENED I "I became a physical wreck from stomach trouble and was a fit sub ject only for the operating table or graveyard. Being discouraged, I gave way to drink, which mnde things worse. I got so I didn't care what happened, and wanted to die. Mayr's Wonderful Remedy has cured mo of everything. Am now in fine condition and feel 25 years young er." It Is a simple, harmless prep aration that removes the catarrhal mucus from the Intestinal tract and allays all Inflammation which causes practically all stomach, liver and in testinal ailments, including appendi citis. One dose will convince or money refunded. Druggists everywhere. -o- Fancy Cloth Coats $12.50, $18.50, $22.50 $24.75, $29.50 All Ladies Suits, Tricot ines and Fancy Mixtures $16.50, $19.75, $24.75, $29.75, up to $47.50 One Piece Dresses in Blue Serge, Jersey and Silk A Beautiful Assortment. All come under our new schedule of downward revision, Get Yours Now A Sale is not a Sale, till Prices are lower than ours. H jjlbllMla I cA Xa t ion -ivicie Institution B AROUND THE TOWN From Otttiio Cirovo Mrs. Herbert Queener arrived In IlriKi-lmrg last niht from Cottage (irv tu viHit with her aunt, Mrs. '. W. M. Pemborton, and at Greun with Herts Yesti'n lay Mrs. Iwis Grant returned to her home at Kfridlf lust night after at tending to biiRincHH matters in this city for a short Unit!. To ('Hllfortiiii Hero Today Mrs, 11. I,. Krune and Mildred Kiune came to Itoseburg yesterday morning and spent several hours shopping, leaving for their home-on the afternoon train. In lly Sunday Kd Henfro and W. D. Neely of Til ler, were busfiiess visitors In the rity Sunday afternoon. Mr. Henfro's son Alva, left for Portland, where he will enter the Pennon Poly tech nical school. On Way to 'nrval1i Mrs. Mark I mi. ham of OorvallfB. who has been Waiting relatives at Med ford, stopped in this city last night on her way to her home and visited with Mr. and Mrs. (iuy Cor don for a short time. Sh left for her homa at Corvallis this morning. Fruit Inspector K. C. Armstrong is busy going from place to place In tfie county, fiiKperling nursery stock whlrh in being shipped In to orchar ists. Myrtle Creek and Riddle will le visited tomorrow and Hutherlin on Thursday. CASTORIA For Infants and Child??!! In Use For Ov6r 30 Years Always bears the Signature NOTK'K OF HAI-K OF f JO V K HNM K NT Ttnti-:. lfnrl lnd urrire. nn.l.u.Kii.n. i C. October 2. 10. Noiiif l hereby gtvrn that aabjf ft to th lornlltiuna nl UmltHtlont of ti A' n f June . 1M (2 HtM., 2U. and Jun- 4. 41 rttul.. 761. and the In- .itru tlonn or irm rW rtary of the In terior ut ttevtember it, ln, ao4 June itMv x jor dean oil m a cuw excite- Jnside JaBs on adhiy job! YOUR ENGINE requires an internal bath frequently. Road dust, carbon from the combustion chamber, and fine particles of metal worn from the bearing surfaces get into the lubricating oil in the crank case. All this dirt circulates with the oil through the engine. If it isn't drained out regularly there's bound to be excessive wear and tear. Gasoline also escapes past the pistons nnd dilutes the oil. Modern Crankcase Cleaning Ser vice gets rid of the dirty, diluted oil, flushes the crankcfise thoroughly and refills with clean, fresh oil. The garages listed below are now equipped to perform this needed service quickly and for a nominal charge. We use Calol Flushing Cil, which cleaases thoroughly without danger of contaminating the fresh Zerolene refilled into the cleaned crankcase. TODAY: Bring in yourcar for Mod ern Crankcase Cleaning Service; It will result in better engine perform ance and longer life for your car. C. Hagen, Glendale, Oregon. C. A. Lockwood Motor Co., Roseburg, Oregon. A. L. Miller, Canyonville, Oregon. C. W. Parker, Roseburg, Oregon. Weaver & Valentine, Myrtle Creek, Oregon. Roy Catching, Roseburg, Oregon. George Shank, Roseburg, Oregon. Patzlaff & Baker, Roseburg, Oregon. Highway Service Co., Roseburg, Oregon. 22, 1920. the timber on the following laptlM will tie aold Tvc. 13. l't), at lu uioi'k A. M.. nt nub le auction at the I'nltfd Htatee land office at ItOMeburg. Oregon, t th lilftheHt -4lltler mt Dot lean than the aflrul''u value ae shown by tbift notice, pul. to be auhjert to the pproval or the .Secretary of the In terior. The uiirchuite nrlc. with an fulrtitlonal nuin of one-nflh of one par ent thereof, be ha comm unions a - lowed, niuiit be deposited at time of flale, money to be returned If aula la not approved, otherwlHe patent will laatle for the timber which muat he removed Ithin ten yeara . Hldn will be received from citizen of the Tutted Htatea. aa- aoclattona of auch cltlzena and cor poratlorm organized under the luwa of tiie united Hlatea or any ntate. terrl lory or district thereof only. Upon ip. plication of a qualified purcliaaor, tie timber on any icrhi piiimi vi.ion wll tie offered separately before beliia Includ ed in any oner or a larger unit- r. az K. W.. Kec. 1, Lot 1. Mr 325 M.. pine M.. I 2. tlr nr.o M.. Dine 20 M SHI NKV4. fir Sr.O M, pin., fid M., KW1 NKH. fir 309 U.. pine t cedar 2li M.. Lot 3, fir 400 M , pine 20 M., Lot 4, Mr 770 11.. HKVi NW'4. tlr 22G M. pine 0 at., cedar 20 M. HWVi NW. tlr t.uu M. I.I no 15 M, cedfir 20 M. NK"4 HK.ta. tlr 1U..U M . pine luO II.. NWS Hi:',, tlr 300 M., pine 3E M , cedar 2 M , SKV; HK4, Rr ooo U.. pine loo M , SWSi HKU. Ilr miO M.. lilne l"0 M, cedar 60 M., NK14 KW. tlr 3r.O M.. pine 45 M cellar to M. NW'Vi KW. Mr 6T.0 M., pine M . cedar 80 M.. HEt4 SW(4. tlr 300 M. pine 70 M, cedur 35 M.. ewt KW4. Ilr ttoo M , pine 10 M , edar 30 A!.. Kec. 1.1. NB NK14. nr 672 M , pine 411 M.. HKt NIU4. tlr 952 M.. pine 9fi M.: none if ttie tlr or cedar to be aold for lea than $1.00 per M. and none of tiie pine to be fluid for Ichh than ti.50 per M. ; Kec. 11. NKH NKSi, Ilr 100 M, pine 20 M. cedar 15 M.. NW'4 NK',. (Ir D00 M, pine 10 M, cedar 10 M.. HK NK-i. dr 4 HO M . pine SO M.. cedar IS M.. HV KKV,. Ilr 600 &l.. pine 30 M. c.clnr 10 M, SK NWV,. nr 300 M.. NW'4 NW,,. fir 6oo M. KKU NWV4. fir 450 M.. pine 25 M.. KW'4 NWV4. fir 300 M. NK14 Si: '4. Ilr 400 M., pine 60 M . r.diir 16 M.. NW'4 SK'i. Ilr 360 H , plno 0 M.. cedar 230 Jackson 230 Jackson C. J. BREIER CO. First With Lower Prices Men's tlrcRs glioos. all Inula, by Outlcn Shop Co., now lfM.."o Mcn'n winl-dri-tiH. awlnir ft Muit8on lut-.t, double) golca, wi II. by Kool Shulz" Co ml 1(5 Mnn'ii full mork work alioi-n, Clilppewns f imil I Iloya' Munaon last rhii. n, Ooodyt nr wolf mnl l.."l All Clothing, Overcoats and Furnishings at Reduced Prices Men's wool "blrlB, a now lino, apeclul vuliicn . ,$:l.r(l and :.f.1 Mon'a O'ttlln, 220 wl., I'nlon inailo, all alrca I.U.1 Foil SllpiM-ra for Die: family, roasonnbltt priced. Mon'i Golf .Shirta, all k nllk mixture, at a big aaviiiK. A New Line of Neckties lu M., SK'4 HK'4, Ilr 32b M.. pine 6(1 M., cilnr 10 M., HW li KIl , (Ir .luu M., pin 70 M . cedar 10 M., NK U W. tlr 30U M. pliif, li M. KK HW. tlr 275 M. pine 2b M., SW(i HWI4, tlr 600 M , pine J M, ct-.Iur 10 U, Kttc 2.1, HWU HK, Ilr 660 M , Hb:4 Sft',. nr 4L'0 M., Ho. sk nk4, nr r4u m, nk4 fir 420 M. plnn 40 M.. NW HK, Ilr f.r.O m.. SK'a HK. ir 375 M , pln 80 M . KV'4 SK, tlr 4N0 M pine 40 M., none of th Ilr to be nold for It-iia tlmn $1.25 pur M none of the pine to be eolj for Ikh than 2.t0 per M.. anl none of (hi rnlttr tu tie !! for 1hh than $1 00 pr M. T. .17 H. It. 7 W Sec. 9. SWf,, fir 45 M., pine 60 M., T. S H., It. 8 W.. Heo. 3, NW14 NKV4. fir 10 M. pine UK (I M, 011k K M, NW NWit, Ilr 95 M., pine 270 M.. 8124 NWI4, tlr 76 M.. pln 2Zh M.. NfCW HWH, flr 7S M., pine :iN0 M.; none or the tlr to be Holfl for IfMK than $1.00 per M.. none of the pine to he eolt for lean tlian $3.00 per 11., unit none of the oak to be sold fr lfH ttuin 60 rents pr M. T. 36 H.. It .1 K.. HtM". 1, SK'4 HWU, pine 10 M.. rn Mr 4:tn M, whlto fir 20 M ; nnn of the pine to he mll for Ichh than $2.26 ptr M., none of t tie rod fir to be sold for Ihmh tlinn') per M., and none of the white fir to be Hold for less then $1.00 pr M. rl.AV XAM-MAN. Cuw nilHMtoner. Oeneral Lund OflKe. NOT I PR OF PAfR OF OOVKItNMKNT TlMKKIt. n. ml I-hiiJ OfTbe, WaHhtiiKtun. It, C, Bopt. 2'J. 10. Notltu In htirhy given that MUbJect to (he cnnrittlonn find llmltutlune uf the A. l of June i(, I'-'ll :ty Slut . 21K. and the lntructiMtm of the Hecritary of the Ililerlur of NtrptemhtT 15, 1VI7. the tutil'.T oti thf following lende will be ii. ld Jim. in, in: I, at 10 0'1-lot k a. m. at puhlin b mt ion at Die United Mtatea I.imkI orrire nt HoKeburg;, OrKon. to Mih tilKhfNt bldiler at not Ifna thun the (ippruim-d value, as iliowu by thle liuM. nate to be mibjexit to the ap proval f the Htcreturv of the Interior. T!e purfhiih pihe, with ai additional I mi tit of one-fin h of one per t-ent ther I uf, hflntf ciiiii!ilnf1i)nn ul lowed, muat j he uVp.t-tited at lluie of itule, money tu j l.t retirii-l If ml la nut approved, j uldci v Im potent will Irtaue for the Itlmbur which rntiat be removed within j ten yeara. lihl will be reelved from jt-ltl2enn of the (Tnlted tftatex. an.iocla , tioim vt Rin h L'ltlzvna and corporatluna j 01 K-wiIr.e! iimltr the Uw of the United StMtt-K or any atate, territory ur district : thereof onlv. I'pon application vt a Urtlt(lel purchrtMer, the timber on any I 't-iriil Hul.iliviwiun will be offered aepar iKlely before being Ituliuled In any of- fpr of a larger unit. T. 16 H.. R. I W., ! s.-.-. 31. NK1, KKk, ftr 140 M , t edar 30 M., NV HK'i. fir 1H M.. HR HH, .nr :.o M. iW'A Him in hC. e.ier ' :') M , NKU BWV nr 1220 M . cedar 10 M.. I-ni 3. nr il.O M, SK MVU. Ur ; 1 j y M , Lot 4, nr 1oo M , none of th 'flr ur cedar to he aold for leaa than l.' OU pur M. tWlltnet llAT TAUe " ' v. Couirnlaaloner. UeoermJ Office .