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About Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 7, 1920)
5 PAflR pom h Stilts OLYMPIC DFAt.ERS -, ''C. h I'tauliiiil if-i-pict Kliol A f "Make licllcve Ml" ?, O firt lluii cutoin-r.' kidJU. V1 Cul ut At (wavy ciJ- ''; bjni and ixir.ted la riftii1 ureal x j$ TPS the beginning of a story with a happy ending -when you say Olympic to your neighborhood grocer I Qive your child i b clean, neaiinu nair a live uour child clean, healthy hair Shampoo miliaria with WllJ root Liquid faliampoo Soap. Cleanses perfectly, yet does not make hair and scalp hanh and dry as mote suap dues. Made by the makers of Wild rooc Hair Tunic. VOiDRO SHflMP Sold Cud Ouanusutd tn Logan Tips, Spring Delivery These are not sprout plants. Joint Inula or sprangle tip plants. TJiey 'e first-class tips. Also have straw- oorry plunts and ail kluds fruit trees. Ketter bitok your order now. R. L. ELLIS Three miles west of Roseburg. i.I'.miici; 01 Sheet MetalWork( OH" ALL KIN 1)8 J. II. SINNIGER 110 OAK BTHKKT IMIONK 42 Of all dimensions, at reasonable rates while it lasts, u, hlork North of West Siiln Store. 131:7 Umpijua Avenue, rhono SU.VIt. Social dance at Winrhesier Friday, Dec. lu. .Music by Ott's orches tra. Itorn. to the Hire of I). II. I), Mill, ill tide cily Dec. 4, a boy. Advertise lu News-Review. IIESI'LTsi? our want ads gel them. 9 CITY NEWS 0 A zono rn lira; ton sii mrrjfnp was hi ld at Oakland Kulunlay. 'IVucIhth from all the hcImm-Ir hi that com iiiiinity wor trsi-nl. Mrs. O. C. Hi own ami A. K. Street wrre lu at hi. dunce from KimchurK. KKSUhTS? our want adit gut them. All sorts of sales successfully concluded, for nrranEOiuenls bob M. t ItADAIIAl till 630 N. l'lne St. Loganberry Plants If you want plants that will grow write W. L. BENTLEY Womlltiirii, Orooii. it. a. Our All-Wool Tailored -To - Measure Clothes are a happy combination of flrst clasa quality and reasonable prices. Now Is Ihc time to pructlce trim economy. Come In today. Wu can show you soni" very attrac tive prices on i-'.ill Stills. IMPERIAL CLEANERS LYMON l. SPtNCtR, PROPRIETOR y Our Way r Auto Will Cull, rhuiie 1IT7. hi DENTIST 5 4 Masonic BIdg. Roseburg, Ore. DR. R. P- BRADFORD AND WIFE Licensed Chiropractic Physicians Ollleo ll iVikhis Itldi;. Mrs. Wilson Ilarlshoru lefl yestf-r-day for her home at Sutherlin, after allendinK to htisitiess malteru here for a short time. Here Today Mrs. Walter HtKik canto to liose btirK yeatenlay luornillK sh(iipinR for a few hours. She returned to her homo at Winchester on the uf leruoon train. The lit tin son of Mr. and Mrs. Kd. Tliomion Is silll seriously 111, with no change to the better at present. A consultation of doctors was called Saturday. Mrs. Kred lt ed and two ehililren who h:tvo been visiting In Portland tor the past few- days, arrived In ItoJeluirK Sunday nlKht.' Mr. and Mrs. Warren Hurt arriv ed In Hosebuii; Sunday from Port land, whom they have been visiting for a short time. Itefuni I'Votti Trii Mr. and Mrs. I'red Fields, who have been enjoying an extended trip In the east, arrived lu ItoseliurK Sun day. Mr. Fields is employed by the Southern Pacific. To lUtiUitort Mrs. P. Stevens and son, and Mrs. K. Parlsl os Ashland, who have been visiting here with relatives for the past few days, left this afternoon for Iteedsport, whero they will spend some time before reluming home, liilflo Improved According to attending physicians tho condition of the baby daughter or Dr. and Mrs. (iilliert Flnley, is a littlo Improved, and a slight hopo ia held out for her recovery. To San l''ranrisc( Mr. and Mrs. Hymen Wollenberg, nnd Mrs. Itauin anil two children left yesterday niornin;; for San Francisco where they will visit with relatives until after New Years. Miss Madge Miller has accepted a position as organist at the Majes llc Thl-ater. She began her new du ties Monday. ICetllrlis IIoiim Mrs. line, who has been confined to Merry Hospital recovering from an operation, was released and al lowed to go home she has been under the care of Dr. Seiner. First: It is sold at a mod erate price. You save when you buy it. Second: It has more than the ordinary leavening strength, therefore, you use less. Third: There are no failures-it always makes the sweetest, most palatable of hxxls. Fourth: It is used by mil lions of housewives leading domestic science teachers and cooking experts. watinBi jrrou saves PHONE 488 ALL WORK GUARANTEED, i 't i 2 1 Fifth: It is the best Baking 1'. .1.', 1.. ,-. ... u U' ... i.i.ux. Mil I'.UUUlVll. .... fiven highest awards at World's "arc FmsJ Expositieti,Chicai);Faris E.Misi:i.n, 1'aris, France. Sirrfc It contains only such Ingredients as have been officially approved by the United States Food Authorities. The finest quality Rikinr? l'owiler at the most economical cost. "The lurorst Bargain That ('UK'S into the Kitchen Today." Pmind cm of Calumet contains full ltt mc baking towdt rscorue in 12 oz. instead of 16o. cans. He sure you get a pound when you w ant it. Calumet Nut Coofcia Recipe, I cup butter, ij cup sugar, 1 eR9, l cup flour, 1 lel tea s;xxm Calumet Il.iking Powder, 4 cup chopped nurs, 1 teaspoon lemon (uice. Then mix In Um regular way. Kiddies' Cougns Can Be Eased Quickly Dr. Klnft's New Diacor. J China, ei'l'y Ul1 mr.?N:r..:T7 i j mtie kiuuic, 1 u.11 it 1 irr,.or .hit to Ho for youl" When the cough tint comes, give a little Dr. King'a New Discovery as directed, and it w ill soon be eased. It'a a good family cou?h and cold remedy, too. Locsens up the phlegm, clears up the cough, relieves the con gestion. No harmful dru;s. For fifty years a standard remedy for culds, coughs, grippe. At your druggists, 60c and $1.2(J a bottle. ForcaldsandCoughs DfcKiiigS New Discovery Make Bowels Normal I labit forming purgatives, when taken for constipation, rack the system vio lently. Nature's way is thewayof Dr. King's Pills gently and firmly nguLt Ing the bowels, eliminating the intestine clogging waste. Same old price, 25c. D Prompt t Wont Gripe hltinffs Pills Egg Shows Miracle. One cannot rind among the multi tude of wonders In nature anything more inurvelous thun the development of un eg, writes Klsn O. Allen, In the American Forestry Magazine. Whether It be a butterlly which flourishes for a day, only to die after depositing Its eggs, or a reptile which luzlly leaves Its eggs with only the warm sand to mother theia, or a fish, like the sal mon, which with Incredible strength. Jumps the rapids to spawn In the uplK-r reaches of rivers, or most ap pealing of nil a bird which builds a teatitlful nest for Its treasures, the egg In every case Is structurally the same, and the miracle of life unfolds according to the same laws of cell division. Modern Worda Traced to Trees. While the ancient Oreeks fancied that every tree whs possessed of Ita own peculiar spirit, and nature lovers Insist that trees hnvo personalities even as men and women, It Is only nat ural that men have paid tribute to Hie tree. The leaves of I'liitlts tunned the leaves of books, and the word "folio" traces back to "foliage." The word paper comes from the old papyrus plant, and the word "Bible" s the Greek mime of the plant, accord ing to the Minneapolis Journal. The word "book" Is derived from "beech," and the "codex" originally meant tree tmiik. It Is because men have found the trees kind friends nnd Interesting subjects that they liuve been paid to niueh tribute. College Professor Recorda Intereetlnc Observation He Made on the Streets of a City. A curious case of sidewalk mlrngt was described by Prof. F. W. McKali of Michigan College of Mining. Prof McNalr wrote In Science: "I wns wnlklng eastward on a ce ment sidewalk on a street mnnlns nearly east and west, nnd moving or a moderate grade which Joins a nearly level stretch of walk. On reachtns a point which brought my eye sllghtl above the level portion, nnd ot which normally the level stretch would have been seen In Ita entire length, bnl much foreshortened, I observed In stead what appeared to be a stretch of clear dar water covering the en tire width of the walk and brilliantly reflecting moving persons and other objects In eight beyond It. "The sky was clear, the air cool, the sun high. It wns about 3 o'clock p. m., local time. There was a moder ate breeze. The angle of observation wns very small, probably not above three degrees. A step or two either enst or west, and the wnter was gone, hut within the proper limits, the Illu sion was definite and continuing. The wenther bureau report for the dny Indicated that approximately 30 feet above the spot where the mirage was observed the nlr temperature was about CO degrees F. nnd the humidity about 03 degrees." The resemblance between conditions here described and those which pro duce the mirage on the plains Is obvious. EXPOSURE ACHES -RHEUMATIC PAINS Sloan's Liniment, kept handy, takes the fight out of them CLOSHIN'G around in the wet -...1.1 , , t . . Ij n'u iiu-n me urcaacu rncutnaiic twince! But not fur long when Sloan's Liniment is put on the jobl Pains, strains, sprains how soon this old family friend penetrates fri'raetit Tuhbmt and helps drive 'em a way I And how cleanly, too no muss, no bother, no stained skin or clogged pores. Muscles limber up, lumbago, sciatica, iieuralgia, backache are promptly re lieved. Ktep a bottle handy. Get one today if you've run out of Sloan's Lini ment, it's so warming. All druggists 35c, 70c, $1.40. Th largest bottle holds six times as much ns the smallest. Linimentfcisg HER DAUGHTER AND HIS SON. BY IDAH McCLONE CIBSON Ken's Fattier. There was a suddenlng tightening at uiy heart-strings as I beard that Ken was asking for me. I determined I would not see him until after lie relumed from his honeymoon. "Well, children, I shall have to leave." said Mr. Halsey. Both the boys arose with nice def erence and thanked him for his visit. He's a grand old man," said Jerry Hathaway, as he left. You bet he Is," said Jlmniie. "Many a dollar he gave me when I carried groceries to the back door of his house. And he never made any fuss when Ken went in swimming with me instead of Borne of the weal thy boys. I owe a great deal to Mr. Halsey. His courtesy to me, al though I did not quite understand It at the time, added to my self respect and determined 1110 to be somebody Mr. lla'.sey, Senior, was always my standard. Well, Ken's all right, too, Jlm mle," I said somewhat jealous of this eulogy of Ken s father at tne ex pense of Ken. Shortly after we left for home. As the weeks went on I became so Interested in my work and so happy In the society of Mamie, Jerry and Jimnile and with the constant watchfulness and care of Mr. Halsey that I believe I was happier than had ever been before. One night when I was very busy working on some copy for the next day, a thought wholly unrelated to the work in hand flashed Into my mind. I drew a sheet of paper to me and wrote: "Straight through my heart this fact today. By Truth's own hand Is driven. Life never takes one thing away. But something else Is given. I did not know In earlier years. This law of love and kindness. I only mourned through bitter tears My loss In sorrow s blindness. I thought It only happened so. But time this truth has taught me, No least thing from my life can go, But something else is brought me." Slowly I read It over wondering whether I had really written it or whether It was a long forgotten memory of something I had read. "I'm sure I never read It any where," I suid to myself, as I went over it carefully again, and realized how true the thought was. "Life never takes one thing away. But something else la brought me" I repeated softly to myself. And then my mood changed, I slipped all my papers away and called up my good I fiends to say that I had changed my mind and would go with them for the ride in the country. which they had been planning all day and which I had declined on account of my work. "Life Is worth living after all," I thought, as I gathered up my scat tered papers, and even found myself humming a tune. Then I stopped with a guilty feeling, but began to hum again as the doorbell rang, and a messenger boy handed me a great box of roses and nestling in one cor ner was a little box containing a tiny jeweled wristwatch. I did not need to open the note to know that Mr. Halsey had sent it to me and I was overjoyed at his quaint way of re minding me of what I meant to him. "Today, dear Ann, is my birthday. Will you accept this as a birthday present from me? You have been of Inexpressible comfort to me since my boy went away. Although Ken has been gone longer than I anticipated yet I have missed him less than I expected, because you, dear child, have taken a daughter's place in my heart. And so I sign myself: Your loving father, Richard Halsey." ATTF.Mi KI NF.ltAU Mr. W. H. Palm and son Claude left yesterday for Albany, where tney attended the funeral of Mrs. J. H. Safely, mother of Mrs. W. H. Palm. Mrs Safely passed awav at her home In Albany Sunday. She was past sixty years old. Palm of this city was with her at the time ot ner fleam. To Oakland M. F. Uice left yesterday after noon for Oakland, where he will attend 10 business matters for a short time. Persons cutting evergreens on our property In Kdenbower will be prosecuted. Mrs. K. M. Moore, Lillie U Aloore. "In Every Resecf says the Good Judge ou get more genuine chew. " mg satisfaction from the K Tobacco OiewthanyouIS got from the ordinary kind The good tobacco taste lasjs , so ong-a sma of th.B class of tobacco laZ much longer than a big che; of the o d kind. That'. 5 it costs less to use. Any man w ho has used both kinds will tell you that. Put up in two styles W-B CUT is a long fine-cut tobacco RIGHT CUT is a short-cut tobacco I i Tiiimn H7 1 1 1 1 JH Thousands Have Discovered Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets Are a Harmless Substitute Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets a, tu resu t of Dr. 1-dwards' deXa not to treat liver and bowel amZ with calomel. For 17 yeanK these tablets (a vegetable camoS mixed with olive oil) in hiajSmS practice with great success. They do all the good that altcd docs but have no bad alter eSeca. pains, no griping, no injury to ta pir or danger from acid foocW they stimulate the liver and hk lake Dr. Edwards' Olive Taiia when you feel "logy" and "hart" Note how they dear ckwfcd bram ai perk up the spirits, lie and 30c a bx KAUI.KS Roseours tune meets In Mouse nail on Juekson Kt. on zntl and 4th Monday evenlnga or each month at 8 e'clock. Visiting brethren In aTootl standing always weiL-onie. VICTOK MU.'KI.l.l, W. P. P. A. J. WTJLF, W. P. . B. P. GOODMAN, Secretary. K.MU IITS OP PYTHIAS Alpha Lodge No. 47, meets every Wednesday evening-, cor. Jackson and Cusa tits. Visit ors always welcome. HOY O. YOUNQ. C. C. CHAS .F. HOPKkNS. M. F. K. K. WIMBERLY. K. R 8. NKIUIIHOHS OK WOVDt'K AKT I.llac Clrul. N. 49, meets on 2nd and 4th Monday evenings. Visiting nelghbora invited to attend. EDITH CHURCHILl, O. N. TlLLlal L JOHNSON, Clerk. U. 1. . KLKS, ROMebursT LrfiaaTe Ko. &M1 Holds regular communications at the Klka Temple on each Thursday of ev.ry month. All member, re que.tetl to attend regularly, and all visiting brothers are cordially In vited to attend. A. J. LH.nunN. E. R. IRA B. RIDDLE. Secy. WOODHK.H OP T11K WOULD Camp No. 125. meets In Odd Fellows' hall in Koseburg- every 1st and 3rd Monday evenlnga. Visiting neighbors al ways welcome. O. H. PICKENS. C. C. M. M- MILLER. Clerk. OVA I. OKDUH OP MOOSK Koseburg Lodge No. IU37 meets first and third Tuesduy evenings of eui-h month at s o'clock In the Moose hall. All visiting brothers are Invited to attend. C. W. CLOAKE. Dictator. H. O. PAHGETEH. Secretary. O. at. 8, Roaebarsr Chaplor No. a Holds their regular meeting on the 1st and 3ra Thursdays In each month, are respectfully Invited to attend. LEONA ABRAHAM, W. &,. FREE JOHflSON. Secy. A. P. A A. M., tanrel Lodge No. 13.- Regular communications 2nd and 4th Wednesdays each month at Musonlc Temple, Koseburg, Ore. Visitors wel come, W. P. HARRIS. Secy. A. A. WILDER. W. M. W. R. A. O. T. M. Roa.biirBT Review N. 11 holds regular reviews on sec ond and fourth Thursday afternoons In Maecahee hall. Sisters ef ether reviews visiting In eur city art cor dially Invited te attend our reviews. Maccab.e ball en Cass street LOUISE LOCKE, Com. JESSIE RAPP. Cot RK1IKKAUS Koseburg- Rcbekah Loilge No. 41 I. O. O. F., Meets Id Odd Fel lows' Temple every w.ek on Tuesday evening. Visiting members In Kood standing are Invited to attend. SVA LENOX. N. O. I1ELLE STKPHENSON, See. BAILEY, Fin. Secy. The II. u. K. I. A. lalou Meeting: will be held at the Maccebee hall every first and third Wednesdays of the month. I. O. O. P, 1-bllrtarlHD Lodae No. H, meets at Sykes hall, N. Jackson St.. on Saturday evening of eac week. Vialting brethren are always wel come. LYMON L. SPENCER, N. O. A. J. OEDDEM, Rec. Sec. J. B. BAILEY. Fin. 8. a. ROSKHt ltd l.ODC.B NO, 1093, felted nrotberhooel of Maintenance of Way Rmplorea and Railway Shop l.nbor era Affiliated with the A. F. of t- Meets at Moose ball the first Wed. fourth Sat. nights and third Sundays of each month. J. F. SMITH .President. W. J. MEREDITH. Rec 8ecy. OEO. MAC IVER. Flo. Secy Home grown English walnuts. Ik lb. E. C Weber, Koseburi, Ei J, or leave orders with 0. W. Tout I Son, 116 Cass St. BATTERIES Chevolet Cars $25.00 and $31 H Bulck Cars. ..$30.00 and 4S.H For Other Cars Pi Ices on Application. MOTOR SHOP GARAGE Agency Bulck and ChemW 441 N. Jackson SL Koswmj, Buy Better Bucks and the Best Breeding Eiw for Less Money. BUf SHEEP WHEN THEY IRE LOW. THAI IS I HI If yeu are Interested Id anr nuaMr f either grade or regiitered llaep a the fellowlng breeds: Hampshire. Shropshire, Llncola. Ba ney. Cotswold. Kembuuleue, r uf cross. Write us qutck what you wist OKKtiOX LIVESTOCK COM. t Box 61. North Porusno, Orar Heinline-Moore CONSERVATORY ISew ciaM utaniDiT Not. 0 il MrB-H1 DC Ir teMHeri, or any knaw theory, harm", "1 of miiM. - , Text used-Proirei-lTaerioII,l' sons. For Information PWJIf 391 I UNIVERSAL S . . a, nl f Farm Lighting Plants Auto repairing, springs made, and oxy welding. Spaugh Hohl, Oak and Stephens streets. Schuman's Restaurant, 451 Sheri dan street, open all night, o Am now booking orders for day old chicks for 1921 delivery from high producing Tancred strain White Leghorn and O. A. C Barred Rocks. Karl Vosburg, ;o2 Fullerton St.. Rosehurg, LODGE DIRECTORY. 4 J '" Keap,.t N. S. lie. is In Odd Fellows' Temple every Thursday evening. Vialting brethren always welcome. JOHN REKSE. C P FOSTER IU'TNF.R, f p OLIVER JOHNSON. RB. . . -. , JAMKS KWART. r. B, 20-liVht Plant. 120 Arnn. Hour Battery, 75-Light Plant, 165 " " " $5 F. O. B. Roseburg Let us show'you the Universal J. F. BARKER & CO, IMPLEMENTS 9nrf Oakland Automobiles WE SELL Edison MAZDA LAMPS Douglas County Light and iWaterOi